Newspaper Page Text
DAILY PACIFIC pOMMEROIAJi ADVERTISER NOVEMBER 19, 1888. 33n SUttljoritii. School Notice. The new Public Free School at Kaulu- wela, in this district, will be opened on WEDNESDAY next, the 21st instant. when pupils of both sexes, all nationalities, and of any persuasion, may be registered for attendance. y.r. C. Henry White, for several years assistant Principal of the Iloyal School, Kfhehuna, has been appointed Principal, and Mm. M. A. Wood, for a number of years a successful teacher of primary grades in public and private schools in tbis district, has been appointed Assistant TfiTher. The location of the school, for health and comfort, is most excellent, and in the charge of teachers of experience, should not fail of a Jarge attendance. By order of the Board ot Education. V. JAS. SMITH, Secretary. Education Oflice. Nov. 19. 1S8S. 151-3t Tenders Wanted. The tenders for intercepting Ditches Punchbowl Hill, being indefinite, tenders are attain called for the Punchbowl inter- r.entint? Ditch and also tenders for an in- I o tercepting Ditch at Makiki. The bids required are as follows: 1. Alimm sum for Section 1 of Punch bowl Ditch. 2. A luiui) sum for Section 2 of Punch- bowl Ditch. 3. A lump sum for the Makiki Ditch. The Makiki Ditch includes masonry of dam and accessories. Sealed tenders for the above will be re ceived at the Interior Office until TUES DAY. November 20, 18SS, at 12 o'clock noon. Plana and specifications for the work can be seen and all necessary information obtained upon application to the office of the Superintendent of Public Works. The Minister of the Interior does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any bid. L. A. THURSTON, Minister of Interior. Interior Oflice, Nov. 14, 18S3. 143-4t 15,17,19,20 THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser. 13e just and fear not: Let ay the ends thou aim'st at be Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. MONDAY, : NOVEMBER 19, 18S8. The tramway people are making good I progress in laying their track, which now extends nearly to Waikiki. The presence of the rails, which are laid close to the mauka side of the road, reduces what was originally rather a narrow driveway, to a strip altogether unsuited to the large amount of travel which passes over it. This, of course, is not the case with the whole road from Pa waa outward, but only with that portion of it r.hich runs through the flats and tule marshes. Here, the road is not only narrow, but being raised several feet above the adjoining land, the result of being run off the side would be particu larly unpleasant as well as dangerous. As the laying of the track, and the ac companying partial break-up of the face of the road, will necessitate at least a partial re-grading and remaking of the same, it would appear as though the present was a very favorable and con venient time for making the proposed improvement. It would certainly cost less to do it now, while the other work on the road is under way, than at some future time. HIL0 NEWS LETTER. Personal Notes The Walmea Term The Rising Star in Art. Ililo residents are glad to welcome homo Mrs. L. Severance from a visit of over a year in America. Also Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott and child, of Wainaku, .from a visit to America and Canada. Eighty cases were on the calendar when the Court opened at Waimea. It seems unfortunate that so many people are compelled to stay any time at such an out-of-the-way place, where there are sufh miserable places to eat and sleep, and so few of them. The Government should send a portable hotel there. Hiio has a curiosity in the person of a blind young Hawaiian who blows an immense reed whistle that sounds like the whistle of the steamer Kinau. When he finds out when the steamer will arrive at Hilo, he goes from door to door and reports the hour of arrival. Mr. D. Howard Hitchcock leaves in the Kinau to-day, 13th instant, for wider fields. He intends to stay in Honolulu six or eight weeks, if not longer, setting up his studio there. He takes vith him a number of interesting studies and several new pictures, showing widely different phases of our island scenery notably one of Kilauea by twilight, that gives a full view of both mountains, with the north banks and flow of the crater, and the. sulphur banks to the right an exceedingly comprehensive view. Another, of the historic Kawai hao at sunset, gives an impression of peaceful quiet and brilliant, though sub dued coloring, which shows the spirit of Mr. Jules Tavernier's teaching and the ambition and talent of our young artist under his training. BesjLdeB these ha ba3 on hand a few unfinished pictures of woods and valleys hereabouts, and quite a number of island wood panels, in which, I must say, he excels in