HOWARD OF ALABAMA His Appearance Creates Con siderable Comment. CIVIL SERVICE REFORMERS Given a Lesson—Republican Employes, Re tained Under the Rule, Give Out Information. Washington, Dec. 8.—(Special Corre spondence.)—Among the members that flit in and out the corridors of the house of representatives is a tall, clean-shaven man; his hair, as black as the raven’s coat, is long and hangs in profusion over his standing collar; his Prince Albert coat, glossy from constant wear, is but toned close to his slender form; his trousers bag at the knew, but their owner doesn’t seem to mind It. This Is his first term in congress, and If the readers of the State Herald could follow him as he goes to the cloak room to deposit his wide wool hat some morning before congress convenes they would notice several fin gers pointing him out, and then, if they could get close enough to hear a whisper emanating from the lips above the ex tended fingers they would hear: "Who? The tall, bushy headed one? Why, that’s the author of ‘If Christ Came to Con gress’—that’s Howard of Alabama.” A Lesson to Civil Servioe Reformers. If a practical illustration were needed to prove the utter folly of the civil ser vice the recent performance of three em ployes of the postofllce department, which resulted in their discharge on Sat urday last, is amply sufficient. The three men were republicans, who had^.oen in the employ of the government for a num ber of years, kept in their places by vir tue of having been placed under the civil service. All held good paying positions, the chief offender, William W. Hill of Mississippi, being assistant superintend ent of the free delivery system of the postoffice department. The men had been giving information to republican con gressmen as to the working of matters in the first assistant postmaster-gener al's office, and also charged that a 'fund had been raised in that office for cam paign purposes in Ohio in the recent elec tinn No sensible man in business would think of retaining in his employ a clerk who was his enemy, or a clerk who was Informing his competitor of all the de tails of his affairs, yet this humbug of a civil service compels a democratic ad ministration to retain in its employ thousands upon thousands of men whose greatest joy is to witness its failure to carry on the business of the government. Stand out In front of one of the news paper offices here on a night when the bulletins announcing the result of an election are being thrown upon a screen, and listen at the cheers that go up when a republican gain Is announced and hear the faint applause when a democratic gain is shown; then if an inventory was taken ■'of the immense crowd, numbering many thousand men, it would be found that two-thirds of those who were cheer ing and hurrahing for the victory won by the republicans hold positions under a democratic administration, and them selves and their families are kept in Washington by the kindness of the men whose defeat they are gloating over. Away with such a humbug. May the day come when the statute that provides for its lawfulness is stricken from the books, and an administration, whether democratic or republican, be allowed to surround itself with its friends, that success may crown its efforts to economi cally administer the affairs of govern ment. Good fishing at East Lake. 12-l-tf __ General freight and passen ger office Alabama Great Southern Railroad removed to No. 7 North 20th street. Tele phone 848._i i-s-tf UNITED CHARITIES. The semi-monthly meeting of the Unit ed Charities will take place this after noon at 3 o’clock in their rooms, corner Twenty-second street and Third avenue. Hits. W. S. LOVELL, Jr„ . Secretary. RAPHAEL CARA VELLA, Chop House, Corner 1st Avenue and 20th Street, No. 1931. Oysters received fresh daily and served in any style. Maccaroni served Italian style Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and to order. Open day and night. 10-22-tf Good duck shooting at East Lake. If you wish to go to the lake before the trains commence running get permit to ride on light engines that pass up First avenue at 4:50 and 6 a. m. from Bir mingham Railway and Electric company, 303 North Twentieth street. 12-7tf To Cure a Cold in One r^py. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c._10-27-6m-2p Old papers for sale cheap at this office. A MISSING WATCH The Cause of Archie Hubbard’s Arrest Yes terday. Archie Hubbard, a negro, was arrested yesterday by Officer Jack McDonald on the charge of grand larceny. It la said that he stole Mr. T. L. Moy’s watch and pocketbook. Mr. Moy rooms at the Wad dell house, and Hubbard tends the rooms. Mr Moy claims that he forgot to take his watch and purse from under his pillow, where he put them the night be fore, and he demanded the negro's ar rest. The negro denies the charge. He re quested that they search him, and the property was not found on his person. (Her Face\ was her Fortune-Why ? Because I m she made it perfect by the constant m / ““heiskell’s soap. \ \ Heiskell’a soap stimulate* sluggish porn ■ I to bealtby action, thus producing a clear I #smootb akin, free from ail blemishes. I / HEISKELL’S OINTMENT I # cures permanently ail forms of Skin m M Disease. For Tetter, Eczema or Ring M Worm, it has no equal. Quickly re- m g moves Pimples, Black Heads, etc. M Sold by Druzgista or sent by mall. Olnt-f F aieat, &0 eu. per box. Hoad, 26 el*. t m Bend stamp fur free sample of Soap. - J JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A CO., % B MI J#-23-wed-frl-*u-wky-ly __ THINGS DRAMATIC. The popular Boston nightingale. Miss Jennie Lind Lewis, who has made such a hit at the Madison Square roof garden this season, has been engaged by Man ager Eugene Robinson for the part of Blanche Idaho in "A Fatted Calf,” the new comedy by William Gill, Which will be seen at O'Brien's opera houfe tonight and tomorrow night. Circumstances make or mar us all. We have all grown so accustomed to see Nellie Sheldon delineate Irish character parts that we forgot that not many years ago she was the bright and win some soubrette of Daly's theater; her songs were sung by every one and she was called “Our Nellie.” One night in a spirit of humor she mimiced an old Irish woman, a well-known character around the theater. Everybody roared with laughter, the delineation was so perfect. The manager unseen heard the whole performance and from then on would cast for her nothing but Irish character parts. Since then she has been engaged to create all the great parts that have been written in that line, and only at an enormous salary could Manager Robin son induce her to leave New York city, where her name is a household word. She can be seen as Mrs. McCann, the genial keeper of a baby farm in the great musical domestic comedy, “A Fat ted Calf.” It is not generally known, but the old saying that "murder will out” is true in every instance. About ten years ago one of the swell churches in that city of churches, Brooklyn, surprised its con gregation with a novelty. Instead of the usual soprano solo they had a whistling solo by a mere lad. Imagine church mu sic tjeing whistled; but no don’t Imagine it, but come and hear that lad, Adam D. Sh'erriff, now a young man, show you how the oratorios can be whistled so that you imagine that you are listening to one of the grand old organs in the old cathedrals of Rome or Milan. This great musical wonder is one of the prominent features of the new three-act musical domestic comedy, "A Fatted Calf.” Germetuer Is the Bes', Mr. C. P. McLain, Acworth, Ga., says; “Several years ago my wife suffered from attacks of bilious colic and Indigestion. She used different medicines and tried several doctors, but all without perma nent benefit. She used Royal Germetuer some years ago, and it has given her more relief than all else, and she recommends it to the afflicted.” Write to the Atlanta Chemical company. Atlanta, Ga., for 48 page book, giving full information, free. New package, large bottles, 108 doses, $1. For druggists. Many people want what many others want to get rid of. Brief mention in the State Herald’s “Cheap Columns” will fill the bill. “Situations Wanted” three times free. Nominal charges for other “ads. ” General freight and passen ger office of Southern Railway remo.ved to No. 7 North 20th street. Telephone 846. 11-6-tf FARMERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY Organized by Land Owners of Madison County. Huntsville, Dec. 10.—(Special.)—Sunday afternoon about 2 o'clock Rube Street was badly cut and dangerously, if not seriously, wounded in the neck by John Freeman of the Dallas mills vicinity. They had a quarrel in the forenoon, and it was renewed by Freeman and two other men who were with him, and it seems they were aiding him in the as sault. Freeman made the attack, when he was knocked down by Street, who jumped on him and was getting the bet ter of the fight when one of the other men pulled him off, when Freeman made the stab, so it is reported. Freeman .was arrested and locked up to await the re sult of Street's wounds. They were drinking, and the crime is a feather In the cap of having saloons ojpen on Sun day, so that whisky can be had on the holy Sabbath in this city. Last Saturday a number of prominent farmers of this county met in this city and organized an insurance association, entitled the Farmers' Mutual Fire In surance Association of Madison County. The following officers were elected: President, John B. Hampton; treas urer, John B. Anderson; secretary, James H. Thompson; directors. Thomas J. Haines, Paul Harrison. James A. Strong, a. W. Vaughan, D. E. Kelley, George Wj Baust, Lev Powell and Mrs. M. A. Jor dan; agents, J. A. Bouclar and J. J. Wall. The association is composed of only those w'ho own farm property, and was organized for the protection of farm property in buildings against fire. The policies are written for thirty years and are on the assessment plan, no assess ment to be made unless one of its mem bers sustain a loss by fire. It has an ex cellent beginning for a start, as policies aggregating 660,008 have already been written. • _ Good fishing at East Lake. 12-l-tf A1 way sin season, always up with the nrocession, always accomiri, iting and always give you the best in the mar ket at the Metropolitan bar. 11- 12-tf __ EARLY ELECTRIC CARS. The first cars In the morning leave as fol lows: From Cleveland.5:50 From Twelfth avenue.6:06 From South Highlands.6:30 From North Highlands.6:00 From Avondale.6:30 From Avondale, second car.6:48 From Fountain Heights....,.6:48 From Fountain Heights, second car.6:00 One hour later on Sundays. Late Cars. Leave Second avenue for— North Highlands.11:30 p m Fountain Heights.