Newspaper Page Text
mm in DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, JANUARY 16, 1892. , - .. r A REPLY TO VOTERS. Mr. William C. Wilder Will Stand. To the Hon. W. C. Wilder: The undersigned electors of the First District of Honolulu, respect fully petition you to become an inde pendent candidate for election as representative to the Legislature from that district. (Signed by 120 voters'. Honolulu, Jan. 15, 192. J. H. Fisher, Esq., and 120 Other Elector;? of the First District of Honolulu. Gentlemen': I beg to acknowl- ! edge the receipt of a petition from ! vou askiner me to become an indenen- 1 dent candidate for election as repre sentative to the Legislature from that district. In answer I beg to say that did I consult my personal wishes or inter ests only, I should certainly say no, but I am aware and no doubt most of you are that very important matters are likely to come berore the next Legis lature, and if you think, if elected, I would better represent you in the interests of good government, and the future prosperity of the country, than any of the other candidates seeking the honor, you are at liberty to use my name. As I shall not make any speeches, it is perhaps as well that I should state my position on a few of the sub jects that seem at the present time to be the most prominent. I am opposed to a constitutional convention, I am also opposed to the amendment passed at the last session that seeks to change the qualifica tions of voters from citizens to sub jects. While some of the amend ments may be for the better, I think the less tampering with the present constitution for the present, the better. I am in favor of any new commer cial treaty with the United States, on such terms as will be a benefit to the future prosperity of this country. As the continued and future pros perity of this country depends almost entirely upon the continuance and success of the sugar industry, I shall favor any and all measures that will help to successfully compete with other sugar countries. I am in favor of restricting Chinese labor in any and all cases where it interferes with white or native labor. I shall favor all measures that tend to good government and the health and prosperity of this country. With many thanks, I am respect fully yours, W. C. Wilder. SUPREME COURT ITEMS. Enoch Johnson, a promising young Hawaiian lawyer, has received the appointment as Police Judge for the District of Ewa, his commission dat ing from yesterday. Mr. Johnson takes the place vacated by one Mo3es Mahelona, who was dismissed in August last for malfeasance in office. Chief Justice Judd, on Wednesday, granted the application of Mrs. Phoebe Harrison for separation from bed and board. The request was, however, modified ; the applicant applied for separation forever, the Court granting only one year with a view to recon ciliation of the parties. The peti tioner applied for $150 alimony ; the amount granted was $75 per month. Thurston & Frear for petitioner; C. Brown for the husband. Still another separation case was heard by His Honor the Chief Justice on Thursday, between Kekaula Lala kea the wife, and T. Kanamu Lalakea the husband, both of Hilo, on the island of Hawaii. In this case the Court allowed a separation of one year and $30 per month alimony, with leave to the parties, by their joint petition, to apply to this Court or to the Third District Court to have decree either discharged, modified or extended. Johnson for the wife ; S. K. Kane for the husband. G. W. A. Hapai, Police Judge of Hilo, Hawaii, has also received his reappointment as Police Judge of that district. The Supreme Court in Banco has given judgment for the plaintiff in the case of Wm. J. Wright vs. John F. Hackfeld, assignee of T. J. Wright and John Dello. The amount sued for was $1460.79. Mrs. Amy L. King has been granted a divorce from T. W. R. King, on the grounds of failure to provide, extreme cruelty, and habitual intemperance. Judge Dole awarded the children to