putting bits of bright, tropical scenery on to a small surface. On his arrival at the capital, he would be delighted to receive clla from all those who are favorable to art, and any person having capital will find a capital way to dispose of it, and encourage home talent. J. A. M. Hilo, November 15. MORE FROM SAMOA. Another Side of the Story Correspon dence of a Sydney Paper. The special correspondent of the Sydney Telegraph, writins from Apia, October 15, give3 Sarnoan news of a kitid that has not previously come this way. The writer says that the presence cf two Inilish war vessels in the harbor had led the insurgents to believe that Eng land would espouse the side of their King, and " there is no doubt the pres ence of the warships ha3 been used by some of the disaffected white residents of Upolu to incite the supporters of Ma taafa to further rebellion.' Some fifteen real Britishers were not consulted, this correspondent alleges, in a petition pre sented to Admiral Fairfax asking that one of the war ships should be allowed to remain for the protection of English residents. "This is another way," he comments, " the would-be rulers of Samoa show how matters political ought to be conducted." The Admiral decided to leave the Lizard in the harbor till she could be relieved by some other vessel. " Since the sailors" (from the Adler) " have been ashore" (guarding the pro perty of the Deutsche llandels Company) the policy of Brandeis, the adviser to King Tamasese, has been one of peace, preferring to wait the outcome of events without any further loss of life. On ac count of so much shooting from boats and on shore recently, to the danger of the white residents of the beach, liear Admiral Fairfax left instructions with Captain Pelley,of the Lizard, that should any firing take place from any boats within a certain radius of the beach, Captain Pelley was to fire over trie boats. If no notice was taken of this caution, he was to immediately fire at and sink them. To prevent any shooting from the seaward by the Tamasese party. Brandeis has removed the whole of Tamasese's forces, lately at Mulinuu, to a place called Saluafata, a portion of the Atua district, some fifteen miles to windward of Apia. This move practically removes all immediate danger to the residents of the town. "While the followers of Tamasese were snugly ensconced at Mulinuu Point,- the traffickers in firearms were loud in their anathemas against the ad viser to Tamasese for not letting his men out of Mulinuu to meet their oppo nents away from any German property. mere is no aoubt opportunity is every thing; but when a section of traders wish to see this splendid race of natives fighting one another, simply to enable more ammunition to be blown away, it is time that pressure should be brought to bear at Washington to prevent the American residents of Samoa from sup plying the natives with firearms. Eng glishnien and Germans here are liable to severe penalties for such a grave offense." The letter represents Tamasese's forces, since removal to the Atua dis trict, to be mobilized and numbering nearly 3,000 men, who are well armed and have an excellent supply of ammunition. "talking man" from each side has gone to Savai, to compete against one another for securing the following of 500 warriors there. "Whichever side the Savai contingent decide on taking it will make a great difference should the op posing forces come to close quarters. Mataafa, or the new Kiner Malietoa. is described as a very sensibleand thought ful man. He wrote a characteristic let ter to the German Consul, Mr. Becker, announcing that, as he now ruled the town and land of Apia (ueutral territory;, he had appointed the pilot and the iud;e and was about to write their commissions. "But one thing," he continues, "that hinders me from closing upon all these matters for the prison house and police these days, I must be very careful, be cause there mii:ht be something which may prop against the feeling of the Ger man Government, as the gentlemen of j'our Government is judge and pilot for this reason I do these things first asking your Excellencv's permission." He signs, "Malietoa, King of Samoa." to this humble note. The Telegraph concludes in a pro- German strain as follows: "There was a little excitement along the beach last Friday morning when it was discovered that during the night the Tamasese party had left Mulinuu. The Tamasese flag was hauled from the flagstaff. In its place the red, white and black mer cantile flag of the German nation was hoisted, much to the consternation of the townspeople. In a few weeks, how ever, I expect to see the Imperial flag of Germany floating gaily at the flagstaff at xYiunnuu. When this is done the Samoan difficulty will be at an end, and not tin men." The Baseball