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X jit y -- , :. i ! If J; ' :J A 'A i U !l 13 ; H i iff N i 1 fCZ. I, 1 i:-tablllivl .July -i, lS-( HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1S9S. !RICE FIVE CENTS. EDU XXVH., NO. 4951. 4 M Iff ( f I r" f : JL V- t 1 i 1 I ;! 4 - 1 5 .9' J- V 3 I ,1 if t 1; W ' m .Hi try . y ' - t J. Q. WOOD, Attorney at Law. AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OFFICE: Corner King Streets. and Bethel D'R. C. 11. HIGH, Dentist. Philadelphia Dental College 1892. Masonic Temple. Telephone 318. A C. WALL. 0. E. WALL. Dentists. OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. LOVE BUILDING, FORT STREET. 31. E. GROSSM AN, D.D.S. Dentist. 98 HOTEL. STREET, HONOLULU. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. rll.;A. J. DEIU5V, Dentist. CORNER FORT AND HOTEL STS., MOTT-SM1TII BLOCli. Telephones: Office, 615; Residence, 789. HOURS: 9 to 4. GEO. II. IIUDDY, D.D.S. Dentist. FORT STREET, OPPOSITE CATHO LIC MISSION. Hours: From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 1H. 1 E. CLAKK. Dentist. Progress Block, corner Beretania and Fort streets. A 1 On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, we will close TraT.fmfvnf. tn avranere the stock before Removal. ooo DON'T BUY any dry until you hear from us. ooo Te have a SURPRISE in store you. for li s JL s FOR SALE. A Coffee Estate OF 150 ACRES, SITUATED IN THE WONDERFUL DISTRICT OF PUNA, HAWAII. Twenty-five Acres Cleared and Planted Over a Year Ago, Now in Fine Condition. Adjoining Unimproved Land Com mands $22.50 per Acre. Owner cannot give the Property fur ther attention. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY A BARGAIN. FOR Hawaiian Safe Deposit and Investment Company. GEORGE R. CARTER. Mgr. Office In rear of Bank of Hawaii. Ltd. Again we advertise the Greatest Typewriter in the World: The "BLICKENSDERFER" H. E. WALKER, Sole Agt. Masonic Block. our Dry Goods goods Li i Public A n n ! 1 1 o h ST. IT IS WILLIE BOTH Ion Oat i Well Played Tennis Finals Yesterday. HE IS HOW CHAMPION OF 1898 Clarence Cooke Put Up Good Op positionMany Spectators See the Match. The tennis tournament in singles is over and Willie Roth, a member of the Junior branch of the Pacific Tennis Club, stands undisputed winner, hav- S bested Clarence H. Cooke of the Senior branch of the same club in a WILLIE ROTH. Tennis Champion, 1S9S. very hard lougnt ana inceresung match. Roth is yet in his teens and, if he continues to improve in his play ing he will be a wonder. He has dem onstrated during the past week his supremacy over the remainder of the players of the city and over the senior members of his own club. However, there is no disagreeable feeling enter- tninoH fnr him for the boys are all glad to see the boy win. He is a quiet, unassuming young fellow who never braes about his playing and vLd is ni-tt-nvs readv to concede a doubtful point to the other side. In this man ner he has won himself a place in the hearts of the members of the P. T. C. who all join in giving three cheers for the vouthful winner of the tenuis An gles laurels of the present season The club house of the P. T. C. and iYio lawns surrounding, were crowded with friends of the club yesterday aft ernoon. rne nnais m siugies wo drawing card. Clarence H. Cooke of the P. T. C. Seniors and Willie Roth of the Juniors were the contestants E. R. Adams was chosen umpire and S G. Wilder of the P. T. C. and W. A Avn T. C. linesmen. Cooke V an v- x. ,v took the Ewa court and served, win ning the next five games. He lobbed beautifully and sent swift returns down the side lines past Cooke. The lntter was not long to catch the drift of Roth's play and won the next three enmps. making the score "deuce. H picked out Roth's weak points nicely rmrt sent his returns right to tnose places. Rath became a little careless and Cooke saw his opportunity, win- ning the first two games by his serve fir.o rilavinsr nt. the net. Roth t-p- neared a little frightened at first but soon showed an improvement, wiuranc the next two games. This him the first set. Score 7-3. In the second set Roth and Cooke mmp forth, apparently as fresh as i,pcnn