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TOE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, MAY 17, 1S9S. Ah Honolulu, H. I., May 2nd, 1898. MA n In many forms is now prevalent in Honolulu. 000 You can not be too careful of your food and drink. A GURNEY CLEANABLE Refrigerator will keep away the germs. It takes very little ice to run them and they are sold on easy terms. We have all sizes. Come and inspect them. t II THE PEOPLE'S STORE. SOLE AGENTS. THE CLUB STABLES (Limited) C BELLINA, Manager. Fort St., near Hotel. Telephone 477. PROMPT SERVICE, STYDISH TURN OUTS, SAFE DRIVERS. "We are especially equipped to cater to your trade. Fair dealing and good service is what we depend on to get it. Dr. Rowat is always In attendance at the Stables. Club Stables Hack Stand Cor. Union & Hotel Sts. (Old Hell Tower.) CAREFUL AND WELL, INFORM ED DRIVERS. FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES. HACKS AT ALL HOURS. Orders for Surreys, Wagonettes, Single or Double Teams at a moment's Hacks Nos. 125, 1S3, ISO. 70, 77, 81. C. BELLINA, Mgr. Tel. 319. Stables Tel. 477. .Bore Beneficial Than All the Klondike Gold. Warranted to Cure. For Sale Only by PACHECO & FERNANDEZ. Arlington Block, Hotel St. PHONG FAT & CO. Contractors : and : Builders, Carpenters and Cabinet Makers. "Furniture of all kinds constantly on hand and made to order. 137 Nuuanu St., cor. Kukui Lane. M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS. Wholesale Grocers and Dealers In Leather and Shoe Findings. .Agents Honolulu Soap Works Company jt-d Honolulu lannery. Read the Ilazcaiian Gazette WW U IS IV 1 M Livery Board soles (Semi-Wee7cly DOCOOOCOOOOOOOOC COGOC o 0 o 0 o 0 o o o o 0 o 0 o Ihe best at the lowest price it iiori".-?. This is the Time of year when every true woman is thinking of house cleaning and getting the house ready for summer. Now, if there is any one thing that help3 to "tone up" a reception room, par lor or sitting room it is a handsome CENTER RUG. Every housekeeper makes some changes in her home appointments every spring. Such changes can be made economically and still have the effect of brightening the rest; of the fittings. You'll be interested in our assortment of Rugs, be cause we placed the order for them under most favor able conditions. Our stock does not contain a pat tern of which there is any doubt as to Rood wear. We have many pretty patterns for you to choose from, and the qualities can't be duplicated for less money than we ask. Isn't one of them that isn't a beauty. Some large, some small, some plain, some fancy. Arcn squares of crumD cioitis Should also have your attention. Old furniture looks like new after it has passed through our hands. J. HOPP & Co. 8 Leading Furnitura Dealers, c KING & BETHEL STS DOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOC A Foolish Man Is he who declares he never pays any attention to statements ap pearing in newspaper advertisements. What other means have we of attempt ing to convince you that ours is the best place for you to patronize when in want of anything in the line of Suitings or Gents' Furnishings? Of course, if you will examine our stock our task would be greatly lightened. As to the prices they are consistant to the times .and more so than the prices of others in our same line of business. Medeiros & Decker, THE HOTEL STREET TAILORS. Waverley Block. PHOTOGRAPHIC CO. A PAGE IN HISTORY. A PHOTOGRAPH is a page in his tory; a page in the history of every family in the land. The worth and beauty of a photograph besides Its artistic qualifications, is its lasting qualities. ooo THE DAVEY PHOTOGRAPHIC CO., Limited. Have just received a large consign ment of Platinum Paper which in sures that the photograph will abso lutely not fade In fifty years the photograph will be as clear and as perfect as on the day it was made. DAVEY'S life size Paris Enamels, the latest process in photography, equal to a high class painting and far more accurate. This wonderful pro duction can be seen at the Studio, corner Hotel and Fort streets, as also the largest and most artistic collec tion of ISLAND VIEWS. The Gazette (semi-weekly) will be issued in time for the outgoing mails today. CANE ON MOLOKA Plantation en tie Ranch Estate Has Been Started. AN ARTESIAN WATER SUPPLY First Well Is a Success Not Deep. A Million Gallons a Day. More Wells. Jas. S. (Kimo) McCandless, the pres ent field man of the well boring firm of McCandless Brothers, says he can not presume or undertake to make any statements for the Molokai Ranch Company as to its plantation pros pects or plans. Mr. McCandless, who is over from Kaunakakai, to return to day, tells willingly enough something of his work there three-quarters of a mile from the beach. From what Mr. McCandless says it is more than rea sonable to believe that the Molokai Ranch Company, on the Island giving the corporation its name, is to have one of the largest sugar enterprises of the country. Water is available. That was the only question. The prob lem was surprisingly easy of solution. It took but a fortnight