Newspaper Page Text
3iM THRILLING APPEAL! The Hew York Beacon published the following from ail English Chartist paper, in Leeds, England: THE BABY SPKIMtLINO. A Starvation Anthem from the Royal . Christening. Bring forth the babe in pomp and lace. While thousands starve and curse the light! But what of that??on royal face *11 L" Alnoli li/wKoror ulirrlit DOiinit; DIIUH a HU uiu3ii| nun? ?vi sm^u? Bring forth the babe; a nation's moans W ill ring sweet music in his ear. For well we knew a people's gro?ns, 1*6 royal ears were always dear. Bring forth the babe?down, cour'iers, down! -T And bow your lacquey knees in dust, Before a child's beslobber'd gown? (Our children cannot find a crust.) When Christ was born, no servile throng Around the Saviour's manger mot; * "No flatterers raised their fulnoine song, But what was Christ to Albert's pel/ God, who lias heard the widow's moan, God, who has heard the orphan's cry; Tliou, too, dust upon a throne, But none round thee of famine die! Things like this babe of royal birth, Who boast their princely right du vine," Are but thy parodies on earth?* Their's is oppress ion?inefCy thifie. ' Bring forin the babe ! From foreign | lands Fresh kingly vampires flock to greet Tuis flew one in it* nurse's hands, (For royal mothers give no teat;) Bring forth the toy of princely whim, And let your prayers mount night and day; For ought we not not to pray for him, Who'll prey onus enough some day ! 0 ! who would grudge to squander gold On such a glorious babe as this/ What though our babes be starved and r?ld, . They have no claim on earthly bliss, Ours are no mongrel German breed. But English born, and English bred; Then let them live and die in need, While the plump Coburg thing is fed! Christen the babe. Archbishop proud; Strange servant wfthe lowly Christ / Thousands are to your purse allowed ; For him the smallest loaf sufficed. Though holy water's scanty now, My lord you may dismiss your fears; Take, to baptise the infant's brow, ^ A starving people's bitter tears. ' Popularity. A scene in a Lawyer's Office, Enter Quaker. Lawyer.?Well, Thotnos. how is thy i u l. 1 ? _l..4 *l.?4 .1 Iieailll I l am ^tau mat IIICC uas mnuii the trouble to call. Quaker.?I do not trouble gentlemen j or thy profession very often ; but I have \ called Ihw afternoon to pay some money j th thee* As we friends do not believe in j training men in the art of killing men systematically, they oblige us to pay for the enjoyment of our principles ; and I understand thee is?I forget what military people call it?the mau who receives the constitution money. Layeyet ?Yes, 1 wish I could get off ns Well as you do: whereas it costs me ten times that sum, besides eight or ten days drilling every year. But what renders , that task more Unpleasant is, tho reflection that always arises when I sec the banner dying and the drums beating around me, that the object of ail this preparation is to train us in the art of destroying each other. And I always ! think of the peaceful settlement of Pennsylvania by Penn. My grandfather was a Quaker, and 1 have always admired their plainness of dress, simplicity or language and pacific sentiments. In short, Thomas, I have often thought that | if we were all Quakers, society would j resemble the state of our first parents in Eden. Quaket*-+\V e sliall never be all Qiiaketa, ao long as so many of us are hypo. ? rites, and so long as hypocrites have so much influence. If thy grandfather was a Quaker, I am sorry thee lias so degenerated from thv ancestors. The scruples j tliee profess alrout military duty, condemn thee; for thee must be deluded by the dovil to violate thy conscience at so great expense. Thee speaks our language flippantly and admires our dress?thy ordinary dialect, and thy fashionable > black coat, figured vest, and gaudy watch embellishments, are incontestible pr?n>fs of thy insincerity. Thee eulogizes Penn ! ?I iiavp heard thee eulogize Nauoleon as acquainted \wih this sport know thai j r heft t1;c gcniiwliUfi tl.rowa the !;u??p o;? ring, over the head of the lady, he has a i right to a kiss. After playing sometime [ the gentleman threw the ring over the j head of the lady, and he