the plaintiff". t The Tramways. A young man with the uncommon name of John Brown was acquitted yesterday in the Supreme Court on a charge of housebreaking. It seems that John had been in the employ of the Tramways Co. and was dis charged for some reason. One evening some time ago, he had been drinking moxie, or some other beverage that cheers and also inebriates. He became tired and looked for a place to sleep, so he entered the barn of the very tire Bome street car company to rest. A young man from Portugal detected Brown and commenced to belabor him with a crowbar or something equally effective. After John had received a good hammering, he was placed in the hands of the police, with a charge of housebreaking against his name. During the trial the testimony ad duced the fact that Mr. Paine, the superintendent, has an artless way of fining employees who break rules $5 for each offence. The Tramways expect to pay a large dividend very soon in consequence. Important Sale. By order of G. Trousseau, admin istrator of the estate of the late King, Jas. F. Morgan will sell at public auction, on Saturday, Janu ary 30th, a large amount of land situated on this and other islands of the kingdom. This real estate sale will be one of the most important ever held in this city, and is bound to attract a great deal of attention. The property is fully described in tie advertising columns of this jour nal. For further particulars apply to Mr. Morgan. Evangelistic services will be held to-uight and to morrow evening in Queen Emma hall. Rainfall for December, i8gi. (From Reports to Weather Service.) Elev. ft. Inches. Hawaii Waiakea 15 25.42 Pepeekeo 100 20.85 Laupahoehoe 10 19.51 Laupahoehoe 900 19.72 Ookala 400 n. r. Paauhau 300 5.96 Honokaa 400 5.44 N. Kohala 350 4.83 Niuiii 200 3.27 Waimea 2730 2.44 Kailua 950 n. r. Holualoa 1200 n. r. Kealakekua ..1580 0.49 Naalehu 650 n. r. Pahala n. r. Volc'nohouse400l n. r. Volcano Road 265 25.09 Pohoiki 10 10.59 Pohoiki 600 15.31 Kapoho 8.88 Maui Spreckelsville 40 1.60 Kula 4000 2.08 Waikapu 600 0.58 Total for Year. 154.30 138.48 74.11 67.32 70.34 59.50 48.00 43.05 n. r. 154.19 79 40 14.87 29.01 15.25 Haleaakala ... ...Ranch. .2000 3.78 Olowalu 15 0.00 Sms. 0.47 Oahu Punahou 50 1.95 23.29 Honolulu 20 2.31 16.80 Kulaokahua. 50 1.40 15.18 Makiki 150 3.68 31.73 KapiolaniP'k 10 0.42 Manoa 100 3.43 36.68 Manoa 250 7.14 Nuuanu 50 3.63 28.37 Nuuanu 250 6.39 Nuuanu 405 7.62 63.56 Nuuanu 735 7.01 90.32 Nuuanu 850 12.54 119.32 Kaneohe 57 4.89 Ahuimanu ... 350 6.63 62.35 Honouliuli ... 60 0.69 6.75 Waianae 15 1 .09 1 1 ms. 3.49 Kauai Li hue 200 1.62 16.38 Makaweli 0.96 9 ms. 7.74 Kilauea (7 sta. ave) 8.39 64.56 Received too late for last month's report, viz. : for November: Spreckelsville 0.83 N. Kohala 1.30 Niuiii 1.12 n. r. No report. Year incomplete. C. J. Lyons, In charge of Weather Service. If you don't take the Advertiser yon don't get the news! 2Ccw 3otcrtiscments. HAWAIIAN OPERA HOUSE L.J.Levey, - Leasee and Manager. Commencing Saturday, Jan. Ititli Return after an absence of six years of the ORIGINAL PBOF. ANDERSON ! THE GREAT WIZARD OF THE NORTH, In conjunction with Mdlle. BLANCHE, The Charming Cantatrice and illustrator of THE FLOATING LADY! Marvellous, Musical, Mysterious, Elabor ate Entertainment! Box Plan for Reserved Seats opens at the office of L. J. Levey on FRIDAY, at 9 a. M. 2970 3t t&- NEW GOODS TO THE PACIFIC HARDWARE Co.,I,d Carbolineum Avenarius. Glassware, Agate and Japanned ware. Platform, counter and even bal ance Scales. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Open link and topsail Chain, as sorted sizes. Plantation Tools and Implements. Vacuum Oils. Stoves and Ranges. Garden Barrows. Oil Stoves, new designs. Slack & Brownlow's Water Filters, superior to all others; the favorite since 1847. Hose Reels something unique. 