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Crossville Chronicle THE TENNESSEE TIMES 1 ' f CONSOLIDATED CROSSV1LLE CHRONICLE J 1895 VOL. XXXV CROSSVILLE, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, April 6, 1921 No. 14. SHOOTING AT ISOLINE Frank Shellito Get. Slight Wonud in the Side a. Result of Labor Trouble Thursday evening about six o'clock, Jim Barton shot Frank Shelito in the side 'inflicting a slight wound and at tempted to shoot Mr. Sbelhto in the head but failed. Dr. W. A. Reed was called and dressed the wound for Mr. Shellito and his recoverv will be sure and rapid. The conditions surrounding the shooting are as follows as best we have been able to learn. The Men nessee Coal and Lumber Company that is operating the mines at Isohne was desirous of reducing the wages of the men mining coal" and proposed a twenty percent cut. They also pro ' posed a equal cut on house rent and the goods they sold to the miners. Frank Shellito and some other miners expressed a willingness to accept! the conditions proffered. Jim Barton did not favor accepting the condi tions proffered. ' It seems that Barton had fired a blast in the mines at such a time as prevented Shellito from working for half a day. When they meet about six o'clock in the evening they began talking about the proposed wage change and Shellito referred to the blasting that Barton had done and complained that Barton had not treated him fair. It seems Barton then drew a pistol and fired at Shel lito's head, but Shellito dodged and Barton missed him but the powder burned Shellito in the face. Barton then fired again and Shellito turned sideways as the pistol fired and the bullet went through his clothes and grazed nis Dacic ana siae innicmig slight flesh wound. Barton then left and so far as known has not been ar rested. A phone call was sent for Dr. Reed and Sheriff G. W. Walker, who start ed for Isofine in a car. They had trouble with the car and did not reach Isoline until late in the i nigh t.b Bar . ton had been gone for some time and it is talked that he feft for some point in Kentucky where his father lives. Barton has a wife and one child. DORCH LAW TO ENTIRE STATE Monday the democrats, by a strictly partisan vote, enacted a law that ex tends the Dortch law to every pre cinct in the state. They also passed a law requiring poll taxes to be paid 60 days before elecion, payment of poll tax being a requirement to vot jng. Also to require all trustees to file with the secretary of the state a complete list of all persons w;u have paid poll tax. The republicans opposed the mea sures but the steam roller worked perfectly and all were passed. Gov. Taylor will very likely veto the Dortch law bill, if not the others, and that will require it being passed over his veto, which will lkely be done. RELEASED BY GERMANY Some months ago two sol'diers of the Amercian army of occupation in Germany attempted to kidnap Grovet Cleveland Bergdall; an American draft evader. The two soldiers Carl Neuf and Franz Zimmer were ar rested by the German authorities and put in prison. March 31 the two men were released by the Germans. An effort is now being made to heave Bergdall extredited and re turned to America for punishment. The U. S. authorities were after Berg dall hot when he-succeeded in escap ing from thjs country and reaching Germany. He is a naturalized American citizen and there is every probability that he will be turned over to the Unied Sates for punishment. CONGRESS TO CONVENE. President Harding has called con gress to convene in extra session Monday. Ginseng has no curative value. Practically all of it is shipped to China, where it is highly esteemed for its curative value, as they think. The rat has been responsible for more untimely deaths among human beings than all the wars of history. It carries he deadly bubonic plegue and many other diseases. Some people cast their bread upon l- . . .vnurt It to come back buttered.-Brookfield (Mo.) Budget, EX-SHERIFF PASSES AWAY ' Samuel Tollett Died at Hi. Home, Near Fredonia Church, Sunday, 1 Buried Monday. j Samuel Tollett, aged 69 years, died at his home, one mile from Fredonia - j church, Sunday morning at 8 o'clock,! 