Newspaper Page Text
The D Pacific 0 Adteetisee. OMMERCIAL AILY t VOLUiME 3, NO. 213. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY. JANUARY 8. I8S5 I' RICK 10 CENTS. THE DAILY PACIFIC itdurrtiscmenis. business partis. 1 M'. A1tTPf TMf dmtiscments VUt4 UilUHilUJ. if 'tfc.- r - a, ' V ft I . 1 fi - - 'i X II i. i ,i r .4 i 3- &: '1 TS PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. Daily P C. Advertiser, 1 yej, (Cash; 00 Daily P. C. Advertiser, months, (C-i3hy 5 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser. 1 week, (CmM ..... 25 Weekly P. C. Advertiser, I year. (Cash) .. 5 00 Foreign Subscription Y. P. C. A. (Including postage) 88 C0 Washington's Dinner Party. A writer in The JIagazinc of American History for September gives the following latter from Washington, at West Point in 1779, to Dr. John Cochran, describing a dinner party which the commander in tended to give: West Point, Auz. 16. 1779. Dear Doctor: I have asked Mrs. Cochran and Mrs.. Livingstone to dine with me to-morrow; but ought I not to apprise you of their fare? As I hate deception, even when imagination is concerned, C will. "It is needless to promise tha. my table is large enough to hold the ladies of this they had ocular demonstration yesterday. To say how it is usually covered Is rather taore essential, and this shall be the pur port of "iy letter. "Since mv arrival at this happy spot, we have had a ham, sometimes a shoulder of bacon, to grace the head of the table. A piece of roast beef adorns the foot, and a small dish of green beius almost imper ce, tible-decorates the center. When the cook has a mind to cut a figure, and this I E resume he will attempt to-morrow, we ave two beef sleak-pies, or dishes of crabs in addition, one on each side of the center-dish, dividing the spaco. and reducing the distance between dish and dish to about six feet, which, without them, would be nearly twelve apart. Of late he has had the surprising luck t" discover that apples will make pies; and it is a question if. amidst the violence of his ef forts, we do not get one of apples instead of having both of beef. "If the ladies can put up with such en tertainment, aad submit to partake of it on plates once tin. but now iron, not be come so by the labors of hard scouring. I shall be happy to see th m. Dear sir, yours, George Washington. " XJmem or Arctic Exploration. Harper's Magazine. In 300 years there have been some 200 arctic vovages, for various purposes and with various fates. The Greeljr expedi tion was but one of thirteen expedi tions. Five hundred men passed two win ters within the polar circle, and nineteen of them only were lost. And Lieut. 1 ay says that the result of the observations of all these expeditions wll be the doubling of the world's knowledge of the magnetic forces. That is to say. as the iiev. Brooke Herford states in his admirable sermon upou this subject "Not one of ail the thousand and ten thousand craft sailing to and fro among the many lands of earth but will be a little surer of its compass, a little; closer in ita reckoning, a littlo safer than it ever was before." Is this worth nothing? Is not the risk, the. loss even, amply recompensed? But also, as Air. Iler.ord points out the moral qualities, the patience, the courage, the scjlf-denial, the faith, the endurance, developed by these northern researches, re incomparable. "There is simply no other chapter in the history of human doings to be compared with itv Betide it the adventures of commerce and conquest look greedy and base, the stories of chivalry are mere tinsel, the long heroism of the crusades seems a fevered frenzy? Cui bono? is not an argument t discour age the restless soul, which tbe prospect of peril inspires, nor will the pathetic story of the patient and generous endurance, amid appjirentLf remediless suffering, which the tv cord tf the Greeiy expedition discloses, dismay or ueter other Creelys from daring the same dangers. The Cleanliness or Pompeii. A writer who has visited that ancient city of southern Italy, whose marvels seem to be unlimited as excavations pro ceed, thus describes his impressions: "Another striking thing is the absolute cleanliness. ou may say that the dirt has