YiA ,f9 if-" Li ; 1 3 - .1 S I' jj 3 a o i ii m a p s i v . : PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VI. NO. 22G. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS PKI DAY f SEPTEMBER 23, 1887. .'-4 9 If r I. :lfV A. A. A f'P H a H H 11 V II H A i i i ' i fax i 1 r -. ' ? i 5 7 ':. ' i r s t.' C 4; X H ' , ? c I , . i? , 1.7' ! . .f' '. - ;i : v a. k i it.- ;,i--'f ft 1 ' r-;-1 Mil P i f it? v. i , ! "; . THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser; IS PUIiLlSHKD Kver3r Morning Exceyt Sundays. NUIi-SCRIPTlON.S : Dailv P. O. Advkktiskr, one year f 6 00 Daily P. c. Advkrtiek, six months- 2 00 Daily P. C Auvkktiskr, three months 1 50 Daily P. O. Advektimkr, per tnontij 6f VVekkly P. ,'. ADVEKrwBa, one yeur 5 00 Ft eisjn flubsrrrlptioti, W. P. V. A. (including postage) 6 50 Payahlf Invariably in Advance Both Hands Rusy. - - A negro in Alabama was brought up for stealing a pair of chickens, but declared, sol emnly, that ho "didn't steal dern or fowls," declaring on the other hand, that the com plainant had beaten him brutally with a chili. "Cut," said tho judge, "you're twice as large and fctrong as he is, why didn't you defend yourself f" "Why, jedge, see hyar; I had a chicken in each hand, an' what's two raw chickens agin' a club?" Lifo. A Splendid Fata Morgana. In Vidovcc, a Hungarian village near Warasdin, the belief of an approaching war has seized hold of the entire popula tion. A splendid fata morgana was ob served during three successive, days on the wide plains around the village. Enor mous divisions of infantry with scarlet caps could be distinctly seen moving in the plains and performing exercises to the word3 of command of a colossal chief, whose sword was seen Hashing in the air. The phenomenon lasted several hours, and finally tho soldiers disappeared in midair. Tho people stood awestruck in great crowds, and observed every move ment of the phantom soldiers with breath less attention. Two gendarmes after ward went in tho direction of the scene of action to see if any traces could be found, but of eourso in vain. The phe nomenon is believed to have been a re flection of some infantry divisions man euvering at some miles' tlistance. Boston Transcript. Skeleton of a "Giant." Not longer ago than 184G a mastodon skeleton was exhibited in New Orleans rs that of a giant. The cranium was made of rawliide, fantastic wooden teeth were fitted in the jaws, all missing parts were restoi'ed after the human model, and the whole raised upon the hind legs. It cer tainly conveyed the notion of "a hideous, diabolical giant, ' ' and was no doubt re sponsible for many nightmares. As a sad commentary on the state of the med ical profession in the southwest at that time, it may le added that the exhibitor was perfectly honest in his belief, and to support his l?lief lie had a trunk full of physicians' certificates that these were human bones. Prof. W. B. Scott in Hcribner's. Mr. Crowley's Awful Habit. Two members of the Union club went to the Central Park menagerie the other day, and by sxx-ial favor were permitted to watch Mr. Crowley, the chimpanzee, eat his dinner. Mr. Crowley, as every body knows, sits at his own little table and uses a knife, fork and napkin. After watching the monkey for some time, one of the club men turned to the other and said in tones of horror: "Baw Jawve. he spw.eads his napkin on both knees, ye know." Thexi they left ih disgust. New York Sun. "As lale as Death." Here is a passage taken from a feuil leton now running in The Temps of Paris: "A great tumult was heard near them. Ewuia was seized with emotion, and her heart &hrobled within her. Mine. Bauge had thrown herself into the arms of the negro, who kissed her ardently. He was as pale as death!" This deserves a place in the same collection as Ponsoii du Ten-all's famous line: Ah! Ah!J he exclaimed in Portuguese." New York Tribune. An Interesting iHscovery. Mr. J. "W. AValker has discovered on tho south side of Pine mountain, Georgia, nearly 200 feet alove the famous corun dum mine, a site where the ancient in habitants of that region manufactured their talc vessels for cooking. Evidences of the use of stone implements in the work are indubitable. The vessels were blocked out and hollowed before leing broken from the ledge. Boston Herald. il&ofnisnjunis. ROYAL INSURANCE CMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. I'AIMTAL IIO.OUO.OOO