started for the . k ss. She ran and put out the light, went out of the room, in the kitchen, and told the colored girl, to go into the parlor and light the lamp, and to open the door vepy quietly and make as little noise as passible. The girl did as she was ordered. Mr. was was waiting on his tip-toe |, at the door for a "good one;"? as the J servant girl entered the room he caught, her and kissed h?r; and in a moment | heard Miss clapping her hands and Ji laughing most heartily, because Mr. kissed the cook. Gentlemon should l>c careful about kiss, ing the ladies in the dark. A Glass fok the Intemperate. Who hath wo? Who ha'h sorrow ? Who hath contentions ? Who hath wounds without cause / Who hath redness of eyes ? They that tarry long at the wine ! They that go to seek mixed w ine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red?when it gives its color in the cup; when it inov. eth it. self a. right. At the last it hit. eth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. ' SEED PEAS. j WANTED 2ft or .30 bushels of good | c seed peas. Enquire at this office, or of r JJr. D. McNair. J BONNETS, HOODS AND BAND BOXES. , Ladies and A/isses, Florerce and Straw Bon- ^ nets. Ladies Coloured Hoods. For sale by 1 A. i\ LACOSTE. c Octobet27, 1841. 60 tf CASH SYSTEM CONTINUED!* \ TI1E TIMES are such as to compel the i Subscriber to ccnti.ue the Cash System Groceries and all articles in that line will ,t be sold for Cask only. Persons whose accts. i e and notes still remain unpaid, will please un-1a derstand that no new credits will he given '1 until all old arrearages are settled in full. 11 D. AJ ALLOY. 1 POLE BOAT FOB SALE. 1 THE Pole Bout James R Ervin will l?e sold on favorable terms. She is i ow on the * way up and will be delivered to the purchaser on her arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. 1 d. m alloy. f w. & t. bailey a. Co. d James u. cole. December 4, 1841. 4 SWEET POTATOES. ONE HUNDRED Bushels of good size poia. Iocs, for ublo use, in fine condition, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. April 13, 22 tf FOR SALE. A SPANISH JACK fioin the fiee Tort of , Ivihrnller in Spain. He is about four years old, fourteen hands high, of compact form, j - - ? -- ? ? o ? ? r highly. I have observed the duplicity ; tiiee uses for popularity. Thee reads u i sermon for tln? Presbyterian's in the ; morning when they have no preaching. ! Thee goes in the afternoon and leads { kinging for the Churchmen. In the j evening thee goes to the Universalists' j meeting. Thee admires the immersion ! of the Baptist, and the camp meeting of | the Methodist, and the plain dress and < language of the Friend. I will tell thee triend, thee strongly reminds inc of my brown horso. 1 once employed an honest Irishman to labor for me. I sent Patrick ivit one morning to catch inv brown Worse. Now the brown horse ran in the pasture, in the middle of which was a (Urge square pond. Patrick was gone n flong time, and at length returned with the ilteast, alter having chased him several :tiines round the pond. u Well, Patrick," said I, "on which side of the pond did thee find the horse?" "Truth," said jpatrick, "and I found him on all sides." A KISS IX TIIR DARK. The Cleveland Herald tells the follow, ing story, which we copy for the benefit of affectionate young gentlemen. It is a regular Virginia hrcak down : A young lady and gentleman wore one i evening [ilavinr* the *'(iraeos." nn l thnne ! A- I". LAl/UO 1 ??? October 27, 1841. 5Uil J <j FAXCV AXI) STAPLE ' DRY < iOOD.S. A few Fancy, and a laroe and well selected , stock of Staple Dry Goods for sale low by i A. 1\ LACOSTE. ? October 27, 1941. 50 tfj fine hone, pretty in color, being a dapple; is (| very tnme and gentle. lie will bo sold on libera.! terms to an approved purchaser. Apply to B. BRYAN ?fc BRO. , M 10, 1642. 26 4t " a Corn Wanted. WANTED to pttrthaw ftom 1000 to .TOOO I( Bushels com to be delivered in Choraw or at any of the landings ('.own the river, for, which the highc t market price will be paid D. McNAIR. ( April 11, 1842. 