Newspaper Page Text
A iTllW I KPT (1 fYllf (I ' PRICE 10 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1885. VOL. ILL-NO. 215. p THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISES. . M PLDLl-HED Every Morning Except Sundays SUBSCRIPTION.' Dally P C Advertiser, 1 year, (Cash; .,)3 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser, 8 months, (Cash; - 5 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser, 1 week, fCash) 25 Weekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 year. (Cash) 6 00 Foreign Subscription w. P. C. A. including postage) - fS So THE MAN WHO DYES HIS HAlft. A Glimpse of IIIui as He Hoc on Bright, Sunny AVay. Thero is only one iersou in the universe who can compel aa much attention from thoce who do not know him as the man who wears a wig, and that is the man who dyes his hair. His life is a prolonged ovation. Wherever ha roams he creates interest. Everybody looks at him; everybody t hinks about him; many talk about him. Yet the general attention he receives should not be charged up to either his assert iveness or hi3 vanity. Hjr is usually a modest man, and always an unsuspicious one. He is serenely unconscious of the figure ho cuts; entirely unaware of the distinction he en joys. , "Wrapped in the comfortable hallucination that the world can never discover his little secret, he floats through life on flowery beds of bliss. He fancies he has cheated Old Time completely. In his own opinion he lias baffled age in the most ingenious manner. Whether the poison of the dye has softened hi3 brain, or the belief that he has sliced twenty or more years from his app arent age without anyone guessing it, has upset his mind, none will ever know; but mental soundness seems to depart when hair dyo takes its place among his toilot accessories. Under the influence of nitrate of silver or any combination of lead and sulphur Ctesars become simpletons, Napoleons nothings. Look at the face of the man with the dyed hair as he sits in happy unconsciousness of the fact that he is the cynosure of all eyes. Its expression is one of childlike satisfaction. He is at peace with the world, and blind to the absurdity of his appearance. He never dreams that his little dodge can be detected clear across the street. His mental sturdi ness has got out of the way of the smell of sulphur, and keeps out of the way. He never notices that when he visits at the homes of hi3 friends they open all the win dows. It never occurs to him when ladie3 who sit near him in street cars fan vigor ously that his hair dye is responsible. A great flourish of perfumed handkerchiefs when he appears never alarms him. It takes a man of very trustful nature to dye his hair and go through life with an undisturbed mind. 1 If the color he forces his locks to take on at all approximated anything in nature his serenity of mind could be understood. Fre quently it is a curious, unclassified blue so unlike any respectable hue under tho sun that you can't keep your eyes off it to save your life. This peculiar tinge is arrived at after long application and expresses the abused hairs' refusal to absorb any more poison. Sometimes when nitrate of silver is the article which does violence to nature the hair turns a dull gritty red, aoout as becom ing to anv face as a wis: made of red wil- lows would be. Sometimes a deep, deep black is arrived at. No hair ever grew on a white man's head as black as it is. No raven's wing could hold a candle to it. No Indian could rival it. The blackest dos that ever howled or trod a wizard's circle would look dull and dim bo- aide it This is the hue that gives its victim the highest satisfaction. He is, if possible, happier than the blue-hairad m&n, the drab, or even the Russia-leather red. There is a striking and painful discrepancy " rwtween the deer lines of his face and the extravagantly youthful darkness of his hair, which be never sees and nobody else can help seeing. He refuses to recognize any other intimation of ago than gray hairs. That is the only thing that scares him. His settled figure, his heavy gait, his deeply lined face and reedy voice are overlooked. though they tell the tale of his earthly pil grimage beyond the power of hair dye to con