Newspaper Page Text
n AW Ml VOLUME 3, NO. 209. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1885. PRICE 10 CENTS. i ( i 1 business Guards. Mrtisnntnts. duerilsemcnts. i IWm V 1 ! 4 ! V. 0 I THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. 13 PUBLISHED -Every Morning Except Sundays. . t 9CS1CailTIOX.S Daily P C. Advertiser, I yer, (Cash) 53 00 &Hlf P. C. Advertiser, 0 months, (Cash; 5 00 . Dally P. c. Advertiser, 1 week, 'Cash)... . 25 . Weekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 year. fCasb) . ....... 8 00 Foreign Subscription W. P. c. A. (including I PO"ge).t ts 60 Commander r the Gordon Relief Expedition. ; GKN. SIR GARNET WOLSELEY. During a life of 51 years, Gen. Wolseley has spent S3 In the Scottish army. Entering fts ensign in tha Burmese war, he has served in nearly all the military engagements in which England has been interested since. In tha Crimea he received distinction, being severely wounded at Sebastopoi; was. a the ,eiag9 of Lucknow, and iu the succeeding wars with the Chinese, the Ashantees and the Zulus. la 1S83 he wa3 sent to rypt to relieve Cairo, which he did, receiving on his retarn to England a tremendous ovation. Ha is now in command of an expedition up the Kile to relieve Gen. Gordon, who is at Khartoum. AWAY FROM POLITICS. Caaaecticut Boys No Longer After . Fuplio Preferment. SXalltrcy and RIanufacturing Ave nues to Wealth Sought by the ; Great majority Business Instead of Politics. Hartford Cor. New York Sun. The brightest and ablest of the young men born and brought up in Connecticut do Dot go into politics, " was the complaint recently made by a veteran politician of thiJCity. These most promising fellowa either go Into business or go west. Many o? them go no further west than New York (City. " A generation or two ago all $30 boys were taught before they got out of bib and tucker that they might become president some day, or at least go to con .gross, and It used to bo duly Instilled Into . tie minds of the young girls that they ought to improve every advantage against the coming time when they would . t thq wives of presidents or .aen&tors or governors. So the brightest and ablest of the lads became early fired trith tome and school Instilled ambition, -mnt-loccllcge. "ttridied Jawd began "it sir careen witliiheir eyeVever Pcd en, "" ta Whlta : House. - To be sure, noneQS ijxcd ever got there, though one was once within a single life of it. v But poli tics got the services of the most Intellectual men. There were the Seymours, Thomas H. and Origen; the Baldwins, the Sher-. xnani, and Ellsworths; Lafayette 8Si Foster, who was the model presiding officer the senate, according to th lata Senator Anthony; the profound Kerry Balpb L Ingersoll, Charles Chapman, Isaac Tower, Gideon Welles, and many other whose careers were most honorable ;t themtelres and the stata t But to-day mothers and school visitor and the ministers do not stimulate arabfe Hon by tell'ngthe boys that they may g$ " to the Wfcitellouse. ,The bright boys ntf. longer look to the law as the stepping atone to political preference. The power; of wealth and tha fascination to be f cund'. in getting it honorably are the lessons now, taught, anl the brilliant young fellows art etuavinir railway problems, the laws of. ' trade, mechanics, and the arts. At Yala college a series of lectures has just been; i, bfigun in the problems of railway manage, dent, the laws natural and political i that , tha development of the railway systems of. - the country have created, and it ia an4 nounced that nearly all the students are eager to attend these lectures. Into tu3 bants, the manufactories, and the railway, fflcea the young men are now going wha formerly would have looked for .acareer valy at tha bar and la politics. -I suppose I am worth half a million, caid a man still young, who a few ytarl go began a political career which was esl racially promising, and who abruptlys quitted it for the fascination of money caakiog ia connect'on with the develop Caentof the telephone. I have monej enough now," he added, "but the delight of making it by conquering difflculueaj the pleasure of winning is worth mow than any political preferment Some day whan I get old and tired I may try to gsi to the United States senate, to take it easy J bare a good time and round off my ca4 mr." ' 2 Two of the ablest lawyers the state h&ffl sroducfid. both succpssful nollticians. and! one onco o member of congress, practlA -11 1 J I 1 . 