OCR Interpretation

Birmingham state herald. (Birmingham, Ala.) 1895-1897, October 04, 1895, Image 2

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Ben M. Jacobs & Bros, sell furniture.
The Commercial club meets this after
noon at 4 o'clock.
The meeting of the Commercial club
this afternoon is open and every business
man In the city is invited to attend.
At the Avondale Presbyterian church
tonight Rev. B. F. Bedtnger will begin
a series of evangelistic meetings to con
tinue through next week.
The funeral of Mrs. Louis B. Schwartz
took place yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock. The remains were interred in
the Jewish cemetery at Enon Ridge.
The county board of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians has b'cn called by Chair
man Pat Brennen to meet at Pratt City
at noon Sunday. Birmingham members
are notified to be present.
Col. Robert McKee will resign his posi
tion in the office of the United States at
torney to take effect at the close of the
present term of the court here. He will
return to his home In Calhoun county
and take a much needed rest.
Two thousand five hundred pairs of
ladies', misses' and gentlemen's fall and
winter shoes, bought at all prices, re
ceived. Ladies' and gentlemen’s summer
shoes will be sold forSthe next few days'
regardless of cost or price. T. C. King,
202R First avenue.
At the Opera House October 3, 1895,-x
Tickets for "Young Mrs. Wtnthrop,” for
benefit of Temple Emanuel, will be
found for sale at the following places:
Nabers, Morrow & Sinnige’s, Samelson's
cigar stand, Seals' music store, Mims B.,
Stone's. Loveman, Joseph & Loeb's, and
Caheen Bros. & Co.'s. Price of tickets 73
cents, including reserved seats. Gallery,
popular prices. 9-26-tf —
Deputy Sheriff Walter W. Whitehead,,
who killed Wash Brown about ten days
ago while attempting to serve a warrant
on him, was given a preliminary trial
yesterday morning before Justice I. H.
Benners. After hearing the evidence iu
the case Justice Benners held the defend
ant to ball In the sum of $200 to await
the action of the grand Jury. The bond
was immediately given and Whitehead
was released from custody.
Calieen Bros. & Co invite
you to their fall opening Mon
day and Tuesday. to-4-3t.
Mr. J. H. Harris of Chambers county
was in the city yesterday.
Miss Copeland returned yesterday,
after a very pleasant summer outing.
Mr. James T. Parker of Livingston is
visiting his brother, Mr. John T. Parker.
Lieut. Stephen Elliott, United States
army, and family are visiting relatives
in the city.
Mrs. W. J. Milner and Miss Mary
Clare Milner have returned from Mont
eagle, Tenn.
Dr. Merril and family returned today
from East Tennessee, where they have
been visiting relatives.
Mr. G. W. Ely, traveling passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific railway at
Montgomery, was in the city yesterday.
Rev. B. F. Bedinger of Guntersvllle
Is attending the presbytery of North
Alabama, now convened In this city.
He is the guest of Mr. B. F. Roden.
Mr. L. T. Graham of Bowling Green.
Ky., was a visitor at the rooms of the
Commercial club on yesterday. Mr. Gra
bftm is prospecting with a view to lo
cating in Birmingham.
Mr. E. E. Greenleaf, deputy clerk of
the United States court at Huntsville,
who has been assisting Clerk Trimble
In court here the past two weeks, re
turned to Huntsville yesterday.
Two thousand five hundred pairs of
ladies’, misses’ and gentlemen's fall and
winter shoes, bought at all prices, re
ceived. Ladies' and gentlemen’s summer
shoes will be sold for the next few days
regardless of cost or price. T. C. King,
2026 First avenue.
Hon. J. W. Gaines, a prominent dem
ocrat and leading member of the Nash
ville bar, is in the city on legal business.
He gives most gratifying reports of the
solid front-of the democracy of Tennes
see occupy in favor of free coinage. The
party has never before been so united
and determined on any Issue of public
Mr. \V. W. Barnes of Demopolls, a pop
ular representative of the Bruton Snuff
company of Nashville, was happily mar
ried in Meridian Wednesday at 7:20
o’clock to Miss Alva Reed, a very charm
ing young lady of that city. The bride
and groom were in the city yesterday,
cn route to Atlanta. Mr. Barnes has
a great many friends In this city, where
lie Is a frequent business visitor.
Monday and Tuesday,
October 7 and 8.
1928 2d Avenue.
The Baptist Young People’s union will
meet in the First Baptist church Sunday
afternoon as per the following notice:
Birmingham, Oct. 2.
Dear Brother: Don't forget our
monthly young people’s meeting at the
First church, Birmingham, next Sunday
afternoon at 3:30. Same should he duly
announced at Sunday school and pleach
ing services that morning.
The topic for discussion will be "Flow
to Study the Bible,” upon which Capt.
William C. Ward has consented to ad
dress the union. The address, the cooler
weather, the easy access of all to the
First church, the return of our president,
n.nd the fact that this is to be the first
meeting of our association^ year, should
bring out a large attendance. Frater
Acting Secretary.
Mayor VanHoose Pulls a Prisoner--Gaining
Trio Arrested in '“Pigoon Roost.
Officers Austin and Newman last night
arrested three negroes who were gaming
In Pigeon roost. When the prisoners
were searched at the station an old fash
ioned silver watch was found with the
names of George Adair, 11. B. Watson
and McKirchie engraved on it. The po
lice believe that the watch was stolen.
