CUPID SPEAKS! —♦— “A Love of a Rug'.' Saying Rugs are ever necessary / for home comfort. No house is completely furnished without them, and the latest and handsom est designs in RUGS can be found at the A T TP17 Parpet A-LiAjrj Lompany’3, Cop. Second Ave. and 21st Street. tST’The only exclusive Carpet House iu Alabama. WITH ALABAMA EDITORS. The Third Choice. The Colbert County Banner says: “Hon. R. H. Clarke of Mobile is being Importuned by the supporters of the sin gle gold standard policy to make the race for governor. He is their third choice.” Watterson Disgusted. Says the Talladega News-Reporter: “Henri Waterson is once more disgust ed with Grover. This is about the six teenth time, as we remember. Henri’s words will hardly grow cold before he is fawning at the throne again.’’ If Harmony Is Really Desired. The Gadsden Tribune solves the ques tion in a very few words: “If harmony is what the democrats of Alabama, want they will nominate Joe Johnston for governor." Ought to Whack Up. That is what the Gadsden Tribune thinks Mr. Cleveland ought to do about his ducks: “If Mr. Cleveland will whack up ducks there will be some excuse for his leaving Washington in a number of instances.” The Intollerant Register. Says the Marengo Democrat: “The Mobile Register says there will he fraud in elections in Alabama as long as ignorance attempts to rule. Of course the Register thinks that its own goldbug clique has all the brains.” Same Name Retained. The removal of the Republican from Jacksonville to Anniston has been com pleted and the paper will be Issued from this city this week and henceforth. The name Jacksonville Republican, which the paper has borne for the last sixty years, will be retained.—Jacksonville Republican. Everybody Advertising. Says the Colbert Banner: “The New Decatur Advertiser is very different from several north Alabama papers. The Advertiser contains an ad vertisement from every business man in Decatur, while some of its contempo raries have hardly a column of home patronage.” Time Will Soon Be Up. The Gadsden Tribune thinks the time for securing harmony in the party is rap idly drawing to a close: “Good will, peace and harmony should at once become a leading factor in the state politics of Alabama, or the time will soon be upon us when the attempt to bring about the beneficial result will prove an utter failure.” Governor Oates Favors Leniency. The Monroe Journal gives the follow ing as Governor Oates’ views on who are entitled to vote in the party primaries: “Governor Oates favors leniency to wards those democrats led off from the party by Kolb. He believes in not only inviting them back apd treating them as if they had never left the old ship, but allowing them to come in and help select the nominees.” The Challenge Still Stands. Says the Marengo Democrat: “Prof. Little’s challenge has appeared three weeks now. and yet no one seems anxious to take up the gage. If you have the courage of your convictions meet him here at Linden at some appointed time, and show the people of Marengo why we have taken a stand for free sil verln this campaign: show them that we believe it to he tn their best interest to do likewise. We have numbers of good speakers m Marengo, and why some one lias not accepted the challenge we fail to understand. This opportunity should not be neglected, so send us the date of your appointment and we will (Mcura FOR THE HAIR and SKIN A warm shampoo with Cuticura Soap, and a single application of Cuticura (ointment), the great Skin Cure, clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dand ruff, allay itching, soothe irritation, stim ulate the hair follicles, and nourish the roots, thus producing Luxuriant tlair, with a clean, wholesome scalp. 8old Ihronshont the world. Pottbb DlVO * Cn*u. Coup.. Sole • ,v **••» 1 ** V-' $t Birthday Gift?. Jfe . ♦ We are now open so NABERS. Insert It. We would enjoy hearing Dr. F. L. Foscue of Marengo or Capt. J. R. Cowan of Clarke take issue with him on this question.” State Herald Complimented. Says the Union Springs Herald: “The State Herald 'did itself proud' last Sunday and issued a twenty-page paper. We like to note hustling in the newspa per field, and in Alabama—it must be said—there is room for hustling.” Always at the Head. We call attention to the fact that we lead in this harmony racket. We want credit for standing at the head of the harmony class.