Newspaper Page Text
DAILY PAOIglO OOMMMKOIAL iSaI8EB, SEPTEMBER 14, 1891. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Arrived at last !!! Congratulation?, Mr. Woods! Band concsrt at Emma Square to- ON THE DIAMOND. Aliiolanis J' lV Paimcr & Richardson, architects, iutve a notice in this issue. .15:1'' V.3.V 8:1"' 4 I :.-. t it:- r.M. 1:4.-1 : :!. 4 tU. 5:4.'.! TIih O. S. S. Australia is due to morrow from San Francisco. here Ben Hogau will i:iu- .1 :." 3 ,:' ll r.i' J7SJ-q Mill It'- : Z t - ' ? - t m . l- ;, il-' a. 3 (B Ifl. P ''1- ,. . , fl. "i i 7 : 547 !' 4 1,5 - , ' 5.47 C. 3 3. C o u. o o.i c. i o.iy rises S.So'll.-JU 5.4S' 6. 0 6.8 5.48 5.50 6.49 gjujS.S 5.5S 7.34 give a grand i-ttM'eoptieon lecture at KawaiaLao Church next Saturday evening. A laro number uf persons went down on the railroad yesterday to lo-..k at the lots on the Pearl Citv Peninsula. The Hall, which arrived Saturday, brings the news that the Volcano is very active, and that the crater is rapidly filling up. In the official score of Saturday's ball game, published in this paper, the "error" column is omitted. Were there too many, boys? Ben Hogan gave an interesting ad dres3 at the Central Union Church last evening. He speaks at the Y. M. C. A. to night as usual. vs. Iwileis A Close Game. The opening game of base ball of the Honolulu Amateur League drew out a fair attendance to the new League grounds on Saturday last. Prof. Berger and the Band were in attendance, and enlivened the occasion with their choice music. The game was marked by tood and bad playing. The Iwilei mad" several changes in positions of pla?M. Th game proved to be a close one Aliiolanis winning hy one run. Follow ing U the official aeore kindlv furnished by Antone Perrv : Rainfall for August, 1S91. (From Reports to Weather Service.) Elev. ft. in. Hawaii Waiakea, Hilo. . . 15. .12.34 Pepeekeo 100.... 9.26 Launahoehoe 10.... 9.20 l.aupahoehoe 900 11.70 Ookala ALIIOLASI. NAMES. Kapu. s. s., p Nakuina, c Holt, E., c. f Kuhio(H.R.H.),lb Mahaulu,A.S.,2b,l.f Kellet, P. D.,lf, 2 b Lemon, 3 b Mahaula.S., r. f Sylva, P., p., s.s Total A.B. 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 o B.H. 0 2 F$ i 0 1 0 o 1 o. 1 9 1 2 4 0 A. 4 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 9 42 10 10 27 17 IWILEI. NAMES. . ,...).., j:..rt i nven at vrtit Greenwich time, or i t J v ol Honolulu Observatory -m whistle of the Honolulu V'T'-r r'" doers above the Custom 1,s . uVtle l-- sounded cor 7 J5an Noon. Observatory 26 s. 01 ureenwiui rological Keconl. Jfeteo -TI-SMEST SURVEY. " tTERT MONDAY. I'CBLISHED p '. - 87 O.CO S .1.(5 8;;o.i .I'll C5! b-i SFPISii INTELLIGENCE. The Honolulu Juvenile Opera Co. is making active preparations for an opera, The Sorcerer, which is to be given at the Opera House, a week from next Saturday night. Members of the Scottish Thistle Club are specially requested to at tend the meeting to-nigut at :dU o'clock, sharp. The bagpipes and other attractions are promised. The series of concerts to be given by Mr. "Wray Taylor at Kaumakapili begin Tuesday, September 22d, a week from to-morrow, not to morrow as stated in the Advertiser Sat urday. Miss Laura Duncan, Principal of the Pohukaina Girls' School, and sister, also a teacher, returned to this citv from San Francisco, on Saturday morning, per barkentme Planter, looking well. The opening at Ludwigsen & Cron's Saturday evening was a Prvce, c , Young, 1. f Kila,2 b Kipa, G., p Warner, s. s. .. Ulunahele, lb., Isaac , r. Kaona, c.f Wicke, D., 3 b Total 45 A.B R C.M O A 5 0 18 0 5 10 2 0 5 112 4 5 1 1 0 11 5 3 2 1 5 5 1 0 12 1 5 10 10 5 1110 5 0 10 0 45 9 7 27 21 Paauhau Honokaa Kukuihaele N. Kohala Niu'.ii Wahnea Kailua K-vi'akekua iNaaleliu Pahaia Volcino House. . . . Volcano Uojii Poiio:k!..r Pohoiki Kapoho Maui .Spreckolsvill? Kula Waikdpa Haleakala Ranch ., Oiowalu Lahaina Oahu Pimahou Honolulu Knlaokahua Makiki Kapiolani Park. . . Manoa Nuuanu Nuuanu Nuuanu Nuuanu Nuuanu Ahuimanu Honouliuli Waianae Kauai Koloa Lihue Makaweli Kilauea 400 9.03 300.... 