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The Camden confederate. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1861-1865, October 30, 1863, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042595/1863-10-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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?1)C Canteen ConfcKvntc.
I. - /if v - - - - - - ? -
viijr mauiorn yionffifratf
At three dollars a yeas,
payable invariably iialf-yearly in advance
Terms lor Advertising::
For ouo Square?a-twelve lines or less?TWO
DOLLARS for the first insertion, and ONE DOLLAR
AND hIKTY CENS for each subsequent.
Oktuauy Notices, exceeding one Square, charged
To at Advertising rates.
Transient Advertisements and Job Woric MUST RE
No deduction made, excopt to our regular ad vertisin
WfeTitlBUTIOlV? VK B!! A ?
1 ?o
Slioll these ihii^fs be?shall cihno unfettered fly, 1
Doing such deeds on earth as J.hock the sky-?
Shall Havoc spread its Vampire wings in flame,
While cities hum, and woman sinks in shame;?
:8hall .fields be ravaged, innocence he driven
IFrom homes late happy in the smile of Heaven;
^Patriots 1? mauacled, and grey-haired men
'Thrust'headlongdown from light to loathy den:
While the brute rages a felon foe
Trample on all that's jnire and good below;?
And no avenger, aran'-d by Heaven, with might ,
Rise to the'rescue, and repair tlie bright.
By lordjy genius, and in desperate fight!?
How long, 'Q, Lord! shall the invader prey, >
10re thy sharp vengeance issues forth to slay ? '
Patienoe with God. my brctherenl?
Vengeance keepsUmelumberiug
watch, though still occasion skepn^
V.'iih heurt scarce pent within his narrow vest,
An ./Etna's lires all raging in his breast.
The champion comes?the avenger?wait the Hour,
And ho will rise, commissioned, with the Power!
Soon as the opportunity shall show,
Swift as the Partheuu arrow from the bow,-.
xrue to iiis aim as L>eain, tnc Avenger specus-.
And mutes the hntes of Hell, with mightiest deeds;
Then for long suffering, and unequaled err?*,
He rallies all his attributes sublime;
"With terrors unexampled in his hands,
..Fiercely he rages 'mongst the felon bands-;:
With tiger thirst, with viper fang of Fate,.
Unmeasured Fury meets unmeasured Hate;
. He mocks tlie invading legions?braves the strife,
Where tyrants game gainst human pea (TO and life ;
While the gale foe grows palsied as he hears
' The<kiiell-of Doom fast following, in his ears;
Cowers .'neath a Fate more fearful than he brought,.
And pains more dread than have their birth in thought;
passion so devours?so rends its foe,?
.Ho'Ilateso fell,?when vengeance strikes the blow;
Man looks uglmst, and mercy, from the skies,
: Shuts her own breast, even us she shuts her eyes *r
Invokes the Furies for their proper quest,
.'Nor seeks'their ravenous instincts to arrest
All her own:nature turii'd to gall, she cries,
i' ll/\ 4 /"v ?> 1 1 ni rtnl i<iu t
uv7 it i i iuic iv; 4iu c^cimuvoi
It needs themiltureof a thousand years,
To tear the Demon as the Demon tears:
Terrible crimes, from mercy's self, demand
' The terrible .Vengeance of Kternul Hand;
And. for tliedeeds of Hell, 'tis Fate's intent,
, Hell's self slajuld rfiete out proper punishment.''
Wc clip the following paragraphs from the
Atlanta (Geo.) Oon/cdetucy of Oct. 24th :
Tub News from East Tennessee.?The
views frotn East Tennessee is most exhilarating.
Our cavalay, under the gallant commanders
Dibbrell and Morwson, have driven the enemy
to his fortifications at London, without inenrring
any loss on our side.
The loss of the enemy is summed up as follows:
700 prisoners, 50 wagons loaded with
stores, 10 ambulances, 6 pieces of artillery, a
lot ot mules and horses, besides small arms,
camp equipage, &c.
This lays Wheeler's raid far in the back
ground. Gen. Morrison commands a brigade
of Georgia cavalry, and has occupied the extreme
front, much to the discomfiture of the
enemy, for many months.
Col. Dibbrell is in command of a brigade of
Forrest's men, and 'knows nothing bnt to defeat
the enemy whenever he gets in striking
distance of his camps.
All honor to the patriots who strike such repeated
and telling blows.
Miramon, recently one of the ' contestants
for the Mexican throne for Presidency, has
written a letter to Gen. Forey, the commander
of the French forces, giving in his adhesion to
the new Empire of Maximilian.
inpormiu from llie United Slates.
Richmond, Oct. 24.? A flag of truce boat
arrived at City Point yesterday 'evening, with
Northern dates to the 23d inst.
