Newspaper Page Text
'f i. 1 : ' ... V" ' - r3. 7 i v. it i i -- i. i rn ... Si 1 J ,-: i '; 1 4 .f r i . y. . 1 1. i - i .. . j r 1 i "if 11 f. - . ; i.V f ! - ' "i :"-'.Mff "i "5 , J 1 I- i t . ' : in I i; B2 Slutljoritn. Finance Tiepabtment. BUBEAU OF CtJ8TOM8, Honolulu, H. I., July 22, 1891. 1 Importers of Keio;ene and other oils are hereby notified that hereafter the Keeper of oils will deliver oil from the Kakaako Warehouse from 7 a. m. to 12 m., and from the O. R. & L. Co.'s Warehouse from 1 to 4 p. m., each day except Satur days and Sundays. G. E. BOARDMAN. 2822-3t Deputy Collector. THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER B just and fear not; Let all the ends thou alm'tt at be Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1891. The custom house statistics pub lished in another column, possess little interest besides the large ex- port of sugar during the first half of this year as compared with last year. It now looks as though our total sugar export for 1891 might considerably exceed that, for 1890, which was 259,798,462 pounds. This, however, is not certain, as nearly all the plantations have fin ished grinding for 1891, and it is difficult to estimate what the re maining half year will turn out. " THE PARNELL OF HAWAII." 1 On the first page of to-day's issue will be found two interviews between press reporters of San Francisco and Robt. W. Wilcox, who claims to be the Hawaiian Parnell. These interviews may be received as substantially correct and approved by him, as copies, mailed by him, have been received by various parties here. To pose as a hero has seldom been success fully accomplished even by the most ambitious demagogues, and to be called a "Parnell" will here after have a two-fold meaning, and many there be who can justly claim to be his equal in sinking to the lowest depths of social and conjugal infamy. Were it not that wrong im pressions are given by these inter views it would hardly be necessary to contradict anything they contain. Every one here knows that very little weight is to be given to much that is reported in these interviews. Passing by the foolish statements about Mr. Wilcox's princely con nections, it is of more importance that he is not American in his tastes and feelings. He was Ital ianized by his stay in Italy. He preached to the people here during the last election campaign about the classes in Europe. He talked with approval of the aristocracy, evidently classing himself there. It is pretty well understood also that he means '' American " when he says " Missionary." Ee has taken up the cry of " Hawaii for the Ha waiians," as a fine catch sentiment to get votes and it will get them, too, but it is not for the good of the Hawaiian, nor for the perpetu ation of the race, but in order to get into the government. He can never get there in the ordinary course of events, for he has not sufficient ability, a fact which is thoroughly recognized by Her Ma jesty as well as by his own party. In no country is the government more thoroughly representative than here, but Wilcox and others do not want this, they desire abso lute control by the minority of the nation. THE PLANTERS' MONTHLY. This sterling periodical for the current month contains the usual variety of matter relating to plant ing and agricultural products gen- Brson,DA short extract from a "ower recom- In advert. Using Or, PIERCE' Patent UICUCT1( ELASTIC N TRUSS. the assurance is givan that we are SJ offering the Ileal N Trass in tne worm Thin Ceiabrated Annli. ance has been extensively V 'sild for manv rears snd has I VM TladlMllv feared thonawu ands orcses of Kapture! This is anjl I Electric Trans (the only sacoesBrui pciv i - bin invented); has no Iron Hoops or Btel Springs ebout it, and being elastic, can be worn wUh ease and comfort Night and ax. It s a per reet reteliier I 9hor further particulars a JTrnitm send 4c. in stamps for PsmpnietSo.1 an nCnCP'DCn that Dr.Piercs's Genuine Elect ft U Eli D L II Trusses contain onr SI ' "atu iiactly like that shown at top jjf tliii dvertlaemeut. Beware ol inferior imitations AddWMAGNETIC MASTIC TRUSJW. fc -v ' feato fil-,ti3ta fUMlMsx Csw t .SSI S VI 11 t lul 1 other amusing paragraphs IS the following: " A kind of harvest-home takes place at the end of the crop gathering upon each estate. A cart laden with the last canes is drawn by mules decorated with ribbons, and attended by a crowd of la- borers.the principal women being attired in wmte musun. xne mm auu umer I. i mi fil 1 .iL.