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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
'It Vr k:"'' i.sWk .-JU --Sri THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISE!!: HONOLULU, JUNE -1 , 1S0S. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mrs. I.. A goo-. I L. Lapierre seeuiul-liand ed. i quite piano is ill. want- leaves for Chi- "IJr at Supremo Court again to-lay. A number or people are down with the measles. -v worse and can advertisement. .Miss Cora McDonald eago by the Alameda. Wall, Nichols Co. adver Blue'' souvenir post card. Dante may give a the Opera House next week. The steamer Upolu sails at 2 p. m. Wednesday, instead of today. Eugene Devauchelle, of the mounted partol, is laid up with a fever. The Summer School will open July 11, and will continue for three weeks. Hopp . & Co. offer oak extension tables at prices that -will compel you to buy. A concert will bo given by Arm strong Smith's school on Thursday evening. The steamer Upolu will leave this port Wednesday at 2 p. m., instead of today. W. II. Baird, Assignee of the estate of George Kahananui has a notice in this issue. Mr. Kenny, Acting British Commis sioner, had his first view of the Pali on Sunday last. Regular meeting of the W. . T. U. at 2:30 p. m. today in Central Union Church parlors. Mrs. Ganzel and daughter returned from the Sound on the Klikitat yes terday afternoon. A light two seated wagon, a gentle 'horse and a set of harness is offered for sale by D. P. Birnie. The Hilo race horse J. R. will start in events here on July 4. The animal is still owned by Mr. Wilson. The St. Louis College band will give a public concert on the college cam pus at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Screens have been placed at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium again and basket rball play will be resumed tonight. Judge Kalua. of the Maui Circuit, occupied an honorary seat on the Supreme Court .bench yesterday. The Independent Order of Foresters will have an election of officers in the Knights of Pythias hall this even ing. Tickets for the Red Cross Blue Rib bon meet at Cyclomere park on Sat urday evening next will be on sale to day. The inquest in the case of the na tive fatally injured by an accident in handling Coptic freight resulted in a formal return. The band will play on the grounds of Queen Emma Hall, corner Nuuanu and Beretania streets, at 10: "0 o'clock this forenoon. The High School concert is to be repeated this week, probably Friday evening, at the 'High School. Admis sion will be by invitation. It was the Rev. Stephen Desha of Hilo who was interpreter at Kawaia hao Church on Sunday evening last instead of Rev. H. II. Parker. M. Mclnerny advertises Stein-Bloch suits of Scotch woolen and English worsted stuffs at $15.00 and English Kersey and rough diagonial overcoats at $20.00 Word is received that water has ibeen struck at So feet at the first bor ing for the proposed new plantation on Lanai and there is a strong and .steady flow. Henry C. Meyers, at present a clerk in the office of the Minister of Interior, is said to be a formidable dark horse candidate for the new billet, of Deputy Auditor-General. Baseball for the amusement of the Boys in Blue will be free to the visi tors, but will cost town people two bits each, the receipts to go to the Red Cross fund. There will be exercises at the Miller street Kindergarten training school on Thursday afternoon at 3: CO o'clock. The graduates will be addressed by Rev. If. L. Berger, D. D. The "piano case" of Frank Telles ts. Albert and Sarah Trask is ordered by the Supreme Court to its seventh trial. The instrument in controversy is said to be worth about fifty dollars. C. W. Booth offers for lease for a fcerm of years desirable pasture land in Pauoa valley comprising about 400 acres. Reasonable terms to respon sible party. Inspection is solicited. Robt. W. Shingle will get away by the Moana with the Hawaiian exhibit ior the Omaha fair. The fair is now in full swing, having opened on the 1st inst., with an attendance of 100, 00. The pastor of the Japanese M. E. Church says that anyone who has not had an opportunity to subscribe to the church building fund may do so by sending remittances to P. O. box 210, Honolulu. When you have Tribune bicycles to "be repaired take them to the Tribune agency, Eakin and Whitman. D. E. Whitman has had o years' experience in the expert repair business on the Pacific coast. The marriage engagement is an nounced of Wm. 1 1. Wright. Deputy Tax Assessor for Oahu and Miss II. K. Gandall, of Hanamaulu. Kauai. There are no more popular young peo- in the Islands than these two. The Washington Star says that the quartermaster's department has con tracted for 50,000 canvas suits, design ed especially for the use of troops in tropical countries, and they are being shipped rapidly to the mobilizing points. Aitimn-h it is claimed mat mere i.