Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Pacific COMMERCIAL I r. VOLUME 3, NO. 211. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, JANUARY G, 1885. PRICE 10 CENTS. 1 i i l i : 1 !. 4 I J 3 i7- . ; i i ?; i 3- I i i 4.'. 2. IK- J : It 1- . ? THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADYERTISEB. Id PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. scBvcauTio.vs Daily P c Advertiser, I year, (Cash).. 53 cc Dally P. C. Advertiser, 6 months, (Cash; 5 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser, 1 week, Uashl rs Weekly P. C. Advertiser. 1 year. (Cash) 5 00 Foreign Subscription W. p. C. A. wncludmg postage) .. ...... .......88 5o A COMMON STORY. Mary O. Crocker. A. careless word to t lie heart that loved hrt A sharp rebuke at a fancied slight, A heart too proud to ask forgiveness When A single word would have set it right. A bitter word to the heart he worshipped, A glance of scorn from his tender eyes And two that loved as they love in Heaven, V ere strangers to all love's rain-atries. A patient man, with his life and talents To easing: the great world's sorrow given; And a hidden burden that no one guesses, Save th heart, the heart of love, ia Heaven. A tender, quiet helpful woman. With a gift knowa only to God above; And singing songs . from a heart that's sweet, Ol piercingly sweet, of love. An Armies Painter. "IL II. A" In Chicago Tribune. While on the subject of pictures, there are, of course, dozens of copyists in all the museums and large galleries, most of whom earn a very meagre living by dis posing of their good, bad, or inditterent copies, as the case may be. In Antwerp the only one of these mechanical artists Who has gained more than a bare subsist ence ia 8lelix, " a man born without hands or arms, but who uses his feet in stead, and with such dexterity that he paints three pictures while the every -day M young man whom nature has in no way distinguished, gets through two of the lame etze. Needless to say, Felix finds customers while. better pictures than hi remain unsold at lower prices. , There are too many, especially of the tourist order, who infinitely prefer a poor copycf the "Descent of the Cross, "regard ing which they can say: "You see that picture? Fainted by who do you call 'em I forget the name some great gun of a painter; well, sir, this copy wa painted by a man named Felix a fellow without any arms he done it. every inch of it, sir, with his feet. I seen him to work on it myself in one of them everlasting galleries, . I don't remember which one, they're all alike to me. I don't take much stock in paintings, you know, but, by George! that felnw can do as good a picture with his feet as those big painters that make such a fuss over could d with their bands, and, as far as I can bee, 01 's just as good -;as another. My daughter don't think so,'' but you know she's been to one of these heie schools in liew York. She don't take no stock in anything less it's 600 or 700 years old in the way of a picture. It suits me, though. Yes, sir, painted it with 'his feet. I seen him do it. " And so Felix,' tre armless artist of Antwerp, haa through" his aifliction made enough money to purchas3 the house he livs in, and could. If report be true, retire from his labors and live upon his income, while the better artist, his neighbor, in no way dif fering from the average brother in respect to legs and arms, starves under the shad .w of the Sacred Tragedy' ''' . Wheat by Evolution. Scientific Journal Grant, a noted botanist, says wheat ranks by origin as a degenerated and de graded lily. The priautive ancestor of - the lily was a very simple plant,, with a triple set of pollen-bearing stamens, fer tilized by insects. It thus acquired those bright colors and that beauty which rivaled "Solomon in all his glory. n The development, was through the alesina and marsh arrowgrass and innume- ble forms, until it reached the perfect lily. The first downward step eeems to have been self-fertilization taking the place of the insect aid. Afterwards the winds brought the varied fertilizing pollen dust, and so came the rushes plain little lilies, with d , brownish flowers; then the wood rusher something between