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THE CROSSVILLE CHRONICLE Sure (Relief 6 Bell ans Hot wafer Sure Relief OSELL-ANS US FOR INDIGESTION Fabrics for the Summer Clothes SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disordeis. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric aad troubles GOLD MEDAL tiring quick relief and often ward off oaadly diseases. Known as the national remedy of Holland for mora than 200 : years. All druggists, in three aises. Leak for the name Cold Madal oa eracr bos ana accept no uutataoa WOULD GET RID OF "JUNK" Writer Protests Against Custom, All Too Common, of Keeping Useless Old Household Good?. Articles which owe their value to their utility may become unservlce able, but the owners, instead of get ting rid of them, find some niche In the home In which to store them, or, worse still, keep the old goods In a place of honor with modern furnish ings and make their homes ugly as well as comfortless. Where families have lived In one house for years, miscellaneous articles of useless furniture will be found lum bering up the place. If the more sea slble and practical members of ' the family ask for their disposal, and comment on their uselessness they get a lecture entitled sentimental value. The amazing part of the sentiment al value plea is the little regard these misers of rubbish place on. the tastes and desires of other members of the family. The worshipers of household goods are likely to become exacting, and unhappily these fallings increase as they grow older. San Francisco Chronicle. "Cold in the Head" fa an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds In the head" will find that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE-wiU build up the System, cleanse the ..Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated at tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem, inus reducing" tne intiammatlon and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. One thorn of experience Is worth a dozen roses of theory. Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl- cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and Derfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. Bread Is Hie staff of life and hard tack is the crowbar. Before retiring a cup of Garfield Tea. lor good digestion and continued good health. Adv. Evil-minded rolk measure others by their own standard. Are You Suffering From Gall Stones or Gravel Avoid an Operation Use Neddo's Gall Stone Remedy Send a $2 money order for a three ounce bottle of this wonderful remedy. If it does not relieve the pains return the bottle and your money will be immediately refunded. Write for ksiimoniali Neddo's Gall Stone Remedy Co. P.O. Bos 422 Norfolk, Va. Women are Interested In Snowing all the fashion news, but there Is a great deal that must be accepted as news only, as In Its original showing It is not applicable to the use of the woman who makes her own clothes or has them made at home, avers a prominent fashion correspondent. Then, too, there are many Ideas that, while extremely useful, as sugges tions, cannot be adopted In the way that they are originally presented. Some models are original designs worked out as suggestions for mak ing simple and Inexpensive warm weather clothes that are practical to wear at any hour of a summer day. The materials selected are the liew est cotton imports of the sheer variety. Some of the advanced summer mod els that the French designers have sent us and some that our best American dressmakers are preparing are very attractive. In materials, drop-stltch voiles, ba tistes, dotted Swisses, organdies, Eng lish prints, handkerchief and heavy linens are used. Then there are Im ported voiles and organdies, daintily embroidered, In many instances the fabrics being of a pale shade and the embroidery white. A frock made of such fabrics naturally would be very simple, with perhaps a tiny ribbon girdle of a contrasting color. We have had all of these materials with us In past seasons, but this year they are so remarkable in their color ings and weaves that they give us fresh inspiration. All the marvelous hues of the most beautiful silks have been reproduced in plain, brocaded and checked organdies, voiles, batistes and Swisses. The shades range from the palest tints to the deep browns. cerise shades and new reds. The clothes prepared for those go ing South are noteworthy for the prac tical element combined with the daintiest characteristic of' summer ap parel. There are no extreme effects. All of the dresses are of designs suit able to the well-dressed woman's sum mer wardrobe. Many of them are of the chemise type, with trimmings of drawnwork and hemstitching. When they are made with a waistline it Is placed low on the hips. Youthful Model in Green Linen. In direct opposition to the straight- line frocks are those for young glrla and the slender woman. These .tave very full skirts, with a tendency to ward the extended hip. One model, developed from bottle-green handker chief linen, has a straight skirt com posed entirely, of tucks ranging from the hem, which forms the bottom tuck, and is about three Inches wide, to one at the top of the skirt, which is not deeper than a quarter of an inch. The waist portion has tiny tucks and drawnwork running perpendicu larly. The skirt is joined to the