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b"r<a, ought not to 'jrj received" All ah- I oh.ion petitions are - disrespectful and! insulting to cv.^v placeholder, hw! to tlio JNpresentalivtu* ol every slnv<;hohling I community on this floor. Whether so j expressed, o;- not, they all based upon j the most injurious assumption*. flow i can you roorj ofVectually insult the RepTrsentr-tiyt? s of the slave-holding S'ates than hy Ye^rescntinjj our constituents hod ouridws to he in the daily and and consltftt !?ej- pet ration of "a crimo tlr.l in?st brs-n^ jovvu tins just judgments m Uul : upor hs?" ?ut perhaps wo should he tolerant to tCfne. abolitionists, and, although tne *-21st | rule is c< nstilutiunal, a grew to receive and J refer theii petitions. We have lrvxjucntly l)pftn t?<hi ihot tiiey are philanthropists, who nave wo intent on to excite our staves to- insurrection, hut only to convince ? - * * - t* their masters trial it ij? meir mm 10 uoer- ; ate ami admit them Jo the privileges of' cifizeus. This argument inav do very well fur a philanthropist of the abolition school, hut certainly not fur a statesman. J/et us inquire, if it he possible to do so i .seriously, what would be the consequence i of adopting o bright a scheme ! Eri- | dently, the extermination of the African; or European race in the present slave, j holding States, or a vile amalgamation that would conveit our population into a j drove of mulattues. Let the philunthro- j pists who can sec no distinction in color, thus, if they think proper, stain their pos j teritv; but the morals of {\\Z Svl'.t;". r.i'u formed ot different materials, and Southem phidc vvdl never stoop to this. No, sir ; rather let u& endure the horrors of a : m'rvilQ War, urged on hy British cmissa- i A murii.iir? fr?nnlir\i? rather let urs ti mi .nii&nvun , the plains of the South he drenched in ' blond; rather let her villages and cities > and farm-houses smoke in ruins, with 'heir present hnpnv population buried !>o- ; neuth them ; in short, rather let the negro J race rule from the Susquehanna to the | Sabine, than submit to so foul a degradation. Hut why do I draw this picture?: (t can never he realized. There is one question, and one only, which lies at the bottom of this subject, and (hat is, tlio j dissolution of the Union. And tn relation to ihat, I say, rather let the Union he dissolved, even if with it the last hope of political liberty should pciish from the j luce of the eai tli ! To a casual observer it must appear ludicrous to treat the movements of these wild enthusiasts with serious notice. Let fhom nluiie, say some wcii-meanrng gentlemen on this floor. Do not allow them ' to strengthen their cause by involving it with the right of petition, and the flame which they have enkindled will soon ex. i pire of its own accord. Lot their peti- i lions* he received and debated, and their impracticable projects will vanish before the light of reason as the mists of the morning before ihc full-orhod sun. Have von read history, Mr. Chairman, with so little observation as to listen for a i ." i : : ? ti. ? :. i T-,?, lMCXMvr ,?< (t'nmtvu ; torv of all ages shows that reason is no rualdii for fanaticism. Fanaticism is a ; fury, lashing with the whip of scorpions, the passions, fears, and terror str.cki n consciences of her devotees. 1i reason was a match for fanaticism, where would [ he the absurdities with which humanity ! is outraged ? where would he the false idolatrous worship with which the world ! is filled? where would he the Moody car of Juggernaut?the Cirand [anna of; Thibet?the American Ami slavery sou. elv, or its advocates here ! Mr. CM in tracing the rise and progress of the Anti-SIuvery Society in this, country, and in glancing at the agitation I on the Missouri question, loo If occasion to condemn the compromise which was. nf last adopted on that subject as uncun. j stitutional, and so far as the slaveholdmg ' Stales were concerned unjust. Unconstitutional because Congress lias no authority to refuse to a .Stale applying . for admission into the Union, filer M^ht;, to incorporate in her constitution any J institution authorized by the Constitution of the United States, or enjoyed by any of the State*. Unjust, so far as the South is concerned, because it proposes to , 'confine slavery within particular limits. thus not only piospectiveiv to.wea-11 ketslhe relative iufiuence of the slaveholding States in the national councils, , but in tffenJ denies to their citizens who may be slaveholders the privilege of'< emigrating