Newspaper Page Text
PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 30, 1686. BY AliTUOiUTY. ft t v ' - Foreign Office, December 2'J, 1S56. Ttiiu day tad audience of the Kirn;: A. jSCUAEFLK, LCQ., Consul for Italy; Cap tain LCIS A. GONI, Cumuiaudiug tho Chilean mnu-of-war "Pileoinayo." Commander VALEN- SL'KLA. Lieutenant A. CUVEAS, E. T. GAIiXN, JUAN WILLIAMS and A. I. ErfPINOSA, aud Midshipman Jt'AS. B. flLItt'I, ofScera of t'ie filcomayo." To which audience Mr. Scbaefer was intro duced by Hid Ex. Uou. Walter M. Gibson, Minis ter of Foreign Affairs; Captain Goni was intro duced by -Mr. Scl.atfer, at.d ui3 otlicera by Cap Ui u (ioiii. Ills Majdty was attended by Hon. A. S. Cleg Lorn, His Ex. Hon. Walter M. Gibson, General the lion. Curtin P. laukea, Hi .Majesty's Cham berlain; Captain Samuel Nowleiu, Adjutant Gfeneral of the Forces, and Majors A. B. llayley, Samuel Parker, W. H. Cornwell aud LumaUeihei of His Majesty's Staff. 2d2ltd4w DAVID DAYTON has this day been appointed Police and Di strict JuJye for the District of Ho nolulu, Island of Oahu. CURTIS P. IAL'KEA, Governor of Oahu. Governor's Otlice, December 24, 1S8G. alltd4W Her Maiestv the Oueen will liold a Reception at Tolani Palace on Friday next, the 31st December, between the hours of 11 a. in. to 2 p. rn. CURTIS P. IAUKKA, II. M.'s Chamberlain. Chamberlain's Olliee, December 2Sth, 188G. Vi'i dec31 Tcii1ts ante it. Tender will be received at the Interior Office until 12 o'clock noon January i, 1887, for the construction of a shed at the Kerosene Ware house. Ilomolulu. Specifications for 1 he above work can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of Publ'c Works. L. AUOLO, Minister of Interior. Honolulu, lecewber 29, 18S0. 3H0janl I)tItrt iiK'iit of" Interior. Friday. December 31st, being the anuiverary of the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, all Government offices throughout the Kingdom will be closed on that duy. L. AUOLO, Mi maier of Interior. Interior office, December 17, 6W 33dAwdec:il Tax 'llTtor 'olio. The Tax Collector will commence collecting taxes in the district of llilo. Island of Hawaii, at the following places: Kuniaee to Ool;ala. at the North Hila Court House, Laupuhoel.oe. From Jlakalau to Kta-aha, at the Court House in Hilo Town. On su-ar i lantatious taxes will be c ollected at 4V,,m,... f if Mi.ective t laTitatiou. otlce t 1. V VV I . V . -" . V - - I m Will be given l.eloiehaud to managers by the Tat Collector, or by his order, what day- he should call to colled tuxes. F. PAHIA, Tax Collector of Hilo, Hawaii. Hilo.Dec. mber 1, 18H. diwtf All water rates due on term ending June 30, 1887, must be paid at the office of the Honolulu Water Works before the l.'.th day of January 1S87. All rates remaining unpaid January 15, 1K87 will be subject to an additional 10 per cent Parties paying rates will present their last re cetpt. CIIAS. B. WILSON, Superintendent Honolulu Water Works. Approved: L. AUOLO, Minister of Interior. Honolulu, December 4, lSSG. PORT OF HONOLULU, II. 1. A Kit I VA1.S. Wednesday. December 29. Btmr Waimiualo, from Koolau MchrHaleakala. from Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii Schr Rob Roy, from Kooiau, Oahu Schr Mile Morris, from Ewa itiMjtrinti. Wednesday. December 29. Stmr lwalani. Freeman, Kauai, at 5 p m Stmr Lehua. Clark, for Hamakua, ai 5 p m Stmr Waialeale. Weir, lor Hamakua, Hawaii, Shekels. E P Drew, for SaA,arkSen.J C M Winding, for Han Vrauciscu, at 10 a m .,,.. Schr Jennie Walker, Anderson, for Faulting s Island . Schr Kaulilua, for waiaiua Scnr Moi Wahi ne. Staple, tor Hamakua, waii Sihr Liholiho, for Kau, Hawaii Schr Emma, for Kauai Schr Ehukai, for Waialna Schr Caterina, for Kohala, l.awau Schr Mokuola. for Ewa Ha- Sclir Josephine, for Ewa VeelH l,vluir T-1'J'. Stmr Walmaualo, for Koolau . Am bark Nellie May, A Austin, for Puet Sound Schr Ilaleakala, for Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii Schr Rob Roy, for Ewa Schr Mile Morris, for, Ewa YesxelH in Port I'ruui Foreign Ports. Am bktne Mary Winkelmau, Cbas Rackus, from San Francisco Am bark Saranac. 