OCR Interpretation

Birmingham state herald. (Birmingham, Ala.) 1895-1897, December 21, 1895, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa, AL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85044812/1895-12-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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We wish to cdli attention to a few Seasonable
Specialties :
Fruit Cakes ready-unde as good as anybody can make.
Ingredients for making Fruit Cakes.
Cleaned Seedless Raisins.
London Layer Raisins.
Shelled Almonds.
Cleaned Currants.
Pure Spices (whole and ground).
Nuts of all kinds, etc., etc.
Smyrna Figs.
Mince Meat in bulk and in jars.
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes—a fine assortment suitable for
Christmas Presents.
300 and 302 N. 20th Street. Teleptone No. 5.
rscp. p. —If anything else you want in our line, we have it.
Don’t Take Our Word for It.
Ask Your Neighbors About It
Como to See About It.
Thousands of customers
“stepped into our Shoes'’ last
week, and are still stepping.
Thousands more will be shod
this week.
If you want a chance at this
immense line of Sample Shoes.
IVe retail them at exactly the
wholesale price, as long as they
■Washington. Dec. 20.—The following la
the forecast for Alabama; Fair; south
erly winds.
As especially recorded for the State
Herald on the standard thermometer at
Hughes’ drug store, 1904 Second avenue.
The figures given are in all instances for
the temperature recorded in the shade
and on a southern .sheltered exposure.
e a. m.48 3 p. m.02
V a. m.48 4 p. in.31
30 a. m.54 5 p. m.41:j
33 a.m.58 6p. m.45Mt
3V m.39 7 p. m.44Vj
1 p. m.57 8 p, m. 43ts
2 p. IU.5US 9 p. m.43
U. S. Department of Agriculture,
Weather Bureau,
Office of Station Agent,
Birmingham. Ala., Dec. 20, 1895.
Local observations during twenty-four
hours ending at 7 p. m., central time:
Direct’n Rain
Time. Temp, of wind. Weather fall.
8 a. m.i 48 S Clonuy .00
32 m.| 31 8 Cloudy .00
7 p. m. ! 4 1 W Clear .00
Highest tempura.ure, 87; lowest, 11; aver
age, 54.
Local Observer.
Reports received at Birmingham, Ala.,
on December 20, 1895.
Observations taken at all stations at 8
a. m., 75th meridian time.
“ Hi Hi Wlndi to 5“
B o B S t 5 „ . D X "
M 3 3 a O C &
Place of » 3 a’ ■On ; tj S«o
CLserva- 2 . * q 8 g „ J
,in„ rL. ■ a - P i4 *1° 7> a <*>
= : s er.f i;l S
3 o £ S g S'
; : *a ? : ? P
Montg’ry 48 -8 48 SE 8 .74 Cloudy
Memphis.. 42 -20 4o 8 10 .72 Cloudy
Knoxville 64 -IS 62 SE 12 .00 Cloudy
Atlanta . 58 t4 38 SE 16 .00,Cloudy
Vicksburg ...f.
N.Orleans 42 -22 42 W 6 .«► C <»udy
Nashville.I 46 -16 40 8_6 .32Kain_
T indicates trace of rain or snow; f indicated
rite and - fall.
Local Observer, Weather Bureau.
Don’t fail to buy one of those
three-pound hanging chain or
peacock plume rockets from
the Pain’s fireworks stand,
No. 15 N. 20th street.
12-19-5t _
The first ears in the morning leave as fol
From Cleveland.5:50
From Twelfth avenue.G:05
From South Highlands.5:30
From North Highlands.6:00
From Avondale.5:30
From Avondale, second car.5:1S
From Fountain Heights.5:t3
From Fountain Heights, second car.6:00
One hour later on Sundays.
Late Cars.
Leave Second avenue for—
North Highlands.11:30 p m
Fountain Heights.11:00 p m
Avondale.11:00 p m
Cleveland. 11:30 p m
Twelfth avenue.11:00 p m
South Highlands.11:00 p m
South Highlands.11:30 pm
South Highlands.12:01 a m
12-1-tf _
If you want to know where
to buy Christmas goods read
the advertisements in next
Sunday’s State Herald.
