Newspaper Page Text
J, H. I. .1 Ai'1 c.tiKDAY, OV. . . . from Kahului. ai ' nc from Hamakua. IIu- 0ni Koolaii. rai f" as w,m ay. Nov. 4. t.....m:KIH from KiuKii. rrt.ihal?' ..,... from Mum and -Malte.MliaUlUiy'fr0ni Ka" 4lBeS', c W'11' from KilttUca ilei. from Hamakua. ehua'luvir troin Hamakua. li:malfi. aw"- . i.ri'lkKh- ' SATIKPAY, NOV ifor IVlufkco. Hawaii. kUnK To-day. St l;ivics, tor jvaauiui, Cameron, for llama- lion. Mcrior, for Molokai. .,1:1. i mu-i" 1 ,,oil, for Waianae avvai tor Koolau, Oaliu. . inr. r.ance. Mis. pkgs. ,.l,,l:l.. l-' 20 100 2S0 'V HI 10 80 110 ,i Tort frm Foreign 1'orts. Cormorant. Nicolls Brit Columbia . n C.ra i;tm. t illao, S A. ,1. Wimlini Winiliinr. ban r raneisco. n Frar rpool. gkong vkieU, Vltt-r', Liverpool. : I Mian. Hum an, Hongkong Newcastle. ;ei l , V....wHr jnarv CO U'liitmore. Ward, Bbt Mrlanie. Newcastle. rfcounu. t Turner. Johnson, loston. 7 k i w.whall. Port lownsc 1. l"ltlu" I XV... i.i.jfrnv. Dal-el. Nanainio, 1 gXiclKiLti. Quine, Hongkong. ?itl i"er, Kruse, Bremen. jt; wTliler, Paul, San Francisco i Fxi,,l"l ,ro,n foreign jau Where from. Ports. Due. Jswiftsurc Callao Oct SCon-nu'st.riiili Oct $ Hyacinth. 'ruiso Oct tuoMarii. Yokohama Nov Grower.. . . Boston Feb 15 10 31 13 20 10 30 (5 15 10 10 i ... inn .rm. . . . .Humboldt ov I't Townsend .Nov .Sun Francisco. Nov jcka ian r rancisco.ov Dirireckels.Sun Francisco. Nov 7m Kenton.. Sound Oct ,: ter San Francisco. Oct ilhonipson.San Francisco.Sept i. Kureka Sept 3;jt'ii Fleece. San Francisco. Sept Woven San Francisco.Sept aniure Liverpool Dec j New York Dec Mateo. Ind'n H'ngk'g.Dec j-J ...Hongkong Oct 30 10 30 31 25 31 31 J nSSKNGKliS. : ARRIVALS. aKabului and wi.y ports, per stnir. ,v. W Berlowitz, u i'ea Si:uKen, W A Bailey, Ah Pang. C taV (J Wilder and son, F Vaug ;;!tK I? Cousins, Miss Lamb, T It ,i'J lepers, 1 prisoner, 1 officer and 51 avengers. t Kauai and Niihau, per steamer ju, Nov. 4. A Brown and wife, Rev n.vnt and wife. J Thompson, W C CUcdemann, J Katsura, M Auwana k passengers. i Kauai, per stmr Waialeale, Nov. 4 :te. wife, child and nurse, and 8 deck a Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Kiuau, t-W V (Joodale, H Bishop, Kwong fc.llon Sam'l Parker and wife, Sain ;M;s M:irv Low, F H Austin, G C I -jam Kalalau, Major W 11 Cornwell, lihelani, K P.ielenberg, N xfulberU M Atkinson, J F Brown and wife. J and wife, W Heine, wife and 3 .tii and 5S deck passengers. SHIlTINCi NOTES. jre are now three full-rigged ships in ) l steamer Lehua arrived on bunday Hawaii with 30 head cattle, teamer Kaala takes another ship heavy timber for Waialua this fc-k passed off this port on Saturday ksr heading a westerly course, proba nhe southern islands. I steamer V ft. Tl nil arrived at La- lt Tuesday afternoon twenty min Vieadof the steamer Iwalani. I steamer Mikahala arrived on Sun-f-orning from Kauai with 1,255 bags f bags rice, 14 hides and 2 horses, j. steamer Mokolii arrived on Saturday a "5 from Molokai and Lanai with 100 Hsar, 200 sheep, 40 pigs, 1 horse and fi' packages merchandise. . steamer Kinau arrived Sunday -n8 with 1,115 bags sugar, 115 bags .aObags corn, 150 bundles hides, 0 p'UO packages sundries, f American bark Alden Besse, Captain y-Wains, arrived at Kahului, Maui, r', October 20th, at midnight, 24 f irom Departure Bay, B. C, with 1,105 i,Jlcoal tor the Hawaiian Commercial ; She stood off for the night and iuUowmg morning was towed in by J;fuer Likelike. The Alden Besse is r-wieuve airain within a fortnight. UOILX, a . . Hh t J IIa.mauapoko, Maui, Oct wife of Jam 03 Vjghter. Cowan, a emb 'n 5 aPala,a. Honolulu, Nov Ithpi 7 ' , Rs Laika Desha, consort M hit entueky Langhern Desha, Vsh? r Vei1 '"oier of Rev. Stephen L. ' L. Desha and Mrs. Miriam .