22 tf J WOOD. I HEREBY tender to my late customers in the Wood lino, my grateful acknowledgemehts, for the liberal patronage, I Imvc received at 1 heir hands, and would now most respectfully I requost/that they would continue to give their h orders to Major D. R. W. Mclvcr, to w hom I li have sold my land, and who is fully prepared to p deliver any quantity ot weod that may be rcqui* f r d. All orders for Wood left at my store, will be sent to the residence of Major Mclver. A. P. LaCOSTE. Janunry 12, 1812. 12 tf ?OOD IS A RU A IAS. TH E Subscriber has on hand many article- ' ot Merchandise not now in his line of bus ^ siness; and which he has no room in iiis sore tor, ftiiMtic' gooas win be sold very cheap. 11 They couniFt of tlie following articles, via P Negro Cloths (a good article) While Pla;n?, ^ Blanket Overcoats, Duftil Blankets, Bale Rope, ^ Brass And Irons, Shovels and Tongs, Jugs and ^ Jars, Pots and Ovens, trott and Steel, Hardware CrOokery, Ac, G. 11. DtlNLAF. Novembor. tO, IS4I 5J tf SADDLER V. 1 A very large assortment of Boys, Men*, and I J Ladies Saddles. Also, Bridles, A/artingales, * Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, (Jig, Sufkcy, ' and Carryall Harness, Slirrup Irons, Girths and Surcingles. Tor sale very cheap by A. P. LACOSTE. .. October 27th 1841. 50 U IIATS ASD CAPS* 15 Dozen Gentlemens' and Boys, Black and Drab Fur Hats, 0 28 Dozen Wool Hats, A Lofge stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. Ictte Caps, ( For sale by * /. P.LACOSTE. B *1500 PAIR SHOES, Comprising every varie'v, and for sale on ac* cominodating terms. i ti r a t' THE CniCORA, OR MESSENGER (JF tlJE SOUTH. Under thin title, the Subscriber* propose pahliahing in the City of Charleston. a W kkki.t Paper to he devoted to LITERATURE, SCI. ENCE, the ARTS, MECHANICS, AGRI. CULTURE, EDUCATION, and GENERAL INTELLIGENCE?in a word, to whatever may impart instruction or afford amusement to each class, profession or calling, of our people. In politics and roligion The Chicora will occu- i .... n..ntral around; vet sutii'dcul atten- I \>J R" lion will be paid to both, to enable tlie Reader J to learn how prospers the religious and political 1 condition of the country. A paper devoted to the purposes abnvo stated, has long been a desideratum at tile South; and it is to meet this, that The Chieora is now proposed to bo issued. The Subscribers are aware their promises may apjiear too confident, after the rep aterl failure of Southern periodicals; but they bag leave to any, that ho complete are the arrangements they have made?so extensive the correspond nco they have secured?so valua b!c the aid, both of Northern and Southern talent they have enlisted?that with the kindly feelings und liberal patronage of the South, they have no (bars for the result. The Literary Department of the Chicoka, will be supplied with articles of rare and substantial in< rit, with reviews and critiques of all the new works oftho day, and with original tales, sketches, works of fiction, biographies and poetry from the pens of several of the most gifted luthors, both of tlie North and South. The Scientific and Mechanical Department will be enriched with essays and illustrations from individuals high in public estimation, as thoroughly practical men. which, together with the Agricultural Communication* already secured to the paper from various portions of the coun. try. will form a compondlum of useful inslruction invaluable to the artisan and the planter. In the Department of General Intelligence, -he subscribers believe the Ciiicora will takers ( iland, which will not be surpassed by any lournal of the Union. As one ot the Sub icriiiers will make it hi* constant business to visit ivery section of our country ; and through means >f an extensive acquaintance already possessed n the cities of our sca-boird and the West, a ve^kly correspondence will be established with 1 fk>?ion, New York, Philadelphia* Baltimore, iVashingtor., Cincinnati, and New Orleans, | hrough which will bo obtained, not only the sarliest infotmalion in regard to all foreign and lomestic matters of importance, Prices Current >f Southern products and monetary affairs of noinent in the different States, but also the , (pinions of judicious men in regard to Cummer:ial prospects, and matters of an economical, :ivil, and