Solomon & Levi’s, the pioneers
in their line, for finest wines
and liquors for the holidays.
Two Pennsylvania Manufacturers Desire In
formation of Birmingham Regarding
Those Two Items.
Mayor VanHoose yesterday received
two letters from Pennsylvania gentle
men who are watching Birmingham
with a great deal of interest just now.
They have noted the press dispatches
sent out from here telling of the indus
trial revival, and they write to know
if ail reports are true.
One of the gentlemen is manager of a
large steel mill near Pittsburg, and he
makes particular inquiries with reference
to the iron of this district, coal and other
material necessary in the manufacture
of steel. His letter indicates a desire
on the part of the writer to invest in a
steel mill here.
The other letter was from a Pennsyl
vania glass manufacturer, lie desires
information as to the possibility of mak
ing glass here.
The mayor replied to his letter stating
that a few years ago a glass plant was
erected and operated here, though, as
to its success he could give no informa
tion, as he had no personal knowledge of
Letters similar to these are received
almost every day by Birmingham people,
which Is evidence of a growing interest
in Birmingham.
See our stock—three car
loads of suits, oue of folding
beds, one of l'ockers and other
house furnishing goods.
Doing Good Business—Specially Attractive Fea
tures at Each Much Enjoyed.
The Methodist bazaar was well patron
ized yesterday and last night and the
ladies in charge are correspondingly
elated over their success.
The dog show in the afternoon was the
occasion for the collection of quite a
number of the canine tribe. Prizes were
awarded as follows:
Grover Cleveland, a fine mastiff, owned
by Gen. Rufus N. Rhodes, first prize.
Mr. O'Neill's bull terrier, second prize.
The bazaar will be open today and to
The ''Carnival of Days” is one of the
most successful bazaars ever held in the
city. The ladies of the Cumberland Pres
byterian church have worked faithfully
to make it a success and they have not
The attendance at their place Increases
daily and the sales do likewise.
One of the most beautiful articles dis
played In the bazaar Is an embroidered
picture frame, the gift of Miss Stain
back. daughter of Dr. G. T. Stainback,
who was pastor of the church in this city
last year. Miss Stainback. while in Bir
mingham, endeared herself to a large
circle of friends, and especially to the
members of the church, who appreciate
her remembrance very highly.
The bazaar will be open today and to
night and again Monday and Tuesday.
The Catholic Bazaar.
The attendance at the Catholic ba
zaar Increases nightly.
The reports from the friends of the dif
ferent contestants are very encouraging
for the success of the enterprise and
shows the great interest taken in the
respective candidates. Last night's
votes were as follows:
J. B. Gifford, 265.
J. D. Hillhouse, 260.
James^Lynagh, 150.
Among some of the articles disposed
of last night was a gold chain that sold
for $41. A rug brought $15 and a dining
room set $28. Quite a number of other
articles were disposed of.
The different candidates are repre
sented by the following young ladies:
Miss Annie O'Brien for Mr. Hillhouse,
Miss Nellie Dacy for Mr. Gifford, Miss
Viola Horan for Mr. James Lynagh.
Standard brands of fine old
whisky, thoroughly matured,
6 years old, 75c a bottle.
209 and 21119th Street.
Open until 9:30 p. m.
Chop House,
Corner 1st Avenue and 20th
Street, No. 1931.
Oysters received fresh daily
and served in any style.
Maccaroni served Italian
style Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday and to order. Open
day and night. 10-22-tf
Will be held at any point on electric line
until 1 o'clock a. m. for $3 extra. Parties
having receptions or any entertainment
can secure these cars for their guests
by notifying Birmingham Railway and
Electric company, 303 North 20th street.
12-13-tf __
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c. 10-27-6m-2p
Good fishing at East Lake
First Steps Begun m Officer By
ars’ Case.
Witness Annie Simms Says Lizzie Durr Was
Not on the Car When Shot—The
The preliminary trial of Policeman J.
