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i 3 ! V PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1886. . - " . 3ac 6 i o 1 t. Meeting ofthe Trustee of (lie Queen S;vsji!al. A special meeting of the Hoard of Trus tees of the above institution was held yesterday morning at half-past 9 o'clock, in the rooms of the Chamber of Com merce, on Merchant street. The meet ing was called for the purpose of decid ing the question of the transfer of certain Hawaiian antiquities and curiosities left to the Trustees of the Queen's Hospital, under provision of the will of Her late Majesty the Dowager Queen Emma. The transfer proposed is to be made to the Hon. Charles R. liishop, who pro poses to establish a national museum. Mr. Kunuiakea, one of the heirs to the estate of Her Majesty the late Dowager Queen Ftnma, and a part claimant of the curiosities, has offered to transfer his interest in them to the Hon. Mr. BUhop, provided the Trustees of the Queen's Hospital will do the same. In consideration of these facts, the Trustees of the Queen's Hospital de cided, at the meeting yesterday, that they would make such transfer to the Hon. Mr. Bishop, for the purposes men tioned, on the condition that all the Ha waiian antiquities and relics left by the late Hon. Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop be likewise transferred to the museum. A JSrave I'olJeeman. Yesterday evening, shortly after 5 o'clock, Policeman No. 2G, Mr. Puaa hiwa, performed a brave action on Fort street, and probably averted a disaster. The circumstances were as follows: Mr. George M. Raupp, of the Germania Market, was getting into his brake in front of his shop, when his horse sud denly started on a dead run down Fort street without his driver. The street at the time was filled with hacks and bug gies, some of them containing women and children returning home. Police man Puaahiwa, who was coming up Fort street from King, saw the horse coming, ran into the middle of the street near Henry May & Co.'s store, and at the risk of his own life caught the frightened horse by the bit and succeeded in stop ing him after being dragged some dis tance. Mr. Puaahiwa received the full force of the collision on his body, though fortunately he escaped with a few severe brnises. Tour of Itatiai. Her Excellency L. Lanihau, Governess of the Island of Kauai, is engaged in making an official tour of that Island. Last Saturday Her Excellency was at Hanalei, where she was appropriately received and entertained at a grand luau given by the residents of that place. The Captain and officers of the steamer James Makee were present. After the luau an enjoyable concert was given. This week Her Excellency will visit Wainiha, and it is understood that the residents there will also entertain Her ExceTlency with a luau. The Gov ernessjf Kauai has been most enthusi astically received by the people of the Island wherever she has stopped. The Steam Lauudrj to be Sola. Messrs. E. P. Adams & Co. will sell, on the 25th of this month, the Honolulu Steam Laundry, by order of "W. C. Parke, assignee of the bankrupt estate of J. F. McLaughlin. The lease of the property upon which the laundry stands is for ten years, from February 1, 18S6. The laundry is in good working order, and can be examined at any time be fore the sale takes place. A schedule and other particulars are published in another column. torttsenunts PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE f s prepared to do all kinds of Commercial & Legal Work CORRECTLY AND WITH DISPATCH. Having just Received a Complete and New Assortment of Job Types and Ornaments Of the Latest Styles, from the most Cele brated Foundries of the United States, and employing only Experienced and Tasty Workmen, we are prepared to turn out letter Heal. Bill Head. Cireiiiarn. Xote Heads. StAtrn.enlH, Kills Ol IHtfHK, 'ou tract. MortjfBK Blanks, Leases, .Miipnlus Con tracts, (In Hawaiian fc EnglUh Calendar. Blank (hrkt. .Stock Certificates. Business Carilfe. .Ileal Cbeeks. 9111k Tickets, Bank Checks Orders. Receipts, iHarriaye Certificates. And in fact everything which a first-class office can do- 3&&(rtiscmtius. X-I. K. Mclntyre & 13ro., IMPORTERS AN') IF.ALKRW IN Groceriesj Provisions and Feed- EAST lOKNER FORT ANT KING STREETS. New Oooda received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, jresh California Produce by eery steamer. All orders fultbf oily attended to. and Goods delivered to any prt of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction (nir.ran:eed. Poioilice Box No. 15 Telephone No. 92. T6apl" LEWIS & CO., Ill t'vrt Street. Irniorters and Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. -:o:- FRESH GOODS By every steamer from California, anil always on hand, a full anil complete line of I3rovis oris, Etc- Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box No. 297. "EUREKA," "PAUAG0X" AND "RED CROSS Cotton Rubber Lined FIRE HOSE, Rubber Hose, Hose t arts, II. and I Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally. Square Flax Packing, Rubber Packing, etc., etc. Send for circulars and prices. W. T. Y. SCHENCK, 5tlfet'V!:j 87; San Francisco, Ckl. 36 California street. We G. Irwin & Co OJTFEIl FOR SALE WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO, Sugars. DRY (1BAXULATEH In Barrels, " naif Barrels, A nd 30-pound Muxes. CUBE In Half Barreis And 25-pound Boxes. 