all been taken away by the Italian government. That is true, but it is quite evident that in the old times it never was there. Our modern houses are not made to be clean, p.s were the Fonipeian resi dences. The walls, the Moors, every corner of their hemes, were finished with the most admirable workmanship. In their rooms no plaster - ever fell, for it was of such excellent material, and so well put on, that it soon became like marble. They had no wooden walls, no cracks where dust could penetrate. Water for cleansiDg was found in every part of the house, ana ran off through perfect drains. "All the tables and Iwdsteads were of marble or bronze: even the well-curbs and the borders of the dower-beds were or hewn stone. Hygiene must have come naturally to the old Jr'ompeian; he evidently had no chance to get a typhoid attack; the only chfcis of diseases he could not provide against were the eruptive, and one of these carried him oil at last. " The Wines of Chill. Fortnightly Review. 1 In nothing is the progress of Chili mor strikingly displayed than in the advance which has been made by the wiue industry. Ten years ago hardly any native wine was drunk by the wealthier classes; now it is drunk by all classes. At present the wine production has not overtaken the con sumption in Chili itself; but with the enormous extension of. vineyard planting throughout the country, prices of wines will certainly fall before long to a level that will 'enable profitable ship ments abroad to be made. Lar" sums of JcXSvYHaow being invest. . by the "'""wealthy land owners ia vineyard planting and wine-making apparatus. Frenchmen at high salaries are being brought to the country from the claret-producing districts of France, and no rains are being snared to make the business of vine-growing suc ceed. Those with whom I have con versed, who have studied the subject, are of opinion tiiat in another two years the export of win-3 may be expected to take place. An Anxiety That Breeds III Health. London Medical Tiims. ' The very anxiety for health which Sir James Paget and the sanitarians inculcate is an anxiety that breeds hypochondriacs, and tend3, to that extent at any rate, to defeat its own object. Every one must admit that the highest form of health is unconscious health, just as the highest ' form of beauty is unconscious beauty, and the highest form of moral excellence is unconscious moral excellence. The typ ical healthy man is not aware of his health; he does cot think about it at ell. MA0FABLAHE & C0;, TTTiTOLFJlAI,E DCVtEKH A3f up. IT tral Jobbers In WINE3 and LIQUOR. No. 12 Kaabnmanu Street. Honolulu. . m-tf H. HAOKFELD & 00,, GENERAL. COMMISSION AGENTS. 100 tX Queen St., Honolulu, HJ. w. AEBTEX. P. OPFEEOKI-r ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB, & CO., Importer A Commission Merchants. Queen Street, Honolulu, 11. i. 106-tf A. S. 0LEGH0RN & Co. Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General .Merchandise, Corner (Jueen and Kaahumanu fits. 107-tf , W. AUSTIN WHITING. jttorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Instru merits for the Island of Oabu, No. Kaahmnanu btreet. Honolulu. 11. 1. 108-tf cues smscBLs mu. O- IBWIH. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., St'GAIt FA (TORN and Comini.HHiou A fjt NTS. Honolulu, 11. I. liu-tfwtf TH0S. J. HAYSELDEN, Auctioneer, Kotiala, Hawaii. Kale of Heal Estate, Ooodn and Property of every description nttended to. Commissions moderate. 02tf-w tf JOHN RUSSELL, ttorncy at aw. No. 42 MKKCHANT STREET, NEAR FORT ST, U-. u-v M. PHILLIPS & Co., Importers and Wholesale Iealers in Clothing, Boots, bhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu !Stret, Honolulu, 11. 1. l(Htf-wtt S. J. LEVEY & CO., Grocers and Provision Dealers. Family Grocery and Feed Htore. Orders entrusted to us from the other island will b;"promptly attended to. 52 Fort at., Honolulu lOOtf-wtt -JK. CHAS. BULL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Cor. Nmiaiui Ave & Kukui 8t.' Ofllco Hours from 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and S to 7. Telephone No. 373. 23Cfe4b Dr. E. Cook Webb, Residence and Office, cor Rlchanls & Beretania St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Ofkick Hours: 8 to 10, 2 to 4, Telephone No. 3. 