Newspaper Page Text
11 M i 4. PRICE 10 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1885. VOL. III.-NO. 210. diifrtisfments. SVdcrrtisirmrnlf, Sdrertisemfnts. SWertistmtnts. business (Curtis. I V iJl iNMI I I tit . mm000Mmi w .- i i. t S- 4 S THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. " ' r , f8 PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. Dally r c. Advertiser, 1 year, (Cash; .... 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser, 6 months, (Cash; 5 00 Daily P. C. Advertiser, 1 week, 'Cash) .... 25 Weekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 year. (Cash) - 5 00 Foreign Subscription W. P. C. A. (Including postage) t& Sj9 THE INCOMPLETE. When the fair statue finally is dene, Tho picture framed, and hung; in all men's sight, Sculptor and artist miss the keen delight. That filled them when their labors were - begun. Not when the longed for goal at last is won; Not when the prize is gained, do we feel quite That eager joy that fills our veins, - despite Fatigue, or anxious doubts, the while we ' run. - - Results, however glad, are not so sweet As expectation. He .who droop3, and ' ' sighs 'Too long my task Is, and the day too fleet For its accomplishment ere night," may rise Rejoicing rather; for in truth there lies i life's rarest pleasure in the Incomplete. : Ella. Wheiler Wilcox. Mebidex, Ct., Sept. 30. . BURDETTE'S WISDOM. A Collection or Culllnjcs from the Dig Book or Life. A SIGH. Leaves have their time to fall; and every dog Deth have his day, as is well known; Flowers have their time to fade, but thou, sweet cat, Thou callest every starlit night thine own. MORE A WAST THAN A NEED. "What do we want in our theatres?" asks a dramatic paper. As nearly as we can ' get at it the managers seem to want more light and less clothes. Perhaps, however, we don't exactly get the proper drift of your question.' ' HASN'T REACHED THE "FIRST DECLENSION." We understand that Latin is - in the public schools iD&T. January w. surprising about t' C vBlau.r, 4acauley, for Ilauamaalu, JCUauea and Uanalel, Kauai, via Waianae, at 12 noon MAOFARLANE & CO-, WHOLESALE DEALEKN AXI OEN cral Jobbers In WI'KS and HQUOKa No. 18 KaAbumann Street, HONOLULU. 7 H3-tf G H. HACKFELD & CO., EXERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. 100 tf Queen St., Honolulu, II. I. F. BAXNIXO. W. SiAKI'.TENS. P. OPFKROELT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGKER & CO., tiauts 106-tf Tmporters A Commission Merchants. JL yueen mreet, uonoiuiu, 1. 1. A. S. CLEGH0EN & Co., Importers anl Wholesale and lietail Dealers in General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumano SW. ' lf7-tf W. AUSTIN WHITING. Jtlorncy and Counsellor at Law. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Instru merits for tbe Island of Oabu. fo. V Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, II. I. 108-tf CLAt'B SPKKOICKL& m. a. ikvtis. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., . SI OA It FACTORS and (omnilHsion AOtNTS. Honolulu, 11. I. lui-tfwtf TH0S. J. HAYSELDEN Auctioneer, Kohala, Hawaii. Sales of Keal Estate, Goods and Property of every description attended to. Commissions moderate. 