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TIIE PAG IF.' J COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, NoVKMIlEK 1S9S. , TI BAN OF AWA -LIMITED Incorporated under the laws of the Hawaiian Republic. Capital Subscribed $100,000 Capital raid up $300,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. CILVS. M. COOKE, President J. B. ATIIERTON, Vice President C. H. COOKE Cashier F. C. ATIIERTON, Secretary ILENRY VVATERHOUSE, TOM MAY, F. W. MA CPA 1 1 LA N E , E. D. THNNEY, J. A. McCAN DLESS. Exchange drawn on Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Rank In San Francisco and New York and their correspondents throughout the vorld. Oriental Correspondents: The Hong kong and Shanghai Ranking Corpora tion. The Chartered Rank of India, Aus tralia and China. Attention given to general banking business. Safe deposit boxes rented by month And year. ClaAUS SPRECKKI.S. W.M. O. If t WIN. GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO, Bankers, HONOLULU - - II. i. BAN FRANCESCO AGENTS TI JK NE VADA BANK OF HAN FRANCISCO. DRAW RXCIIANGE ON AN FRANCISCO The Nevada Rank of f?an Francisco. LONDON The Union Dank of London. (Ltd.) NEW YORK American Exchante Na tional' Rank. CI 1 1 CA CO Merchants' National Bank. PARIS Comptolr National U'Escompte BERLIN Dresdnrr Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong kong and Shauhai Banking Corpora tion. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bank of New Ziland. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of BritlHh North America. Ifonsocio General Banking s Exccange Business Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap proved Security. Commercial and Trav lers Credits Issued. Bills of Exchange Stoueht and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ACCOUNT ED FOR. BISHOP & CO. .SAVINGS BANK On October 1st, 1898, and continuing mntil further notice, Savings Deposits will be received and interest allowed by this Rank at four and one-half per cent per annum. The terms, rules and regulations of the Hawaiian Postal Sav ings Rank will be adopted as far as it la practicable to apply them, and the Cash Reserve of ?50,000 as required under the Postal Act will be main tained. Printed copies of the Rules and Reg ulations may be obtained on the 1st of October on application. BISHOP & CO. Honolulu, September 7, 1S9S. 1019 ESTABLISHED IN 1858. BISHOP & CO. -Bankers TRANSACT A GENERAL, BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Commercial and Travelers Letters of Credit issued, available In all the Principal Cities of the World. INTEREST allowed after July 1st, 1898, on fixed deposits: 3 months 3 per Mnt: C months 3 per cent: 12 months 4 per cent. m LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000 Paid Up Capital Yen 10.500,000 Reserve Fund Yen C,960,000 HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES: Kobe, London, Lyons, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Bombay, Hong Kong. Transacts a General Banking and Exchange Business. Agency Yokohama Specie Bank: NeTT Republic Bldg., : Honolulu, H. I. JUHEI ISH1ZUKA AGENCY OF KEI H1N BANK, LTD. Vineyard Street. JPransact General Banking and Ex change Business. HEAD OFFICE TOKYO, JAPAN. Draw exchange on FIRST NATIONAL BANK, YOKOHAMA. Bill.1! CRRRifiGE m. GO . LW. 121 Queen Street CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDERS RUBBER TIRES AND ROLLER BEARING AXLES. WILSON TWHITEHOUSE, Bole Licensees Hawaiian Islands. 121 Queen Street. i Ii Hawaiian Scene Postal Cards Oh, go on. Well that is what the III 11 are selling them for. "Just what your friends abroad have been wanting' 50 Cts. 0M THE DOLLAR. A3 I have been able to obtain a large assortment of SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE I offer same to the public at COc on the dollar. This is an exceptional oiler and the public should take advantage of it Manufacturing and repairing prompt ly done. Repairing fine and complicat ed Watches a specialty. M. R. COUNTER. 