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1 ( THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER : HONOLULU. APRIL 4, 1S9S. i .. . tmmm V-ir LIFE ano FIRE nil rat 11 Eg AGENTS FOR nnl lifo Ino JU1 Lllu 1110 nnrl Mnf Will JlUll race Co OF BOSTON. Etna fife tonee IM OF HARTFORD. 6. 1IR CO., 11 Queen Street, : : Honolulu, II. I. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono- ciea Sugar company, nonomu ougar Company, Vailuku Sugar Company, Waihee Sugar Company, Makes Su gar Company, Haleakala Ranch Com pany, Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets, Charles Brewer & Co.'s Line of Bos ton Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwrit ers. Agents for Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. If. !i. HUD VICTORY FOR GO. HIKT CONV1CTKD. List of Latest Novelties. Capt. Ms Cflmmafld Wins at tie N. &. H. Butts. LIST OF OFFICERS: P. C. Jones, President; George II. Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. F. Allen, Auditor; C. M. Cooke, II. Water house, G. R. Carter, Directors. Office. Sun Insurance OF LONDON. FOUNDED r I7IO. The largest and oldest purely Fire Insurance Com pany in the World. Capital ::::::: $12,000,000. Net Surplus :::::: S,ooo,oco. POLAR STAR ICE CREAM FREEZ ER. Freezes in one minute. MOSQUITO OR FLY FANS. Will run an hour on one winding. IDEAL PAN. For bread baking. Something fine. BICYCLE TREADLE GRINDSTONE FRAMES. A labor-saving device. IDEAL WATER FILTERS AND COOLERS. A small refrigerator and filter combined. REVERSIBLE SOCKET HAIR FLOOR BROOMS. Sweeps at any angle. UNIFORM BREAD SLICERS. For cutting bread for sandwiches all the same thickness. BERKEFIELD FILTERS. These are attached to any water faucet and filter perfectly with any pressure. PLANET FURNITURE AND CAR PET BEATERS. Will not wear out the article beaten. STOVE POLISHING MITTENS. Clean the stove perfectly without soiling the hands. EUCHRE PUNCHES. Just the thing for card parties. PHOENIX CHIMNEY CLEANERS. Fit any chimney. ANGLE LAMPS. Burn kerosene econ omically and do not throw any shadow. A good Invention. COMBINED SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS. Two in one. A very handy article. SOME NOTABLE TARGET SHOOTIHD Average of Almost 40 for 20 Men. The Others- Comparisons Indi vidual Records Made. Hi! BISHOP & CO., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin. .President and Manager Claus Spreckels Vice-President W. M. Giffard. Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Company Of San Francisco, CaL Claus Spreckels. Wm G. Ikwis CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO. Bankers, HONOLULU - - - II. I. Han Francisco agents The Nevada BanV VON HOLT BLOCK. PHOTOGRAPHIC CO., Ld. Mott-Smith Block, cor. Fort & Hotel Sts. Instantaneous Portraits, Iridium, Bas-Relief, Carbon and Platinum, SPECIALTIES. G E D F B A DRAW EXCHANGE ON San Francisco The Nevada Bank of Sat Francisco. . . - tk TTtiirtu tiqtiV rf TjnTinon (Lita.i. New York American Exchange Nationa) Bank. . , , , . Paris Comptoit National d'Escompto de raris. Tterlln Dresduor Bank. Xlonckomr and Yokohama-Hongkong and New Zealand and Australia Bank o! New Zealand. . . Tf Victoria and Vancouver Bank of Brit ish North America. Tnnsocio General Banning XExcmge Business Issued. Bills of Exchange Bought and Sold. CollectlonsIiPromptly Accounted For 0 0 When other hoofs and other shoea Have not been faring -well, And by the language that you use It's plain there's been a sell. In such a scene, we Ask you not to worry, -lm,0r KTNfr STREET SHOEING SHOP OF T. B. MURRAi A II n-nrir drl hp first-class workmen. and nothing but high-class work executed. L'ictures alter nemoranui ana uarionwi Mezzo-tints. Sole proprietors of the Bas Relief Mid Iridium processes. Groups at residences, ilashlight or daylight. Copying and enlarging. Life-size pictures on Porce lain, finished in water-color, sepia or crayon. Appointments by Telephone 492. So stairs to walk up. Take elevator at ground floor. THE CLUB STABLES (Limited) Fort St., near Hotel. Telephone 477. Livery. Boning ana Soles Sites. PROMPT SERVICE. STYLISH TURP OUTS. SAFE DRIVERS. Wa nrfi esneciallv eauipped to cater to vour trade. Fair dealing and good service is what we depend upon to get t. Drs. Rowat and Karr are always in attendance at the Stables. Hack Stand Telre phone, No. 319. Hacks Nos. 45, 62, 63, 65, 70, 73, 97. C. H. BELLINA, Manager. Every mule or horse shoe we put i n 4f cwolf a nerfect Rem. To get the like, ring up or send your critter to the snop 01 1. x. We employ flrst class mechanics only. 