—Eufaula Times. It is now in order for the Times to claim that it instigated Mr. Cleveland's war message. Democrat With a Big D. Says the Talladega Mountain Home: “Mr. Crisp may be right and he may be wrong in his financial views—time only will tell; but he is a democrat with a big D, and the party is not strength ened when the democratic press under takes to cut him down.” Not Willing to Show Up. The Eufaula Times has got its consent at last to make the following clear-cut acknowledgment: "Captain Johnston is a comely person— so comely mentally and otherwise that there appears to be no man willing to show up against him.” Some Will Recognize Him. Editor Dugald F. McCall is publishing the West Point (Ga.) Graphic and is mak ing a good paper of it. Many of the older editors in Alabama will be pleased to know that “Dugald” is none other than our "Frank,” who used to write such able editorials for the Union Springs Her ald, of which he was at one time editor and proprietor. Clarke Knows Where He Is at. The Clayton Courier does not believe that Mr. Clarke will consent to be the goat: "The goldltes tried Oates, and he would not answer to the shibboleth of 'duty to the party,’ and now they are bringing to bear the pressure on the Hon. Dick Clarke to sacrifice himself. The Courier believes he knows ‘where he is at,' and like Oates, can't be brought to the sacri ficial altar." That ’Possum Supper. Says the Anniston Hot Blast: “The “possum and tater’ supper to be given on December 31 for the benefit of Camp Pelham, Confederate Veterans, will be an enormous and delicious affair. Messrs. J. T. DeArman and W. D. Hol combe, the special foraging committee, are arranging for 150 'possums, fifty bushels of ‘taters’ and twenty gallons of ’simmon and locust beer. Few will miss it, and those who do will regret it to the end of their days.” Democratic Doctrine Must Not Be Advo cated. Our able and distinguished senators, Morgan and Pugh, have quietly with drawn from the state, having completed their mission of creating division and dissension.—Ozark Star. If advocating true democratic doctrines will create “division and dissension" it would be much better for the party to disband.—Clayton Courier. The Courier is eminently correct. If democracy is only a name and modern principles consists in who shall hold the offices It is high time to rub out and start over again. Just Be Patient. The democracy has decided that Cap tain Johnston should have the nomina tion, and that same democracy is going to give it to him.—Russell Register. If this is true, we move that the party pass a vote of thanks to the Russell Reg ister, adjourn to 1S9S and save campaign expenses.—Mobile Register. Just be patient abouf' extending your thanks. There is not a fairer journal in Alabama than the Russell Register, and Its past history sustains the assertion that no paper has stood firmer for the party. While a supporter of Captain Johnston It opposes the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, but does not belong to that rule or ruin class with the Register and only a few others._ In winter rheumatism is the most se vere. Hood’s Sarsaparilla permanently cures rheumatism._ * . al 1-~ £ J. ual 1. y tuu vx fine whiskies in the State. You have a dozen different brands of PURE OLD WHISKY to select from. Standard price, 75c a bottle. Why not save the 25c? H. BARNARD, 209 and 21119th Street. Open until 9:30 p. m. 12-13-tf __ To Cure a Cold, in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. 10-27-6m-2p Oyster cocktails at the Met ropolitan bar. I I-1 2-tf Blank Books “ready-made” and “made to order.” Rob erts & Son, 1809"2d avenue 12-22-8t ___ HEFLIN. Teachers Resign—Novel Sight at the Col ored School. Heflin, Dec. 20.—(Special Correspond ence.)—Professor Stephenson and his daughter. Miss Virginia, who have been our teachers for the present term, have resigned. They go to Bowden, Ga„ to assist in the college there. Professor Brock of Bowden has been chosen for the spring term and will be assisted by Miss Ada Morris of our town, who is now in Athens, Tenn., attending school. Heflin is now well dotted with beggars, each with their individual tale of woe. They have done the exposition and are now working the small towns. Heflin people have done Justice to the big show. Itev. Mr. Montgomery has taken charge of the Southern Methodist parsonage. Some of the most progressive colored families of Randolph took the train this week for different parts of Texas. In the negro school here are to be seen some very comical sights. There are grandmothers and even great-grand mothers getting their lessons and recit ing along with the little chubby-faced “brownies.” They will glggingiy tell you “Never too late to learn.” WED iiiii- up our recent licit your visit to MORROW & GOSSIP FROM BOOKLAND. Miss Murfree, so well and favorably known