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PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. OCTOBER 10, 1886. 44 1 J i 1 : M I : . ! 1 1 , it )': : i t. ; i ! : l V THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISHED EVERY MOUSING. TERMS OF .Nl'nM If 1 f'TIO.Y, Per tooum aU months Pr aio&th c 3 00 .",1; rSuborJitiunt I'ajable Alunilii Advance. Cotd tu jnientlous f rra all parlH o( the KiiiSfdoui wlU aJwys be very acceptable. Persona reidln lii toy part & the Un'teJ btats van the amount of sc.bsciiptiou fluff t,y Post Office ruoDey order. Mattr Intended for pur.JifaUon in the editorial columns should he adlressed to EtiITOB PaCHIU COMMKKOIAI. AIiVERTISEK,' Business coniinuiilcatiorj an J uti Vf-r:ist'iiinrs anould b addressed s.rnply ' I. C. ADVKRriSKH," And Dot to Individuals rn Tr t: Pacific .Coiiiniercial Advertiser a now for sale DaILV at the Fo llt.ii In J'lacr.H ; J. M. OAT 4 CO CaVSTALSOlJA WDItKS.... T. O. THRUM Merchant street ...Hotel street Fort str-et Five OiiN er i'iy- TUESDAY October l!fth. PROHIBITION AND TEMPERANCE. Francis Murphy, the "Gospel temjir ance" reformer, lias taken the Prohibi tion party to tak very severely for in terfering with his work at Younstow n, Ohio. He utterly condemned drawing the temjM'rance movement into politics, and declared that despite the strict pro hibition law of Maine for so many years, a great deal of whisky is drunk there, and that it was as easy to get a diink in Iowa or Kansas as it was in any non prohibition State. Temperance was a personal matter, and had nothing to do with politics. "Prohibition," he said, "never accomplished anything:. It never made a man pober or a home happy. I'y its fruits fchall ye know it. Pay no at tention to the man who says : 'Elect me and I'll pass a law, and if yon don't obey it I'll put you in jail.' Make your own prohibitory law. Extend your fellow ship to your neighbor and help him. Try love, not law. Laws can't make a man sober. Try moral suasion, not force. When a ' 'man who has taken the pledge falls, help him up and stand by him; suck to him. Nothing can make man yafe from drink except Jod and his own will'. Why, up in Sing Sing Prison, with in the walls of a penitentiary, the strong hold of the law, a convict came out the other day who had found a way of mak ing whisky out of the peelings of iota toes and turnips and apples and the re fuse of the table, and he had actually made thousands of dollars peddling whisky under the very nose of the law. Prohibition don't prevent it." This has the ring of the sound metal. It is the opinion of a man who tinder stands what he is talking about, and who is also in earnest. Temperance re form ia Francis Murphy's life work, and he is not enamored of political temperance movements. They simply bring dis credit upon the good work, which should be one of moral suasion and social influ ence. Should the Prohibitionists of the United States iersit in a distinct or ganization, or attempt to dictate to either of the great political parties, they will antagonize many friends of temper, ance and postpone the great reform now in progress in America. REVIEW. SalnumW A Xovel. Saxon & Co., of London and New York, have recently published an Eng lish translation of Gustave Flaubert's famous historical novel, "Salaumbo." The original, written over twenty years ago, earned for its traveled and erudite author the title of the founder of the modern school of French realistic and naturalistic literature, a style which bolder and less scrupulous hands, play ing upon the chords of the inherent im moral life of man, have broadened and debased into passionate and sensualist ic license. It is creditable to M. French Sheldon, the translator, that he has succeeded in . reproducing, in a hitherto considered untranslatable work, to a very great ex tent the true spirit of the