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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 1S96. UNJUSTIFIABLE KILLING. Such is Verdict of Jury in Paeheeo Killinc: Case. Witnesses All Tell Same Story-Kaapuni Was Not Attacked at Any Time. No Bombast, ing che fa tickets unlawfully in his pos session and was fined $2" and costs. Ah Tai was found guilty of assault and battery on Sun Hop and was sen tenced to pay a fine of $10 and costs. Halverson plead guilty to the charge of furious and heerless driving. Sen tenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs. Really So! No Misrepresentation, No Side Shows. NoGifts-xcJUSiveJy ShOeSl But. Good Shoes at the fairest of prices is what we depend upon to make our business grow. We advertise to tell you what we are doing, and to let you know what we are offering from time to time, but we bank on the values we give to make business and to keep it. NOTHING BUT SHOES! The Manufacturers' Shoe Company. FORT STREET. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes and Smokers Articles. iiiiiiiiiiil i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HOLLISTER & CO. CORNER FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS. Import direct from the principal factories of the World. h. h. williams Budweiser THE PIONEER mm file DEALER, UNDERTAKER ana EMBALMER Of Honolulu. -:- MANAGER OF THE -.- Beer! We have JUST RECEIVED ex bark Albert, from San Fran cisco, a new consignment of the CELEBRATED ffl fin MIHRfR - m n uuuvh uuio. Diiriurnionr Door CORNER OF FORT AND BERET AN I A STS. TELEPHONES: Office, 846; Residence HACKFELD&CO and night call, 849. M 4391-lm bole Agents. FINE SILKS RATTAN CHAIRS, PORCELAIN, MATTINGS, -:- MANILA CIGARS. Japan and China Teas ALL KINDS OF PROVISIONS, Embroideries and Curiosities ( New Goods! (EX Mil KE MARU) The coroner's jury in the Pacheco killing affair at Pauoa met in the office of the Deputy Marshal at 1:30 p. m. yesterday for the purpose of taking the remainder of the evidence and arriving at a verdict. Portuguese Commission er Canavarro was among those present. J. Camara acted as interpreter for the Portuguese witnesses. Marie Pacheco Saw man shoot at my father. After this he ran down the street. Heard five shots altogether. The last was about 200 yards from where first shots were fired. Christina Rodriguez Saw the shoot ing, that took place Saturday morning. Saw last shot fired. Was standing close by at my gate. Couldn't see face of native man very well. Probably know him by sight as I have heard he is blind in one eye. Did not see him fire shot that killed Pacheco. Saw native going down road ne. Fired at another man. He was going pretty fast. Heard reports of shooting farther up. Couldn't say how many. Oleveira was walking up the road and asked the native what the matter was when the latter fired at him. J. F. Aguiar Did not see Pacheco whip native or horse. Was outside when native fired first shot. Both men standing still. Seemed to be having an argument. Only few boys around when shot fired. There was also a Chi naman and Paeheco's daughter. Pa checo was in front of native's horse. Fired five shots and then ran. First was at me. Fired three times at ra- checo. Fired once when he went down. No one tried to stop him. I put cow in the yard. Took rope off and gave it to other native after all shots were fired. Pacheco never touched man. Only whipped the cow. I opened gate. After shots were fired and the native ran away another Portuguese picked up a stone and fired it at him but it did not hit him. It was the third shot that hit Pacheco. Mrs. Vierra Saw Pacheco and na tives driving cow up. Heard shots af terwards. Kaapuni was trying, to make his horse step on the rope to stop cow. Pacheco whipped cow to make it go ahead. A Portuguese ran up to see about the trouble and was fired at. Akana I am employed as yard boy by C. Booth. Between 9 and 10 o'clock went out to gate and saw native flour ishing revolver and threatened to shoot at the Portuguese, but he said "I do not care for you." Both were on horse back, lifted up his revolver and fired at him. Did not see Portuguese strik ing native. Did not see any indication that he intended to. Saw six or seven men and some boys. They were not firing rocks. Portuguese were not crowding on native before the shots were fired. Portuguese had whip in his hand, but struck no one with it. After he had been shot he struck the partner of the native several times with his whip. " The first shot hit the Portu guese. He then ran away and fired some shots at random down on the ground and back of him. Francisco Oleveira Was going to my work Saturday morning. Heard Pacheco say "This is my cow. Let her go." Then he took his whip and hit the cow to make her go. Left my work to &o and see what was the matter. He drew his revolver and fired at me. The shot came very close to me. Didn't attempt to stop native. The jury decided that "J. C. Pacheco came to his death on September 5th. 1896, in Honolulu, Island of Oahu. by being shot and killed by one Kaapuni: said killing being considered by this jury unjustifiable." H. R. Hitchcock, P. P. Shepherd, Manuel Reis, Louis Marks, Joe Radin, F. C. Rhodes. H. A. A. C. Hoard of Managers. A meeting of the Board of Manag ers of the H. A. A. C. was held in Y. M. C. A. hall last night, all the remaining members being present. George Angus was appointed to fill the place left va cant by Dave Crozier, and Ed Towse and Tommy King were appointed to the places of Angus and Ruby Dexter respectively. MANHATTAN LIFE. Bishop v Co. Appointed Agents for Well Know n Insurance Co. By reference to the advertising col umns this morning it will be noticed that John H. Paty, for many years the efficient agent in these Islands of the popular Manhattan Life Insurance Co. of New York, has resigned, and be speaks for his successors a continuance of patronage from the many friends of the old Manhattan. M. J. Landers, manager of the outh west Pacific department of the com pany, has placed the agency in the hands of