1) B Shaw, from ?ew ork Haw bark Star of Devon, A Lovell. from tan ning's Inland .. Am ship Mercurv, from Newcastle, N S W mbktue WH 'Dimond, from San rrancisoo Am bktne Eureka, H .Meyer, from San trau- CISCO Am bktne Ella, E C Rust, from San Francisco Am bktne Wrestler, C Schnauer, Troiii ew- Anf'bk'ue Amelia, Win Newhall, from Port Towuseuil, via Hilo, Hawaii Am tern W S llownr, A U Paul, from San rChHiaa corvette Pilcoinayo, L A Goni, from Vali. iraiO, via Easter Island A,.: bk Man!: Davis, F M Benson, from Boston W.i- r.Xi'rrte.i rriuii Fore is n i'or:s. frit lark Gleugaber. Rolleston, from laver- ll.ixv svhr Geueral Siegel, Sanders, from i rriicti triK.ite Si. oals, due OV 20-341 tier '..ark lljdra, iron, llungkout,', due Decem- Geiniau bark Hercules, Scbaefer, sailed from . Liverpool October 9th, clue Februai y 20-28 Uawu schr Malolo, J U Holland, from Mant hiki. via Eanuing's Island, due December l-11 Am schr Anna, Roberisou, from San liancisco, , due at Kahulni. Maui, December 2o-31 j Am bktne Planter, W R Peirimau, from Sau Francisco, due December 2r-;il j Am bark Caibarien, O A Perkins, trom Sau ( y.' . . ,iiB,n iiia i fi 1 1 r ; w Am wh bark Hunter, Geo V Jeuka, from the Line Islands, due March 10-;il Brit stmr Explorer, from Apia, due Dec 20-.0 Haw bark Thos R Faster, F V Rug, tom MC toria. B C, due Dec 2."-:n KM SS Mariposa (Am), II M Harvard, from the Colonies, eu route to San Francisco, due lu 14 . lirit bark Martha Fisher, from Glasgow, due Jan 15-30 Am bark Timour, Brewer, sailed from Boston Dec 17, due May 1-20 Am scbr Loviua, Turner, from San Francisco, due Jan 5-20 Am brgtue W G Irwin. J E McCullocn, from Sau Francisco, due Dec 'iH-'Sl Am Virsfne Consuelo, E B Cousins, from San j Franrisro, du Jan 1-1') Haw 8tmr 4 A Cummins, Neilsou, from San j Franrico, due l'ec 2X-- i lEf .tUll'KKK. For Kauai, per steamer Iwalani, Fircember 2SHh RL Auerbacb, G Ji Wilcox, Hon E L Kauai aud wife, and about 5o deck passengers. SIHFI'I.VO XOTF.H. The schooner Rob Roy arrived from Ewa, Oahu, December 29th, with COO bags salt; leaves j aain to-day for Ewa anl will return with a j cargo of paddy. j The American bark Nellie May has been j moved from the Pacific Mail Company's to I Wilder's wharf, where she will complete recelv- j lug ballast, leaving either to-dij or to-morrow i for PortTownsend, W. T. The steamer Waimunalo brought 550 bags sugar fiom the Iieeia Sugar Mill, Koolau, Oahu, De cember 29th. aud leaves again this morning for Ueeia. The schoouer Caterina sails early this morn ing for Kohala, Hawaii, and the Luka for Uauia kua, Hawaii. The schooner Jennie Walker was towed to sea December 2.Hh for Fauuinj's Island by the steamer Waimanalu. The bark Ceylon has been chartered by Messrs. C. Brewer 4: Co., and is loading sugar for San Francisco. The larkentlne Ella has finished discharging cargo, was moved into the stream December 29th, and will load sugar for San Francisco after the bark Ceylon. The American bark Forest Queen sailed De cember 29th for.Sau Francisco, with 15,41 bags sugar, of which 5, bags wtre shipped by Messrs. Theo. H. Davie & Co., agents, aud 3,908 bags by Messrs. C. Brewer 4: Co. The sugar was valued at C1,SA 73. The American brigautine Claus Spreckels sailed December 29th for San Franci.