N. Byars was begun yesterday after
noon before Justice I. N. Benners. He
is charged "with the murder of Lizzie
Durr, a negro girl, on the morning of the
16th instant.
The girl was stealing coal near the
gas house on Thirteenth street, and Of
ficer Byars claims that the killing re
sulted from an accidental discharge of
his pistol when the girl Jumped on him
from a coal car.
Justice Benners obtained permission to
conduct the trial in the circuit court
room, as his office on Twentieth street
was too small to accommodate the large
number of colored and white spectators
who are interested in the result of the
preliminary hearing. There were a great
many negroes present, and they are deep
ly interested In the case. They believe
that they have suffered an outrage on
their rights, notwithstanding the mani
fest regret of the. officers of the law and
the earnest statement by Officer Byars
that the killing was purely an accident.
All who were present yesterday could
not be accommodated inside the circuit
court room, and the door was guarded
by the determined deputy sheriff, John
Hewitt. The chairs On the left inside,
however, were given to the darkies, and
they listened-quietly to the testimony of
fered in the case.
Byars sat inside the railing. He seemed
keenly alive to his situation. He looked
pale, but the. gaze from his eyes was
strong, and the handsome black mus
tache drooped about a mouth that indi
cated a nature entirely devoid of the
least trace of fear. He is about 40 years
old, but he wears his age well. He is a
handsome man.with an honest, open face
and looks anything but a man who would
willfully take the life of a negro girl.
His attorneys, Messrs. B. M. Alien, J. J.
Altman and W. P. McCrossln, sat near
him. Chief McDonald, Officer Joe Nix,
Bus Dllard. Sergeant, Donelson, Sheriff
Morrow and a number of deputies were
also present.
Outside the court room the hall was
crowded with negroes. Officer Will Ba
ker was on duty and kept an aisle open
in the mass of humanity. A State Her
ald reporter passed through on different
occasions. Some of the negro men car
ried canes and some of them were under
the influence of liquor. Such remarks
were heard as: “Have they let him
a-lonse?" “Have they,.discharged him?’
“Why don’t they let us in there?" “We
ought to tear the doors off the hinges.”
But no acts of violence were attempted.
It would have been a dreadful scene had
violence been offered. •
Attorneys Meade, Vaughan and Brown
appeared for the prosecution. Attorney
Brown is colored, but his skin is almost
as white as a Caucasian's. He lately
passed a brilliant examination before the
circuit court, and was admitted to prac
tice in this state. He did not examine the
witnesses, but.took notes of the testimo-'
ny and listened to the arguments of
A list of witnesses was called, and they
were sworn. Several of them were col
ored witnesses for the prosecution.
The first witness introduced by the
prosecution was Annie Simms.
She swore that the girl, Lizzie Durr,
came to her door on the morning of the
killing, and, after arousing her, the two
went after the coal at the scene of the
shooting. She said that she and de
ceased were not on the.car, but that they
were picking up coal near it from the
ground. She said officers came up.
Officer Byars, witness said, was about
15 feet in advance of the two other men.
She and deceased ran, said the witness,
and Officer Byars called, “Halt! I’ll stop
this coal stealing!”
They did not stop, she said, and Officer
Byars fired. Officer Byars ran after her
and caught her.
Attorney B. M. Allen conducted the
cross-examination. He-asked witness for
testimony tending to show corrupt moral
character. Objected to by Attorney
Meade, and after a lengthy argument
of counsel the objection was sustained
by the court.
Witness said on the cross-examination
that she had plead guilty in the inferior
criminal court to the charge of stealing
coal, and that she told the truth. She
was fined $1, without costs. She said Offi
cer McCullom and Mr. Byron were in thq
rear of Officer Byars. When asked how
many people she had talked with about
the case, she said Kditor Harris, colored,
and Lawyer Meade. She denied having
talked with the officers and a newspaper
reporter at the police station.
The witness was discharged by the de
fense, and the prosecution announced
that they would rest the case.