3 came president of the great railroad cor pcranon cx.ine state. ne son ox a sue cwsful coliticiun. n voniir man of T(?a oromlse. threw down his law books, packed his college degre away, putos. ovenulaand entered a woolen mill a3 apprentice come year a& He learneC thoroughly everv tail ?Tthe mechanics f&cturecfjf'mo.. hci a tlia fiS f fw tluj cou" !? YaleAind vrill pla.r the following pro-ljSQ IjW J? this afternoon, at ijagSmanulaSull Z&9z.- f his stars that he 6iTch "Happy New Ye?fright though poon, Of ertur-"Qa stved enough from hi f"?I!r--i4513icriQ the Boy-towhii Wet oois.-ia. and who had brilliant PtVB aUe after auatloD, Poli'P (is t) I Pt"' '.n!c$ and chemlitrv. MAOFAELANE & C0-, xynotESArx d eaters atp e. IV era: Jobbers In WINES and SAQVOHS. No. 13 Eaabamsnn Street, Honolulu, ns-t H. HAOKFELD & CO., G COMMISSION AGENTS. iuw u uueen St., Honolulu, H.I. ED. HOITSGHLAEGER & CO., Importers A ComijUitlon Mercbants. Queen Htreet, Honolulu, ji. I. los-tf A. S. 0LEGH0BN & Co., Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Bts. 107-ti W. AUSTIN WHITING. ttorney and Connsellor at Law. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Instra men til for the Island of Oahu. No. 9 Kaahumanu Htreet, Honolulu. H. I. 103-tf CLAUS SFBBCXILS. wm. a. nmi. WM..G. IRWIN & Co., SUGAR FACTORS and Coramlswlon AGENTS. Honolulu, U. T. 101-tfwtf TE0S. J. HAYSELDEN, Auctioneer, ffobala, Hawaii. Sales of Real Estate, Goods and lroperty of every description attended to. Commissions moderate. 02tf-wtf JOHN RUSSELL, ttorney nt Iw. No. ii MERCHANT STREET, NEAR FORT ST, OUt-TV M. PHILLIPS & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Clothing, Boots, fcjhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish big and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumana Htreet, Honolulu, 11. 1. l(Mtf-wtf S. J. LEVEY & CO., Grocers and Provision Dealers. Family Grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other Island will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort tit., Honolulu. 105tf-wtf J-R. CIIAS. ftUI.L PHYSICIAN awd SUEGEON, Cor. Nuuanu Are fe Kukul til. OQlce Hours from 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and 5 to 7. Telephone No. 373. 232fe4b Dr. E. Cook Webb, Residence and Office, cor Richards & Beretanla St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. OmcK Horns: 8 to 10, ") 3 to 4, V 7 to 8. J Telepboue No. 3. 281 tt A. G. ELLIS & CO., REAL ESTA.TJE, STOCK AND MONEY BROKERS, Office, No. 2 Campbell Block , 273 it Merchant Ht. J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merthant St., Honolulu. II. I. 08 tf fj. M. M0NSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC. R eal Estate In any part of the Kins;- . finm Rnucht.Kold a ud Leased on Commission' Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. S No. 87 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 109-tf e; c. fishbourne & CO. i ACCOUNTANTS, General Brokerage & Business Agency TV71LL. ADJUST AND KEEP ACCOUNTS, V and act as agents for firms or Individuals for the care of real estate and collection of Inter, eat and rents; buy and sell securities; attend to Custom House business, and carefully manage and transact all business entrusted to their care. GENERAL AVERAGE ADJUSTMENTS. ? REAL ESTATE STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. Will make safe Investments of money for par ties having from 100 upwards. Leases, deeds and document carefully drawn. Office. No. 1 Kaahumanu street, Makee Block. Telephone 33; P. O. Box 17. 