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It rX8 I Bum n -gm Kin 'jr ( TOE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISE K : HONOLULU, APKIL 4, 1S98. ! SIDETRACKED IT-IS BY ACCIDENT ALL LEATHER f Maui Memorial Gets Scant; So Says Coroner's Jury of I - . r That is the one essentia point that should be considered in buying 'i Ceremony In House. the Death of Gouveira. VALISES V AND Mr. Kahaulelio Supported Act to Determine Leases Freely Discussed- Government Bridge at Kallua Wash ed Away Literary Circle Meets. SATCH EL 4 "4 1 s a- 0' y k Thirty-sixth Day, April 2 intnip undpr susnension ot 1 MATTT Ars-rll 2. The coroner's jury held in the Wailuku Court House ad- THE MONITOR PURITAN. The Turitan ia Uncle Sam's most formidable monitor. She is 2D fet lonz, haa a displacement of 6,0GO tons, and her speed is 12 knots. She carries four l--iucn PTins two in each turret, and two 4-inch rapid tiring guiu. She can whip any war- ivtp. x0u., x-- !4nnPtwl(1 frnm Samrdav the 26th lO rules, read a memorial, stating that he . . was presenting this as a communica- , G&uveira the tion coming from Maui and not accord- ; portuguege plantaiion laborer, who was ing to his own feelings. The memorial nlantation train, met his was from people in La'aaina, express- death h'y accident It is rumored that ing "no further confidence" in Rep. j inten1, bringisg a suit for Kahaulelio. ! a. 0oo damages against the Wailuku Sugar Company. Last evening the Makawao Literary The House was in arms at once against the action of the Lahaina peo ple. Rep. Pogue moved to lay the me- meeting in the parlors of morial on the tab e Hep Acn i moveu , - aUend it's false economy to buv one of paper, or imitation leather. Don't be carried away with the idea that thev are as lasting as leather. Look at Our Window. All Sizes. All Prices to suit the times. .1? ' .a- that the memorial be not received ana iu u. fa iuau , , , .m .t f inipmpTit weather. I . www O Jr a t that it be returned to x:io peuyie num ance, uu TJ 1 ' B 111 1 1 JliJ JtY H 15 U whence it come. Where was the mat- was not as large as usual. The follow- 93 ij - 7, B M I You are just right thtv are sharp. They are ready to i use ;. and t'ifh tt5s5?5S,e Strops, Hone, Brushes eu You have not Stride ttatjf trV. and i runs as smoothly ? , "P,mhl,r" Safetv Bicvcle. which you will want to go out on alter omi9 Trnnh mpmber had carefUi- LTl LVJ tau . ly considered the amendment to tne I Constitution and had voted as he saw- fit. Each was perfectly honest m Mit he did. Such action as that taken ty the people of Lahaina, should it be r.AA vv thfi TTnuse. would place tuusiutiiu v-- , ii. it. in the power 'Ct a lew peuyie w " j : af nnv time against any 111 iX. uicmui jui "-" Representative. Rep. Pogue stated tnat ne wuam vote for the return of the memorial. tt Kppn rmicli better pleas- I1V WUUH-V - ed had it not been presented at a.l hut, ing program was most pleasingly ren dered: npnriine from James Whitcomb Reilly, Dr. E. G. Beckwith, (illustrated by tableaux); song, trio, Messrs. Hair, Lindsay and Nicoll; character song, ThP Twoted Apple." Miss bimpson, cnn?. fin costume). "Going a Milking," ATi 5 5 vi em In e and Mr. Hair; reading. "How Ephraim Made the Mince Pie," Tr S. E. Tavlor; reaaing, iugeue Look at These Figures. 11 but, I . , o.-ca Tobitur PflliA." Miss Nel when anything of the kind was sent to , (illustrated by two tableaux). n Renreentative. he considered it his ,Ai , . ,To 07 Mr a ueprtfeeuidinc c1indav evening. March 27, Mr. CA j vnn r thrnnph shavintr. yVI4 ft All these things at E. O. HALL & SON, Ld Corner Fort & King Sts. X mi 1 r WAN ,1-ntv in nrpsent it v ice-speaKer is.aai 1 uicu mcn. communication was not a memouai and that it was out of -order. .Rep. Robertson introduced nis to amend an Act entitled, Un Act to nromote the construction 01 rdinvaj, approved August 1st, xs, u . . . - j X - l-.n. noil fill a new section tnereto, iu uc .u I Section 3A." Passed first reading Rep McCandless mtroduceu nis au to repeal Section 5 -of Act 51 of the Ses 1S96. relating to the dis- rasseu mst A set of Rubber Tires put on your buggy, hack or wagon? If not, Why not? The Rubber Tire Wheel Go. Have now a plant in operation at the Hawaiian Carriajse iYianuiacturiii ww. , v- 7 GM-Vl... .1 ,1 4 rc-rli "1 1 1 wi?:ir Roller Bearing Axles. Last Sunday evening, March 27, Mr. Berger gave a lecture in the Wailuku Foreign Church, the subject being upon his travels. During Thursday afternoon, March oiet tAics C. jy. Loveland of Ilamakua- rnkn. cave a tea in honor cf the 40th anniversary of her weaning aaj. xi prints were