Newspaper Page Text
DAIiA PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEiiTISEK, MARCH 2i. 1893. BY AUTHORITY FOREIGN OFFICK NOTICE. Forkios Oifke, ) IIoNOLtir, !J. I., March 23, lSi.f His Kxeelleney the P.e-udent of the Provisio al Government of the Hawaiian Island has received an autograph letter of which the following is a copy : BENJAMIN HARBISON. President of the United States of America, -To His Excellency SANFORD B. DOLE, President of the Provisional Government G ice at and Good Fbiexd: I have re ceived me leuer ui .pauuary -im, iojos by which you inform me that tne Provi sional Government of the Hawaiian Islands has been quietly and peaceably established under a Proclamation formal ly and publicly made at the door of the Government Building in Honolulu on the 17th day of January, 1893, and that the paid Government has honored you with the office of President of the Provisional Government and Chairman of the Exe cutive and Advisory Councils of the Pro visional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. I am pleased to note the expression of your earnest desire to maintain and strengthen the strong friendship which has for so many years existed between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands, and to assure Your Excellency that I shall omit no enort which may conduce to the accomplishment of a pur pose which I so heartily desire. May God have Your Excellency and the People ot the Hawaiian Islands in His wise keeping. Your Good Friend, BENJ. HARRISON.i 'I By the President. William F. Whabton, Acting Secretary of State. 3330 1472-lt Government House. Honolulu, March 20th, 1893. Notice is hereby given that His 2 reel lency THEODORE C. PORTER has been appointed a Commissioner of Crown Lands of the Hawaiian Isl nda, vice Mr. P. C. Jones, resigned. The Board now consists of J. A. King, T. C. Porter and C. P. Iaukea. 3336-3t 1472-lt ' Notice is hereby given tha' EDWARD GRIFFIN HITCHCOCK has this day been appointed Marshal of the Hawaiian Islands, vice Mr. W. G Ashley, resigned. (Signed.) 'WILLIAM O. SMITH, Attorney-General. Government House, Honolulu, March 23rd, 1893. 3335-3t 1472-2t Government House, Honolulu, March 20, 1893 Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM FOSTER, Esq., HON. ALBERT FRANCIS JUDD and CECIL BROWN, Esq., have been appointed Commissioners for the purpose of Revising and Codifying the Penal Laws of the Hawaiian Islands in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Hawaiian Legislature approved August 6, 1892, providing therefor. 3333-3t 147Mt NOTICE. Office of the Board of Health. The following named persons have been chosen and appointed Officers of the Board of Health : . Hon. W. O. Smith President. Charles Wilcox Secretary. C. B. Reynolds Executive Officer. David Dayton Agent on Leprosy. L. L. La Pierre Inspector and Mana ger of Garbage Service. G. W. C. Jones Inspector. The Committees of the Board are : On Leprosy Dr. F. L. Miner, John Ena. On Quarantine, and Contagious Diseases, other than Leprosy Dr. F. R. Day, J. T. Waterhouse, Jr. On Public Health and Sanitation !r. G. P. Andrews, J. O. Carter. CHAS. WILCOX, Secretary Board of Health. Honolulu, March 16th, 1893. 1471 3332-3t The members of Waialua, Oahu, Road Board having resigned; the following gentlemen have been this day, appointed to constitute a new Board : EDGAR HALSTEAD, Da. D. F. ALVAREZ, ANDREW COX. J. A. KING, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, March 18th, 1893. 3332-3t notice is nereoy given mat in accor dance with the joint action of the Execu tive and Advisory Councils, THEODORE C. PORTER has been appointed a Member of the Executive Council of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands to administer the Department of Finance. (Signed?, SAN FORD B. DOLE, President of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Island. 33:W) 147I-3t EDGAR HALSTEAD, Km., has ibis lay tx:en appointed a Notary Public for the First Judicial Circuit of the Hawai ian Ip'.ands. J. A. KING, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, March 18, 1S03. 