original, its studied sentences and almost its lyric rythm and oriental coloring. n his part it has evidently been a conscien tious effort. To the minds of the majority of Eng- 11SI1 rcauri rr, ..ii.iu;m'o win appear coarsely brutal in its realistic de scriptions of bloody warfare, barbaric cruelty, demoniacal rapine, ravage and debauchery, with the more n lined and far more interesting works of Kingsley"? "Hypatia" and Eulwcr's "Lat Days of Pompeii." To the aivhaologist and the poet, to the playwright and the artist, it will continue to be, as it has been ia the past, a perfect treasure house of ripened student lore and inspiring sug gestions. It is a great poem, in w hich morality has but a secondary consideration , and it is one written by a master hand. It deals with the era when Canhage was struggling for existence against the attacks of the barbarians and mercenaries, and the 1 jrcat Ilannikd was 1ut ;i l-oy. His father, Haini!(ir IJarca, in the leading fiuro, and SaIaurnlo, Hamilrar's daughter the heroine, whilt Mathu, the leader of the harharian ho.-t, is the tragedy hero. To those who have not forgotten the history of this very extit inir period of the world's ae, and can read with interest the details of the bloody and cruel sacrificial rites of Moloch, Eaal and the ancient cults, .and are not easily nauseated with Ucnp tions of slaughter and lust, the story will be found .sujerb in its word painting and fascinating in its diab'ery. It is not a book, however, which should be put into the hands of younjr eoile. SESSIONAL STATISTICS. Honk fioneby Hie J.ejslatj e Assem bly, Session of 1S0. The Eegi.-lative Assembly of 18-m;, which was brought to a close on Satur day, stands as the longest on record. It opened at noon, April .0th, and has been in session five and a half months, the actual number of days during which It was sitting being one hundred and twenty-nine. A recess of fourteen days was taken during the session. On July 1st there was a change of Ministry, and again on October ICth, threedays before the session closed. The actual tinue the House sat was 4'.; hours aud 50 minutes. The number of petitions presented was Mil . Reports of standing committees, L'10. lieports of select and special commit tees, I0- Resolutions" presented, 201. lulls introduced, 177. Hills approved, ol. Bills vetoed, 11. The number of columns of minion tyje printed in this paper of the proceedings was 0S5. As a column measures 21 inches, this would give 225 yards of printed matter, which, if laid out, would reach from this office to very near the Government building. The total number of "ems'' printed was 2,loS,070, which would make nearly five million letters. So j mi s snooting- Case. In the Supreme Court yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock the case of the King vs. Soyung, assault with a deadly weapon, to-wit, a pistol, was heard before Mr. Justice Preston and a foreign jury. It was an apical from the Police Court, where the defendant was found guilty and sentenced to six months' imprison ment. The following )iry was sworn: Henry Waterhouse, F. Gertz, J. A. Ken nedy, L. C. Abies, H. W. Nicoll, J. A. Clunie, A. Gartenborg. T. Lindsay, F. Lewis, G. P. Castle, A. Ehlors and J. W. Hingley. Major Kosa appeared for the Crown, and Hon. Paul Neumann for defendant. The evidence was quite lengthy, and the case was not given to the jury until 7:45 o'clock in the evening. At 9 :20 Mr. Justice Preston called the jury in and asked them if they had agreed upon a verdict, which, was answered in the negative. They were sent out again, but returned - at 10 o'clock, when Mr. Waterhouse, the foreman, said they were unable to agree to a verdict. His Honor discharged them. For a long time they stood G to (, and the final bal lot was 7 for acquittal and 5 for convic tion. In our "By Authority" column it will be