beautifully decorated with roses and nasturtiums and elaborate refreshments were daintily served. Mrs. Loveland appeared in her wed- I ding gown auointu vnu nmi nronounded the fol-! TTn:r Miss Simpson provided enter- -stion to the Minister o?nment with volcal solos and instru mental music. The 30 or 40 ladies pre sent will long remember the occasion 000 mn?t eniovable one. ruminations for Maui teachers will be held in the Wailuku school during the 4th and 5th. The bridge over the Government road at Kailua was washed away by recent freshets. The weather is showery and cold. vmi JATENTEI. , u 1 .nri Rubber Tires. Roller-Bearing Axles put on any vehicle and With steel channel d the draft 40 per cent. position of School Tax." reading. Rep. Atk lowing que Foreign Affairs: "Will you state whether any schoo or educational establishment of a sec- tarian character is Deing s,uijjuncu j the Government?" tv.;t-t r!irVinp- and unanimous pas sage of House Bill 39, relating to Tax Appeal Court. Reading and passage of Senate Bill 9, referred to the extention of the Oahu 9' relating to the extension of time of the Oahu "Railroad. Referred to Public Bill 54, relating to adulteration of food and drugs. Rep. Gear asked for permission to sa a few words on the bill just passed. This was granted. Rep. Gear spoke m part as follows: 'T nnnc I P;- itnar. THIS 1U111 1 "ll,v" more important than any that has passed this session. The good it will do for the growing industries of the Islands cannot be computed. There nttemnts during the Uil V uccu lat few years to establish the business :- ?, f,Miit found' here. These at- Ui cauui"5 j.i nit- " " j. vnvp nvnvpn failures on account p orvocit immint. of foreign matter Ul LUC fel " y STORES TO LET. ThP lar-e store in Waverley Block, f-wmpriv ncunied by B. F. Ehlers & en iiri ix-i 1 pri and applica- JL)., Will t)""" tion ah-ould be made at once to Henry Waterhouse & Co., tor sioit venient size and good location. HENRY WATERHOUSE & CO. PROOF POSITIVE OF THE POPULARITY AND SUPREMACY OF THE "REMINGTON" TYPEWRITERS IN NEW YORK: 2,698 Remingtons in 34 Buildings; 728 All Others. 78 IN CHICAGO: - i2 Remingtons in 37 Buildings; 91 All Others,, 73 IN PHILADELPHIA: 1 001 Remingtons in 16 Buildings; 266 All Others. 79 IN BOSTON: oro Remingtons in 31 Buildings; 46 All Others. 63 H. HACKFELD & Co., Ltd SUBSCRIBERS -TO - Mutual Telephone Co.jjp FEREWCE, WILSON & WHITEHOUSE .-. T-nn fPTTW TT A WAIT AN ISLA SOLE LICENSEES FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ROBERT CATTON. 212 Queen Street. Honolulu. AGENT FOR THE MIRRLKES, WATSON & YVu'ar'lVIachinery WATSON, cXalsCand Cream ' Separators. JOHN SSErpituCghs(Land Potable RaVKvay. THE BISDON IRON WORKS ..General Marcus mason & co., Coffee and Rice Machinery. J. HARRISON CARTER uia.ut- Men's Meeting. As on the previous occasion of his ,MrShin. Rev. G. L. Pearson, the Methodist pastor, had a large audience of V AT. C. A. at 4 O ClOCK Duuuaj C- U - afternoon. This was for the regular of tine kind imported m tne couuiy. x meeting for men. "Abra was reading in one of the promme" r " mQSt inter. . . i- T-v-i u 1 n'j 111 .v .- 1.111 . ,v v naners of the Unitea biaies, ui r- , .v life c;fiiff that was Demg sum is j t;si.i"& - - . r .omin.tinn it was found ,, inflllpnr.e of the patriarch was that the jam was made of tomatoes, r Rev Mr. Pearson. A good figseeds (hayseeds, i snouiu J-" impression was made hy tne speai jgether with some coloring matter -The men presenL amount of matter 01 miu . - sold 'here is astonishing, inei nmimffnt in avoi Ul uic but I only wished to bring out this oae Pint-" . , ir t q Second reading ot iioube xjih ivo- tr. pnnferrins additional juris on certain magistrates. Rep 'ounders and Machinists. 213 Queen St., let. Alatea and Richards Sts., uc-nomm. c rpneral Ironwork; Iron and Brass Cast 'nVitr Bth.. Cory HaUs ana Crestings Made to Order: Samples on Hand. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. I. . t no WISP is Rufficient" and J. t-JJ- " a word from the wise should be sum- cient, but you asK, wno are m S.1, i .v, vow ThP nft repeated ex- i nose wuu ft"""- perience of trustworw ,c,1snj"" rr diction on certain magistrates. Kep. be taKen 101 h Rem Robertson moved its indefinite PO- Terry says Cha ponement. Carried. , biv He has been in Under suspension ci ru, aaa nt ikton. Ky., for kinson presented a petition trom w tne rr rdrlds of bottles of residents of Manoa valley-asking tor ry ear u arly all other cough damizing the road from Punahou to Waiakekua. Referred to the Public Lands Committee. Second reading of Hcuse uia , ie latin g to