tradict. If he is sixty he fully believes he passe for forty. The thought makes him so gay at heart that he effervesces into a boyish fool ishness of manlier, sadly incompatible with bis figure and face. His intimate friends begin to apologize for him, and strangers . find themselves exchanging ridicule for pity when they look upon him. He is so sure of the perfect success of his rose that he gets into the habit of removing Uis hat when in horse-cars, and flatters him " lf that women think him handsom-3. Some times he seos some other imbecile who has taken the saum plan to defeat the enemy, Tini 3, aud laughs in his sleeve at the glaring failure. Everybody is fallible on hair dye but himself. Unenlightened as to his own grotesqueness he travels the remainder of life's journey in the unadulterated bliss of i i 1 1 ignorance, a creature mat suuum wuvs the hardest of us to mercy. Ebbos Olive k. Boston', Aur. 27. Last week a drunken man jumped on to a New York policeman, pounded him over tha head and swept the sidewalk with him be tore he was arrested. The policeman might easily have whipped his assailant, but ha .was so paralyzed with amazement at finding himself present at a fight before it was over, that he couldn't lif a finger until help ar rived. It' th first case of the kind on record, gustocss Cants. MAOFAELANE & CO-, WHOLESALE DF.AT.EIlS AND EN eral Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUORS. o. 12 Kaahuraann Street. HONOLTTI.Tr. 113-tf H. HAOKFELD & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. 100 tf Queen St., Honolulu, n.I. r. BASNEfO. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB, & CO., Importers A Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, tl. I. I0ti-tt A. S. OLEGHOBN & Co., Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 107-tf W. AUSTIN WHITING. a Homey and Counsellor at Law. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Instru ments for tbe Island of Oabu. No. 9 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, H. I. 108-tf CLAC8 SPBECKELS ITM. O. IB WIS. WM. Q. IRWIN & Co., S 2UGAR FACTORS and Commission loi-tfwtf AGtNTS. Honolulu, 11. I. THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, Auctioneer, Hohala, Hawaii. Sales of Keal Estate, Goods and Property of every description attended to. Commissions moderate. 02tf-wtf JOHN RUSSELL, tioniey at Law. No. 4: : MERCHANT STREET, NEAR FORT ST, li: U-v ' M. PHILLIPS & Co., Imiorters and Wholesale Dealers In Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing aud Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, U. I. 104tf-wtf - , S. J. LEVEY & CO., Grocers and Provision Dealers. Family Grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other island will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu lOotr-wtt -pR. CIIAS, BULL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Cor. Nuuanu Ave & Kukui St. Offico Honrs from 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and 5 to 7. Telephone No. 373. 232fe4b Dr. E. Cook Webb, Residence and Office, cor Richards & Beretanla St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Okvice Hoces: 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Telephone No. 3. 2S1 tf A. G. ELLIS & CO., BEAL ESTATE, STOCK AND MONEY BROKERS, Oflice, No. 2 Campbell Block,' - 1 r 273 tf Merchant St. J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 37 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. SS tf FRANK GERTZ, FQllnprter and Manufacturer Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES Unorders from the other Islands solicited. No. Ill Fort St., Honolulu. lH-'IWtl J. M. lYIONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. T3eal Estate in any part of the 14 i .i r- X. dom Bought, Sold ana i,easea on commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Doeunien'a Drawn. No. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block. Honolulu. 109-tf" THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 60 Nnuanu Street, lOpposite HolUster & Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 12Itf I vf HRRIXO. JOS. HUBASU Hawaiian Jewelry Factory, No. 80 notel Street, Honolulu, H.I KUKUI JEWELRY, And FINE DIAJIOND SETTING a .Specialty. All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re paired. Watches carefully repaired and war ranted. General engraving and fancy monograms neatly executed. All done at moderate prices. 