Newspaper Page Text
41, j i: '.Vf y "j- .5 v V V. raw'OTSBjaj.JWiMt.tsi ... i- 'J- YOL. in. NO. 217 PRICE 10 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1885. w -WSl5ir : e : . - , i' W:; V -; I V - : ! I If il 6M r J i'. i ft. J tf: J.. i ; J !i r 'I i c i it i 3- THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. rs prBLisni-;r Every Morning Except Sundays. Dally P C. AUvrttBtr, I yeor, (Cah) Dally P. C., 6 montUs, (Ctah;.. Daily P. C. Advertiser, 1 week, rcash) Weekly P. C. AdYertlser, 1 year. fCasb) . fi CO S 00 25 C 00 Foreign Subscription W. P. C. A. ancludmgr postajfe). 1 6 5o A PROMINENT LAWYER A Figure Out of New York' Picture GallSry. William in. ErarU, the Blost C on plcnou Lawyer In tbe Country. A Type or a Uodr ot Our Ablest Men. With th exception of Pater Cooper and Bryant, who were always pushed forward a the two honest men of Rew York City, few figures were more ramiliar to our citi zens than O'Connor and Evarts. The death of the former has left the latter the moafc prominent lawyer in the country. Mr. Evarts is cf interest not for himself lone, but as a type of no small body of our ablest men. These are the dignified but melancholy shapes who haunt the hither side of the river that flows around the presidential chair, and await the tardy fcoat that shall ferry them over to that seat of empire. The body of our great lawyer is as trans ptrent as his mind is opaque. Tail and slender, he resembles Ralph Waldo Emerson, somewhat as a file resembles a blade of grass. This difference is due to the diverse actions of law and poetry, the former of which has given to Mr. Evarts a more stable and per sistent back bone than would be appropri ate to a votary of the latter. Born in Boston in ISIS, Mr. Evarts has been conspicuous in the triple character of lawyer, orator and statesman for more than a quarter of a century. As a lawyer his reputation has grown without interruption since his admission to the New York bar in ISiL Contrary to the general opinion, American law is even more exacting upon a lawyer's time than English. Based upon the English common law, changed, re changed, enlarged and contracted by our Btate and United States statutes as well, the changing detail of our law requires such constant study that it is next to impossible for an American to be a great lawyer with ut being otherwise minute. In the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868, in which Mr. Evarts was bis principal counsel, bis merits es a lawyer and his natarf .. defects as a larger student were marked. . His English reputation reached its blghest point when he represented the United Ctatcs in the Alabama claims. In his speeches before the tribunal of arbitration his wonder ul memory of details, and the staying power of his sober oratory that car lied him day after day through spectral Clouds of figures and over sandy legal wastes struck the hearts of his learned opponents cold. . The great Beecher trial showed us the fur niture of Mr.' Evarts brain more clearly than any other. No one can deny that as a lawyer he earned his moderate fee of seventy five thousand dollars. But the case de manded not only a legal, but a moral acquittal, and to the latter Mr. Evarts can hardly be said to have greatly contributed. Eb should hare taken a hint from his enemies and employed scholars to select from Baint Augustine, Calvin, Knox, Jona than Edwards and other great divin sen tences in which they accused themselves of every form of wickedness. In this way he would "have taken the wind out of those sentences in Mr. Beecber's letters which, in the opinion of many literal persons, were damaging to his cause. In the war against the Tweed ring Mr, Evarts1 course was . more creditable than that of the well-known jurist, David Dudley Field. That war, as is not generally known, was begun and waged by young lawyers, te whom was presented the alternatives of starvation or enlisting under the banner of the thieves. Though Mr. Evarts fees from our largs corporations were probably liitle less than those of Mr. Field, he did not long hesitate about joining the young crusaders, and in one of his r-peecbes against the ring made his nearest approach to impassioned oratory in the seutence that warned the ring that in cotnting bayonets there is no false count. As an orator Evarts does not stand the severe test of being able to be read. As a statesman Evart's career