02tf-wtf JOHN RUSSELL, ttorney at Ijtw. No. 42 MERCHANT STREET, NEAR FORT ST, It: ii- M. PHILLIPS & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealer In Clothing, Boots, bhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-, lng and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Htreetr Honolulu, H. I. . l(Mtf-wtf sTj7levey& co.f G1 rocen and Provision Dealerw. W Family Grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other island will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu 103tf-wtf -ID THE DIAMOND WW I CHI' BAN. , We bbg to Inlorm our friends and customers that wo have been appointed Bole Agents for ; this well known firm, and have much ) ; pleasure In Inviting iaspectlon 1 ' of our large and varied assortment of J -Japanese Goods, 'just IMPORTED. i .t. .. ... -. . .- t . . fitt'i Comprising the following: - EMimoillE RED SI I.K SCREEN S Of tho" most bra'u'ttfui 'colon, and of astonishing t beauty and finish. jyn. CIIAS. BILL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Cor. Nuuanu Ave & Kukui St. Ofllce Hours from 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and 5 to 7. Telephone No. 373. 232fe4b Dr. E. Cook Webb; Vessel Leaving ThU Dy. Stmr KUauea Hou, McDonald, for Hamakua, at 5 p.m. Stair Likelike, Lorenr.en, for Kabul ui and Mo. Ukal at 5 p.m. Stmr James Makee, W elr, for Kapaa, via w ala' a at t a.m. r Hchr Maauokawl for KuOlau Schr Mailo for Hil J , "GKlciN Vessels in por rrT(f Haw brig Hazard. Tlerney, from Jali Ana bktne V H Dimond, Houdlett, from Sin Francisco Steamship Mariposa, II M Hayward, from San Franc(sc - IMPORTS. Front Humboldt, per tern Joseph lluss, Jeb 11 Allun A Robinson, 820,000 fet t lumber, 22,500 shiDKles EXPORTS. For au Fraucisco, per discovery, Jan tt 11 Uacfcfeht 4t CO, 1,07L2:M lbs sujar aal 71,129 lbs wool; C Afonj A Co, 107,23 lbs sugar; J T Water bouae, 29,175 lbs sugar; Won Leong t Co, 38,220 lbs sugar and 6000 lbs rice; sing Chong & Co," 20, 0S0 lbs rice; Hymun Bros, o,000 lbs rice and 9 pkgs hardware. Total tonnage, 694 "j tons. Do iitic ralue, f G3.025.0rj; fieigu, (100 PASSENGERS. ABJUVALS. Froia Kahului, Haua and Kaauue, per Likelike, Jan li Miss Kte Lewis, Miss F Lewis, Miss C A Carter. Miss Minnie C Kinney, M:ss A E Hall, F Whitney, T E Evans, Mrs J E Hanford, Mrs II Knibelaul, Mrs E Bachelor. Mrs C Chapin. Mrs Halsey and niece, 1 A Hanley, Father Goldstan. J Smith, e Kawalku, Capt Toomey, 8 W Kaai, K W Everett, Col Z S Spalding, F F Hasting, J H Trask aud wife, Masters Winter (2), Its deck, 3 prisoners, and 2 lepers From HU and way ports, per Kiuau, Jan 10 Hon S O Wilder, Geo Gray Macf:trlane, Jtev Mac kenzie, Hon J L Kaulultou, E Smith. Hon W C Purke, W J T Itickard, A Barnes, Mrs Andrews, Kon Sing, Miss E U ntoo, Mias A Kenton, Miss M Well. Miss K Hinds. C McGuire, Mrs C K SUllman.J Coerper, J li Halltday, J W Girwin. M Harrison, T F Kennedy, Lon Chong, Mrs H Cornwell, Mi-ss A Widdetield, D M Crowley. F Waiku, 11 K Hitchcock, W V Horner. A Sinclair. XIm Horuer, Mrs Afook, J Tra,k and wife, Mrs Kahikine and child, and Rev E tt Kiruokea and wife From namboldt, ptr ter Joseph Russ, Jau 11 Mr Clendlnen From Koloa, Nawillwlli, per Pljinter, Jan 11 O Aim, wife and 3 children, Walter IK)le, Herbert Dlr, Mi Hole, (2, J Guerrero, CJFishel, W Bredr, E It Borers. Misses Rogers (2), Ms A L WUcux, daughter and servant, M A Cham berlain,. C Bertleman, R A Mactlu, Judge A S Hartwr; ang daughter, Aleotia, Ah On, and it deck DEPAKTl'SEH. For Hauamaulu, KUauea aud Hanniel, via Wal ana, per C R Bishop, Jan 10 Capt Forsyth Graut, Ur