Newspaper Page Text
r i f .fr ( J v. IN. i, t 1 PEARL HAtfOR. Mr. Giryin ExtollIts Advantages asaiarbor. Mi:. Edito : On the yacht Hawaii, witbgood company and a i generous hitnper of provisions, a , week ago visited Pearl lochs for f the firsttime. It wa a pleasant day aid although the wind was lightwe ran down very quickly. Theytea being calm we had a good opportunity to note the entrance to th6 lagoon through the coral reef yiiich is very well defined. At yPuuloa Point the mouth of the 'harbor is quite narrow and deep, and thereafter there is plenty of water for the largest ships. Pearl Harbor is one of the most beau tiful sheets of water on the Pacific Coast. It is perfectly land-locked and safe at all seasons. The rise and fall of the tide is not over eighteen inches and tho wlmnpaa -of the water will eventually make it a delightful resort for those who are fond of boating. If there was such a sheet of water on the coast of California it would be sur rounded with creat hotels and houses for tourists, who would ex plore every nook in this lovely tropical lagoon in steam launches. The feasibility of constructing a dry dock in one of the bights is apparent. The irregular contour of the periphery of the lagoon, to gether with the fact that the whole surroundingSjClear to the beach, are covered with dense tropical foliage make this one of the most pictures que sheets of water in the world. The great depth of water close to the shore will facilitate wharf building and the landing of heavy merchandise or naval store3. The fact of there being innumerable fresh-water spriugs surrounding the lagoon, and artesian water availa ble almost everywhere in the vicin ity, quadruples the value of this harbor as a site for a large city or a coaling station for the navies of the world. San Diego harbor has been extolled as one of the deepest, safest and most perfectly land locked of any on the coast, but it is not the superior of Pearl Harbor. It is only a matter of a short time until the utility and beauty of this magnificent sheet of calm water will be appreciated. Years ago its value was understood, and parties hastened to buy up the surround ing land as a speculation, and not with intent to improve. Their great grandchildren will probably learn that the American Govern ment is very slow to pay exorbi tant prices for land. Should it ever be induced to purchase any but a small quantity the speculator will have discovered that after de ducting the commission paid to lobbyists he will receive only a tithe of his expectations. I have seen coteries in San Diego bond lands endeavor to induce the Gov ernment to buy them for military and fortification uses at large prices. They hold them still and are likely to do so. It would be much better to offer lands to the Government at fair prices or at a value fixed by appraisers reguiany selected. Jas. W. Girvtn. . . . LOOKS LIKE SUCCESS. .A Good Reserved Seat Sale for the Dailey Opening Night. The reserved seat sale for the Dailey Company opened on Satur day morning, and before nightfall quite a number of seats were dis posed of. The first performance will be given tomorrow night at the Opera House, and a large audience is expected to be present. The opening piece will be Dumas' mas terpiece, " The Count of Monte Cristo." Manager Dailey promises that it will have a good cast, and proper attention will be paid to details in order to give a perfect On Thursday night a charming cnmedv drama called "Wife for Wife" will be presented for the first time in this city. It was written by that well-Known piaj writer John A. Stevens, and has made a decided success wherever it has been presented. Seats for .t : i, nlcn nn Kale. -T Or ,v. rf fhonfpr-fOerS. it is THE PACIFIC COZSOLERCLAX ADVERTISER; IIOXQL,i;L,U, APRIL 10, ISO J. 5 V tm Glfcorr tin ww?. Marshal's Sale OY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXE s cation issued oatof the First Circuit Court on the Oth day cf March. A. D. 1834, against N. Hookano, I). K. Kahna tai, l). Kekaulike and Xtoboiia, defend ants, m favor of ilararet Campbell et. a.s., pUintiffi, for the sum oi ?o40.G0, 1 nave levied upon and shall espose for t etrl U,e SUtion House. in the District Honolulu. Island of Oahu, at 12 o clock cf .MONDAY, the IGth day April, a. D. 1894, to the highest bid der, all the right, title and interest of the a. nookano, u . K. Kahuakai, D. Kekaulike and Keahona, defendants, in and to the following properties, unless said judgement, interest, costs ar:d my expenses be previously paid. PROPERTIES FOR SALE: D. W. KAH UAKAl'8. 