21-decl7 FRANK CERTZ, PQilmiiorter ani Manufacturer J f Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES tt? Orders from the other Islands solicited. No, 111 Fort St., Honolulu. l-tfwtf J. LYONS. V. J. I.EVET. LYONS 8c X.EVEY, Auctioneers AND- General Commission Merchants Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Oales ofFnrnltnre, Stock, Real Ette O and General Mercnauawe proper w Sol Affonts for: American & European Herclaniise. 110-tfwtf i'lWUUX INVESTMENT it 1GESCT CO., (Limited.) Money Loaned on First Class securi ties, for long or short peried. Applr to w t hp VVV Mannpr MO tem. OSca on Queen St., over a. W. Macfarlane & Co. 198-tf -TO THE HLADIES-- I CHI BAR. We beg to tnlorai our friends and customers tbat wc have been appointed Hole Agents for this well known firm, and have much pleasure In Inviting Inspection of our li re and varied . , , ': ' assortment of J apaneso Goods, Jl'ST IMPORTED. 't.V ,'. Comprising the following: EITBROIDEBED SIEII SCREENS Of tha most beautiful colors, and of astonishing beauty and finish. 0 ..." .. . i BED . . AND .' . TABLE COVERS. Embroidered In Silk by Japanese. A LARGE VARIETY OF '""'mT L SB 3E5 S'"'" j Of the finest porcelain, remarkable lor uniqueness In color and shape. ALSO- . , ' Porcelain Flffnres, Japanese Tea Sets Of the finest China. Tetc-a-Tete Sets, Butter Dlsbes, Asa Receivers, , Silk Eantcru!, Silk Embroidered Kimonos, Easels. Carved Wooden Cabinets, . Hand Screens, ! Tray, Wall Pockets, j ; Paraools, "j Paper ! Mats, Fans, Photographs Of Japanese scenery,! colored and plain. A Iare Selection ol Japanese Broiize Jewelry, - consistinh or; Sleeve Buttons. i . . Chains,; . Scarf Plus, Ac. Ac. Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor ation. I O. -W. MACFARLANE is CO. iiflti i , - ' Miriiees, Watson & Go's Sugrar Machinery. WE HAVE ON HAND ! One Triple Effect, i One Rouble Effect, One Set or Four Centrifuge Is ' , : Euflne and Mixer, i. . -- , , . . - . Spare Spindles, bushes, Ac, for Centrl ratals," One 26iux31Ii Mill, with engine, gear. lnsr, Cane and Megass Carriers Complete, '. One Sparc Roller 2Giu.x311n. One Spare Iutermedlnte Wheel for Genrlngr or 261n.x54iu. Mill. One 6iu.xl21n. Riasonal Engine, One pair Compound Rollem,6xl9f t61u. and 15ft.61n. We have to arrive per "Varuna' In August, A set or two Ceutrll'njfalj and Mixer. One Ceutrifnsal and Mixer for add 1 us to existing set of Machines. Centrifugal Linings, Rubbers, Belting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Boilers, Clar ifiera, Crab Winches, Drilling Ma chines, Flat Coolers, Tilting Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Filter Presses. Cane Top Cutters. Chain Blocks to lift 10. 20, 30 and 40 cwt. Glass Saccharometers graduated from0 to 15 and from 15 toSO Baume Vacuum and Pressure Gauges, Ther mometers for Vacuum Tans, Hand Ther mometers, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Hammers and Files. Estimates Given for Ma chinery not in Stock. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for Mirrlees, Watson & Co, Glasgow ' 117-tf John Towler & Co's. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS i Permanent Railraods 10, II, and 18 lb. Rail. Locomotives, Cars3 Ties, Spares. Duplicates ani Tools. FOR BALE BY (. W. Macfarlane & Co. AgentB for John Fowler & Co., Leeds, lis-tf SECTIOXAL MAP OF HONOLULU, SHOWING BUILDINGS, WATER-PIPES, Lamp-posts, Hydrant, etc, on a large scale. All parts drawn accurately l o scale. Copies for sale ny M. p. MON3ARRAT, 830 d&wtf I "Gaaette" Building. NOTICE. rfHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BHARE 1 holders of the Puuloa Sheep and Stock Ranch Company wui oe neia ceniber at the counting A "o.. Honolulu. at noon of the -:uh of De- room of G. W. Macfarlane j. iiUaoi-- cecreiary. Honolulu, Dec. 23, 1331. - . - 329 de25 Money to Loan ON GOOD PROPERTY