Newspaper Page Text
8 THE TACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER : HONOLULU, APRIL 4, ISO" me Poet coiiitici Mraiisef Issued Every. Morning, Except Sunday, by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Von Holt Block, King Street. C. G. BALLENTYNE, Manager. METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. By the Government Survey. Published Every Monday. B Alt' I 1 - I s SB 0 T3 55 g- ? 1 .H:?.sls! s s M T A' T r w.oii-jy.y.'") i,'J 77 .1" r)-'(- NK-!K h7i '.7i .3j'7; l,'-3 I KSE 70! 75 .01,7.".. K-S KSE f-S ,7 7.'.; .) l! NE tin I r.i i km; NE to 74 .Oh'i;' 4-5 NK ft! 74, .W'S7 a NK ,0 :J.0 rn :).( 0 3 iO. :it). lft :w.lf 10 (x r.0," Karometer corrected for temperature lid elevation, but not for gravity. SHIPPING IH1ELLIGEHCL ARRIVALS. Saturday, April 2. Stmr. Helene, Maedonald, from Ha waii ports. Stmr. Mokolii, Bennett, from Molo kai, Lanai and Maui. Stmr. Mikahala, Thompson, from Kauai ports. Stmr. Kaena, Mosher, from Oahu ports. Sunday, April 3. Stmr. Maui, Freeman, from Maui ports. Stmr. W. G. Hall, Haglund, from Kauai ports. Stmr. Ke Au IIou, Thompson, from Kauai. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, from Oahu ports: Haw. bk. Diamond Head, Ward, from Seattle, Wash. PASSENGERS. Arrivals. From ;Molokai, Lanai and Maui ports, per stmr. Mokolii, April 2 W. A. Wali, Judge Carter, F. A. Ilayselden, Mr. Hass and Miss Bruce, 'Miss Bindt. From Kauai ports, per stmr. Mikaha uu, April 2 A. Thomas and iMiss E. Thomas. "From Hawaii ports, per stmr. Helene, April 2 Dr. Clarke. From Kauai ports, per stmr. W. G. Hall, April 3 A. S. Wilcox, F. W. Car ter, wife and 2 children, Mrs. II. Isen berg, Mrs. A. Askew and son, Mrs. S. Kaiu and son, .Mrs. L. Hellun, G. D. Gear., C. 'A. Doyle, A. Garvin, II. Siuttze, E. Deinert, J. Ferreira, Chin Fook and 54 on deck. From tMaui ports, per stmr. Maui, April 3. J. W. Keiki and wife, Mrs. Keanu, 13. K. Kaiwiaea and wife, (Miss Kaiwiaea, .Mrs. S. W. Kaai, Master Toomey, Mrs. M. A. Pa, J. E. Hopkins, A. Haneberg, Awana, Sing You. W. II. Holokahiki, J. A. Aheong, T. II. Mae donald and wife, Miss S. Cushingham, Mrs. J. G. Anderson and 21 deck. IMPORTS. From Maui ports, per stmr. Maui, April 3. 7.25S bags sugar, 252 bags potatoes. 13G bags corn, 1 horse, GO head cattle, 70 hogs, 146 pkgs. sundries. From Kauai ports, per stmr. Ke Au Hou, April 34,000 bags sugar. From Kauai ports, per stmr. W. G. Hall, April 35,320 bags sugar, 150 bags taro, 30 bags pia. 10 bdls. hides and 1 horse. From Oahu ports, per stmr. J. A. Cummins, April 3750 bags rice and S00 bags sugar. From Oahu ports, per stmr. Kaena. April 2 500 bags sugar, for Castle & Cooke and 2 pes. machinery. From .Hawaii ports, per stmr. He lene, April 2 75 head cattle for Metro politan Meat Co., 4,000 bags sugar for V. G. Irwin & Co. From Kauai ports, per stmr. Mika hala. April 25,000 bags sugai for If. Hackfeld & Co. From iMaui, per stmr. iMokolii, April 2 TOO bags sugar for W. G. Irwin & Co. Decks Awash Four Days. The HaAvaiian bark Andrew Welch reached San Francisca March lGth, IS days from Honolulu. Captain Drew re ported having had one of the roughest voyages on record, and said, that at times ,he thought his ship was founder ing. Two days out from Honolulu the ad weather commenced, and on March 5th a terrific gale from the northwest was encountered. The nor'wester was accompanied by tremendous seas which "broke over the vessel from every di rection and kept her decks awash for four days. Kitten Hy I)o. John Wilson, the contractor and rub aer tire magnate, is carrying a careful ly bandaged hand. The wound is from the bite of a dog. Mr Wilson is some what of a fancier and has with him in ids walks most of the time a blooded and well trained bull terrier. This ani mal is easily held in check unless at tacked. Then it gets down to business. The Wilson dog was set upon by an other night before last and a second ater had a "hold." In settling the dis pute John was bitten on the hand by -the strange dog. DAILY ADVERTISER, delivered by carrier to any part of the city for 73 cents a month. The GAZETTE (semi-weekly) is issued WHARF AHD WAVE. The schooner Ada got away for Maui on Sunday. The schooner Kawailani .