Messrs. Bishop & Co.. who will furuish on application catalogues and all necessary information. The Manhattan cash assets reach at the present time nearly $15,000,000. The company will continue to issue, under the new agency, policies on all the moil ern and acceptable plans, free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. "I Ye tried them all, and none of them equal riclnerny s Shoes. I Ye had the experience; There's no doubt ing it. Don't hesitate; A trial will convince vou. These shoes are right in it, and are going to stay there. I 'm one of their cus tomers, and know what I 'm talking about. EXPERIENCE." We lire M lis i i jfS CANE KNIFE ::: Made to Remedy the Defects of Those Formerly Used Here. RUNAWAYS GALORE. They Turn Up in Different Parts of the City. Yesterday was particularly rich in runaways and these were by no means confined to any special quality. About the middle of the forenoon hack No. 96 might have been seen standing on Nuuanu avenue above Ho tel street with the top completely mashed in. Some one said that the horse, becoming frightened at a Japan ese ice cream wagon had attempted to shake down all the signs on both sides of the street. Earlier in the forenoon there were three white men sitting in a brake at the corner of Alakea and King streets. One of the number was H. Sharpe who is just recovering from a siege of ill ness. Just then a Chinese carbage wagon came along and ran into the brake. The sudden concussion threw Sharpe out and the brake passed over him. No very great damage was done. In the afternoon there was a runaway at the railroad depot. The driver of one of H. May's wagons had alighted to deliver some freight and as he was doing this the horse started off. After a lively chase about the liower garden and in the vicinity the horse was stopped. EX "AUSTRALIA.'" AN INVOICE OF THE FAVORITE Revere Garden Hose Scissors, Shears, Hair Clippers, Packing of All Kinds, Feather Dusters, Brushes in Great Variety, Shelf Hardware, And Another Consignment of "SECRETARY" PLOWS. PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, Ltd. ROBERT CATTON ENGINEER. Importer of Sugar Machinery Steam Ploughs, Rails and Rolling Stock, Cast and Wrought Iron Piping, Coffee and Rice Machinery. Disintegrators, "Victoria" Cream Separators. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE - - - Queen Street, Honolulu. A cream colored sparrow was seen a short time ago near Cullercoats. ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL, PETER HIGH & CO., Proprietors The : Beretania : Street Child Garden Will Open for its Simmer TEhM by Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1896. 4-JtHI- ! OFFICE AND MILL. Alakea aitf Richards Streets, near Queen, Honolulu, H. I ft. CKS. Wing Wo Chan & Co. 210-212 Nuuanu Street. JOHNNY, Get Your Hair Cut! A CLIP from our CLIPPERS ECLIPSES all other CLIPS. SKI ft Criterion Barber Shop. SOMETHING NEW ADDED IN ALL LINES AT IWAKAMIS Robinson Block, Hotel Street. Homesick Bat. The crew of the Australia and others were very much frightened yesterday morning, when a black bat flew aboard the steamer at the Oceanic wharf and alighted on the shoulder of one of the officers. It seemed like a token of ill- luck and the bright sunlight was the only thing that kept several present from becoming superstitious. It was Anally decided that the bat had a mo tive for flying back aboard the Aus- I tralia. After having been freed from 1 its cage by Joseph Marsden it had gone ! around to all the haunts of the Japanese ! beetles and had found them too much for its stomach. Homesickness set in and the bat determined to stow away ! so as to get back to its native soil. PACHECO & FERNANDEZ, The Daily Advertiser, 75 cents Proprietors, j a montn. Delivered by carrier. Police Court Items. In the police court yesterday. Yong . Hin plead guilty to the charge of hav The PASTEUR FILTER STANDS ALONE IN THE WORLD AS A GERM PROOF FILTER. "The very best filter yet devised can ho wntpr of all micro-organ - iun with the sole exception of the PAfe- TEUR FILTER." irrTvi rannrt nrenared for tne par liamentary Bills Committee of the British Medical Association, of Eng land, in the "British Medical Journal, July' 6th, 1895. "In a report just issued, General Zurlinden, the French Minister of War. reviews the progress made in tne arm since 1886, in point of pre hylactic measures. The most striKing result -mii o thpv were in Mr. de Frey- cinet's reports from 18S9 to 1892, those relating to typhoid tever. in iooo number of cases of this disease was 7 771 being over 14 per 1,000; in lby4 " " r "i AAA it was 3,060, being under o per i,"w, ..iotin obtained by an almost pro gressive decrease in each year. This result is shown by a uetaneu eAama tiOB of the circumstances of those cotir,r.c whprp the reduction has oc curred to have invariably followed on the purification of the drinking water The renort instances twenty- nine of the garrisons most subject in earlier years of typhoid tever, in eacu of which the introduction of an un contaminated water supply has been followed by the disappearance of the disease, except in isolated cases, the majority of which were shown to have been contracted outside the barracks. In those cases where a new water sup pi v has been provided, and the water was drunk Jjy FILTERED, epidemic followed from time to time on the conta mination of the source, and disappeared on the application of PASTEUR FIL TERS. The Pasteur-Cbamberland Filter Co. J. A. HOPPER, AtiENT. -:- MOULDINGS on. : tens. Frames. DC TURNED AND SAWED WORK Prompt attention to aU orders. TELEPHONE The Daily "Advertiser 75 Cents a Month. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., EA5T CORNER FORT AND KINO STREET Importers and Dealers in Groceries, Provisions and Feed, New and Fresh Goods received by every packet frmm Gattfornt, Eanfcv aad European Markets. Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fiso. Goods delivered to any part of Um city. Satisfaction Island trade solicited. P. O. BOX 145. TELEPHONE NO. 9SL 'S IPiP SiSta E