Mayor VanHoose while passing down
Twentieth street last evening heard a
negro swearing and arrested him for the
offense. Officer Baker took charge of
the mayor’s prisoner and entered a
charge of disorderly conduct agdinst him.
Fresh bread and candy made
daily at C. W. Cody’s, 1820 to
)826 3d avenue. jes tf u
Thrashed a “Jack the Hugger.”
Colquet, Ytinn., Oct. 3.—“Jack, the Hug
ger,” In the person of Archie Adams, a
well-known young man of this place,
wtio has been operating here for some
time past, retired from business last
night after attempting to embrace Miss
Leonard, a muscular young woman, who
turned on him and gave him a hand
some dressing down. When she finished
her pugilistic exercise Adams was de
cidedly the worse for the wear.
Old papers for sale cheap at
this office.
A fair audience witnessed the produc
tion of "Young Mrs. Winthrope,” at
O'Brien’s opera house last night. The
play was put sn by local talent under the
management of Mr. M. Hoffstadt, who
has had considerable experience In that
line. *
In this instance he was unusually for
tunate in placing the characters, and
each part was rendered in an excellent
manner. Several times during the per
formance werf different participants call
ed before the curtain at the end of the
acts, and the applause vuyl hearty
through tl}e.evening.
The cast of characters was as follows:
Constance Winthrope, (young
Mrs. Winthrope).... Miss L.ucy Morrow
Mrs. itilth Winthrope Mrs. A. Gelders
Mrs. Dick Chetwyn.Mrs. Kmil Levi
bjdith .Miss Sophie Goldburg
Janette ..Miss Blanche Rothchild
Douglass* Winthrope.M. A. Porter
Herbert...Henry Samelson
Dr. Millbank .Alex Klein
Buxton Scott .. ..M. Hoffstadt
The opening scene was in Mr. Win
thrope's home. A coolness sprang up
between he and his wife through a mis
understanding. She attended a ball con
trary to Ms wish, she believing him un
faithful to her. She returned late at
night to find her little daughter dying.
They gradually drifted apart and Win
thrope left for a distant land, it being
understood between he and his wife that
it was their final separation.
Buxton Scott, his attorney, was In
structed to draw up separation papers
and transfers of property to Mrs. Win
thrope. He undertook to bring about a
reconciliation, which he finally effected,
beating, as he said, the devil at his own
As young Mrs. Winthrope Miss Lucy
Morrow appeared to much advantage. In
this character she was giVen a splendid
opportunity to display Iter dramatic
talent, which she did in. a manner entire
ly satisfactory to the audience and pleas
lag to her friends. Miss Morrow has a
natural inclination towards the dramatic
art and has perfected herself in a train
lng In Chicago. Her friends were all
delighted with her exquisite aoting.
Mrs. Albert Gelders as Mrs. Ruth Win
thrope did her part well. Mrs. Win
thrope was a fond mother and the separa
tion of tier son and his wife grieved her
greatly, but she never censured either.
Mrs. Gelders was just suited to the char
Mrs. Dick Chetwyn, tire frivolous wo
man, was excellently portrayed by Mrs.
Kmtl Levi, who seemed perfectly at home
on the stage.
Miss Sophie Goldberg as Edith was a
perfect picture of loveliness and was
splendid In her role as the blind girl.
Janette, the maid, was Blanche Roths
child’s role and in that she did well.
Mr. M. A. Porter was Douglass Win
thropc and Mr. M. Hoffstadl as Buxton
Scott, the attorney, made quite a hit.
Henry Samelson as Herbert and Alex
Klein as Dr. Millbank were the other
characters, and their parts did not suffer
in their hBnds.
The audience went away at the close
of the play well satisfied with the even
ing's amusement.
We have just received a carload of
choice California wines, such as Clarets,
Port, Sherry and White Wine. They are
equal in quality to any imported wines;
prices are within reach of everybody.
Special Inducements to parties buying by
the barrel. Samples free of charge. Give
us a call.
M. & A. WISE.
Corner Morris Aye. and 20th St.
Selling the Staple Promptly—Mrs. Roun
tree DangerouBly 111.
Hartselle, Oct. 3.—(Special Correspond
ence.)—Cotton is being rapidly gathered
and sold. Our farmers feel jubilant over
the increase in prices, and are wearing
a bright smile.
Mrs. J. A. Rountree, wife of Editor
Rountree, has been dangerously ill for
the past twelve days, with typhoid fever,
but she is much better at this writing.
It Is to be hoped that she will soon re
There is a good deal of building going
on in Hartselle. and the town is in better
condition than it has ever been.
Cold Weather Gone.
Ward's coal yard can furnish coal and
wood on short notice. They have the
best coal for summer use in the market.
Buy from them and you will not com
plain. Will also put coal in for winter.
Telephone 487. 7-19-tf
Hopeful Populists.
Des Moines, In., Oct. 3.—ThP populists
of central Iowa will open their state cam
paign by a rally ut Runnels Saturday,
at which place ex-Governor Waite of
Colorado will be the chief speaker. They
expect a large gathering. The populists
claim they will cast 11)0,000 votes this fall,
three times that of two years ago. and
that they will draw largely from the free
silver democrats who are dissatisfied
with tlie sound money declaration of
their party.