political character. Nor since j A little folly now and then, Is relished by the wi est men, !o they intend to exclude those lighter articles of ' nformation, familiarly designated the chit chat I 1 the day, which, while they may serve to aniuso t weary or listless hour, have at the same lima ho higher eff-ct of acquainting us with the < iharacter and customs of our Northern and /< iVastern neighbors, and connecting more closely ho bonds of unity betweeu us. I Feeling assured then of their ability to meot , lie wishes of the Southern community, and to stahlish a paper on the most approved, useful | nd popular plan, and hereby pledging themselves | hat no exertion shall be wanting on their part, tot only most fully to redooin, but even to exceed lie promises they make, they respectfully solicit he patronagonl the good people of South Carons and her sister States. 1 The Chicora will be printed on an imperial 1 heel, of the very best p iper and type, and shall ' e embellished with portraits of our distinguished i en, and views illustrative of our scenery. The I nice will be tS t??r ? ???"?> pwjabhj upon the eiivcry of tho first Number. N. S DODGE. ?l B.R.CARROLL. March 13 26 rAMDLfiS AMD SOAP. Spenn, Margarine and Tallow Candles Bar and Perfumed Saop. Fo. Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Octolier 27. 1841. 50 tf - ? ? - , B BRYAN 8l BROTHER, bold a lease on the lower wharf near the old Fe'ry >an< ing, and will charge each for tha priv. lege of landing discharging anil loading. Each Steam Boat, Three Dollars. Each Pole Bout, Tow Boat or Lighter, Twe dollars. I Each Cotton Flat loaded or built, One Dollar nd Fifty Cents. With the privilege of remaining one week, anger at a corresponding rato. Chcraw, Sept. 28, 1841. 46 tf M'ORTSttAXS POWDER. ONE Case English Can inter Rifle Powder, manufactured by "Pigous & Wilks," Lon* ion, lor sale by the Canister. D. MALLOY. May 28, 1841. 29 tf "THE SUBSCRIBE*" I >URCHASED recently in New York a \cry leavy and general assort r.ieut of Goods wh b lave all come to hand, and hte now off? u i 1 hem at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric B or Casii or Produce. A. P. LAC0ST6. October 27th 1841. 50 IF Committed rO tho Jail of Chcsicrneld District ; Asa' runaway, n negro matt, who calls his name j lingleton, and says he belongs to John Hates | lear Columbia S. C-, Singleton is of dark cotrt j t'exion about thirty years of age, ah'd aboill six i ect high. The owner is requestod to cu?ne | orwaril, prove his property, pay expenses artd 1 ike him away. JOltX EVANS, S. C. n. May 25, 1842. 29 tf lUectionT" [N Pur.Uance of an order received from Col. J. W. Blakeney, an elcC'mn for Major of ?wcr Battalibn 2^th Rfgiuent South Cirolina dilitia will be held at Moore's Hotel on Sa ur[ay the 9th day of July ncxt4 Liout. C. I. Shiver and Ensign J. it. Mclver, re hereby ordered to assist in conducting said lection. u. r. rtiii ris, uapt. Beat No. 1. May *{. 18-41 68 Tlio Pol 6 ojxJri from I i tfelock A, M. to 3 .'clock P.M. PA Lin LEAF IlAT?, I AA D zen Mrh*' Boys' and elnldretis; j Palm I?eal Hate, just received and Tor ale bill. MalLoy. March 8, 1841 1? tf n" ? 1Tailoring Business, l^" NICHOLSON having cothincnced the above business in the hod so formerly | iccupied by t II. Rosser. solicits a share of Mlrooage. He tVl* assure:! from hi* exp?*rimac lit (lie business, thai he is able to give v:iti?tnefinn. Pef?ons ontrus'ine him % itli tlxeir w ork irt iy expect it dune in the heel 1 nanner. Cutting and repairing done with! iceuncy. durability, and despatch. .May '21, 181*2 & 4t I CAROLINA CCILPSE. THIS highly bred and much adinmd horse will stand th?