3332-3t 3ALE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER FRANCHISE. In accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to re&u'ate and control the production and furnishing of Electricity in Honolu'u," approved Jan uary 12lh, U93, there will be sold at Public Auction, On WEDNESDAY, the 3d day of May, 1893, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale. the exclusive right and franchise ?o fur nish and supply electrc lizht and elec tric power within the district of Honolulu during the term of ten (10) years from the date of such sale. The following privileges are exempted from said franchise : 1st. The right of any parson or corpor ation to erect electric apparatus and pro duce electricity for either light or power for his or its own use upon the premises where produced. 2d. The right of the Hawaiian Tram ways Company, Limited, under the franchise already granted to it, to erect a plant, po!es and wires for the purpose of furnishing power for the propulsion of its cars, or for making a contract with any one or more of the contractors to furnish it with such power for use on any of its tracks, whether the same is within the district of Euch contractors or not . 3J. The right of the Government to furnish to any part of Honolulu, electri city for light or power, produced by the power now obtained from the present water supply of the city, up to the capa city of electric dynamos now owned by the Government. The sale of such franchise is subject to the Rules, Regulations, Inspection and Tariff of Rates to be charged to Consum ers, as set forth in the said above-men tioned Act. The Upset Tbice, at Auction, of said Franchise is 2 per centum of the gross receipts of the Contractor from all elec tric light and power furnished to con sumers. The Bids for such Franchise shall be for the percentage of such gross receipts, which the bidder is willing to pay to the Government over and above such per centage. The Contractor shall be exempt from paying such percentage of receipts for the first two yeard of such contract. A Deposit of $500 either cash or a certified check on a Honolulu Bank, will be required from the successful bidder on the fall of the hammer, which deposit shall be a forfeit to the Government if such bidder fails to execute the contract provided for in Section 5 of said Act, within twenty days from the date of sale. A Bond, in the sum of $3000, with two approved sureties or a deposit of $2500 in gold coin in lieu thereof will be required, for the faithful observance of all of the terms of the contract, and for the observance of all the terms and con ditions of the law under which the fran chise is granted. J. A. KING, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, Feb. 21, 1893. , 3310-3t 146S-tf Notice. rpHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO JL announce to the public that he has this day opened a store in this town for both wholesale and retailing of Japanese Provisions, bnoyu and seaweed a spe cially ; Dry Goods, and every line of Japa nese Manufacture, including Uotton Crapes, Toilet Requisites, etc. 1TOHAN, Fort Street, near Custom House. 3332-lw Election of Officers. A T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Jlx. the Stockholder;; of the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co.. Limited, held this day, the following Officers and Directors were elected for the ensuing vear: W. B. Godfrey President J. Ena Vice-President W. H. McLean Secretary J. L. McLean Treasurer T. W.Hobron Auditor BOAED of directors: W. B. Godfrey, J. Ena, G.N.Wilcox, W.O.Smith, F. A. Kchaefer. W. H. McLEAN, Secretary 1. I. S. N. Co. Honolulu, II. I., March 21st, 1SH3. 3234-2w PIANO TUNING! W. H. BENSON. XT-Lave orders on slate at lloom 13 Arlington Hotel. Hotel St 3040-lriUf SUN NAM SING, N"o. 7.09 Ntmarm Street, P. O. Box 175, Begs to call the attention of the public their large and well selected Stock of Japanese Goods Suitable for this market, which will be Bold at Lowest Prices. In the Supreme Court of the Ha waiian Islands. In Banco. October Teem, 1892. Mew Kuxa Tcxo axd twenti others, composing the Fisraxa Company of Scn Chan Lee, vs. Wono Ka Mac and ten others. BEFORE Jl'DD, C.J. BICKERToN and dole J. J. (By written agreement of parties and counsel Mr. Dole joins in thi9 decision, though he had resigned as a justice of the bupreme Court after argument and before decision). Where in an action of trespass the issue is the title to tne property alleged to be trespassed upon, the burden is upon the plaintiff to prove his title, and he, having put on such evidence in