Newspaper Page Text
It tun tit yv PRICE 10 cents; HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1885. VOL. IIL--NO. 222. IT MP i t. m w m r m i i ;. J? :i. . i i I i ' I V) iV i ! u i i fi i if ! 4 if THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. rs PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. Daily 1 C. Advertiser, 1 yvu.r, (CaaUj 00 Oalty P. C. Advertiser, 6 montUs, (Cash; 5 00 lliy P. C. Advertiser. 1 wek, Cah 25 Weekly P. C. Advertiser, I year. (Cash, . 5 00 f roUca HubHcrtptlou W. I'. C. A. flncludinx justness partis. MA.OFAELANE & CO-, If f erai Jobbers lu WIN KM nd LIQUOUW. 5io. 13 Knaltnmauu Street, HONOLKLIT. H3-tf H. HACKFELD & CO., GKNKKAL, COJIMWSIOX ACiEVTN. 100 U Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. V. lAKKlHI. W. UAEUTKN8. F. OPFJBBOfeXT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Importers A CoiuralatMion 3TcrcliHiit.. (jueea Htrcet, Honolulu, U. 1. 108-tf A. S. OLEGHOEN & Co., 1m porters and Wholesale) and Retail Dealers In General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahum&nu NU. 107 -If i t W. AUSTIN WHITING. , 'y ttorney and CounHellor at Law. A(ent to Take Acknowledgments to Inutru tnems for the Island of Oabu. 'o. 9 Ka&humanu Htreet. Honolulu, it. 1. 108-tf CtAC sraircxeLs m. a. tains WM. G. IEWIN & Co., Ul'OAK FArTOlW and CoininI.H-.ion O AOK, Honolulu, U. I. 101-tfwtf THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, Auctioneer. Kotiala, Hawaii. Sales f Real Kstate, Goods and Property of every deecripUon attended to. ; Commissions moderate. OCtf-wtf JOHN RUSSELL, a ttarney at ltw. A. No. 42 MKItCTIAXT STREKT, NKAK XKT HT .103tf-W , , M. PHILLliPS & Co., Imuerters'anrt Wholesale Dealers In Clothing:, Boots, Hhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods, No. 11 Kaahumanu Htreet, Honolulu, H. I. lOJtf-wtf . . S. J.XEVEY & CO., s . . , . . Croeerff and I'rov isloi Dealerx. X, i Paoilly Urocery and" Feed sitore. Orders entrusted to us from the other island will be promptly attended. jo... 2 Fort Ht., Honolulu lOOtf-wtf . ; " '. : : -JQR. T CHAS. HULL, ' PHYSICIAN akd SUROEON, Cor. If uuanu Ave A Kuknl f?t. Oftlce Hours from 4 to 10; 12 to ?, and 5 to 7. : Telephone No. S73. 1 iife4b iDr. E. Cook Webb, Refidence and QHce, cor Ilicbnrds it Beretanla Ht ,i -i a--: - . -i - Special Attention tgiven to Disrases of the KiiTneys and Urinarii Organs. Ot-ice Hocrs : - s ' to 10, , . ' . 2 to 4. V , Telephone Xo. 3. 7 to 8. j - gl tf A. G. ELLIS & CO., REAL, ESTATE, STOCK AND MOXKV BROKERS, Office, No. 2 Campbell Block, 273 tf Merchant .St. J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. ST Merehant St., Honolulu. II. I. a ti J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Keal Estate In any part or the 'King dom Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. So. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block. Honolulu. 109-tf . l,YO-. LYONS & LEVEY, Vuctioneers -A"D- General Commission Merchantsf . ' Bearer Block, Qneen St., Honolulu. Sales erFurnlture. Stork, Real Estate and General Merchandise properly attended to Sola Agents fort American & Enrupean Merchandise. 119-ffwtf SEO. WOOD. J. W. HII7 GLEY s, CO. Manufacturers of HAVANA CIGARS, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers lu Tobacco, Ciairettes & Smotes5 Articles TKY OUK Home Manufactured Cigars. '. 39 Fort StM lu, CamplfirM w - Fireproof Building. H"l 9To. 7H Hotel N(et. HONOLULU, H.I. ICI-wtf FRANK GERTZ, Importer ani Masnfactnrer Jj Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES XT Orders from the other Islnuds solicited. Sio, 114 Fort SU, Honolulu. IH-tfwtf ALVIN Jl. KASEMAN, BO( ) R BINDER, Paper Ruler and Blauk Book Manufacturer. 