Newspaper Page Text
PRICE 10 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1885. VOL. III.-NO. 219. s I IV ! : i I, i ; r i - ' i I, " v' i . it . ill . .. ij : It . -t r; - ;. "' 41 1 ft I! IS t'-r THE DAILY PACIFIC COMJIERCIAL ADVERTISER. I.S PCBLISTRD Erery Morning Except Sundays. Ml! aiVUll' VK 9 n Dally t C. Advertiser, I year, (CaU) 00 Daily P. C. AdrertLser, 6 months, (Cish; 5 00 VsUy P, C. Advertiser. 1 wt-t'lc, iCasli). 25 Weekly P. C. Advertiser. 1 rear. fCash) . 5 00 Torelcn Hubscrlpttoo W. P. C. A. (Including POC&JCe). ....M. M...t...MMM..... 5() PAllFiC Commercial Advertiser cTKAM BOOK ANI JOH H prepared to do all kind of Commercial & Legal Work i'OKJlECTLT AND WITn DISPATCH. Maying just Received a Complete and New Aortraect of Job Types and Ornaments Of thfi Latest Styles, from th most Cele brated Foundries of the United States, and employing only Experienced and TaBty Workuieji, we are prepared to' turn out fitter ireadu, ' Bill IIeal, C'IrcuIarM, Bfote IleadM. Sfntementai, Itilltot LaiIIm?. i'n tracts, Sforttfasre Blanks, Leases, Nhippinjc Contractnt. ,'In Hawaiian A English; Calendars, Blank Checks, Bands. ; Staeb Certificates. Business Cards, Meal Checks, Milk Tickets, Kauk Checks, Orders, Receipts. Marriage crtincates. . Diplomas, ' Catalogues, Blottinic Pads, irug-lts Isabels, Envelopes. ahippiiie Keceipts, Ball lrojcraimuc. Theatre froifrnmntes. And in fact evervthina which a Firttt Class Office can do. P f. A .Inh Ppinf inn- 2 Vt XI UvTM IHUUIlg VlUlVj E. C. Macfarlano & Co., Ir4Erietor. F HESi MARKET. Corner Hotel and Union Streets. BRANCH OF KIREKA MARKET. The nnderslgnol will open thU new market with the choicest beel, vel and mutton. Also Fresb fork Snusases made every lay Blood and Liver Sausage and Bo loiiK a Mpccinltr. AM ordain promptly attended to. Kefp-ctfully, JEO. I. M'ilRAEDEn. forest Market, Telephone No. 363. Buxba Market, Telephone So lit. PRINTING OFFIC business Cards. MAOFAELANE & CO-, WHOLESALE DEALEKN AXD E3. eral Jobbers la WINKS and LIQUOKS. Xo. 13 Kaabumanu Ktreet, HOUOHTLTT. 113-tI H. HACKFELD & CO., GENERAL COMSIISSIO ACEXT8. luO 'it Queen tec, Honolulu, H.I. t. JkWV9. HAEKTKNf. T. OI'FKSSKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Importers A Commission Merchants. iant PKMf M. wueen wtreet, Honolulu, 11. 1. .A. S. CLEGHOEK & Co.. 1niMrters aul Wholesale and Retail dealers ia General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Hu. 107-U W. AUSTIN WHITING. attornejr and Counsellor at Law. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to InBtru menu tor the Island of Oanu. No. 'J Kaahumanu street. Honolulu. H. I. lOS-tf CLACS HPKBCKKLS WH. O. IRWIK. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., SCO Alt FACTORS and CommlNsion AGtNTS. Hoaolulu, H. I. Ul-tfwtf THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, A netioneer. Kohala, Hawaii. Sales J. of Keal Kstate, Goods and Ifoperty of every description attended to. Com missions moderate. 02tf-w tf JOHN RUSSELL, ttoruey at Law. No. 42 MERCHANT STREET, NEAR FORT ST 1 Otf-w- M. PHILLIPS & Co., Tmporters and Wholesale Bealers in Clothing, Roots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, H. I. 10-Jtr-wtf S. J. LEVEY & CO., Grocers and Provision Dealers. Family Grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other island will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu XOOtf-wtl jQR. CIIAS. Bl'LL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Cor. Nuuanu Ave A Kukui St. Ofiic Hours from 8 to 10; 12 to 2, and 5 to 7. Telephone Vo. 373. 