2883 1389-q FOR RENT. fa. THE VERY DESIRABLE RES1 Rjjj dence located on Kinau street near MaM, the corner of Pensacola street, pre sently occupied by P. F. August Ehlers. House contains, parlors, dining room, kitchen, three chambers, bathroom, pan try, veranda rooms and ample closet space. Possession given December 1st. Inquire at HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., 2897-tf Fort St., opp. Spreckels'. GEO. H. DOLE. Of Riverside, Cal., BEING CONSTANTLY IN RECEIPT of letters of inquiry from the Hawaiian Islands regardiog real estate in Southern California, has decided to offer his services to the people of Hawaii as Agent for purchasing orange ranches and other real estate, either in Riverside, or in any of the neighboring towns. Reliable and unbiased information furnished upon application. 1401 2916-3ma NT OTIC R. WO SANG HAS BOUGHT THE Banana Farm situated at the corner of Beretaniaand Punahou streets, former ly belonging to Don Sing. Wo Sang will not pay any of Don Sing's debts. Wo Sang takes possession on Thursday, Jan. 21, 1892, at 1 o'clock. 2970-lw NOTICE. ON ACCOUNT OF THE CO-PART-nership of H. H. Williams fe Co., soon expiring, they notify all parties indebted to them to make payment as soon as con venient, and all bills six months old and over due and remaining unpaid by Jan. 15th, will be placed in the hands of a col lector. H. H. WILLIAMS & CO. 2965-2w REGAN VAPOR ENGINES RUN electric lighting plants, elevators, printing presses, band and jig saws, and in fact are adapted wherever power is needed. Jos. Tinker, sole Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. 2834-tf CARBOL1NE UM A VENARIUS. A preservative against rotting, decay, fungus, etc., of wood and stone. Will preserve any kind of wood above or under ground or water, and pro! ng its life at least 190 per cent. Will keep off all sorts of insects, vermin or other enemies of wood. Will prevent rats and mice gnaw ing wood coated with it. Will force all misture out of wood without closing the pores. Will prevent shiDgles coated with it from rotting, cracking or warping. Will prevent rope treated with it from rotting, causing it to remain pliable, and excelling tar coating. Teredos will not attack timber coated with it. Carbolineum avenarius does not contain acids or poisonous ingre dients injurious to the fibres of wood. The following is an extract from the London "Building World": M The Directors of the Palatine Rail ways say of Carbolineum Avenarius: ' Two boards cut from one and the same piece of pine, one of which for the sake of experiment was painted with Carbolineum Avetariu?, and the other left unpainted were buried, and after a lapse of three years dug up and examined. The result wa?, that the wood to which the Carbo lineum Avenarius had been applied showed no signs of decay, whilst the other was found to be in a rotting condition.' " For sale by The Hawaiian Hard ware Co., Ld., Fort street, opposite Spreckels'. 3iau SttiniTtisements. Inspectors' Notice. 3th DISTRICT OF" HONOLU LU, 1st PRECINCT. VIOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT L the Inspectors of said Precinct will hold six public meetings of two hours each day at the Tramway's Co.'s Building, corner of Kamehumeha School grounds, commencing at 7 o'clock in the evening as follows : On MONDAY, January 18, 1S!2; On TUESDAY. January 19, 1892: On WEDNESDAY, January 20. 18i2; On THURSDAY. January 21, 1892; On MONDAY. January 25, 1892; On TUESDAY, January 20, 1892; For the purpose of correcting the electoral roll or voting list of the Precinct by add ing new names lb. :reto or striking off' the names of such vo'ers as have died, re moved from the ditriet or otherwise be come disqualified frm voting in the said precinct. If necessary, adjourned meet ings shall also be held at the same dace not later than the 30th of January, 1892, of which due notice wiil be given at the stated meetings. By order of the Board of Inspectors. M. R. CO LB URN, Chairman. Honolulu, Jan. 12. 1892. 2972-td CflAS. BREWER & CO.'S Boston Line of Packets. 