seen that His Majesty the King has been pleased to appoint Her Excellency Ululani, Governess of Hawaii, vice H. E. II. Princess Poomaikelani, resigned; and Frederick Wundenburg, Esq., Post master General of the Kingdom, vice Hon. J j. A holo, resigned. The new Gov erness of Hawaii is the wife of Major John T. Eaker. Her Excellency A. Lanihau, Gov erness of Kauai, has apjointed Jacob Kulu, Esq., to be District Justice for Eihue, Kauai, and S. It. Hapuku, Esq., to be Deputy District Justice for the same district, in accordance with section &23 of the Civil Code. Suit in Admiralty. On July 19th the Pacific Navigation Company, owners of the steamer James I. Dowsett, filed a suit in admiralty for $25.t)00 damages against S. C. Allen, owner of the schooner Moi Wahine. The two vessels came into collision June 29th, the Dowsett In-ing sunk. Yester day S. C. Allen filed a cross bill against the Pacific Navigation Company, in which he states that the damages received by the schooner in the collision have deteriorated her value. Chief Justice Judd ordered next Monday as the day for filing answer. Messrs. Paul Neumann, Whiting and Creighton for the Pacific Navigation Company, and Kinney & Pe terson for S. C. Allen. r.rraklaHt ut the IalH-p. j On Monday morning His Ma jest v the j King gave a breakfast at Iolani Palace, in honor of Mrs. J. A. do Saucedo, of Acapulco, mother of Mrs. Paul Neumann. ! In addition to the ltoyal host anil his j guest there were present: Her Majesty! the Queen, Hon. and Mrs. Paul Neu- j mann, Major W. H. Cornwall. Quarter- ! master General S. Nowlein and Major I Bendel. The ltoyal Hawaiian Hand was i stationed in the Pavilion and plaved a ; selection of music. i INynI llt'i) irlurp. Her Royal Ilighnoss the Princess Liliuokalani left by 4the steamer Like- j like ye-terday for a sh.-rt visit to Wai- ! luku, Maui. His Majesty the King, His j Majesty's Ministers, His Excellency j Governor C. P. Iaukea, Quartermaster j General Nowlein and Major J. D. Holt were on the wharf to see the Princess off, j LOCAL AND GENERAL. Two tott.-ig are advertised to let. No more baud concerts for two weeks. j Martinelli's cider i.i absolutely pure. j The planters meet again at f o'clock thij J morning. j Dr. Robert McKibbin lo-t a valuable horse ye-terdiy, from colic. Read advertisement of cider. Martinelli's George Giendon will be sentenced at 10 o'clock this morning. The barkentine George C. Perkins brought 200 hogs ye-terday. Martinelli's cider is the best and purest ; in a d1. The Hons. J. W. Kalua, Dr. Wight and F. Pahia left for their homes yesterday. The Kinau took a large number of pas sengers to Maui and Hawaii yesterday. The book of the season. The Hojroi.rt almanac and Directory r'R 158.5. Price, 50 cents. Undressed kid love. ladies' underwear pink, w hite, cream and blue cashmere just received by last steamer, at C. J. Fbhel's. The attention of the Road Supervisor is called to the state of the road at the corner of Merchant and Alakea streets. Over fifty thousand bricks were received by the barkentine George C. Terkins yes terday from San Francisco. General J. O. Dominis and His Excel lency It. H. Raker, Governor of Maui, left ye(i-rday by the Kinau for Lahaina. Mr. John T. Dare may be found at any tiiue at his office, over Messrs. Wni. G. Irwin iV. Co., Fort street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halstead of Waia lua are registered at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Mr. W. C. Sproul has removed from Queen street to Fort street, opposite W. G. Irwin tfc Co., where he will shortly open a new line of goods. The attendance at the annual meeting of the Planters' L. it S. Co. yesterday was not large, but upwards of 12,00 shares were represented. "The proprietors of the Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky submit it for analysis to an' intelligent