1 OWDKIiED In 30-pound Boxes. GOLDEN C. (COFFEE; In Half Barrels And .'iC-pouinl Union. Teas. Soap. BLUE MOTTLED: JKAMrLY LAUNDRY. Salmon. Case Corned Beef AND L.nnch Tongues. Flour. FAMILY '.In quarter sacks), BAKER'S EXTRA (li half sackai. Cs Medium Dread. ' Lubricating Oils. Lime and Cement. I.iuii tei. STEAMER KINAU, (King, Connuanuei). Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule, touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makviia, Mahu tfona, K awaibae Laupnboeliue. liilo and Keaubou: Commencing on MONDAY'. July 26, 18S8, and on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m., the Kinuu will make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keau bou on Wednesday morning, where horses and carriages are in wuiting to convey passengers to the VOLCANO HOUSE (five miles in the saddle and nine miles by carriage). Passengers by this route will have two days and two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSE. TICKETS FOR THE ROUN O TRIP TO THE VOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYS ALL CHARGES. The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu Sunday mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, will leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the Kinau at Mahukona The Kinau WILL TOCCH at Honokaia and Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengers if a signal is made from the shore. STEAMER LIKELIKE. iLorenzen, Commander.), Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. M. lor KbUiiakakui, Kahul, uiHuelo. Hana and Kipahulu. every week: Keanae, Mnkulau and Nuu every other week. Returning, will stop at the above ports, arriving back Saturday mornings. For mails and passengers only. STEAMER KILAUEA HOD, (Cameron, Commander), Will leave regularly for Lahainn, Paauhau, Ko holaleie, Ookala, Kukalau, Honohina, Lanpauoe hoe, Hakalaii and Onomea STEAMER MOKOLI1, (McGregor, Commander?, Leaves for the following ports every-alternate Monday at a p. ni.: Commencing August 2 To 1 ana!. Kamalo, Pu koo, Lahaina. Olowalu. Iteturnlng to Lahaina, Pukoo, Kamalo, Lanui, arriving at Honolulu Sat urday morning. Com.nencing Augusts To Kaunakakai, Kama lo. Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu, Kalaupapa, Returning to Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu, I-ahuina. Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakakai, arriving at Hono lulu Saturday morning. UalvnnUed Corrugate! Iron Koofins, 6, 7 and 8-foot lengths. RIDGING- MANILA And SISAL CORDAGE, BTbe Company will not be responsible for any freight or packages unless receipted for, nor for personal baggage uniess plainly marked. Not responsible for money or jewelry unless placed In charge of the Purser. AH possible care will be taken of Live Stock, but the Company will not assume any risk of accident. SAM'L t. WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets. fi-ly Mar 80 INTER-IS JAN D Steam Navigation Co. (LIMITED.) Seed's Felt Steam Pipe and Boiler Covering. 25 "A TENTH, (suitable for camp ing and surveying parties.) 11S J STEAMER V. G. HALL, (MALULANI.) BATES Comma nde Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Kona and Kau, Hawaii. STEAMER IWALANI, FREEMAN Commande Will run regularly to Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kntiai. ; JOHN COOK, STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, MACAULEV Commander HOUSe Camenter & Iillilder, Will rim regularly to Ilamoa. JtRiii. and Kukul 11 vjiiov v 1 - haele, Honokau and Paauhau. Hawaii. 31 Alakea Street, Will lurillWll rauijinirn mi ".: w v ,r. .v i any description of wood buildings. i Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction ! guaranteed. STEAMER JAMES MAKEE, WEIR Com ill an d er Will run regularly to Kapaa. Kauai. Charges as low as the lowest. 265 tf E. E. Mayhew, CONTKACTPK AND IU'ILDKII, 86 Hotel Street. Honolulu. II I. (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. O. HOX 3I.". BELL TELEPHONE 03. AH work In my line faithfully done. Plans and specUcatlons tnede. Jobbing In all details done at short notice. Good work and low charges Is my motto. 