2sl tf 7 to 8. A. G. ELLIS & CO., JRJEA.L ESTATE, STUCK AND MONEY IHlOKERS, OOice, 5fo. 3 Campbell Block, Merchant St. 273 tf J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Haivaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. 31. 1. as tf J. HI. M0NSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate In any part or th lCi.iy dom Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 MERCHANT STKEET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 109-tf E. C. FISHBOURNE & CO., ACCOUNTANTS, General Brokerage & Business Agency -1TT1LL ADJUST AND KEEP ACCOUNTS, and act as agents for firms or .r.divlduals for the care of real estate and collection or inter est and rents ; buy and sell securities; attend to Custom House business, and carefully manaje and transact all business entrusted to their care. GENERAL AVEKAOE ADJUSTMENTS. REAL ESTATE STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. Will make sure Investments of money for par ties having from fioo upwards. Leases, deeds and documents carefully drawn. Oitice. No. 1 Kaahumanu street, Make Block. Telephone 33: P. O. Box IT. 21-decl7 FRANK CERTZ, f Iinijorler ana Manufacterer J Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES EJ-Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. Ill Fort St.. Honolulu. m-tfwtf J. LYONh. LYONS 5c LEVEY, Auctioneers AND General Commission MerchantSj Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. S ales of Fnrnltnre. Stork, Real Estate and General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Agents Tor: American & Earupean Herclanlise. no-trwtf HAWAIIAN I.WEST3IEST k AGESCT CO., (Limit?.!.). Money Loaned on First Class Securi ties, for long or short perfrt. Apply to W. L. OREEN, Manager pro tem. Office oo Queen St., over O. W.Maclarlane Jfc Co. WS-tf -TO II IMS- I CHI BAN. Wo beg to inlorm'.snr f nenda and costomers ttat vtc bare been appointed Sole Agents for this well known tim, and have much pleasure In Inviting Inspection of our large and varied assortment of Japanese Goods, JVST IMI'OBTED. Comprising the following: EMBROIDERED SI Eli. SCREENS Of the most beautiful colors, and of astonishing beauty and finish. BiBD SPREADS AND TABLE COVERS, Embroidered in &ilb by Japanese. A LARGE VARIETY OF Of the jKreela.!n, remarkable lor uniqueness in color and shape. ALSO Porcelain Figures, Jaance Ten Sets Of the Fluent Clilna. Tete-a-Tete Sets, Rutter Dishes. Asb Receivers, Silk Lantern. Silk Embroidered Kimonos, Easels. Carved Wooden Cabinets, Hand Screens, Trays, Wall Pockets, Parasols, I"aer Mats. Fans, Photographs Of Japauese scenery, colored and plain. A Larsre Selection ol Japanese Bronze Jewelry CONSISTING OF Sleeve Buttons.' Chains, Scarf Plus, Ac, lc. Also u variety of goods suitable for bouse decor ation. (J. W. MACFARLANE & CO. ut tf Mirrlees, Watson & Co's Sugrar Machinery. - - WE HAVE ON HAND One Triple Effect, One Double tJTeet, One Set or Four Centrifugals. Engine and Mixer, Sparc Spindles, bushes, Ac, for Centrirugals, One 261 nx5 tin Mill, with engine, gear, ing, Cane and Blegnss Carriers Complete, One Spare Roller 261n.3 tin. One Spnre Intermediate Wheel for Clearing of 26Iu.x5Hi. 92111. One 6in.xl'21u. Diagonal Engine, Ono pair Compound Roilers.tixlOi t(iin. and 15ft.6iu. We have to arrive per." Varuua' in August, A set or two Centrifugal, and Mixer, One Centrifugal and Mixer for ad'iiug to existing set of si achtucs. Centrifugal Linings, Rubbers, Belting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Boilers, Clar iners, Crab Wiucues, Drilling Ala chines, Flat Coolers, Tilting Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Filter Presses, Cane Tup Cutters. Cham Blocks to lift ' 10. 211, SO and 40 cwt. Glass Saccbarometers graduated from 0 to 15s andlroml5 to3U Baume Vacuum and Pressure- Gauges. Ther mometers for Vacuum Pans, Hand Ther mometers, ltubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Hammers and Files. Estimates Given for Ma chinery not in Stock. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for MirrleeB, Watson & Co, Glasgow 117- tf John bowler & Co's. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS A N D Permanent Railraods 10, 14. and IS lb. Rail. Locomotives, Cars, Ties, Snares. Duplicates and. Tools. FOK SALE BY G. V. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for John Fowler & Co., Leed. 118- tf NOTICE. rj'HE ANNUAL, MEETING OF THE 6HABE X holders of tbe Puulou Sheep and Stock Kanch Company niil be held at noon of tlie 2. Hh of De cember at the couutiiig room of O. W. Macfarlane Co., Honolulu. J. ROBBINS, Secretary. .Honolulu, Dec. 23. 15S1. 3J9 de25 Money to Loan ON GOOD PROPERTY SECURITY, STOCK Bonds, etc. Apply to 31. THOMPSON, Attorney-at-Law, Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu, H.I. C35tf SECTIONAL MAI' OF HOXOLl'Lr, SHOWING BUILDINGS. WATER-PIPES, Lamp-posts, Hydrants, etc., on a large scale. All parts drawn accurately to scale. Copies tor sale by X. D. MON3ARRAT, 80 dwt "Oaiett" BuIUUi. DMONDJKffELRY Gr W. MACFAKLAiSE & Co., Have received from London po clal conaljnment, wLlca 13 now ca Tiew, or LONDON MADE Diamond Jewolrv OF TOE 5we)t and Iot Kechrrche Patterns, consisting of Diamond, Baby Emerald. Sapphire, Fearl, and Other tJem fluffs, BREASTPINS, BANGLES f nd other Ornaments all mounted In fine gold Also a splendid awortxnent of GOLD WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND UKNTLEMKN, Including some tine lllnuto itt-peatera and Cbro- I uographs, la heavy lJ-oarat gold cases ; some ! Beautifully Enameled Watches, lu hunting case-, ' or Ladles, and anassortment of flae Silvei? Watches.! i Also, a very beauuful assortment of SILVER j JEWELRY, of specially new design and make. j CS"The whole consigiment will be placed at CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. 127tf- Pantheou Stables, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVEEY. BOARDING, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at all hours of Ihe dry or I night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties goliiff around the Island. Excellent Saddle Hordes fur Ladies and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Veutle. Carriage 3 -. a, til, 16, 47, 4S, 49, 50, 31, 9-3 aiid 53. Double and siugle teams always to be had ou livery at the most reasonable ratei:. Large and small otunibtis tor picnics and excur sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply ing at the oOlce. The Lanjr Branch Bathlnsr House can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the ofiice. Corner Fort and Hotel Street. Telephone No. 34. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. CREAM CANDIES Importer fc Home Manuialacturer c CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel bt. 1 Has just made large additions to his establishment i and is now ore pared to furnish to the trade, j the Honolulu public, and residents on the ; other Islands, the very fluent of j H0UE.1I1DK AXU iJlPuKlED (AM) IKS, Of all descriptions at very reduced Prices. Receivts Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CREAM CANDIES are a speciality with him, and arc a specialty with him, and are made by the best manufacturers in California, and received fresh by every steamer. Soda "Wtt02 And all Kinds of ICED DRINKS.' The best Ice Cream in the City. The best brand of choice CIGAK always on hand 112-tf ALVIN 11. HASEMAN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Ruler and BlanU Cook Man u lac t u rer. 9BookbIndinfr of all descriptions heurty and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 134 tf merchant OTBKOT. j A NEW DEPART UKE. MR. II EN K Y F. HEB BARD WOULD IN form his friends and the public geuerally that be has opened a Depot- at No. 77 King St., FOR THE SALE OF HAY & GRAIN, As well as all kinds of FEED FOR FOWLS, etc. t In LARGE aad SMAIL quantities, j as may bo required. j Telephone 'So. 23S. 311 Janil.wjanS j 1. W. RlNOLKT. GEO. WOOD. J. W. HINGLEY Ss, CO. Manufacturers of HAVANA CIGAES, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Tobacco, Cigirettes & SMers' Articles TRY OCR Home Manufactured Ciorars. o So. 09 Fort St.. in Campbell' Xevr Fireproof Baildinff. and No. 7S Hotel Steeet. UONOLCLU, n.j. 154-wtf Hawaiian Carriage MTg Co., JUST RECEIVED Second Growth Ash & Oak, A VISK LOT Of For Sale at Lowest Market Rates. Also, a complete stock of Carriage & Wagon Material Constantly kept on band, and for sale. 153-if J. SC. KKBOfB. JO. HC8A8H Hawaiian Jewelry Faelory, Sfo. 50 Hotel Street, Honolulu, II.I. KUKUI JEWELRY, And FINE DIAMOND SETTING a Specialty. All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re paired. Watches carefully repaired anil war ranted. Gen Tal engraving and fancy monogram . neatly execute!. All done at moderate price.. 