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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
THK I'Vi'iriC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER : HONOLULU. SEPTEMBER 8, 189. LOCAL BREVITIES. The H. A. A. C. football teams will be organized this week. Oahu College and Punahou Preoara- tory School will open today Draft No. 1725, for $54 in silver, ha been lost. Seed advertisement. The Delineator for September can now be procured at Mrs. Hanna's. Pacific Lodge So. 822 will meet to night for work in the Third degree. A position is wanted by a young man who can do almost anything. Best of references Mrs. J. Robinson's watch was found yesterday. It was in, the possession of another Japanese ' Company A will give another of its pleasurable balls in the drill shed on Thursday evening. Viggo Jacobsen. the pen artist, has moved back to town again. His tele-j phone number is 817. Tllt)rD , - . the Cricket Club Smoker Saturday evening. You are expected. Company H had its usual business meeting last night. Four new men were elected to membership. There will be an important meeting of the American League in headquar ters at 7:30 o'clock this evening. There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Myrtle Boat Club at the usual place tomorrow evening. The Beretania Street Child Garden will open for its summer term by Miss Thrum Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 18LMi. Ice-cream tastes delicious this hot weather. Get a "Gem"' Ice-cream freez er from the Hawaiian Hardware Co. X Walter C. Weedon is favorably meriy tioned about town as a candidate for the appointment of general appraiser. Mrs. H. Gunn, who returned from the States on the Australia, is visiting wkh Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Walker, King street. It was Stephen Mnhaulu and not S. Meheula who was arrested yesterday for assault and battery on William Harbottle. Yesterday afternoon Detective Ham mer was summoned before the Marshal and told that his services were no longer required. Mrs. Wm. Chun Hoon died early yes terday morning, aged 26 years. The funeral took place from Kaumakapili church at 3 o'clock. The Government schools opened yes terday and so did the vaccination pro cess on the school children. The im patients are all doing well. Mrs. C. L. Wight will leave by the Australia for San Francisco tomorrow. She will go direct to Lowell, Mass., where she will remain until after Christmas. George W. De Long Post, G. A. R., will give its 14th annual camp fire at Independence Park on the evening of September 22d. A grand time is being prepared for. Sylvester says that John Silva Is spreading about reports of his inability to get a wheel to race him around the Island on September 20th. John prob ably means that he can't get a wheel speedy enough. The Wall Nichols Company had a big rush of business yesterday, caused by the school children. Arrangements have been made so that the children can have their wants attended to with the greatest dispatch. The -Trilby"' company, expected here in the near future, is creating great ex citement and people are making their plans to take in the entertainment. The box plan opens at the Hobron drug store Thursday morning. VY. H. Babbitt will continue to play with thf Star baseball team but Bliss, alas, will take his departure on the bark Albert, leaving for San Francisco in a few days. Baseball enthusiasts will be sorry to lose him. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pearson of Port land, Ore., are visiting, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorrin A. Thurston, Judd street Mrs Pearson Is a sister ot Mrs. ' . .Klotl,,.Vr PMr Thurston. It is possible that Mr. Peai-, son will locate in Honolulu. If there be roan, woman or child in Honolulu who has not heard the won derful "Crown" piano, with its orches tral attachment, on exhibition and for sale by the Hawaiian News Co.. they should gently menr.der down that way at once. David Dowsett was transferred from the Appraiser s office to that of In spector in the Custom House Depart ment yesterday. Mr. Dowsett is a young man of ability, and his many friends are glad of the promotion he has re ceived. T P. Severin has taken the photo graph gallery opposite Love s bakery on Nuuanu avenue, where he will enter immediately into the work of taking pictures. Mr. Severin has had years of experience at this branch and has al waya m.-t with success in it. The regular monthly meeting of the V. If. C. A. was held in the Association hall last nitrht. with some twentv mem- irc nanr rt mntino hnf- " . J . JV A 4 V. .ft-V.J V VV. V. -r m ness were brought tip and disposed of. There was special discussion on music at Oahu College. C. H. W. Norton of the Money Order Department of the Post Office has been promoted to the position of clerk for merly occupied by Ruby Dexter. Hi- nlace in turn has been taken bv Fred Damon who has held a position in the , Postal Department for several months. Punahou is to have a football team ami rhp lparliner snirtt in the move- mem ,g w H Babbitt a new instructor .... , at that institution and a young man brimful of enthusiasm over athletics. He has played quarter on college teams and is ready for the fray whenever it wlI! present itBelL There will be another rehearsal of the men's chorus and principals in the opera of II Trovatore. There is no need cerned to the matter for they are so in terested that they are most anxious to attend whenever they are expected. Be at Arion Hall at 7:30 o'clock this even ing. Wotr Bulletin. Diamond Head, September 7, 1896 J eather hazy, wind lijjht northeast. A BARGAIN IN SER'iE. All wool serge, double width, i good quality, for 75 cents a yard. You can't af V ford to miss this bargain. Our Sale of Muslin Underwear is still on. If you haven't taken advantage of the bar gains do so at once: it won't pay to make underwear, when you can buy them so cheap. Just think of a night gown all ready made for 50 cents. A better quality with embroidery yoke and neck and sleeves, trimmed with em broidery lor Si. Chemises, with linen lace trimming for 35 cents. Ladies' drawers, full size, well made, prettv embroidery trimmings, only 5 cents a pait . A good plain skirt with ruffle for 50 cents. It will certainly pay you to call and examine these goods. Lace Curtains, a Bargain. If vou need any, see what we are offering for $1.50 a pair. They are exceptional value, fulf width and $ 1-2 yards long; exquisite pat terns. N. S. Sachs, C20 Fort street, Honolulu. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Warms BriLDiNti. Her eta i -T. Piano, Voice and Harmony. OPEN DURING VACATION. Another Big Fall, in Price! Just what the Public like to see. Please the Public? Yes, that's what we are r-re iur, nuu vC please you again. Here it is: 200 Reams! Good quality Note Paper at the as tonishingly low price of Per Package. We lead in LOW PRICES, and are rightly named, "Money Savers for You. Don't miss this chance 30 days only. Wall, Nichols Company 35c LOOK FOR THE MARK This is the Best" Tonic. But don't take it unless vou have plenty of food, because it brings ! a tremendous appetite ami you will want to eat. It starts up the organs, brings health to ths nee.linir it. Price 35 cents a bottle. Look for the mark Get it of Hobron Drug Co. FOOD How is your appetite? That's a leading question it means one of two thing health or illness. No matter how much or how excellent food vou have, without a normal appetite, you can't enjoy it. The digestive apparatus gets run down; needs toning up. The "BEST" TONIC, made from wholesome grain, is ex cellent tor a jaded appetite. It seems to be just the thing needed. A few bottles will set up a normal appetite. You can get Pabst's "Bet" Tonic of Hobron Drug Co. Desirable Stocks Splendid Opportunities for Investors. Larue or siull lots of nining, Agricultural Oil Stocks. Stocks and Bonds Negotiated. Agents Uukda Ranch Co., Bailey Oil Company. Correspondence invited. W. H. BAILEY & SON, 4153-a Montgomery St., San Francisco, CaL References. San Francisco: C. R. Bishop. Selhv S:n tint? Works. Hjnolulu: V. O. iiiith. T. W. Hot.ron. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. BISHOP & CO. Bankers TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit issued, available in all the principal cities of the world. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin. .President and Manager Claus Spreckels Vice President W. M. Giffard.. Secretary and Treasurer Theo C. Porter Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION AGENT f AGENTS FOR THE UCeaMC MeaiTlSnip LOmpall Of San Francisco. Cal. Men's Furnishing Goods IN ALL BRANCHES. We offer re r sale the most complete and largest assort ment of any wholesale establishment here. We guarantee our prices to compare with any firm here or the Pacific Coast. Please call and examine our stock. HYMAN Queen Street. GARDEN HOSE IN 25 50 N D Feet Lengths Just Received ex "Archer." EVERY PIECE OF OUR 4-PLY HOSE GUARANTEED ALSO, A SUPPLY OF 3-PLY i J t l),L HUSTACE & CO.; DEALERS IN Wood and Coal ALSO White and Black Sand Which we will sell at the very lowest market rates. Telephone No. 14. BROS., Exclusive Wholesale Merchants. WE WANT Your Orders : FOR :- FINE Because: We do them perfectly; we do them quickly; we use up-to-date stationery and we charge only 'Frisco prices. Do you want more convincing arguments ? Plenty of them on file. Come and look them over we'll take pleasure In explain ing. The Ruling Fad Fac similes of your signature accur ately engraved, no matter how badly or how well you write. No matter how many flourishes you affect, we'll portray it exactly as you write it. The "Four Hundred" are using this style, which for the time being is su perceding the plain script; yet for all that it must not be inferred that it Is the only correct thing; as even a plain block letter has made its appearance. Tastes and a leaning to ISFads" have much to do with ruling styles. We stand ready to cater to your taste. Our suggestion might help you some also; for you know we keep posted on correct things in that line. H. F. Wichman. WE HAVE A FEW MORE BOXES in our Safe Deposit Vault which are not yet rented. There are four sizes, varying in price from $12 to $30 per year. Any private papers left in these boxes are perfectly safe, as the vaults are fire-proof and are fitted with time locks, which makes them abso lutely burglar-proof. There are two keys to each box, both of which are given to the party renting box, and should these keys be stolen they would be useless to bearer, as he could not open the box without our master key being first inserted. Parties leaving the Islands for their summer vacations will find it a con venient place to leave any valuables. Boxes can be rented by the month or year, as desired. Apply to Hawaiian Sole Dwiy Iniesimeni Co CO. LIMITED. Esplanade, Cor. Allen and Fort Sts. HOLLISTER & CO. AGENTS. in i. Boxes H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS Retailers at Wholesale Prices VON HOLT BLOCK, KING ST. Have again reduced their prices of Dress Goods, Household Goods, Tailoring Goods, Clothing, Etc. . . . fteo. I lisi to. Limited.; Merchants and Commission Agents. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, aud GROCERIES. Aloha CURLY CUT SMOKING TOBACCO "Dagger" Brand New Zealand Mullet Seaside Resort WRIGHT'S VILLA. A Short Distance from the Bridge, Walklki. Tourists and others will find it to their advantage to visit the above re sort, as they will meet with every ac commodation that comfort requires. MRS. THOS. WRIGHT, Proprietress. CHANG KIM, (Late Law Clerk of Hartwell, Thurston and Stanley) GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT AND Interpreter of Chinese, English and Hawaiian Languages. Office at HAWAIIAN CHINESE NEWS Opposite the American League, K m -Htreet, Honolulu, H. I. P. O. BOX 181. EAGLE HOUSE. NUUANU AVENUE. CARL KLEMME, Propr. New management, Commodious rooms; Table board the finest, includ ing many palatable German dishes. Board and Room, per week. $6.50 to $7.50 Table Board. - - per week. - - $5.00 Howaiion Wing Company Importers, Dealers and Manufac turers of A WW t A t A Klnas ' fertilizers Phosphates, Potash and Ammonia, Separately or in Compounds. In quantities to suit. Correspondence and order solicited. A. F. COOKE, Manager.