Newspaper Page Text
1 T -.:. - 5 J 2ECIAL I 'I I H ' : i ; J 3 4 : VOLUME 3, NO. 210. HONOLULU; HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, JANUARY 5. 1885. PRICE 10 CENTS, Sduerlisemcnts. icci'iisiiments. ISusinjss partis. 3&bfrtismntts. 3 4' V 1? ft '4'. Hi J -1 4' ii -a 1 .1 1 I .1 Wei t THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. ,IS IJUBL ISJELED Erery -Morning. Except Sunday Si DaKjr'P C. Advertiser, t ye.r, (Cash; j 00 Daay p. C. Advertiser, 6 months, (Cash) ...'5 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser, l week, fCash) ... 25 WseUy.P. C. Advertiser, X year. fCash) . . 6 00 Foreign Subscription W.'f P. c. A. (Including poar,je).. ....... ....... tc S() .' EXPLOSIVE DUSTS. : ' ! j . '" . . O&aara . from Pulverized Orals, "- Sugar, Starch, Etc Slio Philosophy- or the PlatterStrlk. lug Casts and Curious Accidents ' Th,i Investigations f a Chemiit. CNew York Saal "Flour looks Innocent enough," &) .Crerseer remarked while watching the re moral of some barrels of 8 our and othef grains from a large warehouse. "That depends upon how it is cooked, " the reporter suggested. Ju3t 80. It ia dangerous enough in that way; but I was thinking of it as aq explosive. Just look across the room. Yotyeee, when the sun rays come- in thi air I loaded with a fine xrrain dust, and if you were provided with microscopic eyei you would see yourself fairly surrounded with atoms of grain of all kinds. Now, suppose you take a dried ear of corn and firo . it. It burns very slowly and thi chances are that it will go out. Shell it, or take the kernels off. and it burns much quicker. , Suppose now we grind the corn, it will burn quicker still, say in a minute; but if you pulverize it, reduce it to n Sowder or dust, and ignite it, it goes of. ke a flash, and has great expansivl power. That ia just the case here. If "the room becomes overcharged with dust, and ia ignited, it goes oil, blowing tin bouse to pieces. - une of the most striking cases occurred HftVAral (mm Atrrt nrhon trm W&s'hlTtnrt'vwl the WashintjasTT51- caught fire."Those who -wiiy thing "1'zrf?ras' 1 bout it just g. tout Cffhe way as quicfi i mey couia; powaer woman t nave seni t'Uem any faster. Blow up? Well, 1 should n.ther think she did. The walls o the mill were solid stone sis feet thick, tad whe the explosion came they werg just like paper, and the roof, made oj sheet-Iron, waa blown so high f rom onq i trill that it . landed more than two milea i.'votn the epot whera it went up. 0 Xu?se it was helped by the wind, but th (force exerted was ehowr. Ilen have been tjlown " olKi1 through windows, hurleq through the air, and the walls of a build ing completely demolished by a man'f lighting a pipe in a big grain-houae. . -"A curious accident once happened iq EJcotland ia a large house, a. man walked in with a cigar In his mouth, and in a second the room seemed to be filled with ; lire an a ten le roar, but a minute latel It cleared ft With the exception of a Bingeing, not a person was hurt, but every cae of the four walls was tat on thq i round, and the roof had been lifted bod ily and dropped 200 feet away. In such Cses there must be a fire first: The dusj burns, and a powerful heat is created, and then follows the terrific expansive f orct - tliat nothing can withstand. The explo sion !n Barclay street several years ago day be accounted for in this way. In the manufacture of candy, sugar and starch fcrrvued ia great quantities. Their dust accumulates, and when lighted might e&slly display power enough to hurl a building to atoms." "Has tho explosive power of different duita ever been determined?" Yes. "the flour man replied. "Pro