- "Si'ii about 10 vpaN. Storm at Ifanalel. : r rc'Vod yesterday by the L Uieale of a lcavy freshet at hU, Str,eam' HiVulei, Kauai, last i '-" , v llnh , In 11 ULVl COnSli nr-ih a om. ut ine vieinitw a A, , " j" u,,yg me neavy .f reus ban; n. ,ro'V escaped be.. Innm-lV1 r", 0 aorP of corn. drowned while r-i.r";i"n !m '.It ilir. ind Ji:.'h -.1 'iiiW'ig, MM ti V..-1 l:td 'ig t i Uj o t. i Makeo DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL LUCAL AND UKNISKAL Kohala is very dry. Sun showers were the order of the d av me nrst nait ot Sunday. Mr. J C. Wliite's appointment as Fire Marshal is officially announced. Taxpayers in Wailuku district will find the collector's notice in this paper. Hack Inspector Sam. Macy has re turned from his two weeks' vacation. A very fine rainbow spanned the Nuu anu Valiey at 4 o'clock Saturdav eve ning. Only eleven days remain till the King's Birthday, yet there is no sign of the usual regatta. A party of eight vou water excursion to "lei oung men took a Harbor and arl back yesterday. Mr. John F. Smith is a grass widower, and is going to sell hi furniture day after to-morrow. Mr. Sachs is out with announcement of holiday goods, offering them at lower prices than all rivals. Harry Savior, Hotel street, ofTers a change of dinner every day, with choice dishes for breakfast and supper. Two Chinese have been arrested for stealing 1('2o worth of effects from the residence of Mr. 11. R. Macfarlane. The Captain and officers of the U. S. S. Brooklyn give an "at home," with danc ing, on Wednesday next, from 4 to 7TJ0 p. m. The steamer Likelike brought ten lepers from Maui on Saturday, and a number oi lepers will be transferred to Molokai to-dav. The London Standard urges that Eng land should establish .a Pacific protec torate in order to anticipate the desires oi France in that direction. Mr. J. N. S. Williams notifies planters of a consignment of Kroog's patent filter presses tiie same kind that has given perfect satisfaction at Kealia. Prof. Berger will give several pieces of Sir Arthur Sullivan's opera music at Emma Square this evening, and the bandsmen sing three native songs. An opposition electric call for carriages has been put into the Hotel, to compete with that of the Hawaiian Hotel Carriage Co. for some time past in operation. There was a fair attendance at the men's temxerance meeting in Brewer's block on Saturday evening. Several of the local clergy addressed the gathering. While the two Hopkinses were prowl ing round for kerosene oil on Saturday, they ran across a Chinaman regaling himself with a smoke took him in charge. of opium, and Dr. Trousseau is having a fine, large catamaran built, on the model of a famous craft of that class in New York. Air. Wm.'Uoland is the builder, and a beautiful job is expected. Mr. John T. Dare is one of the Repub lican campaign orators in San Francisco, lie will be remembered as a member of one of the Gibson Ministries of 1880, of brief and inglorious tenure. It is expected the U. S. S. Brooklyn will be ready to resume her voyage under sail for New York before the end of this week. Messrs. Sorenson & Lyle have the finishing touches to put on the ship. The police were a short time ago in structed that restaurants are allowed by law to serve meals all day of Sunday, meaning until 12 o'clock midnight. None of them have as yet taken advan tage of the privilege. Saturday and Sunday's arrests com- nfiriotl three for drunkenness, two for assault and battery, two for larceny, and one each for trading without a license, furious driving, "nm m pos session and violating Sun A junction has been corner of Beretania and I between the Hawaiian