In combination, proportion and process,
Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar
curative powers unknown to any other
preparation. This is why it has a record
of cures unequalled in tho history of
medicine. It acts directly upon the blood
and by making it pure, rich and healthy
it cures disease aud gives good health.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Ib the only true blood purifier prominent
ly in tbo public eye today, f 1; six for |5.
Dillc* p,,r® h&Wtnul ooustlpa
nUUU O nilb ticn. Price Jj touts.
BKN 8. TH I K8S. Manaifer.
rtilx Year-First Visit South.
PuL'iigf-inciil Positive!}' limited to One Night!
Monday, October 7.
Elmer IS Vance's Original arid Only Le
gitimate Railroad Comedy Drama.
The Limited Mail
. With the Wonderful
Til6 01!HAT FANCY 1)A\CER,
Tho “Defender" of all Railroad Dramas.
Tho “Cup" never captured, but will be
Overflowing With Good Things.
Greatest Sensation of the
Most Wonderful Play of the
Greatest Novelty of lhe
Phenomenal Success of the
TWO Don't confound this company with
IPS any other “Mail.M Elegant photos
of the beautiful BEATRICE given to every
lady attending each performance.
Notice of Sale of Tax Lands
Owned by the State, a
As directed by an act of the legislature
approved February 9, 1396, 1, as prodate
Judge of Jefferson county, Alabama, will
proceed to sell at public outcry In front of
the court house door of said Jefferson
county, to the higlfe&t. bidder for cash, be
ginning at 12 o’clock m., on
BER, 185*5,
the following described lands, which were
bought by the .state at tax sale and have
been held by the state for more than two
years, viz.:
Dot No. 5, block No, 5, Phelan's addition
to Birmingham.
Southwest quarter of northw'est quarter
(S It), section 23, township 18, range 7.
Northwest quarter of northeast quarter
(S R), Sfcctlbn 13, township 18, range G.
Northeast quarter* of northeast quarter
(S R)j section 9, township 14. range 3.
Northwest quarter of northeast quarter
(9 R), section 1,-township 15, range 1 west.
North half of southwest quarter (S It),
section 12, township 20, range G.
Southeast quarter /of southwest quarter
(9 HI,'section 18, township 19, range 2.
Earft half of southeast quarter (8 R), rfec^
tion 11, townsHip 18, range 2.
Part of 30 acres in southwest quarter of
southwest quarter (S R), section 31, town
ship id, range i.
Southeast quarter of southeast quarter
(S R), section 33,. township 14, range 5.
Southwest quarter of southeast quarter
(9 R), section 9, township 19, range 5.
Southeast quarter of northw'est quarter
(9 R), section 23, township 18, range 7.
Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter
j (SR), section 9, township 14, range 3.
One-half interest in southwest quarter of
northwest quarter (S R), section 29, town
! ship 14, range 2.
Southwest quarter of northeast quarter
[ (S R), section 9, township 14, range 3.
•Northwest quarter of southeast quarter
(9 R), section 9, township 14, range 3.
Orrb-half Interest in south half of north
i west quarter (9 R), section 32, township 14
I range 2.
Part 32 acres in southeast quarter of
southwest quarter (S K), soction 31, towrn
ship 14, range 4.
Southeast quarter of northeast quarter
(S R), section 9, towuiahip 14. range 3.
Southwest quarter or southeast quarter
(9 it), section 18, township 19. range 2.
Northwest quarter of northwest quarter
(9 R), section 14, township 19, range 5.
Dots 1 and 2, block 11, in northeast quar
ter of northeast quarter, section 31, towrn
ship 19, range 3,
one lot 7-ji acres in normeasi quarter oi
southwest quarter, section 7, township 17,
range 2.
Northwest quarter of southeast quarter
and southwest quarter of northeast quarter
(S R), section 17, township 17, range 0.
Commencing-at the southwest corner of
southeast quarter of southwest quarter,sec
tion 22, township 17, range 2 west, running
6.66 2-3 chains north, thence east 7.50 chains,
thence south 6.66 2-3 chains, thence wrnst. 7.50
chains to point of beginning, making in all 5
acres, and being lot No. 1, excepting 15 feet
right of way east line running north accord
ing to T. T. Scott’s survey .March A. D.,
North half of southeast quarter (S R),
section 1, township 18, range 2.
Regin on the section line at southwest
corner of W. D. Hill's lot, thence south
250 2-3 feet to center of avenue, thence east
23l feet, thence north 260 2-3 feet, fheilfce
west 231 feet to beginning, In McDaniel’s ad
dition, In southwest quarter of southwest
quarter, section 26, township 17, range 3. .. ->
Lots 7, 8 and 9, block 7a, F^ast Lake.,., 1
Lot 50x150 feet In Gilmer's addition.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 in Smith's* addi
tion to Woodlawn; part of l1/* aci*es of
southwest, quarter of northeast quarter,
section 20, township 19, range 4. ;
Lo>t No. 41. Hickory Grove survey. >
Lot 10, block 3, Blrmlnglmm-Enslejf Lapd
and Improvement.company.
Lot 6. block 1, Idaburg.
Lot 33, block 2, Idaburg.
Lot 34. block 2, Idaburg.