I) Campbell, L J LionaAron.o, J 1 Kama, and about 25 dock S2IIPPINO NOTES. Tb Planter brought S? bags sugar, (W b X rlceS0 bags p'U, 22 hide. 1 horsi and 75 pkgg dnJrW from Kabal pTbe American tern Joseph Run arrived in port J eterday,2S days from Humboldt, with lumber I tor Mers Allen t Iloblnsan. She wa docked at tit Company's wharf. The captain reports hav. tag had anmbarous gales from SE along the coast . vf Callornia; thence to port had light, baffllug radn. She was here aboat two years ago UrJ . . A. BeretaniaSt lcuea mrougu. tao piaiw jiass o Smith's store front. Then the horse went for Mr. Dimond's new and chaste family carriage, and injured it to a considerable extent, particularly about the paint work. There being no more yehiclea in sight then the horse turned into Queen street, and then performed a remarkable feat ito quote the Hawaiian) "he turned Punchbowl street towards King street." Then to quote the same authority, "Mr. Leroy tried to stop it here, but haying no bridle on he could not do it," which show3 thefollyof people going. about without first fgtfon their tridles. Finally, the horse found his way back to where he started from. The only serious damoge done to any one was the breaking of the leg of a little child who was playing on the dray, and was thrown off at the time the horse started to run. Mrs. Ilampson's Sunday Service. The ground floor of Kawaiahao Church was packed, and the galleries were well filled yetaerday morning. Perhaps 1,000 'persons were in attendance; Pastor Cruzau led in prayer, and gare notice that gospel meetings would be held this week, on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and some closing meetings tho latter part of the week. Mrs. Uampson chose as her toxt--Ps 27, 4: "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that I may dwell in the house of the .Lord, etc." The secret of success in anything is concentration. Tho old adage, "the jack-at all-trades is good at none," is true. The same principle holds in spiritual things. The man who looks at all the spiritual graces, and longs for them all, sees patience in this oue. faith in that, and diligence in another, and so on, and seeks to get them all at once, fails inevitably. Like other les sons, God's lessons must be learned one by one. It is "one thing," and by aiming at that for tho time being, and nothing else, that graces come. Character may be fatally deficient by the lack of "one thing," as we find in the incident in Christ's life, when the moral young man came to him; he lacked "one thing," and so went away sor rowful, one imperfect link in the chain ren ders the chain useless. Have you this fatal link? "One thing'1 is sufficient to establish a soul. When the blind man was taken into the temple and they began to argue with him, to prove Christ an iniposter, he did not try to meet argument, but simply planted himself on one fact, "I wag blind; I now see !" Taul took the same position; he had ability, argumentative power, oratory, but these were not his strength. It was "This one thing I do," viz: trust in Chriat. The "one thing".tbat David desired was "to dwell in the house of the Lord." Was it the temple? No. God's true house is the obedient human soul. David's desire was that his being might bo such a house for G6d, where God and his soul might lire face to face. Home is where the man rests' -AND- . TABLE COVERS, Embroidered. In SI I It :by Japanese. A LARGE. VARIETY OF ; Oi tbe Hnest porcelain, remarkable lor uniqueness in color aud shape. i ALSO . . . . Porcelain Figure, Japanese Tea Nets V Of. the . 