1 M PORTERS WILL PLKASK 1 M. as. take notice that the tine . Master, Will sail from Boston for Honolulu about FEBRUARY 1, 1892. Kor further particulars apply to S-1320S2m 0 BREWER A CO A Good Investment ! FOR BALK. A PIECE OF LAND WITH 4 Cottages on Vineyard Street, rented for $28 per month. For particulars apply to 2954-lm J. M. VIVAS. NOTICE. Ml FROM AND AFTER this date we will not be responsible for any freight after same has been landed. Parties to whom freight is consigned must be at the landing to receive their freight WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO. Honolulu . 8eot. 5. 1890 . 2836-q L American and European Plan, Hunting Avenue and Exeter Street, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. Located in the Fashionable and Beau tiful Back Bay District. Containing 250 Rooms, single and en suite, richly furnished. It is but six minutes ride by horse or electric cars to the shopping and amusement centres. gjFFixe minutes to Providence De pot the terminus of the Shore Line R. R., Fall River, Stonington and Provid ence Boat Lines. "Passengers via Boston & Albany R. R. may leave the train af Hunting ton Ave. Station, within one minute's walk of Hotel. JflTHotel Porter will be in attend ance at trains arriving from the New York and the West. F. S. RISTEEN & CO., Proprietors. Refers with ; i-i mission of P. C. Jones and VVni. Parker Jones. 2951 HOG-lm Alapai Estate. VOT1CE Iri HEREBY GIVEN THAT L" Mele Alapai and John Alapai, her hus band, having conveyed all their Real Es tate, excepting their homestead in Pala ma, to the undersigned in trust, they no longer have control over the same; and that all rents due the estate must be paid to me; and that I will not be responsible for any debts or obligations contracted by either of said parties. CHAS. T. GULICK, Trustee. Honolulu, Jan. 13, 1892, 2970-3ta COPLEY SQUARE Bra Inspectors' Notice. 1st DISTRICT OF IIONOLTJ J..T7, 124 PRECINCT. -MEETINGS OF THE INSPECTORS -'1 of Election of the 1st District. 2d Pre cinct for the purpose of correct ng the election roll or voting list, will he held as follows : 0.i MONDAY. J AN. IS, 1S92, and MON DAY, JAN. 25, 1852, between the hours u; 12 m. and 1 p. m., at the office of J. Alfred Magoon, near Post Office, Honolulu, and ON SATURDAY, Jan. 23. 1S92. from 1 p. M. to 3 p. M.. and on THURSDAY, Jan. 28th, from 3 p. m., to 8 p.m., at the Beretania Street School House. (Signed) H. S. TREGLOAN, GEO. W. R. KING. J. ALFRED MAGOON, Inspectors of Election. . 12. 1-92. 2968-51 Honolulu. Jan Inspectors' Notice. DISTRICT OF H KOITJ Lt", 2d PRECINCT. WOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I he Inspectors of paid Precinct shall hold four public meetings of two hours each thi Ht Kauluwela School House, c tmmencing at 7 o'clock in the evening, as follows : ON MONDAY, JAN. 18, 1892; ON WKDNE8DAY, JAN. 20, 1S92; ON FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1892; and ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EV EN I N ; , J AN. 23, 1892. from 3 to9 p. m., For ih purpose of correcting the electoral roll or voting list of the precinct hy add ing new names thereto, or striking off the names of such voters as have died, re moved fom the precinct, or otherwise become disqualified from voting in the saiil precinct. If necessary, adjourned me tins: sh ill also he held at the same place not later than the 28th insr., of which due notice will meeting. be given at the last stated lSv order of tha Board of Inspectors. HUGH GlINN, Cnairman. 2968-5t Honolulu, Jan. 12, 1892. Inspectors' Notice. 5 tH DISTRICT, OF HONOLU LIT, 2cl PRECINCT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT W tin- Inspectors of said Precinct shall hold three public meetings at the Reform School, commencing at 7 o'clock in the evening, as follows: ON WEDNESDAY', JAN. 20, 1892; ON FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1892; and ON SATURDAY, JAN. 23, 1892; For the purpose of correcting the electoral roll or voting list of Ihe Precinct by add ing new names thereto, or striking off the names o such voters as have died, re moved from the precinct, or otherwise become disqualified from voting in the said precinct. If necessary, adjourned meetings shall also be held at tne same place not later than the 28th inst., of which due notice will be given at the last stated meeting. W. L. WILCOX, Chairman. Honolulu, Jan. 11, 1S92. 