UNLIMITED LI ABILITY . ITU re luNiirnnce oi all description J? will be effected at Moderate Ratea ox Prf m um, by the undernlgned. WM. O. IRWIN" A CO 20-dfcwtf Managers for Ilaw. Islands UNION Firo and Miirine Insurance Co. I or New Zealaud. CAPITAL.. : 110.000,000 Haviug: OitabliMlietl an Ajfeucy at Honolulu, for tho Hawaiian Islands, the un dersJgnel are prepared to accept risks against Fir. iu dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise on favorable terms. Marine riskb on cargOg freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. IXMtNeM promptly adjusted Sc payable 19-dwtf WM. (J. IRWIN A CO. The Risdon i Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beal and Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA W. H.TAYLOR.. JOS. MOORE.... President .Superintendent BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN ALL its branches; Steamboat, -Steamship, Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Com po und. STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete with hulls of wood, iron or composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con structed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together.or Sheets Rolled.l'unched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riv eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand Work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa cine Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works' purposes, built with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. WILLIAMS Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, 8preckels Block, 551marl2d&wtf Agent for Hawaiian Islands. BEAVER SALOOfJ. NO. 1 FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder & Co. BE. J. Molte, Propr. OrSN FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. V FIRST-CLASS LIXCHF.S, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATEB, G1XCK& ALE, Cigars rtncl Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy 11 IES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BK9T QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICI-ES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Klegant ( i T SSUN5WICS & CO.. 1ILLIASD TABLE on the Premises. , The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from bis Friends and the Public generally who mar desire a LUNCTI. A SMOKE. OB A GAME OF BILLIABD8. H. J. N0LTK 34-tf Geo. 0. Sin-eve &.Co., MANU FACTURING JEWELE-RS' Anil Importers or - Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Decorated China, Art Braes Goods, Fans, Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin and , Vienna Leather Goods, Opera '.tlasses, Clocks, Etc. JIoutKromery and Suiter St.. SAN FRANCISCO. 443ja25'88 OEDIXG'S I? AG GAGE EXPRESS n. Xi. SANDERS, IItOP Deliver Baggage and Freight of Every Descrip tion with Promptness and Dispatcn. Office, 81 Kin Street. Both Tele- lhone. HC. Kei;lenee. ll Xanana Street. Bell Teieplione for Residence. 3. 706-junel5tf Wen. O. Irwlu. CLA rs SPKKCKELS & CO., BANKERS. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISI.ANDM, Draw Kxchauge on the principal part oi the world. Will receive deposits oa open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange busluesa. Deposits bearlug Interest received lu their ftav lags Department wubjeci to published rules and regulaUo.is. l7oc.5tf WILDEIi'S STEAMSHIP CO., EliniTett;. STEAMER KINAU, (Lorenzcn, Commander. Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule ouchlng at Lauaiua, Maaiaea, Malceua, Mahu kona,KawaihaeLaupaiioehoe. llilo and Keaubou: Commencing on MONDAY. July 26, 1886, and on every alternate Monday t 4 p. m., the Kinau will make the VOLCANO TlvIP, reaching Keau hou on Wednesday morning, where horses and carriages are iu waitiug to convey passengers to the VOLCANO IJOUSK (Ave miles In the saddle und nine mlU-s by carriage;. Passengers by this route will have two days and two nights at the VOLCANO 1IOUSK. TICKKTS FOR THK KOUM O TRIP TO THE VOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYS ALL CHARGES. The iinau will arrive in nonolulu Sunday mornings on Volcano trips. On HUo trips, wll leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the Kinau at Mahukona The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala and Paauhau on down trips from HUo for Passengers if a signal is made from the shore. STEAMER LIKELIKE. (Davis, Commanaet;, Leaves Honolulu every Monday at