232feb Dr. E. Cook Webb, Residence and Ofiice, cor Richards & Berctanla St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Omca Hocks: 8 to 10, 2 to4, 7 to 8. Telephone "o. 3. 2al tf a. g. ellis & co., jeli; estate, Si STOCK AND MONET BBOKERS, Office, So. 2 Campbell Block, 273 tf Mercliant St. J. M. Oat, Jr & Co., STATIONERS NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 37 Merchant St., . Honoluln. II. I. 8 tf FRANK CERTZ, Importer anl Manmactro JJ Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES XT Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort KU, Honolulu. IH-tfwtf J. M. IYI0NSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AKI NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any part of the King dom Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 109-tX THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 60 Nnuaun Ntreet, i Opposite Hollister fc Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 12UI J. M. HEKISU. JOS. HCBASH. Hawaiian Jewelry Factory, No. 60 Hotel Street, Honolulu, II. J. KUKUI JEWELRY, And FINE DIAMOND SETTING a Specialty, All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re paired. Watches carefully repaired and war ranted. Oen Tal engraving and fancy monograms neatly executed. All done at moderate prices. -TO TOE LADIES- 1CHI BAN. We beg-to tntorm our friends and customers that ws have been appointed Sole Agents tor this well known tiriu, and have much pleasure In Inviting Inspection of our large and varied as&ortment of Japanese Goods, JIKT IMPORTED. Comprising the following: EMBROIDERED SILK .Sl'REENS Of the most beautiful colors, and of astonishing beauty and finish. BED SPREADS AND TADLE COVERS, Embroidered-in Si IK by Japanese. A LARGE VARIETY OF Of the finest porcelain, remarkable lor uniqueness lu color and shape. ALSO Porcelain Figures, Japanese Tea Set Of the Finest Cbiua. Tete-a-Tete Sets, Butter Dishes, AhV. Receivers, Nil fa. Lanterns. Silk Embroidered Kimonos, Easels. Carved Wooden Cabinets, Hand Screens, Trays. Wall Pockets, Parasols, Paier Slats, Fans, Photographs Of Japanese scenery, colored and plain. A Larre Selection ol Japanese Hronze Jewelry, CONSISTING OF Sleeve Buttons. Chains, . Scarf Pins, Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor ation. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO. ma MiiTlees, Watson & Co's Sugrar Machinery. WE HAVE ON HAND One Triple Effect, One Double ElTec, One Set of Four Centrifugals. . Engine and Mixer, Sparc Spindles, bushes, dr., for Centrifugals, One 26inx54Iu Mill, with engine. gear intf, Cane and Megrass Carriers Complete, One Spare Roller S61n.x34iu. One Sparc Intermediate Wheel for Gearing of 26in.x51in. Mill. One 6in.xl3in. Diagonal Engine, One pair Compound Boilers,6xl91 ttiin. and 13ft.61u. We have to arrive per "Varuna' ii August, A set of two Centrifugal and Mixer. One Centrifugal and Mixer for adding; to existing set of Machines. Centrifugal Linings, Kubbtra, Belting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Hollers, Clar itiere, Crab Winclita, Drilling .51a cniues, I'lat Couk-ia, Tilting Coolers, Cooler 1 Wagons, Filter I'rebses. Cane Top Cutttre. Chain Blocks to lift 10. 20, 30 and iO cwt. Glass buculiaronieters graduated from 0 to 15s andlrouil5 to 30s5 Bauuie Vacuum and i'rebsuio GUyed. Tlier-mouietc-ra for Vacuum Tans, Hand Ther Uionieieid, Cubbor Valves for Vacuum Fuinpa, llaninicis and Fike. Estimates Given for Ma chinery not in Stock. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for Mirrlees. Wataou Co. Glasgow H7-tf ; John bowler & Co's. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS A N D Permanent Railraods 10. 