Newspaper Page Text
if r PI'S L r imr r PRICE 10 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1885. VOL. IlLJTO. 224. Mtrtisrcunls. gustafiss' (Write. gtdrerttsmfnfs. duerttsentcnis. c at a- - --" - . . - - - . v.- a " m f It :- &:rj M 1 i in in fl r El II fl 'If &RPSLSs fc v- , x i III (1 fl .1 U-: - Vi-: . ; 5. h u i -y i THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. IS PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. SUBCKIITI D&Hy i C. lvpitt-cr, l year, (Cusu fa oo Dally V. C. Aclvert'-3T, 6 months, (Caali; 5 00 laily P. C. Advertfapr, 1 week, fCali)... . 25 Sekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 ypar. (ChsId 5 00 Foreign Subscription V. P. C. A. Clnc-tuiling postaee) 55 0 J -gusttttss CarUfi. MACFAELANE & CC, WIIOIEMAI DEALE1W AND serai aobbers iu WIN Kb .and i.IQCOlt. - i .i t i 5 f ' - j ; i ' ' NO. 13 Kanhnmaim Street; : i ; HONOLULU in-ti -H. HA0KFELD;& CO., "I EXF.BAL C03IMISSIOX AGENTS. . VJT' 100 Uv- - Qucwi t., Honolulu, .11.1. K. AS""IN.' W. MAKP.TESS. P. OrFKRQKLT ED. HOFFSOHLAEQER & CO., raorterM A Commissloii 35erchnt. 4uen Street, Honolulu, Jt. I. 100-tf ... , , , A. 3. OLEGHOKN & Co., 1nsforten4 and 'boleale and Retail Dealers in General r.lerchandlso, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu .st.n. 107-tt W. AUSTIN WHITING. ... (,!, . .i ttonify and Counsellor at Law. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Iiuitru - inentu for the Island of Oahn. No. 9 Kiahumanu Street. Honolulu. H.I. 108-tf ct.Avm BPKkoxBLs . ' m. o. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., - SUGAR FACTORS and CominlHslon AUi-N'Ty. Honolulu, 11. I. 101-tfwtf .T'-ty . ' . rr ' , THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, ' 4 netloneer. Kohala, Hawaii. Hales Jjl?. of Ileal Kstate, Goods and Proierty of every description attended to. Commissions moderate. OCtf-wtf , . . : JOHN ; EUSSELL, Mrntey at law-.- No. 42 MERCUAST STKEKT, XEAK FORT ST .,-. -I ' - - - - ----- -T .M. PHILLIPS & Co., t riu porters and Wholesale IelerH in Clothing, liooM, 8bon, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, II. I. 104tf-wtf S. J.LEVEY & CO., . Grocers ttml Provision dealers. ; j Family grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other Island" will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu 105tf-vtf '-. i JQR. CHAS. Bl'LU : PHYSICIAN Al BURGEON, Cor. Xuunuu Ave & Knkui St. Office Hours from 3 to 10; J2 to 2, and 5 to 7. , , Telephone No. 373.' 232f-4b Dr. E. Cook Webb, Kesideiice'antlOiuie, cor Richards 6 lieretaniaSt Special i Attention given to 1iseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Ofkicjr' Houru : . . to 10, , ") - 2 to 4 , J 7 to 8. ) s Telephone No. 3. 281 tf A. (t. ELLIS & CO., j:jevx, estate stock axb'mo.Vey hkokers, Offloe.Tiis, Campbell Ut'ocki 1 j Merchant St. 273 tf J. M. Oaf, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, i - t ' : ' :' i ' Hawaiian Gazette Block. 2T Merchant Nt., llonolnln. H. I. lis H JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW -AN IV ' NOTARY PUBLIC. Keal Estate in any part of the King dom Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Jans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 MERCHANT STREET, "Gazette BlocV. Honolulul s ; ' 109-tf t. tross-i l.. J. LEVET. LYONS & LEVEY, iictioiieers AND General Commission Merchants, ; - Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Sales orFurnltnre. Stoelc", Kesal Estate and General Merchandise properly attended to Kol Agent for: American t European Herclaniise. , . HO-tfwtf . ; . W. HXNOLXV. eEO. WOOD. J. W. HINGLEY & CO. Manufacturers of HAVANA CIGARS, rmportem, WbolMk and Retail Dealers in j ToSacco. Cigarettes & Smokers5 Articles TKY oui; Home Manufactured Cigars. No. 59 Fort St.. la t'aiiiibeir New . I FJreproor lluildlny. and No. TH Hotel Steeet, . . . . HONOLULU, U.I. . FRANK GERTZ, p(llin5orter M; Manufacturer J (', '- ' - Of all IicrrptiOiis of BOOTS & SHOES jOrder? from the"other Islands solicited. No. Ill Fort St., Honolulu. lH-tfwtf ALVIN Jl. KASE51AN, book: binder, Paper Ilraler and Clank Mauutaeturcr. tf9Bookbindlng of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. ; Gazette Building, HI t MKRCHANT STIJKKT. J. J. WILLIAMS j No. 102 FORT STREET, Leading Ptotoirajler . "of Honolulu. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil. f5 J - ' lhoto. Colored, Ac. ' i Tlie.only Complete Collection ptj Island Views r Terns, Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. -' THOMAS LINDSAY ; f Manufacturing Jeweler, No. CO Nuuann Street, ) tOpposite Hollister A Co Honolulu, If. I. Particular attention paid to repairing-. 121tl . V:HEBrjJO. , JOS. HUBA8H. Hawaiian Jewelry Factory, No. 80 Hotel Street, . . . Honolulu, H.l. KUKUI JEWELRY, And FINE DIAMOND SETTING a Specialty. All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re paired. Watches carefully repaired and war ranted. Generaentrraving and fancy monograms neatly executed. All done atuodexate prices. 2 U) tf John tfowler & Co's. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS A N D 7 Permanent nailraods - ..... .-. . . i f lO, II, and llb. i:ail. Locomotives, Cars, Ties, SparesfDnBlicates and Tools. FOR SALE BY a. V. Macfarlaue & Co. Acenta for Johu Fowler & Co., Leeda. HS-tf LAI HE & Have a Large Mock ol the VERY BEST HAY, Grain, Stc. Which is offered at LOWEST LRKET PRICES AND Delivered Free to any part of the City - AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life, Insurance Co ; OF CALIFORNIA." Agents for the Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeds for California Telephone No Us 111-tf TELEPHONE 55 NTEEPEIS Y PLANING MILL. JZ3 ' Alakea. near Queen St. C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALVA i S OX HAND FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. 113-tf -TO THE LADIES- I CHI B AN. We beg to nilorm oar friends and customers that W3 have been appointed Sole Agent fcr this well known firm, and have much pleasnro in inviting inspection of our larfre and varied assortment of Japanese Goods, JISF'ORTED. Comprising the following: MBlSOIDKr.l MEK SCREENS Of the ttiost bejiutiftil colors; and ol astonishing ' bcfiNty-and- f BED SPREADS AN1 TABLE COVERS. Embroidered in Silk by JTapanetie. A LARGK VARIETY OF "7" A. & IBj & Of the Unrst porcelain, remarKublo lor uniqueness in rolor and sluipe. ALSO I'oreelain l'ljiires, Jnpanese Tea Sets Of the Finest China! Tete-n-Tete. SelM. Butter Dlshe, Ann Receivers, Silk Eanterns, Silk Kmbroidorcil Kimonos, EaMels. Carved Wootlen CnbinetM, Hand Sereenf Trays, Wall 1'ocltets, larasols,' Iaper 3Int, . . . Fan;, I'hototrrapli'i Of Japanese scenery, colored and plain. A Lare Selection 1 Jnpanese Uronze Jewelry, CONSISTING - OF u . . , Sleeve Ruttons. Chains, .. Scarf Ii ns, . Ac., Ac Also a variety of goods suitable for house decor ation. G. IV. HACFARLAKE & CO. us tr Mirrlees,' Watson & Co's Sugrar Machinery. wk"h"avi-: on'hand One Triple Effect, , : - x I r : One Double Effect, One Set ol" Four Centrif nsrals. Engine and Mixer, Spare Spindle, bushes, Ac, for . . ' Centrifujrals, ' : If : i I ' I : One 2GiniK.31iu 51111, with engine. ;rear iii, Cane anil IesaM4 Carriers , Complete, . - K l : i . t i One Spare Roller 2Gin.x5 liu. One Spare Intermediate M'heel for ' Hearing of S6in.x51in. Mill. One 6in.xlin. I)iaj;oual Euine, One pair Compound Boilers,lxl9f tOin. and 15ft.6iu. We have to arrive per "Varuna" in August, A set of two Centrif ng:al-4 and Mixer. One Centrifugal and Mixer for adding to existing; ct of Machines. Centrifugal Liniugd, Rubbers, Rclting aud Sugar-carryiug Rands and Rollers, Clar iners, Crab Winclies, Drilling- Ma chines, Flat Coolers, ' Tilting Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Filter Presses, Cane Top Cutters. Chain Blocks to lift 10. 