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i ! C ' :i . ... i ,s -.- a im'.ii.i m,rtiuiirn ':rfr l iHHW Tl liimn iiv '.a"Hl p 'MIMMi ' lITI -WUIIlllllHl llT' a " f- -MMWtVi- 1.1 -1ifct. friif - rr- - -TMri 'liili 1 "m main ' ''' an liMl.iWP" IfT ll"'f "i't ' hi -..i-.i.i nw inn .mi .mntti.f n mi il nftortt rr - .xnii.n n iTm- -Tin niJi .r...Kw.lhM Hifir -.i.. ri t ' i r i nr i iMftl ..El iiJA anifc- . . , )lu.1..ff. ,,. -.yi.-. .n m.BTi.,i T. 1 -mi Willlij 1 IKrt r- THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, .7UNE 21, 1S0S. THE GHIOORY BILL Laid on Table at Commit tee's Recommendation. in n n v t s? t v. h v. n t n v. t n i. $. v.-oiiM 7 ro ;. IS Pi t s a a r Shelves and .V FOi'T i. LIFE and FIRE neives tl L -.t.l. .J BAM o o o i M'VY 1 Wlirh. i f. i 1 I V t. i t i it 11 i i s v V i'i, v te, : V . -. '-!:V, !l s AGENTS FOR lei L'y OF BOSTON. IS fil III'JUIUHU'J OF HARTFORD. C. BREWER I CO., L'O. Queen Street, : : Honolulu, II. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company. Ono- mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Wailuku Sugar Company, Waihee Sugar Company, Makee Su gar Company, Haleakala Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch. Planters Line, San Francisco Packets, varies Urewer & Co.'s Line to Bos ton Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwrit ers. Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un derwriters. LIST OF OFFICERS: P. C. Jones, President; George H. Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. F. Allen, xuditor; C. M. Cooke, H. Water- house, G. R. Carter, Directors. LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000 Paid Up Capital " 7,500,000 Reserve Fund " 5,4G4,000 HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES: Kobe, London, Lyons, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Bombay, Hong Kong. Transacts a General Banking and Exchange Business. Agency Yokohama Specie Bank: New Republic BIdg., : Honolulu, H. I. GltAVH SrRKCK&LS. Wm G. Iawix NVM.M.I LiieiEsurneCo tina fife Insurance Gssi 1 1018 CLAUS SPRECKELS & coJernment supervls,on- - . D a U K c r a i HONOLULU - - II. I. HAN FBAKCI8CO AGENTS TllO NeVttdft BflU) of Sun Frouclsco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON au Francisco-The Kevada Tinpt nf Sat Francisco. Tjomlon The TTnlon Bh:i?c of London 'LML iSTew York American Eichance N silent) Bank. fjlileniro erohant-s National T5fln:. lailM Co:nptolr Rational d'Eicomplo At Paris. lJrliii Drt's.liifr Baui. lloiiyfkorjir ati:3 Vo Violin ma irorskon? nd New Kw.ltinri ami Australln Eank oi Victoria nuil Vanootivor ieh Nvirtti Aniflrica. -Sank cf Brit. iroocio Generoi Banxina 5 Excnanae Business Deposits Received. Loans ruaile on Apr-roved Security. Oommorclal and Travelers' Credit Issued. Bills of Exchauge Bought and Sold. Col le ettoti; Promptly Acconnto 1 For WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin rresident and Manager Claus Spreckels Vice-President "W. M. Giffard.. Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Company ut ban i- rancisco, uai. -THE siiin iiiiiiii flpes Wilt Collect your Accounts for you in a Prompt and Sat isfactory Manner. FOUR ACTIVE COLLECTORS are continually on the go, and others will be added with the increase of business. Returns made on all bills collected the day after collection. Special rates for special classes cf bills. Ring up telephone No. 256, or call around at 210 King street, for further information. REMOVAL NOTICE. JOSE de ESPIRITO SAMT0S Manufacturer of GUITRS, UKULELES AND TARO FATCII FIDDLES, Has removed to King St., near Punchbowl St. with late con signment of o oo 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 ypewriter 1 o o o at bed rock prices. Call and obtain a sample book of same from (i Limited. We have just received an invoice of the v ft 1 1 1 v munn MATURED AND BOTTLED IN ve and" strength aLanteedblbj .UOVtRNMt HONOLULU, DISTRIBUTORS Unexcelled in quality, and bottled under the U. S. Gov- Call for it. H ft n nt V Ul Limited. Sole A&enfs. - (J H O iN tl lVl O il 1 H, REDUCTION SALE. COMMENCING SATURDAY, MAY 21. Ladies' Underwear, 25c. per piece. Ladies' Underwear, 50c. per piece. Ladies' Undershirts, 2 for 25c. Ladies' Undershirts, 5c. each. Muslin, all colors, 10 yds., 75c. Ladies' Shoes. 