lessor Peck, the chemist, has made som " expeiriments that demonstrate the enor tnouii power of 6awdust. various flours, starcih, and grain of all kinds. In one of the experiments he took three-quarters o an ounce of starch, and. by raising it ai dust in the airr ignited it in a compart . menj intended to represent a room. When exploded it threw a box weighing sU pounds twenty feet in the air. You can ;udg y jurself of the power of thu ma terial. ; Half an ounce of starch ignited In tho same way was shown by the pro fsssor to lift the cover of a box and htavy man standing on it three inches. Oaeof the most dangerous materials Is the wbeat-dust of flour-mil?s. Whea burned it oes cS like a flash. One of the first taovesints la making flour is to rattl tbe wheat, ud pass a heavy draft at ths 8ae time over it, to carry off the highly tefiaannaable dust. Yet, deepitfr sl care,, Use becomes hearil loaded with It, rof. Peck baa. shown what flour would do by taking: a box with a capacity of two cubic feet and placing in it a little flour, the light of a lamp entering through a hole lrroue corner, and the muzzle of a bellowi tfcrousi the other. Tho cover of the boi was nailed on and a man took his place on it. The professor then worked the bel lows, and the small amount of flour lled the air la the box, as dust, tho facoimile of a dust-laden mill being produced. ' The flour immediately ignited from a lamp, and in a second the cover was blown off and the man lifted feveral inches into the air. while 4 blaze of Iro burst out from all sides. A number of interacting experiments were performed by the same gentleman, showing tliat in rour Sarge manufactories where dust was likely t be formed there lurked a power as dreaded as dynamite. Peck slates that oae pound of carbon and two and two thirds f oxygen, when they combined to produce carbonic acid, will evolve heat auflloient.lf applied to a perfect heating en gine, tn lift nearly 600 tons ten feet into the air. . Then he assumes that if 40 per cent.- of flour is carbon it wculd requiro 'tiro and one-half pounds to accomplish r this result. " German Foreat Police. . V Conihill Magazine. In Gemany the woods have their police, who$edutv it is to see. that no devastation ; la wroughvby inconsiderate owners. : No raaa may cut down his trees without tho sanction of the authorities. The reason is tiat wood te.tb.9 staple fuel of the country, and tf the government did not step In , to protect tho people against their own jm , providence, the peasants would speedily " sweep away all their forests to enable them to clear tho mortgages which the Jews hold on their lands. In Bavaria the price ci fuel rose between 1830 and 1860 as much tstO per cent, and building timber rose 70 per cent "In all time and in all races there bat from the lowly and despised the seei tl3fd39rneaj X& Richard liV Back. MAOFARLANE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND UEN. eral Jobber la WIHESt and LIQUOR'S. No. 13 Easbomann Street, HOXOLTTLTT. 113-tf H, HAOKFELD & CO., G EXEBlt COMMISSION AGENTS. 100 tf (iuion St., Honolulu, H.I. ED. HOFFSCHLAEOER & CO., Importer Se Commission Merchant. Queen Btreet, Honolulu, n. I. lOG-tf A. S. OLEQHORN & Co.,- Importers and Wholesale and Befall Dealers la General Merchandise, Corner Queen aud Kaabumanu Sts. 107-tf W. AUSTIN WHITING. ttorney and Counsellor at Lair. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Iuatru menu for the Island of Oahu. Ko. 9 Kaabumanu Street, Honolulu. H. I. 108-tf . CLADS 8PBECKBL3 rir. e. ibwis. WM, G. IRWIN & Co., I CAR FACTORS and AGE NTS. Honolulu, II. I. fominlMioa 101-tfwtf THOS. J..HAYSELDEN,(; . A nctioneer, Holiala. Hawaii. SaleH J. of Ileal Kstate, Goods and Property of every doftt-riptioii attended to. Commissions moderate. 