2i)71-.rt Inspectors' Notice. 4th DISTRICT OP"1 HONOLU LU, 1st PRECINCT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Inspectors of said Precinct shall hold three public meetings of two hours each day at the China Engine House, ON MONDAY', JAN. 18, 1892, at 7 r.M.; ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 1892, at 7 r. m . , and ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JAN. 22, 1892, from 2 to I o'clock, For the purpose of correcting the electoral roll or voting list of the Precinct by adding new names thereto, or striking off the names of such voters as have died, re moved from the precinct, or otherwise be come disqualified from voting in the said precinct. If necessary, adjourned meet ings shall also be held at the same place not later than the 28th inst., of which due notice will be given at the last stated meet ing. By order of the Board of Inspectors. D. B. SMITH, Chairman. Honolulu, Jan. 12, 1892. 2908-5 1 Inspectors' Notice. 2d DISTRICT OF HONOLU LU, 1st PRECINCT. HRHE INSPECTORS OF ELECTION will meet at the Building at the en trance to the lower Nuuanu Reservoir, Nuuanu Street, ON MONDAY, JAN. 18, 1892, from 4:20 to 6 p.m.; WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20,1892, from 4:30 to G p. M. ; FRIDAY', JAN. 22, 1892, from 4:30 to G P. M. SATURDAY, JAN. 23, 1892, from 4:30 to G p. m. , For the purpose of Correcting the election roll or voting list of the Precinct by adding new names thereto, or striking off the names of such voters as have died, re moved from the precinct, or otherwise be come disqualified from voting in the said precinct. If necessary, adjourned meet ings shall also be held at the same place not later than the 28th inst., of which due notice will be given at the last stated meet ing. By order of the Board of Inspectors. JAS. G. SPENCER, Chairman. Honolulu, Jan. 13, 1892. 2970-5t Inspectors Notice, 4 tlx DISTRICT OF HONOLU LU, 2d. "PRECINCT. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ! the Inspectors of said Precinct shall hold three public meetings of two hours each day at the BELL TOWER on Union street, commencing at 7 o'clock in the evening, as follows : ON MONDAY", JAN. 18, 1892; ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 1892. and ON FRIDAY", JAN. 22, 1892, For the purpose of correcting the electoral roll or voting list of the Precinct by adding new names thereto, or striking off the names of such voters as have died, removed from the precinct, or otherwise become disqualified from voting in the said precinct. If necessary, adjourned meetings shall also be held at the same place not later than the 28ih inst., of which clue notice will be given at the last stated meeting: This precinct is bounded oir the mauka side by Beretania street, on the Waikiki side by Richards street, on the makai side by the water front and on the Ewa side bv Nuuanu street. By order of the Board of Inspectors. , HENRY SMITH, Chairman. Honolulu, Jan. 11, 1892 . 2967-5t AQUA M Km A Last Chance at Beacli Lots! fYTHERE THE ROAD LEAVES T V Kapiolani Park on Hie east, it passes A few houses and then comes out on an open Space skrfmg the wean. This is low and level a' first, hut further on rises to higher ground, whence the views eeawaru, south and west, are genuine Vista of Hawaii. The lapis-lazuli of the deep st-u, starred with the sails of passing vessels, breaks into turbulent foam vhee it meets Ihe outer r"A-i, and "sliding i!s snow-white and swift avalanches" into the inner lagoon, the waters, taking their tone from the corals below and the skies above, now break forth into an extravaganza of color as they hasten in subdued merriment to the shore of yellow sand. "It: stillness far away, like phantoms, rise the hills of Waianae," while the bald-headed sum mit of Diamond Head looms up behind, almost over you, with startling distinct ness, but With a benignant and fatherly expression withal. Besides this ideal environment, A quaMarine enjoys some substantial advantages as well. This strip of land between the road and the shorens di vided into ten large lots, va ying in hize from half to three-quarters of an acre, each one fronting maktti on the sea and mauka on the road for from 100 to 150 feet. Government water is laid on along the fronts cf these lots on the road. The sea-bathing is not very kood as regards the footing on account of the coral, but can be improved by dynamite fas re gards the sea-water it is first-class . The trade winds are not shut off by Diamond Head, but, sweeping around the south east side of the bluff, blow freshly across these lots from the sea, the wind being perceptibly cooled by its passage over the water and carrying with it the tonic quality of the salt spray. The ree is a famous fishing ground, and the fish are free to those who can circumvent them. Shellfish are abundant and ambrosial. The road skirting these lots is being extended by the Park Association, and further on has been carried high up along the face of the bluff, giving a wide and beautiful outlook It is to be con tinued around Diamond Head returning to the Park on its mauka side , a n I when finished will be one of the most pictur esque drives near Honolulu, abounding in a great variety of delicious views. The tramway is to be extended through the Park, which will bring it within a five minutes' walk from Aqua Marine. If the Oahu Railroad is extended in this direction according to its prelimin ary surveys, it will come within a few rods of these lots, which would bring them within fifteen minutes of Hono lulu. Lots 1 and 2 have been sold to Mrs. Henry Bertelmann for .$800 a piece, and show wonderful improvement, from the few months' attention and irrigation they have received. The rest are offered for sale at the upset price of $800 a piece, with the exception of lots 9 and 10. When bids have been received for three or more lots, an auc tion sale will be held. The title is fee simple, and'Jerms will be cash, or one-half cash and the balance on mortgage at 8 per cent, for one or two years. Deeds at the expense of purchaser. tEfKT' A chart of the Lots is on exhibi bition at my Salesroom. jJThese Lots are marked on the ground w ith stakes showing the numbers. JAS. F. MORGAN, A.ixclioneer. 2967-tf ASK YOUR GROCER f OR THEVEKYBEST AND CHEAPEST BREWER & CO., AGENTS. 2936-2m HAWAIIAN Steam Soap Works, LEL120, HONOLULU, T. W. RAWLINS, - - Proprietor. NOTICE WANTED KNOWN ALL OVER the Islands that Tuos. VV. Raw lins, the only Practical Soap Boiler in all of the Hawaiian Islands, from and after January 1. 1892, has REDUCED PRICES to $4.50 per Case of 100 lbs.; $4.00 per 100 lbs. in Bulk. 50 Cents each allowed for empty con tainers returned in good order. If vour agent does not keep my brand of Soap, order direct from me. Send Postal Card or letter for amount of Soap required and 1 will fill your order with promptness and dispatch. T. W. RAWLINS, ! 297 1409-1 y Leleo, Honolulu. Massage. MRS. PRAY HAVING RESUMED the practice of Massage, would be flad to see old friends, and new, at 150 'ort St. , Chinese Church yard. 2939-3m IStRRRMOjuiiiwostll pLOUR Qtattrol loncrtiscmcnts. H MI BAZAAR (Late A. L. Smith's Store.) A Domestic Sewing Machine Club IS BEING FORMED, Whereby a $50 Machine can be had on Easy Installments of -:- SI Per As soon as fifty members are obtained one drawing per week will be held and the successful person takes away a Machine. JpFor particulars apply at the store. 2964-3W Try ONE MINUTE SELF RISING PANCAKE MEAL Ready for the griddle in one minute. Only milk or water required. A combination of meals entirely new. Makes most wholesome and delicious cakes Nothing but pure cream of tartar and soda used for leavening. Ask vour Grocer for it MITCHEhlt & PETERSON, San Francisco Agents. 