SECURITY, MTOCKSj Bonds, etc. A pply to M. THOMPSON, Attorney-at-Law, Cr. Fort and Merchant 8ts Honolulu, H.L r mm G. X. MACFARLANE & Co., Have received from London a spe cial consignment, which la now cn view, ci LONDON MADE Diamond Jewelrv OF TDE Newest and Most Recherche Patterns, consisting of Diamond. Rnby Emerald, Sapphire, Pearl, and Other Bm Ulusrs, BEEAaTPINS, BANGLES ted other Ornaments all mounted In fine gold Also a splendid assortment of GOLD WATCHES, FOU LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Iucltfdlng some line Minute Repeaters and Chro uographs, In heavy IS-carat gold cases ; some Beautifully Enameled Watchee, In huuting cases, or Ladles, and anassortment of fine Silver "Watclaes. Also, a very beautiful assortment of 8ILVKR JEWELRY, of specially new design and make. fi-Tlie w hole consignment will be placed at CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICKS. 127U- Pantheon Stables, Cor, Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVERY, BOARDING, AND SALE STAPLES. Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry cr night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. ' .Excellent Saddle Horses ftfr 'Ladles and Qeutleinen. uuarauteed Gentle. Cfiriasr afos. 3, 21, 46, i7, 4, 49, 50, 51, 53 and 53. Double and single teams always to be had or livery at the most reasonable rates. . . ' Large and small omnibus for picnics and .excur sion parties, c&rrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply ing at the office. ' 'i ... . - . The Lonx Branch Bathing Houae can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the office, " , ' " Co ruer Fort and Hotel Streets. - Telephone No. 34. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152tf CREAM CANDIES I3. Mclnerny, Importer it Home Manufacturer o CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St. Has just made large additions to his establishment and Is now orcpared to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu public, and residents on the other Islands, the very finest of . I103IE.3I1DE AXD IMPORTED CANDIES, Of all descriptions at very reduced Prices. Receives Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CREAM CANDIES are a speciality with him, and are a specialty with him, and are made by the best manufacturers In California, and received fresh by every steamer. Soda "VTatoar, And all Kinds of ICED DRINKS. The best Ice Cream in the City. The best brand of choice CIGARS always on hand 112-if ALVIN H. KASEJIAN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Ruler and Blauk Rok Sfauutactarer. itg-Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. . Gazette Building, 134 U MERCHANT STREET. A NEW DEPARTURE. MR. HENRY F. HEBBARD WOULD IN form his friends and the public generally that he Las opened a Depot at No. 77 King St., FOR THE SALE OF HAY & GRAIN, As well as all kinds of FEED FOR FOWLS, etc. In LARGE and SMALL quantities, as may be required. Telephone So. 23 S. 311 jaull-wJanS A. W. RICHARDSON & CO. HAV?3 JUST OPENED THEIR N.EW STORE IN CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS In Great Variety. Ladies' and Ga&ts' Boots, Shoes, Etc. tyOPEN EVENINGS till 8 o clock. SAT URDAYS till ; clock. 119-tf DIAMOND WW bblll raiian Carriage MTg Co., JU3T RECEIVED Second Growth Ash & Oak, a 'ixx lot or For Sale at Lowest Market Raton. Also, a complete Stock of Carriage & Wagon Material Constantly kept on hand, and for sale. 153-tf t. St. HEBIXO. JOS. HTBASH Hawaiian Jewelry Factory. No. 80 Hotel Street, . ""' Honolulu, H.I. KUKUI JEWELRY, And FINE DIAMOND SETTING a Specialty. All kinds of Jewelry mada to order and re paired. Watches carefully repaired and war ranted. General engraving and fancy monograms neatly executed. All done et moderate prices. 24U tf TELEPHONE 55. 