Lot 2, block 4, Idaburg. i i
Northwest quarter of southwest quarter
(S R),section 6, township 19, range 6. North
west quarter of northeast quarter (S R),
section 6, towmshlp 20, range 5. Orre-thrfrd
interest in southeast quarter of southeast
quarter, section 6, township 20, range-» 4.
One-thlnl interest in southeast quater; of
southwest quarter (M R). section 9. town
ship 18, range 4. Southeast quarter of south
west quarter (S R),section 9, township 18,
range 4. South half of southeast quarter of
northwest quarter, except 3 acre3 off
west corner, section 16, township 16. range 1
west. Northw'est quarter of northwest
quarter (S R),,section 14, township 19* range
5. Southwest quarter of southeast quarter
(M It),section 12, towmshlp 19, range 7.
Northeast quarter of southwest quarter (8
R), section 14, township 19, range 5. One
third interest in northeast quarter of south
east quarter, section 6, township 20, range 4.
Northeast quarter of southwest quarter (S
R), section 27, township 19. range3. North
west quarter of southeast quarter (S R),
.section 30, towmship 18, range 5. Northeast
quarter of southw'est quarter (S Resection
30. towmshlp 18, range 5. West half or north
west quarter of northeast quarter (S R),
section 32, township 16, range least. West
half of southwest quarter of northeast quar
ter (S It), section 32, township 16. range 1
east. East half of northeast quarter of
northwest quarter (S R),section 32, tow nship
16, range 1 east. North half of southeast
quarter of northwest quarter (S R), section
32, township 16, range 1 east.
Lot 3, bloek 14, Finney & Jones addition.
Lot 6, block 15, Finney & Jones addition.
Lot 3, block 1, Powfderly Enterprise.
Lot 1, block 1, Powderly Flnterprise.
Lot 1, block 1, Oakville.
Lots 3 and 4, block 1, Oakville.
Lots 5, 6 and 7, block 1, Oakville.
Lots 10 and 11, block 1, Oakville.
Lot 14, block 1, Oakville. „
Lot 16, block 1, Oakville.
Lot 19, block 1, Oakville.
Lot 21, block 1, Oakville.
Lots 23. 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28. block 1, Oak
Lots 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7, block 2, Oakville.
Lot 14, block 2; Oakville.
Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 2, Oakville.
Lots IS and 19, block 2. Oakville.
Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, block 2,
Lot 3, block 3, Oakville.
Lots 6 and8, block 3, Oakville.
Lots 10. 11 and 12. block 3. Oakville. .
Lois 14, 15, 16 and 17, block 3, Oakville.
Lot 23, block 3, Oakville.
Lots 27 and 28, block 3, Oakville.
Lots 1 and 2, block 4, Oakville.
Lots 7 and 8, block 4. Oakville.
Lots 15, 16 and 17, block 4. Oakville.
Lots 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26. 27 and 28, block 4>
All of block No. 5, Oakville, except lotos
17 and 25.
Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. blockG, Oakville.
Lots 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16, 17, 18. 19,
and 21. block 6, Oakville.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. block 7, Oakville.
Lots 1 and 2, block 8. Oakville.
Lots 8, 9 and .10, block 8, Oakville.
Lot 13, block 8, Oakville.
Lots 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. block
8. Oakville.
AM ol block y, uaKvine.
All of block 10, Oakville.
All of block 11. Oakville.
Lots 1. 2. .1, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14, 15,
10. 17, IS, 19 and 20, block 12, Oakville,
l.ola 22 ajid 23, block 12. Oakville.
Lots 25. 26, 27 and 28. block 12, OakyUle.
Lots 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1? 14 and
15, block 13, Oakville. 'I*
lx>ts 17, 18, 19, 20. 21 and 22, block J3. Oak
ville. . M-O I
l.ota 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28. block 13, Qskvllle,
All of block 14, Oakville. ,,, . ,
Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 andfli,.^lock
15, Oakville,
Lots 3. 4 and 5, block 9, Idahurg. 11
Lots 15, 14. 15 and 16, block 9, Idaburg.
Lois 5. 6 and 8. block 14, Idaburg.
Lot 10. block 3, Leeds.
Ixit 2, block 4, Leeds.
Lots 23, 24 and 25, block 5. Leeds.
I.ots 11 and 12. block 13, Leeds. ’
Lots 15 and 16. block 13, Leeds. > '
Lot 22, block 14, Leeds. s n -
Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, block. 15, Leeds.
Thiriy-tlvo and nine-one hundredth acres
in northwest quarter of southwest quarter
and northeast quarter of southwest quarter,
less 3 acres, section 31, township lir’range 4.
Lot 23, block 4, Chestnut streqftn Forest
Lot 1. block 36, South Smitlifleldl 1-il.
Lot 11. In southwest quarter of-southeast
quarter, section'23, township 17, range 3.
Lots 21 und22in southwest quarterof south
east quarter,section 23, township 17, range 3.
Lot 24, in southwest quarter of southeast
quarter, section 23, township 17, range 3.
Lot 30x190. west part of east half of orlgl
nanl lot 7 in southwest quarter of northwest
quarter, section 26, township 17, range 3.
Southeast quarter of original lot 9 In
southwest quarter of northwost quarter,
sectlbn 26. township 17, range 3.
Northeast quarter of original lot 9 In
southwest quarter of northwest quarter
auction 26, township 17, range 3.
Lot 16, block 6, Tillman addition to Besse
mer, section 2, township 19, range 4.