T?oth n laved his Y lit' LL liir uj,.... -- criss-cross play and drives to advan tnw. winning three games in succes sion. Cooke then took a brace and , ii .1 I 4- -P rY xvnn two. Then llotn ionowea biuu wi two. The next game was Cooke's and thP last Roth's. This gave the set to th latter. Score G-3 Thp spts were one-all. Cooke took the first game and then Roth the sec ond. winning out on a core of 0-40 by magnificent serving. Cooke took an other game and then Roth won three in succession, these by adoptin Cooke's own game of short "chop" strokes. Cooke braced and won an other game. Cooke did the same again , ,i nic.n rfntli took the last. It was a hard fight, but the boy won. Score C-4 In the fourth set, Cooke showed signs of a winded condition. He had fought a hard, subborn fight. He took the first game and then Roth managed to pt the second. Cooke took the third V game and then Roth made five in sue cession, winning easily. This gave the junior member the match of best 3 out of 5 and won for him the honor of being singles cham pion for 1S9S. Roth was enthusiastically greeted af ter the contest and three cheers were given in his honor. The many people present seemed to enjoy every moment of the match. This: wns shnwn hv freauent and hearty applause. Following is a review of the sets 1. Cooke, 7-5. 2. Roth, G-3. 3. Roth, 6-4. 4. Roth, C-2. The first of the men's doubles will ho nlnved as follows: At Pacific courts 4 n. m., Jones and C. H. Cooke vs. Full er and Berger; 5 p. m., J. Waterhouse oi r,-T-frv i-c: llnss ami Woods. At V-'Ul ' v- . ' ' - 1 ' Beretania courts. 5 p. m., Adams and H. Waterhouse, Jr. vs. Wodehouse and ATatt-Smith: 5:30 d. m., Shanks and Wall vs. Dickey and J. P. Cooke. Annexation. A letter received here from the Ori ent by the Coptic has some annexation news current at that cable end. It is to the effect that the joint resolution "has nassed." It is believed that the telegraphic advices were that the re solution had gone through the House and to the Senate. There are a num ber of people in Honolulu who believe that the most acceptable annexation i-Qt win Iia received from the novo 1 coast by the Moana tomorrow. For the Championship. Willie Roth, the victor in the tourn ament just finished, was challenged by the champion of 1S97, Will Godfrey. The match has been set for Wednes day at 4 o'clock on the Pacific courts. ESCAPE FR031 THE DEEP Three Men in a Hoat Have Quite an Adventure. Mr. Campion and Lieut. Carlyle went out yesterday for a trial trip in a sloop for which Campion had been npo-otiating. "Rheumatism Jack" was nf Th nnrtv was near the nontpr bnov at the mouth of the chan nel when it was discovered that the was making water in great rate. .without delav the sloop was put about for the harbor. All hands baled, but the flood gained headway rapidly. It was decided to make for the reef back of the lighthouse. Campion and Car- rprf to swim. "Rheumatism Jack" announced that he was helpless nnri wMiiiii not be able to ill HIUC1 CllJlVi ronrh shore. The other two men said tmv him in somehow. Just t 1 1 V . V ' " in thp nick of time a native boatman ramp alonsr. 'At this stage Campion and Carlyle were picking up the oars qot. thp sinkinar sloon. The l li V l ,CU1 V. ... ' nntivp. warned them that there were sharks in the vicinity and the two -i-nnno- mpn lost bo time in joining "Rheumatism Jack" in the boat of the native. The sloop that was to be pur- oi lioa nt thp. bottom of about thirtv feet of water. An attempt win v n,iQ tri misp hpr. .Carlyle ana utr lining ' i ' cnmninn are congratulating tnem- ,QivM rn thpir pscane and "Rheuma- tism .Tark" will eive a grand Juau next Saturday in honor of the native boat man. A Trip Aboard. Dr. Maxwell expects 10 ieae ior Eu rope on July 6. He will go by way ot ,i ir nrfior tn ponfpr with the cutors of hs iate younger brother's affairs, news of whose suuuen ueaiu ...-vn h rnnr-n was 11; il iu xjl. . . - . V, . 1 IT U JUil Alio il.... - ' Maxwell by the last mail. Dr. Maxwell will then go to bondon and will be some six weeks in Europe, and will return to Honolulu in Octo ber. In Supreme Court. A session of Supreme Court was opened in the Judiciary Building with the Chief Justice a..