1 after a lingering illness ot several weeks. The remains were interred at j Fredonia church Monday attended by numerous relatives and friends. The sermon was preached by Rev. S. W. Rose. The deceased was a brother ot oui townsman, former Senator E. G. Tol lett. Many years ago he was engaged in the mercantile business in Cross- ville, but for the past 25 years or longer he has been a fanner. At one time he was -city marshall of Cross vifle and was elected sheriff of the county three years ago. He found the work uncongenial and non remunerative and resigned before his term of office xpired. He was a man of sterling integrity, a Christian gentleman and enjoyed the respect and confidence of all who knew him. He -was born and reared in this county and had lived here practically all his life. 1 Latest reports from John Q. Burnett who is in a Nashville hospital being treated, is that he is very much im proved in a general way and a major operation will be performed in a short time. His brother, G. P. Burnett, arrived from Nashvlfe . this morning and feels much encouraged over the condition of his brother. Mrs. Bur- j net t is sill at the bedside of her hu oana. Rev. Frank L. Miller was here last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Burnett. He returned to New York from which point he will sail as an army chaplain in tbe Canal Zone, April 10. He will likely remain there for quite a perotd ot years. Miss Emma F. Dodge-Miss. Eliza beth Fletcher ' and ' Miss Fannie E. Bacon, all of Pleasant Hill, were in town yesterday on their way to Knox- ville to attend the ninth annual meet ing of the Southern Mountain Work ers. They expect to return Friday. S. B. Gardner arrived from Oneonta, N. Y., Monday to look after the prop erty of the PhilliDsbursr Land Co. The company has several thousand acres of land in this country suitable for farming lands, but are uncleared Mr. Gardner is desirous of selling in large or small tracts. ( The work of spreading slag on Main Street moves on slowly. The main difficulty seems to be in get ting the railroad to deliver the loaded cars, wheh are loaded at Rockwood, less than 30 miles away. This beautiful weatheer, which re minds one of June, is puttting our farmers actively at work all over the country. Indications are for larger crops of all kinds this year than ever before. The Rush Cooperage have had their works shut down at Crab Orchard for a short time, but we are informed they will start work again in a few days. W. B. Johnson has recently taken a picture of a rock in Renfro Hollow that shows the face of a woman very distinctly. She is smiling in a very pronounced manner. He calles the picture the "Old Woman of Renfro Hollow." The lady is evidently smil ing over her Easter bonnett, which shows distinctly1 and is of the latest style. The rock is at the side of the Memphis to Bristol pike and few people would notice the likeness to a head and face in the rock unless their attention was called to it, in that case it becomes very distinct. Rev. L. A. Hurst, who was called here to preach the funeral of James E. Caudell, Sunday, remained until Tuesday for a visit with friends and church people. Rev. Hurst was for some time pastor of the Baptist church here and finds may old friends and acquaintances who were gland to greet him. MARRY-GO-ROUND DEATH Mrs. A. J. Kearsey. aged 55, fell from a marry-go-round at Monterey Friday night as the result of heart failure. She died at once. She leaves three daughters, a son and husband. The daughters are married and five in Kentucky and the son in Texas. Her husband was for several years an engineer on the T. C. and Southern but is now retired. BOILER EXPLOSION Seven Peer.on. Hurt, But None Kil UA - Mt.r, Tkur.d. mursaay at 12:30 a Doner in plaining mill at Monterey blew up because of being defective. Seven lard, who lives a mile and a half east persons were hurt, but none killed, of town, was burned Saturday morn The property loss is estimated at ing about four o'clock. When Mr-! $5,000. Unc ot the victims, Uisto paries, had not regained senses Saturday,! but was expected to recover. Severa i . . . persons were slightly scalded. The flews of the boiler were blown two brocks and the explosion threw down a large smoke stack which crashed through the roof of a small house. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH SCH060L vvora dS oecn receive mat tu, church board of the M. E. Church, soutn, win meet April 21. 'At that; time definate action wiil be taken 1 looicing 10 commencing wors on tne : 1 . ! , . . buildings for the great school they propose to establish in this coun.y to cost $100,000. The location for the buil'dings has not been selected but a committee for that purpose wiil doubtless arrive shortly after the board meeting. It is understood the location will be at some point on the 240 acre tract that is convenient to the railroad so that a depot may be established for the convenience of the school. ENGLISH MINERS STRIKE April I practically 1200 thousand coal miners struck in England. The wage dispute was the cause Fears are entertained that many of the mines may be flooded and forever ruined. The strike resulted in orders being placed in the United States for many tons of coal. FORMER EMPEROR CHARLES Former Emperor Charles, of.Hun gary, attempted to regain the throne