02tf-vtf JOHN RUSSELL, Attorney at Law. No. 12 MEKCHANT STitKET, NEAR POKT ST, . M. PHILLIPS & rCon ;'.') Lm,Mrters and M'noleMale Dealers in t;Jothing, Boots, Bhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Btreet, Honolulu, H, I. .; 104tf-wtf S. J. LEVEY & CO., Grocei-n and Provision Dealer. FamUy Grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other island wUl be promptly attended to-"52 Fort St., Honolulu. "in. ,tf. iv tf T)n CHAS. BILL, PHYSICIAN asd PUBGEON, Cor. Nuuanu Ave & Kukul St. Oflic Honrs from. 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and 5 to 7. Telephone No. 373. Z32fe4b Dr. E. Cook Webb, Residence and OKce, cor Richards fc Beretania St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Oneica Hours: 8 to 10, ) 2 to 4, t 7 to 8. J Telephone 3fo. 3. 281 tf A. G. ELLIS & CO., REAL ESTATE, STOCK -A5fD 5IOXE1T BBOUKRN, Oflice, No. 2 Campbell Block, Merchant St. 273 tf J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant tit. Honolulu. II. I. 93 U J.'M. MONSARRAT,, ; ATTORNEY ATX AW, NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any wart of the King dom Bought, Sold aud Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. . 3Co. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. . . 109-tf E. C. FiyilBOURNE & CO., ACCOUNTANTS, General Brokerage & Business Agency Yrl ADJUST AND KEEP ACCOUNTS, and uct as agents for firms or Individuals for the care of real estate and collection of Inter est and rents ; buy and sell securities; attend to Custom House business, and carefuUy manage and transact all business entrusted to their care; GENERAL AVERAGE ADJUSTMENTS. REAL ESTATE STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. Will make safe investments of money for par ties having from ? 100 upwards. !. Leases, deeds and documents carefully drawn. : Otfice. No. 1 Kaahumanu street, Makee Block. Telephone iV, P. O. Box 17. 21-decl7 : FRANK GERTZ, f (Importer ani Maimfactiiror Of aU Descriptions of OOTS & SHOES jyOrders from the other Islands solicited. 3iot 114 Fort St., llonolulu. lH-tfwtf v ; : i t". J. LEVET. i. LIO. LYONS & LEVEY, -Vuictioiieers AND General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Sales of Furniture. Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise properly attended to Sale Agents for: & Enrupean Mercnanaise. 110-tfWtf HAWAIIAN 'IX VESTMENT & AGEXCT. CO., (Limited.) Money Ixanetl on First Class Seenri ties, for long or short period. Appiyto W. L. OKEEN, Manager pro tern. Office on Queen St., orer Q..W. Macferlane A Ce. -Til TIMES- i c 111 am. Vf9 beg to tnlorm oar friends and customers that have been - Appointed fctole. Agents for .. XXds well kmTm Urci, and have much . . . i pleasure la - iaricins Inspection :' . ef our large and varied $ is M J tj t assortment of :;;. ;.;. JIST f!2I3pbBTlEl.'": . Comprising the following : EMimqiDEBEi) l ''UfLM.f. scitEEks Of tbe most beanuJul colora, nd.of astoniahlng . . AND - tj- j vs i. :..f TABLE COVERS, Embroldereil Ju SUfc. ly Japanese. v .,- -A- large variety of- 4 ..... ivr a. . s -ES . r Of the tlnest porcelain, remarkable ior unlquenous "in rolor and shapts ' ALSO lVrelain Figures, Japauese Tea' Set Of the Finest Cblna. Tete-a-Tete Sets,- . Bntter uisnes. Asl Receivers, Silk Lanterns. Silk Embroidered Kimonos, Easels. (arvwl Woorien Cafcinets. Ilantl Screens, . Trays, Wall Pockets, . Pas01s,"', ,v ;Faier Nats, Fans, " ." '' Photographs Of Japanese sceuery, colored' and plain. A Earfje Selection of vi " . Japanese V Erorize, Jewelry, .CONS HTING OF Sleeve Buttons',' y , Chains, .. , . J..i, Scarf Plns, Ac .jA.c. Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor ation. - V ' 'i ( ' t yJ O. W. MACFARLANE & CO. . ti tr . i li ' n "i i , .' - ...... . i it ' Mirrlees, Watson & (Jo's . . ...... , . . Sugrar. r1apii!nory. we Have on hand - " ' " r One Triple Effect, : " - - s One liouble Etrec, One Set of Four Centrlfnjrals, ... Engine ami MIxer, -t . Spare Spindles, i bushes, c, for Centriruarals, One 26inx54in Mill, with eng:iii.j?ear. lugr, Cane ana Mesas' Carriers . . 'omplete, :r One Spare Roller 20in.at541n. One Spare Intermen iate Wheel for . - Oearins of 26iii.x51ii. Xill. ' One 61u.xl2in. Diagonal Engine, One pair Compound BollerfsOx 19ft 6iu. I and 15ft.6In. ,': We have to arrive per Varuua' in Augunti I A set of two Centrifugal j and Mixer,: One Centrifugal auil Mixer for addingr to existing set of Machines. Centrifugal LiuingH, IJubbera, Bolting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Hollers, Clar-. ; .iliers Orftb Winches, Drilling Ma- ! J '. chines," Flat Coolers, Tilting ' ' i Coolers," Cooler Wagons, ''" ; Filter Pres3es;- ' : Cane Top Cutters. ' Chain" Blocks to lift 10. 20, 30 and 40 lew t. - -.: - Glass S?charometers graduated . from0 to 15 and from 15 to 30 Baunto , Vacuum and Pressure Gauges,' Ther-. mometera for Vacuum Pans, Hand Ther mometers, Bubbcr Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Hammers ana J; lies. Estimates Given for Wla-; eftinery not in Stock. G. W. Macforluiie &' Co. Agents for Mirrleetj Watson & Co.' Glasgow; " 117-tf - " Jolin Fowler & Co's. ; PORTABLE TRAMWAYS AN D ' ' - Perma nent Ralfraods -: lO, 34 and lS lh. KailJ . . , ! Locoiiiotives, Cars, Ties, Spres, Duplicates ani Tools.:"' TORSALE BY , G. W. aiacfarlaiie & Co. Agents for John Fowler & Co., Leedi. ii8-a j SECTIOJfAE MAP OF HOXOECEU, OUOWINO BUILDINGS, WATER-PIPES, Lamo-posts. Hydrants, etc., on a large scale. All parts drawn accurately to scale. i ;; Copies lor sale by , - . ', . M. D AtONSAURAT, , : , s 330 dfcwtf "Gazette'' Building. , NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHAKE, holders of tbe PuuloaSneepaad Stock: itanca Company will be celd at noon of the ruth of De cember at the counting room of G. W. Macfarlane & Co., Honolulu. ; ' : - J. BOBBINS, Secretary. Honolulu, Dec. 23, 1384. 329 de2Sj uSJConey to Loan . , - -' - F --. ON GOOD PKOPERTV SECtTRITV, HTOCKSj Bonds, etc. Apply to ; . . T M. THOMPSON, i .' . Attorney-at-Law,. Cor. Fort aod Merchant Sta., Honolulu, H.I. 535K DIAMOND. JEWELRY Gr W. MACFABLANE & Co., Have reeelved from Eondon a spe cial eonslnmest, which is now on view, of LONDON MADE . " ' Diamond Jewelrv . OF TBE Sfewest and Most Reeherche Patterns, consisting of Diamond. Ruby Emerald. Sapphire, ;; Pearl, and Other Hem Uluea, BREAHTPIN8, BANGLES cd other Ornaments , . ... all mounted in fine gold ... Also a splecdid assortment of GOLD WATCHES, FOR LADIEb AN:t GENTLEMEN, ' Inciudins some tine Minute litinjaiers and Chro uograplih, in heavy Id-carat golil c-asoa ; soine Beautifully Euameled .Watches, lo huufiny estac, or Ladie, and aiiassortment of fine Silver4 atches. . Altp,' u very, beautiful assortment of "8 If .V ER JEWELP.Y, of specialty new dealen and make. 84Tlje -hole eousinmout will be placed at CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES.' 127tf- HPaiitiieoiT n Stables? . J." . . Cor. Fort Ss Hotel Streets. LIVERY, IJOARDlNCf, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages ior hire at all hours of the dry or night; also, conveyances of all kiuda for parties going around the Island. ... - . s - Exeelleiit Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle. Carria 5 Xos. 3, 24, 16, 47, 4S, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53. Double and slu.lo teams always to be had on livery at the must reasonable rates. Large aad aiuail oiunibus for picnics and excur sion parties, currying from i.0 to 40 passengers, can always bf secured by special arrangements. Omnibus tituttabrescun be obtained oy apply ing at tbe ofHce. . . i The I,ou;' llrnuch Balhing House j . 