'Finest, CliiaC Tete-a-Tete Sets, - Butler . Dihes, . - -Asn Receivers, t Silk Lanterns, Silk Embroidered' Kimonos, Easels, . , i Carved AYoorteu Cabinets,". ' ' Hand Screens. Trays. .. "5-5, 1 Wall Pockets. . , r - -Par ago Is, :. Paper 3Ints, - Fans, ' ; Photographs b-- Of Japuneae oceuery, colored aaid plain. A larsj Selcetion of , Japanese Bronze J e wel ry, J:' I - - 'coSIfiflNrv OF' Sleeve Rnttons, .: chains, J ' " . . . , , Scarf Pins, Ac., d. i Also ft vtirlety Of gqods suitablefor house decor ation. U. W. MACFARLANE & CO. It' ': : . " .nctf , Mirrlees, Watsbii- &rCo's Sugrar Machinery. WE HAVE ON" n AND Ioulle ErTee, -Yue.-Triple EircctVw . yesterday (Sunday) from the cottage in the Hotel grounds, on the veranda of which the coffin containing his remains was placed during the funeral services. The coffin, which was a very handsome one of polished koa wood with silver handles and trimmings, was covered with beautiful wreaths, crosses, and bequets of flowers, the tokens of affec tion from many friends. His fire-helmj? and plumed camhnMrhiddei Lit a 111 tue . norai oneungs. A nanasome silver plate-bore the inscription : : . Geokge H. Fassett, Died Jan. 10, 1885. Aged 30 years. The hearse, drawn by four whit j horses, driven by Mr, James Dodd, was drawn up opposite tho front of the cottage, and the various organizations of which the deceased was a member ere ranged on each side, the post of honor being occupied by Mystio Lodge in full regalia, under whose auspices thj ceremonies "were conducted. - A very large number of the 'friends pt the. deceased filled the 'veranda 'of the Hotel and the grounds about the cottage. Pstor J. A. Cruzan. read the Scriptural selections arid prayers of the ritual of the Order of the Knights of Pythias, at the close of which the funeral procession formed in the following order, and proceeded to the Nuuanu. Cemetery : .. . , Royal Uawaiian Baud, King's Own Rifles, , '" Honolulu Eiflos, Fire Companies, Mystic Lodge Knights of rythias, ' Hearse, J With Guard of Honor from different organ izations. Friends and acquaintances of the deceased in carriages ; Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles T. Hoyt (old friends of the deceased in his native town of Brighton) ; Colonel G. W. Macfarlane, Henry Macfarlane, U. S. Consul ilcKinley, Vice-Consul F. Hastings, Colonel Saxe, and Mr. Chas. Dexter followed as chief mourners, and a line of at least fifty carriages closed the procession.' At the grave tho closing ceremonies were conducted by Chancellor-Commander M. Grossman, of Mystic Lodge, after the ritual of the Order. A parting volley of muskotry was fired by the King's Own, whom Governor Dominis had placed at the orders of Captain Aldrich, of the Honolulu Rifles. During the time that Mr. Fassett has "re sided in Honolulu he has made a large num ber of warm friends in all classes of society. Ever genial and kind, and possessed of great personal magnetism, he drew all hearts to him, and his loss will be long felt, his memory be kept green by his sorrowing comrades and friends for many years. G W. MACFARLANE & Co., Have received from London a spe cial consignment, which