Newspaper Page Text
i'AcMb COMMERCIAL AbVEliTiSEJR, AUGUST? 28, LlaCitt ! Editor!'. C. A. Sir: T.nt few of vour ! realers know the extent of the business ! now carried on in the South Sea Islands, or, I venture to say, that mijrht he carried on with a little assistance out of the port of Honolulu. If the Hawaiian Government would offer a reasonable bounty for every gallon of cocoanut oil shipped out of the country there might he parties willing to put up a machine for pressing the copra. The refuse from an oil mill is used in Europe as fodder, and is well known as oil cake. It is used quite extensively in this country, and would find a ready market at home, as well as a good portion of the oil. An assistance of 2,500 from the Government might in duce some company to start the enter prise. Yours, X. Y. Z. St. Andrew' Cathedral. The services at this church to-morrow, conducted by the Bishop of Honolulu, will be: Holy Communion, 6:30 a.m. Morning prayer, with sermon, at 9:30 a. m. Evensong, with catechetical ad drees by the Bishop of Honolulu, at t p. m. All seats are unappropriated. Second Congregation, Bev. Geo. Wal lace, pastor elect : Morning prayer, with sermon, 11:15 a. m. ; evening prayer, with sermon, 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. in the Punahou Pre paratory School building. Seats free at all services. The UnrtlHiid Assault Case. The two cases for an assault and bat tery on M. Gartland by Joseph Ryan and George Patterson, were both tried on the same evidence yesterday before Police Justice Bickerton. The testimony was long and uninteresting in the main, and the cases occupied the most of the day. At the conclusion of the evidence Justice Bickerton remanded the defend ants until the 30th instant for judgment. m ' At the JLyceum. The services to-morrow will be as fol lows : Sunday school at 9 :45 o'clock. Lesson: "Jesus comforting His Dis ciples" John 14:1-14. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., with preaching by E. C. Oggel, the pastor. The Fort street congregation will join in the eve ning service at the above place. A cordial invitation to these services is ex tended to old and young, and all will be made welcome. Itecentiou at liaimi. Her Excellency Lanihau, Governess of Kauai, was entertained by the residents of AVaimea, Kauai, last Saturday. A luau was given and a very enjoyable time was had. The following day Her Excellency attended the church, when she made an address. The church was filled with people. Domestic Produce Iteceipt. The following are the receipts of domestic products for the week ending Friday, August 27th: Sugar, 12,625 bags; paddy, 3,612 bags; rice 843 bags; wool, 70 bales; molasses, 198 barrels; salt, 100 bags; and 371 hides. 1 - Fort-Mtreet Church. There will be service at Fort-street Church Sunday morning 11a. m., con ducted by Rev. C. M. Hyde, I. I). In the evening the congregation will unite with the Bethel Church at the Lyceum. Val Ulatz Milwaukee lager beer holds the first premium over all competitors at the New Orleans Exposition. Bottled ex pressly for this climate. SDbcrtisfniciiis. NOTICE mHE UNDERSIGNED, ASSIGNEE OF THE -L bankrupt estate of J. F. McLaughlin, Is pre pared to receive bids for the purchase of the Honolulu Steam Laundry .with its appurtenances, up to MONDAY, the 13th of September. A. D. 1SJ6. The said bids are subject to the approval of the Supreme Court. The laundry is In good running order, and full particulars can be ob tained from the undersigned. The cost of the laundry was 87,00(1- W. C. PARKE, Assignee. Honolulu, August 25. 18S6. 1. : J' r -.Mi. w . !:-vuss2,. M : fcl! U h-::.i a. V4 Tti?Scutli St-a Ilnnl Trruiel f ; ' ' ' j Iff j K Vi--, ' , ' . : . Win. G. Irwin & Co OFFER FOR SALE Sugars. DRV GRANCLATEI In Barrels, Half Barrel. And 30-pound Boxes. CUBE la Half Barrels And 25-pound Boies. 