'Prices to suit the times." Telephone 592. HUSTACE & CO., DEALERS IN Wood and Coa! ALSO White and Black Sand Which we will sell at the very lowest marJiei raiea. Telephone No. 414. lk imonos, ALL PATTERNS AT REDUCED PRICES. s OZAKi WAVERLEY BLOCK, HOTEL ST. About all the First Regiment men who could get away from the garrison or town on Saturday afternoon were on the Kakaako shooting range. Six of the eight companies of the uniformed National Guard entered teams of 20 men each. This event was the first of a series of shoots fox the magnificent trophies offered by Minister Cooper. The big prize is to be a heavy shield to go to the victorious company. There wi'il be besides a handsome medal for the individual making the "best score during the match. In the contest so far, Company G, composed entirely of native Hawaiians, leadr. The boys have practiced most diligently and are congratulated warm ly by their rivals and others. For many months the boys of G have had something of this sort in view and when the day came they were ready. It was not a day for high scores. The wind was not only high at times, but was irregular throughout the aft ernoon. There was rain at times. Captain Schaefer was in charge of the range. The 120 men shot their scores of ten shots each in four hours and a half. There were no accidents, but there are many hard luck stories cur rent. Captain Smith's Company A, is commended for putting in a team and doing so we'll. The worst "falls" of the day were by men in E, F and D. Perhaps the 'best shooting of the day was done by Kukahi of G, who made a clean miss on his second shot and then finished with a score .of forty-one. It was unfortunately impossible for H or C to have teams. Xew trophy shooting now on in the companies is with A and H. Captain Smith has put up a gold medal and the nnmti!inv Vi n a three silver ones. One V J ill - t--' il J S - condition with me nueda'l is regulari ty of practice. In Captain Murray's command a number of fine trophies have been hung up to encourage the bov. Capitain Coyne says that Company E is open to meet any other company of the Regiment in a frienedy match, barring G. TOTAL EACH COMPANY. Av. 791 39 11-20 ' 75G 37 4-5 748 37 2-5 745 37 1-4 720 712 Possible, 1,000. HUNDRED BEST. The best 100 scores were a total of 2 nnn. This is 39 points more than the 100 man team of the N. G. II. made in the match with the First Regiment, Na tional Guard of California. The Cali fornians on this occasion of the match m dp 2 952. In the international match best were 'of C, H and the staff here rnmniPtpd. If Saturday's 100 best nau been picked from the N. G. H., the competition figure of the Californians would have been beaten very easii. TEN BEST. The ten best men made a total of 442 an average of 44.2. This is the best record yet shown by ten men 01 the Regiment. HIGHEST INDIVIDUALS. t-.. iST'irliinl nipdal "Musician 'U1 me iiiuiiiuu 7 1 ,,t; v mnrie 4f. besting Oleson, fc 4 .V llil tin. v ' B, who had the same total; Austin win ning "Creedmore. MADE OVER FORTY These are the men who made 40 or iipttpr out. of the possible oO: n Chas. Wilcox 43, G. Karratti 41, Captain Kea 43, Keliipio 41, Musician rnnimins 40. Lieut. Rose 44, Corp. Ma- honey 41, Morse 40, Corp. Kulike 44, K-nknhi 41. SherWOOd' 41. i F! Mus. Austin 41, Speckman 41, Fer- reira 42, Corp. Overbeck 40, Kiley 41, rnt Covne 41. n spret. Burnett 41, Sergt. Johnson 43 Sergt. Cook 43, Butler 44, Keister F Gouveice 43. Corp. Friedersdorf ii Sprsrt Reid 40, Lieut. Ludewig 42, Bechert 42, Corp. Hirschenan 41, Cook in Sprsrt. Steinman 40. RFrazier 44. Corp. Riley 44, Bol ster 40, Hagerup 41, Sergt. Winant 42, T.ncrnn 41. Mii3. Rainer 41, uieson -io. A Sergt. Fetter 40, Sergt. Peterson 41, Mus. Bordfeldt 43. "Tnhnnv" Coakley, formerly barten der at the Pantheon saloon, has gone t thP Sound. He left quietly on the barkentine Klikitat a few days since without telling many friends ct Ms in tention. NEW HARNESS. If you wish to see nice sets of har ne double or single, examine the stock at Schuman's Carriage ana iiar- ness Repository. We have just received direct from the Eastern manuiacuirers the largest line of the best and latest styles in harness that can be made in the U. S.. such as dray, buggy, surrey, hack and coupe harness. All gooas guaranteed to be first class. Reputed Transaction With Chinese Adjudged a (iravo OlTcnsc. Chester