The Herald) in its news summary, says that
there are n?> signs of battle between the armies
?f Meade and Lee. With the exception of several
caHdrv regiments, no portion of Lee's army
h north of the Rapidam. Important move!
merits in the Yankee Army of the Potomac
are now on foot, the precise object of which,
! says ti?e Ilcrald, it is not proper to make puhI
lie at the present time. Meade was in Washj
ington on the 23d inst., in [consulation with
j Lincoln.
I Gen. U. S. Grant has been ordered to supersede
Gen. W. S. Rosecrans in the command of
I the Yankee "Army of the Cumberland:'
! Rosecrans' movement beyond Chattanooga^
without orders from Washington, gave offense
to the military authorities there, and this is assigned
as the cause of his removal from the
command. Rosec rans has gone to Cincinnati*
Secretary Stanton had arrived at Louisville. |
A correspondent of the Richmond Sentinel
writes from Wilson, N. (J. :
Tlie people of Wilson were in excellent spirits,
occasioned in part by a speech of President
Davis, on hit* way South. The ladies
were very attentive. Driving the waiters of
the hotel oft they waited on him in person at
his meal. Having finished, lie was called
upon for a speech, with which he complied,
addressing the ladies in a few remarks and in
the housewife style. He told them, among
things, "to take care of their Confederate money,
that it would be good in a few days; the
washing day is over, the clothes arc hung on
the line to dry; all that is needed is a little
more sunshine." The ears moved oft* amid
the cheering of the crowd and the waving of
handkerchiefs hv the ladies. Report further
says that oscular impressions were freely made
and received by the ladies and the President.
The President Kissed.?A friend remarked
to us yesterday that there never was a great
occasion without something ridiculous to spoil
it, and related the following :
A lady intent on seeing the President, awaited
his arrival most anxiously at the depot, and,
upon seeing him rushed frantically to where he
was, exclaiming in pathetic strains.
"Oh ! Mr. President, will you let the Yankees
come to Sclma !"
"I assure you, my dear Madame, they shall
not," replied the .dignified Mr. Davis; and
thereupon the overjoyed fair one smacked his
lips. No dainty "bus," it was either, but a
regular "sockdologer" that sounded like the
report of a 6mall pistol.
Anecdote of Gkneiial Ewell.?When
General Ewell entered Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
the clergymen of the city called upon him in J
a body, and asked whether they might open 1
their churches on the ensuing Sunday.
"Certainly," said General Ewell, "I wish myself
to attend church.
They retired, but soon reappeared, and in
the moat deferential tone, inquired whether he
objected to their praying for the President of
the United States. '
"Not at all," replied General Ewcll, "I know
of no man who is in more need of you^
Thk French in New Orleans.?Ti* wlrshington
correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger
learns from high authority that the petition
of the French residents of New Orleans to
the Emperor, praying that a suitable fleet may
be sent for their protection in the event of any
sudden trouble, has been promptly and favorably
responded to, and that some half dozen
yessels-of-war will soon bo within easy call of
the French Consul in that city.
Tlie New Fashion in Ftifflund?Women
us Mnokcrtf.
The custom of smoking by women has lately
1 been introduced in England, and, according to
! the Court Journal, is likely to "become very
prevalent." The authority says :
Fashion holds such a tviannic sway over
] society that we need never l>e surprised at see|
ing the most astounding change in manners,
| custom and dress brought about its magic ini
fluence. lligh waists, short waists, no waists
at all, chimneypot bonnets, flat bonnets, powi
dored hair, dishevelled hair, rouge, patches,
: onntrinl lir.nnc furtliin?nl?o I..?1.
I ?UUp ciuMUina', lligll;
heeled boots, sandals, high dresses, decolle-tees
' dresses have all had their day; wo have lived
i to see the time when duel'st* and four bottle
! men no longer exist, and when every man, high
and low, rich and poor, old and young, indulges
in the German and Dutch luxuries of the
short pipe and mild Havana. But a more
startling change is likelv "to come over the
spirit of our dream," ladies belonging to la- I
crew e dc lac reuv of society have introduced
cigarettes. We could mention the name of
many of England's arisrocratic daughters who
open'y indulge in mild Latakia. A elever co- ;
temporary has alluded to "fast matrons;" let
j us hope that unmarried ladies will be slow to '
| follow the example of those who would introduce
the noxious weed into female society.
Tub Yankee "Sanitary Commission."?A
Confederate Chaplain who was recently a prisoner
in the enemy's hands communicates to
j the Richmond Sentinel some interesting particulars
concerning the "U. S. Sanitary Commission."
lie says:
It has its own officers, its own supplies, its
own wagons, and yet accompanies the Yankee
I army whenever it moves; separate and independent,
and in time of need always on band,
i Among its stores, are to be found every conceivable
luxury that the siek palate can desire;
such as ice, brandies, wines, cordials, lemons,
broina, chocolate, etc., in fact, it would be tedious
to enumerate the different articles to be
1ih<1 from its charitable counters. And not only
are delicate edibles provided, but its stores
comprise shirts, drawers, towels, beddings,
i everything, in a word, necessary to establish a
I first class hospital.