75c. per pair. Ladies' Shirt Waists, 33c. each. Ladies Stockings, 3 pair for 2oc. Calico, 35 yards, $1.00. Cotton Flannel, 10 yds., 75c. Corsets, 35c. each. Boys' Hats (colored), 15c. Lace, 12 yds., 50c. Chinese Silk Handkerchiefs, very low. CHU YIP & Co. Nuuanu St., opp. W. W. Ahana. j o Shaw, D.V.S. Cilice and Infirmary, S63 King St. TELEPHONE 796. - d 11 umave Treatment NORTH KOM BOARDIKG HOUSE AND ! SANITARIUM. Situate on the beach at Kailua, N. Kona. Careful treatment for all medical and surgical cases. Board and Lodging at reasonable rates accorded to invalids and visitors. Associated v;ith the bench house is a mountain residence (1,500 feet Ple vation) where visitors may have the benefit of a change of atmosphere. Terms, etc., on application. Manageress: MRS. MARY ATCIIERLEY. Medical Attendant: DR. ATCIIERLEY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Loaded down Paper CO., ill liii 1 1, fllffl X 1. U. MM a 5 House Raises Salary of Minister; Unfavorable Report on Opium Eill. slnaii: One hundred-sixth Day, June I'O. The Chinese immigration act came up on third reading and passed with out discussion. Senators Horner and McCandlc-ss were excused from voting as they had been absent during dis cussion. Xo votes were cast in the negative. Notification was received that the House had refused to concur in Senate amendments to the bill relating to the jurisdiction of Circuit Courts and a conference was asked. The request was complied with. The bill imposing a duty of 2." cents a pound on chicory was taken up with the recommendation of the Commerce Committee that the bill be laid on the table. Senator Baldwin said in fur ther explanation that there was noth ing deleterious in coffee adulterated with chicory. Until two years ago the adulterated coffee came from the coast. A duty was placed on coffee and now Hawaiian coffee is used as a foundation for adulteration with chicory by peo ple who cannot afford pure coffee. The bill was laid on the table. The Judiciary Committee brought in a substitute bill granting a franchise for a street railway in Hilo. The bill passed first reading. At 11 o'clock the Senate adjotirned. nous i-;. The House took up for consideration Senate hill 5, now well known to the public and at once there was an at tempt on the part of some of the mem bers to raise the salaries of various holders of Government officers, while there was a strong tide against this. While the Sergeant-at-arms went out to look for one of the 'Ministers, Rep. Gear, under suspension of rules, read the report cf the Committee on Health and Education on Senate bill 41, relating to the importation of opi um. This was laid on the table to be considered with the bill. The opium bill will undoubtedly provoke much discussion in the House and, from the looks of things now, it is very likely that the Speaker will have to cast the deciding vote. The report is given in another column. Rep. Kahaulelio moved that the salary of the Deputy Marshal be raised from $4,000 to $l.S0O. The Attorney General arose and said he was in favor of 34.000. No explanations wore made. Rep. Pogue stated that he believed iu economy but he was likewise on the side of the fitness of things. He should certainly get as much as the Deputy Collector of Customs. He was sure that the attempt to keep the sal ary of the Deputy Marshal down to $4,000 was due to the personnel of the office. It was not the man that should be considered but the work that was necessary to be done. Rep. AcM siid that the Sheriff of Hawaii v.' as get ting $o.000. The Deputy Marshal was above him and yet it was sought to keep his salary down. Upon being put to vote. Reps. Isenberg, Kahaulelio. Achi, Kaai. Pogue. Richards and Kaeo were found to be in favor of the raise. Rep .McCandless was the only one who stood