-co v itii 779 bags rice, SO bunches bananas aud 0O bar rels mola-sses. The cargo was valued at 64,992. The harkentines Amelia, Eureka, Ella and Mary Winkelmau and the bark Ceylon are out in In the stream waiting for sugar. The schooner Ilaleakala arrived December 29th from Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii, with 1.3oU bags sugaa from Mr. C. Afong's plantation. Re ports very calm weather In the channel, aud was six days to this port. The sugar ws put into the barkentit'e W. H. Dimond. The sloop Kahihilaui arrived from Ewa, Oahu, December 29th, with-200 bags paddy, 100 bunches banaaas and 25 hides. The schoouer Mile Morris brought 220 bags paddy from Ewa, Oahu, December 29th SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTES. Martinelli's cider is absolutely pure. lleatl advertiseinent of Martinelli's cider. Yuen Kee & Co. have removed to Hotel street. Martinelli's cider is the Lest and pure-t made. Val lilatz Milwaukee lager beer is the linet in the market. Bottled expressly for this climate. For gents' embroidered suspenders, col lar and cutl' boxes, and shaving sets, go to Sachs' store, 10 Fort street. Just received, undressed kid gloves in new shade, fancy white and colored em broidered handkerchiefs at Sachs' store. Undressed kid gloves, ladies' underwear, pink, white, cream and blue cashmere just received by last steamer, at C. J. Fishel's. A lot of Turk, Folo and Tarn plush caps, children's Normandy bonnets and ladies' hats just received at Sachs' store, 101 Fort street. Messrs. Wing On Wo & Co., of Mauna kea street, beg leave to notify the public that they have just received a large quan tity of XXX and other choice brands of Manila cigars, of the best quality, for saie at moderate prices. Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky is not a medi cated liquor, but a pure, unadulterated whisky for medicinal use, free from fusel oil and all noxious impurities, and is pre scribed by physicians. It is a medicine for the sick and feeble, and a beverage for the million, because it is absolutely pure. Intermediary 'ourl. The Intermediary Court will sit to-day. Ti,n fillmviiirr ivisps lire down for hear- All1. 0 ing: Tlie King vs. Ah Y"ing and the Khig vs. Ah Toy, opium in possession ; the King vs. Hun Wo, malicious injury, Honolulu Police Court apieals; the King vs. Apana, selling liquor without a license, appeal from the District Court, Koolanpoko; the King vs. Melania (w), practicing medicine without a license, appeal from the District Court, Waialua; the King vs. Kinalau, assault, appeal from the District Court, Ewa. The ivil cases are: John 1'rodie vs. Jas. llolt, Jr., trover, CA; Hop Dee Co. vs. Tail Hung Kee, assumpsit, $S0, and Ah Chew vs. Wong See, assumpsit, $118, with arrest, Honolulu Police Court ai peals; K. Halstead vs. Kanakanui, re fusing contract service, apical from the District Court, Waialu-i; Kaoiwiloa vs. Ah Fat, assumpsit for $13, apjeal from the District Court, Ewa. 2Hr. Wallace's Stliool. Mr:. Wallace's academic school for. ;irls 11 re-open on Monday next, Jan- uary C for a new term, llnsscnooi offers th- best advantages to the resi dents of the Hawaiian Islands for the education of their daughters. The course .1 . rll tllf of studv irom me prnnai nnwfal. ( collegiate course, is full and thoroughly taught. French ami Latin are taught without extra charge. No effort is spared to render the school select and wortbv of confidence. Reference is made "to many prominent residents of Honolulu who have had daughters in the school. A St-rnp or Paper." An opportunity will be afforded this evening of witnessing an amateur dra matic performance at the Opera House, and judging from the cast, which aptioar j in the advertising columns of this issue, it will be worth seeing. Several of the j members are already well known in this j connection, and there is