with their property to any of i the Territories of the United States north < of a certain degree of latitude* I Mr. ('. also alluded to the impulse . which the Aoti Slavery society received | in this country from the British W est | India emancipation acts, which had not < only prostrated the r*f the West , India planters rendered the m-,J fertile j colonies on the face of the earth COM- 1 paratjvclv unproductive, and conferred ! ' O -,.1... O i . incalculable evil on trie siavo* \\ho, released from the control of their I masters, better for them than the control < of the law, are retrograding in morals j , and civilization ; but is represented upon j tin; authority of the Iiritish Review, I already rpu>tcd. as having doubled the ( African slave trade ii> extent, and uuadru- ' < pled n in horrors. 1 j This respectable Review is not onlv i one of the ablest periodicals in the world, j | but it is also one ?.l the altlcsi supporters | <?f the principles* of tho Reel Administra- ( iron. And although tlie present .Ministry I < inav find it impracticable to restore ! t England to the condition from which she , t ? has been reduced by the unwise moasuics , of their predecesso s, which has. not only j ! destroyed lior most valuable colonics, uui i \ nurtured a s[mr t mnon<r the masses at , | home, bcoe.ttiii w huso-iuiluence her t<me-i t honored institution;* iunv ultimale!\* fall. < He l?o|)ed they would tu!ve warning from the example, and at once renounce doe- .? frines u loch,' however thev may sound in (heoiv. when inconsiderately introduced : j ?.W.' " " I 'Miwum intn prartiee, never f.iil to produco disastrous cflects. Hmr what Napoleon, a rnnn whose fame has filled the world, and of whom it was on 'e trulv said, "that at his approach competition tied us Iroin the approach ol destiny," has said on an analogous subject: 4* Had any of vour philosophic Liberals come out to Kgvpt to proclaim liberty to the blacks or the Arabs, I would have bun;; hitn up to the masthead. In the West Indies similar enthusiasts have delivered over the whites to the ferocity of the blacks, and yet they complain of the victims of such madness hein^discontented. How is it possible to give liberty to Africans, when they are destitute of anv species of civilization, and ignorant even of what a colony or a mother conn iry is [ L'<i you suppose that, nau they lit fii aware of what they were doing;, they would have given liberty to the blacks? Certainly not. But few persons at that tiirie were sufficiently tar sighted to foresee ttie results; and feelings of humanity are ever powerful with excited imaginations. But now, after the experience we have had, to maintain the same principles cannot he done in good faith ; it can he the result only of overweening self-confidence or hypocrisy," Mr, C. spoke of the insignificance of the Anti-Slavery society, at its first organization, ten or twelve years ago* which, at its first meeting, scarcely numbered a score of men, \voir\en, and hoys Combined. lumbers were, however, stimulated by the zeal of mad enthusiasm, and finding their sentiments uncongenial with the people of this country, they sought for and obtained a foreign influence. They sent their agents to Kngland, who travelled the kingdom and denounced in the most unmeasured terms, and with the vilest epithets, not the American slaveholders only, hut the American Colonization Society. And hero he would mention an Incident, strongly illustrative of the influence of these two societies in promoting their professed ohjec's. 't here resided in his neighborhood a respectable old bachelor, (if an old bachelor can he respectable,) a conscientious good man. who, by a long life of industry and frugality, had accumulated considerable property. This cnntlomnn wn*. fho tuvnpr of nlitvit fortv o - - -- ^ slaves, nil of* whom, under (he auspices of the Colonization Society, he liberated and sent to Liberia ; where, so far as he was informed, they are still, living happily and extending the influence of riviiization and religion in the land of their fathers. But, mark the change which took place in the sentiments of this good man! A few years afterwards tho antislavery society was organized and commenced spreading its incendiarv publications. Meetings were called at the South. Slavery, as it exists among us, wan discussed in all its relations. T o^e who felt uncomfortable as slaveholders, hid liieir compunctions removed; and this very gent einan, who had liherated all his slaves, again purchased same description of property to the number