_ ?
Major General Gecko is II. Thomas.? It
has been already stated that this individual,
who is now connected with liosecrans' army
is a native of Southampton county, Va. A
lady who resides at Jerusalem, the county scat
of Southampton, informs the editor of the Spirit
of the Age that Thomas distinguished himi
self in the war with Mexico, and on his return
home was presented by the ladies of his native
county with a handsome sword. After the
beginning of the present war, and Thomas lino
determined to array himself against the South,
lie w rote to his sister to send him that sword.
The true hearted, patriotic woman replied that
he could not have a sword presented by the women
of Virginia to turn against their brave
fathers, sons and brothers, who were fightfhg
in defence of the land whose birth place lie
had disgraced; and that instead of sending the
sword to him, she would prefer seeing it thrust
through his traitorous heart.
Major Jack Dowino's Views on Fighting.?Here
is what Major Jack Downing said,
several years ago, on the subject of fighting*
True as preaching, isn't it?
"In tlie matter of fighting there is one thing
I always keep my eyes on, and I found General
Jackson of the same way of thinking, and that
is, depend less on folks who say they are ready
to shed the last diop of their blood, than on ,
folks that are ready to shed the first drop, i
Give a man eight dollars a day to make
speeches in Congress, with the right of free
postage, and you will hear enough of "last drop
matters; when it eomes to camp duty, then
the " first drop" folks have to stand to the
rack at eight dollars a month !
Tlie Next Neellng ofCoAffrcis.
Considerable confusion exists as to the time
when the next session, and the last, of the First
Congress will commence. Some suppose Congress
will meet in December, some in January.
The Constitution of the Confederate States
provides (Art. I, Sec. 4):
uThe Congress shall assemble at ieast once
in every year; and such meeting shall be on
the first Monday in December, unless they
shall, by law, appoint a differrent day."
The Congress have not by anv law of geueral
application.appointed a different day for
their annual assemblages. They met on another
day last winter, but it was under a law
limited to the special occasion. On their last
adjournment they specified no day for their
next meeting. The Constitution, therefore,
determines the time, and it is th6 first Monday
in December?
On the 7th of December, therefore, Congress
will meet in Richmond.
Lincoln President for Life.?The New
York Sunday Mercury, of the 20th nit., nub
?' ' ? I
lishes a letter from Washington correspondent,
who says that it has been determined to postpone
tiie next Presidential election until after
the suppression of the rehelion and the restoration
of the Union. The reason he assigns for
this hold movement is, that the Constitution
requires all the States, to vote, and that in the
present condition of the country it is impossi^
hie to comply with the requirement.
An occasional correspondent of the London
JVcwsy writing fiom Constantinople, says there
are 1U0,000 Circassians and the surrounding
tribes, with an equal number of Tartars and
Georgians, ready to take the field against Russia
with any power that ehoses to direct their
operations. The Russians know this and expect
every clay a rising of the hostile tribes by
which they are surrounded.
It was excellent advice which President Davis
ga/c to the citizens of Ivinston, in North
Carolina, when lie told them to take care of
their Confederate Money, that it would be of
full value after a while. Many persons are
throwing away money under the prevailing
mania lor ail kinds of extravagance, which
t 11 a t\r OAllli) l?AAcf n,ll'.ill*n/?-v/M?r.l.. 1
may sorely need after awhile.
The soubriquet of "The Lousy Calf," is applied
to Rosecrans, the Federal General, because
of his extraordinary good luck. "Rosy"
was born under a luekv star. But "there is
110 telling the luek of a lousy calf," says tho
old proverb?"he lives all the winter and dies
in the spring."?liebtl. >.
A young man on being asked by his sweothcart
what phonography was, took out his pencil
and wrote the following, telling her that
was phonography : "U R A B U T, L N."
(You arc a beauty, Ellen.)
A polite young lady recently asserted that
she had lived near a barn yard, and that it
was impossible for her to sleep in the morning
(\n ?\i* f*lW\ tif r\i* f Kn Antorv !.?? 4 '
~ MwviiMo v? ?,iiv vi* ivi j mnuc uy u JJCIHIC*
man licti.
Wc lately met a grammarian, says-a Californa
paper, who has just made a tour through
the mines, conjugating; or rather, cogitating
thus: 'Positive, mine; comparative, miner;
superlative, minus."
to the Legislature/pive notice, that the members of
the following District Bonrds will have to bo re-appointed
at the ensuing session. They ask, therefore,
that the names of the present members, new members
mid all vacancies may bo reported to them before the
12 Commissioners of Roads.
8 Commissioners of Free Schools.
7 Commissioners of Public Buildings
5 Commissioners to Approve Public Sureties
24 Managers of Elections?3 to each Box
10 Magistrates
October 0

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