-i Associates r rear whitino- nn the. bench. Three CIHU."o cases were argued, as follows: Wailuku Plantation Company vs. Hale, water controversy. Estate of C. Akana, land matter. K. Holt, vs. Kaaukai, land matter. There was quite an attendance of attorneys upon the opening ot tne court and the calendar was called as usual. Cases in which Judge Hartweii is counsel were postponed. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS. For one week. E. B. Kerr offer sheeting?, table linen, pillow casings nankins', dress goods, ribbon, lace; embroideries and millinery at one-half the cost price. Not only this but tne whole stock goes at half price. CAPT. DYER SPOKE Baltimore and Company in tic Manila Ml PAMPHLET FROM CRUISER Men So Well Known Here In Thick of the Fray Note From the Printer. Harry Y Humphrey, the printer of S. Baltimore has a good the 17. S. many friends in Honolulu. Another man of the ship who made friends ashore here is J. A. Wisner, of Capt. Derryraan's marines. These CAPT. X. M. DYER. U. S. S. Baltimore. two have published aboard the Balti more a pamphlet of fourteen pages giv ing some new matter on tne iamous battle of Manila. The little book is a very creditable production, with "Old Glory" in correct colors on the first page of the cover and this couplet on the last page: When the din of battle was o'er Revenged were the boys of the Maine, We had made the enemy lower The flag of ancient Spain. In enclosing the pamphlet to a ,i rm thp Advertiser. Mr. Hum- 11 1V.11VI Wi. , phrey writes a characteristic note He says: This little pamphlet will tell you -ii ni.nnt ti,p v.nttip of Manna. ine town is at our mercy. We are only waiting for troops to occupy it after wp tnkp. it. We are not having mucn of a variety in the line of eating, but all are well. The beer is all gone ana lots of the bovs miss it. Please send us a few Advertisers occasionally. We want Honolulu news very much. Following are some interesting ex tracts from the work of Messrs. J. A. Wisner and H. I Humphrey: flppt ipft .Mirs Bay at 2 p. m. Wednesday, April 27th, after this ship had been taken on board tne u. fc. Consul to Manila as passenger. That evening our suspense was brougnt to rinsP hv Cantain Dyer assembling all hands on the quarter-deck, reading us a statement from the i,oernoi General of the Philippine Islands to a Hong Kong newspaper, in which he stamped the United States as a "Na tion without a history, populated with' thp srnm and offal of Europe, ana a Nation capable of any dastardly deed," adding numerous other insults tenumg to ignite a spark of hate for all tnat was Spanish in the heart of even the most conservative American, ue n such bv right of birth or by adoption. When 'Captain Dyer in closing said: 'Men we are now going to .Manna un der orders from our Government to r-nntnre and destroy the Spanish neer. on,i ran r!o it." the ships company fairlv went wild with excitement, the .if was vent with loud cheers, ana -hon hP added: "Jf I ever entertained such a thing as a doubt about the inv? of the Baltimore at a time liKe hi it had been entirely removed, and' I know now that we'll succeed," he was given three cneers witn a win. He then introduced Mr. Williams, U. S. Consul to Manila, who in a few well chosen words told us about the situ ation at that port and gave us a brief outline of the work before us. He was also loudly cheered. Everybody turn ed in that night with his mind per fectly at ease and if there was any body among us that was the least bit 'afraid, he did not show it. We were now at sea steaming slow Iv in the following order: Olympia, Baltimore, Raleigh, Petrel, Concord, and Boston, forming one column, and the McCulloch, Nanshan, and Zafiro, forming another to our starboard. The time was taken up by getting every thing ready, sending spare gear below, throwing woodwork such as mess chests, tables, benches and partitions Hv:y;:.v.