4?an always ' be secured for picnic ' or : excursion ! . - i parties by applying at the oflice. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 34.: JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152U CUE AM CANDIES I3. 34 c X no rny, Importer fc Homo Maumalacturer o CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St. Has Just made large additions to his establishment and is now orepared to furnish to the trade, tbe Honolulu public, and residents on the other Islands, the very finest of UOUK-MADK I IMPORTED CA5D) Of allfdescriptft ns at very reduced Prices. Keceives Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CltEAM CANDIES are a speciality with him, and are a specialty with him, and are made by the best manufacturers in California, and received fresh by every steamer. , soda Water, And all Kinds of ICED DKINKS. The .beat Ice - Cream! in , the. . City. The best brand of choice ClOAKS always ou hand li:-lf ALVIN H. KASE-UAN, BODK BINDER, Paper Bnler antl Slank Book , Mauulactureri arBookbiuding of all descriptions neatly and promptly execnteq, and at reasonable charge. , ; 'Gazette Building;, 131 tf MERCHANT STBEET. A NEW DEPARTURE. nifB-'HENKV -F. HEBBABD WOULD 'IK 'iVl form his friends and the public generally that hc.basope.ned a , v ...... Depot at No. 77 King St., FOR THE SALE OF HAY & GRAIN, As well fcs all kinds of FEED FOR FOWL'S, etc. In LARGE and SMALL quantities, as may be required.. Telephone Ko. 258. 3tl JauU-Vjan6 A. W. RICHARDSON & CO. HAVE JUST OPENED THEIR " IN CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS In Great Variety. Ladies'- and Gents Boots, Shoes. Etc. .Or OPEN EVENINGS TUT 8 o dock. SAT UBDATP 'till V o clock. " - '"' " " U9-tf Hawaiian; Carriage M'fg Co., JUST RECEIVED Second- Growth Ash & Oak, a m i iot or For Sale at Lowest Market B&tes. Also, a complete Stock of Carriage "& Wauon" Material Constantly tept on hand, and for sale. 153-tf . K. HKKIJ'O. SOS. HUB ASH Hawaiian Jewelry Factory, No. 80 Hotel Street, - Honoiula, H.E KUKCI JEWELRY, And FINE DIAMOND SETTING a Specialty. All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re paired. Watches carefully repaired and war ranted. ' General engraving and fancy monograms nratly executed. All done at moderate pnotv. CV) tf TELEPHONE 55. 'NTERPEISf? PLANING MILL Im3 : Alahea. near Queen Si iiC. J. HARDEE, Proprietor Ooiitra.tttiiio' tfc liiiilrliiio. I MOTJLiBINGS AND FINISH ALWArS OX HAND FOR SALE Ilard and Soft Stovt'vtod, Cut and Split. 113-tf I LAK'JE & GO. ' "Have a Large Mode ot the VERY BEST HAY, ; Grain, Etc., Which ia offered at LOWEST MARKET PRICES .- and ... Delivered Tree to any part of the City j ...''.AGENTSS.FOR THE ; j Pacific Slutual, ! Life' Insaranc Co OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tha Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeris for California Telephone No 14 - ' ' ' 111-tf A FRESH LOT . OF " THAT M ADK 1'Ti A WICKER WORK, itc, ii:tc, JUST RECEIVED EX 'BORDEAUX. M. A. GONSALVES & CO. 57 HOTEL STREET, .so ,tf CH0 WIN d & CO., S. fit XnuaniilftKrect, . DF.Ar.EBA I-V Crockery, Glassware, AND C H I 2ST .-V , Now offer for sale at Reasonable Rates a choice variety of Tea Sets. Vases, Flower Pots Birds, Banyan Trees. New aud Beantiful Articles of the most Delicate Workmanship Xust Received from Japan. 