Officer MoCullom was called for the de
fense. IJe stated that he and Officer By
ars went to the coal ears together. When
they approached they could discern fig
ures on top. Could not tell whether they
were men or women. Officer Byars was
in advance of him, and went towards the
north end of the car on the west side.
He (Officer McCuliom) took the direction
on the east side. When Officer Byars
got near the car the figures on top
jumped like a covey of birds. He heard
Officer Byars call, “Come down from
there,” and almost immediately when the
figures jumped from the car he saw the
flash of a pistol and heard the report.
A woman ran east, and he pursued her.
Officer Byars ran by him and captured
the woman. Witness went back to the
car and found the (deceased dead. He
m-t Officer Byars coming back and heard
him ask the woman who it was that
threw the coal on him, and she said it
was a boy. Witness tbld Officer Byaiis
that he had ?hot the girl, and defendant
thought witness was “guying” him. To'
the best of his knowledge and belief wit
ness believett that deceased was one of
the figures on the ear.
Annie Simms plead guilty in the infe
rior criminal court to the charge of steal
ing coal from a Tennessee Coal. Iron
and Railroad company car. The charge
was read to her.
It was then 5 o'clock, and the court ad
journed until 9 o’clock today.
The hall and court room were cleared
of spectators, and the prisoner was ea.fi
i led back ^p jail under, a .heavy escort. ^
We are making on low
prices. Come and look. No
trouble to show goods.
1816 & 1818 2nd Ave.
Nobles Zamora. Temple, please attend
annual meeting Monday, December 23,
4:30 p. m. Election of Queers for ensuing
year and other important business. At
8:30 a reception will be tendered Nobles
George M. Burns and James C. Haugh,
Cincinnati and New Orleans respectively.
12-20-2t , Potentate.
I (Continued From First Page.)
Prices generally show 110 more encour
aging tendency than heretofore. The to
tal'number of business failures through
out the United Statei, as reported to
Bradstreet’s this week, aggregate 385,
compared with 313 last week, 399 in the
like week one year ago, 350 two years
ago (more than at the close of the panic
year), and 298 and 313 In similar periods
in 1892 and 1891.
Shot by Jasper Nabors at Longview Thursday
Mention was made In the State Herald
yesterday that a shooting occurred at
Longview, In which the postmaster at
that place was shot. Passengers who
came up on the train yesterday morning
state that Postmaster Payne had a quar
rcd the day before with Jasper Nabors,
which was renewed the following day,
when Nabors procured a gun and shot
Payne in the stomach, killing him in
Payne was about 45 years old and
leaves a wife and family. He has lived
at Longview for a number of years and
received his appointment as postmaster
under the republican administration.
Nabors formerly lived in Birmingham,
and was at one time a motorman on one
of the electric cars,
Nabors left Immediately after the
shooting and the latest information is
that he has not been captured. He is
said to be a relative of the man’s wife
that he killed and that another woman
was at the bottom of the trouble.
The men's rally In the Young Men's
Christian association rooms on Sunday
afternoon at 3 o’clock will be addressed
by Rev. G. C. Kelly, the new pastor of
the First Methodist church. Dr. Kelly
will speak about Christmas and no doubt
a large audience will go to hear him. All
yi)ung men 11re invited.
For Whom?
Hurried, busy, nervous women nre the
ones for whom Paine’s Celery Compound
was especially prepared. These men and
women with ’nerves ail pone and feebly
nourished need just the invigorating,
sirrnpth-pivinp effect of Paine’s Celery
Compound. Use it now and keep well.
: J/jorona
;*® tfoal Co
Office and Yard:
for. Avenue A and 22d Street.

— I
We sell more lump coal than any
yard in the city.
Joe R. Cook,
School of Expression Day
Atlanta Exposition Dec. 23.
Recitals, illustrated art lectures and
lessons, led by S. S. Curry, Ph. D. and
teacher of the School of Kxpression, 458
Boylston street, Boston, Mass.
Stockholders' Meeting.
State of Alabama, Jefferson county.