chemist, and challenge the dis covery of fusel oil or any adulteration." Dr. Clinton A. 8age, M. D.. Pekin, N. Y. writes: "I have been prescribing Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky and find it adapted to cases requiring a pure alcoholic stimu lant." The members of the Royal Hawaiian Rand w ill enjoy a well-earned vacation of two weeks. Bandmaster Berger left for Mana. Hawaii, yesterday by the steamer Kinau. A covered buggy, set of single and double harness, the well-known carriage horse Uothair, and a thoroughbred milch tow are ottered for sale. See advertise ment in another column. Mr. J. E. Wiseman left for .San Francisco yesterday by the W. S. Rowne. Mr. J. II. Fisher will act for him under full power of attorney, and Mr. H. Armitage will con duct his business. The prisoner who assaulted the young girl at Lihue. Kauai, about two weeks ago has been sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment at hard labor, to commence at the expiration of his present sentence. "The Planters' Monthly" is to be in creased to double its present size, and Mr. Whitney of the "Gazette" Publishing Company is to be the editor, in the place of Mr. Thurston. A valuable carriage horse belonging to Mr. W. L. Green died last Friday, from the effects of an accident. The shafts of an express wagon, driven by a careless China Hian, struck the animal in the side, mak ing a bad wound, from which it died 24 hours later. The question of the continued existence of the Planters' L. & S. Company did not come up for consideration yesterday. The question originated with the Treasurer, who experienced a difficulty in getting in the assessments from the members. No book ever published contains so much reliable and valuable information regard ing the Hawaiian Islands in such small compass as the Honolulu Almanac and Directory. 1880. Prije. 50 cents. West, Dow & Co. have received, ex S. S. Australia, music instruction books, folios of music, baby carriages, whisk brooms, diamond hat rack?, wagons, small slates, rustic frames, lunch baskets, etc.. etc. Messr.-. Wing On Wo fc Co., of Mauna, kea street. be leave to notify the public that they have just received a large quan tity of XXX and other choice brands of Manila cigars, of the beat quality, for sale at moderate prices. WW Absolutely Pure. This powdT nov, r -arie. A mam 1 of purity, rtren;rth nvA v hokomenes. More economitaJ than thacrdir.arv i,a:i(i cannot lesoki in com-pt-titioi vith the multitude of low'test, short weurht,aluinorj?iospLateiviW'ii.'rs. Sot-DOSLYCf cm Kotv- Eiiiva i'uwtfcit Co.. lad Walit V S-wtf jjl ''l i( R 0YAL i 3cNJ J Si 3toUiscmcMs. ENGELBRECHT'S rf - - m-i pirrai.inr dollar a worth, by the box, or even a thousand at a EiNGELBEECHT, SON & CO., Manurat'ttirfrH, 21 First Street, 10." ENTIRE jSW STOCK HVS ARRIVED Am NOW BEING OPENED -AT- The Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort Street jST. S. SACHS. PTOprietoi-. Look Out lor tlie OPENING DAY, To be announced shortly. tyMR.S. M ELLIS' dressmaking establishment QU ARTE ELY Campbell's Block, Merchant Street, Honolulu. ESTABLISHED 187. Books and accounts and collections attended to promptly. Bell Telephone 173. P. O. Box 315. Mutual Telepliuue 372. LEW IS & CO., Ill Fort Street. Importer and Dealer iu Staple and Fancy Grrocexdes. -:o:- FEESH GOODS By every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of Provisions, Etc. ICtc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box No. 207. OPENING OF -AND VEEY LCYY PRICKS, -AT- B. E. EHLEES & CO. WANTED. V PLACE WANTED BY A JAPANESE AS walteror driver. Apply to Nippu Company Japaiie Store. Fort street. 