* present season at or near Bennetsvillb, atone or two other places in Marlborough District, and at the stables of John McLean in Robeson County, N. C. He is a red sorrel, without white except a small star; five years old, fifteen and a hall hands high, and cf extraordinary hone and muscle. In color, size, bone, sinew and mus. cle, he greatly resembles hie grandsire, the famous American Eclipse, admitted on all hands to be one of the best horses, if not the very best, ever owned in tins country, whether native or imported. Ii may be slated as evidence of the extraordinary constitution ol American Eclipse, now standing in Kentucky, that although twenty-eight years old, "he is still" says the N. Y. Spirit of tl j Times "in possession of fine health and betrays few iudi cations or his advanced age ana long service. There are very few instances of such vigor at his age." Carolina Eclipse is put at the very low price of $S the single leap, payab c at the time.' 812, the season, payable at the close of the season ; and $15 for insuring, payable when the mare is ascertained to be in foal, or when she is traded ; with 50 cents to the groom.? His form, strength, and blood eminen;]y claim for him the attention of persons who wish to raise horses "for all work,"?for the saddle, light draught, and farm or plantation use. And the low price at which he is put will enable any who wish good horses to avail themselves of his services. Though a horse of great life and spirit, he is of quiet temper and tractable disposition. Great care will be taken to avoid accidents, but no liability will be incurred for any which may happen. PEDIGREE. lie was got by Festival, considered by Capt, Harrison, an experienced breeder, trainer, and racer, who had him in his stables a season, "the best son of Eclipse." His dam was by Oflimus; and his grand dam was out sfa Bell.Air mare, got by old Sir Archie, the best horse of his day in America. FESTIVAL was by American Eclipse; his dam by Timoleon ; grand dam by Young Tup : g. g. dam by Umpire ; g. g. g. dam by Grey Diomed ; ? S- 8- ? dam hy Wild-Air. Young Tup was by imported Tup; he by Javelin out of Flavia. Young Tup's dam was by A/ask, and he by imported Shark, out of imported Virago, Umpire was by imported Shark, out ai i nntif mftu ol a mare oy imported cud. uriuiuo was by iUadisou; he by the old imported Diomed the sire of Sir Archie. Oplimua was out of A/elvina, the dam 01 5 stock horses ; she was by imported Knows, ley; her dam by imi>orted Spread Eagle; her prand dam by Nimrod ; her g. g. dam by Wild-Air, her g. g. g. dam the noted mare Little Willis, the dam of Brilliant, Nimrod and Herald. Little Willis was by old Janus; and he by Col. Baylor's Shock. It will be seen from this pedigree that most of the very best crosses of which this country can boast, meet iu Carolina Eclipse. Although mere racers, are not the horses for the farmer, yet it is admitted by all that racing is a fair trial of the strength, bottom and constitution of a horse. It is therefore stated that Festival, the sire of Carolina Eclipse, though only a short time on the turf distinguished himself in these respects at all distances from two to four mile heats. In his first race at Nottoway Va. in the spring of 1632, two mile heats, he distanced his competitor tiie second heat. In the fall of the same year, at Milledgviile, Ga. three mile heats, he easily won the Jockey Club purse, id two heats. The same season, at Lexington, Ga. in a race for the Club purse, three mile heats, while leading his competitors his rider suf. fered him to run too near the rim of the inside track, against which he stumbled and fell, causing him to lose (he race. The same week at the same place he beat all his riva s in 3 mile heats, the best 3 in 5. The next spring, at Lawrenceville, Va, he ran four mile heats, with Ironette, Anvil, Row-Galley, and Waller Cook. Although he was in bad condition, having not fully recovered from the effects of distemper, and owing to his rider being sick, he was obliged to carry 3 lb. over weight, he lost the first heat only by the neck, and the second by only a few feet, lronotte ieading him; Row.Galley aud Walter distanced, and Anvil (afterwaids sold for $>10000) barely laving his distance. At New Market, Va, the next season, he started with eleven other horses, and led them all the first heat. But his feet being tender from a recent founder, he was then withdrawn. Two weeks afterwards. his feet yet sore, he was barely beaten by the fine racer, Duke of Or cans, in four mile heals al Baltimore, [lis manager still, with great cruelty and lack ol judgment, conlinu. ing to run him itt this condition of his feet, he let doyen in ohe of his fore legs, in four mile heals at Norfolk, two weeks after his Baltimore race, and was withdrawn Irom the turf But his trials most abundantly proved bis illretJgth* tpeed and bottom, With extraordinary powers of endurance. In good condition he never was beaten; in bad 'Condition* when be ought never to have been run, he always won by his performance the admiration of every judge. 