U now on view, of LONDON MAJUK ' " a .. ':-' -. " .' Diamond Jevelrv OF THE ' ' fwo) antl Most Kochcrthe Pattert.s, C'oM : ISTIiNG O !' Diamond, Ruby Emerald. Sapphire, Pearl, aud Other tie m tlusrs, BRKAbTriXS, BANGtEevf nd other Oruauicnta all mounted in line gold Also a splendid ussortment of GOLD WATCHES, FOR L. A DIES AND GENTLEMEN, Including some lino Minute Repeaters aud Chro uograplis, in heavy lS-carat gold cases ; Borne Beautifully Enamejed AVatches, Iu hunting cases, or Ladies, and auassortmeiit of ilne Silvex . rW Abo, a very beauuful assortment of SILVER JEWELRY, of specially new design and make. :- Hawaiian Carnage MTg Co., JUST RECEIVED Second Growth Ash & Oak, A 1XK I.OT OP For Sale at Lowest Market Ratc". i.JK WALLER, 13TJTOHEE, to TlIEi FRONT. A OR HAT BOON TO THE -x . - Honolulu Public ! ttSTThe vliolt consignment will be placed at CEITIONALLV LOW PRICES. 127tf- T r-; Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort Sc Hotel Streets. LIVEKY, BOAIlDINGr, s. . " AND SALE STABLES. Cariiuses lor hire at all hours' of the dry or night; also, conveyances of all kinds for nurUVs going around the Island. ' " " Excellent SaJ.Ue Ilorses lor La.liet ami Cienilemcn. Uiiarnuteeil tie u tie. ''arrinxs Xos. 3. 21, -10, 47, lf 49, orders t be .? -.;14 53. 1SS5. - . always to be jad oa xcur- oun tiiie: v Also, a rompiite stock of j1.. Ca rfiiure '& ;Wa 2:611 3Ial or i al Constantly kept on hand, itnd for miie. LAINE.&xP.Q;, v. Have a Larc stock tuc VERY BEST HAY, Grain, Etc., ; AVlilcn i.i 'oTTcred at LOWEST MA RKET FRICEM ' ' - --AND-. "'I Delivered Tree to any part of the City Beer, Veal, Mutton. Pork and Fifth kept for FOCR DAYS after bclngr killed, by Bell Ctolfman's falent Dry -Air Itefrixerator. Oiiaran teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH KILLED MEATS. ttiTTo be had in any of Mr. Wuller'a Markets. Slcitropolitan Market, " On Iilua Ktreet. MEAT FOR SALE ALL 1)AV.- City Market. On Xuuaiiu Si. AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutualx Life -Insurance Go V OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for th( Hoover Tflephonev Commissionej of Deeds for Californisi Telephone No443- v lll-tf iRESIt LOT OF THAT ' " M AD :XR A WICKER WORK. JUST RECEIVED' KXBORi)KAlX. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Klreel. , Eureka Market. " 'At T,ls'b91arkel. Hawaiian Market. , Chinese Market, On Meek Street. BEEF AND PORK. m -t . - V -' . " fti-Thnklngr tiie public for uist favors. I ho. licit a continuation of the name. " ' ' 148 tf i O. J. WALLER.' TT - ' . ONTARIO" ' IV1i:VIL,L, Ac 00., MOLE A1JKSTN, 1 M. A. G0NSALVES k, CO. 37 HOTEL STKEET. 6U ESTABLISHED 1710. X description of property at the enrrent rates of premium. - Total trim Insured in 1883 310,421,000. 1''hU WING & CO., Qr. Fiu ? nnniiii rtreei. Boxes Ilaisiuu, London Layer boxes Raiains, London Layers, baxea Raisins, London Layers, Boxes liaisius, Muscatel. Boxes Currants, Drams Citron, Mince Meat, pails, Atmores, ' Mince Meat, tins, Cmtings. Since the above written we have re ceived ther following tribute to the memory of the deceased by one who knew him well? Poor George fasse tt is gone'! Big, hand some George, joviairend meinr j-., with a Claims arranged by tho local agent., and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunal recognine f l.G. W.; Macfa rlane &. Co., 