1. O. Box259, Ilonol u 1 tl . 257 jail THOMAS LINDSAY Manufiicturing Jeweler, No. 60 Xunaiiii Street. . .Opposite HolUster fc Co llouolul.i, II. I. - , - f Particular attention paid to repairing. 12ltt 1885. 1885. ORDERS FOB THE Honolulu Almanac k Directory Will be Iteceived and Begistered at the Office of the I? A C I F I O Commercial Advertiser. The work 13 in course of publication, and will be out shortly. " Price per 1 dps. copies......... OO. Price per single copy 8. G. J. WALLER, TO THE FBOXT. A QP.EAT BOON TO TH& Honolulu IPublic ! BeeiT, Teal, Mat ton. Pork and Fin kept for FOCR DATS after beta killed, by Bell Coleman's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran teed to keep longer after deliyery than FRESH KILLED MEATS. 9To be had In any of Mr. Waller's Market. EXetropolitan Rlarliet, On King: Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAT. City Llarliot. OasrnnnnaSt. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Uarlxat. At Fish Market. Hawaiian Marliet. On Maouakea St. Chinese Market, On Meek Street. KEEP AND PORK. ttTliniiku)g the public for past fuTors. I so licit a continuation of the same. MS tf G. J. WALLER. . ONTARIO" NEVIL.LE &c CO., SOLE AVLXTN, SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM AI ABAMA BOTTOM COTTON, FREE FROM SIXINCI AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED The Best and most Durable Kail Duck IN THE WORLD. For Sale in Conoliiln. , CANDY'S PATENT 33 2E3 JLm J? XlSTCZr 9 Made from tbe Very Best Hard Wore Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., KOEE AttEXTS, SAN FRANCISCO. -THE BEST DRIVING BcLT, Neither If eat or Dautpnem aflTeet ' : ' them. They do not Stretch. Ntronjrer than JLeather, Better than Uubber, WILL OUTLAST BOTH. For Sale in Honolulu. 155 -tf myv J. J. WILLIAMS No. 103 FORT STREET, Leaiiii PiKJlojraplior W Hcnolnla V. OBK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil,- Photo. Colored, Ae, The only Complete Collection of Island Views Feriiui, Shells, Cvviosities. &c CHARGES .MODERATE. K5-tf NO. 1 FORT STREET. Opposite WUder dt Co.'si , ' ' H. J. Itfolto, Propr. I OrKX Jt OM I A. M. TILL 10 P. X. j FIRST-CLASS Ll'XCilES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATES, (.LXGKIl ALE, Oigrars and Tobaccos OF BEST BKAND8 . Plain ami Fancy PIPE personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY S2XOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIABDH will find an Elegant UWICS & CO, SILL1A&S table on the Premises. Tbe Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a cal om bis Friends and tho Public generally, who may desire a M'NCII. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF BILLIARDS. - THE CASINO AT THE PARK IS OPEN EVERY DAY. sxeThe only Sea-Side Resort In tbe H InigOoua. U. JT. JfOLTE, 62-If St. Matthew's Hall BAN MATEO. " V ." r A SCHOOL FOB SOTB. UNDEiCMrLTTARYDIBClPUNE. Located tn the beaotlful Ttllac iBa Itct-o, on tbe Southern ParUBe R. SI lul)i froos Francloco. Established la IMS. lturUn la st rue torn of reputatloa aao aLUlty. Ta bolltftoita are vxtessire, axe heated fcy .avsasa, and ar la very way arranged for th health and ootnfn ct tha cadets. Trinity 8afoa beiraoJaiy U, ad the Easter Seaalon will romt-oc J&aeary , H&. For farther Information and catalogue, Jt eat. address ... . ItKT. ALFRED EEK BREWER, U. A.. 13ft Ja3t 8S-w27 8& , UIBI RED DDL.- Qveen & Edinburgh Strt. XVHOLKa A ItL A McTAH Dealers la ' HAY AND GRAIN. Telephone No. 17S. Coodfn delivered promptly. . Island Order Ralielted. Hit CThorouzbbred.i H . , , By Jack Malone, he by Lexington. . Ut daza Ivy Lea , by imported Australian; 2nd rtau, Bir Flower, by Lextnirton; Srd dam, Bay Jjimi, by Im ported Yorkshire; 4th. dam, Imported Maria Blade, by Phllo da Putah, etc., etc. .