1 That certain indenture of lease of premises situate at Kamanuwai, near the corner of Nuuanu and Eeretania streets, in said Honolulu, made by and between Chas. R. Bishop and eaid D. W. Kahua kai, dated January 1st, 1858, together with the premises thereby demised. 2 All the said D. V. Kabuakai's one undivided half or moietv of all that cer tain piece or parcel of land situate on the northeast side of school street, at Kaulu wela in said Honolulu, and being a part of tho?e premises described in R. P. No. 5585, L. C. A. No. 2030, to Kamoa for Polani, containing an area of 6800 square feet, and being the same premises con veyed to said D. W. Kahuakai and R. 8. Kapua, by deed of Liliuokalani and J.O. Dominis, her husband, dated November 6th, 1888 and recorded in Liber 111, on folios 208, and 200. subject however to a mortgage of $600, in favor of S. C. Allen, dated July 29th, 1891, and recorded in Liber 132, on folio 250. 3 - A one undivided, third share in all that, certain piece or parcel of land situ ate in Pauepa, Kohala, Hawaii, contain ing an area of 19 acres and 750 square fathoms and being the nremises described in K. P. 7257, L. C. A. 8088 to Hoomanoloaina, said share having been conveyed to thu said D. VV. Kahuakai by Keamohuli, bv deed dated May 3d, 18SG, and recorded in Liber 102, on folios 5 and 6. 4 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate at Hoeae, Ewa, in said isl and of Oahu, and being the same pre mises described in H. P. 783, L. C. A. 899, to Kahooweliweli and v,hich were conveyed to the said D. W. Kahuakai by Kapoi, the brother and beir-at-law of said Kahooweliweli, by deed dated May 18th, 1875, and recorded in Liber 42, on folios 357-8; area 1 acre 453 Equare chains, subject to mortgage of $225, in favor of A. Campbell, dated November 26th, 1887, and recorded in Liber 10S, on folios 366-7, which was assigned to Margaret Campbell et. al.,by A. J. Campbell, administrator of the estate of Alexander Campbell, by as signment dated November 5th, 1889, and ICWIUCU 111 UlUCr J. AO, UU iUUUS lO J, 11J and 461. NAKAU HOOKANOS. 5 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate at Kaaimano and Manua, Kapalama, Island of Oahu, being the same premises described in L. C. A. 2319, to , containing an area of 69 square chains; also some horses at Koolau. DAVID KEKACUKE'8. 6 All those pieces or parcels of land situate at Moanalua, in the dis trict of Kona, said Island ot Oahu, and being the pieces of land des cribed in R. P. 3505, L. C. A. 1059, to Kekahu., the same having been conveyed to the eaid D. Kekaulike, by deed dated February 10th, 1887, and recorded in Liber 5S, on pages 120 and 121, subject nevertheless as toapana 2 to the thereof, to 11. Holmes for ten 3ears, the rent thereof has been paid for the whole of the said term, and subject to a mortgage of $350, in favor of Chun Afong, dated Feb ruary 22nd, 1893, recorded in Liber 139, folios 361-2-3. -EAIIONA'S. (Dcnrrcti ttocrtiscinrnt .5 lift J one Races. VTK JIAVK SOMK TUK CIIOICKST or' Wheat and Oat Hay AND- NEW ZEALAND RE. -o- H0LL1STER 4 -AKD- SURPRISE OATS That ever came to Honolulu, so if the owners and trainers of good stock want to be winners, they should send their orders to the CALIFORNIA FEED CO. TELEPHONES 121. iECTDELIVERY TO THE PARK EVERY DAY. CO. have removed their Office and Salesroom to the corner of Port and Merchant streets, the store formerly occupied by M. tjoidbenr. DRE txD CCS En H r o ft CO 0? ID Bell Telephone 402. Mutual Telephone 48. SPRING AND SUMMER SS MATERIALS! Immense Assortment! Latfst Designs! Newest Materials! at N. S. SACHS'. Fort Street, Honolulu. -0- I T mentioned that Mr. Dailey has such an extensive repertoire that no pieces will be repeated. I he following is the cast for Monte Cristo : Edmund Dantes - ) v!n fnn Abbe Busonti - parrell inton Count of MonteCristo J Mons. Nortier, a ""S-gno w ,Caderousse, an inn-keeier......... Fernande,' a cStalKS";:.