of time and what may be called only a small amount of money to settle definitely and most satisfactorily what has been guessed at for from thirty of forty years. A plantation on Molokai is practicable and is being established. ' The experimental well that has in- I sured cane fields and a sugar mill for Molokai is an insignificant affair when compared to the plantation wells on Oahu. It is only seventy-five feet deep and is referred to by the contractors as a "nost-hole." But the reservoir at the bottom of the "post-hole" has sustained a drain of one million gal lons of water a day without showing or exhibiting any diminution of sup ply. The supply was brought through a six-inch pipe with a centrifugal pump. The fluid is all right for do mestic use. J. S. McCandless returns to Kaunakakai today by the Mauna Loa, of the Inter-Island steamer line. A good many more wells are to be bored. Plans for pumping stations have been under way for some time. These will of course now be completed at once, and orders will be placed for pumps and engines as well as an en tire mill plant. So swiftly have events moved with the Molokai Ranch Company that . there is already growing cane on me estate. Two acres have been planted and the green spears came above the ground in nine days. Ploughing is un der way. There was shipped to the new plantation from here yesterday 300 bags of seed cane. More will fol low. With this comnanv there is am ple capital and aggressive management and the business will be pushed from the very first. The property went to a syndicate with General Hartwell and Judge Carter at the head locally. For many years the land has produced only beef. There are large herds of cat tle and flocks of sheep and bands of horses UDon it. The stock will be got ten rid of gradually and the cane area, to be large from the first, will be ex tended as time ffoes on. The trade between Molokai and Oahu will become a considerable business factor. Air. Jas. McCandless, who has been in the well making business all over the group, says the Molokai Ranch Company soil is sure to be quite pro ductive. In sinking the first well there was found about twenty feet of soil. There is no coral at all at the distance from shore of the first well. After tiiP twpntv feet the drill passed through hard and soft volcanic forma- ion. THE A B C OF IT. a iHrtnpv education starts with: Backache means kidney ache, lame vmrV mpans lame kidneys, weaw uacv ivpnv kidnevs. cure means Doan's Backache Kidney Pills. Read about the free distribution in tnis pa per, and call at Hollister's Drug Store, Thursday, May iy. Hotel Has Snow Premises. Tne Hawaiian hotel people have se cured a lease of the Snovs' Cottage pre mises from T. K. James. Others were after the place, but Mr. James and Colonel Macfarlane came to terms yes terday morning and for a long period the rebuilt Snow Cottage and the pret ty new cottages on the premises will be a nart of the hotel. The Snow place is now decidedly attractive. The new cottages are beautiful and the original big house is a handsome structure. Mr. James has done all this work during the past four months. The hotel man agement has shown both faith and en terprise in securing the Snow premises. It will now be almost impossible for the hotel to become over crowded and the accommodations have been decid edly improved. Police Court. In the Police Court yesterday morn ing Kapukana was sentenced to two weeks' imprisonment at hard labor on the charge of vagrancy. The cases of Charles Kaanoi for as sault and battery on Sam Leslie and Jim Mahoe for assault and battery on a police officer, were both nolle pross'd. IG STEEL BRIDGE Two Spans 100 Feet Each Over Waimea Gulch. What Has Been Done In Repairing: Flood Damace-Excellent Time Made. The end of repairing bridge damage inflicted on Oahu by the big flood is in sight if there is reckoning without Waimea gulch. Mr. Rowell, superin tendent of Public Works, has employ ed very large forces of mechanics and laborers and has shipped material in quantity and with dispatch. Waimea bridge was carried out to sea. Some of it landed on Kauai beach. The wooden structure swept away will be replaced by steel. Plans have been made for a bridge of two spans of 100 feet each. Advertisement will soon be made for tenders. The whole will require several months, as the steel must come from abroad. Meantime temporary provision will be made for traffic between Kahuku and Waialua. Perhaps the railway bridge will be finished before the wagon bridge. Mr. Rowell said yesterday tha,t the new bridge would be farther inland than the. old one and that the spans being 100 feet should be a certain protec tion against flood damage in the fut ure. Two bridges destroyed at Waialua have been replaced. One was a single 75-foot span and the other had two spans of CO feet each. Borne of the old material was brought back from the reef beyond the river mouth and used. There yet remains to be built at Waia lua one bridge of two spans of 75 feet each. Work has been commenced. Piles are being driven. The pile driv