as Charles Egbert Craddock, has written some forceful and powerful nov els, dealing with the mountain people oj east Tennessee. A critic has said, "If Miss Murfree could leave Tennessee for a while, tell us of some other land, not make her women so spasmodic and her men all moonshiners, her many readers would rejoice." While this criticism has piquancy, Miss Murfee writes in a felic itous way of these moonshiners, using a dialect, tu be sure, totally unfamiliar to most of us, but evincing so much genius and talent in the portrayal of her favor ite locality that she has long since carved a distinct niche in the temple of fame. She gave us “The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain,” "His Vanished Star" and yet she has again drawn inspira tion for another story whose scenes and characters are from these mountain re gions—"The Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain." It is a quaint story and it is a perfect marvel how Miss Murfree can weave so much of spirituality and beauty into the story of these uncouth and law-breaking mountaineers. But she writes as if she knows, and knows inti mately, every foot of ground where her scenes are lafd. Completely in touch with nature, she writes in an engaging and wondrous way of every mood and fan tasy of this mundane sphere, and with a diction that is rythmical and suggest ive, as when she says: “One might hard ly mark where the horizon line merged the sweet solitudes of earth into the sol itary sky. Many a day the spring loiter ing along the shadow-flecked vistas, with the red maple blooms overhead and vio lets underfoot, was the only traveler to be seen on the deserted road; and the pensive dusk was wont to deepen Into the serene vernal night, sweet with the scent of the budding wild cherry and astir with timorous, tentative rustings as of half-fledged breezes, and illumined only with the gentle lustre of the white stars.” Of such exquisite descriptions there are many, together with a number of trite, analytical remarks on human nature as found in her mountain characters. She says; "Hite’s open and candid mind could compass no adequate motive for concealment in all the ways of the world but the desire to evade the revenue law', or to practice the shifts and quirks nec essary to the capture of wary and elusive moonshiners." If the expectant reader desires an intricate and well constructed plot, with each page unfolding Incident and adventure, he will be disappointed, and for the several occurrences that did happen there is no satisfactory explana tion. Whenthe story ends one is con sumed with an unrequited desire to know who killed the solitary scientific traveler, for Con Hite has proven himself too noble and tender-hearted, and the crafty horsethief stoutly declares, "nut I never done sech ez that," protested Peters. "I always stop short o’ blood shed.” And winsome Narcissa, dreamy and tender, we would all have loved to know her fate.—(Houghton, Mifflin & Co.y Teresa Bean wrote almost daily letters to the Chicago Inter-Ocean during the World's fair, and now she has published a book about that great, that wonder ful fair, which she has named "White City Chips.” In reading h- r experiences many happy, reminiscent hours may be spent. A novel competition was recently got ten up by a London Journal called “An swers,” in which prizes were offered for the best eight-word poems. The editor desired 1500 and received 15,000. Here is one: “Noble earl, Lost hets: 'Murrlcan girl Title gets.” • * * Admirers of Brander Matthews will be glad to know that, although such a busy man, he has found time to write and publish a new work. "His Father’s Son” bears the imprint of the present year; in fact, “1896" is aready ushered in upon its title page. It is a story of New York life—plain, every-day, commonplace life—and I pre sume numbers of Just such tragedies are being enacted day after day. The book is illustrated with great fidelity to the text by T. de Thulstrup. Those who have read and enjoyed Mr. Matthews' stories, and particularly his "Story of a Story and Other Stories," will find the same smooth style and well sustained interest in this new work, It gives in a very clear and vivid way the workings of one household in Netv York city, our great metropolis, the vital ele ment being the ever recurring question pt the proper training for the youth of our land, and especially the boys. Upon closing the book one could not help ex claiming, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his ortiilt” Anri thn niif»«aHnn sinks in the heart with emphatic force. Ezra Pierce is an elderly man, rich, and