'NTERPRIS! PLANING MILL. P Alakea, near Queen Ht. Lmmi C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAYS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut. and SpUt. X13-tf LAM1E & GO. ' .'i Have a Large Mock ot the VERT BEST EE AY, Grain, Etc., Which is offered at LOWEST MARKET PRICES AND Delivered Free to any part of the City . AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeds for California Telephone No Us 111-tf A FRESH LOT OF, THAT jVI A.DEIE A. WICKER WORK, Etc., Etc., JUST RECEIVED KX 'BORDEAUX, 31. A. GONSALVES & CO. 37 HOTEL. STREET. 86 . . ,tf CHO WING & CO., Xe. 81 XunannJhreel, CEAT.ESS TX Crockery, Glassware, AND C H I 1ST A- , Now offer for sale at Reasonable Rates a choice variety of ' . . Tea Sets, Vases. Flower Pots, Birds , Banyan Trees. New and Beautiful Articles of the most Delicate Workmanship Just Received from Japan. P. O. Box 359, Houolnlu. 207 Jail THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, y So. 60 Nnnaitn Street, tPrposite Uollister t Co Honolnln, II. I. I'articular attention paid to repairing. 121f 1885. 1885. ORDERS FOR THE Honolulu Almanac k- Directory Will be Received and Registered at the Office of the PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser. The work is iu course of publication, and will b out shortly. Price per l doz. copies ..93 OO. Price per single copy.. 5. G. J. WALLEB, UTOHEE, TO TQE rUOXT. v A GREAT SOON TO THE Honolulu .Public ! neef, Teal, M utton, rork and Tit kept for FOUR DATs after belnj killed, by Bell Coleman's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Gaaraa teed to keep longer after delivery than I'BESII KILLED) IXEATS. B3TTo be had In any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Metropolitan Slarlzot On Kins Street. HEAT FOR SALE ALL DAT. City Uarliot. On Xanana St. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Market. At Fish Slarket. Hawaiian Market. On Mannakea St. Chinese Market, On TCeek Street. BEEF AND PORK. ftVThuking the public for past favors, I so licit a continuation of the same. US tf G. J. WALLER. 'ONTARIO 2VJEVIJLJL,13 & CO., SOLE AOJEWTS, SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM ALABAMA BOTTOM COTTON, FREE PROX SIZIIfQ AND HOT LIABLE TO 1I0T7LD. WAB.RAZJT2D The Best and most Durable Sail Duck IN THE WORLD. For Sole in Honolulu. GANDY'S PATENT IMS Xj "37 X INT Gr . Made from tha Very Best Hard Wore Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., SOLE AUENTS. SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST DRIVING BELT, Neither Ilea or JDauipness aTeeta, tbeim. Tney do not StretcSa. Stronger tban Leather, ; Better than Rubber, ' WILL OUTLAST BOTH. Por Sale in Honolulu. J55-U myw J. J. WILLIAMS BTO. 1GS5-FOBT STREET, Leading Ptototrajler 'of Honolnlfl. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil,' Photo. Colored, e. The only Complete Collection of Island Viws. Ferns, Shells, Curiosities, &c CHARGES MODERATE. 125-tf BEAVEO SALOQfJ. SO. 7 FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder t Co.'sl H. J. Nolte. Propr. OFKX FOX S A. U. TILL 10 T. X. FIRST-CLASS LUXCUESi COFFEK, TE1, S0D1 W1TKB, GGF.B ALE, Cig"sxrs and Tobaccos OF BEMT BRANDS Plain and Fancy PI1ES personally selected from the Manufacturers, a&d a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS VARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant immi i co. EiLLiiE miz on the Premises. The l'i oprietor would be pleased to receive seal ' em his Friends and the Public generally, who may desire a I. CXCII, A SttOKB. OR A GAME OF BILLIARDS. THE CASIHO AT THE PARtf IS OPEN EVERY DAY. earTh onlr Sea-Slds Resort In the H tngdom. IL J. NOLTE, ez-tt St Mattliew's llail. a ucnooL ron ootb, rN DZRTMlXn ar DISCIPUN e. LocaUrd In tb beautiful r&Jars ot Aaa tio, oo tha Sootbera Paclflc R. B-tl ullea irvt ta FranclKro. Established la IM&. Fourtee U tractor of reputation and ability, rbt bulMlafl are trxtensive, are heated by steam. sA4arla very way arranred for the health and comfort of the cadets. TrtcUy HMaton becan July Tl, and Uta Eaawr Seaaloa WUI coiaxnt-nce. January , IMi. For further Information aad