reason to an- j tie! pate that the amusing eomeo , -v ; . , i 1 ! Scrap of Paper," will te shown to au- ; vantage The tickets are eagerly sought, i but the box plan is sun open at t man's. The curtain will rise at S p. in. ( Tt,..n. w;is no business in the Supreme Court yesterday other than the swearing in of the new Judges, LOCAL AND GENERAL. Police Justice Davi.l Dayton will take his seat upon the bench this morning. The precincts of the Station Tlou-e re sumed their normal si--pcet yesterday... Mr. C. Afong's Pepeekeo plantation' Hilo, Hawaii, commenced grinding la week. A very heavy downpour o.' rain occurred ye-terday afternoon, accompanied by tnunder. The regular meeting of Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection wiii be held at 7:30 o'clock this evening. The parent, sisters and brothers of the late John Lishman have a card ot thanks in another column. Tenders are invited by the Minister the Interior for the construction of a shed at tlie Kerosene Warehouse. The Intermediary Court opens .his morning. There are live civil and six criminal appeals for hearing. The schooner Ilaleakala brought live sick Chinamen from the Pepeekeo Planta tion on Hawaii. They have been placed in the Hospital. Thirty thousand cases of kerosene oil ar rived during this month from New l ork and Boston by the barks Saranac and Martha Davis. A large heap of earth obstructed the en tire width of the sidewalk on Merchant street last night, there being nothing to in dicate its presence in the darkness. There was no sitting of the Police Court yesterday, owing to their being no Police Justice, Mr. Dayton's appointment not be ing made until the day was well advanced. Mr. Robinson's new stern-wheel steamer will probably make her trial trip on Satur day, when she will run to Pearl Kiver and back inside the reef. She is to be christ ened on that day. In the actions of Charles Michiels vs. the Commercial, the Hartford and the South British insurance companies, respectively, a stipulation has been tiled by counsel for the plaintiff that defendants have until and including January 8th to plead. Messrs. F.. O. Hall & Son have issued their usual monthly almanac for the en suing year. It is conveniently got up, with an imitation Hawaiian dollar at the head, and includes a brief catalogue of va rious hardware goods for which the firm is famous. Her Majesty's Itirtlxlay Keeeplioii. Wts have been requested to state that the time appointed for the rec eption of the public by Her Majesty the Queen, on her birthday (to-morrow), will be from 12 ::',0 to 2 p. in. BOOKKEEPING IN THE TREASURY. The System Never Changed Since the Karly Days Technical Defalcations. The system of bookkeeping in the treasury has never been changed since the early days, when the transactions of this government were very snialL At present it can be truly said that there is no sj-stem. The books of the treasury, until last year, had not been balanced since lSf'.il. Something of the loose way of the government in transacting busi ness is shown in an experience of Gen. Rose crans, the present register of the treasury. Since he has come into the office of register of the treasury he has found that he was short in his account as an army commander to the amount of $3,400. As he had furnished vouchers for everything, and was not con scious of owing the government a cent, he began to look up his old accounts. He found that the vouchers were not in the treasury. He went over to the war department and there found them in the private safe of the chief clerk, where they had lieen overlooked and forgotten. If the general had died without making this discovery he would have gone on the record as a technical defaulter, and bis estate could have been