11. 14 400.... 8.87 . 700. No rep't . 350. ... 7 .53 . 200 No rep't .2730.... 2.37 950. No rep't .158 i. . 4 91 Co J. No rep't IRON RISI30Sr SAN FRJSrCISCO, WORKS Matheson Patent Lock Joint. 4WI ... . . . . 13.... . GOO. No 13 -P n p't .... 0.71 40. No rep't 4000 ... 0 54 m... . 0.70 2000. No rt p't 15... 4i l-'.'-r"!'':!!! !:,....!. 1 1 . ! .!! hl'lllil'IMU'K.I .Iff. "--'si BUILDERS BIPROYED juunii IACBINERY i w t t - 1 ; i 4 A. 3 STYLK OH CAPACITY. 50. 20. 50. 150. 10. 200. 50.. 250.. 405. 735. 850. 1 . . . 1 .l ... 0.93 . .. O.OO ... 1.08 No rep't ... 2.14 ... 1.85 ... 2.97 .... u.4 ... 5.33 7.58 350. No rep't 00.. 15.. 200( Score by innings Aliiolani 0 3 1 Iwilei 0 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 210 0 2 2 1 0 09 Two Base Hits Kila, Wicke, Nakuina. liases on Balls By Sylva 2; by Kapu 3. Struck Out By Sylva 4 ; by Kipa 8. Time of Game 1 nr. 35 rain. Umpire Mr. Hengee. Scorer A. Perry. 0.28 0.00 O OQ 0.61 0.89 .... U . 40 C. J. Lyons, In Charge of Weather Service. i ' The Luau and Excursion. The luau given by the Kapu Bros, at Remond Grove, Saturday afternoon and evening, was a very pleasant affair and only needed more patronage to give the scene life and gaiety. The first and second trains did not bring down a large h i r-j Mafhoson Patent KL lilVLTKD PIPE, o;M50 Miles Made varying o 0 ;" A in diameter. inr Imni Pll0 1 SJUUlV UUIIIH 1IIU. L SIMPLEST. the "Vint StNi u'h (a of anv ! i- j i ;! Til I ' i ia or Ilea l ai. s C (.) A. 'V K 13 W '51 AN 3 BEST FOR AIL PURPOSES. UN or tihl one ' is madrt hv onlarin n the cut), thereby reijuirin oTK .... . tail the clianct ot leaKage. for the belling one end of II A IF TUS I.KAD o of uriv thii-knes- nece.iiy deired pressure I v I lit ADAMANTINE, i O M I N K D , Oil GALVANIZKU., nrr Grates, and all 1 K i FOii THE SAMK. Fitting, B Bell end Pipe. C C Body Pipe. DU Lead fc' ins point Lock Joint. E Lead Space. fi-'For I urt her nutiruUrs, apply to JOHlSr DYER, ro-gi Room ii, Spreckels Block. Oahu Railway & Land Co. At the Butts. The seventh monthly match of the down by the late train. TTnTrniian Kifla Association took place dav in town, the air or number of people, but a gooi many came Great Reduction in Railway Fares Though a hot great success, there bemer more ii:i:iVA J.s. Sattrday, Sept. 12. it Planter, Dow, 1G days from iECi-CO. CE Bishop, he Claire, from Ka- : Funaluu. Jaulilua from Koolau. iawrailaui from Koolau. Sunday, Sept. 13. Likt-Iike, Cameron, from Maui. :Hikahala. Campbell, from Kauai. I-Vfaiuleale. Chanev, from Kauai. r . . . r . II isa:a:ii, eu . ironi naniahuii. :it Klikitat, Cutler, 17Ji days from ;.T!i:cnil. guests than could possibly be ac commodated. People took the Ad vertiser's advice and went there after the stereopticon lecture. An auction sale of lots on the on their range Saturday afternoon. Shooting commenced shortly after 2 :30 p. m. and was kept up until near dark. After the match was over and nerves somewhat steady, several of the junior mmhpra continued their practice in order to properly sight their new rifles. Their scores a're not given this time but will probably show up well in the next match as all are determined to do better next time. There were the usual heavy winds and an occasional shower, and change of light, to test the marksmen's skill. Following are some oi me ecores : the grove was deliciously cool and a fine breeze blew continually. The luau was unexcep tionable as to quality, quantity and man ner of service. A goodly section of the Hawaiian band (the rest came later with Prof. Berger) was present discoursing sweet music at intervals during the afternoon and evening. The festivities ended with dancing. for 30 Days, from Sept. 5, 1891. 