culminate in JH.ayes' administration, when he held tht office of Secretary of State. Since then his influence seems to hr-e rapidly declined. The cause of a public man's power's waxing or waning Is as hard to discover as the secret of the weather. Yet sometimes one can make a lucky guess. There is, of course, the gen eral reason which we have given, that a great American lawyer cannot well to day be anything else. There is perhaps anothes? reason. " Men trip not on mountains ; They trip on ant hills." When Mr. Charles A. Dana attacked Grant, Mr. Evarts, who had been one of the backers of Tbe Sun, at once sold out his stock. It has been often remarked thai men feel gtoat injuries far less than slights. At it was a custom at that time among some republicans to speak of Mr. Dana as a trsitn.irian, Nr. Everts pTebabJydjd net give the matt3r ot selling out a few shares of The Sun's stock more than a passing thought. Broken men of brains have, how ever, a wonderful knack of getting mended, and when mended they are much stronger than before. Now, though Mr. Dana is the most forgiving man in the world, his for giveness springs from a sense of Christian duty and not from any defect in bis mem ory, which is remarkably good. Soma persons have thought that in tbe playful banter with which The Sun speaks about Mr. Evarts, and of which Mr. Dana is so marvelous a master, you may still detect a passing remembrance of the former's de ' etion at a crucial moment Certain it is At since the full-grown Sun has made jerry with Mr. Evarts' long" sentences, his olitical aspirations have not been looked on so serious. y by the public. But Mr. Evarts for a lawyer is still young, and by the time he is seventy will, I hope, find himself again in the public swim. William Washburn. New York, Oct. 8. Minuter Lowell's recipe fox preventing an attack of gout is to walk three miles every morning. gustucss Curtis. MAOFAKLANE & C0-, WJ 1IOLF.NAXE DEALEIW AM) KN. IT oral Jobbers ia WINKS aud UQUOK. 9To. 13 Kasunmanu Street. HONOLTTLTT. 113-tf H. HACKFELD & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. 100 tf Queen bt., Honolulu, H.I. BANNING. MAKRIt.NS. r. oriEiiaici.1 ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Importers 'oiuniiioii Merchants. Vtueen Street, Honolulu, 11. I. 106-tf A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., Importers mid Wholesale ami ltetai I .Dealers in General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Knuhumami Hts. 107-tf W. AUSTIN WHITING. ttorney anil Ooniiellor at Lav, Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Inatrn inents for tbe Inland of Oatiu. So. 9 Kaahumanu fctreet, Honolulu. II. I. lOS-tf WX. G. IKW7K. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., SI GAIt FACTORS aud C'omiiiiNslou AGE NTH. Honolulu, H. I. 101-tfvvtf THpS. J. HAYSELDEN, k uctloneer. Kohala, Hawaii. Males . of Real Estate, uooda and Property of every description attended to. Commissions moderate. 02tf-wtf JOHN RUSSELL, Attorney at I,nw. No. 42 MERCHANT STREET, NEAR FORT ST, S. J. LEVEY & CO., Grocers anil Provision Dealers. Family Grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from tbe otber Island will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu lOotf-wtf jr. cuAsr"iii;i.i,, rilYSiCIAN and SUKGEON, Cor. Nuuanu Ave A Kukui .St. Oflice Hours from 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and 5 to 7. Telephone No. 373. 232fe4b Dr. E. Cook Webb, Residence and Office, cor Rlcbards & Eeretnnia St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. OytitE Hocks: 8 to 10, ") 2 to 4, v Telephone No. 3. 7 to 8. J 21 tf A. G. ELLIS & CO., JRElI, ESTATE MTOCli ANI MONEY BROKERS,! Office, No. 2 Cam pbeU Block, 273 tf Merchant St. J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Haivaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Ilonoluln. II. I. os if FRANK GERTZ, Importer an! Hannlactnrcr Jf Of all De.Tcrirtious of BOOTS & SHOES ET Orders from tbe other Islands solicited. No. HA Fort St., Honolulu. IH-tfwtf J. ill. MONSAftRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AKD NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any part of the King dom Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Ioeuments Drawn. No. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 109-tf -TO THE LADIES- ICHI BAN. We beg to mlorni our friends and customers that wc have been appointed 8ole Agents for this well known firm, and have much pleasure In Inviting Inspection of our large and varied" assortment of J apanese Goods, J I. ST IMPORTED. Comprising the following: EMUROIDEREI) SI Eli SCREENS Of the most beautiful colors, and of astonishin beauty and tiniali. AND TABLE COVERS, Embroidered in Silk by Japanese. A. LARGE VARIETY OP v ass Of Uie tlncst porcelain, remarkable lor uiipjuenesa in color and shape. ALSO Porcelain Figures, Japanese Tea Sets Or the Finest China. Tete-a-Tete Sets, Rntter Dishes, Ash Receivers, Silk Eauterns. Silk Embroidered Kimoiios, Easels. Carved Woodeu Cabinets, Hand Screens, Trays, Wall Pockets, Parasols, Paper Mats, ' Fans, Photographs Of Japaueso scenery, colored and p'ain. A Earjfc Selection ol Japanese Bronze Jewelry, CONSISTING OK Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Scarr Pins, Ac, Ac. Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor ation. . 0. W. MACFARLANE & CO. ufi tf Mirrlees, Watson & (Jo's Sugrar Machinery, WE HAVE ON HANI) One Triple Effect, One Double Effec, One Set or Four Centrifugals. Engine aud 3Ilxer, Spare Spindles, bushes, Vc., for Centrifugals. One 26inat5Alu Mill, with engine. gear ing, Cane and Megass Curriers Complete, One Spare Roller 261n.x341n. One Spare Intermediate Wheel for Gearing or 26in.x3Aiu. Mill. One Gin.xlSln. Diagonal Engine, One pair Compound Boilers, 6xl9f t6iu. aud 13ft.6in. We have to arrive per "Varuna' in August, A set of two Centrifugal , and Mixer, One Centrifugal aud Mixer for adding to existing set or Machines. Centrifugal Linings, llubbera, Belting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Hollers, Clai iliers, Crab Winches, Drilling Ma chines, flat Coolers, Tilting Cooiera, Cooler Wagons, Filter Tresses, Cane Top Cutters. Chain Blocks to lili , 10. 20, 30 and 40 cwt. Glass Saccharoinettrs graduated from 0 to 15 and from 15 10 30 Baume Vacuum and Pressure Gauges. Ther mometers for Vacuum Pans, Hand Ther mometers, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Hammers and Files. Estimates Given for Ma chinery not in Stock. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for Mirrlees, WatBon fc Co, Glasgow ' H7-tf Jolin fowler & Co's. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS A N V Permanent Railraods lO, II. and IS lb. Rail. Locomotives, Cars, Tics, Spares. Duplicates and Tools. ' FOR SALE BY G. V. Macfarlane & Co.' Agents for John Fowler X Co., Leeds, ns-tf NOTICE. rp HE ANNUAL MEETINCJ OF THE HIIARE J holders of the Puuloaheepand Stock Ranch Company will be held at noon of tbe T.Hh of De cember at the counting room of (;. W. Macfarlane fe Co., Honolulu. J. ROBBING, Secretary. Honolulu, Dec. 23, 1;S4. model's gdmtisemcnts. DIAMOND JEWELRY Gr W. MACFAKLANE & Co., Have received Irora Eondon a spe cial consignment, which is now on view, of LONDON MADE Diamond Jewelrv ;f my. m Newest and Most Recherche Patterns, consisting of Diamond. Rnby Emerald. Sapphire, Pearl, and Other lie in 'lngs, BREASTPINS, BANGLES t ud other Ornaments all mounted in tine gold Also a splendid assortment of GOLD WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Iucludlng aonio fine Minute Repeuters and Chro uographs, In heavy lS-carat gold- cases ; some Beautifully Enameled Watches, in hunting cases, or Ladies, and anassortmcut of tine Silvei? Watches. AIbo. a very bcauuful assortment of SILVER JEWELRY, of specially new design and make. SThe -bol coufilsnineut will 1m placed itt CEPTIOXALLY LOW 'PRICES. 127tf- Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVERY, BOARDING-, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages lor hire at all hours of the dry or night; also, conveyances of nil kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Horses for Ladies and Oejitlemen. Uiiarnnteed Cientle. Cari?iag Nos. 2, !, 4t, 47, IS, il, 50, 51, 52 and 5 it. Double and single teams always to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained ny apply ing at the oflice. The Long Branch Bathing House can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying nt the office. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 31. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152tf J. J. WILLIAMS No. 102 FORT STREET, Leading Plotorajler 'of Honolulu. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Photo. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns. Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. ALYIN 11. KASE31AN, book: binder, Paper Ruler aud Blank Book Manufacturer. CBookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, m t MERCHANT HTBEET. CREAM CANDIES Importer & Home Manuialacturer t CADDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, j No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St, I In Has just made large additions to his establishment j " and Is now orepared to furnish to the trade, j -the Honolulu public, and residents on the other Islands, the very finest of HOJIE-MiDE A.YD IJiPoBTED C1XDIES, Of all descriptions at very reduced Prices. J Receives Fresh Candies bv every arrivaL He i Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CREAM i CANDIES are a speciality with blm, and are a specialty with him, and are made by the best manufacturers m California, ana received iresh by every steamer. Soda "75T-Ei-CJL j And ail Kinds of ICED DRINKS. ! The beat Ice Cream in the City, j The. best brand of choice CIOARS always on hand j 112-tf SMtrtisfiJunts. J. LVOV". L. J. LEVET. LYONS 6c LEVEY, Vuctioneers AND General Commission Merchantsf Beaver Block, Queen St.-, Honolulu. Sales orFurnitnre, Stoek, Real Estate and General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Agrents for: American & Enrupean Mercliaiidise. lio-uwtr i. W. HlKOLKV. OEO. WOOD. J. W. HINGLEY & CO. M-nufaetiirers vt HAVANA CIGARS, Importers, Wholesale und Retail Dealers In Tobacco, Cigirettes & Smote Articles TRY OUR Home Manufactured Cigars. No. 59 Fort St.. in Campbell's New Fireproof Building, and No. 7S Hotel Steeet. .' HONOLULU, H.I. ltil-vtf Ll iNE & CO. Have a Large Mock ot tht- VERY BEST MAY, Grain, Etc., Which is offered at LOWEST MARKET PRICES AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR Til E Pacifi3 Mutual Lifo Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. Ayents for th Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeds for California Telephone No 14s 111-tf TELEPHONE 55 PNTEEPBIS ff3 3 PT ATTa MTTT. LL. P st. L.Z3 Alakea, near Queen C. J. HAKDEE. Proprietor Contracting & Building. moulj3ings"and finish ALWAS ON HAND FOIi SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Sp'it. 115-tf 0H0 WING & CO., No. SI Nuuaiiu'Sirect, -DKAI.EKS IX Crockery, Glassware, AND c i t i. . v , Now offer for sale at Reasonable Rates a choice variety of Tea Sots, Vases, Flower Pots, Birds, Banyan Trees. New and Beautiful Articles of the most Delicate Workmanship Just Received from Japan. P. O. Box 259, Houoliilii. Jail Christmas Number OF TIIK- W -A- B ! A C.rand and Realistic Picture or the Burning Lake of Kilauea, BY JULES TA VERNIER. CHRISTMAS Sunshine ami Shadow COLORED FKONTISPIECE FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATION OF CHRISTMAS FOLLIES. Copies of tbe above for Sale by J. M. Oat. Jr.. & Co., duertisemcnts. G. J. WALLER, BUTCHEE, TO THE FRONT, A GREAT BOON TO THK Honolulu 3?ublic ! Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork and Fish kept for FOUR DAYS after being killed, by Bell Colernan's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Gnoran- teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH KILLED MEATS. "To be had In any of Mr. Waller's MarkeUi. Metropolitan Market, On King Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAY. City Market. On Nuuanu Hi. ' Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Market. At Fish Market. Hawaiian Market. On Maunakea St. Chinese Market. On Meek Street. BEEF AND ' PORK. KrTbnkiiiff tlio public for past favora. I so licit a continuation of the Name. 148 tf O. J. WALLER. ONTARIO" NEVIL.LE & CO., "SOLE AUENTS. SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM AI VBAMA BOTTOM COTTON, FREE VROM SIZINtt AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED The Best and most Durable Sail Duck IN THE WORLD. For Sale in Honolulu. SEMEH SALOSfj. NO. 1 FORT STKKKT. Opposite Wilder A Co.'sl H. J. Nolte, Propr. OI'KX TOU I A. M. TILL 10 F. M. FlliST-CLAhS LIACUES, tOFFKK, 11, S0D1 WATKii, lilA'UEB ALE. Cigars txncl Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Lovers of BILLIARDS will And an Elegant snog co. imm mil on the Premises. The Pioprletor would be pleaded To receive a cal om his Friends and tbe Public generally, who may desire a I.t NCU, A SMOKE. OR A CiAME OF BILLIABDK. i- THE CASINO AT THE PARK IS OPEN EVERY DAY. tVTbe only Sea-Side Resort In the H tnffdora. II. J. NOLTE, 62-tf GAUDY'S PATENT B JE1 LTI3MG-, Made from the Very Best Hard Wore Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., HOLE AGENTS, SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST DRIVING BELT, Neither Heat r mpne affect them. They do not Htreteh. Stronger than Eeather, Better than Rubber, WILL OUTIAST BOTH. For Sale in Honolulu. a drrrtteein ro tr, mx FFID to,, Queen & Fdinlvrgh Streets. WHOLFHALK A RKTAtL - Ieali-r. In II AT AN1 GRAIN. Telephone Jfo. 173. Goods deliver d promptly . Island Orders Solicited. 