507 Fort St. A dry scalp causes danruff dan druff causes the clothing to become soiled. A minute or two each morn ing and evening devoted to the apply ing of our Dandruff Killer does the work. Put up in one size bottle only. THE SILENT BARBER SHOP. PACHECO & FERNANDEZ, Prcprs. Arlington Block, Hotel St. FREE EXAMINATION. I study the formation of your eye u3 closely and as accurately as the astronomer studies his stars. Every malformation of the eyeball has its effect. Headaches, dizziness, indistinct vision are all traceable to a misshape of the eyeball. Knowledge and exper ience, aided by the best and latest im proved instruments and appliances, make my service in examining eyes invaluable to you. Yet that service is ABSOLUTELY FREE, and if glasses are required they're to be had at a more than reasonable price. S. E. LUCAS, PARISIAN OFTICIAN. Love Building, - - - Fort Street. (Up Stairs.) J. R. Shaw, D.V.S nrn v:-.c Office and Infirmary, - 600 LiJg ul. TELEPHONE 796. Modern and Humane Treatment. Dewey Restaurant. First clas3 Restaurant. Everything in the Market in the way of Delicacies on the tables. Meals at all hours, 25c k 43 mIma ivptAA tt I r s n w f n t " T urfc- b'c.j .u uucu, koir T?PrPtnntaand Port Strewn. Robert Lowers'. F. J. Lowrey. C. M. Oeof- LEWERS & COOKE. Importers and Dealers In Lumber and Building Materials. OfSce, 414 Fort St. Sets uul. THE DEEP WELLS ! History cf First Efforts for Artesian ; Water. IS BY H. M. WHITNEY i There Was Much Conjecture-Pro- j-cts Were Discouraged-Suc-I cess Finally Came. Planters' Monthly). It is now about twenty years :;:ce -w he first artesian well was drilkd o:: ! Oahu. As the discovery an i uirly his tory of this immense wau r -.-.apply h ! known tr but f'v, it may Ik- well to ! i ... i . pa on i t.-foi d th eiior;s to obtain i:, as well as th ditr-ouraments countf:re, with the ukimat' .-m-re-s. whieh has so greatly incr a,s'l the ri cultural resources of Hawaii net, has I made many comfortably off. and a few j q'ni'.e wealthy, who. had it not been for the discovery, mignt today t- in a-, straightened ciivumstanx s ;:s they on-ve wrre. Some twenty-live years a.i;o, when The nev?d of mo;e watt r la:i to b" feit, especially for irrigation par pases, the question of subterranean reservoirs was often spoken of, attention having beou drawn to it by the srreims of frc 'ii water e;i pouring into the sea between high and low water nt.'.rks. in numerous localities along the near Diamond H-ead. at Ewa and along the Koolau toast, not to speak of the large llowing streams from underground sources at Kewa'o, Ewa, Moiliili ajid other places, all of which, from prehistoric times, have furnished the native Hawaiians living near by with their daily supplies of pure fresh water. Here was the most convincing proof that there must bo some subtt r ranean and abundant reservoir. In 18T" the writer had toirespo.-d-ence with a party in California on the j sdbject of well-boring, which was then 1 attracting considerable attention. In i the. spring of Mr. Charles Oester arrived here, as the agtnt of a hard i ware firm dealing in pumps and arte- sian well-boring tools. He brought j with him a set of well-boring appar i atus, to dispose of for the firm which ! h re)ivsented, and offered to under- j take any work, if encouragement was j given him, relying chielly on aid from ! the Hawaiian Government, as it was thought the Government would wil lingly assist in such a commendable undertaking. The following notice of him appeared in the Hawaiian Gazette, then edited and published by the writ er of this article: "Mr. Charles Oestcr, who is inter ested in one of the iron establishments in the State of California, arrived in the last steamer from San Francisco, bringing with him several thousand dollars worth of tools and appliances for borins artesian wells. The ques tion has often been raised, as to whether on these Islands so far away from the Continent, arte -i an wells would be practicable, and by some it is regarded as very doubtful. But there is no question tlut such wells, if they can be found to work