of about twenty; held them in bondage while lie lived, and left them, by legacy, to distant relations. Mr. C. also spoke of the (English emissaries who had been sent to this country, commencing with (he vagabond Thompson and ending wifh the notorious Sturge; all of them no doubt paid with Ktiglish ?old to sow the seeds of dissension among us. He did not say that any of these emissaries were secret agents of the British (fovomment. He did not, indeed, believe that they were. But still it was not impossible ; for, notwithstanding her admirable situation for a naval power, and her present naval superiority, Unghind is not blind to the growing importance of tiie marine of this counh v, and many npprebend, if this Union continues, that the time is not distant wh^n we may wrest from her grasp the trident which she has so long borne over every sea. He need net refer the reader of modern . a A* __ r history to the fact, that during a tune or peace hot ween Kngland and Denmark, Lord Nelson, acting under the sccrtt orders of his Government, given in violatorn of national faith,attacked and almost entirely d ?stroved the navy of Denmark, then lying at anchor in the port of her capital. And v\ns it impossible, indeed was it improbable, if actuated now by similar counsels, that the British Government may, from simitar motives, send secret agents to this country for the purpose of sowing tho seeds of dissension among us. NVe know, at all events, [hat tl?e abolitionists have within the last Few months openly raised the standard of disunion. Does not the suggestion of n foreign influence receive strong corroboration From tho World's Convention, held a ilttie more titan a vear ago at London, at ? ^ which presided Prince Albert, (lie hussand of her Britannic Majesty, the King :onsort of Lngland, and to which the Ainer::-an A::1.: ifltivcry society sent dele* ^ates, who openly did all in their power fo excite prejudice against their own :ountry. Americans, said Mr. C., who :an thus unite themselves with a foreign niluence to overthtow our institutions, ire not merely errorists in opinion and . ana ties in religion, but tliey are enemies o the Constitution, and traitors to the munfrv ; and I call upon the patriotism jf the North hs well as oi the South to mite in checking this hydra treason in O ? he hud. i><it leaving out of consideration for the present tlie tieasonahle connexion which [Iris society has formed with an inimical Foreign inthience, I will proceed to show hat some such rule as the one wnich the renllemaii has denoiinccd us ririvin" . ^ this Union to it* dissolution" is ncccs iarv !'<>r it* jweservhliiju. The Anti-Slavery Swicty which corn ic:i~eti ten cr twelve years with ^ ? -in > y? n .im ? small, a beginning, we were informed bv a gentleman from Geotgia, (Mr. King, at the extra session, who read from aholition publications.) numbered as early a-i 183S upwards of thirteen hundred auxiliry societies in thirteen States, thirteen ol I which were State societies. The gen! tloman from Pennsylvania (Mr. C. J. ' Ingersoil) informed us a few days afterwards that they probably amounted ?l that time to two thousand. Let this, however, he as it may, we know that it ; has tne command of funds to a great extent, and that it regulates and control; 1 a press which issues more slander against 11ho South than is probably published in : the entire South on all subjects whatever. I Almost every mail brings intelligence j sufficient to convince us that it has enlisted not merely thousand- of the weafc and i gnorant in an unholv crusade against our i n Kill t hAnOfi nrlu *vP i txor { "ul wu, iiiMiioniiiiii ui uuici liiiiikt. ' spirits, who, reckless of consequences, ar* ; driving on to the accomplishment of then 'purposes; that it already has sufficient influence not to throw the South only, hui the whole Union into violent commotion ; that it is of sufficient importance to hi | courted by a powerful political party ir the non-slaveholding States; and that il commands a fulcrum upon which it wielded three of the most powerful &gonh . in the conduct of human affairs-? fanatl cism, -in(^ pi ess. If we are true to ourselves, there ma) be but little danger. If tho Rcpresenta ; lives of the South present an unhroker phalanx, and determine that, come wca come wo, the rights of their constituent! ! to hold their property shall not be discus ' i sed on this floor, there may be but little ' i danger. But if we are divided, we wil I discourage our friends at the North, If r ! portion of us insist that we shall fold