20, 30 and 40" cwt. Glass Saccharometers graduated from 0 to 15 and from 15 to CO3 Baume Vacuum and Pressure Gauges, Ther mometers for Vacuum Tans, Hand Ther mometers, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Hammers and Files. Estimates Given for Ma chinery not in Stock. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Asents for Mirrlees, Watson & Co. Glasgow H7-tf CIO AV IN U & CO., "o. SI Xntianu'Street. PKALKRS IX Crockery, Glassware, AND CHINA, Now offer for sale at Reasonable Bates a choice .... variety of Tea Sets, Vases, Flower Pots, Birds, Banyan Trees. New and lieautiful Articles of the most Delicate Workmanship Just Received from Japan. r. O. Rox 259. llonolnln. 257 j.tll IUWAIUX lXYESTHEXT it ACEXCY CO., (Limited.) Money Eoaned on First Class Securi ties, for Ions or short peried. Apply to W. L. UKEKN, Msnajjer pro tem. Office on Queen St., over ( W. Macfarlane t Co. ips-tf i - DIAMOND JEWELRY Of, W. MACFAELANE & Co., Have received from Eontlou a spe cial consignment, which is now on 'iew, of LONDON MADE Diamond Jewelry or THE fewest and Most Recherche Patterus, consisting of Diamond, Ruby Emerald. Sapphire, Pearl, aud Other Vem ilingrs, BKEASTPINS. BANGLES end other Ornament all mounted in tine gold Also a splendid assortment of GOLD WATCHES, for ladies and gentlemen. Including some tine Minute Repeaters and Chro nographs, in heavy 15-carat sold cases ; some Beautifully Enameled Watches, iu hunting cases, or Ladies, and anassortment of fine Silvex Watches. Also, a very beaut. fill assortment of SILVER JEWELRY, of specially new design and matee. C-The liole consignment will be placed at CEITIONAI.LY LOW PRICES. 127tf- Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort Sc Hotel Streets. LIYEI1Y, BOAEDINGr, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at ail hours of the dry or night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Horses for JLadles aud Ueutlemen. unaranteed Senile. earrings Nos 3, 34, 46, 47, 4S, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53. Double and single teams always to be had ou iivery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained, oy apply ing at the office. The Loiiff Rrauch RathlnsT House can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the office. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 34. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 152tf FOIIEST MARKET. Corner Hotel and Union ."Streets, RRAXCH OF EUREKA MARKET. The undersigned will open this new market with the choicest beet, eal and mutton. Also Fresh Porte Sausagres made every day Rlood aud , Eiver Sausages and Ro Iosua a Specialty. . All orders promptly attended to. Respectfully, CiEO. I. SCIIRAERER. Forest Market, Telephone No. 385. Eureka Market, Telephone No 114. JSLapio CUE AM CA NDIES It. xVXoXii5rirv Importer & Home Manufacturer o CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 112 Fort St., Just above Hotel St. Has just made large additions to his establishment and is now orepared to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu public, and residents on the other Islands, the very finest of HOME-HIDE AM) IMPORTED CAXDIES, Of all descrii.tlons at very reduced Prices. Receives Fresh Candi3 by every arrival. He r Guarantees the purity of his goods. The CREAM l a. mt.-i ie u wmi mm, ana are J a specially with him, and are made by the best manufacturers in California, and received fresh by ! Soa Water, And all Kinds of ICED DRINKS. , , y , , . Jr! The best brand of choice CIGAR always on hand 112-tf NOTICE. THE AKNUAL MEETING OF THE fsHARE holdersof the Puuloa Sheep and Stock Ranch Company will be held at noon of the 29th of De cember at the counting room of Q. W. Macfarlane A Co., Honolulu. J. ROBRINS, Secretary. Honolulu, Dec. 23, 15SL 329 de25 G. J. WALL EE . 