the limit of time within which actions may b3 brought to recover pos session of land, together with the re port of the Judiciary Lommiaec. Rep Robertson spoke for the passage of the 'bill. He spoke on the matter of fraudulent claims to land and pointed out where a reduction of the time dur ing which suits might be brought, to ten vears, would do a great deal tow ard diminishing rae mjui ,;v.. v,arwUP be done. -Minister Damon expressed himself as being en- tirelv in sympathy wirn me he bill but ceiievea mat "lTli"7;; of vears should he mane 10. u. not believe sud'a a radi?ai ciian hould be made at this time, suu ac- tion might woik iuj"' t parties TOO 279 46S 640 23S 764 992 696 533 964 142 564 919 807 925 697 401 550 525 780 thii remeuy nin-i "tun; - -tn1.. . . tr.T,roA which shows mpflicines mauuiav.i.u" delusively that Cnamberlaln-s tho ... .fo.inrTr to the neople, ana 13 Se best For sale by all druggists and dealers Benson, Smith & Company, Limned, wholesale agents for Hawai ian Islands. (Y AUTHORITY. A,1rpr Dr Geo F, Richard and -uai sts. Office hours: 10 to 10 o ? in 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Carter, A W, res Liliha and Judd of Cf Chase, C D, res Spencer ave and . Hackreld st Davey, F, res King st Mica A iT res Fort st r.,vi0r riiiia rpa Nuuanu valley t w res Nuuanu and Goodman, F, res No 32 Emma st -. t 1 1. ,1 T?rtVt rpa iMakiki Ulilisi.cra.u, v - Hawaiian Hotel, annex, Aaikiki High, C B, res Aiapai tt Plough, L W, res Kennedy, Jas A, res riommp TT. res Killean, Miss M E, Hotel st Larnach, Alex W, res School st iMarine Railway, Kakaako "Marques, A, res Emma st HV!Mn TT Paget, Dr Owen F, office Masonic Temple. Office hours: 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.; 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Paget, Dr Owen F, res King st Piimoku, Chas, res Beretania and CrviltVl -etc Porter, Mrs T C, res Alakea st Sang Chan, Tailor, Hotel st Schuman's Carriage Repository Star Dairy, Kahauiki 5S6 Steward, Mrs res auu. Tullett. A, res 1'uncnuowi &l 891 Vida, Henry, res ocxiuui Weddick, Dr J, Aiapai ana te tania. Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 1 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. m. AVing Chev Lung 7 Wing Hin There's a big difference In ways of doing business. Some dealers simply strive to get a customer in their store, sell as much as they can at once, and never expect , to see that customer again. OUR WAY 326 941 S60 943 205 1013 TENDERS FOR VACCINE VIRUS. TEL. 4-10. t--s jl -v era r i5-r t - L J I . "Hawaii m A1T Office of the Board of Health. Honolulu, April 2? 1S9S. . . , Twpivesl at Sealed tenuei.-. this office until Wednesday. Apnl b ,coc 9ts o'clock p. m., for furnishinj .rrr.! of Health with fresh "Pure lilt? -i- - " . Calf Lymph supplied from the accine institution, at Hastings Hawke's Ba, T?pn 'near moved to adjourn as there j Zealand," put up in hermetically is to always satisfy a buyer, no matter hovr small the profit. This method makes permanent patrons, axiQ our trade Is largely made up of customers who have been coming back to our store year after year. S74 lot g Lung v-o, nuLei H. G. BIART. Importer and Manufacturer of jewelry : Emblems : Badges Etc. KODAKS REPAIRED AS GOOD AS NEW. l i? -10 r -von t r t P was not time oeiore j-- x,-" - , up the bill section by section. j Adjourned at 11 ' a. m. CAI'TION. If vou value your health you will not allow anyone to impose upon you by offering you a cheap futute. Re member that the -Rainier and ' Olympic'' beers are just what they are represented to be. Both are the pro duct of the most perfectly gr on Varies and the best hops to be had. On tap or in bottles at the Criterion Saloon. Sealed tubes, for the period . -no year from July 1, 1SSS. The vaccine lymph to be deliverer monthly in lots of 50 10 100 tubes, mor cr less as may be specified from time to time. The Board does not bind itself to ac cept the lowest or any bid. CHARLES WILCOX, Secretary Board of Health. 4S84-3t 404-i FORT STREET. Near Kinsr. l. kosg fi:i:. Merchant : Tailor. 623 Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. FIXE SUITS TO ORDER AT REA SON ABLE RATES. Suits cleaned and repaired. Satis faction guaranteed. RY OUR WA once, and you will keep coming back the same way, too. We keep a sharp lookout for the best in furniture and house furnishing and you get the benefit of our attention to business and our years of experience. We only buy of well known and reputable houses. Leading Furniture Dealers. KING & BETHEL STS. ; .1 V V v. I 'i '4 i : "v f f j - i i J, ( IS I: ( ( x ' f 1 19 " 1: ( i. " OK ; 4 X) .,0