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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, JUNE 20, 1S9S. A FATAL IS 111 -i -J ' - lEA BOX i 51 1 1 1 Navy Blue S is certainly the most com fortable, well-looking and serviceable fabric for a man's summer suit, but it is i troublous fabric to the tailor. It has "ravelly" tendencies which baffle the skill of anv but first-class, ex perienced SERGE TAIL ORS. The serge suits in our store llg this label, and which we sell $16 co, are made the most experienced Serge Tailors America, and are so constructed that Copyright 1S9S by The Stein-Lloch Co. at by in no mi seam can ravel or stretch, and the garment will hold its shape under all circumstances. No one can hope to possess such a suit made to measure at less than double this price. M. HcINERNY. Clothier. Merchant and Fort Sts. ;: i.-'-i m i. Ml T! m m 1 1 ii Coptic's Freight Falls on a Native's Head. Death Followed In a Short Time. Man Was a Farthful Laborer. An Inquest to Be Held. BEFORE REMOVAL. W -,) p '"it Annexation is So P ear You will now be able to buy Carriages at After - Annexa tion Prices, which means a saving of the 25" per cent, duty. 000 We handle nothing but standard goods and can quote you prices that will Keoni Wahineailaau, native ag'.jd 50 while working as a freight laborer aboard the S. S. Coptic Saturday after noon received an injury in the head. He died at the Queen's Hospital at 10 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Wa hineailaau leaves a wife and family The skull was not fractured unless the break as inside. The wound shown on the scalp was a small one, a mere scratch. It is believed tLat the rup ture of a blood vessel in the head caus ed death. The man seemed paralyzed The laborer was in the hold working under the forward hatch. Some freight had been piled above around the edges of the opening. A native in the gan of workers scampered over the pile of temporarily stored merchandise brought up to get at some Honolulu consignments. This native made such a jar on the .pile that a tea box fell below. The box struck Wahineailaau squarely'on top of the head and he was unconsoious at once. The man was taken to the hospital without delay. Several times he rallied somewhat, but the sinking spells became longe: and longer till one took him out of the world. Deputy Marshal Chillingworth has summoned these natives to hold an inquest: John Kuaana, Iliona, Kealo, Lawelawe, Pamalo and Naholowaa The coroner had the jury view the re mains and will begin the inquiry at 10:30 this morning. The dead man had lived in Kewalo. He was steady and a hard worker and had been one of the Pacific Mail wharf gang for a long time. Archie Gilfillan and others who knew the man were very sorry to learn of his death. "We will make a reduction in Suitings and Trouserings. $7. Trousers, $5. $25. Suitings, $18. These prices are strictly cash prices to reduce our stock before removal. Medeiros & Decker, THE HOTEL STREET TAILORS. Wrtverley Block. Mantel Clocks, Alarm Clocks, Hanging Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Silver Jewelry, SILVERWARE. SPECTACLES. "lit Pi ffii w FRAMED OR UNFRAMED, AT m uriw or iuo. mi II. UO HOTEL ST. Prices Ar& DEFY COMPETITION A full line of Fine Double or Single Harness, Saddles, Whips, Lamps ana Lap Rones Mnnufacturinsr and reDalrins prompt ly done. Repairing fine and complicat ed Watches a specialty. M. R. COUNTER. 507 Fort St. ESTABLISHED IN 1S5S. BISHOP & CO. Bankers TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS AMERICAN FLAGS, I PAPER LANTERNS BAMBOO BLINDS, MATTINGS (New Designs), PORCELAIN WARE, LACQUER WARE, HANDSOME KIMONOS, PAJAMAS, -RUGS, ETC ALL KINDS OF SHIRTS. SILKS! SILKS! Don't buy until you have seen out stcck. The Goods and Prices will Suit you. LIMITED Offer for Sale: REFINED SUGARS Cube and Granulated. PARAFINE PAINT CO.'S Taints, Compounds and Building Papers. PAINT OILS, Lucol Raw and Boiled. Linseed Raw and Boiled. INDURLNE,' Water-proof cold-water paint. In side and outside; in white and colors. FERTILIZERS, Alex. Cross & Sons' high-grade Scotch fertilizers, adapted for su gar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s chemical fertil izers and finely ground Bona Meal. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed's patent elastic sectional plp covering. FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. CEMENT, LIME & BRICKS. AGENTS FOR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., San Francisco. CaL Always on Hand. SCHUMAN'S CARRIAGE AMD HARNESS REPOSITORY. Fort St.. above Club Stables. H B R Dd Feed . E. McINTYRE & East Corner Fort and King Streets. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN foceries, Provisions a General Agents for tho Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods. o o o New and Fresh Goods Received by Every Packet from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish. Goods Delivered to Any Part of the city. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Island Trade Solicited. P. O. BOX 145. :::::: TELEPHONE 92. WAVERLEY CLUB. Business Transacted at a Meeting of the Managers. At Saturday evening's meeting of the managing committee of the Waverley Club, Messrs. Conn, Winston and Winaut took their seats at the council board for the first time. The special committee reported memorial resolutions on the death of Theo. H. Davies for presentation at the next quarterly meeting which will be held on July 9th. Amplications for membership must he filed on or before July 2nd and members desirous of being "in good standing" at the 'meeting must see that their dues are paid up to date. The club loaned the hall to the Red Men for their installation of officers on Friday, July 1st next. Although nothing is as yet definitely settled, it is understood that in the removal of the club room to another portion of the Waverley building the change will be more convenient for the general objects and arrangements than at present, although the main hall will not be quite as large for entertain ing purposes. The club will assist in receiving the Eovs in Blue. Commercial and Travelers Letters of Credit issued, available m all the principal cities of the world. MURATA& CO. Hotel St., Cor. Nucamt. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, i Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A. INTEREST allowed after July 1st, 1S9S. on fixed' deposits: 3 months 3 per Telephone, 93S. cent; 6 months 2V2 per cent; 12 months 4 per cent. ALL KINDS OF HATS. BRAKCH HAT STORE, toanu St. P. O. Box 206 NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO. (Manf. "National Cane Shredder"). New York. U. S. A i 'in' tfy. rL WILLI Undertaker and Embalmer, LOVE BUILDING, 531-536 FORT ST. Residence, Klnsr St. near incliards: Telephone S19. li:AdTi'iii Si n :tfXr3Li .--'i mt.'2tjll:aH fkvtaWM. i.ji-.i' Id Isoshima, The Blue Ribbon Meet. What will in all probability be the last program offered at Cyclomere park, will be put on next Saturday afternoon by the racing wheelmen of the city as a benefit for the Hawaiian Red Cross Society. A very good list has been made up and all the riders are in training. Grand stand tickets will be offered for sale this week at 50 cents. Bleacher admission will be two-bits. Following is the program so far as arranged. Other numbers will be added: Half mile open, amateur, two heats and final. Half mile open, professional, one heat. Exhibition trick riding by Honolulu's Trilby Fowler, Mike Miguel. Two-thirds mile handicap, amateur, two heats and final. Two-thirds mile handicap, profes sional, one heat. Entries will close Wednesday at C p. m. with W. C. Weedon at Bruce Waring & Co.'s office. KING ST., Next to Castle & Cooke. Every Style of Straw Hat Made to Order. SILK GOODS, LACQUER WAKE, CROCKERY WARE, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, ETC. READ ADVERTISER Bad manasement keeps more people in poor circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a favorable opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choie ra and. Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until ne cessitv compels it and then ruin his best horse coinn: for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one mvs ont 23 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is getting richer while he is getting poorer. For sale by all druggists and dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., wholesale agents for Ha waiian Islands. ne urn t. HAWAIIAN STONE MONUMENTS and CEMETERY WORK (in detail). CARVING AND INSCRIPTIONS. Prompt and careful service given to all work intrusted to me. ARTHUR HARRISON. Queen and Fort Streets. With Washington Feed Co. tWNDRBfeFSW. N. OHLANDT & CO.. San Francisco. Cal. 1 li. TVuK RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, San Francisco, CaL HUSTACE & CO.. DEALERS IN Wood and Coal ALSO White and Black Sand Which we will sell at the very lowest market rates. Telephone No. 414. A dry scalp causes dandruff dan druff causes the clothing to become soiled. A minute or two each morn ing and evening devoted to the apply ing of our Dandruff Killer does th work. Put up in one size bottles only. THE SILENT BARBER SHOP, PACBECO & FERNANDEZ, Proprs. Arlington Block, Hotel St. ;1 C. L. GARVIN, M.D. Office No. 537 King street, near Punchbowl. Hours: 8:30 to 11 a. m.; 3 to 5 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 448. California Horses. MATCHED TEAMS, FAMILY. HACK AND SADDLE HOUSES. Orders Taken for All Classes of Horses. STABLES, King St., Opp. Singer's Btoy j. a. Mcdonald. MRS. F. S. SAYAHT-JEROME, M.D. HOMEOPATH. Office, Progress Block Rooms 1-4. Corner Beretania and Fort streets. Women's and Children's Diseases. Special studies made of dietetics and physiatrics. P. O. Box 422. -EX "DORIC" Al. W. McCHESNEY & SONS. Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in Leatber and Shoe Findings. Grass : Cloth : Handkerchiefs! SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Silk Shawls, New Porcelain Cups and Sauser3, Decorated Flower Pots, Rattan Chairs, Matting, Tea and Dinner Sets, Fire Crackers. Agents Honolulu Soap Works Company and Honolulu Tannery. H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd. General Gijp floenis, Cor. Fort and Queen Sts., : Honolulu. VING WO CHAN & CO. 210-212 NtXAKTJ St. WING WO TAI & CO. 214 NUUANU STREET Ivory, Lacquer, Silver and Crockery Wares, Screens, Vases, Rattan Chairs, Crepes, Silks, Cigars, Etc., Etc. CHOyGr FAT & CO. Contractors : and : Builders, Carpenters and Cabinet Makers. Furniture of all kinds constantly on hand and made to order. 137 Nuuanu St., cor. Kukui Lane. Ii. KOXG FEE. Merchant : Tailor. 623V2 Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. FINE SUTTS TO ORDER AT REA SONABLE RATES. Suits cleaned and repaired. Satis faction guaranteed. Is the Drink If You Want a Good E. R. ADAMS, Agent Hawaiian Islands LEW IS & CO., loHle ii Reinil Grocers 111 FORT STREET. Telephone, 240 : : P. O. Box, 2. A Model Plant is not complete with out Electric Power, thus dispensing with small engines. WThy not generate your power from one CENTRAL Station?- One gener ator can furnish power to your Pump, Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail ways and Hoists; also, furnish light and power for a radius of from 15 to SO miles. Electric Power being used, saves the labor of hauling coal in your field, also water, and does away with high-priced engineers, and only have one engine to look after in your mill. Where water power is available It costs nothing to generate Electric Power. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY is now ready to furnish Electric Plants and Generators of all descrip tions at short notice, and also has on hand a large stock of Wire, Chande liers and Electrical Goods. All orders will be given prompt at tention, and estimates furnished for Lighting and Power Plants; also, at tention is given to House and Marine Wiring. THEO. HOFFMAN, Manager. Monuments and Headstones. The undersigned 13 prepared to do CEMETERY work of all kinds, and supply MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES ct which he has a great ra riety of the latest and most artistic de signs, and will also supply stone cop ing separately for surrounding ceme tery lots. Estimates given in Marble, Granite, Hawaiian Stone, etc. FRED. HARRISON.