last week, but .the attempt failed. Several adjoininig nations threatened war in the event Charles was elevated to the throne again. He returned to his former place of exile in Switzer land. Wooden Shoes and Automobile. At first thought there seems to be no relation between wooden shoes and automobiles. But one never can tell these days. Wooden shoes play an Important part In auto building; In deed they probably reduce the cost of antos by six and three-tenths cents each If figured out by an efficiency expert. At first the auto companies provided high rubber boots for the men who did the work; but they soon found, says the Scientific American Monthly, that soap and rubber did not agree, and that the bill for rubber, boots was quite an Item. And when the war came on, and the price of rubber soared, Indeed, It became quite ap palling. So some bright young man got a lot of wooden sabots brought from Hol land or somewhere for actors and tried them out. The workmen stuffed paper tightly In around their feet and encircled their legs with pieces of old slickers and found that the result was very satisfactory when worn with the usual apron. Midget Motorcycle. Probably on account of the high cost of fuel Europeans are making use of a very small type of vehicle. The latest Is a diminutive motorcycle, weighing only 32 pounds. The power plant of the little cycle is a single-cylinder air cooled engine of small bore and stroke. Drive is by means of sprockets and one chain to the rear wheel. No claims of excessive speed are made for the vehicle. No special garage snnoe Is needed, as, owing to the small size and light weight of the machine, It can be easily carried Into the owner's dwell ing. Seeking Seclusion. "You said you were going on a fish ing trip." "I am," replied Senator Sorghum. "But I'm going to take a lot of cor respondence and a stenographer. It will be one of the fishing trips that do not particularly disturb the fish." Making Her a Centenarian. Miss Passelgn I was born on Lin coln's birthday. Mr. Blunt I thought it was abrat that time. Boatm Transcript. BARN BURNED t - R. H. Millard Sutter. Lo.. E.timated ! i , ,:.,. . I ..n,,,n,r,n a .-w The barn belonging to R. H. Mil-1 Millard descovered the fire the barn'ces werr rnnHct. .. r r was in flames and part of the roof fal- , . . . ' "g m- e sueeded in rescuring n,s team Dut everything else was dstroyed. In the barn was the harness for the team, about a ton of hay, a two-seatea surray, a mowing machine, some other farm tools and a small amount of grain. It was with much effort that he was able to rescue his team as the . hlo-ck the doors and he had tQ teaf off the boards from the side of the barn and remove the team that way. At first he thought thev had been iniured . " ' ; ..5 there was fire all over thier backs but later he found the team had not been burned more than a slight scorching of the hair. His loss on the barn is estimated at $1,000 and the other loss will amount to around $300. He was carrying $700 in msuranccon the barn. Mr. Millard thinks he konws who set fire to the barn and expects to have sufficient proof in a short time to justtify ar arrest. He came to CrossviUe baturdcy morning with the purpose of securing bloodhounds from Chattanooga, but when he fund the charge would be $100, he abandoned the idea. That the fire was of incediary origan there seems to be no doubt. WE NEVER SUBSCRIBED For That Reason thee Leeague Can not Voto away U. S. Right.. In tbe discussing the controversy over the island of Yap the Japaneese made the fundamental error of "as suming that the league of nations is el'othed with the power to administer the affairs of the world. They over look the fact that the United States never subscribed to the league, but on the contrary specifically rejected it. Its powers extends only to those enant. It may be that other small naions, too weak to raise an effective protest against any action that the league might take involving their af fairs, will have to submit to its dic tation. But the Unitetd States has not reached the point where it has to sur render any part of its rights to the league of nations or any other com bination of powers. That is a fact that Japan should keep clearly in mind as applied to Yap. It is true that the Japs drove the Germans from the island and took possession of it, but their occupancy was onl'y pending final disposition of the island at the close of the war. They had no vested rights in the island by right of conquest, any more than the United States took title to the Argonne Forest when the Ameri can soldiers drove the Germans out. The question of the finat disposition of. Yap became a mater for the peace settlement, in which the United States was entitleed to an equal voice with