qui I arms in indolent socurity, and depeni upon our battles being fought by others if wc allow this House to be convertet info an auxiliary abolition society, undei r the shsitt/w pretext th{\t all they want i. , t441lie right of petition," lhet'0 U danger th< I most imminent. What are the most prominent dangers i First, from I he increasing influence o this society, which may ere long contro ' the elections at the North, there isdangei J to the Union, Is there a man here with heart so deal j as not to feel grateful that his lot ha; .: been cast in this land of liberty ? Is then j one hero with spirit so humble as not t( feel proud that he is a citizen of a oountr) whoso Government is the admiration whose growth and prosperity are th< wonder, of tlie world? whose stars anc stripes are home in triumph over ever) sen, and ensure respect to the American name in the most distant parts of the earth?-?a country which, great, and g!o. rious. and powerful as she is. is, if tlii* Union continues, but an infant Hercules in the cradle. Although it may not he wise in us tr indulge the hop? ?lmt oar Republic wiT he exempt from the common fate cJ nations?although, itic unwel, viciion mav force itself u}yin oui ' minds that our admirable system of Gov. I eminent is destined ultimately to meel j the fate of all other human institutions I it is certainly legitimate to hope that, t when ages vet to conic shall have rolled ' their course in the tide of time, the politi; cal liberty and Union of these States will ! still continue. j L;t our aspirations, however, for the ; Union he as fervent as they may, this is a j question which we cannot yield, even il ; that greatest of all political evils except j the loss of nnr liberty should he the certain consequence?the dissolution of the Union, No, s;r; let us difTer as we may upon the subject of receiving abolition petitions, every man who treads on Southt ern soil is prepared to rally under the standard of Southern lights; and, if the t hour of trial should ever come, which God grant it never may, no citizen of a slaveholuing State can doubt his duty, | and lie who does not endeavor to perform it will he a coward or a traitor. If this Government, which was intended for the protection and henctit of all, should ever unhappily be made thy channel through which the institutions of the slnveholding states are assailed, and the peace of our firesides invaded, it is certainly nut necessary to point out the course which self! nrnonrf'jtlfin W ill 114 (ft J1 flont. If | J/IUOUI * 'tliwii " in v?? | v *? ? ? ? * ??- | j our Northern brethren shnil, ever by the . habitual agitation of this question on this i lloor, drive us from their embraces, the South will turn to the South ; she will j open her arms, and that young Republic, now rising beyond our Southern border i with institutions like our own, will rush i into her embrace. And thus, instead of ; the supposed evil which the excited imaginations of gentlemen have conjured J1 this <lCW;ire, "of (he annexation ?f Texas to the Union," Texas will be united to the Southern portion of the | Union. How far this Southern Confed! oracv mi?'ht he extended beyond the limits !?r IVxas I will not undertake to estimate, I because I will mako no estimato basod iij)on the occurrence of an ovont so abhor, rout to my feelings as a disruption in the present farriilv of political sisters. The next danger to which I w ill advert, ] from admission of abolition petitions by this House, is one of a physical charac I ter. I heliovo that our slaves arc as light* j hearted a race ??f beings as there u to be | found on the face of the earth, They are. I think, generally pretty well ; contented wills their condition, and will I probably remain so until taught different; ly hv the officious intermeddling of those who, whcth'T i^norantly or hypocritically, would most cruelly ppuv?:j?t into a galling ! yoke th <t servitude which they have i hitherto borne with cheerfulness. Tim slaves of the Sj^th in general appear to I entertain for their masters and their fnmi- ' f lies not only respect and esteem, hut c , i sincere friendship. They, however, exist a i among us a separate raec, and are capable , c , I of being converted into our deadliest f f I enemies. jt It would, sir, he indelicate to alludeTo a |< | danger to the brave constituency ropre- 1 1 ! sen toil on this floor bv tlie gentlemen j ' I ] from the sluvoholding States, if the ' y i ! 1 danger was one that could he repelled by j' M ii_ 1. : 1,, 11, 1 r g,l|ii!l>il V It noij iMinutci) uiu uj'wu I enemy, hut the midnight murderer, of!