t? Government road mater by broken stone will b the tramway's construe Waikiki. a ' and the Led in d i in National flags were flying a p. was fired at noon on Saturdav, of the Japanese Emperor's ii birthday. Mr. Taro And( the Empire, was serenaded ,n ing at his residence by t - - J l : It- in honor :"fy-sixih .'i.;:U of i ryorn-r-T.l Ha- waiian Band. A large number of American citizens and those eligible for citizenship regis tered at Mr. Graenhalgh's on Saturday for the poll to-morrow. Kegistration will be allowable at the poll for those previously ur.ablo to present themselves. Deputy Marshal Hopkins and Captain Hopkins made a round among Chine--' stores on Saturday afternoon, and found in five of them an excess of kerosene oil red amounting to uu cases. us Mal allowance is ten cases, but tony were found at one store, twenty at another, and so on. The sixth organ recital at Kaumaka nili Church comes off on Friday evening of this week. Princess Liliuokalani and Miss Patch, the latter the new music teacher at Kawaiahao Seminary, are ifromiid to sing, and it is expected hat Sir. Ficca, bandmaster of the Brooklyn, will play a clarionet solo. A lone letter in the Democratic inter est bearing upon the coming Presiden tial election, has been received from one of the men on board the Brooklyn. It is much more in earnest than the elections at tlie bookstores are desired to be on the Gth, therefore would scarcely be suitable for publication in this country. Captain Cousins, oTThe Alden Besse, corrects the memoranda of his vessel Gerke, formerly of and the W. B. Godfrey, saumg crether, as follows : iar . -- V; sailed from San Francisco August oOth, the bark Alden Besse on August 31st. Thev arrived at Nanaimo. together, sail ing thence, :the Godfrey on October 2d and the Besse on October 4th. The Godfrey arrived at Honolulu ; October 28th, and the Besse at Kahului October 29th! ' . . -i . HIL0 NOTES. Plantation Consolidation English In vestigators. It is learned that Messrs. Castle & Cooke's plantation at Papaikou and that of Messrs. C. Brewer & Co. at Onomea have been consolidated. The combined estate will be under the management of Mr. Wm. W Goodale, hitherto manager ot Onomea plantation, Mr. Coville re tiring from the management of Papai- kou. lhe combined acreage is about 4,000 acres, from which a yield of 4,000 tons of sugar per annum is calculated to oe possible. Terms' of the combination have not transpired. As the plantations joined lie contiguous to each other, con- Biueraoie saving win oe eflected in their united management. Mr. F. H. Austin. has finished the two London experts over the nlanta- tion properties sought to be amalga mated tor English purchasers. The party has returned to Honolulu, and it is reported that Mr. Austin will accom pany the English gentlemen to London. So far as known their report will be fav orable to the purchase of the interests by a London syndicate. very rough weather has prevailed during the week on the Hamakua coast. Police Court. Saturday, Nov. 3. T. B. Murray, aiding and abetting sea men, found not guilty and discharged. Louis Leflambe, $7 10, M. Larsen, Wm. Gerse, $0 each, drunk. Pauelua, blasphemy, $6. Harry Hageman, attempting to leave the Kingdom without a passport, $11. A native man and woman, charged with larceny of $360, are allowed to go at large until 5th inst., as complainant is sick and cannot attend Court. Supreme Court At Chambers. Saturday, Nov. 3. Before Mr. Justice Dole. Petition of James. Brown for habeas corpus, judg ment reserved from yesterday. Ordered that petitioner be discharged irom cus tody and his costs remitted. Hawaiian Hotel Arrivals. November 4th E. Macfie and family, Kilauea, Kauai; Walter C. Dart, llana raaulu, Kauai; Wm. H. Cornwell, Wai kapu, Maui ; E. A. Bielenberg, Wailuku ; II. Bishop, jr., JLondon. SPECIAL. BUSINESS ITEMS. Drink Moxie at the " Elite." Horn's genume Butter Scotch. Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's) for coughs. Magazines street. at Graenhalgh's, 10G Fort Ladies' Fishers. glace trim Cotton Shoes at Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricator for the throat. Get your newspapers at Graenhalgh's, 100 Fort street. Milk Shakes at Tahiti Lemonade Depot, 28 Merchant Street. Good goods, at low prices, can always be found at Sachs' store, 104 Fort street. New novels, by the most popular au thors, at Graenhalgh's, 100 Fort street. Extra Fine Cream Cakes and Eclairs every Tuesday and Friday at the Elite. Just opened, a fine line of French Kid Shoes for ladies, misses and children, at Fishel's. Ladies will do well by calling at Fishel's and see his new stock ot French Kid Shoes and Slippers. For Corsets and Under Wear go to Sachs' store. There's where you will hnd what you want. For stylish millinerv go to Sachs' store. There you will always lind choice goods and latest styles. W. II. Graenhalghhas all the papers and magazines upon his counters lor sale at San Francisco prices. It has been proved by unanimous verdict that the San Jose Lager Beer on draught at the Royal Saloon is the best. Irritated, throats and annoying coughs nrfl nil icklv' relieved bv the crenuine Butter Scotch, only to be tound at the Pioneer Steam Candy Factory of F. Horn. Plenty . ".-"li'Tionials, . A mo :l.ld IV . i .k " - Goods, - a ei' i '.. c at St : c 'linn Ke iil the v ...des, pl-ius fancy .striped gc ds. Tl... ONrrwfr s-i I Jim V 1 ;U V, "ai Hit A i, . - --j . - "ri oe Cream Parlor is the omy estat -T. dat can vdY ri to 'Mill t".li v. J '. no others can. l'I'll; A : .V 7ERY DAY! hop Mil! j To Just Receive.! ex C. i ; -LUGEB," coasign- from Gi:kma;n, & ment oi KUOOG B Paten fc -oresses -with tlie arvcaiN'1 luu - SIZl-:S OK PRESSED:. 30 Chambers and 42 Chanters. These Presses have i.ecn in use ..: ?e?son' iU" ,if .hem with the mice ; was run most satisfactory rcsu gFor sale at lowest price s by Ii WILI-UMfii J. s. Filtei ADVERTISER. NOVEMBER 5, 1888. Sfiwfiscmrnts. Holiday Goods ! Holiday Goods ! Send Your Orders to the Popular Millinery House, 104 Eort Street, S. SACHS, - Prop. OUR LARGE STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS Will be Opened on or about November 15, 1888. IT WILL CONSIST OF A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Fancy 3Plnsh. "Ware, Fancy ISTovelties, Etc. Useful as well as Ornamental Goods. 0UE PRICES WILL BE LOWER Than any other House ! any gX7 ISLAND ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A Good Chance to , o ON ACCOUNT OF FAILING HEALTH MR. G. WEST WILL DISPOSE ot his entire interest in the business known as G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street, Honolulu. Liberal Terms will be givm to a responsible party. The firm has been doing a good paying business during the last six months, not withstanding the dull times. For the next Sixty Days we will sell Goods at just enough to cover cost. 7 For Bargains in FURNITURE, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Etc., Etc., see us before purchasing. Gr. 13S FOR 30 DAYS ! FOR 30 DAYS ! MAKE ROOM EOR NEW GOODS. -:o:- D URING MR. FISHEL'S ABSENCE, WHO WENT EAST TO BUY HIS HOLIDAY GOODS, our Entire Stock of Fancy and. Staple X)xy Goods, Fancy Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Millinery, Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices in order to make room for New Goods. We will offer the biggest Bargains in Dry and Fancy Goods in this country. Our $5 Hats will be sold for $2.75; our $G Hats, $3.75; our $3 Hats, our $10 Hats, $6; .