-.. v-- " overboard, securing and covering boats, etc. On Saturday night wo were nearing the entrance to Manila Bav. and a .sham lookout was kent- We were going in under cover of dark ness and right below and in range of their guns frowning down from forts on both sides of the entrance. No lights were shown except a stern light on each ship. All hands were at quarters and all guns loaded, with ex tra charges ready at hand; every eye was strained and every ear was on the alert to catch the slightest sound. Now and again lights could be seen Hashing from the surrounding hill-tops and an occasional signal llared up at one mo ment to be swallowed by the unbroken darkness the next. At twenty minutes past twelve there was a sudden flash inshore and abaft our starboard quar ter, followed a second or two later by a dull report and that peculiar awe striking swishing sound of a flying projectile the first shot had been fired and the game was on! Owing to the darkness or to the poor marksmanship of the Spaniards, that shot flew wide of its mark, as did two more fired in rapid succession from the forts and answered iby the Raleigh and Boston. When day broke on that never to he forgotten Sunday morning. May the 1st, Manila harbor Avith its handful of merchant vessels bore right ahead, and off our starboard bow we could make out the enemy's fleet dimly looming up in the early dawn lying outside of Point Cavite, their forti fied Navy Yard and general strong hold. The Olympia was steaming slowly at the head of the column, the Baltimore a couple of ship-lengths astern of her, and the balance of fleet following. The McCulloch and the transports were left standing off in bay. The most critical moment of our lives was drawing near, and when at r.:0.-j the flagship made signal: "Pre pare for general action," when the Stars and Stripes were, broken at every masthead and every peak, when Captain Dyer solemnly pointing up at the waving folds of "Old Glory," said: "There it goes, men; we have an empty stomach this morning, but we have a full heart; now let us see, what we can do under this flag," when every man silently took his station, there was nothing but grim determination to "do or die" to be seen written on every face. The Spanish were again on the aggresive for nt oiiTt they fired a shot from one of their forts, follow ing it up by a regular fusilade from their vessels and shore batteries. The most of their shots fell short and a few caried over us, dropping into the ibay all around the ships, too far off to do any damage, but yet too close for comfort. We seemed in no hurry to return the fire, and fully 25 minutes were spent in maneuvering for posi tion, the range being diminished stead ily if slowly by our fleet steaming closer and closer right in the teeth of the enemy's fire. Those minutes seem ed hours, and some our men were ac tually begging permission to shoot. At last the first shot was fired by our ships at about 0,000 yards range, and the battle was on in earnest. A small torpedo boat was seen to emerge from the shore making for our transports at a hieh rate of speed. The second ary batteries of our ships were made to bear on her, shells fell around her n a veritable shower, and finally turning she was rung nigh and dry on the beach and abandoned. Our fleet was now steaming back and forth off Cavite Bay, making three "legs" to eastward and two to westward, forming a large figure "S" and deliver ing broadside after broadside with snlendid results. All this time the enemy's vessels Reina Christina (flag ship), Castilla, moored head and stern with port battery in use, Don Antonio de Ulloa, Isla de Cuba, lsla de Euzon, th elarge transport Mindanao and a number of smaller gunboats were keeping a steady fire, the smaller ships retreating inside of mole several times during action. The forts were not idle but kept thundering forth their tribute with no noticeable effect. The enemy s f!re seemed to be concentrated on the Baltimore, and she was hit six times. A 4.7 inch armor piercing shell punc tured our side on main deck line, tore up the wooden deck and, striking the steel deck under this glanced upwads, went through after engine-room hatch (Continued on Page 8). Royal makes the food pure, wbcleiome and delicious i -V. U ja ilbsoiutt! Pur rwt pAvs'i pownP oo. . npwvook. "VI r.. ; r " ,.;,...1-if1l-r.--?"S S"iSJ":ii"V'--'1"fi: ff-'m