Lot 7, b lock 10, Tillman addition to Besse
mer, section 2. township 19, range 4.
I.ot V. block 21, East Avohdale.
Fraction lot 13. block 21, Bast Avondale.
Lot 18, block B, Bast Avondale.
Lots 15, 11 and 17, block 29, Bast Avondale.
Lots 7 and A block 30 Bast Avondale.
11. 2 ana 1 Mock 86, East Avondale.
Lots 1
I^ota 7, 8 and 9, block 36, East Avondale.
Lot 3, block 39, Forsythe’s addition to
1 Wood lawn.
Lota 1 and 2, Forsythe’s addition to Wood
Lo-t 16, block 13, in' subdivision of south
east quarter of southeast quarter;' section
16, township 17, range 2. North half o£ north
west quater (S Resection 4. township 15.
| range 1 cast. East hlf of northeast quarter
of northeast quarter (3 It), section 5, town
ship 15, range 1 east. West half of northeast
quarter of northeast quarter, section 6,
township 15, range 1. West half of south
east quarter of northeast quarter, section
6, township 15, range L east. Undivided half
interest in southeast quarter of northwest
quarter, section 7. township 15, rangell cast.
Ten acres west end of north half of hdrlh
west quarter of northwest quarter, section
18, township 15, range 1 east. East half of
northwest quarter of northeast quarter,
section 32. township 16,‘ range 1 east. North
east quarter of southeast quarter, section
6, township 17. range 1 east. Northeast
quarter of northwest quarter (M R).section
’.32, township 11 range 1 west. South half of
nonrthwest quarter (M ft), sq^tipn 32, town
ship 14, range 1 west. Northwest quarter of
southeast quater (S'R), section 33, township
14, range 1 west. Southeast quarter of
southeast quarter. (S R) apd southwest
quarter of southeast quarter, section 33,
towuiship 14, range 1 west. Northwest quar
ter of southwest quarter less 9 acres off
south end, section 1, township 15, range 1
west. East half of northwest quarter, sec
tion 2, township 15, range 1 west. Northeast
quarter of southeast quarter CS R), sectionh
4, towrnshin 15, range 1 west. Twenty acres
nonrtft side if southeast quarter of south
west quarter, section 35, township 15, range
1 west. Northwest quarter of southeast
quarater (S R), section 36, township 15,range
1 west. Northwest quarter of southeast
quarater of southwest quarter, section 3,
township 16, range 1 wrest. Northeast quar
ter of northwest quarter (S R), section 17,
township 17. range 1 west. Northeast quar
ter of southeast quarter, section 30, town
ship 17,range 1. SouLhwe.st*quarterof north
east quarter(S R),section 1,township 15,range
2. Northeast quarter of souteast quarter
(S R), section 1, township 15, range 2.
Southeast quarter of northeast quarter (S
R),section 15, township 15, range 2. South
east quarter of northeast quarter (S R),sec
tion 23, township 15, range 2,
Lot 212‘s feet square in portheast corner
of southeast quarter of southwest quarter,
section 16, township 17, range 2.
A parcel of land 300 feet wide by 1000 feet
long on west side and 1320 feet on east side
in east half of southeast quarter of south
east quarter, lying west of Mrs. W. M. Eas
ley Smith’s land, section 20, township 17,
range 2.
Lot 4, 350x405 feet in cub 1-3 part or wear
half of southeast quarter, Elizabeth Reese's
land, section 20, township 17, range 2. North
west diagonal half of northeast quaater of
nonrthwest quarater (S R), section 35, town
ship 18, range 2. Northeast quarater of
southwest quarater (S R), section 17, town
ship 19, range 2. Southwest quarter of
southwest quarter (S R), section 17, town
ship 19, range 2. Northwest quarter of
northwest quarter (S R). section 20, town
ship 19, range 2. West half of northeast
quarter of northeast quarter and east half
of northwest quarter of northeast quarter
section 11, township 14, range 3. North half
of northwesa quarter of northeast quarter
section 25, township 14, range 3. Northeast
quarter of northwest quarter (S R), section
33. township 14, range 3. Southwest quarter
of southwest quarter, section 6, township
15, range 3. Southeast quarter of southeast
quarter (S R).section 25, township 16, range
3. Undivided half interest In southeast
quarter of northwest quarter, section 12,
township 17, range 3. North half of south
east quarter of northwest quarter,section 23,
township 18, range 3. East half of east halif
of southeast quarter of southwest quarter,
section 28, township 19, range 3. Southwest
quarter of northwest quarter (M R),section
31, township 19, range 3. Southeast quarter
of southwest quarter, section 6, township
20, range 3. Southeast quarter of northeast
quarter (M R), section 16. township 15.
range 4. Northwest quarter of northwest
quarter (M R), section 20, township 15, range
4. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter
(S R),section lS.township 18,range 4. South
east quarter of southwest quarter (S R),
section 36, township 16, range 5. Southwest
quarter of southeast quarter (S R), section
17, township 17, range 5. Southeast quarter
of northeast quarter (S R), section 19, town
ship 17, range 5. Northeast quarter of south
west quarter (S R), section 19, township 17,
range 5. Southeast quarter of northwest
quarter (S R), section 30, township 17, range
5. Northeast quarter of southwest quarter
<S R), section 30, township 17, range 5.