-ailed for Oahu pons, Sunday. Tlie J. A. Cummins came in Sunday with a cargo of sugar and rice. The W. G. Irwin ha3 finished dis charging her cargo of general merchan dise at the Oceanic wharf. The Iwalani has been away from port about, ten days. She ought to be back from Hamakua very soon. Tlie bark H. Hackfeld is still un able to get to sea on account of her cargo of sugar not being completed. The HackfeMl has been in port since February 19th. Sae took 34 days to discharge. The Ke Au Hon came in from Kauai ports Sunday morning bringing a full cargo of sugar. : urser Had way reports as follows: Sugar left on Kauai, 27, 500 divided as follows: K. S. M., 1,200; Mak., 1.500; L. P., 4,000; H. M., 2,500; M. vS. Co., 12,000; K. S. Co., C.300 and weather unsettled. Wind X. to N. E., showery. Noeau at Kiiauea. The Hawaiian bark Diamond Head, Ward master, was reported off Dia mond Head, Saturday night and haul ed alongside Allen & Robinson's wharf at about 8 a. m. Sunday, 19 days from Seattle, Wash., with a cargo of 707,000 feet of lumber for Allen & Robinson. An uneventful voyage is reported. The Diamond Head will start discharging odi.y. iic sieo For PORTLAND, Oregon. Taking Freight for Seattle, Tacoma and other Sound Ports. The new Steamship "BRAEMAR," 3,001 tons, will leave this port for Port land, Or., on or about the 9th April. For Freight apply to Theo. H. Davies & Co. Ld., Agts. NOTICE. A meeting of the Stockholders of the Olowalu Company will be held at the office of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited, on Monday, April 4, 1S9S, at 11 a. m. C. BOS3E, Secretary Olowalu Company. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. At an annual meeting of the Lin Yee Chung, Chinese Cemetery Association, of iManoa, held on the 1st inst., tine following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year: Lam Kara Chin President Chock Tong Vice-President Luke Chan Secretary Wong Chow Treasurer LUKE CHAN, Secretary. Hono'lulu, April 2, 1S9S. SITUATION WANTED. AS HOUSEKEEPER OR CARE OF children, by an xVmerican Girl. Ad dress in writing "HOUSEKEEPER," Hawaiian Gazette Office. LOST. DIAMOND PIN WHILE LEAVING the steamer Moan a Wednesday. Pin is in the shape of a gold bar with a cluster of diamonds in the center. Finder -will leave at this office and re ceive suitable reward. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE First Judicial Circuit, Hawaiian Islands. In Probate. In the mat ter of the Guardianship of GEORGE ALLWEINS, an Insane Person. Order of notice and pub lication. Unnn readine and filing the petition of Helen Kamahalo Allweins in which petitioner recites that petitioner is the wife of George Allweins; tnat saia Georsre Allwsins is an insane person and residing without the Republic of Hawaii, but having estate therein; that t is proper that a Guardian should be ippointed and praying that David Day on be appointed Guardian of the per son and estate of said insane person. Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered that all persons having any interest in the premises appear before me at mv chambers in the Judiciary Building in Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, on MONDAY, the lSth day oi April, A. D. 1S9S, 10 o'clock A. M., then and there to show cause if any they have why the prayer of the peti tioner herein should not be granted. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this Order be pub lished daily for two weeks in the Paci fic Commercial Advertiser, a daily newspaper printed and published in the English language in Honolulu aforesaid. Dated at Honolulu. H. I.. April 1st, A. D. 1S9S. (Sis.) A. PERRY. First Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit of the Hawaiian Islands. Mem Poc KID GO I certify the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Order of Notice of Publication now on file in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit of the Hawaiian Isl ands. P. D. KELLETT, JR., 4SS3-14.t Clerk. The recent 4 4 hard times" expenses. . This has encouraged the invasion of" cheap" bale- ing- powder baking- powder vn;:h sells for a small price, but which either does not do the work, or is bad for the insides, or both. Honest baking powder cannot: be made to sell for 25 or 30c. a pound. Thc;e are a Tew honest baking powders at higher prices. Of these Schillings Best is the right one, partly because 0 ceanic Steamship Compan IM I The Fine Passenger Steamers, of This Port as Hereunder: FROM SAN FRANCISCO: ZEALANDIA APRIL 13 . ZEALANDIA APRIL 19 ALAMEDA APRIL 27 mAHPu)A APRIL 2S ZEALANDIA MAY 11 ZEALANDIA MAY 17 MARIPOSA MAY 25 j MOAN A MAY 25 ZEALANDIA JUNE 8 ZEALANDIA JUNE 14 MOANA JUNE 22 ! ALAMEDA JUNE 23 I In connection with the sailing of the abc -e steamers, the Agents are prepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by any railroad from San. Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from New York by any steamship line to all European ports. For further particulars apply to Wm. G IRWIN LIMITED General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. mmumii n ail Steamship mm AND ccidental & Steamers of the above companies will on or about the dates below mentioned. FOR JAPAH ADD CHIHA: BELGIC Apr. 9 PERU Apr. 19 RIO DE JANEIRO May 7 GAELIC May 17 CITY OF PEKING May 26 DORIC . June 4 CHINA June 15 BELGIC June 25 PERU July 5 COPTIC July 14 RIO DE JANEIRO July 23 For freight and passage and all AGENTS. J. M. MONSARRAT. SF.AT.cnER OF T ECO 11 D COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR THE STATES Oh' EV OKv AND CALIFORNIA LOANS PLACED AND NEGOTIATED. CartirlgM Block, Merchant Street. Telephone 68. LAKES for Sale or to Lease at Papa 2, Olelomoana 1, Kolo and KaohT4 in the celebrated Coffee District of Kona, Hawaii. These Lands will be sold either in large or small tracts to suit purchasers. Also: FOR SALE-1. 75 acres of Coffee Land at Nahiku, Maui. The Land lies well, is of excellent quality and is watered by a running strearn most the year 2. 5 70-100 acres Taro Land at Waianu, Koolau, Mam. near FOR LEASE 1. A House and Lot at Waikiki. The uouse :s partly furnished and contains seven rooms and a lanai, chen pantry two bath rooms, servant's room, Carriage House and Stables. Good sea bathing. These premises will be leased for a term of years at a reasonble rental. H. 2 JV ast Corner Fort IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries. Provisions and General Agents for ttie Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods. o oo New and Fresh Goods Received by Every Packet from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grades of Canned Veg etables, Fruits and Fisn. Goods Delivered to Any Part of the city. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Island Trade Solicited. ,,TC. oo - TELEPHONE 92. f . Ju UWA -T- .... - ill UK! THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEET ing of the Pioneer Building and Loan Association will be held at the Cham ber of Commerce on MONDAY EVEN ING, April 4, 1S9S, at 7:30 o'clock. Payments are required in gold. A. V. GEAR, Secretary. have made people cut off j j it g'oes farthest A I id This Line Will xVrrive at and Leave FOR SASi FRAKCI3C0: Oriental Steamship (Jo. call at Honolulu and leave this port FOR SM FRANCISCO: I RIO DE JANEIRO Apr. 12 i GAELIC Apr. 22 CITY OF PEKING Apr. 30 DORIC May 10 CHINA May 20 BELGIC May 31 PERU June 10 COPTIC June 19 RIO DE JANEIRO June 28 GAELIC July S CITY OF PEKING. July 17 general Information, apply to 3 AND NOTARY PUBLIC. J a Co in! kl. 1NTYRE Sl BRO. and King Streets. TO LET. . ftaWo vnn?p. corner of Bc-re- I tania and Punchbowl streets, contain !. i..