1"he half sister of Festival?Gol. Hampton^ fanny, by Eclipse?is the only racer of the first class in the united Slates which has not been beaten within this last six months* by some youhger aspirant after fame. Besides twice receiving forfeits* one from 10 coinpetu tore* she has run al least ll races and never was beaten. Lightness and waht of strength is the objection to racers as work horses, but this ofajetiioh does not apply to the Eclipse Block. Afdrek lsi, 184'-2. CANDLES A.fcw Box Ta.low and Sperm Candles Tor salts by MALLOY. Mav 31, 1841. 20 tf PROVISIONS. * ? I? I I 17l?.,fc AfOWJ kuppijf u I liai; Jili LMIU) t iwiu uiru Meal on hand and for salo the lowest market price-. b. M ALLOY* Ahrch i. 18 17 tf_ !> the Common PleAs. Chesterfield District, lienrv Easterling, 1 beclaralhm vs. > on note in O. VV; Booth. ) Attachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff1 in this action did en this day tile hie Declaration against G. W. Booth, the defendant, who is absent from and without the limiis of the State (as it is said.) and having neither wife or attorney known Opoh whom a copy of the above Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; It is thefefore in pursuance of the Acts ot the General Assembly of this State in such cast s, made and provided; Ordered that the defends nut, do plead thereto on or before the twenty, sixth day of December next, otherwise final and absolute judgment will be then given and awarded against him by delault. T. BRYAN, Office of Common Plea a ) CijeotstfieJd C. II. Dec. ?5,1641, s 0 Ul'mflj j CHEESE, i f f \ CASKS CUKESE | , > JL For Salfl by A. P. LACOSTE. ,1 Dec. 1, 1841. 3. if GLASS, PAIXT, AND PUTTY. r A Large Stock of these articles, which will 1; be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. T/> I? V1 .V T IV J? ? . I INTEND on the lit day of July next to remove my Stock of Goods io iny two stores, lately occupied by B. Mcintosh, and : McKay & A/cCaskill, and to make them my 1 | permanent business stands; and now offer for . Rent, my four Stores immediately below, | Viz; One at present occupied by Messrs. \V. * & T. Bailey, & Co., the next below, corner { ; Karshaw and Front streets, and now occupied , j by Mr. D. Malloy. and (he two stores now oc- | j copied by me. To persons residing in this i j place, it is needless to say, that lliey are ? i among the very best stands for prosecuting a J Cotton and barter business; and I only make j this declaration for the information of persons ' j residing at a distance. Possession of the { Stores occupied by Messrs. \V. & T. Bailey & Co., and Me. D. J/aliov, will be given on the 1st day of September next; the others can . be had by the 10th July next. Chctaw offers inducements to Capitalists, and men of bust, ness, that are not found in many Southern towns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of | cotton, lor the last two years averaged 'ir>,4)00 Bales, and it is supposed this year's receipts ! will be about the same. ? AUG. P- LaCOSTE. Cheraw, Jan'y. 12th, 1842. 9 tf The ** Charleston Courier,*' ? .Southern ^ i tf i ..n | LnromcJe," ,4iyamaen journal, ana **r?jcnc- | ; ville Observer" will olcase give the above | ^ ! six insertions, say om j 'very two weeks, and g I forward their bills torn . "r payment. A. P. LaCuste. The Subscriber has just received, and wil _ keep constantly on hand.Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manfuclory oi Rocking j i ham. , i GEO GOODRICH. ; Cheraw, Jan. 1840. 