-, nothing new under the sun, Trnn UenCO Co.. have TV ill lil n - fence that is new. The newest part i 4V,. vn -which thev guarantee to ; , tii.n nvfr nuotcU under the JOiVll ii lew - - - cum i this country. Mission Children. The annual meeting of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society will be held on the evening of Friday, June 24th. at half-past seven o'clock, in the Sunday school room of Central Union Church. At this meeting will occur the elec tion of officers for the ensuing year, the reading of the yearly reports and the address of the retiring president. This is the important meeting of the year. Let all members be present. ra w v.fd Vvm . a The: pppqEissiVEiSTOR' Desiring the very latest novelties in dress goods should not fail to see the extensive variety now on view. Our patterns are exclusive and com prise all the newest colorings. For the present week, we are offer ing special values in White Cotton Ducks, White Piques, White Dotted Swiss. These goods are being largely worn in the fashionable centers abroad, and are just the thing for wear during the .present hot weather. ! I Off GOOflS CO. Limited. The People's Providers. 520 FORT STREET. : HONOLULU. O. G. TRAPIIAGEN, ARCHITECT. 223 Merchant Street, between Fort and Alakea. Telephone 734. Honolulu, H. I. J AS. F.MORGAN 33 QUEEN ST. Telephone 74. 13 A i II o 111 i sis! & We hear the expression used co:i si an: I y out of ten it really has no significance in connection with facts. A bargain in shoc-s represents standard value, at the right price ani at the right time. The cheapest is no: always th3 best neither is the best always the cheapest. Buy a good article and you will get satisfactory wear out of it in the long run. Buy a cheap article and it will keep you on the jump con tinually to duplicate, then yen might buy shoes on this basis every week in the year and never get your money's worth. Turn over a new leaf and buy an honest shoe at an honest price. Tin's is the kind cf values we offer you. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, t v. v Estate FOR PF1VATE SALE. RESIDENCE IN MANOA VALLEY. Land under a long Lease. Area 1 acre. Good Dwelling House. Furnished throughout. Fine stream of water. Nice grounds, planted. Sh ares o Stock TODAY. Shares OAHU SUGAR CO. (assessable). pie the Ha nn iron Tlie Best Yet! Have you got a set? If not, get a set at once, before the edition is ex hausted. tug Bob in Blue Hawaiian Souvenir Post Card. ONLY 25 CENTS. A set of six cards: all different views of the 'T.oys in Blue." Produced from beautiful half tone plates. "Island orders will receive prompt attention. Til aoe A' 44 A i FORT STREET. &, t VL ill manim mmi mm ni-r-rT jmowi mnimiiiiimw imi .unvmitxhrrw. M , k IS THE BOYS Hi BLU: With an Eastman Kodak. You'll en joy taking the snap shots of marching troops, decorations, ships, etc. Lots of fun in store for one armed with a Kodak. Cost too much, you sajr? No. There's where you are mistaken. You can get a Kodak from us from $4 up. They are all good; every instrument tested. Why not get one today? Come in anyway and have a chat with tis about them. FORT STREET. 'on Drug w AGENTS. King and Fort. 5 n 91 9i V, We are still keeping up our Renova tion Sale in all departments and if you are looking for bargains that have a ring cf genuineness to them you will look over the stock. o o o This week we offer bargains in Latest Novel ties in Ladies' Neckwear. Organdies Swisses White Goods Laces o o o The prices we have been quoting on gents' furnishings still stand good for all who care to improve the opportu nity of getting first class goods at war time prices. FORT STREET. 45 $45 ssp HEO.i vr it -i LIMITED A ICQ rir. Cxr Merchants and Goinmission Agents. V -' Large Shipment Just Received. WALL, NICHOLS COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. JUL 5 312 Fort Street if K Telephone 565. . gzzxB n& Hotel Street - Robinson Block, P.O. Gox 215. Telephone 973. Ex Argyle- LAICDI Dlllifi IfUfiiilUlii Oiliill In Silk and Crepe, White and Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, and all Silk Goods Wholesale Dealers in Japanese Goods and Provision Merchants t Ceylon, formerly famed l)T I'jt, spices mid later for i-s coiTee, h&z, durins reC-T.t years beea equally fiiti eJ for its choice ami delicately ;!:s.?cr ed Teas. In this direction, Lhirs Ik !eins rapidly bo:U?n by its youthful competitor, as witness the following figures t:ile:i from "Ilazell's GREAT BRITAIN'S TL1A IMPORTS: 1S77 Chl:i.i. . Ceylon. 1S0G Chln;i. . Ceylon . 132,00'v( Nil. 2s.o'o:-)- lbs. 70,000, OOi Iba. "7 t . .v. - ft I .... ih: IB, SIOW. MANILA CIGARS. 'DAGGER' r.RAXD MULLET ill t. --. w jrVltri j , finfi i h,.-,i ,- m, ft 1 0 f&mmm'stx fi eal Estate and Financial Agents, Telephone 678. Progress Block, Fort St., Honolulu, We are ready to purchase Large Estates near Honolulu and Hilo, anc? Coffee Lands on Hawaii. Loan3 placed and negotiated; Estates taken charge of and managed Choice Lots for sale at Kewalo, at Punahou and the growing City of Hlk on the installment plan. Houses built for investors. No trouble to show property to intending purchasers. PLOWS. The following line were gotten up especially for the Island trade, and a notable feature on which we have testimonials is their Good Scouring qualities and light draught. I he Queen. Sizes G, 8 and 10 inches. The Monarc h Sizes 12 and 14 inches. Vvre carry also a complete line of extras for the above. Vv'e can furnish you also with ROAD SCRAPERS, UPRIGHT DRILLS, FEED SCRAPERS. And in the Household Department a new lot, just received, of Cocoanut Door Mats, and another car load of Garland Stoves ant! R Received by the W. H. Dimond the latest in 4 HI G e it) I Percales e a -4- ana iiiiiiwi A Fine Line of Children's Lace Caps and Bonnets. Also, a new supply of FANCY PRINTS, Which we still continue to sell at cents a yard H. W SCHflUDT & SONS. 5& VON HOLT CLOCK, KIMG ST.