teld for the amount The general is trying to have all these balances cleared up. He baa found that there is a long list of balances due the government, which have been carried on the books since the formation of the treasury. These alleged balances foot up in the neighborhood of $-io,000,00 Probably not over 10 per cent, of them are really due the government, but have been permitted to accumulate because there is no system of bookkeeping which properly notes and follows up the set offs. John Adams, the second president, is a technical defaulter to the United States for over $30,000. Lafaj-ette is also down on the books as owing tho government several thou sand dollars. There is a number of promi nent names in the long list. Gen. Rosecrans will ask congress to create in his office a division of balances. It will lo the duty of tho clerk of this division to follow up each set of accounts, search for all vouchers, and then present true balances. Those that are not charged against dead people long gone bv, and against impoverished estates, will, uinler his system, be charged up to profit and loss, as are worthless accounts in privata business. With a system like thi3 the books of the treasury can be balanced every year. Washington Cor. New York World. The .Siii!i Conspiracy. The official press organ of Senor Ruiz Zorilla is practically the only newspaper which does not express satisfaction and grati tude at the announcement that the queen, on the recommendation of the government, has resolved to temper justice with mercy. It is an undoubted fact that the most extreme and utterly unscrupulous republican conspirators desired that their dupes might be shot, in or der that the reign of the young king might be baptized with blood. They even provided victims to insure this. As it happens, the rmlv hlood shed has been spilled by those en gaged in one of the vilest and most criminal conspiracies in modern history. When the details of the plot are published this language will not be found one whit too strong. One fact proves this. Bands of assassins were told ofT to murder any officers who should at tempt to enter tho barracks and take com mand of the soldiers, who were thus obliged to obey the sergeants, already suborned. In this way Gen. Velarde and Count Mirasol were foully assassinated. Madrid Cor. Lon don Times. Fassengers in a Tinder Ilox. The ordinary passenger car is a tinder box. Built of dry and inflammable woods and the paints and varnishes with which it is fin ished, composed of ingredients that burn as readily as gunpowder; no sooner does fire come in contact with any portion of its inner surface than it is wrapped in flames instan taneously. As the passengers, as a rule, find themselves unable to get out of the car, and as no one can break into it, the incineration of every person in a wrecked railway car in wHeh coal stoves and oil lamps furnish heat anil light is a matter of a very few moment. Some of the more progressive railways, while still clinging to the "iaflanimable car, have adopted Osteins of steam or hot air heating, especially" for th-ir In st and most liberally patrorizrtl trains. It is doubtful, however, ..ti,.,r there ii anvhigle road in the coun try that does not still use the stove on its cheaiwr trains or its branc h lines. Philadel phia Timea. I'iue Vie wet. Mr. Gcr.sulves has just taken three ditferent views of the interior of the new St. Andrew's Cathedral. They arc exr ceeilinply well dne and show the plac off to treat advantage. Next w eek hef will photograph the. oran and ;1J tue exterior of the building. Mr. (Jonsalves is doing very creditable work, and his prices are within reach of all. Absolutely Pure, This powder never varies. A marvei or t-rivj, . Strcn-th