11. and IS lb. Rail. Locomotives, Cars, Ties, Spares. Duplicates and Tools. ' FOR SALE BY (i. V. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for John Fowler A Co., Leed. Iis-tf NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE 8HARE holdersof the Pnuloa Sheep and Stock Ranch Company will be held at noon of the 2 th of De cember at the counting room of O. W. Macfarlane Co., Honolulu. J." BOBBINS, Secretary. Honolulu, Dec. 23, lSi. 329 de25 gdrcrtiscments. DIAMOND JEWELRV Gr W, MACFAELANE & Co., TTave received from London a pe xJL ciai consignment, wmca is now on view,ei LONDON MADE Diamond Jewelry OF T H K New est anl Most Recherche lVtteri.H, Consisting of Diamond, Rnby Emerald. Sapphire, Pearl, and Other tletu .tiuH, BREASTPINS, BANGLES s nd other Ornaments all mounted in fine gold Also a splendid assortment of GOID WATCHES, TOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Including some tine Minute Repeaters aud Cliro uographs, In heavy 18-carat gold cases ; some Beautifully Enameled Watches, in hunting case, or Ladies, and anassortment of fine Silver Watches. Also, a very beautiful assortment of iSJLVKR JEWELRY, of specially new design and make. ttiyTbe vbolc- consignment will be placed at CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICFH. 127tf- Pantlieou Stables, Cor. Port & Hotel Streets. LIVERY, BOAIlDLNGr, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages tor hire at all hours at the dry or night; atso, conveyances of all kinds for parties goiutf aruuud the island. Excellent Saddle Horses fur Ladies an.l tieulleuieu. Uuarauteed Cientle. (arriarf; Aus. 2, 2 t, 40, 17, 4.H, SO, 3 1, 32 nuU Hii. Double and single teams always to be had on livery at the moat reasonable rates. Lare aud small oiunious for picnics and excur sion parties, currying from 10 to -to passengers, can always bo secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained ry apply ing at the ofiice. Tiie Lour Brauch Bathing House can always bo secured fur picnic or excursion parties by applying at the office. Corner Fort aud Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 31. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152tf . . J, J. WILLIAMS Xo. 102 FORT STREET, Leaiing PMoiraplier of Honolulu. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Ihotu. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Forns, Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODcRaTE. ALVIX 11. UASEJ1AN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Ruler aud Blank Book Manufacturer. US-Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, . MERCHANT bTBEET. tU t .- a . r r .ir-t X3. iMcinernv? Importer A Home Manulalacturer i j CANDIES OF ALL DEciCRIPPIONS. j No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St. I Has just made large additions to his establishment i and is now orepared to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu public, and residents on the j ! other Islands, the very finest of j I IIOMF.-M Vl)K IMP.illiK!) MMHES, j I Of all descrintions at very redut-d Prices. Receives Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CREAM LrZy best , manufacturers In California, and received fresh by j every ste-uner. i And all Kinds of ICED DRINKS. The best Ice Cream in the City. The best brand ot choice ClOARSalwav9 on hand llJ-t SD&trtisnnrnts. 