Southeast quarter of southwest quarter (S
R), section 30, township 17, range 5. South
west quarter of eouthwest quarter (S 11>T*
section 30, township 17, range 5. Northwest
quarter of southwest quarter (S R), section
28, township 19, rang® 5. Northeast quarter
of southeast quarter,, section 8, township
20, range 5. Southwest quarter of southeast
quarter, section 8, township 20, range 5.
Southeast quarter of northeast quarter (S
R), section 22, township 20. range 5. North
west quarter of northwest quarter (M R).
section 27, township 20, range 5. Southeast
quarter of northwest quarter (S R), section
11, township 17, range 6. East half of south
east quarter (S R), section 11, township 17,
range 6. West half of southwest quarter
(S it), section 17, township 17, range H.
Northeast quarter of southeast quarter (S
R) section 15. township 17, range 6. North
east quarter of northeast quarter (S R), sec
tion 22. township 17, range 6. West half of
southwest quarter of southeast quarter (S
R) section 6, township 19, range 6. South
east quarter of southwest quarter (S R),
section 6, township 19, range 6. Southwest
quarter of northeast quarter (S R), section
35, township 17, range 7. Southeast quarter
of northeast quarter (S R), section 14, town
ship 19 range 7. North half of southeast
quarter (S R), section 14, township 19, range
7 Southwest quarter of southeast quarter
(S R), section 14. township 19. range 7.
Lots 18 and 19, block 16, Birmingliam-Ens
'Tot U block 29, Birmtngham-Ensley,
Lot 8, block 33, Birmlngham-Ensley.
Lot 5, block —, Swanson's addition.
Lot 2, Silver Meade.
Lot 6, Sliver Meade.
Lot 84. Silver Meade.
Fraction of lot 85. Silver Meade.
Lot 86, Stiver Meade.
Lot 87, Silver Meade.
Lot 88. Silver Meade.
Lot 33, Grady’s subdivision. ,. ,
East half lots 13 and 14.Hank’s subdivis
Blocks lla, 15a and part of 16a. East Lake.
Lot 6. block 3, Gate City. ,
Lot 45, block 2, Whitney, Gayle et al addi
tion to Birmingham,
Lot 15 according to a survey of part of
southwest quarter of southeast Quarter sec
tion 20. township 17, range 3, Sea rlc & Stone
street's survey for August Fayetite.
Begin at a point 5 feet north from south
east corner of lot 2, thence run west 50 feet,
then north 100 -feet, then east 50 feet, then
south 1U0 feet to point of beginning; said lot
2 is shown by a map ana survey or south
west quarter of southeast quarter, section
20, township 17. range 3 for Leonard McLoo.
Lot 24 block Ilia, Huffman s addition to
Part of lot 3, block 20. Avondale.
Lot 3, block IS, fronting 50 feet on Georgia
dirt road, running back of uniform width
140 feet section 28. township 17, range 2.
Lots 7 and 8, block 29, Walker Land com
Toyts 24 and 25, town of Stiady Dale In
south half of northwest quarter, section 2,
,0Lrt »'fcSkTS&MI * Miner s survey.
Lot 5 block ft, Haskell A Miller’s survey.
Lot 6'. block 221, Bessmer. ,
Lot 22, block 353. Bessemer.
Lots 13 and 14, block 16. Birmingham-Ens
leLots 13, 14 and 15, block 3, East Lake.
Lot 17, block 1. Bast Lake.
Lot 15. block 18, East Lake
Lot 8. block 6, New Zealand.
Lot 8 block 9, being southwest quarter of
southwest quarter, Spaulding \\ alker Land
com any action 2L township 17, range 3 .
Lot Silxifio lu southwest. corner of block in
southwest quarter rtf northwest quarter,
section 26, township 17, range 3.
I ots 1 and 2. block 33, Blrmlngham-Ensley.
Lot 5 block 1, fronting 56 feet on Jackson
street and extending back about 120 feet to
St (’lair street of uniform width of llowell s
subdivision of Woodlawn.
Northwest quarter of northeast quarter
northeast quarter of northwest quarter and
west half of northwest quarter, section 34.
township 16, range 3. ^ _ .' . ,, ,
Half interest in lots 6, i, 8, 9 and 10, block
68, Birmingham. _ .
Half interest in lots 6 and 7, block 178, Bir
Onc-tliird Interest in lots 6 to 12, In subdi
vision H. block 114, Birmingham.
East half lot 13, block 82, Birmingham.
Lot 17 and 40 feet off west side lot 18, block
25, Birmingham.
Lot 6. block 617. Birmingham.
Begin 160 feet from the northwest corner
of Twentv-slxth street and Tenth avenue
north, north 40 feet, then running west 100
feet south 40 feet, then east 100 reet. being
part of lot 8, block 617. Birmingham.
r a • * I 1 — 1 — 1 W 11V* t * , »Mt n i*Lc of n
_ LM. 0| u I HI. rv Qll, 1711 Uliup, UK III,
Lot 45, block 1, Whitney Gayle et al.'s ad
dition to "* * *■’
JIUCK l, *1 lllliir/ vrni iv at. p on
. Birmingham, section 13, township
17. range3.
Lot 6, block 6. Henry A Copeland.
Half interest in north half of southwest
quarter of northeast quarter of southeast
guarter, section 13, township 17, range 8.
ialf Interest in south half of northwest
quarter of southeast quarter of southeast
quarter section 13, township 17, range 3.