33 TJ TO HER. TO THE FRONT. A GREAT BOON TO THE Honolulu 3?nblic I Reef, Veal, Mutton, Porte and Fish kept for FOCU DAYS after being killed, by Bell Coleman's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guran teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH KILLED MEATS. -To be had in any of Mr. Waller's Market. Metropolitan Market, On King: Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAY. - City Market. On Xnuami St. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Market. At Flh Market. Hawaiian Market. On Manuakea St. Chinese Market, On Meek Street. BEEF AND PORK. BdirTb nking the public for past favors. I so licit a continuation ol the same. 148 tf G. J. WALLER. ONTARIO" NEVIlI.K & OO., SOLE AE3fTS, SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM AT ABAMA BOTTOM COTTON, FREE FROM SIZIXG : AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED The Beit and most Durable Sail Duck IN THE WORLD. For Sale in Honolulu. BEMEE SALOON. NO. 1 FOIIT STREET. Opposite Wilder fe Co.'sL H. J. Nolte, Propr. OPKN FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. U. : FIUST-CLA5S Ll'.YCIIES, COFFEE, TKi, S0I)1 TiTER, GLVGEB ALE, Oigrixi-js and Tobacco OF BEST BRANDS : Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant mmu i co, mum table on the Premises. The 1'ioprietor would be pleased to receive a cal om his Friends and the Public generally, who may desire a LUNCH. A SMOKE. OR A GAME OF BILUAKDS. I THE CASETJO AT THE PAR IS OPEN EVERY DAY. crTbe only Sea-Side Resort in the H tn sr clo m. II. J. XOIVTE, 62-tf G ANDY'S PATENT TING, Made from the Very Best Hard Wove Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & OCX, SOEE AOEXTS. SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST ; nw,Ain oci -r- J L W I V I tJ VJI C.L I t Xeither Heat or Dampness affects t tneni. They do not Stretch. Sfi-ongrer than Leather, Better thau Rubber, -, WILL OUTLAST BOTH. Por Sale in Honolulu. lii-tf my . . i ft'!0H FEED CO., Queen A Edinburgh Streets, WYOLESALS A KKTAIJC Dealers In) HAY AXD BAI3T, Telephone No, 173. Goods delivered promptly. Island Order Solicited. Mtf ! 'Baiacr. CThoreugfcbred. By Jack Maloue, he by Lexington. . 1st dam Ivy Lea , by imported Australian; 2nd dam, By Flower, by Lexington; 3rd dam. Bay Leaf, by Im ported Yorkshire; 4 th dam, Imported Maria Black by Fbllo da Putah, etc., etc. ; Bar.aar was bred at the great Woodburn Farm, near Lexiegtoa, Ky, by the late R. A. Alexander, and was sold to W. L. Prltcbard, of Sacramento, Cal., for $5,000. He stands 15'4 hands, weighs 1,065 lbs., and is a bright chestaut cot or. During bis racing career he downed many a favorite, and won many a hatful of money for bis owners, and proved himself pne of the greatest of horses over a distance, mosrof his races being at two and four miles. He baa already sired several col ta lu Call fornla that are winners, among which are Lizzia Dunbar, Young Bazaar, Sophia, and anothor called tbe Bvcaar Minerva colt, he being out o Minerva by Imported Leamington, the sire of Parole and Iroquois. Little Dunbar greatly . dis tinguished herself last year in her two year old form by defeating one of the largest fields of two year olds that ever started In California, among which were the two beautiful fillies brought here last eprfug by Mr. Aguew, distance, H mile; time, 1.04 SI the fastest on record for two-year "Iris at tbe distance. This year she has won several im portant events, and has proved herself to t a crack three-year-old. Bazaar has now been brought back to Honolulu, and will remain here the balance of this year, and breeders, horse owners, and stock raisers should avail themselves of the opportunity to obtain hte services while they have the chance. Terms, 840 .payable at time of service. The Imported Clydesdale Bullion DONALD DLVXIK. Jr.. will stand at the