*.....11:00 pm Avondale.11:00 p m Cleveland.11:30 p m Twelfth avenue.11:00 p m South Highlands.11:00 p m South Highlands.11:30 p m South Highlands.12:01 a m 12- l-tf _ BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC CO. Annual Meeting of Stockholders Held and Offi cers and Directors Elected. The stockholders of the Birmingham Railway and Electric company held their annual meeting yesterday. The same board of directors was re elected with the exception of Mr. J. C. Warner of Nashville, deceased. Mr. R. H. Pearson succeeded him. The directors are Col. A. M. Shook, William A. Walker, Percy Warner, R. II. Pearson. P. G. Shook. G. B. McCor mack, B. F. Rodon, George I.. Morris and Robert Jemison. i The following officers were reappointed by the boArd of directors: President A. M. Shook. Vice-president and general manager, Robert Jem'.son. Second vice-president, William A. Walker. Superintendent, J. B. McClary. Secretary and treasurer, J. A. Strat | ton. _ ....j THE LIFE SENTENCE Given Joe Dowdell for Rape—The Savage Case With the Jury—Doings of the Various Tribunals. In the criminal court Joe Dowdell, a negro charged with rape, was convicted yesterday and sentenced for life. His alleged victim, who is only 5 years old, testified against him. Her name is Maud Cook and she lived with her parents near Woodlawn, where, it is said, the heinous crime was committed about a year ago. Certain mitigating circum stances averred the full penalty of the law. The separate cases against William Blount, Andy Oden and Mrs. Laura Howe, charged with murder, were con tinued to the January term. City Court The case of Pat Savage vs. L. K. Moss and the Mabel Mining company went to the jury yesterday afternoon. Gibson Mudd has filed suit against the Birmingham Railway and Electric com pany for $1000 damages. He alleges that he was thrown from an electric car on Twentieth street by reason of a sudden jerk, which, he also alleges, was negli gence on the part of the motorman. He claims that his collar bone was broken. The accident occurred last September. The case of John McGhee vs. S. J. Gains was dismissed. Inferior Criminal Court; Judge Feagin disposed of the following cases yesterday morning: William Ross, trespass; $5 and costs. • James Smith, trespass; $3. Peyton Johnson, disorderly conduct; $5. Fannie Palmer, disorderly conduct; $5. James Hoskings, assault and battery; $25 and costs. Creasy Clark, disorderly conduct; $5 and thirty days. William Jackson, trespass; $5 and costs. A. L. Watkins, disorderly conduct; $5 Hattie Borden, disorderly conduct; $5 and costs. Mary Weems, disorderly conduct; $5. Pink Oliver, obtaining money under false pretense; $25 and costs. Court Notes. Marriage licenses were issued yester day to the following parties: Rev. Joseph R. Lloyd and Miss Emma J. Butcher. Mr. H. F. Hill and Miss M. W. Hair ston. Mr. Edgar'S. Benton and'Miss Nannie Balrford. Mr. Ham Cowan, after a brief Illness, Is back at his desk in the city court. Judge Wingo of Brookside held Fred Foster, colored, charged with murder, to await the action of the grand Jury. The deed was committed, it is alleged, at Brookside on the 24th of November. Iron wagons, steel wheels, 85c. Velocipedes $1.35. Ev erything in the same propor tion. Smith & Montgomery Book and Stationery Co. 12-8-31 The third term question will never be fully settled until some ambitious gent monkeys with it. Then the gent and the third term will both be settled.—Atlanta Constitution, Dem. DUKE I Cigarettes MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco AND ABSOLUTELY PURE 12-30-flU-wed-frl-Tck v-1 v Pioneers of Low Prices, December 25th Is Xmas Day. Of course, we all know that; we also know that most people wait till it is practically too late to make their purchosm for the holidays. Our advice !b for you to do it now—this week—while our stock is com plete. besides you’ll avoid being in the awful rush of buyers. Many of you will remember the crowds we had last year, and you may expect much larger crowds this year, for times are better, and everybody feels happy, including ourselves. mi imas nils. Our store is crowded with them, suitable for old and young, rich and poor; and the advantages of early choice cannot be over estimated. Suits or Overcoats, Hats and Umbrellas, Silk Neckwear and Handkerchiefs, Boots and Shoes. Ladies’ and Misses' Garterettes, Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, Ladies’ Waists, Ladies’ Evening Slippers, Boy’s suits, knee pants and shoes, fancy suspenders, gloves etc. CALENDARS FOR 1896 ornamented with a beautiful photo gravure of the Jefferson county court house, given