8&rBookbhiding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, MKKCIIANT ST15KKT. i::t t J. J. WILLIAMS MO. 103 FORT STREET, Leaiin PliotoiraDlier of Honolulu. WOKK FIN'lVuKD IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil. .Photo. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of ! Island Views . Ferns, Shells, . Curiosities, &e. CHARGES MODERATE. THOMAS LINDSAY " , " ; .Ianufacturiiig Jeweler, Ka.SOKuuiinu NlrnAt. . I Pi "1 ,Opixmite Holliateir 4'i5'"J 1 Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 121tf . X. HKRIX8. JO. H0BAS1I. Hawaiian Jewelry Faetory, No. 80 Hotel Street. t .'. Honolulu, H.I. KUKUI JEWKLUY, And FINE DIAMOND. SETT WW a Specialty. All kinds of Jewejry made; toorder and re paired. Watches carefully repaired and war ranted. Oen ?ral engraKWig and fancy monograms neatly executed." Altdoofhtmbderr prices. 24l tf Jolin bowler & Co's. , PORTABLE TRAMWAYS A N D Permanent Railraods lO, 14. and IS lb. Rail. Locomotives, Cars, Ties, Spares. Duplicates and Tools. FOR SALE BY 0. W. Macfiirlano '& Co. Agents for John Fowler fc Co.t. Lepds. lis-U LAINE &. CO. Have a Large tock ot tuo VERT BEST HAY, Grain. Etc., Which is offered at LOWEST MARKET Fit ICES AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AOENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telepbone. Commissioner of Deeds for Calif ornia TeIrhone Ko Hs 111-tf TELEPHONE 55 7NTESPRIS PLANING MILL. JZ3 Alakea, near Queen St. C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWA l H OK HAND FOB SALE Hard aud Sufi Stovewood, Cut and Bplit. 115-t I. W. BlMOLXT. TO THE LADIES ICHI BAN. We beg to inlorui our friends and customers tutt vr bare been appointed Sole Agents for this well known linn, and have much pleasure In inviting inspection of our large and varii assortment f Japanese Goods JIKiT IMPORTED. Comprising the following: EMHR1DKRC1) KIL.K SCREES - Of the niost beautiful colors, and of astonishing beauty aud finish. BED SPEEADS -AND- TABLE COVERS, i;tiiiroidered in Silk by Jnpnuew. A LAKOE VARIETY OK V A.SH3S Of the finest porcelain, remniiable lor unlTJeness in roior and siiape. ALSO lorcIaii risrc, Japanese Ten SmI Of the Finest fhinn. Tete.-Tete Sets, Hntter Dishes, AH Receivers, Silk Lanterns. Silk Kmbroidered Kimonos, JCasel. J ' , 4'nrveil tVovileii Cabinet, llnntl SereeiiSj Trnjn, Wall HocketM. Pa ratiols, l'lKr 31ntf, I'an, Photographs Of Japuneue scenery, colored and plain. A Larse Selection of Japanese Bronze Jewelry. co?;SrHTir(i of Sleeve Rut tons. , CltaiuM, Scnrf Plus, Ac., Ac. Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor- at:i)D. G. W 3IACFA11LANE & CO. 1 W tf Mirrlees, Watson & Co's Sugrar Machinery, WE HAVE ON HAKD One Triple Effect, ; One Rouble EfTee. One Set or Four Centrifugals, Engine mid Mixer, Spare Spindles, buslics, Ac, for f CeutrifusralM,' One 26Iiix31Iu Mill, with engine. sear- iur, Cane and Jley:ai Carriers . Cbiriplcte, 4. . '. w . . One Spare Roller 26iu.x3-lin. Oue Spare Intermetliate Wheel for ' Ciearlujf ol "26iii.x31in. Mill. One Clu.xlSiu. Diagonal Engine, Oue pair Comiound RoiIers,6xl91 16iu. and ISn.Glu. . -i -t We have to arrive per Varuna in August, A set of two Ceufrf fugalj and Jlixer, One Centrifugal and Mixer for adding to existing set of Machines. Centrifugal Linings, Rubbers, Belting and Sugar-carrying Bands and Boilers, Clar iners, Crab Wiucuuh, Drilling Ma chine!, flat Coolers, Tilting Coolers, Cooler Wagons, - Filter Piesses. Cane Top Cutters. Chain Blocks- to lift 10. 