Japan and each of the other alHies. By inernationalizing the island the interest of all nations would be pro tected, whereas exclusive sovereignty over it by Japan would give to that country undue influence over the cable communications of the Pa-cific. It is for the former arrangement that the United States has taken its Stand. LEGISLATURE TO AJOURN The seventy-five days alloted to the legislature for which they receive pay will end with Sunday, which may cause that' body to remain in session during at least a part of that day as much work remains disposed of and the time is short in which to handl it. There is some tafk of a recess from Saturday to Tuesday to avoid the Sunday session. It has been sug gested, however, that the farmer members ar very dsirous of getting home to get behind Old Beck to pull the bell cord a while and that it will be very hard t0 get enough members back to form a quorum, shoul'd the proposed recess be taken.' Just what will be done is as yet very uncertain, except in one way, they will not tay longer than they are paid. - v..Mjfcv ur ucva. I. n SOLDIER'S BODY REHIRED Cud.ll t .u u j (James Caudell, Hero of the Hinden- burg Line, Buried in City Ceme- tery Sunday. The remaine of James E. Caudell, aged 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. T. Caudeir, were laid to rest in the city cemetery Sunday. The funeral servi- Snow and L. A. Hurst the latter , . , ursi, me latter preaching tthe sermon, having oeen called here from Bessemer, Ala., for that purpose. The dececased was a member of the volunteer con pany raised in this and Fentress cou&ty at the opening of the great war. lie was in the famous First Division that assisted in break ing the Ilindenburg Line on Septem ber 29. He feU fghting on September 29. The remains were interred with other American soldiers at the time and later the irovernmrnt shipped the remains here at the re quest of the family. An escort of ex-service men was provided to es cort the- remains from the church to the cemetery. ReRv. Hurst was for some years pastor of the Baptist church here and was personally acquainted with the deceased. He paid a most glowing tribute to this worthy Christian young man. He dwelt on the high Christ ian character of the young man and his fidelity to the higest ideal of Christian citizenship. The writer was personally acquainted with the young man and knows him to have been a most worthy and respected man. of high character and worthy the esteem of all good citizens. The remains arrived here Saturday and the furneraf services were con ducted in the Baptist church and were attended by a large number of Cross- ville people and others from different parts of the county. All that kindly sympathy could suggest was done by sympathizing neighbors and friends to lighten the great burden of sorrow that fell upon the family. , - CAP Cr THANS3 We wish to extend to the good people of Crossvifle and Cumberland county oaf' most sincere and heart felt thanks for their kindness and sympathy in the burial of our beloved son. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. M. Caudell. BIG FLUM FOR EEN Indications point very strongly to the appointment by President Hard ing of former Governor Ben W. Hooper as Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Governor Hooper has the entire republication state delegation behind him and the Anti-Saloon League is very active in his behalf. It is claimed that his strongest opponent is a West Virginia man who is classed as wet. The record of Gov. Hooper during his two years as governor of Tennessee s proving a very strong card in his favor with all prohibation forces. BIG DRUG HAUL. New York detectives made a big haul in morphine, cocane and heroin amounting to $250,000. Four men were arrested at the same time. The drugs were in a box marked "Spaggetti" and was stored in the shed to the rear of a grocery store. A detective was sit ting on the box when the groceryman came to get it. He thought the detec tive was a tramp and ordered him out of his woodshed. The detective then placed him under arrest and took the box containing the drugs. Other de tectives had arranged to buy $2,000 worth of the drugs from the grocery man and three other men and all were arrested. FURTHER FORCE REDUCTION Railroads are reducing their sec tion forces because fewer trains are being run.i It the case of the Ten nessee Central there will be only one Section squad where there Where three. Many roads are reducing their forces at that rate. T. C. SALE Judge Sanford has granted a stay of proceedings in the sale of the Tennessee Central railroad to May 2 conditionally on reorganization movement. In any event he wilf hear the case May 7 and it is probable that some final adjustment wilf result. 1