3fi-i-dec3-S5 T. R. FOSTER, President. J. Exa. Secretary. ?3-ap7-ly :. CUR BY & BROTHER, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SIIOT gims. Rilies and Pistols, Colt Winchester, Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Remlng ton, Sharps and Ballard sporting Rifles. Agents for W. W. Ureener. Colt, Parker and Remington Breech-loading Double Uuns, Colt and Smith & Wesson Pistols. N. CURRY & BRO., 113 San some street, San Francisco Cal. S86-ly FRAFJK GERTZ, PQiluprter anfi Manufacturer JJ Of all Descriptions of BOOTS SHOES reorders from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. .'0-tfwt iAtocrtistnunts. Tlie Hi Bred Mm Sta Kill SPECULxVTION, JR., Will stand forjthe Season of 18SC at the Hotel Stables, of nervice. ? . TERMS, $50, payable at the time Description : SPECULATION, JR., is a black horse, 15 i hands hitrh, and weighs about 1.0GO pounds. He has a small head, large full eyes, clean cut throttle, hatulome arched neck, strong oblique shoulders, great depth of chest, straight, strong back, smoothly coupled to Ions, HTnimetrically turned hip, a handsome croup, elegant flowing tail, powerfuljand well finished quarters, Ioiik, stroug joints, short in cannon bones and pasterns, and the best of feet. He is indeed a horse, of great beauty and rare symmetry of form ; is very stylish iu harness, an extra fast walker, a prompt driver, disposition perfect, and last, but not least, is very fast. Pedigree : ZZZ SPECULATION, JR., was bred by E. C. Gillispie of San Francisco, Cal., and was foaled in 1S78. He was sired by Colonel Sprtckels' celebrated trotting stallion Specula tion ; he by Rysdyk's Uambletonian, the greatest progenitor of trotters that ever lived. Speculation, Jr.'s, dam was sired by Easton's David Hill, the sire of Geo. Treat, record 2:25?i : also, liiack Swan, 2:28, and" a number of other fast ones. Speculation became very noted several years since as siring the two celebrated trotters, Oakland Maid, record 2:22, and Crown Point, 2:21, two as game trotters as are often seen on a race track. It is a fact worthy of note that the breeding of Speculation, Jr., is almost identical with that of the great champion trotting stallion Maxey Cobb, whose record of 2:13, made only last year, stands at the head of the list of all stallions. Maxey Cobb was by Happy Medium, he by Old Hanibletoiiiiin, and his dam was by Prince Nebo, sou of old Long Island Black Hawk. Speculation, Jr., by Speculation, he by Old Uambletonian, and his dam by Easton's David Hill, who was also a son of old Black Hawk, making them bred exactly in the same blood lines. This is a fact that should not be lost sight of by breeders, and to say that he will sire fast hoists, when coupled with good mares, would be superfluous, as if he should fail to do so it would bo t trictly against the law of Nature that like produces like, or the likeness, of some ancestor. SPECULATION, JR., in addition to his tine breeding and great individual excellence, is a fast and game trotter himself. He lias never been trained or prepared in any man ner, having been kept as a private roadster by.his owner, so that his speed is only purely natural and undeveloped. He was never iu but one race, and that was last year. His owner started him iu a matinee trot to see how he would behave in company. This was against the p.dvice of his friends, who stated that it was dollars to a rotten egg that lie would get the flag in his face iu short order ; but contrary to their expectations, aLd to the surprise of everyone, he went off and beat a large field of old seasoned campaigners with such ease, and apparently with such little effort, making a record of 2:36, that it im mediately stamped him as being nothing short of a trotting wonder, and making it doubly certain that, could he have had the advantage of the long continued, careful training from day to day, week to week, month to mouth and year to year, that is given the great turf performers, he would long ago have placed a sensational mark to his credit, perhaps equal to of his celebrated brother in blood, Maxey Cobb, whose untimely death early in the present year was so greatly deplored by all horsemen iu America. His owner, Mr. Cohufield of New York City, refused if CO, 000 for him a few days before his death. SPECULATION, JK., and Maxey Cobb are not the only horses of this famous Ham bletoniau and Black Hawk cross that have won distinction on the turf. Some years since there appeared at every meeting through the Grand Circuit in the East a little brown horse named Gloster, that literally swept everything before him. He would trot around on the extreme outside of a large field of horses the whole mile, and win with such ap parent ease that it was plain to everyone that he had several seconds of speed in reserve every time. At the end of the trotting season he had made a record of 2:17, won in a jog, and had earned the title of the trotting whirlwind of the East. Shortly after this he was suddenly taken sick with lung fever and died, and it was then that his owner, Mr. Goldsmith, unbosomed himself concerning him, and declared that if the horse had lived he would certainly have trotted a mile the next year iu two minutes, as there really seemed to be no limit to his wonderful speed. The whole country was then anxious to learn his breeding, which was as follows : By Volunteer, he by old Old Hambletonian, dam