353tf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ED. HOFESCHLAEGER k CO, OSer for sale ex. Recent Arrivals, Genuiue Champagnes, IN QUARTS AND PINTS, Of Joseph Perrler t CVs Chalans, Carte Argent, Bousy Mousseue, j v Urand Vin Mousaeux, win Diautue mna. a or, Of Chas. Farre, Reims, Carte Blanche, Dry, Le Brua Frer eo. Superior Brandies, Of Gustave Claudon, Cognac. M. Formout A Co., Cognac. Oiard Dupuis & Co., Cognac, A. Oaudin ft Co., Cognac" ' . J. F. Chevillo, Cognac Bent Hehledam Uln, in Stoue and Glass. Key Brand, Anchor Brand, Crown Brand, Of J. T. Beucker's .Schiedam. Fine Port Wines, Sherry, Madeira, Malaga, bauternes. Superior Table Clarets, Fine Liqueurs, Of Mane Brizard 4k Roger. Bordeaux, aafh as: Benedictine, Marasquln, Creme de Pralines Grllleex, a la ranilie, Creme At Cacao, Cbouva a U vanilie, Orange Bitters, Curacao. Strassbursr Beer, in Quarts aud Pints. LSO SUNDRIES. Cases Mixed Pickles, Cases Horse Radish, Kegs Soased Pigs' Feet, Kegs Spiced Lambs' Tongues, Kegs Chocolate, Sacks English Walnuts, -.Sacks Soft Shell Alraouds, Bales W rapping Paper extra quality, Sacks Texas Pecans, extra large, Dozens Brooms, . ; Cases Fresh Eggs, Cases Laundry Starck, Sacks Raw Peanuts. Uenulne Manila Cigars, Nuevo Habaaoa and Cheroots. FOR SALE BY Ed. Hoffsclilaeger & Co. 23 lan2? Tbese oot are Fresh; were BottJCht very Iow, antl will be Sold aft tbe Lowest Market Rates ! 4jSAN FRANCISCO MADE FOIOM AI BAMA BOTTOM COTTON,' V. .v vN. . ' ' V ' FUEIL i'UOJI SIZINU '- - - . , " AND VoT LIALE TO MOULD- Tbe Best and inoMt Durable Sail Iurk IN THE WORLD. For Sale in Honolulu. ' ,tf SO. 1 FOIIT Sl'KKKT. , - Opposite Wilder St Co.' H. J". Nolte, Propr.' oritN rou -J A. M. TILL 10 r. v. '. - . I lilST-tLAiS . LL a LULS,. 101 k Xi . , ; Tiil, ..WiTKtt, UlAbKU ALE, OijL"JXi Mild Tobaccos 4 ail OF BEST BRANDS- i . ........ v PIPES perwonully selected from Opposite Campbelf . -'-; a large Varl-ty ; UKICS TEEB- CO., Qxern f Fdinhitrgh Street, VnOlEXAlK RKTATt Driers in, , . . , , IIAY'AXI nATV, Teleplirne No'. ITT.. (inorix rtehve-red rroinj Uy. . Inland Orders NoIJllel. . flltC Stallions at Marslilic i' -r, Baznar. . - , ,' tThorouglred. 1 . . By Jack sralone, 1 Jy Lvxlngton, If t drtm Ivy Lea", by imported AitMralmn; Cuil lnn, Un.r Flower, hy Lexington; 3rd )ijii. Buy T,C'if, by Im ported Vortslilre! 4th dam, Imported Mafia Black by Phil dal'utnh, etc., itc. :' ' ''. i Bazaar wusbred at thv greut Weodimro. I'rrm, near Lexiegtou. Ky, by the lute It. A. AW xundor, and wait m.ld to W. L. Trltrliurd, .f iSncrunu nto, Cul., for ".000. He ftuiln h-i" lininfs v-liiliM 1.0(15 lb. and Is tt brlr?ht ' hemiriu oiilori :DtrlnK Ills raclug career lie downed fnuii.v m. favorite, Mid won many a hiitful of money lor Ills owners, und proved biingelf one of the grentft t,t Icnu .vei a distance, mont of his rif s li li hi iw o tmi) fiur miles, lie has almidy sired sevenM rolt 1ii CttU forni that orp winners. Mincnff which, rc l.l?.zo Dunbar, Vounr Bnzanr, Knphla, im.l "nnotl.or called tlia Bysuar Mlnorva i oUa i 4ii)g out o Mtne.rva by, Imported Ltuilnslon,kllie ulie of Ianle and Iroquois. Uzttc Jiunhnr tfreitiy ol tmgulMhed hevHflt lam ypur Ui. lier t a- ) ear old form by defeutilis oiif" of tlie larci (t lleldrf c;f IWf year Did that ever HtarteJ , In t :alilirtili.,- uiroim which were the two beauiUul. lillb s I rci lit lier last spring hy Mr. AgneW", nlMsni i'.'H lohej time, 1.04 4l thv fastest on rcccrd lor to-jeii "lus At the dLstunce. This yenr fcln- bits Von severni .m porutnt c'nta, and has moved fcewif t'i be a crack three-yeur-old.