240 tf TELEPHONE 55. iNTERPRISfP PLANING MILL. P Alakea. near (luceu fit. C. J. HARDEE. Troprietor. C0ntraCtillg fc Blliltlillg. ! MOULDINGS AND FINISH A LAVA i S ON HAND FOR SALE Hard and Soft Rtovcwood, Cut and Split. 115-tf LAINE & CO. Have a Large stock ot the VERY BEST HAY, Grain. Etc., Which is o;Tercd at LOWEST MARKET TRICES AND Delivered Free to any part cf the City AOEKTS FOR THE Pacific Mutuii Life Insiirancft Co OF CALIFORNIA. Asrents for the Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeds for California i TeU-phono No 14s 111-tf A FRESH LOT OF" THAT MADEIRA WICKER WORK, LCtc, Etc., j JUST RECEIVED l EX 'BORDEAUX. M. A. GONSALVES & CO.. 57 HOTEL STREET. Cti CH0 WING- & CO., . Hi uuauu Street, DEALERS IN Crockery, Glassware, AND CHINA, Sfovr offer for sale at Reasonable Rates a choice variety of Tea Setgt Va33S. Tlower Pots, Birds, Baayan. Trees, New and Beautiful Articles of the most Delicate Wortmansulp Just Received from Japan. P. O. Box 259, Honolulu. 257 Jail THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, X"r. BO Viinnmi Nlrp(-t. It- 'i lOpposite Hollister fc Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 121tt " " 1885. 1885. ORDERS FOR THE Honolulu Almanac k Directory Will be Received and Restored at the Office of the PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser. The work la In course of publication , aad will be out shortly. t Price per 1 doe. copies ... Price per single copy .5 OO. SO. tr. J. WALLEK, TJ T O 3EE E ' JR TO TOE rBOKT. A GREAT BOON TO THE Honolulu IPublic ! Beef, Teal, Bf atton. Pork and FIh kept for FOCR DAYS after beinz killed, by Bell Coleman's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran teed to keep longer after delivery than FBC.SU KILLED MEATS. e3JTo be bad la any of Mr. Waller's Markets. EXttropolitan Market, Ou Kins Street. MEAT FOR HALE ALL DAY. City Morliet On Xanana Hi, Hotel Street Market. Ou Hotel Street. Eureka Market. At Fish SlarKet. Hawaiian Market. On Mauunken St. Ckinese Market, On Bf eek Street. BEEF AND FORK. ttar'Tn ii king tbe public for past favors. I so. ' licit a continuation of the same. m tf O. J. WALLER. 'ONTARIO" SAI JLm 3DUCK. ? NEVIL.I..E &z CO., SOI, F. AUENTHi SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM AI VBAMA nOTTOJi COTTON, FREE fROXI SflSEIXO A.ND NOT LIABLE. TO MOULD. WARRANTED The Best and inott Durable Mail Buck IM THE WORLD. For Sale in Honolulu. GANDY'S PATENT Made from tbe Very Best Hard Wove Col ton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., SOLE AOESTS, SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST DRIVitfC B LT, ' Neither Heat or Daiapncu aflTertu tk em. They do not Stretclt. Stronger titan Leather, Belter thau Rubber. WILL. OUlLAal' BUi'ri. t ; For Sale in Honolulu. ' lOS-tf myt J. J. WILLIAMS No. 10a FORT STREET. Leaiiiig FMorailier 'of Honolaln. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. ludia Iuk, or Oil. Plioto. Colored. Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns, Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. 125-tf iEAUEH SALOCri so. i Four sniKET. Opposite Wilder & Co.'st j IS.. J. flolte, iPropr. FOM 4 A. M. TILL 10 P. X. FIUST-ILA-S Ll.UtihS, iUlrEK, TE1, SOJA VViTKil, U.Vbhli ALL 1 Cigafss and '1 b ilcccs OF BEHT BRANDS Plain and Fancy FIFES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BErtT QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDM will find an Elegant MmiiZ i CO. SILLI11D mu on the l'remmi-s. The t'l oprletor would be pleased to receive a cal om his Friends and the Public generally, who may desire a I.FNCII, A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF BILXIARON. THE CASINO AT THE PAB'i IS OPEN EVERY DAY. TThe only Kea-NiJe Report In tbe H lafdem. H. J. SOLTE, St, Matthew's HaD. A SCHOOL FOB Or. Located In the fceuirol vUlr cf fca lfw. on tLeBoutntrn larlficR. K .21 mUf rmu J) 1 FranriMO. ltll,ed In it0. Pwirtia U- struct or. f rtput.Uxn and ability. 