Doyle returned from Lib?:-:. : Kauai, on the W. G. Hall Sunday morn- !ing with J. Birt, the man charged with selling a mixture of poi for opium to a Chinaman on the Garden Isle a ihort time ago. Birt's capture here has al ready been dwelt upon in these colu mns. He was sent to Kauai and on Wednesday last, the writ of habeas corpus in the case of the Republic of Hawaii vs. J. Birt for gross cheat, was argued before Judge Hardy at Kapaa. Sheriff Coney appeared for the prosecu tion and Attorney G. D. Gear of this city for the defense. The whole fore noon was spent in argument. Judge Hardy reserved his decision until Fri day morning, at which time he denied the writ. Birt was taken back to Lihue and on Saturday, the case was tried. Defen dant was fined $300 and costs. As it is claimed he sold his poi mixture to the Chinaman for $450 it appears he is something like $150 in pocket. Birt inti mated yesterday that he would prob ably appeal his case. C. Clark, the man charged with being accessory in the same case, was found not guilty and discharged. ay "Yes," and Prove it. When you answer in the affirmative be sure you are in a position that will bear out your assertions. There is no such word as 'Fail." Say "Yes," and stick to it. Say "Yes," and prove it. Have we good fitting slices? Have we the latest styles? Are our shoes up-to-date? Are our shoes cor rect in price? YES, to all these questions, and we can prove it. If you doubt this declaration, come and see us and we will convince you. A. E. MURPHY & CO. Island Orders Solicited. 205 Hotel St.. Arlington Block. RHEUMATISM CURED. Mv wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable. W. J. CUYLER, Red Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer: chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity.- W. G. PHIPPIN, Editor Red Creek Herald. . For sale by all dealers. Ben son, Smith & Company, Limited, wholesale agents for Hawaiian Islands. IK Si p 0! -AT- JORDAN'S. In Ladies', Gent's and Children's HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR ! FOR ONE MORE WEEK. Another Monster Reduction in LADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR, Usual price $1.25, reduced to 75 cents. Gent's Silk Undervests and Drawers, Ladies' Ribbed Undervests from 5c. each up. Children's Underwear, Ladies' Black Hose, plain and drop- stitch, I Gent's Half Hose, black and colored. Equally great reductions, in fact i prices are lower than ever. Come early and get first choice. RiO. 1 O STREET 75.00! THE BOLTLESS Sylph" Cycle ft i I I' .i i i r m ii i M H1 -Opp. Elite Ice Cream Parlors- Plaid, Striped, Watered oooooooooo 2 THIS Season's stock of 0 A Ribbons will be much Y 0 larger and more varied 0 t than ever before, com- o prising all the latest nov- 2 elties in fancy and plain Ribbons. Per "Zealandia" we received our 2 first instalment of the new shades v 0 for this season. There is no neces- 0 a sity of your looking elsewhere, as a our stock consists of all shades and designs that are new. 0 Y 0 9 TEMPLE OF FASHION o Fort St. M. G. S1LVA, Prop. 00e0o00000000000 0 Hamakua Plantation, Paauilo, Hawaii, H. I. Mr. J. G. Spencer, Pacific Hardware Co., Honolulu. Dear Sir: The Secretary Disc Plow 1 pur chased from you is giving us satisfaction. We are using it to plow under a crop of lupins. They are three feet high and very thick. Your plow turns them completely under, at the same time plowing the land fourteen inches deep. I feel satisfied that with this plow the draft for the same quantity and depth of work is as 6 to 8. That is, with the old plow, to do the same work, it takes 8 good mules; with your plow it takes only 6, and they are less tired at night. Please send me another plow by first schooner leaving for this. You are at liberty to use- this in any way you may see fit. Yours truly, A. LIDGATE. Few T 1 On some of the many articles suitable for horsemen now the races are on: ooo SHEETS AND HOODS, GIRTHS AND SURCINGLES (Light Weight), COOLING BLANKETS, HORSE BOOTS, T A P. V. SPTTPC; RT, A "Nnrt",rP PTTC DERBY BANDAGES, TURTON BITS, SULKY WHIPS, JOCKEY BATS, SWEAT SCRAPERS, SALT SACKS AND SPONGES Boyce Tablets, Elliman's Embrocation, Dixon's Condition Powders, Horse Liniment, Castile Soap, Etc. Honolulu Bicycle Co. Telephone !00, J09 Fort St. 1 TELEPHONE o662.x And sat King St., near Nunann St., Honolulu. 1-5 i 1 o, Ma-vicali. 1 f r I '-t f ( .. . .::ti ' mm u 1 t' vi i I '''"p'-i, M i I ' i J 4 Ml, 1 I : 1 1 ! 5 1 , t , n i j 4 n - ft 1r-