1. LTOHS. t. 3. LEVKX. LYONS & I.EVEY, Auctioneers AND General Commission Merchantsf Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Sales of Furniture. Stock. Real Estate and General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Agents for: American & Eurn UerclMse. liC-t wtf J. XT. UlNOLKV. X). J. W. HINGLEY Sc. CO. Mpuufacturcrs of HAVANA CIGAES, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Toiacco. Ci Jdttes S Article; TRY OCR Home Manufactured Cigars. o. 59 Fort St.. in Campbell's Fireproof BiiilJiu. niii 7S Hotel Steeet. HONOLULU, II. I. 164-wtf Have a Large stock ot the VERY BEST HAY, Grain, Etc., Which 13 ofTored at LOWEST AIA KKET PI5ICEH AN D Delivered Free to any p irt cf the City AflEXTS FOR THE Pacific Mututl Lifd Insarance Co OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of -ueeaa for California Telephone No 148 Ul-tf TELEPHONE 55 rpNTERPBIS p PLANING MILL. i Alakea. near Qnecn St. -C. J. HARDEE. Proprietor.- Contracting & Bllil(ling,. MOULDINGS AND FINISH A L W A . ON HA N D FOK SALE Hard and Soft .Stovewood, Cut and 8iUt. U5-tf C H0 WIN tl & CO., Xo. HI XuuanirStrcef , DEAI.KK8 IX Crockery, Glassware, -AND CHIXA, Now offer for saic at Reasonable Rates a choice variety of Tea Sets. Vases, Flower Pots, Birds, Banyan Trees. New and Beautiful Articles of the most Delicate Workmanship Just Received from Japan. 1. O. Box 259. Honolulu. 257 jail Christmas Number OF. THE W B I3 ! A Grand and Realistic Picture of the Bu ruins' Lake of Kilauea, BV JULES TAVERN I ER. CHRISTMAS In Sunslii; i ni i i i;:e ana mow COLORED FRONTISPIECE FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATION OF CHRISTMAS FOLLIES. Copies of the above for Sale by J. M. Oat, Jr.. & Co., ! Sduerlisemcnta. G. J. WALLER, BTJTCHERi TO THE FRONT. A GREAT BOON TO THE Honolulu. 3?ublio ! Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork and Fish kept for FOCR DATS after beln killed, by Bcll- Coteiuan's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Onaran teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH KILLED MEATS. rae-To be had in auy of Mr. Waller's Market. Metropolitan Blorlcet, On Kintjr Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAT. City Ilarkot. OnSTuuaunSt. Hotel Street Market. Ou Hotel Street. Eureka 'Market. At Flli Blarnet. Hawaiian Market. On Jlauuakra St. Cliineso Market, On Meek Street. BEEF AND PORK. 3TTnnking the public for past favors. I so licit a continuation of the same. 143 tf G. J. WALLER. ONTARIO" rvisviiiH: & co., SOLE AUENTS, SAN FRANCISCO MADS FROM AI VBAMA BOTTOM COTTON, FREE FROM SIZING AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED riie Best and most R-urable Sail Duck IN THE WORLD. For Sale in Honolnln. SEAVEH SALOOfi. SO. 1 FORT STKKET. .Opposite Wilder fc Co.'ei H. J. Kolte, Propr. Ol' ICS FOM I A. X. TILL 10 P. M. lIRSr-tLAvS LIXCUES, tUHKt, itl, SliV WJTKU, LIGKlt ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRAND Plain and Fancy WPES personally selected from the Manufactuxers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY" - SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant 8ICK & CO. EILtiay TABLE t oa the i'remises. The 1'ioprietor would be pleased to receive a cal om his Friends and the Fubllc generally, who may desire a I. ITXCH. A SMOKE. OR A GAME OF BIEE1ARBS. THE CAStTJO AT TIIE PAR IS OPExN EVERY DAY. rThe only Sea-Side Resort In the U lajfdoin. II. J. SULTE, 2-tf G ANDY'S PATENT Made from the Very Best Hard Wove Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., SOLE AGENTS. SAN FRANCISCO. TIIE BEST DRIVING BELT, Neither Meat or Dampness affects them. They do not Stretch. Stronger than Leather, Better than Rubber, WILX OUTLAST BOTH. For Sale in Honolulu. . lM-tf o;n Quern J- E?invrgh Ftrtrta, wiouuu a RICTML Dealers Inj HAY AXD UBAI1, Tlepiico. M. ITS. Goods delivered proaiU. Island Orders ftaUrlWti. 