2951-12t tu,th,sat Preliminary Announcement IMP0ETANT SALE! On account of Captain Moris6eau's de parture by the next outgoing steamer, and to close partnership accounts, Dr. Trous seau otters for sale The Hawaiian Ostrich and Egg Farm KAPIOLANI PARK, Comprising the Freehold of the Property, Furniture, Agricultural Implements, Windmills, Pumps, Steam Engine, Etc. Etc., Etc. 2 Pair of Breeding Ostriches, 35 more or less Young Ostriches, From a day to 8 months old ; 1 Horse and Brake, 1 Express Wagon, 1 Cart, A large number of pure bred Brown Leghorn Fowls and others. APThe Property will be sold as a whole, or everything separately to suit purchasers. There are on the Farm over 200 Navel Orange, Adriatic Fig, and Olive Trees, and over 1000 imported Pineapple Plants of the best sot. The whole of the Land is laid out for complete irrigation, the water being sup plied from an inexhaustable surface well of very sweet water. Dr. Trousseau assumes all liabilities of the Ostrich Farm and would like all accounts, if any, to be sent to him by October 31st. Inspection invited. Captain Morisseau will give every possible information. M3For price aud other particulars, apply to 2905-tf DR. TROUSSEAU. WING WO TAI & CO, Chinese and Japanese Importers, NO. 25 NUUANU ST., Have Just Received an Invoice of the Popular BAMBOO HATS I Direct from Japan ; A Full Line of Holiday Goods! on hand. Come and See our Stock ! 2850-1 m 7 pr Ct. - INVESTMENTS ! fl 8 pr Ct The Northwest Investment Trust Co. OF The State of Washington. Gffersto Investors, giit-e!ed securities, in the form of first Mortgages on improved Farm and City Property, the Mortt:;t-e.-not exceeding in amount one-thin! of the conservative valuation of the Real Estate on which they are made, bearing 7 and 8 per cent, interest, payable senn annually, and running from 3 to 5 years. Correspondence solicited, and anv in formation relative to investments gladly furnished upon application. Address: The Northwest Investment Trust Co., Montesano, State of Washington. W. J. Stabr, President. W. D. McBryde, Treasurer. 2958-3m II VV11 titatoot 3tacrft0cmfnts. E. "MARTHA DAVT C. Brewer & Co. OFFER FOR SALE A Line of Goods, at follows, at bed rock prices : THE RENOWNED .Eddy Ice Chests AND Refrigerators IN ALL SIZES. Genuine Brick-oven BOSTON BAKED BEANS and BROWN BREAD. FISH and CLAM CHOWDERS, made where they are best made in the world. OILS Kerosene, Lard and Albany Cyl inder, at prices that will astonish you. Long Card Matches. Assorted Sizes of Oars, Rosin, and Tar. Ax and Pick Handles. SISAL CORDAGE AND MANILA ROPES. HUCKINS' SOUPS-A11 kinds, ready for instant use. Guaranteed rich, and perfectly seasoned. TURPENTINE. Burnett's Extracts. THE MAMMOTH ROCKERS that fit both large and small people. Canstic Soda. CAETEE'S COMBINED INKS. An Assortment of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, CARTS, Etc., Etc. Call and have a look before purchasing elsewhere. G. BREWER & CO., QUEEN STREET. 2934-lm Just Arrived per Australia CHOICJE RIBBONS AN I FLOWERS ETC., ETC., ETC., -AT- GOO D'S, Mclntyre Block, Port Street. 2864-3mq CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents! AGKNTB POft : New England Mutual Life Ins. Go OF BOSTON Mtm Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford UNION Insurance Company OF SAM FRANCISCO, CAUFOKNI k . 2804 UgK PALMER ft RICHARDSON ARCHITECTS. Style of Architecture : Eiistlake, Queen Anne. Renaissance, Gothic, Italian, Classic and Norman, In Stone, Brick, Iron or Wood Best Modern Designs in Residences. Cheap Artistic Cottages a Specialty. Complete plans and SDecincations ! given; also superintendence of construc- l tion. OFFICE Chilton Block, - Up-stairar i Entranc on Fort St. 28fi7-q Comfortably Furn shed Rooms t WHOT AND COLD BATHS.- No. 8 Union Street, (next to Bell Tower). Mutual Telephone 394. P. O. Box 476. 28G9-3m T. A. SIMPSON, PaoP. Christinas Mifcrj! Di