1fc bolWUsjci are extensive, r- heated ty areaau, aa ax la ev ry sy arrhi.nwi tor tb Uealth and rK4rt t the rafets. IrlMty tM1oa U.n July 34, sod Uwi Easter Session will n am. nee January , ls4. For further l&fortnaticci and cataloru, H'l address ItKT. ALFRED LICE BREWER, M. A., !SRJa54 85-wJe?7 s5 rrJuxnj 'Diw:nD Mm Queen 4 Edinburgh StrtHf, 'BOIX8ALK A TIt ' Dealer la HAY AND URAIM, Telephone No. 17C. Goods delivered promptly. Inland Orders Sollrlled. C4tf Basaor.M (Thoroughbred. i By Jack Malone, he by Lexington, tat tlsn Ivy Lea , by imported Australian; I.'nd Cur.t, Say Flower, by Lexington; 3rd dm. Bay Leaf, by lea ported Yorkshire; 4tb dam. Imported Marti Uacit, by Pbllo daPutab, etc., etc. 1 ' Basaar was bred at tbe great Woodbum Fanu, near Lcxlenrton, Ky, by tbe hits K. A. Altander, and was ttold to W. L. I'rltcbRrd, of Haerameoi)s, Cal., for SA.O0U. lie stand ' ISM fcaatis, mUs 1.0R5 lbs. and is a bright chestnut color. Durtag bis racing career he downed tnsny a favbttte, aa4 won many a hatful of ar.onev for his owotrs, ja4 proved himself one of the greatest of tvrtt- r a distance, most of bic races being at two itnd fur miles, lie has already sired sever I colts la CuH fornia that are winners, among which ro LluU. Dunbar, Young Hataar, Mophla, and Motto called the Bvsuar Minerva colt, he be4Bjf out e Minerva by ImporVcd Leamington, th sir at Parole and Iroquois. Utile Dunbar gresUy 4i tmgulsbed herself last year In her lwo)rwll form by defeating one of the largest fields of twa. . year olds that ever started lo California, among which were the two beouiUnl fllUea broft;ht b last spring by Mr. Agiiew, distance, H miin; tiui, 1.04 6l the fastest on record for cwo-year Ws at the distance. This year she has wen ar versa im portant events, and baa proved kerselt to k s crack three-year-old. Basaar has no" been brought bscfl to Unolula, and will remain here the balanca of this y i ar, and j breeders, horse owners, and stock raisers sbo44 avail themselves or the opportunity to eittaui aw services while they have the chance. . TtrtDsS. 840. Payable at time of service. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion MlVtA',Z.T3 BINNIE, Jr., will stand at the sa&e time aad place at for tbe seiwon. lie was bred r. Cana la, sired by Imported 1 Km aid Dlnnte.and tuit of an imported Clydesdale mare. If Is a bmutf ful dapple grey, 14 baoda high, and wwj.ts 14W4 lbs; Is very active, and as fine a large Lr? a could bo found anywhore. H ' Also, tl. - fine lurg imported Keotoeky i'mdc SAMFSON. This U one of the larf fn Jack tbat we could And In California, and U all animaJ of immense bone: is u very sure "bret-tiir, and should be liberally patronised as be U ene . vf tbe the very best animals of bis kind. Terms, itZ9 for the season. The public are cordially invited to call and La- tpoct the above animals. niXEfi ziztoa.. Proprietors. Marahfleld. Bept. IS. H8i. IU-H ELITE" Ice Cream Parlors. THE UNDERSIGNED, HA VINO MTU chased the above well-known resort, take ' pleasure lu Informing tbi ir patrons aad the pabUe generally tbat tney Intend to sustain tbe btffb reputation ef . ..; Hart Brothers' Ice Cream And solicit a continuation of the liberal patrottapf bestowed on their predecessors. Constantly on band, a full aor Unset ot . Tbe Choicest 'Imported Candle. And New Hiock re.-elved by every stefcmer. ; Also, a very fine collective of . Curio, Kausple Boxes f Shells, Crmt l And other specimens for parties vWilig . the. Islands. tcj-Orders for ' SUPPERS, WEDDITtOS BALLH. PAR riES, ETC., left at the KLITJC sill receive prompt attention. - Telephone 182. If. W. cCIIES9TEY 0."ff, HOTEL STSEET. HENRY HART, Maitaxen 148 tf . THE CURRENCY ACT. The New Gold Law, VFETV COPIES OF THE vVKEUXT FiselSe Commercial ASvrtlaer or tbe 39tb July. eontAlnlaiar tbe ITLL TEXT of the (nrrever Act, enn be bad on Appllestlon f tbe P. c. Advertiser Office. Price 25 cents each. Publisher 1. C. ADYEECTMRO. FOR SALE. TWO ENGLISH BULL TKRRSEH FCrftC months old. Apply by letter at Ce te W. B. STARXEY, Stallions at MarsMeld ! 294 tf . KanpaBJuach, MAt. . in H 'it i o ! - ( ! r r 4 . i I is