* ' ! whom I speak. From generally concert- j < led, extensive insurrections, we have!' | # ' la nothing to Pear; hut the scene which was | y , witnessed in Southampton, Virginia, in ' | 1 the district represented by my friend, Mr, j, Wise, in 1831, is sufficient to convince !( I us of the tragedies that may he perpotra-11 1 ted in particular neighborhoods hy a few j ( J deluded, bloodthirsty wretches. Upon i r, that occasion there were less than fiftv i < . t i slaves engnfjed ; and in a single nijjht,! i 0 O ' O O ' j t j in a sparsely-settled nc:ghborhoo l, there ;: > were about fifty murders?the father, the I < ! j mother, and bain? being involved in an in1 j discriminate butchery, : f} I will not insult the gentleman j aOili Massachusetts, (Mr. Adams,) not. j I : withstanding the inconsiderate cxpres- f i ' i ' i j sions which he has more than once used I r 1 on this floor, by asking if, in his estima-'s . I tion, there is any attribute of the 1) ity, i i j or any principle of humanity or religion,; i I which would have impelled hint to have, | ? I aided these deluded wretches in pcrpetra-! I ting this horrid massacre? or whether, if,; ; i in his power, lie would not have been I ' compelled, as a patriot, a man, and a [ 1 j Christian, to have aided in suppressing h J J thorn, and in asserting the supremacy of! law ? I will not ask the gentleman to j J reply. My own heart has already an- ? r, swered for him. And yet ho must know 41 that a repetition of such scenes is one of; , the nrobablo consequences which must : ' I ? 1 } result from the cruel delusions which | ? such incendiary expressions arc calculated ' f to produce on our slnvos, as well as from ^ I the consideration of abolition petitions r hero, 1f, however, we believe the anti-slavery ' I advocates, they would not purchase the email-j s cipalion of the blacks by the murder of the j , whites. K'n'h tender.hearted gentlemen, ! } j pity it is that you 6hould be so misrepresen j I led! 13ul in an account which was published ' { some yea.a ago by the National Intelligencer ' ' j of an attempt made by a slave in this city to ! ' ( murder his own mistress, a .Mrs. Thornton,! I 1 and who, all the lime that ho was engaged ' r | in his hellish attempt, was repeating a pub- ; i j lication which lie had learned from an anti- j , - slavery paper, and which by its appeals to I ' j hie passions had turned him frantic?ir; the ( j adJress which I he abolitionists have recently ' inade, not to the masters but to the slaves ot ' j the United States?and in resolutions which I they have adopted at various of their meet> ings, we have some evidence of the truth of | this declaration. Vile slanderers of the citi-j r; sen reputation of the South, we believe you J not; but, in your hypocri'ioal Jtones, we recug| nise the bay of the bloodhound titrating uur own blood. |, As a specimen of such meetings as have t shrown off all reserve, I w ill quote a part of M t the proceedings unanimously adopted li at a |' meeting of the Liber y I'artv, lied December | 'J9th, 1?41, at the town of Williamsburg, . I Kings county, New York:" 11 * Whereas we believe that Arneuean s'av- ( 1 ery is contrary to aii Divine law, and thai, lo j ' use the words of John West ley, it is the sum ! of all villany;' Therefore, j i u Itesolved, That should the siaves at the I | ^ I South endeavor to gain their natural r glitn L and liberty, peaceable if they can, forcibly if | ; ; they must, we should not feel hound to aid in t J extinguishing the sacred 11.tine; but, in me ; k | words of the nnble-heartcd Democrat, VVil-j y , Jiam Leggot, 4we would pray that the bailie ( might go wjth the oppressed." | \ i "Whereas the slave power, by striking ( s down rhe right of petition, lynching citizens r of the free North, breaking ojien the mails, ! and passing inspection and other arbitrary 'laws, is making coniiiiuaj cricreaciiments j ' ! upon the liberty of the Slates: Therefore, u Revived, That it is high lime that these ' | things should cease, for the time is fast Hp. s proachmg when slavery must be abolished, c I by peaceable means, uR " ; Because we refu e to allow resolutions and pe itions of this character fo be received by jv , fittf Hh'.i/Ct 18 \{ HQt monstrous that the gen- ! tlemen from Massachusetts should endeavor '" to excite the prejudices of our brethren of the f nonslaveholding Slatesjagainst usjby constant- i < ly declaring that the rights of the North are I J -s I ; outraged, and that we are by the 4421st ru e I