1 OWiKRED- Xu 30-pound Boxes. GOLDEN C. (COFFEE) In Half Barrels And 3C-pound Boxes Teas. ENCiLIHU BREAKFAST J A PAN. OOLONU. POWCHON'U Soap. BLUE MOTTLE 1 J: t'AMILY LAUNDRY. Salmon. CASES 1-Jb TINS, CASES 2-a TINS HALF BARRELS. . KRKL-S. Flour. FAMILY' 'Jn quarter sacks), BAKER'S EXTRA 0i naif sacks), CasesSMedium Bread. Lime and Cement. MANILA A nd KISAL OOROAOE Keed's Felt Steam Pipe and Boiler Covering. 25 "A TENTH, (suitable for camp ing and surveying parties.) 113 J PACIFIC Commercial Atofei 8TEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE It prepared to do all kinds of Commercial & Legal Work COBuECTLY AND WITH DISPATCH. Having justt Beceivel a Complete and New Assortment of Job Types and Ornaments Of the Lateat Stvles, from tLe most Cele brated Foundries of the United States, and employing only Experienced and Taaty Workmen, we are prepared to turn out Letter HeU. IU1I IIealt. Circulars. Xote IIeRiM. StHteu.entH, Contract. 51or t jff " Hlauk), Leases, .SIiiliitr Contracts, (In Hawaiian A F.n&'.lth) Calendar. Itlank CtireUi. Stork CertitieatoH, Hnsiiies OariU. Meal Clieekt. Milk TiekelH. Fauk A lieek O rir. Reeeipts. larriatce Certiticatcw. lilloinaM, Catalogues. BlOltlllKT lal. Arnl in fact everything which a first-class olKce can do I FRANK CERTZ, pQilnuorter mi Manufacturer j Of all Descriptions of I BOOTS & SHOES CT Orders from the other Island? solicited. No, 11 1 Fort St., Honolulu -'o-Uwt torlisenunts Hyman I3ros., 39 Queen reel. Honolulu. ole aenw for W. Duke Sons A Co." celebrated brands of Cross Cut Smokintr Tobacco AND CAMEO CIGARETTES, The latter containing one bolder to every cigar ette, and therefore every smoker can keep bis hand clean. trAsweonly sell to the trade, protection of price is guaranteed. 300 oc'JO JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, 31 Alakea Street, Will furnlati estimates and make coutratts for any description of wood buildings. Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges as low as the lowest. 265 tf !E. E. Mayhew, CONTHACTOR AND BUILDER, SO Hotel Mreet, llouolulu. II 1., (Opposite Fushion iStables). P. O. HOX 315. BFXL TELEPHONE 53. All work in my line faithfully done. Plans and specifications Jobbing in all details done at shore notice. Good work and low charges is my motto. H4-dec5-85 INTER-ISIJIND Steam Navigation Co. (LIMITED.) STEAMER W. G. HALL, (M ALU LAN I,) BATES ....Comma nde Will run regular.' to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona and Kau, Hawaii. STEAMER IWALANI, FREEMAN Commanilc Will run regularly to Nawiliwlli, Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kauai. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, MACAl'LEV Commander Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukul baele, Honokaa and Paaubau, Hawaii. STEAMER JAMES MAKEE, WEI R Commander Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. T. K. FOSTER, President. J. Ena, Secretary. 73-ap"-ly WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO., JimlteI). STEAMER KINAU, (King, Conimaiiuei), Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule, touching at Laliaina, Maalaea, Makeua, Mahu kona, Kaw aihaeLiiupauoelioe. Ililo and Keauhou: Commencing on MONDAY. July 26, 1386, and on eveiy alternate Monday at 4 p. m., the Klnau will make tbe VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keau hou on Wednesday morning, where horses and carriMges are in wuiting to convey passengers to the VOiX'A.NA) HOUSE (live miles in the saddle and nine miles by carriage). Passengers by this route will have two days and two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSE. TICKETS FOR THE KOUNV) TRIP TO THE VOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYS ALL CHARGES. The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sunday mornings on Volcano trips. On ILlo trips, will leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with tbe Kinau at Mahukona The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia and Paaubau on down trips from Hilo for Passengers tf a signal is made from the shore. STEAMER LIKELIKE. (Lorenzen, Commander;, Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. u. tor Kt.unakakai. Kabul, niiluelo. Hana and Klpahulu. every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu every other w eek. Returning, will stop at the above ports, arriving back Saturday mornings. For mails and passengers only. STEAMER KILAUEA HOU, (Cameron. Commander). Will leave regularly for Ijibni?ia. Puiiuhau, Ko holaleie, Kukniau. Honoblna, Laupaboe hoe, HaValau and Ouoinea STEAMER MOKOLI1, (McGregor, Commander). Leaves for the follow ing ports every alternate Monday at 5 p. m.: Commencing Aneust 2 To 1 nai, Kamalo. Pu kno, Ihaina. OIowkIu. Iteturnlr.K to Labaina, I'ukoo, Kiimalo. Lanai, arriving at Honolulu Sat urday morning. Coniinencine August 9 To Kaurmkakal. Kama lo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Felekunu, Kalaupapa. Returning to Pukoo. Lalmina. Olowalu, Labulna, I'ukoo. Kamalo, Kaunakakai, arriving at Hono lulu Saturday morning. The Company will not be responsible for any freight or packiures unless receipted for, nor for personal bgace umess plainly marked. Not responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in charge of the Purser. All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, but the Company will not assume any risk of accident. SAM'L . WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen Btreeta. 69-ly Mar 30 H. E. Mclntyre & J3ro., IMl'OKTERS AND Dfc.Al.EKS IN Groceries) Provisions and. Feed EAST I'OKSER FORT AND KINO STREETS. New Uoods received by every packet from the Eastern atites and Eurupe. resh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attmded to. and Hoods delivered to any part of tlie city free of charge. Inland orders solicited. SaU4iw.'tin Kuranteed. Puto&ce B)z No. 145 Telephone 5fo. 92. Ta aplT NOW BEADY. 1888. Third Year TPIE HONOLULU ALMANAC AND DIRECTORY ! ILLUSTRATED. ) For the Year of Our Lord 18SG, Containing an Astronomical, Civil &Ecclesiastie'l Calend'r FOR THE Official and Business TOGETHER WITH- Eull Statistical and General Information RELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS, Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers to make this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. It will be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists, and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun tries. Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lates moment. Articles of special value to the Islands have Deen prepared by ex pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest in their condition and prospect abroad. El errantly Illustrated.. "EUREKA," "PAKAG0N" AM) "ItED CROSS 35 Cotton Rubber L.lnel fiee hose;, Rubber Hose, Hose Carts, H. and L. Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally. Square F!ux Packing, Rubber Facklng, etc., etc. Send (or circulars and prices. W. T. Y. SCIIEN'CK, 3fi California street. l5"Jfifeb23 87; San Francisco, Cal. LEW I & CO., Ill tort Street. Importer ami Iea!er In Staple and Fancy Groceries. FEESH GOODS By every steamer from California, .nd always on hand, a full and complete line of Provisions, Etc. Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box No. 297. GONSALYES & CO., Beaver Block -IMPORT Staple Groceries and Provisions. A full line of California and European WINES AND LTQUOE fConstantly on band. An invoice of GUINNESS' ALE AND STOUT Just reeeivtHl. f 322 aug29 H. S. CROCKER'S CO., 215, 217, 219, Bush street, 8an Franciso. Stationers, Printers, Litliograrliers AND Blank Book Manufacturers. jy23 TO PLAXTEItS. We have Just receive!, by the sn tuner ALA MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, For four am! five foot furnaces. complete with grate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of this make are now it. successful miration at Spreckelsviile, Makee iupar Company ani other plan talioiiH. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and further particulars ap ply to Wm. G. Invin & Co., 295t Agent. NOW READY. of Publication. 1886 YEAR AN- Directory of Honolulu -:o:- Honolulu, KKS OF 3m To the lJiblic. The Pacific Transfer Co., office w ith C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street. Hell Telephone 377. Miuuh. Telephone 391. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayare, l anlinsr or moving work, al! of wnlch I will jruai iintee to execute faithfully. 36 1y S. F. (J RAIT AM. Proprietor. N. CURRY & BROTHER, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS fN SHOT jruns. Rifles and Pistols, Colt Winchester, Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. RemidK ton. Sharps and Ballard Sporting Rifle. ARents for W. W. fJreener. Colt. Parker and, Remlntrion Breech-loading Double Ouns, Colt and Smith ft Wesson Pistols. N. Cl'RRY t BRO., 113 San sotue street, San Francisco Cal. 3Sfi-ly 3fc&trttsfnun!5. M. W. McCHESMY k SON HAVE RECEIVED May 8 tli Per Mariposa. 1.754 Packages ; May 2 2d-Per Alameda. 1.922 Packages : To Arrive Per Consuelo. 332 Packages, ASSOBTED GB0CEB1KS, WHICH "Will bo Sold ai the Lowest jVIavket 3rit-s. M. "W. McChesney & Son, 97-bjv22 ly 4'2 THE HONOLULU IKOxX WORKS CO. Have completed and oirer lr nle I lie IoIIomIiik llollei-H. vIki 1 PAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS rrX 1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. (i in. 1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also 1 Secoml-Haml Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft. s Apply to Tlie Honolulu Iron Works Co. 1876. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 1SS6. Draftsman, Builder and Contractor, 75 and 77 TCinp- Street, - - - K S T A It I, I y II K It 1 H 7 . Respectfully intimates to liis numerous l'atinnH and the Ueniilciitrt of Honolulu and itn vicinity, that he in prepared toHupply Detii!in, PIhiih, SpeeitieH tionw. etc., for buildings ot any kind or description at the most reanonable rated, coiuhiniiiir Kxeellenee or SInlerial, itli JomI M orkmHiiHliip. 9Ieclinnieal Skill. Aim CimstHiil riiI lerNiial Siier ImIoii. Without layintr claim to more than ordinary architectural skill, the many MANSIONS, VILLAS, COTTAGES and STORES around Honolulu, built and dt-Higned v hint, nmy speak favorably of bin taste and ability, and he is able to refer with pride and xatisfactioii to the continued and extended patronage, and recommendation of some of Honolulu' best and wealthiest Citizens and Merchants. Bell Telephone No. 275. iW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. SHELF HARDWAKC LOCKS, KNOBS, PADLOCKS, IIOUSK FUKNISIIIMi CJOODS, a full line of AGATE WARE, Eddy's & Jewett's Bdrigerators, Water Filters and Coolers. It-e Chests. Wliite MountHin Ice Creain Freezers, new pattern, Unt-y Ijiw n Mowers, Door Mats, Garden and ( JJarn ws, Axe, Jf .e, J'l k tmd Koi k Handles Hcx-liet und i'lunters' Hoes, a superior article. Cut-down Muskets, Ivwder, Shot und C s. Fence AVire and Sta)les. ManUa and Sisal Hope. The latest Novelties in I.anii Goods. The very hest and second grnde Kerosene Oils. Berry Bros. Furniture Varnish. For Mile at the lowest market rules hy the PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, (LIMITED), NureesHors to DIlIiiiKhntii A- 'o. and Nnmiiel JVolt. Foi-t Street, WILDER & CO., IMPORTERS AND UEAl.I-liS IK Lumber and. Coal, Doors, Nash and Blinds. Allkindsof F.rii.IKl'.S' IIAHDWAHE, Paints, Oils, Glacs, Matting Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement : STKKI. XAlI.s, ir.iuh supfrior to Iron, and eost hut littl more. I01-mv2-lv JOHN Stoves, ges sine Plumbing, Tin, Copper n hiiI 41 4)neeu Ktreel, Ilouululu. l-Ioiioliilu, Mutual Telephone o, 63. -:o:- H onolulu TsOTT 1! lIousekcepiiiK Goods. and Sheet Iron Work r "-.'.VI