er, which had been in use at Hilo wharf, is doing, service at Waialua. Besides the driving of piles there will be considerable masonry. Nearly all the bridge work made ne cessary by the rush of waters in Koo lau has been finished. There is yet to be done a big bridge of 2G0 feet at Punaluu and a small one of 40 feet. Stone work is underway and piles are being driven at Punaluu. Large forces are employed and every effort is being made to expedite matters. Material i3 shipped around by steam ers and landed close to the work. The only other piece of work to be looked after yet in Koolau is a bridge of a single span of CO feet at Laiewai. This will be completed in short order after the preliminary work. - In a couple of months at most the only missing feature of the "round the Island wagon road will be at Wai mea, where the big steel bridge is to go in. Mr. Rowell says that at two points there is yet considerable road work to be looked after. This includes the road between Waialua and Wai mea and a long approach to one of the Waialua bridges. The country road boards and all the men who have been engaged in repairing the flood damage have worked with a will and the town dealers and the transportation com panies have done their best in filling orders for material. RAP, IDLY DISAPPEARING. The supply of the "Celebrated Seat tle Bock Beer" is rapidly disappearing in town. The lovers of this nutri tious spring beverage can obtain it for a limited time at the Criterion Saloon. Shares of Stock AT AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesrooms, Queen street, I will sell at public auction 3S SHARES PEOPLE'S ICE CO. SO SHARES OAHU SUGAR CO. C5 per cent paid up. In lots to suit purchasers. Sale posi tive. Jas. F. Morgan, AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale OF ' Residence on Emma St. On Saturday, May 21st, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesroom, Queen street, I will sell at Public Auion the residence of Mrs. C. F. Bush on Emma street below the Royal School property and adjoin ing the residence of Jas. Campbell, Esq. The property has a frontage of 101 feet on Emma street and is from 17S to -00 feet deep. There is a commodious dwelling house on the property, containing par lor, dining room, 7 bedrooms, pantry, etc. t . There are also two cottages, contain ing 2 rooms each. An excellent opportunity to purchase i residence close to town. For further particulars apply to Jas. F. Morgan, AUCTIONEER. QUO VADIS! Whither Goes THIS IS NO DOUBT A DIRECT QUESTION. IMPORTANT IN ITS tone, but concise in its meaning. It is not our wish to question the intent of individuals, nor to prey into the affairs of others. Our main object of inquiry is in a business sense. Do you need a pair of Shoes? Are you look ing for value? Are you seeking the latest style? Why not? If not. The one thing you cannot go without is Shoes. To get a pair, where are you going? TR A. E. MURPHY & CO. Island Orders Solicited. 205 Hotel St., Arlington Block. Opp. Elite Ice Cream Parlors A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 A Pointer I ft We wish to thoroughly impress on your mind that the present stock cannot hoi J o it forever; that if the Spanish-American War continues for any length of time prices are bound to advance. Again, jf freight rates will be high, as well as more or less $ f risk in getting them on to this market. f Until they are closed we will have bargain y counters. Ribbon Counter 5c Per Yard! OTHER RIBBONS AT COST. f STYLES-Checked, Striped, Plaid, Grograin and K X Watered All Beauties. .-... s t u i r..n c X vu yuui way in j;i4iiL SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Temple of 1V1. tj. b LVA. Hroor. M. G. SILVA, Propr. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The Rubber Tire PATENTED. 1 01 lief 1. PLANT AT THE HAWAIIAN CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, QUEEN STREET. OOO onomic, Easy, Efficient ooo Old Wheels Reset with Steel Channels, Rubber Tires, and Roller-Bearing Axles. WILSON & WHITEHOUSE. SOLE LICENSEES FOIi THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. For one month I propose to make a big cut in Horse Here is a partial list of the goods on which the cut will be made: Salt Sack?, Hore Boots, Sheets, Hoods, Scrapers, Bits, Sponges, Brushes, Bandages, Ointment, Condition Pow ders, Embrocation. , Many of these goods are cut 50 per cent, making them lower than ever before and lower than you well be able to buy them for a month from now. SPECIAL NOTE: This ad. made its appearance for the first time May 1. Since that time the response has been very generous. Don't wait too long. SPECIAL NOTE XO. 2: The fact of active war being in existence will bring the price of these goods up higher than before the cut. Better invest now. C. R. COLLINS. TELEPHONE 662. P. O. BOX 496. aily Advertiser, Thou? Y. i inc wiiiuow tun ui AT &' IT Fashio X I Ik 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Wheel Company liiWflM 1 V King St., near Kuuaira St., Honolulu. ilo, Hawaii. 75 cents a Month nil fit Cut! Supplies.