20, 30 and iO cwt. Glass Saccharoniettrs graduated from 0s to 15 andlrorul5 to 30s Baume Vacuum and Bresauro Gauges. Ther mometers for Vacuum Pans, Hand Ther mometers, Rubber Valves for Vacuum l'uuipf, Hammers and Files. Estimates Given for Ma chinery not in Stock. G. W. Maefarlane & Co. Axents for Mirrlees, Watson Co, Glasgow H7-tf OHO WING & CO., ". SI XunannS.reet. DEAI.ZES IN- Crockery, Glassware, AND f"1 TZT X iST A V V I I 1 I V . o encr for Ssleat Rcasonub.e Rate, achoice variety of Tea Sets, Vases, Flower Pots, Birds, Banyan Trees. yew and Beautiful Articles of the most Delicate AVorkmanshlp Just Received from Japan. P.O. BOX 259! Honolulu. 257 Jail HAWAIIAN IXVEST3IEXT &. AGEACT CO., (Limited.) Money Loaned on First Class Seeurl ties, for long or short perkd. Apply to W. L. OREEN, Manager pro tern. Office on Queen tt., over O. w. Maefarlane & Co. L9-tf Jldmtisfments. DIAMOND JEWELRY G, W, MACFAKLANE & CoM Have received from London n spe cial consignment, which is now on view, of I,ON'lW' MADE Diamond J ewelrv V THE Xewetand JIst Recherche Patterns, CoKslSTl!SG OK -Rlainond. Ruby Emerald, Sapphire, Pearl, and Other Vein Wtlngs, URF.ASTPINS, BANGLES I nd other Ornaments all mounted In fine gold Alan a splendid assortment of GOLD WATCHES, fOli LADIES A GKmEMbX, , Including some line Minute Kepeaters and uogrraphs, In heavy IS-carat sold caees : some Beautifully Knameled Watches, in hunting cu-es, or Ladies, aud an:i.sHortnieut of fine Silver Watches. Also, a very , beauuful assortment of SILVER JEWKLUY, of Mpecially new dsltfn and make. Mr-The wholfc. consUfument will be placed at CEITIONALLY LOW PRICES. 127lf- Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVEKY, B0AEDING, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at all hours of tho dry or night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the island. Excellent Saddle Horses for Eadien and Oeulleuieu. uuarauteed Ueutlc. Carrlags Xos. 2, 24, 46, 47, IS, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53. Double and single teams always, to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. y ' Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrungemeuts. Omnibus time tables can be obtained Dy apply ing at the office. The JLoug Branch Rathing House can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the office. t Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 34. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152tf FCJtEST MARKET. Corner Hotel and Union Streets. BRANCH OF EUREKA MARKET. The undersned will open this new market with the choicest beel, veal and mutton. Also Fresh Pork Sausages made every day RIood and Liver Sausages and Ro logua a Specialty. All orders promptly attended to. r 'Respectfully, OEO. . SCIIRAEDER. Forest Market, Telephone So. 303. Eurt-ka Market, Telephone Xo 114. 43t-apl0 CREAM CANDIES lr. Mclnernv, Importer & Home Manuialacturer o CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St. Has just made large additions to his est&olishnient and is now orepured to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu public, and resident on the other Islands, the very tioestof j M03IK-UIDE tl niPoKIF.D lAXDIES, j ui ait ueacr.iJuunu ai very raauttuu xnces. j deceives Fresh Candles by every arrival, ne Rmtri.ntM thp mirltv nt hi. rwl Th. r'UP.M CANDIES are a speciality with' h!m, and are ,0 every st? ticr. Soda And all Kinds of ICED DRINKS. The best Ice Cream in the City. The best brand of choice CIOAKS always on hand 112-tf NOTICE. I TnE ANNUAL MEETINU OF THE 6HARE holdersof the Puuloa Sheep and Stock Ranch Company will be held at noon of tbe z-.)ih of De cern oer at the counting room of G. W. Maefarlane A CO., Honolulu. J. BOBBINS, Secretary. Honolulu, Dee. !3, Ui. 329 de23 JVilucriiscnunts. . J. WALLET. BUTOHEii. TO THE FRONT. A JERAT BOON TO THE Honolulu IPublic ! Reet, Veal, Mutton. Pork and FIh kept for FOUR DAYS after bclnff killed, by Bell Coleman's Patent Pry Air Refrigerator. Guaran teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH HILLED MEATS. .To he had in any of Mr. Waller's Market. Metropolitan Market, On King Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAY. City Market. On NnnaunSI. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Market At Fish Market. Hawaiian Market. On Mauuakea St. Cnineso Market. On Meek Street. BEEF AND PORK. "Thanking the public for past favors. I so licit a continuation of the name. ; 148 tf G. J. WALLER. 'ONTARIO rviviiL,ii: Co., SOLE AWEXTN, SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM AI VBAMA BOTTOM COTT02T, FREE i'KOJI SIZIXO AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED The Rest and most Durable Sail Ruck IN THE WORLD. For Sole in Honolulu.. 3?3E3:3E5 BEMEft SALOOfL NO. 7 FOltr STREKT. Opposite Wilder Sc Co.'st H. J. Nolte, Propr. OPKX FOX i A. M. TILL 10 F. M. FIIiST-CLAsS Ll.tHK8, COFFEE, IE I, Si) OA, GI.NGKK ALE, Cigars ;xnti Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, end a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKJSRS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant 5EUMICE & CO. ::1LIA?.D TABLE on the Premises. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a cal om his Friends and the Public generally. who mar desire a LUNCH. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF BILLIARDS. I t THE CASSrJO AT THE PAR IS 0PEX EVEltY DAY. KTTbe only Sea-Side Resort In the M Ingdem. II. J. NOLTE, 62-tf G ANDY'S PATENT Made from the Very Best Hard Wove Cotton Duck. Jjj T ILLlE & CO., "" ' j finir irrvTV SAN FRANCISCO. THE BE8T DRIVING BELT, Neither neat or Dampness affects them. They do not Stretch. Stronger than Leather, Better than Rubber, WILL OUTLAST BOTH. For Solo in Honolulu. Ji5-t my9 Queen A: Edinburgh Street, WHOLESALE A RKTAIL Dealers taj HAY AND ORAIN. Telephone No. 175. ioods delivered promptly. Island Orders Solicited. 4tf at Bazaar. (Thoroughbred.) By Jack Malonc, he by Lexlngrton. 1st dam Ivy Lea , by imported Australian; 2nd dam, Bay Flower, by Lexington; 3rd dam. Bay Leaf, by Im ported Yorkshire; 4th dam, Imported Maria Block by Philo da Putah, etc., etc. ' Bazaar was bred at the great Woodborn Farm, near Lexiegton, Ky, by the lato it. A. Alexander, and was sold to W. L. Pritchard, ol 8acrament. Cat., for f 3.000. He stands liH hands, weighs 1.06S lbs., and is a bright chestnut color. During his racing career he downed many a favorite, and won many a hatful of money for his ownerB, and proved himself one of the greatest of horses over a distance, most of bis races being at two end four miles. He has already sired severnl colu In Call fornla that are winners, among which are Lin It Dunbar, Young Bazaar, Sophia, and anothoi called the Bflaar Minerva colt, he being out Minerva by Imported Leamington, tbe aire of Parole and Iroquois. Liczie Dunbar greatly dis tinguished herself last year in her two year oln form by defeating one of the largest fields of two. year Olds that ever started in California, amon which were the two beautjlul fillies brought her last spring" by' Mr. Aguew, distance, H mile; time, 1.04, Hi the fastest on record lor two-year olds at tbe distance. This year she has won several im portant events, and baa proved herself to be a crack tbree-year-old. Bazaar has no" been brought back to Honolulu, and will remain hertz tbe balance of this year, urn breeders, horse owners, and stock raisers should avail themselves of the opportunity to obtain hie services while they have the chance. Terms. 