successfully, wculd be of immense benefit to the country. There are many tracts of land, on all the Islands, that are. now devoted to pasturage, furnishing a i-ranty subsistence to horses, cattle and sheep, and which ca.nnot by any means bo irrigated from existing streams of water. We may mention as examples, the elevated plains between Ewa anl Waialua on this island, tho west half of Molokai, and tract3 on Maui, includ ing the isthmus between East and West Maui, and the long fertile plains i of Waimea and Mana on Kauai. Ail i these districts would be immediately ! rendered available for agricultural pur ! pos-t-s, if only provided with nrtesian ; water and the capabilities and wealth : of the country thereby immenseiy en ; hanced. We are informed that Messrs. j James Makce and W. H. Cornwell of j Maui and Jno. H. Coney (at that time ' owner of Honouliuli Ranch at Pearl , Harbor, now the Ewa M:l! Estate) . have expressed a willingness to bear ; half the cost of experimental" well.-. ; located one on the Maui Isthmus, and I the other on Oahu, provided the (lov I eminent will pay the other half. This ; is an offer which does not often pre ! sent itself, and we urge on the Gov ; ernment the importance of taking such : steps, as may be necessary to settle this ! question. Mr. Oestcr is eon i hdent that water can be found here at i the depth of 2o0 to ."00 feTt. at an ex : pen?e of not exceeding three or four I thousand dollars. At any rate, tho I boring of an artesian well, even if it j proves unsuccessful as regards water j i supply, wull afford a valuable insight ! to the geological structure of the coun J try, of which very little is new ' known." Soon after the arrival cf Mr. Oester 111 14 an inrvsew was iiau w ith ! two members of the Cabinet, to a seer- tain whether any assistance would be i : i-,v the Government to a we'd- ! borer who wollM be wilIin- in ?tH'h i asetofollowtheir instructions, shouhl any bo given. One of the ministers who ! had the reputation of being a scientist i of some note, bean imnKdiateh to ! raise objections to any experiment of ! the kind here, saying that it was of no I try to obtain flowing fresh wa- i.: -. a:r i . . . . .. t v.):c.i!:c o:; - a. i. v.. rt ; a r- i -lu.r- N IV. 1 U. ' . 1 ; :V.v :i ITi U. I .Is 1' ! :he vi-ry .;; o.i in Ml' how -r. small u :il!I'-:-.-:it : :n- . .m l s:a!i :.i::. i in LI o.:i y ai wat r . ; pay ;'v set: V .i v; ry i:i m p-r:a:,.t vi -:tc:-s w.:o 1 ml!' ! : the :j:ni: rs for r. r.- . in this vc-p-riini nt. lof v.a.iai ;!. wri!-r was or.ei. received no :u n::: -a :m-at in thai qaaner and the (1 nernm- r.r surprised with the v.--v xpr-s d. Hou vitv ir.'.irh d;-app vn: I au i Th" .islature was ',:x sr-;o:i at . This time in Honolulu, ami there had J len s-veral j'tiiions ami o:iif orv. J; from tit. ni:: I law aiians. w.;.-r rmh: n . r i.u a- -d (,.a. and w at'-r i!:v-Tt l to an-"' :i' a il 1 1 : 1 I ! ii-.' rr-ea t::n-- :::!--: !".r ta;o 1 1 native u: At tine s .ft.!, an-1 W.1S :-v thr a. ' :i.-d o:n. .1 V iN - d ; i ; on. unb'-s some t m jr :n ; irai -i itiir it. The .-ui-je. was ina.!.- n--was tin all v frrr d to a ronr.nission anil a .-u:n votfil to meet any expanses that milit be incurred in inv-s:ii;.uini; t!: ami ih'hiim! resonrees of the Islands. ll-Te sff:n(d to ) .'.'a o:nriu:ii! : funds fur a: on.- i- ae-:;t in s ar hinir !; a: ti .-iaa M!;n'.ii s mi -rr -ai'v ne.-di d. So .-f; r tin I s 'aMii'i' had adjoiui'.id. ano;l;.-:- :. - p: "S('d li t::" Mini-: r oi na:;'-. to ascertain if a j).-:ion of th-. araonnt voud to : n -t iai.- tin- o;tr s and amo'.nu of wat : aa:.!a!.'" for at:: e nltn.-al inrpos. s. mi'ht not If :-p.-n-l.'d in sinking an artesian lt).-i:i as do p as tlie atnount availah;' would allow, as tins v;k s.nciiy v.nasn ia- piovince of (he commission to search for new souivrs of wacr for agrh-nl-j tural purpjscs. it was thought t hat no I objection could possibly be offered I against it. In company with Mr. Oes-j ter. the writer again called on the Min- ister of Finance, and urged that thel water commissioners appointed under I the resolution of the Legislature, be in- structed to have a well bored in any! locality that they might select, smmg mii.Ii-iu i..'in? laid im one noint. that tf r Jy means tif ar. wh : : :i i .!.