the true rush and tue grasses. The Kuscaulon, a com mon American water plant, rushlike in character bridged over the gap between the rushes and tho grasses, a ud then step by step the changes in the part of the flower cultivated in our wheat plant. With - the wood rush commenced tho habit of storing gluten and starch along with the embryo, which has made the cereal so val'iable for human food and raised our wheat, the- descendant of the lily, the auecn of the floral world, to the rank of lis prince of grains, bearing its princely sway upon all the golden harvest-fields of every civilized race and nation of th globe. w Overreached Himself. English Letter. A man entered a hosiery store in TTartle pool, England, and asked to be shown "a ! few socks. n When he learned the price per ptir of woolen ones he put them aside, and said. a Aa'll keep on wearing cotton ones. They say if you wear ieet alang through winter ana summer yer feet dissent get caud. Some cottcn ones were handed out and he pursuaded the shop man to drop the pnee. He then said, 44 Aa can buy them in Middlesburrow cor half the money. " uIt doesn't seem possiWe, " remarked the dealer; "will yon swear to it?" "Aa will noo. " The dealer told him to go to a justice, make the affidavit, and he should then i have four pairs at his own price. The stranger was as good as his word, and he chuckled over his shrewdness until the document was made out and he had been sworn. Then the "justice remarked, "Five shillings is the fee!" Something came . over the stranger about then. His knees wabbled a little, and he swallowed as if something choked him. He handed over the "Ave bob," walked out, and the four , pairs of socks are still on the shelf. New Use for Photography. Scientific Journal Photography i3 now turned to new uses in Paris courts in cases of alleged adulter ation of pepper, farina, and other articles of commerce. Hitherto the evidence of experts who have examined such commodi ties with the microscope has been accepted as conclusive, but the new system intro duced by the chemists of the municipal laboratory has changed the method of pro cedure. - They now conduct their analysis of .minute samples of commodities under a Btrong light, which permits the use of a photographic microscope. The photograph thus taken is sufficiently large to be easily inspected by the court, and thus the judges -may be able to verify the investigations, sna also give the prisoner the benefit of smy mistake which may be discovered la tie expert testimony. justness (Hards. MACFARLANE & C0-, WHOLESALE DEALEBM AJN'D tE3f eral Jwbbars la nd LIQtOKJ. 3fo. 13 Eaahamann Street, HorsoLrLr. m-ti H. HACKFELD & C0.K GEXERAL OMMISSIOX AGENTS. " 100 U Quean St., Honolulu, H.I. r. EASNKO. W. XAJCXTEXS. P. OPFKEOKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Importers A CommisIon Merchants. Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. 106-tf A. S. 0LEGH0RN & Co., Importers and Wholesale and Iletatl .Dealers in General Merchandfse, . Comer Queen and Kaahumanu.Sts. 107-tf W. AUSTIN WHITING. ttorney and Counsellor nt Law. Ageut to Take Acknowledgments to Instru menu for the Island of Oahu. No. 9 Kaahumanu street. Honolulu. II. I. lQ8-tf CLAC8 8PBKOKBLS mu. o. IKW19. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., 81 A It FACTOR stud Co in in ih ion AUK NTH. Honolulu, U. I. 101-tfwtf TH0S. J. HAYSELDEH, Auctioneer. Kobnla, Hawaii. Kales of Keal Kstate, Uootls ana I'roperty of every description attended to. Commissions moderate. 02tf-wtf JOHN RUSSELL, ttoniey at Jat. - No. 42 MERCHANT STREET, KHAR FORT 8T1 1 0; U-v M. PHILLIPS & Co., Importers and Whol'viale Dealers In Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, II. I. 10-ltf-wtf S. J. LEVEY & CO., Grocers and Provision Dealers. Family Grocery and Feed store. Orders entrusted to us from the other Island will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu. 105tf-wtf jyn. CHAS. BULL, physician ad buegeon, Cor. Kuuanu Avo fe Kukul St. Office nours from 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and 5 to 7. Telephone Xo. 373. 22fe4b , Dr. E. Cook Webb, and Office, cor Richards & Beretaula St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Ofitick Holks : 8 to 10, ) 2 to 4, J 7 to 8. J Telephone A'o. 3. 