840. Payaole at time of service. Tbe Imported Clydesdale Stallion DONALD DI9TNIE Jr., will stand at the same time am. place at &30 for the aexson. He was bred ii Canada, sired by Imported Donald Dinnle.aud out of an Imported Clydesdale mare. He is a beauti ful dapple grey, IS bands high, and weighs l-4 lbs; Is very active) and as fine a large horse a could be found anywhere. Also, the fine large Imported Kentucky Jack SAMPSON. This is one of the largest Jacks that we could find In California, and Is an anirnai of immense bone: is a very sure breeder, ano should be liberally patronized as be Is one of tb the very best animals of bis kind. Terms, $30 for the season, ". The public are cordially invited tdt call and In spect tbe above animals. MILES BROS. Pwprletr. Marshfield, Sept. IS. 1384. 156-tf ELITE" Ice Gream Parlors. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR chased the above well-known resort, taki pleasure in informing their patrons and the public generally that they Intend to sustain the high reputation of , Hart Brothers Ice Cream And solicit a continuation of tbe liberal patronage bestowed on their predecessors. Constantly on hand, full assortment of The Choicest Imported Candles, And New Stock received by every steamer. Also, a very fine collection of Qurios, Sample Boxes i f Shells, corals And other specimens for parties visiting - the Islands. tftETOrders for SUPPERS, WEDDINGS BALLS. PARTIES, ETC., left at tho " ELITE,' will receive prompt attention. Telephone 182. M. W. McCIIESNEY A SON, ; . ' HOTEL STREET. HENRV HART, Manager. . HS tf THE CURRENCY ACT. The New Gold Lav. . FEW COPIES OF THE WEEKLY Pacific Commercial Advertiser of the 29th July. 1884, contalninft- the FELL TEXT of th Currency Act, can be bad on application to the P. C. Advertiser Office. Price 25 cents each. ! j Publisher V. C. ADVERTISER. jVioney to Loan O' N GOOD PROPERTY SECURITY, HTOCKS, Bonds, etc. Apply to ! M. THOMPSON, j Attorney-at-Lar, ! Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu, H.I. :35tf FOR SALE, (WO ENGLISH BULL TERRIER PUP8J 8 months old. Apply by letter at once to W. B. 8TARKJEY, Xanpo Rascts, Mail. 2S tf Stallions HarsMed tjtrltsrnunts. PACIFIC STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFEICE H prepared to do all kinds of Commercial & Legal Work COSaECTLT AKD WITH DISPATCH. irTing jnat Kecoived CompleU and Nw Assortment of Job Types and Ornaments Of the Latent Btylea. from ths nitwt CU bratod Foundries of the Uoitod StttM, and cm-ploying only Experienced and Tasty Workmen, we vn) ! prepared to turn out Letter Heads. Rill neads. Circulars, ' Note Heads, ( Statements, , . . Bills Ot I4 ll2? Contracts, Hortft-aft-e Blanks, Leases, - ... Nhfpplnar Contracts, (Id Hawaiian A EngUsli; Calendars, ' ' ' i Rianlc Clik, Roads. Stock Certificates, ' ' Business Cards. Meal Checks, Milk Tickets, Bonk Clitth.3 Orders, Receipts. Marriage Certiorates. Diplomas, Catalogues, . RItlIjar Druircists Labels, Envelopes, Sblpplngr Receipts, Ball Programmes. - . Theatre Projrrt.Bimes, And in fact everything which a IXrst' Clans Ojfice can do. P. C. A. Job Printing OEco, E. 0. Macfarlano & Co., . .. Propri etors. Christmas Number 'i W A;S P1 A Grand and Realistic Picture of the. Barulisx Lake of Kilauea, BY JULES TAVERN I ER, . CHRISTMAS Commercial Advertiser In Sunshine and Shafow ! .. . - COLORED FRONTISPIECE FULL PAGE ILLUCT2AT1021 OP CHRISTMAS FOLLIES. , ' Copies of the above for Sale by J. M. Oat, Jr.? &" Co ,