up when the other side was called for. Rep. MeCa lid less wanted the salary of the Jailor at Oahu Jail raised. Rep. Pogue had voted for his friends. He felt he was entitled to the same priv ilege. The position of Jailor was an important one. The salary of the Jailor was not raised. Then came the items under the head of Department of Education. The Commissioners of Education had set their heart on having a deputy inspec tor for Hawaii and another for Maui, Molokai and Lanai combined and such items had boon inserted in the bill. The report of the Educational Commit tee, framed by Rep. Atkinson, had re commended the striking out of these two items and the appointment of a t ravelins: normal inspector. Rep. Mc Candless said that. Mr. Atkinson v.-as a man very much us-'-d to such matters and Iiis advice should be taken. Rep. Robertson moved that the items re commended be stricken out and that the department go back to the old or der of tilings with an inspector and deputy d C y n v an,l tl: ins'ioctor. ' e othe-r f'-r The items for two were stricken out a traveling normal in;rmor; VTT -- at 12 m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Upon considering appropriations for school teachers. Rep. ISO! ne made a plea to the Minister of E luca tion that some effort le made to tench the Hawaiian language. At were only a bo tive ehiidr- ri children tlu-ir native the present time there t pr cent of the na w;: i uader.od tlu-lr mother tongue. Next came the consideration of the salary of the Minister of the Interior. This was raise! to $12.!"'t. Then a motion to the offoct that the salaries of all the Cabinet Ministers be con sidered, carried. A motion was next made to place these at $12.W each. Rep. Robertson asked that $10.0'"0 be the mark. The Treasurv would cer- .-) t..i s;ii:try o; u? Survey Depar: howrd a Hi!.- map ingiujman in en:. Kf-!. Kaai of Mo'okai that had ben don by the present inrnrnbe-nt of th? o"u- Mr. Chris. Willi?. The voting man had been employed to do work ror the United Stares Government at Pearl Harbor and complimentary advices from Washington expressing satisfac tion, had been received. The young man's saiary should be raised to $2, 4"". Then came a long discussion by the members on the attitude of certain members in not voting. This lasted about three-quarters of an hour or more. The item finally passed at $2,400. The salary of the Superintendent of Water Works was allowed to remain at $3,400. At 4 p. m.. House adjourned but not? however, until even this matter had been thoroughly discussed. K ; 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4 4 n- 4 4- 4- 4- 4: TRIBUNES REPAIRED We are the Sole Agents for the - Tribune' Bicycles, 4-- 4i 4- 4 4- -4 4- -? 4 4- ; 4 4: 4-. 4- 4 4 4o 4. 4 7 4 4- 4 4? 4? Consequently we are more than anxious to see that they are re paired as they should be. YE DO EXPERT REPAIRING AND SUPPLY ALL NECESSARY PARTS. I llflN 314 Fort St. Next door below Golden Rule Bazaar iii'Dri! To a boy is finding himself unable to rip his clothes. o OO Prove to a mother that you sell such clothes and you have a lasting cus tomer. We find it so. .-Jifc jr I j'Jt -Cf.v 9 Hotel Street Waverley Block. Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linen-Mesh Underwear. Send for Catalogue. We Make Shirts to Order. DR. M. WACHS. Dentist- Cniversity of California, Beretanla near Fort street. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to I p. m. LYJ.i: A. DICKER v " '? o v r. s r-' v a t 7 A X 14 KAAI I UM ANU STREET. Telephone, GS2. CIIAS. F. PETERSON, Attorney at Law. AND NOTARY PUBLIC. 15 Kaahumanu St. WILLIAM C. PAinvE, Attorney at Law. AND AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDG MENTS. Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. OiiiC! charles cla uk. Attorney at Law. 121 MERCHANT STREET. Honolulu Hale. Tel. Up Stair3. 545. Biggest 1 . w V ' L sr L fc V ft: fc i; K er ' ar i; fc fc fc r; t AT fc" If fc fc' fc fc V V &" ST fc fc fc fc' fc fc fc" fc ir 111 .1 . .f .t . . . St X .f . . 