c i driving this Union to its dissolution ?" How j J much better would it become huR to use his i great weight of chaiacter in endeavoring to i soothe instead of exciting sectional prejudices | I Why will he persist in agitating this subject, * I when he has it in his power by a different I f course to become almost the 44 second Saviour t of hiJ country;" and, instead of being cxecra- j j ted bv a portion, to have Ins memory em- j f balmed in ..the grateful recollections of the I i Peoole of :i!! the States, North and South? Having, as I tnink,?Ui?cp$$fu"y shown that ^ the gentleman is wrong in his unqualified denunciation of the 2lst rub*, I will now pro- u j cevd to show th^t the prejudice so frequent- c i i . ??,! r\tImrs fn ho OX. r ily attempted uy inuwvi. ohm Vv..~,- , . cited against tin* institution, upon tue ground ( that iris inconsistent with the principles of f our Government, is equally unfounded. That the expressions used in the Declaration of I ndependoirco that ** all tnen are by nature equal," Stc. when mlended to have no 1 ' reference whatever to our slave population, is 11 evident from the fact that slavery existed .n ' r thia country at the lime that declaration was j made; ami ?lU? fruia flic fact that I hope who ( adopted it wore themselves slaveholders. The battles ?f the Uevolntion were no iqoro I, , fought for our slaves, nor have I hey under j j our Government any more political rights, i 1 : than they would have il still wander ng over! | the burning plains of Jfrica, j r So far from this institot on being urcongen- j ' ial with a Republican Government, it is more J | useful in such a Govermu<'nt tiian in any other; ' j for, as paradoxical as it ma v appear on a su- ! perticial view, it is nevertheless capable of j j demonstration tint domestic slavery produces r equality ami nurtures a spirit of liberty among i ' the citizen population of a r.ouiitry. Whore . I domestic slavery'docs not exist, rn.etiial; s and domestic offices are peiformed by :1 t ! portion of the poor among tl?c citizen pop- j.<j j ulution, and this JcgruJufbu of a few uf- j I ects the rc.spccfahilititv nf the en:ire lass to which they belong. The pin>r 101I the rich thus bocomo divided into dasses, and ?hc freohorn and Inhering >oor, although perhaps more virtuous than heir ?i?*l? neighbors, are treated as infcri>rs. I know that this evil is less porcep. ible in the notislavcholding States of this Union thill) in any other jiart of the voiId where this institution does not exist, >ecause the duties of domestic servants ire in ih*on performed to a great extent >y colored people. I will, however, ask he gentlemen of the iionslaveholding Stales, it' (his inequality of classes does lot exist even among them to an extent .vliich precludes the poor farmer and laboring mechanic oftho privilege of nsso bating with the wealthy upon terms of equality. ? Whether, in other words, the joor are not only excluded upon tern s of jquality at the tables and parlors of the rich, hut whether, if in their hours of re. rcation, t icy visit the premises of their icli neighbors, they are not compelled to tssociale with hostlers, cow wenches, ^tianitbcrinaids, and bootblack-.? [? ' re several gentlemen from the non. slavcholding States dissented.] iMr. C. proceeded. This state of things, it is true, may not exist in the neighborhoods of particular gentlemen, but it is to some extent the necessary state of society where domestic slavery Joes not exist; and I will ask if such a state of society is congenial wtth the principles of a Government based on the broad foundation of equality in its citi /.on population ? Equality among its citizens!* the cornor-stonc of a lie-public; si ml (ho spirit nfindependence which equality produces ami cherishes is Hie vestal that fans the lire that burns on the alter of Liberty ? And I defy contradiction when 1 say that an entire exemption from the perform, a nee ofmonial and degrading olfices pro. duces equality, and nurtures a spirit o! independence in the citizen population ol a country. L Imund Burke, one of tin most philosophic statesmen that tin world has ever produced, when ndvocn tin'r in the British Parliament, in 17To ~ w a conciliatory course towards this conn, try, made allusion to this tendenoy ol domestic slavery. Ill speaking of its in flue nee on "tiu? then Southern Ainericai colonies, now the Southern States of the glorious old thirteen, he said, "the haugh tiness of domination comhines with th< spirit of freedom, fortifies i', and render? it invincible," It is this influence, s> combined with another cause, which wr have seen so fully exemplified in our owr history, and which has so often sounded the t?