by Stockbridge Chief, son of Old Black Hawk, being identically the same combina tion of blood lines heretofore alluded to. A mare called Molly, by Old Black Hawk, pro duced by Old Hambletonian the two mares, Effie Deans, 2:25H, and Lottie, 2:28. In California we have another instance of the value of this cross in the two fast mares, Sister, record 2:21, and Huntress, 2:28 ?4, full sisters, their sire, Admiral, being by Volunteer, he by Hambletonian, their dam being by McCracken's Black Hawk, a son of he old original Black Hawk. These mares have a full sister (younger) called Nona S., that is said to be faster than either of them, and will no doubt be driven to a fast record soon. Their sire, Admiral, although bred to a great many fine mares of other blood, has never produced any other trotters with records. Other instances ci-uld be cited, but these are sufficient to establish the fact that horses possessing the blood lines of Speculation, Jr., stand at the head of the list as producers of extreme speed. For further particulars, apply to MILES & HAYLEY, Proprietors. Honolulu, September 1, 1886. 370 lm NOW READY. NOW READY. 1886. Third Year of Publication. 1886 THE: HONOLULU ALMANAC AND DIRECTORY ! (ILLUSTRATED.) For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'! Calend'r FOR THE YEAR AX- Official and Business Directory of Honolulu TOGETHER WITH Full Statistical and General Information RELATINGTO THE KAW'N ISLANDS, Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers to make this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. It will be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists, and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Couu tries. Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lates moment. Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex pert writers, which are well calculated to beet ijreat interest in their condition and prospect abroad. Elegantly Illustrated. H. S. CEOCKEE & CO., 2LV217, 219, Eush street, San Franciso. Stationers, Printers, Lithographers AND Blank Book Manufacturers. jj-23 3na M. W. MeCHESNEY k HAVE P.I.CKIVKD 'i May 8tlx Per Mariposa. 1,754 Packages ; May 22d-Per Alameda, 1,922 Packages : To Arrive Per Coiisuelo, 332 Packagrs. ASSOBTED GE0CEE1ES, .WHICH Will be Sold at the Lowest Market I :Mos, M:. W. McChesney Son, 97-iuy22 1y 12 and -14 Qun Street, Honolulu. THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. JInve 4-ouiiltel ami ollVr lor snle 111 following- IloilTH. via: ' 1 PAIK COMPOUND STEEL POILEI.S 1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. 6 in. 1 Combination Steel Poiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also 1 Second-Hand Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft. Apply to The Honolulu Iron Works Co. 1S76. GEO. AV. LINCOLN, 1386. Draftsman. Builder and Contractor, 75 and 77 Kinp- Street, - Honolulu, K N T A It I, I !" II K 1 I H 7 . : ;- Respectfully intimates to his numerous Piiticns ami tin- i:eniileutuof Honolulu mid its vicinity, that he is prepared tosnpply DeKiim, l'l.uih, SpooififiUioim. etc., for buildings of any kind or description at the most reasonable rates, combining Excellence of Material, with (iooil Workmanship. Mechanical 'Skill, Ami 'onwtaiit mimI IeroiiRl Kiiprrvitiou. Without, layinpr claim to more than ordinary aichheefural skill, the many MANSIONS, VILLAS. COTTAGES and STORES around Honolulu, built and designed l.v him, inaT speak favorably of his taste and ability, and lie is Mis to refer with pride and satisfaction to the continued and extended patronage, and recommendation of some ot Honolulu's best and wealthiest Citizens and Merchants. Bell Telephone Xo. 275. Mutual Telephone Xo. :. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. -:o:- SHELF fTARDWAJil-; LOCKS, KNOl.S, PADLOCKS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, a full lim" of AGATE WARE, Eddv's it Jewett's Refrigerators, Water Filters and Coolers. Ice cli. sts, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, new Pattern. Kkh' Iak pV'nt7r,.K'r Wate-"""' ""1 Arrows, Axe, H.,e, 1 i, k ol Km k I landleN. Kn-Li, Z, Planters' Hoph, a superior article. ut-lown Muskets, IV.wiW-r. NIm.i ami t'ais. Fence Wire and Staples. Manila and Sisal Rope. The latest Novelties iu Lump (;m1h. The very t.eM and seeond grade. Kerosene Oils. Kerry liros. Furniture Varnish. For sale at the lowest market rates by the PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, (LIMITED), Successor to nilliiiffham Ar 'o. anil .SHinuel Xott. - : H onolulu Port Street WILDER te CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Lumber and. Coal, Doora, Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BCU.DKl'.s' HAKDWAItK, Paints, Oils, GIhmi, Mattln Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement: STKKL NAII.S. much superior to Iron, and cost hut little more. 101-mv2-ly J O II JNT NOT T, r Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Jron Work J ; v ' r ' ml 0