163-octJS TO LET. A FURNISHED UOC9E, COMPLETE FOR tousekepin. Will be let cheap. Cen trally located. Possession given l.y the end of to mouth. For further particulars apply at this effice, r to 3, E, Wiseman, Bustne Agent. . Jta. k,,v ',',,. oi r v a nr.ia. Amy lliriU tt TO 11 CUU aDOra,A tiin. It is avta money. Sa.ii Francisco, Cal. mel2'.l Honolulu, -:o:- on the premises. BUSINESS NEW GOODS, AT W. II. ALDRICII, Oenernl BtiHiueHH Agent, Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Qiieen st., where he will attend to any business entrusted to his care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY. Orders foi milk rpeotfully solicited, aud prompt attention given to the" delivery of tL New Photograph Rooms. OVER NICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREET, next the Shooting Gallery. Plcturen, Port raits and Views. First-class work. Satiifactloa guaranteed. lltapi . A. OONSALVES. ! The undersigned offer for sa.1. t 1 WHITE WINES, ANGELICA, CLARET, MADE EI A, PORTS, SHERRIES, .i. HOCK, MUSCAT (sweet and dry), MALAGA, CHAMPAGNE, CATAWBY, TOKAY, ZINFANDEL, KE1SLING, ETC., ETC., ETC. FREETH 1. O. Box SOI. ' ust rceeived, ex Lapwing, a large consignment ot Genuine German Cologne Prepared by Johann Maria Farina, Geffeimki' deni Juliclis HOLLISTER & CO., CHAS. J. FISHEL. Great Reductions in all Departments, To make room for a large and varied assortment of goods, suitable for the celebration of No vember 16th, to arrive witu Chaa. J. t'isbel on the steamship Alameda on October SStlT. THE (J. I. FHKETII. FREETPI & Wholesale Wine ttntl Q-S !rSTuuinu street Sole agenta for J. J. Melcher'.s " lsweetened, pure old P R A N I ) Y only y. V . Smith & Co.'s nnsw Hv THISTLEDEW WHISKY, We offer for sale at reduced figures, a large and well assorted stock of ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bond or duty paid. I O. Box 504. 373 DAVIS & WILDER, Importers and Dealers in Staple aiil I'auc.v Ororerie. Iroluee, I'ruv sion aul Feed. UNTo. 52 Fort street. Particular attention is called to the fact that all goods in our line are WARRANTED FRESH and of choice quality. All importations are so regulated as to avoid accumulations of old stock. FHESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND Ice House Delicacies Received by every steamer from Su Francisco, embracing all varieties the market affords. WOODLAWN DAIRY Bl'TTEK, in Mb bricks, and other choice Island Rutter, alway, on Land Paily deliveries to all parts of the city, Waikiki and the valley. 5 nana. Iiotli Telephone?, 'o. ISO. HERE WE COME -With the fin pt Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Ever brought to these Islands, and which we will nell at the following LOW PRICKS: 100 dozen Boys?' Wool Suits, per suit $2 50 upwards. 100 dozen Boys' Jersey Suits, per nuit $2 50 upward. 75 dozen Meii's Fiue Business Suits, per suit $5 upwards 75 dozen .Men's Fine AII-Vm.oI Suits, per suit .9 upwards' 50 dozen Men' Fine Black Dn.Mtj Suits, extra value, per imit $18 upwards. 100 dozen Men orkinpr Punts. t'Hirl nr.wnr.ij AIho, an txtra fine line of Men's and Bovk SHOES. 1K) dozen Lnlaundried SLirts, per piece 50c upwards. 100 Men's Fine Undershirts, per piece 50c upwards. 100 dozen Kfn'n Fine W'Jiite Dress Sdirfs, per piece 51 25 upwards. 100 dozen Men's All-Wool Working Sl.irts, per piece $1 50 upwards. 50 dozen Men's Straw Hats, per piece "73 upwards. 75 dozen Boyg' Straw Hats, per piece 50c to 51 50. We are confident these pii -es will satisfy tlie most exacting. We onlv advertise what we mean ! Any unsatisfactory f.rri le may be returned ami the money will be cheerfully refunded. KemeuiLer ti e BI.UL' FBOXT, corner Merchant and F.ort Btreeti. EA.GrA.Ts 363 tf & PEACOCK. Tflepliou" o. 4U. - Plafz Cokiie, Germany lOO Iort Street. LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE. W. C. PEACOCK. PEACOCK, .Sjtirif .Tlercliniil. Honolulu, H. I. -:o:- ELEPHANT" GIN, Pellisson's nncolored, two qualities shipiod, 7 find 10 vear.s old. Telephone No. 216. 302tf TO THE FRONT custom-made- &: OO.'S, 1 i t i - I 1 1 ' S