64 tf Stallions at Marclild ! s Bazaar. Thoroughbred, i :' By Jack Malone, he by Lexington, lot dam Ivy Lea , by imported Australian; 2nd lumt Day Flower, by Lfxlngton; 8rI Cam, Bay I t nl, by 1m ported Yorkshire; tb dam. Imported Jlarlii Clark by Pbllo da Putah, etc., etc. " Bazaar was bred at the great Wooilbnrn Farm, near Lexlegton, Ky, by Ue late It. A. Aleaitd('r, and was sold to W. L. Prdchard, ol tf to. Cal., for fS.OOO. He sumds 10M bimV, wU!ia 1.065 lbs., and is a bright chestnut color. Luring his racing career ha downed runny a favorite, nd won many a hatful of money for hi owners and proved himself on vt the greatest of lmrs a Aer a distance, most of bin race being at two tiid four miles. lie has already sired never-I colts in full fornla that are winners, unions which are Little Dunbar, Young Husuar,.. Sophia, and moiiior called the Bvtaar Minerva colt, he beings ut o Minerva by Imported Leamington, the, mre. of Parole and Iroquois. LUiie Lunliur greatly !! tingulshed bersnlf last j-ear In her 'two year old form by defeating one ot the largeKt flcldii .f two. year olds that ever started In California. .ntijt which were the two brnutltul fillh s bnii plit hero last spring by Mr. Agnew, distance, H mile; time, 1.04 the faste-t on record for two-ftirrllsi ut the distance. This year she has wnn hcvi rui n porLant events, und has proved hi reif t lie n crack three-year-old. Bazaar has no been brought bock to Honolulu, and wiil remain here the balancr t thin y ut, and breeders, horse owuei.', and stock tulM-rii sl.ould avail themselves of the opportunity tn olr:iln, 1:h services while they hove the chun-e. Tt-jTlJis. 840. Payatde at time of service. " The ImK)rted Clydesdale 8tallkn ltON'AI,X IINNIK, Jr., w ill atand at the bunie tn. e mui place at feUO for the Hei'son. lie sun lrn; in Canada, sired by Imported Lonald Dijiiiie,iiU out or an imported Clydesdale mure. He m u in duti ful dapple grey, IS hands MkU, and Weighs M('0 lbs; is very active, and as hut; a htrge iinc s could be found anywhere. Also, the flue large Imported Ketmi( l: J.k-u SAMPSON. This Is one of the hucen J:. Us that we could find In Calllornla, and Is an animal of immense bone: Is a-very sure brt- ier, t.tid should be liberally patromz. d us he Is one i f the the very best animals of hia kind. - Tea lutf, t. '-iO for the season. The public are cordially In vited to call ttn.J in- wpect the above animals. ' JIIIEI2S BROS. Proj-rietors. Marnhfleld, Sept. 15. 1881.' - - ' . Kfl-tf "ELITE"- Ice Cream Parlors. r-HE UNDERSIGNED, HA.VINU PUR X chased the utjove tveJl-known rsrt, tuke pleasure in Informing ttv'.t patrons and fte putiic generally that they intend -to KustiiJn (tic h.'gli reputation of . - Hail Brothers Ice tream And solicit a continuation of the liberal patronnce bestowed on their predecessors. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of The .Cholcent Imported , Candles, And New Stock received by every Also, a very fine collection of fturlos, Sample Boxes of Shells, t'orals And other specimens for purlles vKltlng the Ishtnds. - rSTOrdera for SUPPERS, WEDDTNCfH BALLS. PARTIES. ETC., Jelt t the " ELITE,' will receive prompt attention. Telepliono 182. n. XV. McCIIESNEV . SON, HOTEL CTREET. HENRY HART, Manager. 145 tf J. M. HKHINO. OS. JItlBASil j Hawaiian Jewelry Factory, No. 89 Hotel Sireot, . Honolulu, H.T. KUKUI JEWELRY, . , Ana FINE DIAMOND SETTING a J-pechUty. All kinds of Jewelry made to order nrd re paired. Watches carefully repaired- unl war ranted. Gen ral engraving and fancy mono rams neatly" executed. All done at moderate fi s. 24o if . Money to Loan ON GOOD PROPERTY SECURITY, bTOCK Bonds, etc. Apply to , . ., - M. TnOMf's6rV, Attornny-at-Law, Ccr. Fort ami Merchant Sts Honolulu, H.T. - - ' 235tf . , . FOR'SALE I - . ..... mWO ENGLISH BULL TKKRTfCR FirH; X months old. Apply y jeit r a v W. X5. STARK EY, 2si If Kuuj o Kanct, SlAdI. il '- i -A