*eein in the sta velmMirtg Suites, when the course ofeventshas threatened danger to the Constitution through the exercise of undelegated powers l?y the Federal head. Domestic slavery is not only denounced as anii-rcpublican, hut it is also con. donincd >s irreligious Not only has the gentleman from Massachusetts pronoun, ced it a "sin and a misfortune," hut I have seen resolutions adopted at anlislavery meetings, declaring that it was a *' h I on Christianity to say that a slaveliolder can he a Christian." As I have already remarked, wo are not sent here to convert this Ii<tII into a hoologicaI seminary, or to discuss ques. ions of rcl:gi??n an I morality; hut ns such Vequent allusions have been made to the 4 st) of slavery." as it is called, with a row, I presume, of alarming the cotisci:ncos of our constituents, I will ask in vhat ago of the world, in what state of looietv, under what religions dispensation. >r under what form of government, ha* davcry not existed ? In every ago of iio world, since our (wironts wi re driven nit of the garden of M ien?in every state >f society where man has made the lirst dej) in the march of civilization?under ivcrv form of government, patriarchal, nonarcliical, aristocratic, or republican ? inJcr every religious dispensation, Pafan, Jewish, Mahomed in, or Christian? irder the Jewish Theocracy in imperial lonio, in democratic Creecc?undet the lespotisms of Asia, the monarchies of Europe, and the republics of North Amcri a, domestic slavery has existed. Domestic slavery not only existed, hut t existed in its most absolute form, at the ime and under the government that our saviour was born, lived, and was cru :i ied; tho master having not on'y the right o the personal services of his slave, hut he right to take his life, without any orin of trial whatever: a right which was icld so sacred, that it was uncontrollable iven by the authority of the Roman Emicror, and remained uncontrolled by hunan law more than s'.xfy years arter the :ommencement of the Clatstian era. when ho inhuman practice of exposing slaves o wild beasts, without permission first ibtaincd from llic magistrate, was prohibcd. Sac!) was slavery when our Saviour iveij, and wlion his first apostles preachfd his Gospel. Rut although frequently ecognisod, it is nnwitore forbidden with n tho lids of the Bible. Among other hings, to covet your 4* neighbor's man ervant or his maid servant" is forbidden, mit slnvcrv now!,ere within (he lids of he Bible," Do men profess to he the xvurkshippera if the Ainvghtv, nucj to believe that he ins in merey revealed fits wi(| to (ho Mien rate of* Adam. and dar? to *ay t'lul il s imperfectly done? lint some may think I lint (ho ?fl'den ule of "doin<; to others as we would that hey should do unto us*' should he reduced ileraily into practice. I will not ask ucli persons t?? " lake the heam out of heir own eye." I have, however, already hown that the effects of eirnnorpt tinn at he South would s;?ecil|!y terminate either in the extinction of the European or Africa ii race there. And now I will nak these wise acres, whether lhc\r awppnae that frocdo n would he a Jbnon that would he accepted hv the infirm and old, whr> in their present condition, are fed, and ' clothed, and sheltered and attended witli as much care as the young nrnl nWe-bodieel? Or from what source do they sop: pose that the mister would he able to . preserve the feeble and superamnted i from starvation, if the young and activ? were liWated? Tim obligations betwee* the mister and slave are reciprocal a rut every slave knows that he has as great a right to demand from his master a ewns. I or la hie support in his old age as the rooster hus to demand from him a modcraW* degree of labor in his youth. To judge from the situation of the negro race in Africa, as described by all : travellers, no man of candid mind can I doubt that our slaves have been benehltcd I>y tho exchange. Tlmir situation is not only better than that of tho nbjeet Afri? ran negro in bis nntivo land, laboring [ der tho most savage barbarism and jhfgra. I ding superstitions thai ever felt|*f??l the , imagination or corrupted the heart, but ( doubt if they do not constitute the best provided for laboring class on the Pace of : the en th, except only the white laboring people < f o ir own country, where lands are still happily so cheap that they are easily procured by the frugal and indti*. trious. Their situation will certainly compare advantageously with that of the starvmg country men of the Irish demagogue, notwithstanding that he lias prn. nouaced us "the felons of the human race" for allowing this institution to exist on o'jrsail. I do not know a slave that . Hj pear- to he in want of tho sulvatantial comforts of life, and I scarcely know on? that does not appear to he contented with , his cond lion. liv this institution they ; have been rescued from the dark cloud of ignoranco and superstition which over. i .