200 yds. 500 iUOI'A Mil - ICES. im'nday, Sept. 13. .ii t.1m.D,Mi (,-f Tinvnl B.C. . a i 111 Pearl City Peninsula will tafce place FIRST CLAS8MOkthly matcii sept. 12, 1891. wj-jn Hntnlin- 91 nf. A 1 nrc!in fi I .... nouuoauaji, vv.uw - o - - i waiter tn. wan salesroom. iNow is tne ume iu iauo advantage of the special low rates on the railroad to make a trip to the Pearl City Peninsular and convince yourself bv personal inspection what a delightful location it offers for a suburban home. Intending pur chasers may apply to J. F. Morgan for free tickets. 443 5 44083 -39-80 !f.!:i Lh.iUMi TO-DAY. J A fiimmins. dearie, for Koo- i-hs Mak.r, Maeauiey, lor Kapaa :i. .rilukolii, Mctiregor, for Molokai jsaiatSp in. fY!e, Miivtho, for Hanapepe at : Kav.ailani for Koolau . passem;i:ks. ARRIVALS. Uiilaui, per stmr Like-like, Sept 13 ft Jder, J Pavidson, Master Dunn, iaimoml aud daughter, M Branch, rreil and daughter, Capt H Nissen, C iaifier, 'm Turner. Miss Emma ai. Miss Lizzie Cockett. Miss Sarah tt",M;s AUters, V 1) Armstrong, A ihW.htt'r. DOnill T) 1, ITnnts- ifcspholtz. and 2 sons. Ah Lum, T Sing, Ah Loy, Tong SinR, Hop Aiuna, and 52 deck passengers. "aHamakua, per stmr Iwalani. Sept -.ani ana son, ll Hall ami son, KukaM (3). Mioses Williams (3), ! Jioore, ami 3S deck pastengcrs. Kauai m-r stmr Mikahala, Sept Matec. Car.t R Dnhpl. T) Crown- -Miromaain and 2 children, LTit--and wife, c a Peacock, Mrs Uich deck passengers. -Molokai and r,fr slmr Aln- Krtl2,T:Uon J a Walker, Hon F H lSea' alter Hayselden, Miss Lucy I HV ll'n II.,.. W -m 1 at T'p au hyQns and son, Miss e?i.-r,mme,ath R Hitchcock and e ma 10 on deck M.n franci-ico, per bkt Planter, feronr8"' Ml?S LUella STownsend, per bkt Klikitat, Ben Hogan gave an excellent stereopticon exhibition to a large audience at the Y. M. C. A. Satnr day night. The views are all good and some of them very fine. The nnfHnnfn WAS enthusiastic, and greeted many of the pictures with applause, particularly inusw wun-u, ntfttho Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, and a beautiful bust of Lincoln, touched patriotic emouuue, There were a good many Hawaiians present. Sntnrdav afternoon about G o'clock, iin,a- Tn. 37 bolted from the stand on UUv , the corner of Mercnant ana sovb Qfvpnfa. The driver had left the car- for a moment, and tne norse 544444445 543 344555555 5 4G 89 Frank Hustace , Ar 200 yds 3 54444455 442 5C0 " 4 4 5 5 3 5 5 4 2 4-41-83 J. O- Kothwell flft vHs 4 4440&44O fiOO .... 5 5 3 2 5 3 4 4 J. N, S. Williams . . A n , 9m xrrlQ 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 441 nn "" 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 5 5 4- H. W. Peck . - . r 44 200 yds ... .4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 544 500 " 4 2 5 2 5 4 2 4 4 4-3G-80 J. H. Fisher t t K A A A 0 200 yds 4 44454544 442 nn . 