chief, may not in rebuttal introduce evidence of the same character after the defend ant has closed his case. orixiox OF THE court per jued, c. J. This is an action of trespass begun in the Police Court of Ewa, Oahu, by which plaintins claimed that the de fendants had unlawfully entered the sea fishery of Auiole, of the Ahupuaa of Waikele, Ewa, and taken fish therefrom to the damage of the plaintiffs, the lessees of the said right, 300. The plaintiffs are the lessees of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown who own the land of Auiole and claim the fishery of Auiole as appur tenant to it, and defendants are lessees of Mr. James Campbell who owns the land of Honouliuli. The case was tried on appeal before a jury in the Supreme Court in July, 1892, and a verdict rendered for the defendants. The plaintiffs moved for a new trial on the ground that the verdict was contrary to the law and the weight of evidence and also alleged errors of law occuring dur ing the trials as follows: (1) The refusal of the Court to ad mit in evidence in rebuttal and in contradiction of the defendants' theory of the case, the records in the case of Akeni vs. Wong Ka Man, on the ground that such records ought to have been offered in chief. (2) The refusal of the Court to ad mit in evidence in rebuttal and in contradiction' of the defendants' theory of the case, that the fishery of "Auiole" is not and never was subject to the "chin deep" principle sought to be established by the defendants (which principle was admitted by the plaintiffs to be applicable to the other fisheries of the lagoon). The first ground for a new trial, that the verdict was against the weight of evidence, was not argued nor relied upon by plaintins. An inspection of the records of the - mil i i case ana ot tne evidence sent up makes it clear that the evidence put in by the plaintiffs was for the pur pose of 6howmg that -the hshery of "Auiole" extended out from the shore of "Ailiole" into the Ewa lagoon (or what is known as the west loch of Pearl Harbor), and was bounded by certain points of land, and would include within its limits the spot where defendants had taken the fish. The contention on behalf of the defendants was that the fishery appurtenant to the land of Honouli uli extended from the shore of Hono uliuli into the loch and across it to where, on the opposite coast, a man could touch bottom with his feet. That is, all the deep water over a man's heighth -was included within the fishery of "Honouliuli," and this would include the spot where the fish in question were taken. It is true that an action of trespass does not necessarily involve the title, its gist being tho injury to the pos session; but title may be involved, and, from the way the case was put to the jury, it is clear that what was equivalent to the plea of "liberum tenementum," or justification under special plea of title, was made by the detenaanis, ana tne issue ior tne Till! iury to pass upon was wuetner tno hshery of "Auiolo" extended to or near the middlo of the west locb, or whether it WB3 limited to the shallow water near the shore whose depth was up to a man's chin. The de fendants contended for the "chin deep" principle; tho plaintiffs con tended that tho fishery of "Auiole" was an exception to this principle It was, theD, tho plaintiffs' case to put in all competent evidence in chief to sustain tne oounciaries oi tne nsn ing right as claimed by them, and the defendants having closed their case, it was not rebuttal to offer evi- dedce of a former adjudication of fishing right in another part of the lagoon, or to establish the exemption claimed for "Auiole" of tho "chin i m m deep" principle, xnese tacts were what the plaintiffs' witnesses had en deavored to establish in chief, and it would have been cumulative evidence and not rebuttal if put on air tho defendants had closed. Where tho title i3 the issuo in an action of trespass it becomes similar to tho ac tion ot eiectmenr, ana tuo ouruen is upon the plaintiff to prove his title If the record of the Akeni v. Wong Ka Man case had been offered in evi dence as part of the plaintiffs' cas9 in chief, it is impossible to ascertain from the bill of exceptions what relo- Tancy it had to the issuo then tried it it was ior tno purpose ot Bt-o-mg that another jury had found that in another part