engaged, body and soul. In the manipula tion of affairs on Wall street; a liberal church member—one very strong and re deeming feature in his favor—a passably good husband and father in a negative sort of way. though entirely nil when you estimate his paternal influence over Winslow, the only son and heir; engaged all day long and Sunday, too, in a fanat ical endeavor to get all the money possi ble to be made on Wall street and to ac complish the ruin of every opponent. Not much is said of the mother, Mrs. Pierce, a passive, quiet old lady, so the reader instinctively attributes a good deal of the lack of stamina and moral decrepitude evinced in the vacillating son to her quiet, weak nature. Yet. while heredity and training are vital forces, environment is another, and a life of plenty of money and absolutely nothing to do would be apt to brood failings and sinful acts which a healthy, useful, labo rious life for the sustenance of himself and wife would never have developed or allowed possible. It has the elements of an interesting story to the generality fo readers, though one would not care to be amused with the recital of the undoing and de generacy of so fair a lad as was Winslow Pierce in the opening pages. • * • The author, Prof. Brander Matthews, was originally a New Orleans man and is now a full-fledged professor at Colum bia college, which most professors find a most arduous task, entirely sufficient to occupy their time. But Mr. Matthews is always writing magazine articles, serials for the weeklies, editing his magazine matter for book publication and writing an occasional play. “Yet,” says a recent interviewer, "he never seems to be in nr hurry, but always has time to stop and talk if you happen to meet him on the highway or at his office. He looks like a man who keeps late hours, because he has no color in his face, yet his eyes are unusually clear, though he is obliged to wear glasses, but that Is entirely for near-sightedness. Without his glasses he couldn’t recognize his best friend across the table.” • » • Although Mrs. Lynn Linton has achieved distinction as an authoress, DING purchases of* Eur our establishment SINNIGE’S W. H. KETTIG, President. W. J. MILNER, Vice-President. H. K. MILNER, Secretary and Treasurer. The Milner & Kettig Co., (Incorporated. Paid up capital, $125,000.00.) MACHINERY • AND • MINING • SUPPLIES. j: Bar Iron and Steel, Black Diamond Files, Black Diamond Tool Steel, Tools, Rubber and Leather Belting, Rubber Ilose and Packing, Blake Steam Pumps, Atlas Engines and Boilers All kinds of Machinery. Write /or Prices and Catalogue. Birmingham, Alabama. nothing has brought her such universal prominence as her caustic views of George Eliot, recently expressed in the St. James Gazette. Mrs. Linton knew the great novelist, but she did not love her, nor does slip reverence her memory, as will be seen from the following; "It was at John Chapman’s that T first met George Eliot, then Marian Evans, hav ing neither her pseudonym nor her style and title of George Lewes' wife. I can didly confess my shortsighted prejudices with respect to this to-be celebrated per son. These were her undeveloped as well as her insurgent days. She was known to be learned, industrious, thoughtful, noteworthy, but she was not yet the great genius of her age, nor a philoso pher bracketed with Plato and Kant; nor was her personality held to be supe rior to the law of the land, nor was she recognized a conventional gentlewoman. In these days, indeed, she was emphat ically not that; she was essentially un derbred and provincial. * * * She held her hands and arms kangaroo fashion; was badly dressed; had an unwashed, unbrushed, unkept look altogether * * * I have never known anyone who seemed to me so purely artificial as George El iot.” * * • Having occasion to visit Logiealmond. the “Drumtochty” of Ian Maclaren, to make sketches for “A Doctor of the Old School,” Frederick C. Gordon writes an article about his guest in The Bookman for this month. The prototype of Dr. MacLure really lived. It seems, and the astonishingly clever picture Mr. Gordon draws is his portrait. The people in the village are proud of John Watson (Ian Maclaren) and his stories about them, and proudly point out the spots and per sons of interest. • • • Mr. Edgar Magness, president of the Bank of Attalla, has written very enter tainingly of bis tour abroad, which he calls “Tramp Tales of Europe," a three months' trip. There is a peculiar charm in reading observations and experiences gained in this way. We all have more •or less of the adventurer in our makeup and feel we should enjoy immensely