- Ed win JJoy'd Mons. Villefort, non .Jno? of Prison:::: John Howard .Carconte.... .....Mrs. . M. Bates Sailors, Soldiers, etc. 7 Fishine Nets at Ewa, Halawa-uka, near the Chinese rice plautation. XF"Terms Cash. U. S. Gold Coin. A. M. BROWN, Deputy Marshal, Hawaiian Islands. tionomiu, Jiarcii lbth, Ib&i. g&&TFor further particulai b, apply to J. Monsarrat or to the Deputy-Marshal. S63S-2t 1534-5t Marshal's Sale. BY V1R7UE OF A WRIT Oi EXE cution, ;ssued out of the District Court, on the 12ih day ol March, A. D. 1S94, against T. C. Maguire, defendant, in favor of G. Lycurgus, plaintiff, fcr the sum of $S0.S3, I have levied upon and shall expose for sale at the Police Sta tion, in the District of Honolulu, Island 12 o'clock noon of TUES DAY, the 17th day of April, A. D. 1S94, to the highest bidder, all the right, title and intt-iest cf the said T. C. Majzuire, defendant, in and to th following pro perty, unless said judgment, interest, costs and my expenses be previously paid. List of property for sale : 1 Baggasre Express. A. M. BROWN, Deputy Marshal. Honolulu, March 16, 1S94. 3G3S-2t 1534-ot EDISON'S Sr. MODEL LOUD TALKING PHONOGRAPH T GO CO 1 H o CO K o u CD Latest Kovelties in Wash Materials ! FIGURED ORGANDIES, STRIPED BELFAST LAWNS, DIMITIES, , new designs in whit8 and colored ground. IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF SPOTTED -: AM -: FANCY -: FIGURED -: MUSLINS -: AND -: LAWNS Striped and Fijruied Cambrics, Linen Percales, Dress Ginghams, immense xuiciv laical (uitiua uuu BLlipea. Stripe Crinkles, Seersucker, Scotch Ginghams COTTON CRAPES! COTTON CRAPES I In iight blue, pink, cream, leghorn, lavender, cardinal ; also in dainty figures. NEW CAMBRICS, SATEENS, AND DRESS FLANNELETTES. GST YOUR DOG COLLARS AND JUST RECTO ! J. T. Waterhouse lo. 10 Store LADIES AND GENT'S BATHING SUITS ! Ladies' and Children's Cloaks and Jackets, Children's PinuforeH, Silk, Shetland and Wool Shawls KID GLOVES, CHAMOIS GLOVES ladies' and children's Hats ant Bonnets ! TRIMMED and untrimmed, Dress Goods in groat variety, Rainbow and Embroidered Crape, Feathers and Flowers New Curtain Materials, Silk and Velvet Eibbons, Leather and Silver Belts, Novelties in Rucliing Chiffon Handkerchiefs x and Ties, LACE AND EMBROIDERED FLOUNCING S ! DOG CHAINS n 02 -AT THE- 03 T w - H CO ID Q Q o o 0 Pacific Hardware Company, LU A large variety suited to all sorts of dogs, from a Japanese Poodle to a Mastiff. Since we introduced the Little Giant Rat Traps, five years ago, we have sold hundreds of them. They have caught mon- guuse us w en us ruts. A new lot of that superior Galvanized Fence Wire and Barbed Wire. New Goods to hand bv thft Martha Davis. A large assortment of first quality Agate Wrare direct from the factory. The best Ready Mixed Paints; Staple and Fancy Goods. o Pacific Hardware Company, Limited AND 4:04 FORT STEEET. r . . Wholesale and Retail FULL LINE OF JAPANESE GOODS Silk and Cotton Dress Goods, SILK, LINEN AND CREPE SHIRTS of complete stock made by Yama toya of Yokohama. Straw Hats, Neckwears, Sashes, Shawls, etc. PROVISIONS in general. TEAS OF LATEST IMPORTATION Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. When vou are in neel of anv Hn of Taiwanese Goods, irive us first rail and eave 3-our goin all around town. THE DM NIPPON -AT . J. A. Victors Phonograph Parlor, COKXEK HOTEL. A1 BETHEL. STS. You will find 1000 of the very latest records to select from. Victor's Phono graph Parlor is the only placa in this city where the celebrated rec.rd of John McCallough's Kavins can be heard. Remember at Victor' Phonograph Par lor only original record are use i. rfjpaThe latest selections received by every steamer from tho Coast. Only 5 Cents for Each Se lection ! 3640-lm STORE HAS RSCEIVEII BY THE THE STEAMER CHINA FROM JAPAN ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF SIZES IN P. D. CORSETS ! OF i and ft S v Goods 1 ALSO White "Star" Shirts Made by S.I.Yamatoya of Yokohama, ALSO A. Fine Stock of Black Hose! IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S. C Mrs. J. P. P. Oollaco, PROPRIETRESS. S556 tf Daily Advertiser, 75 cents month. IB. IT. E FI. LER8 & CO Daily Advertiser, 75 Cents per Month DELIVERED BY CARRIER. ITOHAN, Importer of Japanese Goods 20t3 Fort St., near Custom House. 3395-tf NF.W SHIETS! White Linen Shirts, $2.25 apiece with collara and cuffs; first-class finish. Crape Shirts With Ties, $1.75 apiece; stiff besom finif h ; new patterns. Crape Shirts With Ties, $1.25 apiece; white or colored ; best qualify; strong and comfortable Shirts. Silk Shirts, $4 apiece; fine patterns; splendid finish. i2?The above complete stock of Shirts received by the latest eteamer Me ready for sale by v'ole Agent of the well-known Shirt maker, Yamatoya. S61S-lmtl i. ' a - I : j i 1 i r r. a u 5