waist at a low line, the front and back be ing perfectly plain, while the sides are gathered very tightly, thereby produc ing the extended hip appearance. The short puff sleeves are of alternating rows of tucks and drawnwork. The neck is in V-shape, and slashed down several Inches, the opening tying with strips of the material finished with hand-rolled hems. These are short, so that the bows are very small. Another attractive model Is of sal mon-colored batiste, with plaited sjde tunics trimmed with tiny white ba tiste ruffles. The frock of white organdie Is al ways becoming and finds Infinite use In the average woman's wardrobe, as It can be worn on so many occasions. On a white organdie which embodies many ideas there is a fonndatlon of the material, over which Is placed an apron tunic extending three-quarters of the way around the skirt. The nov elty lies In the trimming used on both the tunic and the underskirt. It Is in the form of circles made of orange and white organdie, one interlacing the other. The chain thus formed Inserted In the organdie. Two rows of it are in the tunic and one in the underskirt. The round neck is bound with navy blue taffeta ribbon, 'which continues down the slashed portion and ties in little bows. A girdle of the same ribbon about three Inches In width encircles the waist at a rather low line and ties in a bow with long flowing ends at one side. This model may be worked out In many different combinations of color. Linen Frock of Simple Charm. A frock of unusual charm, and one that might easily be made at home, is developed from orchid handkerchief linen and made In simple chemise form, with short kimono sleeves. The neckline is of square cut and slashed at both corners of the front to a depth of about five or six inches. The trim- Emerald Green Organdie in Shadow Check With Square Cape Collar. mlng Is quite as simple as the frock itself, and consists of tiny loops made of bias strips of the material. These loops are on the bottom of the skirt, the sleeves and neck, con tinuing down either side of the slashed portions of the blouse. A dainty girdle of narrow velvet ribbon a few shades darker than the material from winch the dress is evolved ties In loops at either side at a low waistline. It will be noted that practically all of this summer's frocks slip on over the head, whether they are In chemise form or made In two separute pieces. In each instance tfie waist portion Is slashed to enable the wearer to don the garment more readily. White net always a favorite for lingerie dresses this season is em broidered, and sometimes is used In conjunction with batiste or another sheer material. A charming frock for a young girl Is developed from pale pink batiste and white, net. The foundation of the dress Is of the ba tiste. The skirt has an apron tunic extending below the foundation. This tunic is of alternating bands of the batiste and net, the former trimmed with tiny picot-edged ruffles of net. DARLING BABY BRIGHTENS HOME Children's Laughter a Pleasing Sound lF , v Hj I lls t:: y UP ' &A Clothes For Tropical Climes fH nuiuu, MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN Rellere FeTerishness, Constipa tion, CoMa and correct dtaordersoi the Btomafa and bowels. Ustdh Mot km for wtr so yttrx. All Drug" elsts. Sample mailed FREE. Ad dress Mothtr Grat Co., Lt Roi. H. Y. With the turning of our thoughts toward clothes to be worn in tropical climes there comes the question of hats. The fabric hat is always popu lar for resort and warm weather wear. Some of our exclusive American shops are Importing and creating hats to accompany each individual frock. One dress Is of white georgette crepe, made in straight-line effect, with a deep fichu collar finished with double ruffle of the material, plcot edged. An embroidery design of large white daisies done in heavy white silk threads, the centers of the flowers in yellow, Is worked into both the waist and skirt portion. Bathing Suit Now the Thing. No longer do women Indulge In ocean bathing solely for the exhilara tion pf the salt water dip. A very long time .ago the bath was the thing and .t,he apparel merely a necessary adjunct, butso surely and so steadily' have battling" suit fashions been gain ing for themselves a place of impor tance that we have all but forgotten that we ever went to the ocean just for the pleasure of swimming. New clothes are the first consideration, the dip a secondary one. No true daughter of Neptune is without two or three of the one-piece jersey swimming suits that have grown In popularity each year. , These have become almost a standard fash ion in bathing suits, so that there Is little change In them, except in the colors favored. Last year the darker hues were in the foreground. This year , the shops are showing many bright-colored jersey suits. It is a question as to whether old rose and French blue woolens will retain their charm of color after a few plunges in the ocean. Decorating the Hat. The new hat's decoration if there Is any is usually on the left side, al though occasionally a plume or a bow of ribbon falls from the right of the hat. Ribbon is often the basis of the satin spring toque, an immense knot at the side, falling farther down than tht shoulder. Altoona, Pa. "I am writ ing to tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has done for