Expedition. " Outing" for November has an illus trated article on the baseball expedition to Australia. At the head is a picture of the steamship Alameda, while three groups of portraits appear in the body- the first comprising Messrs. Ward, Lynch and Anson; the second, the Chicago team, and the third, the All- America team. A vignette of Mr. Spalding is inserted at the beginning of me article, juagmg nv tnat of Mr. At. J T t . m - V impson, nowT in Honolulu, the portraits are excellent likenesses. The " plan of campaign" given oy Mr. Lynch says he would try to detain tha Alameda's de parture trom ban h rancisco from 2 to 8 o'clock on the 17th, " so that we mav play our farewell game the dav we leave." It is to be hoped this part will not be carried out, as it involves a risk of not reaching Honolulu in time to play. ine naseoan match on Saturday was only for practice and no score was kept. Only a small number of spectators at tended. Mr. H. II. Simpson, of the All- America team, pitched on one side and Mr. Meek on the other. The former showed himself a smart all-round plaver. pitching a livelier if not a more baffling game than the pitchers we are accus tomed to. He often had three strikes against a batter before a ball was called, and it was noticeable that very few balls were called before something decisive was done: In watching the bases he was lightning m glance and action. A letter from Norfolk Island dated October 5th, to the Auckland Herald, reports whaling there progressing very satisfactorily. Ten whales had been captured, and a good season is antici pated, as the whales are plentiful and show good chances. The American whaler Niger and the Petrel are the only vessels named except passing merchant men and warships. HAWAII IN AUSTRALIA. Represented at Two Exhibitions Mel bourne Centennial and Sydney "Wo men's. Mr. II. II. Williams, Hawaiian Com missioner to the Australian Centennial Exhibition at Melbourne, has been heard from. He has established a Hawaiian court for the small exhibit from this country, which attracts attention far beyond the proportion of its size. Some visitors are said to have been so pleased with the representations of civilized life and .activity here as to determine them to go to Europe by way of - these Islands instead of the Suez route, as originally intended. Mr. Williams is more than satisfied with the cordiality and gener osity of his reception and treatment. The Exhibition of Women's In dustries and Centenary Fair was opened at Prince Alfred Park, Sydney, on October 2d. "The undertaking," a Sydney paper says, " owed its origin to the determination of a number of ladies, whose names are associated with many good works, that an exhibition of some kind should be held in the capital of the mother colony in celebration of the Cen tenary of Australia." Lord Carrington, Governor of New South Wales, was ex pected to open the Exhibition, but he considered it more appropriate that Lady Carrington should perform the ceremony. Among those mentioned as witnessing the opening ceremonies was Mr. E. O. Smith, Consul for Hawaii. The Town and Country Journal, in reporting the Women's Exhibition, men tions in detail the contents of a large show case near the centre of the hall, containing sixty-seven catalogued articles forwarded, through Mr. Hoffnung, by the King of the Hawaiian Islands. The feather cape, bed quilt and pillow covers are noted as "the most striking articles," and are described with much praise. "The most surprising exhibit of all these strange and peculiar things ' the report concludes, "is a primitive telephone, which invention has been in common use in the Hawaiian Islands since 1800, very much to the credit of this intelli gent race of people." It is to be hoped that His Majesty's in teresting exhibit will be added to the small collection at Melbourne before the close of that gr?at Exposition. Personal. His Majesty returned to town by the Kinau. Mr. Atkinson, Inspector of Schools, has returned from his visit to Kauai. ' His Excellency C. W. Ashford, Attorney-General, will leave for the Wai mea Circuit Court by the Likelike. Mr. D. Howard Hitchcock, the yomng Hilo artist, arrived in town by the KinaUj anjl will make himself known profession ally to this community. Hon. C. K. Bishop received a sharp blow in the chest from a wild thrown ball at Makiki on Saturday. The ball seemed to be seeking a shining mark, for the rest of the group in which Mr.Bishop ..a. 1 i. l i? rr fir i- n sioou eonsisieu oi tion. v . r. Alien, Rev. Principal Oleson and Vice Principal Townsend, of Kamehameha School, and Lieut. Crawford of the U. S. S. Alert. The racific Cable. Sir Julius Vogel, the ex Premier of New Zealand, is working hard in London for the Pacific cable. He is unfavorable to the constructing of a