-diudows hunightrd Africa. By it they ' have l>ecn converted from savages inlo I civilised lutings; many of Ihnn from Pa* t to Christianity; all of them from t the grossest idolatry to a knowledge of .; the true God, Cnn y<?u doubt that they f have been hem fitted by the exchange? I have never visited Europe, but I havo j- s< c;i pictures <>f the distress, of the HufT-r. ing co:id''?on of much of her population* ; that wou'd draw tears of omnpassioQ front ' our very slaves Wrinhaa not nwd, hy ' f evrrv arrival from Great B itain for th? I i-1 v?ar, 'he most heart rending account* :! of th< frightful distress prevai'ing amang ' the poor in her manufacturing district", ? where hundreds and thousands of out f ilow creatures are suffering for the want i of bread? In the language of their own I papers. 44 The means of employment , taken away, the doors of the workshop | i closed in insolvency, and the gates of the , [ factory chained fast by bankruptcy, star.. vaiion meets the fathers of ?!???? j they return to their hoinrs, and if they I lly from the cries of their childrt n to seek, relief abroad, there is (fought to greet ; them in the streets hut despair." * In many I parts of the kingdo n, persons are said to f he actually dving of starv r oi. The uholi hoists of Great Britairi m y unite wit i the abolitionisms or (hi* I country in shading crocodile tears over the funciod saffrinps of the A'ricnn race, 1 when I compare the si tint ion of our well. ; for1, contented slaves, with the furnishing j coid t on of the millions of their country men who are without employment or th? means of support, it appears to me that theio is much more occasion fur their | sympathies at home. In view of tho condition of thiifgs existing there, it ap. Dears to me that a system in which th? liw and humanity both combine to en. j sure a comforlahlc support to the laborer f when he is no longer able to work, is at least as consonant with the principles of * i justice and humanity as that which en\. ploys iiiin for a hate subsistence as Ion# : as his labor is profi able to the employer, and (hen turns him out tu starve, ; 1 fed that ( owe seme apology to th? 1 committee for having occupied so much I nFifu i.rrm m auswciinu incidental re " *' ' o ina'kaof the gentleman from Massachusetts upon subject* no irrelevant to the question before, ifi b^t remarks of the 1 same character have so Of<'qiiently been, j made by the gentleman and ulhera wilb* j out reply, that 1 determined oo k>Mge; t<X I remain a silent spectator. Smue gentle* | men may think that I have taken e.\treqrio i positions; hut I have given to the subject much consideration, and have said noth* ng in the course of my remarks that I would, if in my power, recall. There are still other remarks of tho gentlemin upon which [ am disposed Iq j ton :h; but as several gentlemen are | dently anxious to he heard in reply to him, and as the debate must, under the rule of the House, soon touuiivMe* I W>U yield the floor to another. Defore I do ao^ i however, permit me to return my thank* | to those patriotic gentlemen from the ! non-slaveholding States who have hither*. ; to done all in their powc to prevent this I body being made the channel ofincendu ' M'i-sfn between the abolitionists of tliQ : Xo' Ih and the slaves of the South. ( ' 1 * -1 a in ifnll.dnirm. OXIlfir^ UJKIJI 10 |i<.'iacv?;tc ,,, K--,g. 'i'lic permanency of the Tnion depends l,|!pn WUr maintaining tii?> position which, 1 through their aid, vvc have been enabled * j tu assipite, ; d\.-yr-There was a part of Mrx ! A da en's speech lowhj ?rli it was my intention ta havw replied; hut in my unxicty I not to occupy an undue fn>rtinn of the f time qlloftcd by a resolution of the House | to the debate, a nolo which J had taken and upon which I intended to base the replv, escaped my observation, lie had stated in effect that, ** in the event of any <?f the .*ilaveiiu|din^ State.* f applying to t.engross to suppress msur, 1 ret lion, C'iiugress^wo.uid obtain full and . ' ' I