Lot 17, block 6, R. J. Terry's addition to
Lot 1. block 1, J. C\ Westbrook's survey.
Begin at northwest comer of southeast
quarter of northeast quarter, secUon 21,
township 18, range 4 thence 330 feet
south, thence 880 feet cast, thence 330 feet
north, thence 330 feet ft cat.
Lot 71, block 3. Beneficial Land and Im
provement company.
West half of lot 16, block 01, Birmingham,
Lots 2 and 3, block 1, south aide Last Lake
railroad, Fulton’s addition to Woodlawn.
Lot 1, block 4, north side East Lake rail
road, Fulton’s addition to Woodlawn.
Lots 8 and it, block 106, Birmingham.
One-half interest in lots 18, lit, 20 and 21,
survey of southwest quarter northwest
quarter, section 2, township 18, range 3.
Undivided half interest in 15 acres in west
half of southeast quarter of southeast quar
ter, section 13, township 17, range 3. Undi
vided half interest in part of south half of
southeast quarter, section 1, township 18,
range 4. Undivided half irterest in south
west quarter of southwest quarter, section
6, township 18, range 3. Undivided half in
terest in 26 at res oft north end or southwest
quarter of northeast quarter, section 15.
township 18, range 2. Southeast quarter of
northeast quarter of northwest quarter, sec
tion 23, township 18, range 3.
Lot 8, Maple street, Forest Hill.
Lots 1, 2 and 3, South Oli fton.
Lots 11 and 12, South Clifton.
Lot'S; South Cllffdn.
Given under my hand this 2d day of Octo
ber. 1895. M. T. POUTER,
dy4-26 wkyl0-17 Judge of Probate.
The Taylor School,
11th Avenue and 19th Street,
For Boys and Girls of all ages.
The only Kindergarten in the city.
Preparatioh for the highest universities.
9-20-tf_ Principal. ^
ident of the University.
Supreme Court of the United States.
ciate Justice Court of Appeals of the Dis
trict of Columbia.
HON. SETH SHEPARD. Associate Justice
Court of Appeals of the District of Colum
A. M.
Court of Appeals—Messrs. TALLMADGE
For information or circulars, address
Secretary and Treasurer,
Washington, D. C.
School year opens October 2, 1895.
General Insurance Agents and Brokers
No. 607 Thirteenth street. Northwest,
Washington, D. C.
Represent only the best companies and
place insurance on all classes of insurable
property at from 15 to 20 per cent lower than
local agents. VVc deal direct with the prop
erty owner and save him the agent’s com
mission. We make a specialty of insuring
cotton, cotton gins, stores, farm property,
mills and factories of all kinds.
Form for description of property mailed
upon application.
Writes us before insuring for rates.
Solicitors wanted. 8-2G-3m
H. Chairsell,
Dealer in Hay, Straw, Corn, Oats,
Bran, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Flour, Corn Meal, Salt and Rock
Salt, Wheat, Rye and Barley for
seed. W'e handle first-class goods
and guarantee as represented.
Give us a call and be convinced.
H. Chairsell,
1613 and 1615 First Avenue.

Unscrupulous persons are coun
tor fit Uncivil cox Compound
ra with registered tr
. . . un, _
the genuine, at all Druggists. Semi 4 fours for
1'unay 1*111u, the genuine arc put up lu
racial boxes with registered trade marked
Shield, accept no worthless nostrum. Insist on
W<»vunu’a Mule Ciusird and rcceivethew
by mail. Hhcox NpccAilciv.Phiia.Pa
Notice of Application to Sell
State of Alabama. Jefferson County—Pro
bate Court, September 27, 1895.'
Ellon S. Fritchman, deceased, estate of.
This day came Isabella Ritchie, adminis
tratrix of said estate, and tiled her applica
tion in due form and under oath, praying
for an order of sale of certain lands describ
ed therein and belonging to said estate, for
the purpose of division and payment of
debts and encumbrances against the said
estate, upon the ground that said land can
not be equitably divided. It Is ordered that
the 7th day of November, 1895, be appointed
a day for hearing such application, a t which
time all parlies interested can appear and
contest the same if they think proper.
And It appearing that the heirs of said de
cedent. who are non-residents of this state,
reside as follows, to-wit: Mrs. Sc-hemmutz,
aged 70 years, and residing in Philadelphia,
state of Pennsylvania; Mrs. M. Sunders,
aged 47 years, and residing In Philadelphia,
state of Pennsylvania, it is further ordered
that notice of said application and of the
time above set for the hearing thereof be
given once a week for three successive
weeks before the said day of hearing, by
publication in the Age-Herald, a newspaper
published iii Jefferson county, Alabama.
M. T. PORTER. Judge of Probate.
W. P. MeCrossin, Attorney._
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy,
has been used (or over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part
of the world. Be sure aad ask for MRS.
no other kind. 25c a botSt.
Our large and well assorted stock of
Men’s. Youths’, Boys' and Children's
Clothing for the Fall and Winter MUST
BE SO I, D. We have announced for some
time our intention of going out of the
ready-made clothing line. By giving us a
call we will convince you that we are de
termined to do so. Our Merchant Tailor
ing has reached such PROPORTIONS
that we need the space occupied by our
clothing. We invite an inspection of our
large and varied line of PIECE GOODS.