3 2 5 3 5 3 4 3 4 335-77 SECOXD CLASS. F. S. Dodge 200 yds 4 45434343 438 500 " 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 4 3-37-75 C F200 jdayA 5 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5-38 500 " ....:3 22542444 4-34-72 fff "August Flower Dyspepsia. There is a gentle man at Malden-on-the-Hudson. N. Y.. named Captain A. G. Pareis, wtio has written us a letter in which it is evident that he has made up his mind concerning somethings, and this is what he says: " I have used your preparation called August Flower in my family m t . Tl i- tor seven or eigni years, xt is tuu Btantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, and Constipation we Indigestion, have ever used or known. My wife is troubled with Dyspepsia, and at A Worthy institution. times suffers very much alter eating. The Industrial' Home for Hawaiian The August Flower, however, re Girls formerly located on Beretania Heves the difficulty. My wife fre street, corner of Keaumoku, has been quently says to me when I am going For the purpose of giving everybody a chance to get out of town during this hot weather, as opportunity may offer. Tickets will be sold during the next 30 days for the round trip to and from Pearl City, and to and from Ewa Plantation, at the rate of 3 cents per mile 1st class, and 2 cents per mile 2d class. RATES OF FARE: Pearl City ami Keturn, 1st Class - - 75c tt 2d Class - - 50c Ewa Mill and Keturn, 1st Class - $1.15 tt 2(i Class - - 75c i"The trains leaving Honolulu at 8:45 a. m. and 1:45 p. m. and the trains leaving F.wa Mill at 10:43 A. M. and 3:43 p. m. will run down to the terminus on Peninsula, at Pearl City. OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO. W. G. Ashley, Superintendent. 2858-lm. To Purchasers and Prospective Pur chasers of Pearl City Lots! P. O. Box No. 4S0. : I XL Mutual Tel. No. 90 West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets, BDSTAtt kinds of for cash at the I X. L. NEW and SECOND-HAND FURNITURE sold cheap PRICE for all kinds of t v T. r,nv the. HIGHEST CASH . JIG A. - ' I"".' " . . - 1 Second-hand Furniture, Stoves, Seeing Macnines, nic. ftf3-P YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture In ita ea- tiretyTcall at tha I X L Auction & Commission House, cor. Nuuanu anu i..K 3-Prompt returns made on goods Sold on Commission. Steamer and Veranda Chairs for Eale Single and Double Bedroom Sets for sale m Single and Double Set Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles Saddles for sala " . Books, hy standard authors, only GO cents, for sale . Extra quality Safetv Matches, 75 cents a gross, for sale All makes of etvond-hand Sewing Machines for sale Hi W Meat Safes. lee Boxes, Stove?, Rasa, Mosquito Nets, TahS-s Chairs, Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Feather Pillows, Bed Lounges, Sofas, Spring & Hair Mattretes, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks, Baby Cribs and Carriages, Yard Brooms, Crockery and Glassware, Towels, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads, Brown and Blue Mottled Soap, Etc., Etc. Sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICKS at the I XL Auction and Commission Hou-e. corner of Nuuanu and King Streets. 3 W. 1 jEDEB.BR, Proprietor. grSroRE Open Satukday Kvexikqs Till 9 O'clock. 2823-y Great Reduction in Railway Fares! S. 41. CABTEK, Of Interest To Ion! moved to the Chamberlain House, on Kawaiahao Twelve girls all from the to town. We are out Constipation of August Flower, and I think you had better get another bottle.' I am also troubled with Indigestion, andwhen- j - DTTcr t om T tnire one or two tea- ran into the sidewalk near the res!