catalogue, just out, a4 dread RET. ALFRED LEE BREWER, M. A., 13ft JM tt-wja27 f& tTfftt Que e n 4k Edinburgh StrfeO, WBOX.KSALK BKTAIZ. Dealers la If AY AND OBAIIf. Telephons Ki, IT. Oooda delivered promptly. Island Orders Aollrltd. MU Stallions at 44 Sazaor. . (Tborojrbbrad. By Jack Malone, be by Lexlnjilon. vit daoa Ivy Lea , hy Imported Australia!; Sad .data, Say Flower, by Lexington; Srd dam. Bay Latf, by tsa ported Yorkshire; 4ta dam. Imported Maria by Phllo daPutah, etc, etc. ,,, . j Basaar was bred at tbe rreat Woodbora i'trtx. near Lezlerton, Ky, by tbe late R. A Alexander, and waa sold to W. L. Pritcbard, of BKrwcni., Cal., for f 5.000. He atantfa l&M bands, wnkha 1.064 Iba.. aedts a bright chestnut color. DUru hla raclns career be downed many a favorite, aad won many a hatful of money for hU owneni, -and proved himself one of the sreateat ot borst'S over a distance, most of bis races belns at two anil four miles. Ha baa already aired aaveml colsa u OJt , fornla tbat are winners, amona which ar Lleaia Dunbar, Youna; Baaaar, Uophta, aad aaotbvr el!ed tha Baaaar Mln.rva colt, ba btiog tut o Minerva by Imported Leamington, tbe sl; Parole and Iroquois. Liuie Dnnhar gttUy d twfulshed herself last yaar In br two yer old form by defeatfna one of the larreat flelds ot two. year olds that ever started in California, aruocjr wblch were tbe two beantltot fllSles broi-ciili beta last spring by Mr. Afiiew, dlatanre, M mile; 1.04X1 tbe fastest on record for two-year "lila a tbe distance. This year she baa wan avm im portant events, aad baa proved herself to be a crack tbre-y ear-old. Baeatir haa now been brought back to Hon e4 eta, and will remain here tbe balance of this yea, aad breeders, horse owners, aad stock raisers mould avail themselves of the opportunity to obtain bis services while they bava (be chases. Tei tna, 840. Payable at time of servire. TBw Imported Clydeadala 8ullion 503f ALJ? DlXHIffX, Jr., will stand at tha iuaUm ad place at S3U fur tha aewsoa. He waa brd i& Canada, aired by Imported Donald JJlnnle.and out of an Imported Clydesdale mara. Halt a tu U ful dapple rey, lSOanda hth, and welha 14P0 lbs; Is very active, and as ftr.s s large, bonia as could be found anywhere. , , . Also, the fins large Imported Kentucky Jack SABfaSOBT. Thia la mi of tbe largest Jacks tbat we could and In California, and la an animal of immensA bone: is s very sure breeder, and should be liberally patronised as be U on of tb the very best animals o bis kind. Terms, X9 for the season. The public are cordially Invited to call and in spect the above animals. , . MILES E20IW Proprietor. Marshfleld. Bept. 15. ISM. tb ELITE" Ice Cream Parlors.. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR chased tbe above well-known resort, tak pleasure la Informing their patrooa and tba psblle generally that they Intend to sustain t& blgb reputation of , .. - Hart Brothers1 Ice Cream And solicit s continuation of the liberal patroa bestowed on their predecessors. , l ! fonntjintlvon b&nd. a full unArtmibt t The Choicest Imported Candles, And New Btoclt received by every Also, a very fine collection of ' Carlos, Sample Boxes of Shells, Oarai And other specimens for parties vWUa the Islands. gWOrderi lor SUPPERS, WEDDINOM BALLH. PARTIES. ETC., left at the ' ELITE will receive prompt attention. TeleplxorLe.; 182. Jl. W. HeCOESXEY & 80, " HOTEL STREET. HENRY HART, Manager. . . THE CURRENCY ACT. The New Gold taw. A1 TEW COPIES . OF -TUB WEJCKLY Pacific Commercial Adv.vilMe f the 29th Jul?. 1SS4. eualstHC the FCLL TEXT mT tho - Cnnssty Act, can be had on appllentlosa t th P. c. Advertiser Odee. , Price 25 cents .each; Publisher P. C. AOTERTZSER. FOR 8ALH ' w, . , j- ' " gjr-.. TWO ENGLISH FITLL TKKRIER 7 VPS; xnontha oid. Apftiy by letter at oww 0 W.: B. BTaREKY, 234 U - Kanao Baasb, LUal. S 1 if : - v i I 1 -m 0 ! if - A) ! f ' t r Hi i r;r V f H i v i ftS Vll M ntVirn-i,. . I v '.ij. -;iWa)iiw 'ifcfaaiftilii pt&BSSi&e 4 .