Our MR. M. WEIL has Just returned
from the Eastern markets. Everything
new and nobby has received his atten
every description. Full Dress Suits a
specialty. Gents’ Furnishings have been
the recipient of unusual care. The stock
is larger than ever. Full up with every
thing “ UP TO DATE."
aYid all the leading makes and correct in
styles. if:
I9i5 and 1917 First Avenue.
A ticket free with each dollar purchase.
209 N.20th Street,
Money loaned on Watcher
Diamonds, Jewelry, Pistol*»
Dove a large lot of unredeemed watches on
trie cl on astonishing low prlop. jnlR-tf
112 North Twentieth Street.
Call and see our bargains In diamonds,
solid gold, filled and silver watches, charms,
rings, jewelry of all kinds, adjusted
watches, pistols, cartridges. Money loaned
on all articles described above at reasonable
rates. Business strictly confidential. Pri
vate entrance from the alley. oc29-tf
Alabama G. A. R. Immigration Bureau.
W. H. SMITH, Ex-Governor of Ala
bama, President and Counsel.
W. H. HUNTER, Past Department
Commander, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.
J. C. MILLER, Past Department Com
mander, Secretary and Treasurer,
Choice properties solicited. Contracts
furnished. Accepted offers advertised
in “Grand Army Camp Fire” of Ne
braska. W. H. HUNTER,
9-15-tf General Manager.
WANTED—Employment by a first-class
general photographer. Address li. G.,
State Herald office.
WANTED—Good stenograuhers and Rem
ington operators in need of employment
to file their name , address arul references
with us. We will advise them free of
charge any suitable position that may
be known to us. W. J. Dangaix & Co.,
dealers in Remington typewriters, 200*5 1st
avenue._ 10-4-tf
WANTED—Every one in need of good sten
ographers and Remington operators to ap
ply to us. We have constantly in view a
number of young ladies ami men seeking
employment. No charge made for our In
formation. W. J. Dangaix & Co., dealers
in Remington machines and typewriter
supplies, 2005 1st avenue. UJ-l-tf
WANTED—Three or four good live men to
work insurance; new feature; nothing like
it; liberal contracts to the right men. Ap
_ply at 203 Chalifoux buifiling._10-3-71
WANTED—Loggers to haul to railroad
near Greensport; also two sober, capable
raftsmen to raft logs on Coosa river.
Lathrop-Hatten Lumber Company, River
side, Ala. 10-2-41
FOR RKT\tT—Very desTralTTe C-room house,
vicinity Uth avenue and 17th street, South
Highlands; good condition and thoroughly
cleaned; nice yard. Address House, State
1703 8th avenue, 7 rooms.
711 23d street, G rooms.
2213 5th avenue, 4 rooms.
717 17th street, 7 rooms.
1707 8th avenue, 7 rooms.
2024 0th avenue, 4 rooms.
2310 1st avenue, 0 rooms.
2320 1st avenue, 0 rooms.
933 17th street, 7 rooms.
2110 Avenue G, 7 rooms.
1913 Avenue J, 7 rooms.
929 17th street, 7 rooms.
004 South 2oth street, 7 rooms.
2215 Avenue H, 6 rooms
W. B. IjEEDY & CO.,
Telephone 42. 114% North 21st street.
301 and 303 20th street, double store, 55x100
feet, corner 3d avenue.
211 19th street, beautiful store, 40x100 feet.
1318 1st avenue, small store, very cheap.
109 20th street; best location in city.
Dwellings, offices, halls and bed rooms in
different parts of the^city.
To invest from $2000 to 3000 In real estate
that will pay a good interest.
8-18-lm I)r. Smith’s Block.
$350—Beautiful lot on G, between lGth and
17th streets; easy terms.
$G0O—75x100 with 3 houses, corner E and
13th street.
$4000—100x140, northwest corner E and 21st
street; 5 houses, one-half cash.
$1800— Forty acres good land, all under cul
tivation. 4 blocks from cars, at East Lake.
$50 per foot—Corner 22d street and 3d ave
$700—Beautiful lot, 11th avenue, near 15th;
asphalt sidewalk* curbed.
215 21st street.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who
are indebted to me not to pay my husband,
p. C. McDonald, anything due me, as he
no longer has authority to collect or trans
act business for me. I will not be respon
sible for any debts contracted by him il*
mv name. Mrs. Kate C. McDonald. Bir
mingham, Ala., Oct. 3, 1895._. 10-l-3t
MONEY”TO LOAN—On furniture, without
removal, from $10 up. S. R. Searle, 17th
street, between 1st and 2d avenues.
i Blinn & Son, Proprietors, 1807 2d avenue.
Telephone 222, Birmingham-_12-20o(
STRAYED OR STOLEN—From our mine at
Reeder’s Gap. near Bessemer, one black
mare mule, 15% hands high, 6 years old,
work marked. Reasonable reward for her
return or any information loading to her
recovery. Smith Mining Company.
10-3-4t , __
j ana Opium Ha...
Icuccd at Lome
I out paiu.Book of iu*
Atlanta. Ga. Office 104)4 Whitehall 61
l and Timor, CUMD : no knlEo.
bookfr... Dn.Ok.TIMT .Nonnii
Mo. Ul Kim atrnnt. CInmnnnVl, Q.

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