281 tf A. G. ELLIS & CO., LIEX, ESTATE, STOCK AXD MOXEV BROKERS, Office, No. 2 Campbell Block, Merchant St. 273 tf . J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. 98 tf J. IYI. M0NSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any part of the Kins dom Bought, Sold and leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. Ko. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 103-tf E. C. FISHBOURNE .& CO., AC COUNT ANTS, General Brokerage & Business Agency J1VL, ADJUST AND KEEP ACCOUNTS, and act as agents for Arms or individuals for the care of real estate and collection of inter est and rents ; buy and sell securities; attend to Custom House business, and carefully manage and transact all business entrusted to their care. GENERAL. AVERAGE ADJUSTMENTS. REAL ESTATE STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. Will make safe investments of money for par ties having from f 100 upwards. Leases, deeds and documents carefully drawn. Olttce. No. 1 Kaahumanu street, Makee Block. Telephone 33; P. O. Box 17. 21-decl7 FRANK GERTZ, f Qj Iiuiorter and Manufacturer JJ Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES BCT Orders from the other Islands solicited. Xo. HI Fort StM Honolulu. tH-tfwtf . 1. LVONi. I.. J. LKVEX. LYONS & LEVEY, .oictioneers AND General Commission MerchantSj - Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Sale of Fnrnltnre. Stoek, Real Eatate and General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Asents for: American & European Merchandise. 110-tfwtf niWilllX ISVESTXEXT k 1GESCT CO., (Limited.) Money Loaned on First Class Securi ties, for long or short period. Apply to W. L. GREEN, MBDajter pro tern. OCiee oa Queen St., over G. W. Macfarlane & Co. 198-tf -TO THE LADIES- I CHI BAN. We beg to intorm our friends and customers that vr; have been appointea ecie Agents xor this well known iirm, and have much pleasure In Inviting lnspectios . of our largo and varied assortment of Japanese Goods, JUST IMPORTED. Comprising the following: OIBBOIUERLD SILK SCREEXS Of the most beautiful colors, and of astonishing . beauty and finish. AND TABLE COVERS, Embroidered in Silk by Japanese. A LARGE VARIETY OF "'I A. & & Of the ttnest porcelain, remarkable lor uniqueness in color aud shape. ALSO Po.reelaln Figures, Japanese Ten Sets Of the Finest China. Tete-n-Tcte Sets, Butter Dishes, AsZi Receivers, Silk Lanterns, Silk Embroidered Kimonos, Easels. Carved YVooiicn Cabinets, Hand Screens, Trays, Wall I'ockets, Parasols, .Paper Slats, Fans, Photographs Of Japaueso scenery, colored and plain. A Larse Selection of Japanese Bronze Jewelry, CONSISTING OF Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Scarf Pius, dc, Ac. Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor ation. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO. listf Mirrlees, Watson & Co's Sugrar Machinery. VE HAVE ON HAND One Triple Effect, One Double EfTecf, One Set or Four Centrifugals, Engine and Mixer, . Spare Spindles, bnshes, Ac., for Centrifugals, One 261nx341n Mill, with engine. gear ing:, Cane and Megass Carriers Complete, One Spare Roller 2Gin.x5Iin. One Spare Intermediate Wheel for Oearlng of 2Cin.x?Ilu. Mill. One Ciu.xl21n. Diagonal Engine, . One pair Compound Roilers,6xl9ft6iii. and 13ft.6in. We have to arrive per Varuna' iu August, A set of two Centrifugal., and Mixer. One Centrifugal and Mixer for adding to existing set of Machines. Centrifugal Linings, liubbers, Belting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Boilers, Clar itiera, Crab Winches, Drilling Ma chines, Flat Coolers, -Tilting Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Filter Presses. Cane Top Cutters. Chain Blocks to lift -. 10. 20, SO and 40 cwt. llasa Saccharometers graduated from 0 to 15 andironil5 toSO Baume Vacuum and Pressure Gauges, Ther mometers for Vacuum Pans, Hand Ther mometers, Bubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Hammers and Filed. Estimates Civen for Ma chinery not in Stock. G. W. Macfor iaiie & Co. , ' r . ArcM Mirrlees, Watson t Co. Glasgow H7-tf j J0I111 Jtfowler & Co's. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS A N 1) Permanent Raiiraods 10, II, and IS lb. Rail. Locomotives, Cars, Ties, Spares. Duplicates anl Tools. FOR SALE BY G. W. Macfarlaiie & Co. Agents for John Fowler A Co., Leeds'. 113-tf SECTIOXAE MAP OF IIOXOEFEl, SHOWING BUILDINGS, WATER-PIPES, Lamp-posts, Hydrants, etc., on a large scale. All parts drawn accurately 10 scale. Copies for sale by M. D. "VONSARRAT, 330 d&wtf "Gazette" Building. NOTICE. rHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SflAllE X holders of t he Puuloa Sheep and Stock Raucb Company will be held at noon of the Zith of De cember at the counting room of C. W. Macfarlace & Co., Honolulu. J. BOBBINS, Secretary. Honolulu, lec. 23, 1S34. 329 de25H Money to Ioan ON GOOD PROPERTY SECURITY, STOCKS. Bonds, etc. Apply to :L. THOilPSON, A ttorney-at-La w , Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu, H.I. . . " 233tf 2Mmttecmcnts, DIMIONDJEffELRY G, W. MACFABLANE & Co., Have received from London a spe cial consignment, which la now oa View, of LONDON MADE Diamond Jewelry OF TOE Newest nud Most Recherche Patterns, consisting of Diamond. Huby Emerald, Sapphire, Pearl, and Other Uem tlugs, BBEASr-'PINS, BANGLES f nd other Ornaments all mounted in fine cold Also a splendid assortment of GOLD WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Including some fine Minute Repeater and Chro uographs, in heavy ls-otrat gold cases; sonic Beautifully EnamcJd Watches, in huntlus cases, or ladles, and auassortmcnt f line Silvei? TV atclaes. Also, a very beautiful assortment of SILVER JEWELRY, of specially new design and make." The whol6 consignment will be placed at CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. I27tf- Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVERY. BOARDING, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages tor hire at all hours of the di-y or night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent S:nllle Ilorscs fur tallies and Gentlemen. Guarantee.! Gentle. Carriage Xos. 2, 21, 46, 17, 48, 49, 50, 51, 32 and 33. Double and single teams always to bo had.. on livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for piculcs and excur sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply ing at the office. The Lon; Branch Bathiugr House can always bo secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the omce. Corner l'ort anil Hotel Streets. telephone No. 34. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152tf' CREAM CANDIES Ir. Meliieniy, Importer te Home Manutalacturer o CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St. lias just made large auditions to his establishment and is now orepared to furnish to the trude; the Honolulu public, and residents on the other Islands, the very finest of II031F..3UDK A YD IMPORTED CAM) IKS. Of all descriptions at very reduced Prices. Receives Fresh Candles by every arrival. He Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CREAM CANDIES are a speciality with him, and are a specialty with him, and are made by tle best manufacturers in California, und received fresh by tvery ste uner. Socia, "Ver-toa?, And an Kinds 01 ICED DRINKS. Ihe best Ice Cream in the City. The best brand of choice CIGARS always on hand lll-tf ALVIN H. RASEMAN, book: binder, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. ftBookbindlng of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 134 tf MERCHANT STREET. A NEW DEPARTURE. MR. HENRY F. HEBBARD WOULD IN form his friends and the public generally that he has opened a Depot at No. 77 Kiug St., FOR THE SALE OF HAY & GRAIN, As well as all kinds of FEED FOR FOWLS, etc. In LARGE and SMALL quantities, as may be required. Telephone "So. 238. 311 jaiill.wjan6 J. W. HINQLKV. OKO. "WOOD. J. W. HINGLEY &c CO. Manufacturers of HAVANA CIGARS, Importer?) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Tobacco, Cigarettes & Smoiers' Articles TRY OUR Home Manufactured Cigars. So. 09 Fort St., Jn Campbell's Xew Fireproof Building-, and Jfo. 78 Hotel Steeet. HONOLULU. H.I. 164-wtl .Mtrlistnunts. Hawaiian Gariage Sffg ft., JUST RECEIVED Second Growth Ash & Oak, A JON'S LOT or For Sale at Lowest Market Rates. Also, a complete Stock of Carriage & Wajjoii Material Constantly kept on band, and for sale. ' 153-tf t. X. HEKUfO. OS. KXTBASK Hawaiian Jewelry factory, No. SO Hotel Street, Honolulu, II. I. KUKTJI JEWELRY, And FINE DIAMOND SETTING a Specialty. All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re paired. Watches carefully repaired and war ranted. Gen?ral engraving and fancy monogram neatly executed. All done at moderate prices. 