24) tf --TO THE LADIES- I CHS BAN. We beg to mtorm our friends and customers tbat wc have been appointed Sole Agents for this well known firm, and have much pleasure in Inviting inspection of our large and varied assortment of Japanese Goods, JEST IMPORTED. Comprising the following : EMBROIDERED SILK SCREENS Of tbe most beautiful colors, and of astonishing beauty aud finish. AND TABLE COVERS, Embroidered in Silk by Japanese. A LARGE VARIETY OK "T J3l $E 353 Of the Unest porcelain, remarkable' lor uniqueness in color aud shape. ALSO Porcelain Figures, Japanese Tea Sets Or the Finest China. Tete-aTete Sets, Butter Dishes, - Ash Receivers, ' SHU Lanterns, Silk Embroidered Kimonos, Easels. Carved Wooden Cabinets, : - Hand Screens, " Trays, Wall Pocltets, - Parasols, Paper Mats, Fans, Photographs Of Japauese scenery, colored and plain. - A Larjrc Selection ol Japanese ISrouze Jewelry, CONSISTING OF Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Scarr Pius, dc Ac. Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor ation. G. 'TV. MACFARLANE & CO. : '' 11(5 tf - Mirrlees, Watson & Co's A . Sugrar Machinery. WE HAVE ON HAND One Triple Effect, One Double EHec?, One Set of Four Centrifugals, Engine and Mixer, Spare Spindles, bushes, Ac, Tor Centrifugals, One 26inx5Hn Mill, with cnfflne.jfear- inSi Cane aud Mcsass Carriers ,v Complete, One Spare Roller 26in.x51iu. Oue Spare Intermediate lineei lor Gearing or 26in.x3 tin. Mill. One Ciu.x.l2iii. Diagonal Engine, Ou pair Compound BoiIers,6xl9f 16iu. aud 13ft.6in. We have to arrive per "Varuua' in August, A set or two CentrifnsaE and Mixer. One Centrifugal and Mixer for addin; to existing set or Machines. Centrifugal Linings, Rubbers, Belting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Rollers, Clar iliers, Crab Winches, Drilling Ma chines, Flat Coolers, Tilting Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Filter Tresses, Cane Top Cutters. Chain Blocks to lift 10. 20, 30 and 40 cwt. Glass Saccharometers graduated from 0s to 15 and from li to 30 Baume Vacuum and Pressure Gauges. Ther mometers for Vacuum Pans, Hand Ther mometers, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Hammers and Files. Estimates Given for Ma- chinery not in Stock. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for Mirrlees, Watson & Co, Glasgow H7-tf John Kowler & Co's. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS AND Permanent Railraods 10, 11. and IS lb. Rail. Locomotives, Cars, Ties, Spares, Duplicates and Tools. FOR SALE BY G. W. JIacfarlane & Co. Agents for John Fowler A Co., Leeds. 113-tf Notice. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 6 HARE. X holdersof the Puuloa Sheep and Stock Rauch Company will be held at noon of the : uh of De cember at the counting room of G. W. Macfarlane i Co., Honolulu. J. ROBBINS, Secretary. Honolulu, Dec. 23. 1331. 32? de20 gidmttscmcnts. DUMOND JEWELhi Or W. 3IACFAKLANE & Co., Have received from London a spe cial consignment, which is now on view, of LONDON MAKE Diamond Jewelry OI THE Newest aud Most Itechercbe Patterns, consisting of Diamond, Ruby Emerald. Sapphire, I'earl, and Other Ueni atlugs, BBEAHTPINS, BANGLES tnd other Ornaments all mounted in fine gold Also a splendid assortment ot GOLD WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMLN, Including some line Minute Ilepeaters and Chro nographs, In heavy 13-carat gold cases: some Beautifully Enameled Watches, la hunting cases, or Ladles, and anassortmeiU of fine Silver- Watches. Also, a very beautiful assortment of SILVEK JEWELRY, of specially new design and make. CijbTbe whole consignment will be placed at CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. 127tf- Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVERY, BOARDING, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry or night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle. Carriajf ? Nos. S, 21, 18, 17, 18, 19, 50, 51, 52 and 53. Double and siugle teams always to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply ing at the oflice. The LoiijST It ranch Bathing House can always be secured for ' picnic or excursion parties by applying at the oflice. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 31. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152tf J. J. WILLIAMS 2ff. 102 FORT STREET, Leafling PiotoOTler 'of Honolulu. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Iboto. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Terns, Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. ALVIN 11. 1L4.SE 11 AX, BOOK BINDER, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Mauutaeturer. aBookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, ' lMt MERCIIANT KTBEET. CREAM CANDIES JP. IIoLiieiirs Importer fc Home lanuiaiacturer o CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St. Has just made large additions to his establishment aDd is now orepared to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu public, and residents on the other Islands, the very finest of UOHE-jUDK AXD 1-UPuUlED C1DIES, Of all descriptions at very reduced Prices. Receives Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CREAM CANDIES are a speciality with him, and are a specialty with him, and are made by the best manufacturers in California, and received fresh by every stemer. Soda Water, And all Kinds of ICED DRLNKS. The best Ice Cream, in the City. The best brand of choice CIG ARS alway9 on hand 111-tf Sa&frtisfmtnts. Hawaiian Carnage JFfg Co., JUST RECEIVED Second Growth Ash & Oak, A K1NI LOT OF For Sale at Lowest Market Rates. Also, a complete Stock of Carriage & Wagon Material Constantly kept on hand, and for sale. 153-tf LAI (ME & CO. Have a Large Mock M the VERY BEST HAY, Grain, Etc.. Which is offered at LOWEST MARKET PRICES AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeds for California Telephone No 14 111-tf A FEESH LOT of; that M A.D10IR A WICKER WOEK, JEtc, JEtc, JUST RECEIVED KX 'BORDEAUX. M. A. iGONSALVES & CO. 37 HOTEL STREET. 86 0 HO WIN a & CO., N. Si Xanana Street, DEAI.KRS lif Crockery, Glassware, AND CHI IS" A, Nw offer for sale at Reasonable Rates a choice variety of Tea S8ts, Vase3, Flower Pots, Birds, Banyan Trees. New and Beautiful Articles Of the most Delicate Workmanship Just Received from Japan. 1. O. Box 259, Honolulu. 257 Jail Christmas Number OF the W J F ! A Grand and Realistic Picture of the Burning: Lake of Kilauea, BY JULES TAVERNIER. CHRISTMAS In Sunshine and Shadow ! COLORED FRONTISPIECE FJLL PAGE ILLUSTRATION OF CHRISTMAS FOLLIES. Copies of the above for Sale by J. M. Oat, Jr.. & Co., Sducrtismcnts. U. J. WALLER, BUTCHER, TO THE rROSTi A GREAT BOON TO THE Honolulu. IPublic ! Beer, Teal, Mutton, Pork and Fish kept for FOCI. DAYS after being killed, by Bell Coleman's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH KILLED MEATS. SSa-To be had In any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Metropolitan Market, On King: Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAY. City Market. On If nuann St. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Market. At FlIi Market. Hawaiian Market. On Mauuakea St. Cliincso Market, Oil Meek Street. BEEF AND PORK. S3EThnking the public for past favors, I so licit a continuation of the same. 148 tf G. J. WALLER. ONTARIO" ivjevil,l,h: & co., SOLE AOKXTS, SAN FRAN CISCO MADE FROM AI B.YMA BOTTOM COTTON, FREE FROM SIZING AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED The Best and most Durable Sail Dnck IN THE WORLD. Fox- Sale in Honolulu. BEMEOSALOQi'i. NO. 7 FOUT STREET. Opposite Wilder & Co.'si H. J. Nolte, Propr. Ol'KX FOX i A. K. TILL 10 F. M. rmST-CLAS LIMIILS, iOFFEK, TEA, SOD I lYiTKlI, GLUKK ALE, Cigru-rs and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy IIIES personally selected from th Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS1 ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant &!nC & C9. SUIMO TABLE on the Premises. The l'i oprietor would be pleased to receive a cal om his Friends and tbe Public generally, who may desire a LUNCH. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF BILLIARDS. THE CASINO AT THE PAKtt IS OPEN EVERY DAY. t-The;only Sea-Side Resort In the H Inifdoin. II. J. NOLTjH, 62-tf G ANDY'S PATENT JLm "3? 