10 tf j Important Work. Now in Press, and will shortly be pub | linked\ a Dictionary of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND t) MINERS. j BY ANDREW USE, X. D., F. R. S., &C. ? Illustrated with 1,241 Engravings ! '* THIS is, unquestionably, tho moat j popular work of the kind, ever pub. t| ! lished, and u book most admirably adapt- ti ed to the wants of all classes, of the coin* munity. The following arc the important objects which the learned author en. deavors to accomplish? ' 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, Metallurgist, and Tradesman, in the principles of their respective process**, * so as to render them, in reality, the mas. | b ters of their business ; and to emancipate ^ them from a state of bondage to sucii as are too commonly governed by blind prej- t< udice and vicious routine. a 2dly. To atTord Merchants, Brokers' Drysaltera, Druggists, and Officers of the Revenue, characteristic descriptions of the commodities which pass through their i hands. | . 3dly. By exhibiting some of the finest j ? developments of Chemistry and Physics, ? to lay open an excellent ptnctical school to students of these kindred sciences. 4thly. To teach Capitalists, who may be desirous of placing their funds in some ^ productive branch of industry, to select judiciously, among plausible claimants. ? 5thly,' To enable gentlemen of the j u Law to become well acquainted with the j J nature of those patent schemes which are " 1 so Apt to give rise to litigation. 6thly. To present to Legislators such a clear exposition of the staple rnanufactures, as may dissuade them from enact. ^ i ing laws, which obstruct industry, or it cherish one branch of it, to the injury of many others. And, lastly, to give the general read| er. intent, chiefly, on Intellectual Cnltivej tion views of many of the molest achievements of Science, in effecting those grand J tranformations of matter, to which lirent n Britain and the United Staetsowe their ri paramount wealth> rank and power, a- * mortg the nations of the earth, The latest Statistics ofevcry important object of Manufactures, are given from the best, ahd Usually from Official authoritv. mI thp pnd nf each article. The Work will be printed from the ^ second London Lditinn, which sells for 912 a copy. It will be put on good pa- g per, in new brevier type, and will make ai bout 1400 pages. It will he issued in I twenty one semi monthly numbers, (in covers) at 25 cents each, on delivery. O^rTo any persons sending us five dol- f lars, at one time, in advonce we will for- J ward the numbers by mail, post paid, as soon as they come from the press. ~ To suitable Agents this affords a rare . opportunity, as we Can put the work to J them oh terms extraordinarily favorable. In every manufacturing town, and every village, throughout the United States and k Canada, subscribers can be obtained with the greatest facility.?Address, post paid, 1 La Roy Sunderland, 125 Fulton street, * | New York. [ %*Toevery editor who gives this advertisement twelve insertions, we will forward to order, one copy of the whole work f provided the papers containing this notice he sent to the New York Watchman, New York. j ASTHO.VS CLASSICAL BOOKS. . JOHN WRIGHT has now on hand and for sale at the Bookstore a good supply of Anthon*8 Greek Grammar, ' iio Greek Lcvhoii*, tfo Greek Prosody, 1 ?h> Horace, do Cicero, J do Salluut, do Ctesar, do Latiu Prosody, -i- ?- t ' u" ?? Ijeseoil.s, , do Classical Ddionaty, J do Kilitinn of Ainiuoiih* Latin ^ Dictionary, do Kriilioti of Vflljicy'g Greek Grammar. 2i . (f a* r? [8 dozen Collins, Hunts, and Marsh superior \xcb, for sale by the dozen al much below the jsual rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 Iff EQUITY, South Carolina. Cher aw District. John M. Cok?*r and wife i Bill for ap partition V8 Kiudrrd (jritFin and * writ in n lure of writ others. s of no fcxcmt slc. "T appearing to my satisfaction thai Absalom M C. Powell one oi llie Defendants in this case s absent fioui and resides without the limit* of his State on motion of J. W. it J. A. Darjin H m ordered that the said Absalom C. Powell do dead answer or demur to the complainant* Bill within tiireo month* from the publication hereof md in di-faolt then of, tbo same shall be takea igainst hiin pro confwo. It is a la* ordered that this order be published n the Farmers' Gazette twice a month for tho pace of three mouths. E. A. LAW, C. ?. C. D. Commissieners Office, i Darlington C. fi , 8. C. / March 22, 1842 ) 21 2af5?n COR!