- - ' Bazaar has no;epn broUfttit hhh)i taH(), and wlllrentnlu kerf ibilii)UM't fit Itiis yeur, mkI breeders, horse owihth, ai id sfoeJe- ralsi-is c uid avail ttiemselr of tli cpportdnJiy lo obiMfn h services whlln tliey lwvo,(lie cMncr. l'-rliil, 9 tO. lyafl at tinm ot ncM-ifiv - Tbe ImporK-d Clj-deBdalt KTJot, DOAALIt IIXIf-:, Jr., Will Stulill lit the Heine tlloe itnil pli: ut Htlft tur the M''mi, Hp j lireil In Cutuad, hired by Imported 1'Oimlil liiiiiile.hin) out of uu imported Clydehdule fDnre, ltol: a betiutl ful dnpple grey. 1 huds IdRh,- andw vlsliH Men lb; Is very aoilve, und us flim u larg'4' Jmriie n amid b: fuund any whpre. t :, . ", Also, the flue large Imported Kentucky Jrk SAMPSON. Thi.i Is one of tie lurxi Kt J.-i. k that we co a Id tin ) In (Juliloailut uiui 1s iui ial of immense bone; M a very sure lye !ir, miJ should bf liberally patroii'.e. dTis lif fs otfo t-f the the very bebt unlin.iJs ul lils kbiU,.- Torfux, for the season. - The iwlillc are cordially Invlt'.l to rail, end In Kpert tho above anlmnta. 1 : - lUIIXN JIKOS. . I'lOl riefois. Mnrsif)t(lr Rcif4 13. ISsJ. .''' i vi-tf 6 4 T 91' E 31, X T Ji Ice Creain Parlors. rtHK ' UNDKRSIONF.D," ffAVINfi FUJI .JL chased tle above well known re'j;t, inke pleasure In Infurniiug tht lr patrons are'l Die generally Una tney Int-n4l to MUHtAy4-)' hlh reputation of . ' Stare open front 6'A. XL. to P. Jff. Sstnrdsy Ereulng- till 19 o'eloek. jr. L. R08EXBJERG. 8. W. XtEDEIlllll, Manager PETER DALTON, OSTo. 91 Kins: St; One more solicits th patronage and support of thwe who for twenty years knew and dealt with him Plain Talk Pays Always. CAM1I PFBCItANEKS Are invited to inspect our stock and get prices. M. W. McChesney & Son, 4U QVCN STREET. 13;-dff Peter has for many years worked for and en deavored to please every class of the community from the highest In tbe land down to the humblest of tbe working claatea, and he can say that during that time he never made an enemy or lost a cos. tomer. Now be baa again put hie band to the plow, and is as well able and willing to give honest work, good material, and fair vain for money 4 ever vet was done In the Hawaiian Islands, lias always on band Siu&rle and Doable Harness. Express Harness, Plantation Harness. Wnips, Spars, Cnamel, "Moon a;e, 'Crushes, And everything requisite tor the Stable. 7A faU Mne of English and Mydney Baddies, Saddle Cloths, Blankets, etc., always Iu stock. What be has not got he can mute. 299 mySUkw ATTENTION ! mi mm i) pip M II WIJTE AJVf SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Xanana Street, Honolulu, II. 1. v Offer for sale at Lowest Jfarket Rates, George Ooulet Champagne, pints and quarts, Cbaa. Farre ' i Carlton Frere . Fin Old California Brandy t1o bulk), I'ure Virginia White Rye Whlbkey -Budwelwr Lager Bier, pints an 1 quarts. - A Large and well Selected Stock ot - ALES, BEE US, bPIIHTN, Ete. Always on Land and for sale at prices that def competition. Counuy orders solicited. Ailgoodt guaranteed. Telephone No. 48. 154-tf P. OIJOX 33. Offices to Ront. rfMIE LARGE A2r7TlBY F'TIi'ISi.SJi' 1 Bee. in tbe Bprkej; J" ; completed, n Fort street, are ngw offered for rent. For terms apply to . m -4