-,v,,- i-mfh-room. ser Feed ins: s rooms, fvui-iicu, rants' rooms, stables and every con venience; 1 minutes' walk from Po.t Office. Vacant from 1st April. Apply to J- Lt- A At B. F. Ehlers & Co. 4S69-tf. Auction Sale -OF- j UnCMflied G00(!S. j Dy order of the Collector General ot Customs, I will sell at Public Auction, at my salesroom. Queen street, Honolu lu, on THURSDAY, April 7, 1S9S, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following unclaimed articles from the Custom House, Hono lulu: L. W. James, 1 iksr. m..lse., S. S.- Austra lia, July, 2K"). J. S. Knott, 1 ykg. raper, S. S. Marij-osa, i August,' i -J. It. Adam?, 1 i-kg. printed matter, S. S. Australia. Augrust, Diamond M, 1 i'kT. shoyn, S. Belic, August, 1 !.'. Mrs. W. C Weedcn, 1 pkg. dry plates, S. S. Australia, September, lsi't. V'. S., 1 pks. shoyn, . S. lorie, Se-tem- l.ex Yuen Kee, l pk?. lantern, S. S. Australia, October, 11 1. Diamond K. S. K., 1 I kg. empty tub, S. S. Coptic, October, lSi'O. Diamond A. K... 2 pkgs. salted plums, S. S. Belgic, Octobe-, Xo. 2 Diamond Y. K., 1 pkg. nsh. S. S. IVIpie, October. ":. Diamond K. Jr., Xo. 1 pkg. mac, S. S. Delgic, Uco'-H'", 1V". Diamond Y II. S., 1 l-kg. mdso., S. S. r.eb'.ic, 0 tobe. , lSl'i:. X. M., 1 pkg. sardives, S. S. Peru, Novem ber, 1?"'. W. T. YVhittoy. 1 pkg., S. S. Austra lia, Xovembei, YV. AY. C, 1 j -g. v.-ater nuts, S. S. Rio !e Janeiro. November, ISl'G. YV" x. YV. C, 1 pkg. empty box, S. S. Pio do Janeiro, November, lS'.'tf. At., 1 pkg. ginger, S. S. Rio de Janeiro, November, 1IH?. Diamond L Co., 7 pkgs. shej-n, S. S. Sa kura Jlaru, December, 1S0C. K. L. Tracy, 1 pg. samples, S. S. Aus tralia, December, ISOrt. Diamond S., 1 pkg. fish, S. S. Tom, Janu ary, 1$J7. Evening Bulletin, 1 pkg. electro plate, S. S. Australia, January, 1S07. R. IT. Foster, 1 pkg. books, S. S. Austra lia, January, C. I. Vib on, 1 pkg. fruit cake, S. S. Mio wera, January, 1S07. C. G. Parsons, 1 pkg. Catarrh cure, S. S. Australia, March, 1SD7. Diamond AI. S., 1 pkg. empty tub, S S. Peru, March, 1S07. C. D. Walker, 1 pkg. 3 boards, S. S. Mio wcra, April, 1S07. Half Diamond S., No. 6, 1 pkg. Jap. boxes. unknown, unknown. YV. Diamond T. YV, 1 pkg. sausages. A. T. King, 1 pkg. samples. YV. S., 1 pkg. empty box. Diamond T. N., 1 pkg. Jap medicine. K. Kawcsaki, I pkg. Jap. can fish. Diamond K. S. K., 1 pkg. beans. Diamond K., 1 pkg. turpentine. Circle Y., 1 pkg-. kerosene oil, S. S. City of Peking, November, ISOfi. Circle Y., i pkg. empty, S. S. City of Peking, November, 1S9G. N. M., 1 pkg. wooden frame. Diamond IT.. 1 pkg. 4-dozen can fish. Diamond YV., 1 pkg. cartgs. and shells. F. T. Ij. & Co., 1 pkg. brandy labels. X. M., 1 pkg. Jap. morter. J. TT. Cody & Co., 1 pkg. bomb, lances. J. II. Cody & Co., 1 pkg. bomb, lances. N. M., 1 pkg. macaroni. N. M., 1 pkg. bakers' impl. N. 1L, 1 pkg. Jap. newspapers. X. M., 1 pkg. wooden coin boxes. J. B. & Co., 1 pkg. 6-dozen Jap. shirts. J. B. ft Co., 1 pkg. mdse. J. B. & Co., 1 pkg. mdse. J. P.. & Co., 1 pkg. mdso. N. M., 1 pkg mdse. K. B. & B. IB B., 1 pkg. 100 lbs. salmon, S. S. YVarrimoo, September, 1803. G. & Co., 1 pkg. 5-dozen miner. T. water, B. S. Monowai, April, 1S'J7. Y. M. C. A., 1 pkg. gym. appar., S. S. AJiowera, May, 1S07. Half Diamond K. M., 4 plcgs. plums and sea weed, S. S. Coptic, June, 1S97. Benson, Smith & Co., 1 pkg. gal. battery, S. S. Australia, June, 1S07. Square Y. B. T., No. 10, 1 pkg. rock candy, S. S. Rio de Janeiro, July, 1S07. A. A., 1 pkg. beer, S S. Mariposa, June, 1SD7. P. B., No. 1, 1 pkg. lubricant. D. Kupihea, ?, pkgs. pictures and frames. Jas. F. Morgan, AUCTIONEER. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. The undersized, the Assignee in Bankruptcy of the Estate of S. Kasa matsu, gives not! .e that he has filed in the Circuit Court, First Circuit, II. I., his accounts as such Assignee, and. has asked for a settlement of the same and a discharge, anri that hearing on the same has been set for Friday, April S, 1S9S, at 10 o'clock sl. m. C. BOSSE, Assignee of the Estate of S. Kasamat su, bankrupt. NOTICE. During my absence from the Islands Mr. Ernest A. R. Ross is fully author ized as an Agent of the Caledonian In -surance Company cf Edinburgh, Scot land. E. F. BISHOP, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Dated Honolulu. March 31st, 1S9S. NOTICE. During my absence from the Islands Geo. H. Roberson, Esq., is fully author ized to act for me undc-r Power of At torney E. F. BISHOP. Dated Honolulu, March 3Ut, 1S98. NOTICE. THE STEAMER "MAUN A LOA" will receive freight all day Tuesday, and will sail on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. I Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Steamship Company. i . ; Steamers of the above IIne Sf in connection with the CANAJJIAW , PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY De ! tween Vancouver, II. C and Sydney, i N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, B. O-. ! Honolulu. Suva (Fiji), and Wellington, ' N. Z., are j DUE AT HONOLULU On or about the date3 below stated, viz: VICTORIA. B.C. ani Svdney: FROM VANCOUVER AND ForSuva. Wellington (N.Z MIOWLRA WARRIMOO AO RANG I MIOWERA WARRIMOO AORANGI MIOWERA WARRIMOO AORANGI MIOWERA APRIL 15 MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 13 10 8 5 30 2S 25 25 FROM SYDNEY. WELLI NGTON (N.Z.. & SUVA ' For Victoria and Vancouver (B-C-B WARRIMOO APRIL 13 AORANGI MAY 11 MIOWERA , JUNE 8 WARRIMOO JULY 6 AORANGI AUG. 3 MIOWERA AUG. 31 WARRIMOO SEPT. 2S AORANGI OCT. 2G MIOWERA NOV. 23 WARRIMOO DEC. 21 Through tickets issued from Hono lulu to Canada, United States and Eu rope. For Freight and Passage and all gen eral information, apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Ld., Gen. Agts. CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S New York Line, The Bark "IOLANI" will sail from New York to Honolulu on or about April 1, 189S. If sufficient Inducement offers. Ad vances made on shipments on liberal terms. For further particulars, address Messrs. CIIAS. BREWER & CO., 27 Kilby Street, Boston or C. BREWER & CO.. Ltd., Honolulu Agents. 1 Miai id Bit LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000 Paid Up Capital " 7,500,000 Reserve Fund " 5,464,000 HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES: Kobe, London, Lyons, New Ycrk, San Francisco, Shanghai, Bombay, Hong Kong. Transacts a General Banking and Exchange Business. Agency Yokohama Specie Bank: New Republic Bldg., : Honolulu, H. I. -THE- t! Will Collect your Accounts for you in a Prompt and Sat isfactory Manner. FOUR ACTIVE COLLECTORS are continually on the go, and others will be added with the increase of business. Returns made on all bills collected the day after collection. Special vates for special classes of bills. Ring up telephone No. 256, or call around at ?10 King street, for further information. FOR RENT. Elegant Gffices in tho r nnnnnn Single or en suite. Electric Elevator, Electric Lights; Lavatory and Sanitary arrange ments complete. ! Rooms ready for occupancy by the 15th ct April. For terms, inquire of c L 4859-tf 314 Fort Street. Best Residence Lots For Sale. ! There are only Eight Lot3 situated , on mauka side of Beretania Street, and lying between Punchbowl Street' and : Miller Lane for sale. It i3 the only j center premises for sale convenient for I residences in market. Price3 are very reasonable. For terms and further particulars apply to W. C. ACHI & CO.. i tr , i r- Rea Estate Brkers. j Honolulu, February ICth 1898 I 4845-tf il If!!! MRU BLOCK i en on Tuesdays and Fridays.