- I I.i.-i af was of v) if water should be found, it would not the reference to the west end of Moh onlv settle the que stlon of a supply for kai. which few people believe 1 co i'.d the planting inter sts and the native Hawaiians, hut aNo lor t!n ity of IIoiKihtln. uliirh ne l iu kie-.v nt wa.T.- ' !- d more -,, obrain it wat r Th minister. hovo-r. w n'.d '. -arv.aine n:s. His min i ten to no made up. There is no ssn-'i thir. a an arte-, an luMMtiK- b. i-. I'm- is -mls lest on porous lava and coral foundation. If there are cavern underground, they are filled with sea water. It any rain water reaches the caverns, it becomes sa't water at once. I shall never allow one dollar of the public- funds to be spent for this object." And none was spent. The commissioners made a junketing tour through the Islands, anil reported that there was abundance of water, if it was only carefully looked after. It is not to be wondered at, that Mr. Oester returned to an : ram ;.-co. bis efforts bavins m. : wku sii. n otbcia; rebutfs. In the snrimr ot" ls7t several years after the first public, agitation of the subject iu the Hawaiian Cazette Mr. James Campbell, (who had lately pur chased from Mr. Coney the Honouliuli ranch at Tuuloa), while on a vis.t to . .... .i.- .....,.,:,.,... i aiiiorui.i. n:uti- in. i ii . -n" Mr. James Ashley (father of :.--orgo W. A.-h'ey of itishop Aj Co :np my's bank). a professional ar tes-.m well l .-ri r, and was invited by him to visit San Jose where ho was th- n ngv.g- -i in well- boring. Mr. Ashh-y expiaim-d to Mr. Campbell the principle of tho art"--j.m well, and the conditions uevessary to insure its success. Mr. Campbell b; came verv much interested, and was convinced that his lan.l at larl har bor, backed as it was !iy the Waianac mountain?, furnish.e 1 very similar t on- dirions to those vh-;e Mr. Ashley was i-.iu-rar in-' If water c.;i: i.e na 1 ;:; m Jose, ae sa:.!. n surely car: . g t s mie- whej-e at ruuloa. lie at o:ia- m:d? up hi-? mind, ami was willing to tal. t'. .-baines in the venture, cost what it might. Without further delay, l.e pro posed to Mr. Ashley to go to Honolulu, making a generous offer for his ser vices, and as soon as his contract at San Jose was finished, he accompanied Mr. Campbell, arriving here in June ls7'.. The tool were soon taken to I'uu- loa, and on a low Hat of land near the itwelMnir. the drill was set to work. It being only a hand apparatus, the ex perimental work progressed slowly. though no serious obstacle was met. Aft r several days of patient drilling. I at a depth of 210 feet, a basin of water was tapped, from which a stream bars: ; forth, nooning ine .-urrounuuig g: oau i. ' Imagine the delight of dmpbeH and i Ashley, as thv witnessed the clear. i ...... snark'.in water, which ha-1 b en con- fined in its subterranean pris n f c tituries prrhaps. waiting for this op- ; portunity. The riddle wis now o'ved. t. - ...... . -a w-ce-aeres. v.'ho had declared the scheme to be a fool s errand, were silenced at last. A well near by this. bored for Mr. Campbell, was among i .n- . r in a'.. p.u: t w r v p.-r ! s 'i . : ' ! ; . i " ' a : 'i a rt ia: ;..:.- : v.r : . t a :;i ..i .wj: :; ::: ::o: ; :r . '.--n Oi!: i: .:: '! .i'.':e- : -1 t:.,- :: i. u h: i dr. Jam- . rs a.:: i apital- :-Ts t.:h-:" i ill. 'i! d ir w r- unu i'!i:u: to solve, or "to a!hv.v I' .'.lar .f the pul ::c funds to I ;.. :;: f,.r -u h folly." A few :n .uts Jar. r .is s'a:-d by J::,!.:.- M.aVilly :n lii a.eoar.t. pub-li-:!.-! in Thrum'.-. Almanac, ".-ral ::.: :.; n . orv.i in.d with Mr. Marque;; ir :i- v,-. a:. 1 ;. n- s:an .-..s i.n d.;;. : with w hi. h : w . : Ma:", :. V ; t ;' ' 'f hmd :u em- d." ?dr. t :: b red. ate! an a:un ; a: '.at'r was ".'in ..frr. ?:! !:::! : . .r :: -. .'bra-.n.d ia Apr.. I" -ev-ral '-::- bortd ;n th. i In i a h :'.'