Pursuant to a call of the president a meet
ing of the stockholders of the Pocahontas
Coal company will be held at the office of
the company at No. 1921 Powell avenue, in
the city of Birmingham, Ala., on Tuesday,
December 31, at 2 p. m. for the purpose of
voting on a resolution to issue the bonds
of the company in an amount of $25,^00, pay
able in five years from date, with interest,
at the rate of 6 percent, payable semi-an
nually; secured by a first mortgage on all
the property and franchises of the corpora
ll-30-sat-4t Secretary.
Stockholders’ Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the People’s Savings Bank and rust
Company of Birmingham. Ala., will Le held
in the directors’ room of said bank, at 3
o’clock p. m., on Tuesday, the 14th day of
January, 1896, for the purpose of electing a
board of directors for the ensuing year, and
for the transaction of any other business
that may legally come before them.
JNO. D. ELLIOTT. Cashier.
Birmingham, Ala,, Dec. 14, 1S95.
Mortgage Sale.
Under and by virtue of the power con
tained in a mortgage executed on the I3th
day of January. 1892, by Mary E. Tindall
and E. N. Tindall to the undersigned, of
record in book 167, on page 360, Probate
Court of Jefferson county, Alabama, to se
cure the payment of certain promissory
notes described therein, the undersigned will
Sell at public auction, to the highest bidder,
for cash, in front of the court house door of
Jefferson county, at Birmingham, Ala.,
within the legal hours of sale, on
the following described real estate, to-wlt:
Lot No. 12 in the plat of Dexter & Morri
son subdivision of lot number ten (10) of the
lands of the estate of Richard Forsythe, de
ceased, lying in the west half of the south
west quarter of section 21, township 17,
range 2 west, in Jefferson county, Alabama,
default having been made in the payment
of said notes (including that due October 1,
1S95), said sale to be made for the payment
of said notes and attorney’s fees therein
provided for.
December 9, 1895.
Wm. Vaughan, Attorney. 12-10-30t
.A*. :E3:a,3r
suave Cnt
for for
Ten 25
Cants. Cents.
im:. id. lcptim,
117 20Lh Street. Skilled white barbers.
My Health Broke Down
With troubles peculiar to women, my
nervous sys
tem was shat
tered. The
physician said
there was lit
• tie hope for
me. A neigh
bor told me of
cures by
Hood’s Sar
saparilla and I
decided to try
it. When I
had taken 3
bottles I could
Bit up, and
£ now I am per
% fectly well and
3 strong.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
has done all this for me.” Mrs. C. F.
Fadebeb, La Platta City, Colorado.
Hnnd’c Di 1 act harmoniously wltfi
OOOU S rills Hood’sSarsaparlllla. 2ao.
A Cup ofi
Rppf Tpu The cbeaP.eff• ,
I3GGI 1 Cdj purest and best
can be prepared instantly from
Extract of Beef.
i| There's only one genuine
kind and tbat you can
know by this signature in
|| blue on every jar:
| . "1
BEN S. THIESS, Munucor.
America’s Triumphal Tragedian and Rex of
Romantic Actors,
Management of WM. P. CONNOR, in two
Magnificent Productions.
Monday Evening.‘'VIRGINIUS"
Tuesday Eve.."MONTE CRISTO”
Special Cast I
Special Scenery I
Special Effects I
Seats on sale Saturday, December 21.
At the close of business Dec. 13, 1895.
Loans and discounts.$ 676,198 01
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured. 7,51092
U. 8. bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00
Stocks, securities, etc. 38,997 03
Banking house, furniture and fix
tures. 84,80000
Other real estate and mortgages
owned. 40,955 00
Due from National
Banks,not reserve
agents.$ 30,546 21
Due from State
Banks and bank
ers. 24,758 30
Due from approved
reserve agents. .. 76,496 26— 131,800 77
Checks and other cash items. 2,550 00
Exchanges for clearing house. 4,143 U9
Notes of other National Banks. 2,360 00
Fractional paper currency, nick
els and cents . 268 77
Lawful money re
serve in bank, viz:
Specie. 9,627 75
Legal tender notes 31,500 00— 41,127 75
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of circu
lation). 2,250 00
Total.$1,082,961 94
Capital stock paid in.$ 500,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid. 14,418 45
National bank notes outstanding 45,000 00
Due to other Na
tional Banks.$ 13,843 80
Due to State Banks
and bankers. 7,802 28
Individual deposits
subject to check. 388,801 83
Demand certifi
cates of deposit.. 11,13786
Certified checks... 513 80— 422,099 57
Notes and bills rediscounted_ 71,443 92
Bills payable. 30,000 00
Total. $1,082,961 94
State of Alabama, i
County of Jefferson. | ,8,
J, W. A. Porter, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. W. A. PORTER, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this, 20th
day of December, 1895. II. L. BADHAM.