2 tf TELEPHONE 55. PNTESPEIS PLANING MILL. Ala&ea, near Queen St. C. J". HARDEE, Proprietor Contracting & Building-. MOULDINGS AND FINISH, ALWAtS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stove wood, Cut and Split. 113-tf LAI NE &, CO. Have a Largo .stock ot tho VERY BEST HAY, Grain, Etc., Which is offered at LOWEST MARKET PRICES AND Delivered Free to any part cf the City AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Alut ml Life . Insaranc Co OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeds for California Telephone No Hs lll-tf A FRESH LOT of; that WICKER WORK, LCtc., liitc, JUST RECEIVED EX 'BORDEAUX. M. A. GONSALVES & CO. 57 HOTEL STREET. 80 ,tf CH0 win a &-co., X. Si XuuiuiuKreef, DEALERS IX Crockery, Glassware, AND CHINA, Now offer for sale at Reasonable Ratjs a choice variety of Tea Sets, Vases, Flower Pots, Birds, Banyan Trees. New and Beautiful Articles of the most Delicate Workmanship Just Received from Japan. P. O. Box 259, Honolulu. 237 Jail THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, On-oslte Hollister & Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 121tf 1885. 1885. ORDERS FOR THE Honolulu Almanac k Directory Will be Received and Registered at the Office of the PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser. The work is In course of publication, and will be out shcrtiy. Price per 1 doe. copies... -.93 OO. Price per single copy - SO. ducriisf mtnis. - (J. J.. WAL'LEK, BTJTCHEE, TO THE FRONT. A GREAT BOON TQ THE Honolulu IPublic ! Beef, Veal, Glutton. Pork and Tint kept for FOUR DATS after being killed, by Bell Coleman's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH KILLED MEATS. "To be had in any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Metropolitan Market On Kins Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAT. City Market. On Nnaann St. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Market. At Fish Market. Hawaiian Market. On Mauunkra St. Cliineso Market, On Meek Street. REEF AND PORK. ttjiTThankins the public for past favors. I so licit a continuation of tho same. ' 113 tf G. J. WALLER. 'ONTARIO" SOLE AUEXTS, SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM AIABAMA ROTTOM COTTCN, FREE FROM SIZIX AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED Tlie Best and most Durable Kail Duck IN THE WORLD. For Sale in Honolulu. GANDY'S PATENT 215 JL. "X" X INT Gr , M.ttle irom the Verv"Rest Hard Wove Colton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., SOLE AGENTS. SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST DRIVING 3LT, Neither Heat or Dampness afTects tueiu. Tuey do not Stretch. Stronger than Leather, Better than Rubber, WILL, OUXI.AST BOTH. Por Sale in Honolulu. 133-tf mys J. J. WILLIAMS NO. 102 FORT STREET, LeacLini PMograplisr fof Honolulu, WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, .Photo. Colored, Ve. The only Complete Collection of Island Views ' Ferns, Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. - 125-tf iAfH SALOOii. SO. 7 FOIIT STKKET. Opposite Wilder & Co.'si H. J. Nolte. Propr. OPKK FOXI i A. it. TILL 10 r. it . FIBST-CLASS LCMUES, COFFEE,''. SODi WITKli, ( ALE, Oigrm jxncl Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant ummn & co, allied taels on the Premises. The Pioprfetor would be pleased to receive a cal v. cm his Friends and the Public generally, who may desire a LUNCH, A SMOKE, OR A OAME OF BILLIARDS. THE CASBNO AT THE PAKU IS OPEN EVERY DAY. c&The ouly Sea-Side Resort In the H ttgcl9in. II. jr. SOLTE, 2-tf Sdrcrilscmcnts. St. Matthew's Hall. 8 AN MATEO. CAUrOSlA. A SC1IOOJL IOH DOTIH. undertmilitary; dis jiruNK. Located In Ihe beamlfnl Ttllnjr of Psn Jf.teo, on the Southern Pacific It. K , 21 rntlf R frcm Ka FrancLM-o. FitabilKted in Kowru en tn- etructora cf reputation and ability. Ihe I nlMlups are extensive, sre heated by .tram, and are in every way arranged for the health and h n.fcr: f the cadets, irlr.tty isflon lru Jnly r4,nd the Easter Session will n mini nee January , 1885. For furihet Information and catalr;v.e, Juxt out, address KKV. ALFRED LEE BREWER, M. A., ISfi Ja24 6S-wjaCJ PrjSiij.Mii . USffil Mil CO., W HOI.KSAI.K a KKTATI. Dealers In HAY AND CJIlAIJV, Telephone No. ITS. f SonUs delivered prtr.t?y, Island Ortlern Koiltlted. 