- mj ' "Tuin dressmakioS and fch before eating, for a day or Hon. J. -b. Atlierton. -u .i,., k aeneDtable. and a 11 fvMiilA i rpmnwrl." a e J TTa rlaahcrl nnt IViner oemiuary. street several ineffectual attempts various schools on the Islands, are there street, Bevtwi u flno1W snared to do any work by which they vmuir mauo Dl"""' .v i 0 i;,.ni;hnn, Ann oc nf t.llft Th nnrrlncrpt too was smashed, the step twisted and the back bent, but done. The horse escaped with a few scratches. Death SHiri lNG .NOTES. teimer I.a-i.i;. t. .... o i.. 1 i5k"?ar,S8 ackscorn.15 cords ta.Vru"ues- "l sacks taro. and 123 'ir'VT11 dipper barkentine ....l-.1,ow. muster, arrived on Poi,5mnS' pftember 12 h, after . '0. Mm 1: r.i 1 1 . -if..' .. iiiu ffinas anu 100 in u. a l.he way from San Fran- t,srf 01ulu- !she brought about f-vneral merchnndis. thrp- H-sifth. whlth were on deck stored in a 4:l ' nas bten berthed at Brewer's ri - - - a Pbartp ,10lJ?Ul aterthe Planter headed oZ n.Hhe, hoover. Uev. ntft 4Vtu luauing wnen lue 1 111.!!' r August Hwmi ' .;u.onwai arrived at Svdnev Kwuuu August ?kV !lCmSkft bought on Sun 111 Ilia ll 1 4lOi ..I h'lnrj a 3 nee, G5G ba peanuts, and from nibron8ht "'lUtKllu Ti... 1,130 baK3 on Sunday mom- Lnian, (Jap- iir.n. arrival .-i- . """lu. vai , at Kaliuli. Maui, on WW) Wr ?! Comport Town- ';?(ir to Unr. ,L,aPtain Mssen wa a f Sunday. lu by the stea nier .?fJ?d?y morning Sep- TowA JlK'pn of 17K days mXEW. ,with 630.065 feet uuer & Co mi ri Funeral of Father Anschaire. Father Anschaire died Saturday at the Catholic Mission, after an illnes3 of about two weeks. He was born in Ger many in 1845, and spent fifteen years as a missionary at the Marquesas Islands before coming to this country six years ago. His field of labor was liana, Maui, where he worked at first chiefly among the Hawaiians, but latterly more among the Chinese and Japanese. He had been occupied for some months, when taken sick, with the Japanese language, and undoubtful incessant overstudy was the cause of his illness. - He was .,.f tnm Hnrni hv Father Theodore. The illness was pronounced by Dr. m nHonrlpri him. to be a else of meningitis. He was not himself and was taken for convenience in care and treatment to the Insane Asylum but was brought back to the mission a dav or two before he died. The funeral took place rom he Roman Catholic Cathedral, Sunday afternoon at 2pm and was extensively attended, if.iff rv. Hermann.Bishopofpiba iuc . - TU Varv the Catholic ciergy. ' - j Father Leonore, as neau i Catholic mission, was Cui ofhcr5 Ui the procession were board- in to the Y.M. C.C. (Young Men's Ca m,. lAB.u a mnv of the general tllOUC tiuu;, " , frtr rrh(1 public in carriages ana yu ; r j hearse was drawn by scholars from the night school for Portuguese and by Ha waiians. 4J Public Moonlight Concert. The Royal Hawaiian Military Band, .iirontionof Prof. H. Berger, Emma Square this Monday commencing at 7:30 o'clock. lowing is the programme : -i 1 TnnPfPill . 1. uveriure V- new. Strauss 2. Waltz-Thou and Tjoa new 3. iJuadrUle-La Cigfle (new). . . - . tti sewing will always be acceptable, and an(j au trouble is removed. may be left witn tne mairou. Ladies desiring good day seamstressses, nurse-girls, or general helpers, are urged to give the voung women of the Home a trial. A permanent dressmaker has been engaged, who has not yet arrived. DIED. S at Kekaha, Scotch Splint Coal. Those who purchased Lots at Pearl City with a guarantee that the Oahu Hailway & Land Co. would carry them and their fam ilies between Honolulu and Tearl City (2d Class) for a term of nine (9) years at the rate of 1 cent per mile, are hereby no tified that those who will build unon their Lots within twelve (12) months from thi3 date, can claim a reduction of 2) per cent from the rate of fare named in the deed, for the whole term. This will make the rate ten (10) cents each way for 2d Class, and fifteen (15) cents each way for 1st Class, which is about one-third the rate per mile charged hy the Hawaiian Tram ways Co. We look for prosperity through the prosperity of the public. OAHU RAILWAY & LAUD CO. B. F. DiLLisonAM, Gen'l Manager. Honolulu, Sept. 1, 1801. 