oiul v hoksomenos?. More economical tliantheor-linary k.wls.wi'l cannot lscWm corn pet. tUv! witu the nmlrau.le of lo.t short cans. lum.N-a lviu c o.. loO WaU-SW K. Y. 9d wtf . A Card of Thanks. The parents, sisters and brothers of the lute John Irishman desire to return their sincere and heartfelt thanks for the sym pathy and consolation that have been ex tended to them by their numerous friends in the hour of a sad family bereavement. Honolulu, December 29, 1SSU. 3S3dc30 Thursday Evening, Dec. SOtli Amateur Pruinatie Performance of J. PA I.OKA VE SIMPSON'S T1IKEK ACT COMKin ''A Scrap of Paper," With tlie following Cast; PROSPER COURAMONT Mr. J. F. Urown Ilh()N Dr. I. a ULACIl-RE Mr. H. W. Morse r.RlSKMOL'CilE Mr. V. P. Hastings ANATOLE Mr. F. Eisbop BAPTISTE Mr. J. Dowsett EOl'ISE Dk La (iEACIERE Miss B. Parke SUN ANNE DE KESEV1ELE Mrs. J. I. StrontJ MATHILUE Miss R. Makee ZKNolilE Miss S. Kiug PAULINE Miss Z. AtkiUHon Trices of Admission. TARQUETTE AND DRESS CIRCLE BALCONY CIRCLE GALLERY ...SI 00 75 GO Eox Plau open at J. E. Wiseman's on TUES 1"A V lyKlti) at 9 a. 111. Spats reserved without extra charge. Daora opeti at I. in. Performance bejius at 8 p. us b77 iiec30 Austriilian Mail Service. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Tin; new aiul iiu' Al sffi-1 steamship 99 Of tho Oeouiiio steamship Company, will be due tit Honolulu from Sydney and AueklaitU ON Or Hliollt January 14, 1887, And will leave for tlie uhxve port with mails and jmssenttera on .r uliout that date. For freight or piis.iai.-e, tinving SLTKKIOR ACCOMMOHATIONS, apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., AGKXTS. For Sydney ami Auckland. The new and tine Al steel steamship " ALAMEDA," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from s.n Fruucisco or or about January 22, 1887. And will have prompt dUpaton with mulls and pa-ssenfrers for the aove ports. For freight or pusHUe, having SCPERIOK AC COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. (r. Irwin & Co., royal fs?.ij! J i$ IB lit a pw f fnffi Hawaiian Opera House i&frtisfir.fn's. EXGELimECHT'S CIG-AR. Leads -Tlicm All. Your uIvch ami 'liililren Mill re Jticc. llaiiiic luimtl tlie Sampler t'lar your choice. Eimelbreclit Son & Co., llir. mcli'29 2i fii;st sTitKKr, a. r. PIIOGUAMME -OF THE- Third Seini-Aiiimal Target Practice -OF THE- I)'. una I ill fo be held at their ranpre on King street, op posite the Government Nursery, SATUBDAY, January I, ISS7. nt a. m. GOVERNOR DOMINIS CUP, Valued at S100, for tlie hifihest aggregate . i . -V', . 1 ok1 r lii- score m niatciies o. i, . come tlie property of tlie niarKHmau win ning it three times at regular meetings of the W- 1- A- ,r Won July 5, 1SSG, by J. Brodie, M. D. I. THE BRODIE MEDAL. Valued at $50, also second prize of S5. Con ditions of the match : Open to all members of the Association, mid members of the reg ular and volunteer military companies of the Kingdom ; to become the property of the marksman winning it three times at regular meetings or the II. It. A. Distance, 200 vaids; rounds, 10; any military rifle under the rules ; limited to one entry to each competitor. Entrance fee 51. . TT Won Januarv 1, 18SG, by Wm. Lnger. Won July 5, 1S8G, by C. B. Wilson. II. 11. It. A. TROPHY. Valued at $150. Competitors limited to imiiIm nf the Association. Conditions For the highest aggregate score at 200 and rn) vftirts: 10 rounds at each distance; any mili l.i I'V rifle under the rules; to become the property of the marksman winning it three times at regular meetings of the II. R. A. Entrance fee, HI. Won Januarv 1. 