- estate buildings are gay with colored kerchiefs, which do duty as flags. Home ancient negro is put forward to make a speech to the planter, which he often .nes with considerable humor and ad- ilrfiss: thn the planter replies, and a trlass of falernum, a beverage com- pounded of rum, lime-juice ana syrup, is i - - . handed round to each, uancmg men beurins. and is carried on to a late hour to the sound of fiddles and tambourine. Sometimes the proceedings are varied hv the introduction of a 'trash man,' i. e., a figure stuffed with cane-trash and tied on the back ol a mule, wmcn is finallv let loose and gallops about with his incongruous burden to the delight of the spectators." The whole sketch is well worth perusal, if it be only for compan- son with hie on our Hawaiian plantations, and to show how far hehind us are such ancient estates as that described. . CUSTOM STATISTICS. FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Bureau of Customs, ) Honolulu, H. I., July 23, 1891.) His Excellency Samuel Parkeb, H. M.'s Minister of Finance ad in terim. Sir: I have the honor to submit to Your Excellency the table of the prin cipal domestic exports of the Hawaiian Islands, for the quarter enamg o uuo ou, narativft table of exports MlOVf - ' for r x months. compared wuuwr responding penoa, iyu. 1 have the honor to De, sir, Your most obedient servant, G. E. Boardman, Deputy Collector. COO c o d at m r w - -n d Pa t cs : d PS- 22 5 "w 3 O H i i O w 00 SS-p. H M CO CO OB P B - 2 2 b : OB a as o 5 " : 5 S d 8 5S to 0 CO CO JO K- CO OS OS JO S 00 tc o 00 -J 2 o o P tz5 O CQ J O W K M O d w H W o w a a cc H O S Jul o 5 s 00 ' r Mm oo o I p eo to n. 00 ooo 2 ? l0 0 f3 CO p i Q H o Si s -1 w-1 to to CO -4 O 09 IO A OM Ol O3toeoc:gio3e0Oo9C0 Ub9Ot3 3ISMU05 OlOQtOOQOOOOOl. oooooooSfgita The following exports are Included in the above table: KAHTJL.TTT Sncar 11 071 nnnnAa nln. jo.oid.. maes, pes.. "vaiae, W69.90. HIT.O Rnerar. B 9ftl ill nnnn coin 306.57. mdes. pes., 80; value, $169.02. Molasses, gais., ,ob; vaiue, faw.oo. MAHUKONA Sugar, 3,825.138 pounds; value. 9i2.uo.x. BunarieB, v.iue, fw. to . !T-C kf 1.1 n a o P o ? s O M 03 H i i O M CO K o o O m Siw P.- p . OD2 8 m . 0 . . 0 . o 53 M O W O w CO IO to 00 "to 00 o ! tO H 8t-."bi"to -"eo'Vs'Jc a o w w w CO O iz! O (- a 00(OOiOIUtOO)0- 2 co 00 cc to AM av t-t -i in oco co oo o -a 55 00 CO O as 03JO iC ClbO jiUOH to 00 o o w a op O Oi to 4 to I-1 c to o o "x ' 18: tt 00 to to to o Iady Mdcdonald, The Queen of England has raised Lady Macdonald to the peerage. This high acknowledgement of the services which the deceased Pre mier of Canada rendered to- the British Crown is well deserved. and were Sir John still alive, noth ing would be more pleasing to him than this distinction of his faithful wife, who will be one of the few English ladies that are entitled to a vote in the House of Lords. A seat within the precincts of the House is granted to all wives of peers, but a vote is a distinction possessed only by a very limited number of ladies. "The loyal Cana dians are very enthusiastic over the news, which was officially an nounced in London recently, for they feel that the Dominion" shares the honor of Lady Alacdonald's distinction. News Letter. NEW GOODS to the PACIFIC HARDWARE CO. Invoice Lamp Chimneys, Gal van- 8torcnd Buckets, Tea Kettles, Aral Jnhhi..- Send or leave orders wic Central House, Alakea near no.. or with A. Dor ward, at house ad k-" Honolulu Library, opp. Y. M. C. A. - CTBell Tel. 622, Mutual 398. $ 2747-1tf fe Ice NOTICE. FROM AND this date we wi' responsible freight after i yum ELI been landed. Parties to whom . consigned must be at the landing Lt'd. their freight ' t ' WILDER'S STEAMS ' Honolulu, Sept. 5,1830. - I vV:-.-'''':.VX.'- co;s IDEAL BOOEING ! EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS: Ha bdm an Peck Co., Piano Manufacturers, Warerooms. 138 Fifth avenue. Office and Factories, 48th and 49th sts. and 11th and 12th avenues. New York. Gentlemen Your P. & B Roofing has been on t.e roof of our Piano Factorv. vdva. sc. ana xsorin Kiver, during one sum mer ana winter, and we take pleasure in stating that it has given us better satisfac tion than any roofing material we have ever had With Your Roofing we have had no tboublb whatever we have a solid protection aeainst all sorts oi weatner, ana no aanger ol leakages. xnere is no piace on tne roof las vour paint cements the joints solidly) where any moisture can enter or even fine drift ing snow find a lodgment. As the New York Board of Fire Underwriters class it the same in Fire Risks as a Tin Roof, we feel as well protected as regards risks of ignition. We gladly allow you to refer any one to this factory or to print this letter if you so desire. White, Gillespie & Thayer, Stamford, Conn. . Gentlemen Whatever value an un solicited, spontaneous indorsement of your Roofing may have (and it ought to be the best kind of testimony), you are en- uuea to li. ljast iau we covered a large warehouse with your material, laying it accurumg 10 your airecuons ana our own common sense, and we are much satisfied with how it turned out. Our fac tories here have gravel roofs, and Ditch roofs, and tin roofs, but hone give the satisfaction or promise of Yours, and we want more of it. AFTER SIX YEARS. East Oakland. Cla., Aug. 8th, 1890. Gentlemen We have been using vour heavy Roofing on our out buildings for over Six Years, and it has proved itself to be a very durable no trouble. thoroughly watertight and even better than you represent it to be ; we can confi dently recommend it as a hrst class rooting. l&lgnedj HIE (JALA. UOTTON MILLS CO. Per T. Y. Miller, Sec'y. N. Clark & Sons, San Francisco. Gentlemen We take great pleasure in recommending your Pa ratline Roofing not only for its superior water proof qualities. but as a roof that is light, requiring in large buildings no neavy truss system, as is the case with shingle or metal roofs, and as a roof that can be laid with the least possible pitch. On our factory at Alameda Point which is 110 ft. wide, we gave it a pitch of one men to the foot, which is all that is re quired. There is on our roofs over 4.000 square yards of the roofing, and notwithstanding tne neavv rains last winter and the snow storm, not a drop of water has entered tbe Duuaing tnrougn tne root. Signed! N. Clark & Sons. M'frs. and Dealers in Vitrified Iron stone Sewer Pipes, Water & China ney .f ipes and Tops. New York Board of Fire Underwriters, uoara oi burveys, liowel liuildmg, New York. The Paraffine Paint Co., 48 Maiden lane Dear Sirs At the last meeting of the Committee, the Roofing Material present ed by your company was duly considered and tbe same will rank at the same rate as tin roofs. Signed. Jas. Harrison, Maimger.- A. A. Griffing Iron Co., Jersev Citv. N. J. Gentlemen As we manufac ture onlv radiators which are finite hnavv. our works, which cover six acres, are necessarily but one story high, and require ft larpfi amount: nf rnnfinc After frvino nearly everything we could find, we have n A. I.L. 1 Z X 1 A. SV O T- cumtj mj vus conclusion mat your r. x Jo. Roofing is the best, and our continued or ders are perhaps the best recommendation Y- we can oner you. Signed. . A. A. Griffing Iron Co P. &. B. PAJNT AS A FIRE-RESIST ING COMPOUND. Chinese Camp, . Tuolumne Co.. Cala., June 24th, 1890. Paraffine Paint Co Dear Sirs The following experience mat i nave nad witn your jf . & jb. com Dound will sneak for itself na in the morifo of your article, and I take much pleasure in giving you me iacis. On June 15 a fire hroke oni in a hm'Mino adjoining mine. The building was totally iuusuuicu uy me nitiues, ana me nying sparks and cinders were failing in great numbers on mv roof covered with vonr p & B. The effect was to soften the mate rial only,, the paint came off in flakes but did not ignite or burn. Please send me a bund of your P. & B. Paint. Needless to add I am highly pleased with it. Signed. Henry Morris. Wm G. Irwin & Co ,'LU, Are Sole Agents for the PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANY for the Hawaiian Islands, and keep a Stock of their Goods on hand, viz.: ROOFING,' PILE COVERING, PAPER AND PAINTS, ROOF PAINTS In BROWN and RED. 2824 1385-1 w CHAS. BREWER & CO8 Boston Line of Packets. IMPORTERS WILL PLEASE take notice that the fine BARK AMY TURNER, Capt. Johnson. Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leave for this port on Sept. 15, 1891, if suffi cient inducement offers. E&'Fot further particulars apply to 2651 1356-q 0. BREWER A CO. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING started a Tannery at lwilei close to the Slaughter house, informs the public that he will purchase hides and do all business concerning the line of Tannery, and has on hand all kinds of Leather for sale at reasonable prices. 2805-3m JOAQUIM DA GRELLA. Japanese Employment Office H AS MOVED TO NO. 23 MAUNAKEA street. Mutual Telephone No. 574. 2772-lm PARAFF1NE PAINT Hawaiian Hardware Co,, I'd, Monday, July . 20. , Every steamer, as well as sailing vessel, brings us some thing useful and often orna mental,; things which you are, oerhaos. in daily need ot. An - frvrr is one of them. They save trouble, pre vent dyspepsia, and give you potatoes that are palatable ana free from grease. They are so superior to the old style uten 1 sil that you will not be without one once you have tried it. You know what it is to have a miserable light dangling un der your brake, don t you? Well, we offer you a lantern that does not need another one to show where the light is. We refer to the " Dietz Carriage Lamps." A perfect minature head light that throws the light twenty feet ahead of the horse. We've sold a lot of them, and people tell us that they are the best thev have ever tried. Nickel or Japan as you prefer. I he nnre is the same, bo is the light. How do you do about ice water ; make it in a pitcher or use a cooler? We like cooler, (if you don't use a fil ter), because it saves trouble, and the water is iced at all times. The ice lasts longer. you know, if kept from the air. This last lot of Coolers re ceived includes some in imita tion hard woods, shaped like a small kegr Others are the regular shape, and a decided ornament to any room. They're all good in quality and will last a life time. We have another novelty this week, -came just in the nick of time too. It's a little pocketable dark lantern, in nickel ; throws a good light, and is as pretty as it is useful for what it is intended. The mysterious individual who prowls around at night in his bare feet makes it necessary for one to look about the house before retiring. Dirty foot prints are not desirable any where, and this lantern is just the thing to enable one to see in the dark corners without being seen. Policemen in England use them altogether. So do bicyclists. We think they are handy to have about the house, if only to use in going to the stable occasion- m ally. More Ice Chests and Re frigeratorsbest made wheth er on scientific principles or on a bench. Earthenware lined and nothing about them to become ill smelling, not even the price. There's no question about it, food lasts longer and keeps better in them than in any other refrig erator ever brought here. We're talking about Monroes make now ! same one we mentioned two weeks ago. If you want a good refrigerator this is the one to buy, - you are not particular, anything will do. The little filters and candle sticks we told you of last week are going about as rapidly as anything we have offered you lately. Customers seem to think as we do about them : everyone says they are a good thing. What do you say ? - HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., ID., (Opp. Spreckels Block), FORT STREET. BY JAS. F. MORGAN :::5:: ft A For Sale at Auction. Fire-Proof, Burglar-Proof, Fir, have received instructions to Sell at Public Auction, at my feaiesroora on Queen Street, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st, AT 13 NOON", 36 Residence Lob AT KALIHI, About a quarter of a mile beyond the Karaehameha School. Following is a plan of the lots: BECKXEY STREET The lots have been laid out and divid ed in such a manner and size as to bring them within the reach of all who desire a home of their own within convenient distance from the business center of the city. The location and general advantages of these lots are unequaled bv any property of tbe kind offered in this city for years. Situated at the mouth of Kalihi valley, at a good elevation, pure air and health f ul conditions are assured A 11 these lots front on Kaili avenue 55 feet wide.running through the place con necting King and Beckley streets, and being the widest streets in the suburbs of Honolulu. The lots are situated at less than 3 minutes' walk from the terminus of the King street Tram Cars. WATER The plans are perfected,and it is now the intention of the Govern ment to lay an 8 inch water main along the line of King street from the foot of Liliha street to the road passing the Ka lihi churches, from which extension water is expected to be available within 8 months. For the present, water for domestic purposes can be obtained iroin Kamehameha School premises. iMuia- uiNK tiA-Lc UAStl, Dal- ance in one year at 9 per cent., secured iC A large map of the property can be seen at my Salesroom, Queen street, where all desired informuiiou can be given. . ' J" as. F. JVEorgaii, 2820-td AUCTIONEER. NOTICE. THE STOCKHOLDERS Off thr it a w aii an Mercantile CVv ra HUI,;rn,.c. r . uvouvuo KJl disposing of their Store at Puehuehu, Ko- uaia, aim win oe pleased to hear from any one disposed to make an offer. We the undersiened will h lo fi nish any particulars regarding the prenii- (Amount of annual business, $60,000.) Signed, J AS. RENTON. JNO. HIND, tt , tli,0BT- WALLACE. Kohala, Hawaii, July 10, 1891. 2815-2w Red ward & Howell Notice TIDE UNDERSIGNED, BEING FULLY J- authorized to settle the business of Redward fc Howell (dissolved), hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said farm, to present them at once, and all persons indebted to said firm to make immediate payment to the. under, signed, at his office over Bishop & Co 's Bank. W. F. ALLEN, JnW is "irqi Ass5Snee F- H- Redward. July 15, 1891. 28I6-2w Election of Officers. ATkTSE A.NNUAL MEETING OF fr. l5e Hanalei Sugar Mill Company, held this day, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President. .Cfaas. Koelling Vice-President J. N. S. Williams Secretary J. O. Carter Treasurer Geo. H. Robertson Am,ltor .......J.O. Carter . J. O. CARTER, Secretary Hanalei Sugar Mill Co. Honolulu, July 20, 1891. 2821-lm Election of Officers. LilAL; MEETING OF C. dav trip fnliX-; pwiy' d- beld this offfcers to? ?SS!ffiJWtod as year: oi iue current Paily Advertiser 50c.; per month. nrivaled 1 2 3 - o EEE: 55 c, . - , s I Lamb j I Tl ", tH M ' s S5 13 si 5 h - 8 f Lane s l I o o If 01 w r s s 2 I g s s "cin KING Jl " x.vKY DT?0 Proof. Vanlf j , , wimj -L'UUl V OLD SAFES EXCHANGED. 2g24.y largest Stock, largest Store, W ON NEW AND SECOND-HAND FnBm THE A fU iiuutiun- anu vjuiuililSSlflli B (FIRE-PR00P BUILDIsq) West Cor. Nuuanu and Kin P. O. Box 480. Honolulu, H. I.. Prompt Returns Made on Goods Sold on Steamer and Veranda Chairs for sale Single and Double Bedroom Sets for sale Single and Double bets Harness, Surcingles, Whips Thin Saddles for sale v 1 "aies Books, by standard authors, only 50 cents, for sale Extra quality balety Matches, 75 cents a gross, for sale ah manes oi secona-nana Dewing Machines for sale Meat Pafes Tee Boxes, Stoves Rugs, Sideboards Whfw I Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, . Baby Cribs'and ? ' H Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Crockerv an Feather rillows, Uea Lounges, Sofas, Clothes Basket di" ,,u Spring & Hair Mattresses, Wardrobes, Brown and Blae MottledSoJ Sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICFS at the I X L inoti. . House, corner of Nuuanu and King Streets, , S. W. LEDERER, S?"Store Open Saturday Evenings Till 9 O'clock. ANTS MUST G( That is, If You Use HOLLISTEK'S ANT THEY'RE AN AWFUL NUISANCE, BDT THfc KNOCKS THEM Oil IN THE FIRST ROUND. X7- THERE ARE MANY KINDS OF ANT MARKET, BUT NOlE SO EFFECTIVE AS THAT PREPARED BY TJAT T TUmijTD Q J JjJJ lO X JjlX ; ffi CO., 2651-q PACIFIC HAEDWAEE Fort Street, Honolulu 1 Mil jr-v--r--r"i-Jri hi :1 ' I . tj. Ah- -S - it ' fx J S7 The EDDY Refrigerators and Ice ChertJ. J m j-- dflrabIe. njrD given BatiBiaction. iney are pui" ppffZER w f sold hundreds, nro ono.aiiv l-nnwn and aDpreciaieu T, re hand from a large invoice just received from the factory, patterns. varices. gWtf keep reliable goods and sell pnasonu.v r inos flfil E. HOEESCHLAEGBB & CORNER KING JLkNJ BETHEL sTS OfrW Wot Sale ONE WESTERMAYER SEMI-GRAND with mn olJ;' WESTERMAYER'S CABINET PIANOS in JjSate. latest improvements and made expressly lor J. & C. Fi nilRP'H PrAvna-Hiihinfit Uprights ana - W M-W M. A .S J WSW" ft anl v 66 'Vest Stree McrtJ frop 109 Fort (REFEIGM After an impoft vftars. and comider on accou" -- .r than anjtbing Jl this market. M t. t i.ih this "Vi' nandcirt'O'1': -! in every fSuM who have buUW' can teetiny- v i line orf lent. pi ICE CHE ebate fib PRICES MOD