64lf Stallions at il ! (II Mil: - Bazaar. ' (Thcronghbrea.i By Jack Malone, ho by Lexington, lsl dan , Ivy Lea , by Imported Australian; 2nd duci, Buy Flower, by Lexington; Srd Uim, Hay Lvf , by Ins ported Yorkshire; 4tn dnm, Imported Maria Black, by Phllo daPutoh, etc.. e tc. Busaar was bred at Ho ercat Woodbnm 1'fehru, near Lexlegton, Jfy, by the lute J. A, Al ';ii r, and was aold to W. L. Prttrbard, of 8;icih(ui-mo, Cal., for r.CX)0. He standi 13M lu.Pf's, w.Ui.h 1.0G5 lha. and is a brixbt chestnut color. lauii'K his racing career he downed runny n favorite, untl won many a hatful of money for bis v in i ;, utui proved himself one of the grdtt f toif h iver a distance, most of IiIh rac n 1m l g i.t t iiul f cur miles. .He hus alreiuly fclred sever. M elts i'. VH fornla thut are winners, umovie which are I.ii:i:ln 1 Dunbar, Young Pattaar, tsophla, and aiiolr called the BtfSHar Minerva colt, he heing o:it o Minerva by Imported LcauilnRton, tuv ulre t.r I'aroie and Iroquois,. IJzzie Jiiiiiimr Krrn;y n tiDfrulshed herself liist year in ber iv..i ys ar old form by defeatfna one of the lursreHt lieUNi.f tu year olds that ever started Iti California, nii.c. L which were the two beautlitil fiJiits trti gi t li 'Jn last spring by Mr. Agnew, distance, milt; time, 1.04 il the fastest oj record tor two-yeur ids at' the distance. Thlfc year she has won several 'iii pcrtant events, uni hus provt.d herself to Ut i. crad le three-year-cld. Bazaar has no"" teen brongb. b'-ck to Honolulu, and will remain hi-re the balai ci. i-' this y r, ur,J breedern, horse owners, and srrwk raisers si.otild avail themselves of the opporturtit. to ortnlii his services while they have the chance. 'IVrms, lO. Payaole at time of service. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion DONALD DINNIE. Jr., will stand at th same tiu.e and place at tt3( fur the season. He wus I red in Canada, sired by Imported Uonalil Diniiie.nntl out of an imported Clydesdale mure, lie is a beauti ful dapple grey, 16 lutnds lilKh, and welarlis H' 0 lbs; Is very active, and as line a Jiirjfe hore as could be found anywhere. Also, the fine large Imported Kentucky Jaek SAMPSON. This is one of the largest Ju ks that we could find In California, and Is an ui;lrn; ' of immense bone: is a very sure bree der, ii' " should be liberally patronized as he is one i.f the very best animals of bis kind. Tertn, UO fcr the season. The public are cordially Invitod to call und In spect the above animals. MILLS BUS. . Proprietors. Maralifleld. Kept. 15. 1884. '. t-C-tf Ice Gream Parlors. UaFsific THE UNDERSIGNED, HA VINO PUR chaserl th above well-known resort, lake pleasure ia Informing their patrons and the puhlic generally that tney intend to f.ustain tin Ulglv " reputation of ' . 1 Hart Brothers' Ice. Cii'iim ' And solicit a continuation of the libera! patronage 1 bestowed ou their predecessors ' , Constantly on hand, a full assortment of , The Choicest Imported . Caiullos, . And New Stock received by every uwtMtr.- . Also, a very fine collection of Curios, Siwmple Boxes of Shells, Corals And other specimens for parties vLsltlng - - the Islands. fcOrders for SUPPERS, WEDDIXOM BALLS. PA RTIES, ETC., left at the ELITE,', will receive prompt attention. Telephone 182. 51. W. MeCIIESNEY & SON. HOTEL STREET. HENRY HART, Manager. 15 If THE CTJRKENCY ACT. The New; Gold Law. FEW COPIES OF THE WEEKLY' A Pacific Commercial Advertiser or the 29tli July. 1SI, containing tho FULL TEXT of the Currency Act, can be bad on application to the P. C. Advertiser Office. Price 25 cents each, Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER. FOR' SALE, TWO ENGLISH BULL TERRIER PCIBJ S months old. Apply by letter at ouc to W. B. STARK EY, . 294 tf - Kaupo Kaacb, 2uL i. 'i ( I I t J I f i s . if i ' -.- 'r-- .