188C, by F. J. Iliggms. Won Julv 5, 1SSG, by J. Brodie, M. D. III. THE ALDES FRUIT AND TATtO CO. MEDAL. Valued at S100; also a second prize of S3. Conditions Open to all comers; to become the property of the marksman winning it three times at regular meetings of the II. 11. A.; 10 rounds each at the 400 and 500 yard ranges; any military rifle under the rules; Iinntea to one niuj iui ui wm petitor. Entrance fee, SI. Won July 5, 1886, by J. Brodie, M. D. IV. ALL-COMERS' MATCH. Four cash prizes, namely: 23, 15, 10 and 10 per cent of the net receipts. Conditions: Open to all marksmen; any military rifle under the rules; 10 rounds; distance, 200 yards. Entrance fee, SI. Entries unlim ited. V. ASSOCIATION SECOXi.' CLASS MATCH. Open to all members of tho Association who have never made a record exceeding 73 per cent at any regular meeting of the II. K. A. First prize, a silver cup. Conditions: Rounds, 10; distance, 200 ards; any mili tary rifle under the rules. Entrance fee, Si. Entries unlimited. VI. ASSOCIATION TIIIKD CLASS MATCH. Open to all members ot the Association who have never made a record exceeding 65 per cent at any regular meeting of theH. R. A. First prize, Springfield rifle. Con ditions, same as in match No. 5. VII. CONSOLATION MATCH. Four cash prizes, namely, 23. 15, 10 and 10 per cent of the net receipts. Conditions: Oten to all marksmen who have never r, ,if. n cord exceeding 70 per cent at any meeting of the H. R. A.; rounds, 5; dis tance, 200 vards; any military rifles ruder tlie rules. "Entrarce fee. 50 cents. Entries unlimited. Extra guns and cartridges can be obtained at the range. J. H. FISHER, Secretary. RRODIE, M. D., Presid lit. 371 jal TO LET. 4 T PALMA TWO NICK COTTAGES IN RO- i t'ello Lane, for ?li0 and S'JO per month re- pectlvely. Inquire at Hyuiaa Bros., ta 7K llille Association waiian lU&erfocmriils. AT FISHEL'S STOBE, Corner of Fort and Hotel Sts., May be Seen one of the most Elaborate Displays of DRY CxOODS Etc., ever brought to view in this RECEIVED, cx A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF- IVEXJSIC -INCLUDING- Martin Guitars, Taney Goods, Toys And XMAS CARDS for the Holidays. Also received a toik of Furniture, luclmllnif Heed Itockerw, WEST, DOW & CO. 320 CIGARS If you want a fine CIGAR, try some of Straiton & Storm's, which have just arrived at . HOLLISTER & CO.S, 109 Fort 73 G. D. FREETH. FREETH & M bolesale tViue and S3 ISTiruann street -:o:- Sole agents for J. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT " GIN, Pellisson's uncoloreJ, unsweetened, pure old BltANDY only two qualities shipped, 7 and 10 yearg old. lly. W. Smith Jt Co.'s THISTLEDEW WHISKY, We offer fer .ale at reduced figures, a large and well assorted Btock of ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bond or duty paid. I.fcO. Box 504. 373 EA.Gr A TnT &d CO. Corner of Fort Tand Rflerchant Strecto. -IMPORTERS OF- Men'M niul.irojh' Fine htoin-made Clot hlng, t'lirnlaliluir (iood. HATS and CAPS, TKfXKS, VALISES. ETC. Island orJeiB solicited LOYEJOY & CO., "Wiiie ancl Spixit Merchants, No. 15 Nuuanu Street. Havinp enlarced and renovated thfr htcrf and rrr.lrnUt fd ttir stock, are tow fully j rf part-d t surlily all goods in tbelr line at very lov ret niarVtt rafen. 66 ROYAL Special attention is callcdjto this extra quality of UMX. heive thirown importation and a xeiy au jrior article. A full anwortinent of 'lifonili M i nen and all the ft trando of Keer, AlranJ lNrl r always in stock. Also, genuin lOli I ltolerM aweet CLuip?ne, quarta and pint. Cordials, Liqueurs, 33itters, Etc. ( Islandordera promptly atttnded to and Ttleptione. SOS. City. ZEALMDIA, GOODS, ('nil and fJxiimf ne. janl Street, ' W. C. PEA COCK. PEACOCK, .Splrll'MercIianlw, Honolulu, jET. I. Telephones Xo. 248. and rrornjitly attended to. Katiifictlon ifaaraa. 70 if CLTJ3B GlST. 99 good carefully packed for ablpmcnt. 159 janl 1. 4. Box 187,