2338-1 m Dissolution of Partnership. iaT?vnP.T?fi On Sent. 9th. Kauai, Mabel Campbell, infant daughter olOtto and Helen M. Isenberg, aged 4 months and 5 days. To those who need a pleasant Tonic for any kind of debility, we can recom mend Clements' as the best. For sale by Holusteb & Co. 2Utotrtistmtnt& PALMERWHlii ARCHITECTS. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR sale 500 tons of Best Scotch Splint Coal, TerStrathblanefrom Glasgow. The Coal is equal to best Welch Coal, and especially suited for steam, household and ploughing engine use. 2862-lw G. W. MACFARLANE & CO. REGAN VAPOR ENGINE STARTS instantly without even a match . JL.OST. A CHECK DRAWN ON BISHOP & -a- Co.. by the Hawaiian Construction Co;, numbered X. for $300, dated Sept. 4th, payable to Cash or bearer, has been lost. ravment on same nss ues u siuycu. J 2363-tf CALL AT THE CITY MEAT MAR ket and see the Regan Vapor En gine at work. It is a little wonder. 1STOTICE! VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 the partnership heretofore existing De- fnraon tho 11 n (IPTSismed and the late C Mow Keung, under the firm name of Wing Wo Chan & Co., and carrying on business ninln. Island of Oahu, as wholesale and retail dealers in general merchandise and grocery . s VUKG WAI. Dated Honolulu, Sept. 11, 1S91. 82 King Street, DEALER LN COAL Has on Hand Fop .e Departure Bay Coal, Nanaimo Coal, Newcastle Coal, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT, Delivered in any part of the town. Cep-Both Telephone 137. 2352 -Tntf THERE ARE MNY, PERHAPS, who are not aware that the fire proof filling of Safes is composed largely of water. In event of a fire this water generates steam, keeping the tempera ture inside the Safe below the point of injury to its contents Detective filling is dangerous. Some make of Safes, having excessive moisture in the fire-proof material. cause what is termed "sweating. This ia very annoying to the owner. The con tinued dampness keeps the books and papers mouldy and they deteriorate un der its influence very rapidly. Such a Safe is to be avoided. Nothing will permanently remedy it. Onlj new fill ing will cure such defect. - It will nav vn to get a HALL'S STANDARD SAFE, the most complete in material, construction and finish with all the latest improvements, and worthy the continued confidence, pos essing as it does, all the . requisites lor tire ana damp-proof protection. EJEJA few small Sates kept in biock. Larger sizes ordered by catalogue from San Francisco. T. W. HOBRON, Agent, 2824-y CO Fort St., Honolulu. To The Public! BUY YODR SOAP AT Co-Partnership Notice. t EE- Styles of Architecture: Eastlake. Queen Anne. Renaissance. Gothic, Italian, Classic and Norman, urn. J. ilL turned once. nnTTnp ts HEREBY GIVEN 1 iUnt tho fnilnwim? named persons -v,-.r,rr nnnr ia v rpsidiner at Honolulu, Tnnv Wuiiu Wai, residing at Hong Sang, Empire of China, but at present in said -Honolulu; Tong Sing Yee, residing t UnncrSan?! Tarn lite Tine, resid- mg at said Hong Sang; bea Wai lou, re siding at said Hong Sang, comprise the members of the firm of Wing VY o Chan & business m said Honoiu- i , -hn!pii and retail merchants in mwhundsp. ana crrocenes; uuu mat m. sRiri rone v uuu ui STOCKS AND BONDS FOE SALE. 13 or la Stone, Brick, Iron Best Modern Designs in Residences. Cheap Artistic Cottages a Specialty. ra-Complete plans and specifications givtm; also superintendence of construction. oriiift- Spreckels Block. 2867-q W. YARNDLEY HAS RE and will resume teaching at Thrift who desire Lessons upon the Violin nr in the Cultivation of the Voice, onli -;n transact and carry on the business are requested to make early app-icatjon. 