me. We had six children die almost at birth. From one hour to nine teen days is all they have lived. Before my next one was born I took a dozen bot tles of your Vegetable Com pound, and I can say that it is the greatest medicine on earth, for this baby is now four months old, and a healthier baby you would not want I am sending you a picture of her. Everybody says 4 That ia a very healthy looking baby. ' You have my consent to show these few lines to anybody." Mrs. C. W. Benz, 131 3rd Avenue, Altoona, Pa. Mrs. Janssen's experience of interest to childless wives. Millston, Wis. ' I want to give you a word of praise for your wonderful medicine. We are fond of children, and for a considerable time after we were married I feared I would not have any. I began taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and it strengthened me so I now have a nice, strong, healthy baby girl. I suffered very little at childbirth, and I give all the credit to your medicine, and shall always recommend it highly. Mrs. H. H. Janssen, Millston, Wis. Mrs. Held of Marinette, Wis., adds her testimonial for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She says: Marinette, Wis." I was in a nervous condition and very irregular. My doctor advised an operation. My husband brought me one of your booklets and asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It overcame my weakness so that I now have a healthy baby girl after having been mar ried nine years. I an) glad to recommend your medicine, and you may use my letter as a testimonial?' Mrs. H. B. Held, 330 Jefferson St, Marinette, Wis. There are many, many such homes that were once childless, and are now blessed with healthy, happy children because Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored the mother to a strong and healthy condition, as it acts as a natural restorative for ailments as indicated by backache, irregu larities, displacements, weakness and nervousness. Women everywhere should remember that most of the commoner ailments of women are not the surgical ones-? they are not caused by serious displace ments or growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why so many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, as it acts as a natural restorative. It can be taken with perfect safety and often prevents serious troubles. Therefore if you know of any woman who is suffering and has been unable to secure relief and is regretfully looking forward to a childless old age, ask her to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it has brought health and happiness into so many homes once darkened by .llness and despair. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon M Ailments Peculiar to Women will he sent to you free upon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information. Flattery is the praise we hear be stowed on other people. Hoxale'a Croup Remedy for croup, cougha and colds. No ODlum. No nausea. 60c. Drus- (lata. Kella Co., Newburgh, N. T., Mfri. Adv. LOOKED LIKE PROMISED MAN Victim of Carelessness Came Back With Pointed Remark Concerning Companion's Immediate Future. Two negroes' were working In a coal bin in a Mississippi town, one down in the bin throwing out the coal and the other wielding a shovel. The one Inside picked up a large lump and heaved it carelessly Into the air, struck the other a resounding blow oTi the head. As soon as the victim had recovered from his momentary daze he walked over to the edge of the bin and, peer ing down at his mate, said: "Nigger, how come you don't watch where you throws dat coal? You done hit me smack on the ha Id." The other looked surprised. "Did I hit you, nigger?" , "You sho' did," came the answer. And I jes want to tell you, I'se been promising the debil a man a long time, and you certainly does resemble my promise." New York Evening Post. People who vote have a great ad vantage over those who only argue. No harmful drugs in Garfield Tea. It is composed wholly of simple, health-giving herbs. Adv. UNWILLING TO TAKE CHANCE The Modem Accountant. Stella What Is her hushund worth? Bella Well, I don't know' his re placement value. Colored Man Evidently Had Little Con. fidence In His Own Judgment in Important Matter. A visitor In Kentucky came across that rare specimen, an unmarried col ored man. . The negro was a quiet, elderly per son, not shiftless, but quite Industri ous, so the northern ninn felt curious and determined to find out why ha had remained single. "Uncle Jim, how does It happen that you are so opposed to matrimony?" The tld fellow looked up with a grave face, but there was a twinkle In his eye, as he replied: "Me suhl I ain't rposed to matrimony." "Well, why Is lt you have never married?" his Inquisitor continued. "Haven't you seen anyone you liked?" "Lawdyl yessah but you see it's thisaway; I couldn't resk my Judgment." Sympathy's Cheaper. "It's all right to sympathize with the under dog In a fight," remarked the Observer of Events and Things, "but a fellow would be a fool to bet on him." IcSungsters grow husky on Grape.Nuts Qhe great body-building values 'which Nature stores in wheat and barley, are retained in this easily digestible food. The unique, sweet flavor of Grape Nuts makes it a biff Favorite with both children and adults. "There's a Reason SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE