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2 t THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER : HONOLULU, JUNE SO, 1S98. The Steamer Service fi result it is hard to know just when goods that are due will arrive. We still have a store well filled with nearly everything that anyone needs in the Hardware line, to say nothing of Paints and Oils, Leather of all kinds, Guns, Rifles and Cartridges, Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies, and as we depend largely on sailing vessels from New York, England and San Francisco we are able to keep our stock well up all the time. When needing anything in any of the above lines try E. O. HALL & SON, Ld. 4U u 4 . v is v v J In addition to recent invoices from'the United States, The Pacific Hardware Co. have just receive direct from England: Winsor & Newton's Artists' Colors, Color Boxes, Canvas, Academy Board Palettes and Vouga's Studies, Dandy Brushes, Wostenholm's Cutlery, Wade and Butcher's Razors, Open and Twisted Link Trace Chains. And a full assortment of DOOR MATS. Pacific H Remington S WHAT IS ITt A simple, compact, and durable machine, which successfully performs the work of the pen, with a tremendous saving of time and exertion. WHAT WILL IT DO? It produces, with speed and certainty, in clearly legible printed characters, one or many copies of any kind of writing, excepting such as must be done in books. TO WHOM IS IT USEFUL? To every one who has writing to do. In business circles its desirability is assured. Lawyers and journalists cannot do without it. Professional and scientific men realize its worth to them. The author and thinker find it invaluable. It con serves the most potent kind of energy that of the brain by reducing to a minimum the mechanical labor of writing, and distributing it among all the fingers of both hands. Writer's cramp disappears where it is used. It presents the printed appearance of rhe work to the mind at once. WHO CAN OPERATE IT? Any one of ordinary intelligence. A very few trials enable any one to write upon it readily. Thereafter it is only a mat ter of practice. H. HACKFELD & Co., Ltd SOLE AGENTS. R OBERT Engineer. Importer 212 QUEEN ST. ATTON, Founders and n 213 Queen St., bet. Alakea and Richards Sts., Honolulu. Invite Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Cast ings. Ships' Blacksmiths. Cemetery Railings and Crestings Made to Order: Samples on Hand. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. pa a1 TUP H Issued Tuesdays and Fridays. between Honolulu and San Francisco is sadlv mixed iust at Dresent. and as a Co.. aroware LIMITED. Fort Street tandard Typewriter! CATTON, HONOLULU. EIL3L O C3. BjdiinistSa TEL. 4-10. Machinery. M awaiian Gazette AT OPERA HOUSE! Public Shows Apprecia tion of Noted Visitor. New Illusion and Mind Reading. Mile Edmunda-Dante and a "Real" Sprltualist. Dante, the conjurer, had at the Opera House on Saturday evening, the best audience of his Honolulu season. Orchestra, dress circle, balcony and gallery were crowded and a good many of those in the down stairs sec tions were smartly dressed. The great magician was at his very best and had an audience that was in full sympathy with him. He did new sleight of hand work and presented for the first time here some of his original illusions. In the latter Mile. Edmunda was pro minent. This lady, the wife of the star of the company, is a most valuable assistant to Dante and Frank Eliason is an able lieutenant to his 'black are brother. Dante, by the way is a Salt Lake City "boy." En tour in the States he has been a great success everywhere since he took to traveling. The home ven ture that made him talked of all over the country was a clear cut victory over a "spiritualist" at Salt Lake. The cabinet man advertised that he had found the connecting link be tween the two worlds and "courted in vestigation." Dante didn't like the idea of a man coming to his town and claiming to have crossed the "dividing line." The "defi" was accepted by the town man and night after night Dante duplicated and explained the "spirit manfestations" of the visitor. The invador was driven from the field and even those who had the very firmest confidence in him had their eyes open ed. "Madame Sans Gene" was the bes thing Saturday night. Mile. Edmunda was placed in an open work cabinet. In full view of the audience the top part of the structure was enclosed. Dante announced that he (would cause disappearance and in less than a min ute the lady came running from the back of the house. The mind reading was another decidedly clever and in teresting experiment. The mid-air cyclist and the "Beg gar's Dream" are as great puzzles as ever. The audience was generous with applause throughout the evening. C03I3IENCEMENT DAY Maunaolu Seminary Graduates Its Pupils on Maui. .MAUI, June IS. The annual com mencement exercises of the Maunaolu Seminary, Makawao, were held on June 15 from 9 to 1:30 o'clock. On Friday, the 17th, a Japanese laborer had both legs broken by the failling of a heavy pipe while at work on the new pump at Paia plantation. He died from his injuries an hour later at the hospital. During the 11th, Misses Eva and Ethel Smith of Paia were thrown out of a brake on iMaliko gulch road. At the top of the gulch toward Haiku, their horse became frightened at some lumber on a small cart and began to run and kick in a most frightful manner. The young ladies were thrown out at the turn of the road leading down the ravine and were only slight injured. The 3S Wailuku plantation Chinese were acquitted of the charge of de sertion this week. . The barkentine George C. Perkins, Maas captain, arrived from San Fran cisco on the 14th. On the 16th the schooner Mary Dodge, Hansen master, sailed for San Francisco. The weather is pleasant with strong trade winds. FOUR YEARS. Boy Given Long Term in Reform School. In the Police Court Saturday Kahili was sentenced to four years in the Reform school on the charge of lar ceny. He has been stealing from various places for some time back. Mark Robinson's office is one of the places that suffered from his nocturnal prowlings. He was caught by Detec tive Kaapa while in the act of steal ing something from a Japanese. S. Mahaulu was fined $3 and costs on the charge of assault and battery. Piipii and Kamaka were each fined $2 and costs for affray. Good Expertinj;. The members of the Senate Com mittee in whose charge the matter of investigation into the affairs of the various departments of the Govern ment was given, are very much pleas ed with the work of their expert, G. W. R. King, who has completed seven re ports for them. The work is neat and to the point, showing just what was wanted by the committee. No com ments whatever are made on the work of the departments. There is just a plain statement of facts and that is all. RAPIDLY DISAPPEARING. The supply of the "Celebrated Seat tle Bock Beer" Is rapidly disappearing in town. The lovers of this nutri tious spring beverage can obtain it for a limited time at the Criterion Saloon. BY AUTHORITY. WATER NOTICE. In accordance with .Section 1 of Chapter XXVI. of the laws of Ibvi: All persons holding water privileges or those paying water rates, are here by notified that the water rates for the term ending December CI, l!9. will be due and payable at the office of the Honolulu Water Works, on the 1st day of July, 1S0S. All such rates remaining unpaid for 13 days after they are due will be sub ject to an additional 10 per cent. All privileges upon which rates re main unpaid August 15th, 1S9S. (.30 days after becoming delinquent) are liable to suspension without further notice. Rates are payable at the office of the Water Works in the Kapuaiwa Building. ANDREW BROWN, Sup't Honolulu Water Works. Honolulu, II. I., June 20, 1S9S. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. Honolulu, June 13th, 1S9S. Tenders will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, Wednes day, June 22, 1S9S, for furnishing the Bureau of Health with supplies speci fied in the following schedules, for the period of six months ending Decem ber 31, 1S9S. Bids for items of each schedule must be made separately, and each tender should be endorsed: "Tenders for Supplies Board of Health." The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid. WILLIAM O. SMITH, President of the Board of Health. SCHEDULE "A." Materials and Supplies for use of the Bureau of Health and the Leper Set tlement, Molokai, to be delivered in quantities ordered by Agents of the Board of Health f. o. b. island steamers or any other place in Honolulu. BUILDING MATERIALS. Lumber, N. W., Rough, per M. Lumber, T. & G., N. W, 1x6, per M. Lumber, Surfaced, R. W., per M. Shingles, R. W., per M. Battens, x3, R. W., per M. Fence Posts, R. W., each. Doors, 2x6x6, 14 in., each. Window Sash, 10x12, and 10x14, per pair. Nails, Iron Cut, lOd basis, per keg. Nails, Galv., 3d and Sd, per keg. Boiled Oil, Hubbuck's, per gal. White Lead, Hubbuck's Genuine, per lb. Turpentine, per gal. Lime, per bbl. Galv. Iron Roofing, 6, 7, S and 9 ft. lengths, per lb. PROVISIONS AND SUPPLIES. Bread, S. P., Calif, or Am., up to 50 cases, per lb. Bread", Medium, samples to be fur nished, up to S00 cases. Baking Powder,' Royal or Schilling's best, 4 oz. tins, up to 30 gross. Bacon, per lb., up to 30 sides of S lbs. each (give brand). Bran, Rice, per ton, up to 30 tons. Bran, Wheat, per ton, up to 10 tons. Crackers, Soda, up to 30 cases, per lb. Coffee, green Kona, up to 12 sacks, per lb. Charcoal, guava, up to 300 bags, per bag. Coal, Departure Bay, short ton (in sacks) up to 20 tons. Flour, G. G., Vi sacks, up to 400 bbls. Matches, long card, up to 300 gross. Milk, condensed, M. M. brand, up to 10 cases. Onions, per lb., up to 12 crates. Oil, Kerosene, up to 300 cases. Potatoes, Island, up to 40 sacks. Prunes, dried, up to 15 10-lb. boxes. Rice, No. 1, up to COO bags. Sugar, Raw No. 1, up to 200 bags. Salmon, best red, up to 120 bbls. Soap, brown, (100 lb. boxes) 2-lb. bars, up to 200 boxes. Salt, coarse, per ton, up to 300 bags. Starch, Lily Gloss, 1 lb. pkgs., up to 20 cases. Tobacco; Golden Cupid, up to 50 boxes. Tobacco, blended stock, up to 50 boxes. Wheat, up to 20 sacks. SCHEDULE "B." Hay and Grain to be delivered at the Garbage Stables near corner of South and Queen streets. The tender must be for weight delivered at the Stables. Hay, Wheat or Oat, up to 150 bales. Bran, Wheat, up to 150 bags. Oats, up to 150 bags. SCHEDULE C." Supplies for the Insane Asylum to be delivered in quantities required and subject to inspection and approval of the Medical Superintendent. Beef, one fore-quarter, rumps and rounds, per lb., about 150 lbs. per day. Beef steak (loin) about 4 lbs. per day. Bread, fresh, 1 lb. loaf, about 3G loaves per day. Bread, medium, per lb., about 4 cases per month. Beans, have, per lb., at-out 100 lbs. per month. Baking Powder, Royal or Schilling's best, S cz. tin, 1 doz. per month. Brooms, Steamboat or Mill, 1 doz. per month. Coffee, green Kona. about 100 lbs. per month. Flour, G. G. or Crown, 1 bb per month. Onions, 1 crate per month. Potatoes, Island, 10 bags per month. Pork, extra clear, - bbl. per month. Rice, Hawaiian No. 1, 7 bags per month. Salmon, best red, 2 bbls. per month. Sugar, No. 1 Raw, 4 bags per month. Tea, China Pouchong, 1 chest per month. Tomatoes, canned, per doz., 3 cases per month. Wood, algaroba, (not less than 6 in. thick) 3 cords per month. Coal, Departure Bay, l ton per month. TENDERS FOR THE PURCHASE - OF HIDES AND TALLOW. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. Honolulu, June 13th, 1S9S. Tenders for purchase of Hides and Tallow from the Bureau of Health for the period of six months ending December 31, 1S9S, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Wed nesday, June 22, 1S9S. The tenders must be for the price per pound for Hides and for Tallow delivered on the wharf, Honolulu, on weights approved by an Agent of the Board of Health. Payments are to be made in U. S. Gold Coin, immediately after delivery of the goods. The Board does not bind itself to accept the highest or any bid. WILLIAM O. SMITH, President of the Board of Health. SEALED TENDERS Will be recieved at the office of the MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR until TUESDAY, June 2Sth, 189S, at 12 o'clock noon for the purchase of surplus timber in the forest on the ridge below Tantalus Heights. Bids will be received at so much per cord on the stumps. Trees to be cut as designated by the forester and the brush disposed of under his supervi sion. Particulars may be learned upon ap plication to the office of the Commis sioner, and Secretary of the Board of SHOW YOUR etorate for the ....Just landed at the.... OOCOOOO A new stock of Fireworks, Stars and Stripes Decoration Bunting .... American Shields, President McKINLEY'S Pictures, Red, White and Blue Festooning, .... American Bunting, Muslin and Silk Flags, all sizes; Button hole Buttons, etc., etc. S. W. Lederer. X XI J. M. MONSARRAT. Alien li SEARCHER OF RECORDS in COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR THE STATES OF NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA LOANS PLACED AND NEGOTIATED. Cartwrigbt Block, Merchant Street. Telephone 68, J0FFS3 LANDS for Sale or to Lease at Papa 2, Olelomoana 1, Kolo and Kaohe 4, in the celebrated Coffee District of Kona, Hawaii. These Lands will be sold or leased either large or small tract3 to suit purchasers. Also: FOR SALE. Lot 50x100, near King Street, at Kapalama. FOR SALE. Land3 in Maul, Oahu and Molokai. FOR LEASE 1. A House and Lot at Waiklki. The house i3 partly furnished and contains seven rooms and a lanal, kitchen, pantry, two bath rooms, servant's room, Carriage House and Stables. Good sea bathing. The?e premises will be leased for a term of years at a reasonble rental. PASTURAGE at Kuliouou. Oab i. " SELLING OUT AT GREAT BARGAINS 70 TONS NEW AND GOOD FURNITURE at San Francisco Prices. (Building mnt be down soon a- Mr. Desky wants to build.) The Stock Must Go at a Sacrifice. Bedroom Set, with beveled Mirror, $13.30. Black Walnut Bedroom Set, with Marble Top (7 pieces), $23. Oak Cheval Bedroom Set, $18.50. Oak Cain Chairs, 90 cts. Feather Pillows. 90 cts. D. Heavy Wool Mattresses, ?4.00. Hair and Mos.j Mattresses and Oak Extension Tables at half price, D. Wire Mattresses, $3.30. D. Beds, $3.30. Mirrors, all sizes, 23 cts., 33 L. S. MATHEWS, Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, Judiciary Building. The Minister of the Interior does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any bid. Tenders must be endorsed "Bids for Cutting Timber." HENRY E. COOPER, Minister of the Interior, ad Interim. Interior Office, Juno 16th, 1S9S. The Surprise To a boy is finding himself unable to rip his clothes. ooo Prove to a mother thatou sell such clothes and you have a lasting cus tomer. We find it so. 9 Hotel Street : : Waver! ey Block. Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linen-Mesh Underwear. Send for Catalogue. We Make Shirts to Order. n n BASEBALL SEASON. FIRST REGIMENT YS. H0N0LULUS. Saturday, June 25. n Game called at 3:30 P.M. Admission 25c. H. MAY & CO., wnolesoie ifl Moil Grocers -:- 9S FORT STREET. r: Telephone, 22 : : : P. O. Box, 47. COLORS AND Boys to Arrive, -- P ooooooo T i Cor. Nuuanu and King Sts. Biggest Hovaiian BflseMl feoiii h lit hi Fine floe AND NOTARY PUULIO. cts. and 50 cts. Longes, in Portier and Damask, $10. Baby Carriages, $9.50. Steamer Chairs, with arm braces. Babies' low and high Chairs. Rolling top writing Desks, large and small sizes, $23.00 and $27.50. 500 Specks for dust and sun protection only 23 cts. Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses i in large variety. Bargain Counters In Hardware and small goods at cost. Beretania and Fort Sts.