1 f said firra WOOd Telephone:! 614. or at ,m. ? WISG WO CHA & CO . LELEO SOAP WORKS, Because there you get the BEST quality, lull weisLUC. ana iue i,uh ijoi PRICE, viz: $4.50 per 100 Its., or $4.75 per Case. I?-I have no agents in Honolulu. Buy your Soap direct from my Factory. 3Established 35 years! T. W. RAWLINS, A Rare Chance for Investors! A S TRUSTEES the Manager of 2356-lm 1591-3.n Proprietor. News Co. J actual cost for running CENT PER Vapor Engine. 236-2t HOUR IS THE a Regan J03. Tinker, sole Agent. For Lease or Sale. Room 3 The fol- . Rossini Strauss SCOTTISH THISTLE , CLUB. Selection-pelisano ...... v;-rYke ao. or. a i ,iice no a um-. ii inriiaii c . liueuBiio. fr.t.ip 5. Medley lanitec C Waltz-The Viennese. . . . . 7". Gavotte-In Moonlight . . . Bever Czibulka ..Watson ...Beyer mHE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING T of this Club will be held m their Rooms. Gazette BuUding, Merchant St., THIS EVENING at 7:30. All members are especially requested to be present at 7:30 o'clock sharp. C&-Friends are cordially invited to join at 8 oxlocKwnen Will De iu uiud. music, song, etc. R. B. SCOTT. Recorder. iSTOTICE mirv. HACK STAND OPPOSITE THE J p..v. stntinn. known as.the Enterprise V.-v 1 - . , J .L. Hack Co., has been reorganizea unuer iue name of CITY HACK CO. Jgg-TeIephoneNo.400! 28G5-lw flam RESIDENCE ON LUNALILO street, at present occupied by Mr. J . A. Kennedy, containing double parlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing and bath rooms, dining room, pantry ai.u kitchen. Grounds SO0xlC5 feet, well laid out; servants' rooms, stable and chicken house in rear of main building. acant on August 14th. R. 1. LILLIE, 2S22-tf with Theo H. Davies & Co. NOTICE. PAINTER ! 4 T A MEETING OF WM. G. IRWIN A m T.'d.. held August 24th, H. M. Whitney, Jr., was duly elected to fill the office of Treasurer and Secretary, during the temporary absence 01 .w.yraara. s WM. u. ItiWIM, 2S57-2w - - President. TF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS JOB of anv description done. oil nn tho nractical Painter. J. L. iipvpp nnlr. 130 Fort St. P. O. Cox 387. 2743-ly ORDERS FOR HEADSTONES and ) Received bv the undersigned and forward ed with despatch. Photos of Samples with Prices. . H. H. WILLIAMS & CO. 2850-ln Furnished Rooms and -Board OF THE EWA PLANTATION COMPANY, the un dersigned offer for sale the Bonds of this Company to the extent of 1250,000 (of which about $120,000 have already been disposed of), in Bonds of $1000 each. issued in Series A, B, C, D, and E. of $50,000 each, payable in 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 years respectively, bearing interest at Seven per cent, per annum in coupons maturing April 1st and October 1st of each year principal and interest all payable in U.S. Gold Coin, at our office. These Bonds are secured by a First Mortgage on the entire property of the Company, and are free of Government taxes. Adequate insurance on uuuaings, Machinery, etc., is provided with loss if any payable to the order of the Trustees. The Company having also voted to in crease their Capital Stock from $500,000 to $750,000, we are prepared to issue a por tion of the new Shares upon application to U3 with an equivalent remittance accom panying same. COOL, AIRY ROOMS AND FAMILY board to be had at Ka Palama, King street, within 15 minutes' walk of town. Address " R," Advertiser office. 2S43-tf BISHOP & OO. Honolulu, Aug. 21, 1891. 2850 1390-lm - ntotlce: mHE SHIP STRATHBIANE WILL 1 not be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew without the written authorityof . J. CUTHELL, -2S63-3w Captain. 1 I I: 1' r, if. 8. Medley nea n---. Hawaii Fonoi 2837-U