Notary Public.
B. F. RODFN, > Directors.
A. O. LANE, }
legal Notice.
State of Alabama, Jefferson County—Pro
bate Court—12th day of December, 1895.
Estates of L. W. Golson and Olivia Golson,
This day came Mrs. Nora Golson, guard
ian of the estates of L. W. Golson and
Olivia Golson. minors, and filed her account,
vouchers, evidences and statement for a
final settlement of her said guardianship.
It is ordered that the 7th day of January,
189G, be appointed a day for making such
settlement, at which time all parties in in
terest can appear and contest the same if
they think proper.
M. T. PORTER, Judge of Probate.
The Israel Tailoring Company,
114 Twenty -first Street.
Perfect fitting garments,
Materials of the best class, and
Prompt fulfillment of orders
At lowest consistent prices.
We base our claims on facts. Can we
subtantiate them for you? Try us.
The Israel Tailoring Company.
Tuesday, tec. 31s!
Cleveland Bicycle,
So long advertised, udll be given away
at our Store,
1915-1917 First Ave.
The public is cordially invited to be
present. A good Band of Music will
entertain the visitors. The committee,
consisting of the following named gen
tlemen, will present the Bicycle to the
lucky one :
R. N. Rhodes, IV. J. Cameron,
Jos. F. Johnston, J. B. Cobbs,
H. M. Wilson, Felix Drenncn.
A ticket will be given for every dol
lar’s worth of merchandise purchased
up to the above date.
Very respectfully,
M erchant Tr ’lors, Clothiers
and Furnishers,
1915 and 1917 First Avenue.
tri i.i ■ . . ... __ . _
~ ’ i m 1111111 i m 111 m n 111. m mi mi i m mining
I 1
—• —
1 0h> I
My Feet
| Are Cold7 |
Yes, and they will =
ahvays be cold until
= you bring them in
and let us clothe them 5
5 w
1 ni a pair of our
Our prices are cheap
and our fit is neat. 1
M. P. Afesser.
s ' —
"The Feet Fitter»”
2010 Second Avenue.
Telephone 84. §
wiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHimiiimmiiii 1 m n 11 ml
Writes every letter in sight of operator.
Does most of the work in writing AU
TOMATICALLY and yields in the time
thus saved additional work.
It acts as if it studied the convenience
of the operator at every turn, and there
by lightens his labor and renders him
capable of doing more.
It has a knack of keeping well and is
always ready at critical or other times.
These are some of the reasons why it is
different from ail other writingmachines.
General Agents . . .
For the State of Alabama
223 i:d(I 225 21st Stroet, Birmingham, Ala.
Other machines taken in exchange for Bar- '
Locks. Repairing and cleaning a specialty.
H. C. Abbott & Bro.
can show you a larger assortment of
Gold Watches and Diamonds
to select from than you will find elsewhere
at very reasonable prices, also Sterling Sil
ver, Art Goods, Clocks, Fish und Game Sets
suitable for wedding presents. We have a
large assortment to select from. Quality
considered, our prices are very low.
121 North 20th street
H. Chairsell,
Dealer in Hay, Straw, Corn, Oats,
Bran, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Flour, Corn Meal, Salt and Rock
Salt, Wheat, Rye and Barley for
reed. W'e handle first-class goods
and guarantee as represented.
Give us a call and be convinced.
H. Chairsell,
1613 and 1615 First Avenue.
augl9-eod-tf _

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