same time and place at $30 tor the season. He was bred in Canada, sired by Imported Donald Dlncie.and out of an Imported Clydesdale mare. He is a beauti ful dapple grey, 16 hands high, and weighs 14C0 lbs; is very active, and as line a large horse as could be found anywhere. Also, the fine large Imported Kentucky Jack SAMPSOX. This is one of tbe largest Jacks thatt we could find In California, and is an animal of immense bone: is a very sure breeder, and should be liberally patronized a;i be Is one vt the the very best animals of bis kind. Terms, $'SO for the season. Tbe public are cordially Invited to call and In spect the above animals. . . x MIEES BROS. proprietors. Marshfleld. Sept. 15. 18M. 138-tf ELITE" Ice Cream Parlors. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVINQ PUR chased the above well-known resort, take pleasure in Informing their patrons and the public generally that they intend to sustain the high, reputation of Hart Brothers' Ice Cream And solicit a continuation of the liberal patronage bestowed on their predecessors. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of Tbe Choicest .Imported Caudles, And New Htock received by every steamer. Also, a very fine collection of urlo, Sample Boxes of Shells, Corals And other specimens for parties visiting tbe Islands. t egrOrders for SUPPERS, WEDDINGS BALLS. PARTIES, ETC., left at the ELITE,' will receive prompt attention. Telephone 182. 91. TV, McCIIESXEY A SOX, . HOTEL STREET. HENRY HART, Manager. " H5 tf THE CURRENCY ACT. The New Gold Law. FEW COPIES OF THE TVEEKIjY 2jl Pacific Commercial Advertiser of the 29th July. 18S1, con tain ingr tbe FrLL TEXT of the Cnrreney Act,, can be had on application to the P. C. Advertiser Office. Price 25 cents each. Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER. Money to Loan o N GOOD PROPERTY SECVRITY, HTOCKJS uoiius, eic Appiy lo M. THOMP:JON, Attorney-at-Lawr, " Cor. Fort and Merchant tits., Honolulu, H.I. 230tf FOR SALE. TWO ENGLISH BULL TERRIER PUPS; 3 months eld. Apply by letter at ence W. B. 8TARKRY, .... , Rancb, KaT3 Sisal. Stallions at Maiifield PACIFIC i .. - .. Gommerciul Advcifcer UTEAM BOOK AND JOB . : r i y. FEINTING OFEICE H prepared to do all kinds af i t t Commercial Legal Vo.rk OOBBSCTLT AMD WITH DISrAlVC, Having just Received Completa wl Kiw ARgortment of ' i '1' Job Types andlOraanients A' ) . " 1 Of tbft Latest Styles, from tba most Cele brated Foundries of the Unitsd 8tateir and employing only Experienced ' ..,. . . , and Tssty Workmen, we ary, j . prepared to turn pnt '.::r;b ' . ..... .: .... l !P Eetter lleads,, -- ,;, v j Bill Heads. T-j- -i Circulars, .... Statemeals, , , . Bills ol S.tdlKjr, Contracts, MortirHr nl.nL. ..) 1 i , ; . rt , . ;;f) . . (til ,,! J Shipping Contractu.' u . " . .. .. (iu irawfliaa i:tnutil ' Calendars, BlauJc Cheeks, lit..-. i- i .- , . i.., J . . . . ) Bonds. Stock certificates, " '. ' t - ! ' r i i Business Cards. : f j3X?al Checks,,: ,y.w u " . . 1 fitllk Tickets; ou Orders, ..- 1 ' h-j-. i Jt -i 'i 'Receipts' :-r '! ''-i-' ' ).-. . .: ; 1 -ll ?. i;i Marrlajre Certificates, , , . ' -. . , L Diplomas, , -( .t yU '-.r "". Catalog-aaes, ,C-'f . '1 Blotting-Ids, Drnfcriclsf s lAhels, : ; n r Envelopes,! -' .-! n:Al uZl'j . ' i i ; t-S ' jg HhlppJiifir Receipts :! t ' " - 'i .i : ' ( Ball Programmes, , ,.;.; Theatre ProcraiuUM, And in fact everything which Mnt . Class Office can do., ., rt . ' : - i , ; i ' ; P. C. A. Job PrMiDOSce, E. C. Macfarlane & Co., t T Proorleters. Christmas - Kuinber or THE -i iv I '"Off ' 11 A CJrand and Realistic Plelnire ' ' it :.:-i - of the Burrtlnsr talie of Kilauea, BV Jt LES TAVERNIER, CHRISTMAS i Ins Sunsliine. :.and;):Shriow ! COLORED FRONTISPXECE FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATION OF CHRISTMAS " tOLiAtsi. ' ' ' ... i 5 Copies of the above fur Sale by 1 J. M; Oat, Jr., Ctf. .