4tl Stallions at MM ! tt (Thoroughbred, i By Jack Malooe, b. by Leilngtca. 11 fry Lea , by imported Australian; 2ad Auto, Xa Flower, by Lexington; Jrd dam, Pay !,, by lm ported Yorkshire; ttb dam, I ?n ported MltIk Ulacli by Pbilo da PuUh, etc., etc. , Baeaar was bred t the great Wodtura Ftrw, near Lexiegton, Ky, by the lt It. A. Alekaadrr, nad wu sold to W.L Prltcbard, of tiwruiictM, Cal., for lie stai.d. i&H kti(Vi,.wciiia 1.066 lb, and Us bright cbeotnut colr.c Dcrtc his racinc career he downed maay a ftTuritr. m4 won many s b.tful of money fvr bU bmis u4 proved hlmwif one of th. greatest of 1 or wr distance, most of bi race, beirg at two .-nil fof miles. i baa already sired ererJ cits la Cat forni that are winners, aitiong wUlcii are IJmI. Dunbar, Young Hmuv, Mouhla, atl nuuiMmt called the Bsar Minerva coil. h b-"jtg vut Minerva by Imported Leamuigtoa, I ie fir. sr Parol, and Iroquola. I.isil. , Dunbar t reatly M tinguiahed herself last year In ber t er oia form by defeatlnic one ot the Urge. Ct-'-ds of rwo. year olds that ever started to CaiifomU, ataMig which were the tw beau ill ul fllUea hri4:gbt bet last spring by Mr. Agnew, diatace., ri lolle: tiru., l.ot M the fastest on record for iwo-)m;aM at the distance. TIda year she baa wa srverai . portant events, and has proved kersviZ to be a crack three-year-old. Bazaar has now been brought back tn MonolulL, and wiJl remain here tb. balance of tbl year, an I breeders, horse owners, and stock ralier nhc14 avail themselves of t.e opportunity to b. services while they bavo tb. rhaac. Ternaa. 810. Payable at time ot service. The Imported Clydeadal. BtaLlon LXAMJ BlaiNlE 4 r., will stand at the uav uc. aad place at 3U for the s.'soa. li. .aa l-rt-d r. Canada, aired ly Imported lsniald Dirt, and out of an Imported Clydesdal. mare. H la a fc'iui'tt ful dapple grey, IS bauds high, and weighs I4(. lbs; is very active, and as fta a largt bora as could be found anywhere. Also, th. line large Imported Kentucky Jack SAHlSON. This Is one of the U jest Jtu ks that we could find la California, and la an animal of immense bone: is a very .nr. breeder, and should be liberally yatrooitd as b la on. t-f U the very best animals of his kind. Tessas, f-1J for the season. The public are cordially isvltod to etil mad La-, spect the above animals. 2III.ES liiattft. Pjrprlioro. Marshfleld. 8epL 15. ISM. l&-tt "ELITE" Ice Cream Parlors. JL chased th. above well-kn.wo ttmoeX, take pleasure Lu informing tholr patrons sad tb. ssbllo generally that they Intend to auauUa th. hlgb reputation of Uart-Brothcrs lee And solicit a continuation of tb. liberal natron? bestowed on their predeeeoaor. I; Constantly on band, s full artni-nt at The Choicest Intport4l . C'a.dfo, Aud New Stock received by every steaatef. Also, a very I ns collection ; ' ' arlos, Sample Bases nffiStgills, Ctr&l And other specimens for parties rfastfac th. Island. CfiiPrOrdera for SUPPERS, - WKPDIItCtt BALLS. PAR riK, ETC., left al U. ' KLITE wUl receiv. prompt attention. Telepliono 182. k. w. ncciiEMXEY t;o2r, HOTEL 8TRKKT. DTENRV HART, Manager. - Hiii THE CURRENCY ACT. f The New Gold Law. FEW COPIES OF THE tlEWXl.T i Pacific Commercial A-Svertiser r tho 2th Jutj. isa. cntalilMiSr the FILL TEXT of th Cnrreucy Act, can b ba4 oss application to the P. C. Advortlaor ffiee. Price 25 cents each. Pwbllsber P. C. ADTingTHSES jMoney to Loan ON GOOD PROPERTY 8ECTRITY, MTOC1W Bonds, etc. Apply to H. THOMPSON, ,t Attorney -a t-Law, Cor. Fort and Merchant ts Hooolaiu, H.I. SJStf FOR RALE. TWO ENGLISH BULL TXltRIJtR TTTV; months old. AppI by letter ene f W. B. HTAH3LSY, 5J tf Kaaso iaa,Vh, UL . n