tramping over the smooth, inviting coun try roads, bounded on either side as they are with wide spreading pasture lands, fragrant with new-mown hay, dotted with brilliant, wild red poppies and lady smoche, all silver white, “do paint the meadows with delight," neatly and pic turesquely laid off by the hawthorne hedge that adds such a charm to the be holder. But I observe in these tramp tales that Mr. Magness relied very often on the time and labor-saving apparatus— a train. However, he covered a good deal in foreign lands in three months— a year is much better. The author dis courses in a very bright, crisp energetic way of Scotland that will ever continue to charm the traveller; of Ayr, the birth place of Burns, and a characteristic Scotch town, on through the Tmssachs, which Scott has immortalized in "The Lady of the Lake." Many tourists take this trip upon just arriving in Scotland. My advice Ts to see the lowlands first and the many places you've mapped out, finishing the tour with a day through this romantic land, the Highlands of Scotland, and whether on Larch Katrine or the swift little steamer or on top of me coac.n, wnn a real oia srntcnman holding four bonny horses well In hand, you drink in the crisp morning air, and mists too, no doubt, and revel In the ever changing scenery, with hills bare but for their matted covering of heather, hear ing on every side names we learned long ago in the lays of Scott—Glen Freim and the Ross D'hu. the cave of Rob Roy and cone-like peak of Ren Lomond and Ren Volrlich and the jagged crest of Ben Arthur, while spread out farther on was the vale of Mentelth, with far Loch Ard and Aberfoil in the center and Ellen’s Isle, in Loch Katrine, covered with scrub oak, dark patches of fir, and heather beds. I took a shot with my camera of the sequestered nook where Fits James' boat was moored during his vists to the fair Ellen." While on the swift steamer on Loch Lo~ mand.theauthor toils an amusing episode. He says: “A drover, bringing his cattle to market at Glasgow, was met by an En glishman whb Inquired the price he wop Id get for them a piece. ‘Five or sax pounds, sir,’ was the answer. ‘Why. in London.’ said the Englishman, ‘you could easily get £20!’ ‘Yes, the drover replied, ‘and if you had Loch Lomond in London, you could sell it for 6 pence a glass.' “Now. I heard a conundrum put by one of a party of three gents, out on a big frolic, I know, presumably to the other two, but in reality for the edi fication of the crowd, for we were on top of a coach, 'doing' the Trossachs, and in a driving rain at that, a good one: but then mine was told by a wiry little Irishman. He said: 'Why is the Queen of England like a spell of bad weather?’ The two gents guffawed and gave it up, while the rest of us continued to listen, as we had been doing for an hour. ‘Be dftuse,’ said he, ‘she has reigned fifty-sev ern years and won’t give the son a chance.’ ” You should not fall to read this work, that we may justly feel proud is writ ten by an Alabamian, though the reader will regret that he did not give us the opean an<1 Domes for a critical exam DRUG AND Meyer-Marx Company, Wholesale Liquors and Wines. ( The Best In Quality, < The Best In Values, and Give ( The Best Satisfaction. IIICT npmyjjn Three car loads of liquors of all kinds, whicl Jllul uLLLllfiU we offer to the trade at rock bottom figures. Call on us and get our prices. We compete successfully with the largest Eastern and Western Jobbers. MEYER-ffiHRX COMP’Y, \j/ The Only Exclusive Wholesale Liquor House in the City. . . . ?lS BUNDLING KINDLING WOOD. A Big Industry Which Grew Up From Very Small Beginnings in a Back Yard. New York World. More than twenty-five years ago, in the back yard of an uptown house, a man with an idea started to chop up kindling wood and tie it into bundles of requisite size to use in the stove. In those days people bought loads of hickory logs in the fall and had the professional sawyer and splitter, who paroled the streets with ax, ibuek and saw over his shoulder, to reduce them to the required size. From that man, with his back yard and his idea, a great industry has sprung. The business was a success from the start. First the wood was sold only in the poorer sections of the town, where the slum dwellers found It very convenient to buy the cheap little bun dles all ready for use. They thus econo mized minutes that could be applied to their working day. After a time It got to be that there was not a street where there were not stores that kept the bun dles, and the small coal and wood deal ers, in the slum basements, made them part of their stock