$15 Hats, $8.75. We Have Eemnants in all Departments GOODS WILL BE SLAUGHTERED FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY! Boy's Fine Straw Hats only 25 Cents each ; Our Linen Lawns Take the Cake! Price our Ribbons: Our Stock of Ribbons is Complete and you may expect Bargains. 7We MUST and we WILL sell in order to make room for New Goods. THE LEADING jilLLiNERY HOT; sj WAI 7 1 nd Job Printing iistabiis"hr.ion BOOK it 1. .1 FOSTER & CO., ; vx.-ji3 GKOCEILS 1 1 M.M. w . AND Purchasing Agents. Sole Agents for Simpson's Top-o-Can Brand Diamond Creamery BUTTER. THIS CELEBRATED BUTTER IS of the finest quality, made upon the Danish and American systems combined. Packed in hermetically eealed tins, and warranted to keep in hot climates. 26 and 28 California St, SAN FRANCISCO, : : CAL. lOt- 1206-ly N' OTIOE. O N Ai l AULK OCTOBER J.M, CHU i-i a:Oat aT then zed to sigi: xi a rm iitw 6t i-li UONQ ist: & CO. GO go into Business ! WEST & CO. .40, a- ttibh:ji t. Honolulu, H. . For Hongkong & Y okoLama , V p kl The Nippon Yusen Kaisha's Al Steamship "Talrasago Mara" BROWN, Com man beii, Will be due here from Yokohama on or about the 13th of November, and will leave for above ports, positively, on NOVEMBER 17, 1888. Chinese passengers for Hongkong will be transferred at Yokohama by first steamer leav ing that port. tST For Freight or riseac, tor accommodations, apply to STT.- i Wm. G. Irwin & Co., j 127-tf AGE25T3. Tins CELEBRATED BEER Comes all tlie way on ICE from St. Louis. - Highest "Premium . -Awarded Wherever Exhibited.- N-f --1? Z -SyT'v-s"J II " V. S5f Sta -ll-v For Sale on Draught, at THE "PANTHEON." 30-tf The Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, Corner of Beal and Howard Streets, San Francisco California W. H. TAYLOR : President R. S. MOORE Superintendent Builders of Steam Machinery In all its branches. Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete, with hulls ot wood, iron or composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con structed with reference to the trade in which they are to be emy loyed. Speed, tonnage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PITE. of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets rolled, punched and packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riveted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacific Coast of the Home Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works' purroses, built with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. Williams Honolulu. Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckt'.j Block. 4l-:.:n A ;(. iV-r th- Uaxh. I.-la it' . v.; i U J l v - J v ,5 Chinese & hum 5 ' n a f c 42 NUUANIT o i ; lla ve constantly on han(T silk, Satin, urape, urass UJoth, mcroiderpd and Hemstitched Silk anuV Grass Cloth Handkerchiefs, Silk anf Crape Shawls and Scarfs. , - A. "rpat variety of Chinese and Japa ; "r -r? ana lac- i ' t.t, ! vn Oi Hut ; Jewelry C"al and Silver . Tiger Claw--, Cats' . -'..ti:: with and Ainber. Eves Earrings Bracelets, An assortment oi Chi:ivc3 nnd Japa nese Nick-Nacks and Curiosities too nu merous to specify. Chinese Matting a specialty. Ebony and Marble Furniture in gets Tables, Chairs and Settees. A full assortment of Flower Pots, Arti ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered and Bamboo Goods, Ete. New Goods received by every steamer. The public are respectfully invited to inspect our goods. ll-3m TheBk. EHackfeld Has Just Arrived with a Cargo of NEW GOODS R- ii. HACKiELD 129-lw CO. v w J ; ; i ;' j.'' ; t : I 11 f. 'i ' ;.' t I i I i i I I I