free and mailed free to any address. Send in your name for one. J. L. CHAL1F0DX 4'CO, BIRMINGHAM, ALA. . Branch of J. L. Challfoux, Lowell, Maas. 444444444444444 44444444444 ♦ YOUR PAST, ♦ : present,: l AND FUTURE. ♦ ♦ 44444444444444 444 444444444 You have suffered much in the past. Many of your days have undoubtedly been darkened by the shadow of sickness and ill health. You have oftentimes felt gloomy and despondent. At the present moment you may not be feeling Just as well as you ought to feel. Perhaps you are experiencing the first symptoms of some serious ailment which is lurking in your system. Unless it is promptly checked there may be a long siege of ill ness in store for you. Now is the time to STOP AND THINK about the actual state of your health. If you are suffering from tired feelings, headaches, backaches, biliousness, de bility and other symptoms, remember that your present and future are in your own hands. You can get that most precious blessing of sound health, as oth ers have done, by the aid of Warner's Safe Cure. Volumes could be filled in telling of what it has done for men and women who were completely run down in heath. Its splendid tonic effects give new life and energy to those who are weary and worn out. If you are In need of help, you should make your present and future happier by putting your system in sound condition. Get a new stQck of health and strength by using the great safe cure which builds up the body, purifies the blood and makes the eye brighten with the sparkle of fresh life. Don’t Pay Money for Water! A Solid Extract of Beef is more Eco nomical than a liquid, because con centrated, and housekeepers will find it much cheaper to BUY Liebig COMPANY’S Extract of Beef, A solid, concentrated extract, free from fat and gelatine or any foreign Eubstance, and di*Bolve it them Belves. The genuine has this signature on the the Jar, in blue:— . rKJtiris\*|tMii» Write to us Jar evert^himj'ktiovim in music, SEALS-BROS. -»10S N£107 1*’/WE. B1RMIN&HWA uiacummue r * : the ruinous habit of selling your cotton seed at from SIX to EIGHT DOLLARS per ton and afterwards buying back their products at SIXTEEN to EIGHTEEN DOLLARS per ton. Cotton seed, corn and peas mixed and ground together on our ENTERPRISE mill makes the richest COW FEED in the world, and can be sold to cattle feeders and feed dealers In unlimited quantities at a profit of 40 to 50 per cent to the manu facturer. Write for prices and terms. PERRYMAN & C0„ Sole Manufacturers, 1720p^lnAgT,?pr Aia. Removal I The Birmingham Undertakers and Funeral Directors Have moved to the Watts building, corner Twentieth street and Third avenue, and are fully prepared with a first-class stock of burial cases, robes, etc., and will give prompt and efficient services to its patrons. It belongs to no combi nation. The finest funeral car and carriages in the city. DOC Sage, Embalmer. | H. Ed Warner, Funeral Director The Metropolitan Hotel and Restaurant Nos. 8 and 10 North 20th Street, Corner Morris Avenue. NEXT TO THE UNION DEPOT. REGULAR MEALS, 25 CENTS. Mortgage Sale. Under and by virtue of the power con tained in a mortgage executed on the 13th day of January, 1892, by Mary E. Tindall and E. N. Tindall to the undersigned, of record in book 167, on page 360, Probate Court of JefTerson county, Alabama, to se cure the payment of certain promissory notes described therein, the undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the court house door of Jefferson county, at Birmingham, Ala., within the legal hours of sale' on MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1896, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot No. 12 in the plat of Dexter & Morri son subdivision of lot number ten (10) of the lands of the estate of Richard Forsythe, de ceased, lying in the west half of the south west quarter of section 21, township 17, range 2 west, in Jefferson county, Alabama, default having been made in the payment of said notes (including that due October 1, 1895), said sale to be made for the payment of said notes and attorney's fees therein provided for. December 9, 1893. E. S. DEXTER. C. E. MORRISON, Mortgagees. Wm. Vaughan. Attorney. 12-10-30t EDUCATIONAL. Collegiate Institute for Boardiu The Cedars,” . . . Selma, Ala. Every branch of polite education taught. Special attention to music. Children from 3 to 7 received in Kindergarten Depart ment. Primary, Intermediate and higher course—Latin optional. School year from first Monday in September till last week of June. Terms, $150 per school year, half yearly, in advance. Music extra. The In stitute is under the care of the Sisters of Mercy, who devote themselves to the well being and literary improvement of the young ladies. Pupils received any time, charged from date of entrance. The great est care bestowed on their health, comfort, manners and deportment. CONVENT OF MERCY, Broad Street, Selma, Ala. 10-25-3m-frl-su-wed Potter Building, First Avenue. Sessions Day and Night. A modern, progressive, practical school of business. Tuition rates reasonable. Posi tions for graduates. Call or write for cat alogue.