-. -i : !; 7 Baxaar was tared at tbe ip-eat Voodbom FcrM. near Lexlegton, Ky, by the late H. A. AHexaad(, and was sold toW.L Pritchard, of BaeMtnMits, Cal., for 5.000. Me atanda l&M hands, wb 1,066 Iba and la abrisbt chestnut ..color; Dttrkuf his raclns crer b. downed many a favrite, anl won many a hatful of money for bis ownor, -H proved himself one of the greatest of bonxs over a distance, most of bis races betes at two and four miles. He has already aired sever! eolw la C, tornla that are winners, anionic which ar "XJtai Dunbar, Young Bazaar, Hopnia, and a&othor called the Bsaar Minerva colt., he betas out Minerva by Imported Leamington, tbe sire of Parole and Iroquois. Lizsie Dsnbw reUy dis tinguished bertwdf last year In her two year old form by defeating one of tbe largest fields of two. year olds that ever started In California, among which were the two beautiful fillies h last spring by Mr. Agnew, distance H tulle; time, 1.04 JH1 the fastest on record, for two-year Aids at the distance. This year she has wan several in portant events, and has proved herself , to be a crack three-year-old. " ' Basaar baa no been brought back to Hoi.olala, and will remain here the balance of tbls year, and breeders, borse owners, and stock raiprs sbsntd avail themselves of tbe opportunity lo obtain tilei services while they have the chance. Term, 940. Payable at time of set vice. , ; 3 :f The Imported Clydesdale Stallion DONAX.D DINNIE, Jr., will stand at the same tlnr.e and place at 30 fur .the seSMOB. lie was bred la Canadr, Bired by Imported Do-aid Dinnie.and out of an Imported Clydesdale mare. Ha Is a bfull f ul dapplu grey, 14 bands high, iuid weisbs 14$0 lbs; is very active, and as fine a large horse as could be found anywhere. ; f r , . . f Also, the fine large Imported Kentucky Jack SASffttON. This Is one of the largest Jacks that we could And In California, and is an aaitnal of immense bone; is a very sure breeder, and should be liberally patronised as be la one of the tbe very best animals of bis kind. ITerms, OA for the season. The public are cordially invited to call and ia miles xero. Proprietors. Marsbfleld, Sept. 15. 18S4. l&S-tf TP T T TT1 99 JtLt JLj JL -L Jti Ice Cream Parlors. THE UNDEKHIQIiED, JfAV.iNa JfX'K. chased the above well-known resort, take pleasure ir. Informing their patrons and the pablk: generally tha( they intend to susuln the high reputation of - ; ' V ' Hart Brother ; Ice Crea& And solicit a con tic itlon ot the liberal patronage bestowed os their predecessors.. . ; CoQstautly on hand, a full assortment of , " Th Choicest Imprfel ;CUsi, " And New Stock received by every steamer.' Also, a very flpe collection of Carlos, Wample Boxes or ehells, Cerals And other specimens for parties visiting ' .-the Islands. ' , , . ISSrOrders for V 8TJPPERS, WEDDIKOH BALLS. PARTIES, ETC., left at tbe s" ELITE will receive prompt attention TeleplAne ;18Q. ft M. W. KeCIIESNEY & BON, . HOTEL, STBEET. - ' '. , . . IIEXKY HAST, Manager. ' . . liiU THE CURRENCY ACT; The New Gold Law. FEW CI-ISai OT THE WCSSIJVT A. Pacific CammereLal . Advertiser or tbe 29th Jnly. containing tbe FITIX TEXT of tho Cnrrtujr Act, can be bad on apgillestlmt to tbe P. C Advertiser Odee. Price 25 cents each. ' Publisher P. c. AOTmTiirgau FOR SALE, . TWO EKOXI8H ' BtXL TEBKIEB tJP8J f , mouths old. Apply by letert osce N : W. . TAHKEY. , ; SSI tt . .aup iafktot W,4v at Marsii ! 3. 'I , I . ' it f i i t '1 ' i 1 : 4 ' ...n... f i 7, " ; " piipsswfl nw .ii..1. i sj s"si'sJ i . ,. .-w-" . 'i ' -Vr Wit-"' 1!