5 Our best selling and most satis factory line of toilet wsre in sterl ing silver. Made in heavy weights, best of bristle In the brushes, set in solid celluloid, making them indestructi ble. We have five complete patterns H to select from, including one as low as the following: t n vt. Large Hair Brush, $5; Large Clothes Brush, $4; Large Mirror, $8; Large Comb, $j; t n n st St Si ss St St Certainly low enough for any ts one. 8f Puff Boxes and all Manicure pieces to match. fc n n fc 2 fc fc fc St St St fc fc fc a? si ss St St St New Books AT THE GOLDEN RULE MMV. "Hawaii's Story," by Liliuokalani. "The Girl from Hong Kong!" "Lost Counters Falka." "A Modern Corsair." "For Her Life." "In the Shadow of the Pyramids." "Quo Yadis" 25c. Ed. "Billy Hamilton." "Mis3 Devecreux of the Mariquita," and many others. K l V FANCY STATIONERY FOR PO LITE CORRESPONDENCE. ISLAND CURIOS. HAWAIIAN MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS AND SHEET MUSIC. Always the best values in SCHOOL supplies. 316 Fort Street, YEE SING TAI Matting, Wall Paper, Wicker Ciiairs and All Kinds cf Furniture. CONTRACTOR AND BL'iLDER. Cabinet Making and Painting. i-Y.rt St i I URistf Vv'c are now in a position to tune and repair pianos at factory prices. We guarantee all work to be strictly high class and satisfactory in every detail. KK0EGE1!. KIMBALL. CIIICKLTdXG PIAX0S. ! For sale for cash, or on the install- i ment plan. Old instruments exchang-! ed for new ones. Pianos rented, tuned and repaired. i ' 'in a week or ten day3 our stock of! music and musical instruments will be i on hand Bergstrom Music Co. PROGRESS BLOCK. Telephone 321. II D Rpoiiil iinp il is II UUUUIilUI LlilU Waists and Costumes. New Shades 81. BLACK SILKS Triumph, Surah and Brocade. BLACK AND COLORED SATIN. la RIBBONS. In all Widths Stripe-?, Plaids, Plain, Colors, Grossgrain, In SATIN, SILK. TAFFETA AND MOIRE TAFFETA- Roman Stripes and Plaids in SASH RIBBONS A Specialty. Come early and get first choice. E.W.JORDAN'S NO. 10 FORT STREET. PHOTOGRAPHIC CO. The Boys in Blue. A complete collection of Photo graphs to be seen at Davey's Studio; also the only pictures taken of the presentation of the Stars and Stripes to the U. S. S, Charleston. Portraits of the highest quality and the most, artistic and complete collection of Isl and Views upon Platinum, Iridium and Silver Papers. DAVEY PHOTO. CO., Ld. Corner Hotel and Fort Sts. Do you know that canned goods, when not properly packed, are dan gerous to health? It is a fact. i n n Never buy anything in tin, unless your grocer is willing to guarantee It, and then not unless his guarantee amounts to something. Here are some bargains in canned goods, for which we are prepared to vouch: O 0 8 In Tomato Sauce. o 0 o Ser.wd in Purr Slices, ntf 0 o 0 o 0 O 0 2-Lb. Cans, 25c. o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o ') P.J.YOELLEMCo. Fort & Hotel St: DOOOOC00( cocoooocooc ff 3 - nuninr rnnn mmmm, uiiuiul luuu FOR HATCHING. From the following PURE-BRED Fowls of the choicest strains at my Punahou Poultry Yards, viz: Lull Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns, Black Minorcas, Andalusl an, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Wyart dottes and English S. G. Dorkings, Perkin Ducks and Bronze Turkeys. Prices furnished upon application. Favors from the other Islands will re ceive prompt and carefuia ttention. A few choice Fowls for sale. Vv'ALTER C. WEE DON, 314 Fort St., Honolulu. F. J. Lo .sn y. ;. II. Cooke LEWERS & COOKE. Importers and Dealers in Lumber and Building Materials. Office, 411 Fort St. ARTISTIC TUNING. Having had many years experIenc-3 iu factory tuning. I propose to put 'our I,iano in "better tune" and make stand longer in tune than the major- ity of tuners can do. By kind permission, I givs the fol lowing references: Hawaiian News Co., Wall, Nichols Co., Miss S. R. Patch. Prof. E. Cook, and Prof. J. W. Yarndley. G. R. HARRISON. Orders left at either store will re ceive prompt attention. For Shirt Fffiiiiesi Piflios oiiii fancy Poll i r rtilArl 1 1 n nbM'ft I D U W M lit I