of this lagoon the boundary of the fishery of "Honouli uh" extended to the middlo of tho lagoon, this verdict would net be con elusive in regard to the title claimed in the present case, for an action o trespass settles nothing in regard to the title beyond the action tried. Cliandler v. Walker, 21 X. II., 28G. We therefore overrule the motion for a new trial on all the grounds and the exceptions are dismissed. A. Rosa for plaintiffs appellants; C. Brown for defendants. Honolulu, Februarv 2Sth, 1893. Ledgers with patent backs at the Gazette office. Rich Red Blood Results from taking Hood's - Sarsaparilla Mr. Chas. Walker Of Saa Francisco. "For several years I have been troubled with blotches and pinnies on my face and body, which were very annoving. I tried several pre criptions, and also other medicines, but they Hood's Sarsa parilla ures did not seem to benent mo. Last fall a friend advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was determined to give it A Thorough Trial. Alter using two bottles, my skin returned to its natural state. I still use it. as it gives me strength and vigor. I never had better health, in my life, and I owe it to taking Hood s Sarsa parilla." Chas. Walker, with Carvill Mfg. Co., 48 Eighth Street, San Francisco. Hood's PHI9 are the best after-dinner Fills, assist digestion, core headache. 25c - HOBKON, NEWMAN & CO., Wholesale Agents. TARO FLOUR POL A New Receipt and the Best Yet. Take hot water in a bowl, and add, well mixed, some sour noi enousrh to make a thin L i paste, then add Taro Flour, gradually stirring well all the time until quite thick, work it smooth with a spoon, and then let it stand an hour or so to cooi: men aau com water ittle at a time stirring, each time after adding water until well mixed and smooth, and he poi is the right consistency required to eat. It is then ready, to eat immediately. Keep a little of each day's poi to make the starting paste for he next day. CHARCOAL ! Wholesale and .Retail HUSTACE & CO., No. 414 on Both Telephones. 3333-lw 1472-2t INSURE WITH THE AGENT CF THE GERMAN-AMERICAN Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. - $5,879,208 00 2,255,389.00 ASSETS - -NET SURPLUS - Solid Security Against Fire. Fire Insuranca Only. 0rWhen Kates are Equal, get the Best Security. WILDER 3320-1 m & OO., AGENTS. A FRESH NEW .OF INVOICE Japanese Cotton tape .Inst to hand ex MiikeMant. New and variety. original patterns in larg; M. Mclnerny. 332G-tf 'ILAMWil." 4 FIRST-CLASS FAMILY BATHING ix Resort has been opened at Waikiki. Tramcara pass the gate. Special arrange ments can be made for Family Picnics and Evenins Bathing Parties. 3274-3m Work equal to the best at San Francisco urices at the Gazette AMI CRAPE Office. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. Executive Council. B. Dole, President of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Isl ands, and Minis' t-r of Foreign Af fairs. J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. Theo. C. Porter, Minister of Finance. W. O. Smith, Attorney-General. Advisory Council. S. M. Damon, Vice-President of the Pro visional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. Cecil Frown, John Nott, F.. D. Tenner, O. Bolte. W. F. Allen, Henry Waterhouse, A. Young, F. M. Hatch. F. W. McCbesney, James F. Morgan, Ed. Subr J. A. McCandless, John Emraeluth, Supreme Court. Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice. Hon. It. F. Bickerton, First Associate Justice. lion. W. F. Frear, Second Associate Justice. Henry Smith, Chief Clerk. Fred Wundenberg, Deputy Clerk. Geo. Lucas, Second Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. Circuit Judges. First Circuit: VA' ,V Oahu. jW. A. Whiting, I (ti. fj. Second Circuit: A. N. Kepoikai. Third and Fourth Circuit : S. L. Austin. Fifth Circuit : J. Hardy. Offices and Court-room in Government Building, King street. Sitting ;.n Hono luluFirst Monday in February, May, August and November. Department of Foreign Affairs. Office in Government Building, King street. His Excellency Sanford B. Dole, Minis ter of Foreign Affairs. Frank P. Hastings, Secretary. W. Horace Wright, Ed. Stiles, Clerks. Department op the Interior. Office in Government Building, King street. His Excellency J. A, King, Minister of the Interior. Chief Clark, John A. Hassinger. Assistant Clerk9 : James H. Boyd, M. K. ! ir i. i. , i r k i. i i-. i ! Mahaulu, George C. Moss, Edward S. Boyd. Chiefs of Bureaus, Interior Depart ment. Surveyor-General, W.D. Alexander. Supt. Public Works, W. E. Itowell. Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown. Inspector, Electric Lights, John Cassidy. Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrum. Deputy Registrar, Malcolm Brown. Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H. Cum " mings. Chief Engineer Firo Dept., F. Ilustacc. Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. Mc Wayne Office, Government Building, King street. Department of Finance. Minister of Finance, His Excellency T. U. Porter. Auditor-General, George J. Ross. Registrar of Accounts, Geo. E. Smithies. Clerk to Finance Office, Carl Widemann. Collector-General of Customs, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn. Tax Assessor, Oahu, C. A. Brown. ostmaster-General. Walter liill. Customs Bureau. Oflice, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort street. Collector-General, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn. Deputy-Collector, Geo. E. Boardman. Harbormaster, (Japtain A. jj uuer. Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders. Storekeeper, rrank i. Mcbtocker. Department of Attorney-General. Office iu Government Building, King street. Attorney-General, W. O. Smith. Deputy Attorney-General, Arthur M. Brown. Clerk, J. M. Kea. Marshal. K. G. Hitchcock. Deputy Marshals. G. lv. wilder. j Jailor Oahu Prison, Capt. A. N. Tripp. Prison Physician, Dr. C. A. Peterson. Board of Immigration. Office, Department of Interior, Govern ment Building, King street. President, His Excellency J. A. King. Members of the Board of Immigration : Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, James G. Spencer. Mark P. Robinson. Secretary, Wray Taylor. Board of Health. Office in grounds of Government Build ing, corner of Muilani and Queen streets. Members Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr. Andrews, J. O. Carter, J. T. Water house, Jr., John Ena, and Attorney General Smith. President Hon. W. O. Smith. Secretary Chas. Wilcox. Executive Officer C. B. Reynolds. Agent on Leprosy David Dayton. Inspector and Manaeer of Garbbage Ser vice L. L. La Pierre. Inspector G. W. C. Jones. Port Physician, Dr. G. Trousseau. Dispensary, Dr. II. McGrew. Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K. Oliver. Board of Education. Office, Government Building, King street. President, Hon. C. R. Bishop. Secretary, W. James Smith. Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson. District Court. Police Station Building, Merchant street. William Foster, Magistrate. Jame3 Thompson, Clerk. MRS. ANNA B. TUCKER, TEACHER OF PIANO RESIDENCE: Mr. W. Hopper's, King Street, opposite the Palace. Mrs. Tucker is an experienced teacher of Piano, and the result of her teaching have been approved by some of the most cultivated musicians of London & Boston, Mass. 330O-M HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Book Job Printers BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND Merchant St., Honolulu PLAlfi AfiD FANCY PRINTING PROMPTLY AND Law Books and Blanks, Lawyers' Briefs, Statistical Work, Lithograph Colored Cards, Ball and "Wedding Cards, Letterheads printed in In all its m ,'i;i-v '1 Magazines, Law Books, Blank Books of any description, Day Books and Cash Books, Map and Photograpn Mounting, Albums, Old Books Re-bound, Edge Gilding, Lettering BINDING IN MOROCCO, CALF. SHEEP, AT SHORT NOTICE FIEST-CLASS WOKKMAKSHIP GUARANTEED The ONLY WEEKLY PAPER IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, O&r collating throughout the Islands: Subscription PACIFIC HOIOLULU'S Ij you Wish to be PAPER IS ADVERTISER n'Pr'MT'P'nTm tjw a Twrn rnnnwrnp n. TL T mil IT TT m m m-m mam v - 11 . ji r-k v . t. rw NEATLY EXECUTED Pamphlets of any kind, Freight and Plantation Books, Colored Poster Work, . Business and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Billheads, Copying Ink, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. INDIHG Branches. l.l.i.;: Music Books, Account and Time Books, Journals and Ledgers, Portfolios, Scrap-books, Letter Copying Books, in Gold,' ROAN, RUSSIA, PERSIAN AND I UTH. $6.00 a Year COMMERCIAL L1YE DAILY. Abreast of the Times this INDISPENSABLE. m b. n ri a . v. n r-. it 1 vjv m. a. a