* WAITED, FIIE Subscriber wishes to purchase 2COO Bushels good Corn, D. MALLOT. December 6. 1S4F 4 tf PICTORIA ? ILLUSTRATIONS. OLlJMtS 1st. 2nd and 3rd, ef Pictorial T Illustrations of the Bible con taming UO<J ugravings each. For ?ale low at the CHER AW BOOKSTORE. 90 if 7PPERJAID SOLE LEATnEK. Vax, and Calf Skin*, and Hemlock Tanned !ole Leather. For aale low. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 60 tf HARDWARE rHR Sufxtfribei ke?*p* constantly an hand a 4 l trg? and well selected assortment of iurJwarc, including almost every description of ?i|?t>uler4 Tool*; which ho is selling very heap. D. MALLOY. March 8. 1842. 17 tf wotICE G H. DCJJVLAP Von Id lospectfully give notice to his friends and lie public that having commenced business again n hid own account lie finds it absolutely neeSsirytocurtiil very much his credit business, e has consequently determined toot en account* nly with such persons us have heretofore paid icir account* punctually at or near the end of le year and with such only as will give po#i? ivc assurance of doing so iu future. Oct. 13. 1841. 48 tf COTTO?"D8Af A BIJRGB ARB COTTOR VAR\. 1AIIE Subscriber has received on consign, ment from the Do K-ilh Factory at Camden i. C 12 Hales very superior Colloa Ostisurge and 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, which he will ell by the Halo to Merchants o1* as good or eitor tortus than tliey can purchase iu Near ,'ork <>r Charleston. He would also invite the rianfera of the eighhorhood to call and examine the Oxnaburgs, iey wii! find it a cheaper and belter article than as ever been oold iu this market. U. 11. DIINLAP. Charaw, April 4, 1847, 21 If DRlGsT^CBlflSSr Chemicals, PatentlVledicineg, Perfumery, Points, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale vholesale and retail bv A. II OPTO*, CXIEBA^, 8. C. it his Drug Store, next door to Brown Iryon Jf Brother? Where may be had at all timee a general ortnio.t of articlca in the Itrug line? rrcom lendrd to be of ?uprriur quality which will be isposed of on very moderate tnrma?Phyaictene mi others wishing jhiiv mcdiciu< a, amy rely ^ n being anpulied Willi Ihcut. ^ May 26,1841. S8 Tmirs sottti CAnoLtnir A large supply of Simtn's H?*t'>ry of South m I "arolina, designed for the use of SclKX'la J Aead emiea. For aaleat the Bojkstnfe by JOHN WRIGHT. 20 if SOUTH" CAROLINA. Chesterfidd District* SAMUEL a TlMMONS, T.dl-before ma ? a l*v ntire Mule aboui fourteen ynraold, !ind of tiie right eye, peir marked scar on the glil side of the run?p. tho end of the ears cut off, ml k mil 11 white spot in the forehead, the hair ?aV cl otflhc tail appraieeil al thiriy firo DoiJOHN SINCLAIR, Magistrate. April 11, 1?42. 23 lnmf4m iPUIS a A * DStMMEB OOOOB. riiE Subscriber has just received a well selected block uf Fancy and Staple Dry ,**la, g. h. dun lap Cite raw, April 9, 1842. 22 If Bonnetts. JUST received a handsome ?a*ortitvnt of Ladies, Misses and Childrrtts fine Straw, 'uscatt. Zephorine, Lawn and olher Lahionablo ton nets. G. 11. DUN LAP* April 9, 22 If "ASHlO^AHrFlECHOl OID PALM Lout H?u, f?r Men, Boy a and Children juat received by G. If. DUNLAP. April 9, 22 If HACJLING. [hnvo two four huro teams, that 1 am not now ablo to give full employment, and ahoold b glad to engage a job of hauling, or work by be da/ on very reasonable term*, A. P. LAC08TE, April 13, 22 If iTATE OF SOUTH-CAHOLIlf A* DatUNUTon Dtrmtcr. In thk Court Common Plba*. 4 Petition for the benefit of the Insolvent Debtor's Act. IftJOAII A. BACOT having this sixteenth ^ N day of April, eighteen hundred and forty. .wo filed a Petition Praying that be may hare he beuefit of the act of A?*emby roiiiinonly :allcd the Insolvent Debtors Act, It is therefore irdered by the Court that all tl?e Creditors of ho mid Noah A. Baeot. do appear persona % pr ,y Attorney be/ore the Court of Common plesa >11 the second Monday after the fourth Ityopday 11 October next, to show cause if any they lave, why the Prayer of the aaid PeVU<m aboaW tot be granted, aud that notice pf the said 'etition bo publialiod for ttie space of these liouthk tn the Fanner's Gazette. S. WILDS DuBO^E, C. C. P. By order of the 1 ourt, April JC, 1812. ?i IUit.