cable from Van- couver to the colonies when a much shorter route could be obtained from a point south of San Francisco. To talk of carrying the line through Britislrter ritory solely was absuru, and would offer special inducement for a hostile power to cut it in time of war. He doubts whether capitalists could be found to carry out the project, and believes his own scheme would recommend itself in preference. Reports credit Sir Julius with having under way a huge financial scheme for purchasing the present cable to Australia, and constructing one from America. Auction Soles. BY L. J. LEVEY. This Dav," SPJECIL SALE At Auction. By order of Messrs. BISHOP k CO., Assignees In a certain note of BROWN & CO., I will sell at public auction at my Salesrooms, On Monday, November 19 At 12 o'clock m., the following described Life Ins. Policies OF FRANK BROWN: JiortH "Western Mutual Life, dated June 4, 1877, for $3500 Mutual Life of New York, dated Aug. 23. 1875, for 3000 New England Mutual, dated June C, 1877, for 2500 Mutual Life of New Y'ork, dated Jan. 12, 1872, for 2000 TERMS CASH. Lewis J Levey, 149-3t AUCTIONEER. Horses, Carriages k Harness -AT AUCTION On Wednesday, Nov. 21st At 12 o'clock noon, In front of my Salesrooms, I am instructed by Mr. W. R Seal to sell at public auction, without reserve to the highest bidder, his Carriages, Horses and Harness, Etc., Etc., as follows; 1 Family Cut-tinder Double Carriage, 'J complet e with cushions, curtains, rugy, lamps, etc. 1 Brewer & Co. Fancy Phaeton, in perfect order. 1 Light Express "Wagon with top, fast seat, etc. 15ay Carriage lady can drive. Horses, perfectly gentle Black Pony, fast under saddle. Sets of Harness, nearly new; etc. The above can be seen at the Pantheon Stables from 9 a. in. on Tuesday, and 11 a. m. in front of my auction room. Will be sold separately or a whole rig. Lewis J. Levey, 151-td AUCTIONEER. BY J" AS. F. MORGAN. THIS DAY Mortgagee's Notice of Sale ! By or -pr of 3. M. Monsarrat, the Mortgagee named in a certain indenture rf mortgage dated August 4, 18S7, andjrecorded in the otnee of the Registrar of Conveyances in Honolulu, in iiber 105 folios 232 and 233, and made by C. J. Maki ino'alias John Puhi, to said J M. Monsarrat, I am directed to sell at public auction, On Monday, November 19 At 12 o'clock noon of that day, At my Salesrooms in Honolulu, the property in said mortgage dfscribed being situate near L.i liha street, in said Honolulu, and more particu larly described as follows: All the one undivided third part, being the share of the said C. J. Makimo alias John Puhi, of and in all those Two Pieces of Land Situate as aforesaid, being Apanas 3 and 4 of Royal Patent No. 45o5, L. C. Award 2151, issued to Puhi, the father of the said C. J. Makimo. Apana 3 is situated on a small lane which runs off from Liliha street on the Ewa side just above the premises of C. E. Williams, and has a front age on said lane about 90 feetjand a width of about 36 feet. Apana 4 adjoins the premises of Benj. Camp bell on the makai side and is leased for four years to said Campbell, from Jan. 1, 1889. at an annual rental of 516. payable semi-annually in advance; lot is 55.284 4-10 ft. For. further particulars apply to Jas. F. jSdCorgaiij AUCTIONEER., Or to J. M. Monsarrat, Martgagee. Honolulu, Oct. 30, 1888. 149-td Valuable Land Sale. By order of J M MONSARRAT, Esq, I will sell at Public Auction, at my Salesroom. Queen Street, in Ilouolululu, On Monday, November 19 At 12 o'clock noon of said day, tte following Lands, viz: 1 Land situate on the Government Road at Makuu. Puna, Hawaii, and running down to the eca shore, about nine miles from Eldarta Ranch, A.rea 2 l2-20 -ACreS Thin piece forms a part of Apana 1, of Royal Patent (Grant) No. 1013. formerly owned by Kaumuloa. A Une spring of water makes this Land particularly valuable, as all who know the District of Tuna can well understand. The laud has a lot of fine Cocoanut, Ohia and Hala trees growing upon it, is well adapted for agri cultural puposes and is enclosed by a etone wall. JJ Land situate on the Government Road at Waianu, Koolau, Maui, about one mile from the Keanae Landing, and formerly owned by 15 Kalilimoku. Area This is good 5 .7-10 Acres Taro Land with an abundance of water. ffd" Deeds at the expense of Purchasers. Maps and Surveys can be seen and further particulars obtained by applyiug to J as. 3J1., AUCTIONEER, Or to J M Monsarrat, No. 27 Merchant Street, Honolulu. 149-td thicriijsements LEWIS & CO., FORT STREET, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. 5Tloe House Goods a Specialty' 181-tf 1 To Planters! Just Received ex "J. C. PFLUGER," from GERMANY, a consign ment of KROOG'S Patent Eilterpr esses with Appliances for extracting the Sugar from the dry cake by means of water. SIZES OF PRESSES: 30 Chambers and 42 Chambers. These Tresses have been in use at the Kealia Plantation during the past season, during which all the diffusion juice was run through them with the most satisfactory results. 7"F6r sale at lowest prices by J. N. S. WILLIAMS. 139 1243 Ira Christmas Goods Toys, Dolls! Bonbo ns I Fancy Vasvs Glassware ' RXJ.Gr ! Christmas and New Year's Cards, FOR SAL' BY TflEO. H . DA VIES & CO. I ?.0-lni Planters' Monthly. T'HE FOLLOWING IS THE TABLE OF CON- JL tents of the number for November : Notes and Comments. An Important Discovery. Foreign Supar Market. Annual Meeting of Planters. Gigantic Irrigation project. Minutes of Planters' Annual Meeting. Report of Committee on Manufacture of Sugar. Report of Committee on Live Stock. Table of Live Stock Imported into the Hawa iian Kingdom. Table of Grain and Feed Imported. Table of Dairy Products Imported. Report of Committee on Cultivation. Winter Irrigation. Report of Committee on Forestry. Report on the Condition of Live Stock. Supplemental Report on Cultivation of Cane. New Ornamental Tree. Subscriptions received by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. and the News Agents. Price $2.60 year; foreign subscribers $3.00. 131-2t 1242-lt WEIR, TT7"ODLD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY HIS TT friends and the public generally that Le has purchased the Blacksmith and Carriage hop formerly conducted by A. Morgan at Nos. 79 and 81 King street, where he is now prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Painting and 1 rimming, Carriage and Heavy Wagon Work and General Blacksmithing with promptness and dispatch. Satisiactiou guaranteed. 131-tf AT HARRY SAYLOR'S You can get A Change of Dinner Every Day! And also, Broiled Steaks and Chops For Breakfast and Supper. Try 'em 124-tf Oceanic Steamship Co ft WS, liil'lls (l!J R FOU SAN FRANCISCO. The Al steamship "AUSTKALIA," I Will leave Honolulu for the above port on Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1888, At 2Voou. ISTFor Freight or Passage apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., AGENTS. To .iVT'iu ve ! Bock Salt for Cattle. S&"& few tons still undisposed of. APPLY EARLY. H. Davies 146-lm Theo. &- Co. H. MAY '& CO. Receive twice a week, Fl'esll AllUilliaDU Butfd', ill Ms II. MAY & CO. WILL ALSO RECEIVE BY THE AUSTRALIA, Roll Butter, Star IIaras, Dupee's Boneless Bacon, New York Cheese, Bkck Cod Fish, Smoked Beef, Dold's Lard, FAIRBANKS LARD. 3, 5 and 101b. PAILS; Kits New Season Mackerel and Salmon Bellies, London Layer Raisi ns, Wal nuts. Almonds, Etc. CAPE COD CRANBERRIES And a General Assortment of Cala. Goods. Including Fresh Apples and other Fruits. 146-2w Selling oil at Cost! Ptt Intending: to CLOSE OUT my present business. 1 NOW OFEER GREAT BARGAINS BOOTS SHOES Ladies and Gentlemen can now obtain the BEST ARTICLES in this Ane AT COST. i2TPlease give me an rarly call. !P. Mclneniy, Fort Street above King. Honolulu, Nov. 12, 1888. 145-rw TO PLANTERS! TTAVING RECENTLY IMPROVED - and strengthened our construction of 2-Roller Mills, as also the slat feeding mechan ism for same with very satistactory results, we. are now prepared to contract for that class of machinery at short notice. We have patterns on hand for 40xC6in., 36x66in., 32x6in.. 30xC0in., 30x54in 26x54in. sizes of rollers, steel shafting and steel gearing throughout with any desired type of engine, or they can be driven from engine In use on 3-Roll Mill, by compounding the same, thereby economizing steam. Results under equai. conditions guaranteed tjnsub passed by any otheb construction or system of FEKDIKO. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Agent Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, 136 1243-tf San Francisco. VOICES CHBISTMASGOO 1 In L arge V lor. -s ALE l;V H. HACK I'KLI) 14 7-1 w FOR Grand MILLlEli! MISS CHlLLBURu will h.,U , ,., days, to mau. room uric j for New Holich TO ARKIVE Shortly. ' f Ladies $20 Hat will be sold for 13 " " 10 " 6 " $12 Ostrich Plumes " H Ti ps AT HALF PRICE. jj TM 1 ..... TT. 1 C styles.and trimmed with the vtrvleVt n, ,4 J Unlets MISS CHILLKuW 143 2v l'OKT ST1IEE tomes all tlie way ICE fr 01U; St. J,ouis. Highest Premium 5) Awarded Wherever Exhibited! JSa S.!,-!' IT-7N THE "PAX Ex c Coranna From Liverpool, A Fresh Supply of GUINNESS' STOtJTi Bottled by JI.B. Foster ffi by W. E. Johnson & Co., L,ierpuui. CHAMPAGNES of Benj. and En Perrle. -.CMovg Of Joseph Perrifr Fils & Co., C talons, Of Veuve Aniiot, Chalons, 3TFor Sale by Ed. Hoffschlaeo-ertt Co, RING Avn BETflEL STBEET3. 150 1203-tf Just Arrived. Ex Bark "C.B. Bisliop. Two of those wellkn 823 For Sale by & CO.. ED. BOH"" ,hi street King ana c 30 bay! Clearance Sale 1 OF i n mm i llliit !?i (virf CENTENNIAL J VV$.3i COMMISSI .rjjf f Fcr Sale on Draught, at j i mm?ih 30-tf ;