.!. e. ' i S 1 it f'. up. i. :.:: : w t'e- .u:n o:i f . i : . , i :nu I- ir:::'.b- r uf ; '.: in .. ra t i n in this ::n a T ' .-1 " h ry :r. ;.!. ni- :'- vale.- o: ::e t arm: -'h v. ' r p : ". - an.- man. They are !.-ated n ii Ii of the Nhmds. ar.d ihouch they are not all ilawiim vi'-. th.-y ar if n--- f r :r ricat i.ei. Tho.-.- in :h-- city. d by til- Govt-rnment. at" i:v tie- main U l"e f the W.I ' -upp.y its n- habitants nu:nb ;ii: not ei ". Has it ('.' in Mr:"1 1 r, ha" v uh! 1 b-uoh.;- ar : j i:n P. o the j-t-ad- don in such a dry si .-.--ati , th- with no o: if a- .-apply than that obtain ed ihaen the Nuu r.u ir- n:i. whi-h a' tin;. is .in t ly :i: for use? Th'' readf r wnl ti;e. in the extra, t ;u-!e.j thora th' Hawaiian G.i;'.et;e. pu'o'.i.-hed (weijty-two years ;i:o. ti:e I r. t. r :ie made to tee land wo. re tin Ewa and Dahu plantations are mw lo- rated tlien a barren wa-;e. worth only dollars per acre, also to the a lev sandy phiins lM'iween Ea.-t and Wc-t Maui, which were t'nni valued low. and sold "for a song." but are now coverod with the waving cam fields of the Spreekels and either plantations: also to the Waimea and Mana plains on Kauai, then also barren, but now pro duiini th heaviest cam- stalks in the hrroun. And .till more noteworthy is -ver ! acdaitnd. or wat red with an art si an supply On eat h f the-e ir. less plains the artesian w i : r has ma.le a most wonderful change. The lines referred to were printed b- fore the dis- coverv of this bountiful v.a a-r supply. Iwbtch has transuirmeu: joitioa- tu u.i- i wan into a urin i mi.iu;m-. . i;i im language of seriptrtrc. into "a la nil ;ney. plowing with milk and honey." II. M. WHITNEY. PEOPLE'S AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. u- 1 by I 'If Galamef wwMJ Batang fm$ nowe lT3ftmf?ni' Jlfi- (iSo) Powdei s DRINK T 8 S33 dEEK. I. 'i III I LIMITED Offer for Sale: UEFLNED SUGARS. Cube and Granulated. l'AHAFlNK PAINT CO.'S Faints, Compounds ami Ru'.IJltt Papers. PAINT OILS, Lu.'o! Raw and Boihd. I.insrc ! Baw and Polled. IINDLKINK, Watcr-rroof vo'.d-altr Faiau I side ar.d outsido; in white ni colors. FERTILIZERS, Alex. Cro.ii & Sons' higli-grad Scotch fertilizers, adapted for a car cane and coffee. N. Ohlar.dt Ai Co.'s chemical fertil izers Mesl. and fme!y ground ni'r. ,r.-.:,;.!STKAM i'H'l- C0YEK1XG. litcd'b iv.:nt eJnstlt sectional p!p covering. FlLTEi: IMIESS CLOTHS, Linen and Juie. i npiiu'r t nir c T'PTP'Q v. AGENTS FOR WESTERN SVGAU KEEINING CO.. San Francisco. CaL BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Philadelphia. Penn.. U. S. A. NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO.. (Manf. "National Cane Shredder"). New York, U. S. A. N. OH LA NUT A. CO.. San Francisco, Cal. UISDON IKON AND LOCOMOTIVB WORKS, San Francisco, CxL A Model I'lant 13 cot complete with out Electric Power, thus dl.-p?nslns with small ensincs. Why not generate your power Iron one CENTRAL Station? One gener ator can furnish power to your Pump, Centrifugals. Elevators. Plows, Hall ways anJ Hoists; also, furnish light i and po''vcr for a radius of from 15 to CO miles. Electric Power b-!r.g uel, saves the labor of hauling coal In your field, also water. anJ doe 3 away with high-priced engineers. a:d oaly have one engine U look after In your mill. Where watrr power Is available It I re-is nothing to g aerate Electric i Power. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM ' PANY Is now ready to furnish Electric (Plants and Generators cf all rH. tions at short notice, and also has on hand a large stock of Wlr, Chande Hers and E!ectrlcal Goods. j All orders will be given rrompt at Iter.tion. and estimates furnished for i.inimg ani rower I'lants; also, at tention 13 given to House and Marine Wiring. THEO. IIOrFMAN, Manager. HUSTACE & CO., DEALERS IN Wood and Coal ALSO White and Black Snri ! Which w e will sell at tho very lowest ! market rates. Telephone No. 414. TANRAN. The firmest of sparkling mineral wat ers. New consignment per S. 3. Cop tic Send orders early to GEO. R, CARTER. Telephone ISJ.