In trade. With the general use of the kindling steam and improved machinery came in to use In the cutting and bundling of the wood. Now there are extensive estab lishments in the city,"and the bundles burned out in the course of a year amount to millions. At the present day all man ufacturers bundle their wood in the same general way. In the early days the ends of the little sticks were dipped in rosin; another bundler put a small piece of cork in the center of each bundle, while still another had each stick saturated with a chemical preparation. It was the general belief that some aid must be given to the wood, otherwise the coal would not Ignite. But all other methods were put aside when one bundler hit upon the Idea of evaporating all moisture from the wood through the agency of a steam heated kiln. The wood used by the bundlers of kindling in New York is pine and hem lock. The first comes from Virginia and the second from the forests of Ptnnsyl vanla. It reaches the city in the shape of long slabs. These slabs are split into lengths of kindling thickness. From the splitting machine the lengths are run along a platform to a buzz saw, where they are cut into the lengths used in the bundling. As they fall from the buzz saw table the bits of wood drop directly into a box through which runs an end less chain elevator. By this elevator the wood is carried far up to the top of the building and dropped into the opening of the kiln. Around the sides of the kiln run close coils of steam pipes. In the great kiln the little sticks remain from one to four days. The loss in the kiln treatment amounts to 10 per cent. A cord of wood produces 1000 bundles. The wood is now inflammable and ready for bundling. The last work Is done by boys, who stand at a foot-power press. Through openings at the bottom of the kiln the kindling falls to the table before which the boys stand. The bundling machine is two half circles of iron, one of which fits above the other, making an opening the size of a bundle of wood. There is a slot at the bottom of the machine, In which the tarred twine is placed. On top of the twine goes a label with the manufacturer's name and then the wood is packed In. One top of the wood falls the upper half circle of iron, the boy gives pressure with his foot, the wood Is pressed firmly In a bundle, the twine Is tied and the kindling is ready for deliv ery. In a day a boy can tie pp 1000 bun dles. _ ALEXANDER CITY. The People Delighted Over the Return of Rev. H. Gt. Davis. Alexander City, Dec. 20.—(Special Cor respondence.)—The people of Alexander ENTS. tic Novelties mid inaction of onr sto i BRIC-A-BRAC City are highly elated over the return of Rev. H. G. Davis. All of the people of this place arc In love with him. We feel, as a church and as a town, that he has done us more real good than any man we have ever had. Mr. Davis raised during last confer ence year over $6000 In the Interest of our church. The new and beautiful church will soon have been completed and we attribute Its being built to the zealous efforts of Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis In the pulpit has no dupli cate in this country. On the platform he is at home. We heard him the other evening with much pleasure. The lec ture was thrilling. We trust that those who have never heard this man of God will take advantage of the first oppor tunity and hear him. Some of the beautiful Ro den stock of watches, dia monds and jewelry left and we are selling them at aston ishingly low figures. Call and price. Also the superb silverware. Then you should see and price the numerous unredeemed pledges, which we are selling at about half the original cost. You need only examine to be convinced. COLLATERAL LOAN CO. i2-i5~7t 209 N. 20th St. Pain’s fireworks will be on sale at the Pain’s fireworks stand at 15 20th street. They are the best. It is a waste of money to buy poor fireworks. 12-19-5t _ Flanks for Traveling. One often needs the contents of sev eral small bottles on a Journey, but the packing of them so that they will not break nor leak Is a nuisance. An old glove with a finger tightly stretched over the cork will help one out. Our Method of Preparing the fancy food product Silver Churn Butterine , is strictly in accordance with scientific principles. We use pure, sweet, animal fats in such combination as to make Silver Churn Butterine readily digestible, and easy cf assimilation. Our processes are correct; our appliances the most improved; our factory is a model of cleanliness. Prepared Solely By ARMOUR PACKING CO., Kansas City, U. S. A Card Favors. Brle-a-Brac. and ck. EMPORIUM.'