1 13" Gr , Made from the Very Best Hard Wove Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., SOLE AGENTS. SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST DRIVING BELT, Neither Heat or Dampness affects them. They do not Stretch. Stronger than Leather, Better than Rubber, WILL OUTLAST BOTH. 3Tor Sale in Honolulu. use tin ci, Queen t Fdihlvrgh Street?. WHOLESALE A B V.TAIL Dealers In HAY AND GRAIN, Telephone No. ITS. floods delivered promptly. Island Orders hollclte.., C4!f Stallions at MaistMd ! it Bazaar. (Thoroughbred. By Jack Malone, ho by Lexington. l;t Jnm Ivy Lea ,by Imported Autriilun; 2nd dimi, Pa Flower, by Lexington; Srd dmii, l?iy I eat, 'by Jin ported Yorkshire; 4tl dnm, Ifli ported tiariu Clark by Phllo da Putuh, ttc., etc. Bazaar was bred at the great Woodfurn Tiirni, near Leziegton, Ky, by the- lute It. A. AWxmh1 t, and v-MS Bold to W. L. Prlu hard, ! hue ri.n mo. Cal., for $5,000. lie Mauds b )" . vi.'t. 1.065 lbs. aild Is a bright vheMtiUt cob r. 1 i rii g his racing career he downed many a fi. vrlrv-, M.d won many a hatful of tr.oney lor bis w in rs r fl provil himself one of tbe gret st of I or nvr a distance, most of hi rae-s belt g ut "'l li.ur miles, lie bus already sired never. I t-olt In i nil foruiu that are winners, among whic h .re Dunbar, Young H.eaar, opbi.-i, and uuoibor called the BvSuar Minerva colt, be b lug ut o Minerva by Imported Li .mlr gton, tbe r cf Parcle and Iroquois. Lizzie liunbar )?reitly tinruished bernelf last year In bc-r twuyu.rold form by defeating one of Jhe largt-m Hi lds,f two year olds that ever started lu 'California, nn!ug which were the two beauulul fillit-a bun gbt lu re last spring by Mr. Agnew, iilstanee, H mile; time, 1.04 t the fastest on record for iwo-j eur .t the distance. This year she has won m-vrnu n portant events, und has proved hrtII to. be a oracle three-year-old. Bazuar has no" been brought back to lloroli hi, and will remain here the balance oi ti ls y tr, cl breeders, horse owners, and stork raiser ilt uld avail themselves of the opportunity to obtiiln bin services while they have the chance. I'dlliS $40. Payable at time of service. t ! Tbe Imported Clydesdale 8ulHon 1)(I.'AMI DI2VNIE, Jr., will stand at the nuine tin e und Place at 3t for the seison. He was bred in Canada, sired by Imported Donald Dlnnie, a.(! out of an Imported Clydesdale mare, lie is h ben tit i ful dapple gr?y, 16 hands high, und weigbH m-0 lbs; Is very active, ana as one a lare iur.- us could be fJund anywhere. . t Also, the fine large Imported Kentucky Jurk SAMiSN. This Is one of tbe it.rgest Jk ks tbat we could And In California, mid )k un :iunnw,l of immeDse one: is a Tery sure treid .-t. uiid should be liberally patronized un he Is one' 4 X ibe tbe very best animals of bis kind. Tei ins. ( SiO for the season. The public arc cordially Invited to call and In spect the above animals. MILES BROS. PrOPJTIeturs. ' . irxi-tf Marshfleld. Kept. 15. 1384. ELITE 7- 99 Ice Cream Parlors. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING JUK chased the above well-known resort, lake pleasure In Informing their patrons and tbe puMie generally that they Intend to nuKUilu the blab, reputation of Hart Brothers' Ice Cream And solicit a contlnuatlcn of tne liberal ratronaie bestowed on their pre4lecesor. - Constantly on hand, a fu:i ocfiortnient of The Choicest Imported Candies, And New 8tock received by every steamer. Also, a very fine collection of curios, Sample Boxes nf Shells, Cerale And other specimens for parties vUlling the islands. pgrOrders for HUPPER-S WEDDINOM BALLM. PARTIES, ETC., left at the KLIJIC,' will receive rrotnpt attention. , Teleplione 182. M. W. McCIIESNEY SONi HOTEL STREET. -HENRY HART, Manager. ' HSti THE CURRENCY ACT. The' New Gold law. A' FEW COPIES OF THE" WEEK IT Pacific Commercial Advertiser or tbe 20th July. 1SS ft. containing tbe FILL TEXT of the. Cnrrencr Act, can be hal.on npplJcati!! to the I. C. Advertiser Ofl.ce. Price 25 cents each. Publisher P. C. A Money to Loan ON GOOD PROPERTY SECURITY, STOCKS Bonds, etc. Apply to M. Tl OMSON, ' Attorn -y-at-Law, Cor. Fort and Merchant fctF., Hono ulo, HJT. 23otf FOR SALK.- TWO ENGLISH BULL TERRIER Trlf ; 3 xaOJthaold. ApplvbrId'ri'o Cito W. B. STAB KEY. 2f4 ti . Ktu.:0fcHCl-lI3L f , ! ! i i Ih i U