p. u tor Kaunakakai. Kahului, Huelo. Hana and Kipanulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu every other week. Returning, will stop at the above ports, arriving back Saturday moruiugs. For mails and passengers only. STEAMER KILAUEA HOU, (Cameron, Commander, Will leave regularly tor Lahalna, Paaubau, Ko holalele, Kukaiau and Ookala. STEAMElT"LEHUA, (Clark, Commander) Will leave regularly for Hakalau, Honomu and Onomea. STEAMER MOKOLI1, (McGregor, Commander), Leaves for the following ports every alternate Monday At 5 p. m.: Commencing May 16th To Eannakakal, Ka malo, Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu. Returning to Lahaiua, Pukoo, Eamalo, Kaunakakai. Arriving A. llAnnlnln ii tn T-r a a. Tn rnmr.ianolncr M t)h Tn Kan n ak A.kn.1 . T.naf . V It. V " Q J - . . Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu, tvaiaupapa. neiurmng to rusoo, Liu&ma, uiu walu. Lahaina, Pukoo, Eamalo, Kannakakai. Arriving at Honolulu Saturday a. tn. The Company will not be responsible lor any freight or packages unless receipted for, nor for personal baggage unless plainly marked. Not responsible for money or Jewelry nnlesa placed In harge of the Purser. All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, bat the Company will not assume any risk or accident SAM'L O. WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets. 65-ly Mar 80 S. P. TAYLOR & CO., Paper Manufacturers, AND DEALERS IN Paper Hag, Twines. Etc., 414 and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO Pioneer and San teronimo Paper Mills. South Coast Taper Mill, Sequel. Santa Cruz County, Cal. 4U25 S8 J. P7ANC0VICH & CO. Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants in Foreign & Domestic Frcit, 500 Washington, and 601, 603 k 605 Sansome Sta., SAN FRANCISCO. This Is the oldest established house In this line of business in San Francisco, and we are prepared to fill orders of all kinds in our line. SPECIALTY in PACKING all kinds of FRUIT for long distance markets. Vour"Introiino 1m Soil filed 645 luiirlO'bS JSi&verttitmtiite. WM. McCANDLESS. IV o. 6 Queen Street, Flh Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF. VEAL MUTTON , FISH, etc. ' Family and shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notioe, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to ordr. 29 tf TAKO FLOUT FACTORY, Vtrtlluku, Jlaui, CUiMMEN'-KD OPERATIONS ON THURSDAY, ; May acth, and are now prepared to supply TAHO FLOUR in any quantities, i With new and improved machinery and other apparatus, the present Manager guarantees to supply Taro Flour that will make a better class of Pol than ever produced. All orders to be sent to W. U. CUMMINS, Manager, at the Factory, Wailuku, Maui ; or to W. O. IRWIN & CO., Agents, Honolulu. 657may27tfdw WENNER & CO. t2 Fort Street. Have on hand New Foreign aul Homemade Jowelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. , Silver a act Gold Plate, Elearant Sollt Silver Tea Set. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing: in all its branches. Sole Agents for King's Eye Presivers 46-mar9-lv6 A. PALADINI, Wholesale and Retail Daler in every kjnd of FreMli, Salt, Kutohrd. 1'ickleil and Dried Fln. Removed to Clay-St. Market, 515-517 Merehantt. SAN FRANCISCO. G77my31'88 union m cs IMPOBTKRS 4 DEALKKS In HAY AM) URAIX, Telephone No. 175. Jtttf TELEPHONE 55 MTEEPRIS PLANING- MILL. Alakea, near Queen St. 38-tf To the Public. The Pacific Transfer Co., Office with the Union Feed Co. Bell Telephone 1?5. Mutual Telephone J7fi. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauling or moving work, all of wulch I will guai . antee to execute faithfully. 36 ly 8. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. JT. H. . SOPER, Successor to J. 31. Oat, Jr., & ('o., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Ilonolnlu. II.I. 4i tr THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Xo. BO Xunanu Street. Ilonolnlu. II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. ?.2tf FOR SlITC. 1TTE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF OLD l newepaperc on band, which will be sold f or 2 cents a hundred. They are useful for vrpping parcels, laying under carpets, etc. P. C. ADVERTISER. Jdwfisenmits. ATTO U 2C K T S- AT- L. A W . CECIL BROWN. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Cauipu.Uo Block. Merchant street. 7?6ugytf M. THOMPSON. ATTORN K Y - AT- LAW, Omce In Cmpbeirs .Block, corner Fdrt and Merchant streets, Honolulu, II. 1. PRACTICES IN TEE COURTS. When desired, will give the law In a writ tea opinion, as to the probable result of the contention upon the facts sta:e4 44tf J. M. N50NSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Etate In any jart of the nine dom Bought, Bold and Leased ou lotnmbtilou Loans Negotiated and Leal iMcuuients Drawn NO. 37 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-tf IEON-BAEK Foundation 'I'imbers ! ! We haye jtist received from Australia a few Iron bark Foundation Timbers. SIZES 16x2 1 incite, 12 l eet Loiijr. And HxlH InelieM, 1 l eet Iiif these timbers, as thrir name signifies, are nearly as solid and durable as irou, and for foundation purposes, or other? of like nature, cannot be surpassed. W. G. Irwin & Go. ailnov'2rtf A. 0. Cook & Son, OAK TAXSED LEATHER BELTING, Lace Leather and Header Drapers, No. 415 Market street, San Francisco. 442 jan 2588 METEOPOLITAN "Meat Company, HI KfNU STREET, G. j. waller, MANAGER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND I Navy Contractors. FRAUK GERTZ, Importer ana HanDfaclnrer J- Of all Deerrtptlons of BOOTS &. SHOES r-Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort St., Ilonolnlu. 69 d&wtf LEEGE & MICLS, E 31 P I ft E Steam, Coffee and Spica Mills. Importer of Teas, Coffee apices. Chartres Java Coffee, Yeast Powder, Cream Tar tar, Soda. Salfleratus, Ground Coffee, for eign and Domestic Matches. 410-412 Clay St. bt. Saniome &. Battery SAX FRANCISCO. CAL. BUTCHEBS ' P. O. Box 1580. 635mayl3'8K gustos Car. H. L. BTANLHT. OBN rftTaNC Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of line WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS 419 front St., San Franeie. 2 U A w H. F. BEUTELMANN, Contractor :nd IJuIlder. ESTIMATES FURNLSUED O.N OOD, BltlCi tiR SlUMK. imposts miA.wisr Cabinet and Carpenter WorV done to ordftr. B6 KING STRKET. Uell Telephone 107 711j16tf THE INTER-ISLAND STEAM NAV IGATION COMPANY, (Elniltel. Keep consfantly on hand, for sale, STEAM, FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COA L, and a general assortment of 1MB IRON. g Ij Schweitzer & Co. Importers aud Jobbars of ! F-ISTOY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, WhiteVoods, Embroideries. llaullir chiei'M. LacesflUbbona, EaUlea 4t I'll lla re um ludernear. 29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco 485 febl0'88 E. H. Buclmaiii & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in SHIP STOVES, Tin, Copper, Crockery and Sheet Irou W ares, Ship Ean terns and Signal OH, 22 Stewart St., bet. Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ship and Job Work and &tov Repairing f all kinds a specialty. 481 feblO'W TO PLANTERS. We have on band a onslgnment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, Foi four and five foot furuarts, complete with grett bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of tMs make are now u successful operation at Mpiec kelsvlllc, Makee Hugar Company and other plau.utlone. Also, a consignment of Filter Presses, , Having all the latest Improvements. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine tha above. For prices and further particulars ap ply to Win. GL Irwin & Co., 2.ttt Amenta. BONE MEAL !! The nnderBiRned are now prepared to r oeive orders for this Celobr&ted Fertiliser from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt San Francisco: The following Is & report of the compo nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy sis: Water; 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " " Silicioua Matter 4.C5 " " Lime 81.70 Phosphoric Acid 23.11 Oxide of Iron 86 " Carbonic Acid 1.89 " Alka Salts C2 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Order $ Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention, W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. 2itf T IE. JVXayhew, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDEKJ HG Hotel Street, Honolulu. II 1 (Oppeslte Fashion StablM). P. O. BOX 315. BKLL THI.KPHONK 63 All work In my line falthtolljr done. Plans and specifications made. Jobbing in all details done at short notice. Uood work aDd low charges Is my motto. Sa-dec&'St MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All account for Advertising and Job PrinUug at the Pacific Commercial AiMertlaer Office will from this date be presented fo pay ment monthly. Honolulu, March 2,198o,