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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, DECEMBER, 24, 1S9S. 3 1 " -: 5 L'f ) s 45! 1 J I t 1 i, 1 n. 1 11- m me m W4 BS3 1 1 f51 141 Yomeesters K8 m C.I 421 5 2J Boys pants. Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' patterns Boys' Boys' Boys' White Sailor Suits, long and knee Fancy Wash Sailor Suits, knee pants. Blue Serge Middy Suits. Blue Sailor Suits. Fancy Worsted, Junior Suits. Ail-Wool Fancy Sweaters. Star Shirt-Waists, white and colored Straw Hats. Pearl Felt Fedora Hats. Fancy bows and Widsor Ties. Our Boys' Duck sailor and Middy suits run from 3 to 8 years. js See our Corner Window display. i m m f M M. ricINERNY, flerchant and Fort Streets. m Your Roof And Quitters Should b3 put in thorough repair before you are washed out during the heavy rains that rrny be expected at any time. ooo I stand ready to do any necessary repairs required. Remember the heavy storm last year that did so much damage. -ooo JOHN NQTT, 75-79 KING ST. TEL.: NO. SI ni ML M. WILLIAMS. Undertaker and Embalmer. LOVE BUILDING, 534-536 FORT ST. Telephone 816. Residence, 777 Fort St., Next Door Below Fort St. House. Tel 849. ROBERT CATTON, En ameer. Importer of Machinery 212 QUEEN ST. - - HONOLULU. , HEILL & CO. Founders and Machinists. 213 Queen St., bet. Alakea and Richards Sts., Honolulu. Invite Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Cast ings. Ships Blacksmiths. Cemetery Railings and Crestings Made to Order: Samples on Hand. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TEL. 410. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO. East Corner Fort and King Streets. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed General Agents for the Sanitarinm Brand of Health Foods. ooo New and Fresh Goods Received by Every Packet from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish. Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Island Trade Solicited. 1 P. O. BOX 145. :::::: TELEPHONE 92. SUNDAY SERVICES. Central Union Churcn, corner Ucre tania and Richards streets, ltev. W. M. Kincaid, pastor. D:55 a. m., Sunday school; ll:uo a. m., public worship and sermon; 6:30 p. m., Y. P. S. C. E. pray er meeting; 7: SO p. in., pubhc wor ship and sermon. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting. Paiama Chapei 9:30 a. ra., Sunday school; 7:30 p. m. Gospel service. A welcome for all at every service. St. Andrew's Cathedral, Christ eve, 7 p. m. evensong. Christmas day, 6:30 Anama Hemolele, 7:30 Holy Commun ion, choral; 11 morning prayer, ser mon; 3:30 Pule Ahiahi, baptisms; 7:30 evening praye'r, sermon. Christian services at the Methodist Episcopal church. Sunday 11 a. m.; public worship and sermon 7:30 p. m., a special service consisting of singing, recitations, short addresses, etc., eon ducted by the Epworth League. Mon day evening at 7 o'clock a Christmas entertainment by the Sunday school, distribution of gifts, etc. A welcome always to all. Christian church corner King and Alakea street; preaching morning and evening by Rev. T. D. Garvin. Morning theme: "The Season of Giving, an Era of Joy;" evening theme: "A Judge with Clean Hands;" Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; Young People's meeting, C:30 p. m.; Praper meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.; Woman's prayer meeting, Fri day 2:30 p. m. Y'our attendance will be a mutual benefit. REORGANIZEDCHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. Services next Sunday in Mililani hall rear of the opera house, as follow: Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching in Hawaiian 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; spe cial Christmas sermon in English at 7:30 by Elder U. W. Greene, subject "What will you do with Jesus." Sun day school Christmas concert Saturday evening at 6:30. Special invitation to the public to attend. Seventh Day Adventist Public ser vice held today, and every Sabbath, (Saturday) In the Arion hall, at the rear of the Opera House, from 10 a. m. to 12 m. First hour occupied by Sab bath School. A cordial invitation extended to all at every service. Services at St. Clement's chapel on Christmas day Holy Communion 7 a. m.; morning prayer, Holy Communion and sermon 11 a. m; evening prayer and sermon 7 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. m. 4 h fhrfc rFrmrirTTNrKTOnnnmrn and Oolden Rule Baz43jl giLTUU tJLUUU IWUim UUIJUUU San Francisc. vr-ri ern ii r-:j rm r-ns; The Emporium is one of the largest and by far the handsomest store in America. The several floors cover many acres of space and the following list gives a fair idea of what we have to sell. Artists' Materials Bicycles Baby Carriages Baskets Bric-a-brac Bar Supplies Blankets, Comforts Books Bird Cages Butterick Patterns Cameras and Supplies Crockerv Cutlery " Chinese Curios Cloaks, Suits Corsets Carpets Clocks Clothing Cigars and Tobacco Candy Cakes Confectionery California Souvenirs I ry Goods Dress Goods Domestics Drugs Draperies Decorative Art Goods Furs Furniture Gas Lamps Glassware Gloves Graphophones Groceries Household Goods Hardware Hoiserv Hats Men's, Boys' Infants Wear Japanese Goods Knit Underwear Lamps Iaces Leather Goods Ladies' Tailoring Lace Curtains Medical Books Millinery Muslin Underwear Men's Furnishings Notions Ornaments Optical Goods Pictures Picture Frames Photographs Perfumery Paints and Oils Rugs Linoleums Sheet Music Sporting Goods Stoves and Ranges Silks Silver and Plated Ware Stationery Shoes Stamping Tin and Agate Ware Toilet Articles Toys . Trunks and Valises Teas and Coffees Watches Jewelry Woodenware Window Poles Wools and Worsteds Wall Paper Wines and Liquors An important branch of this great business is the Mail Order Service managed by an expert, assisted by a large corps of competent mail order people. The same low prices that visitors to the store enjoy, are charged to customers at a distance. Goods are shipped the day order is received or on first out-going steamer thereafter. The Emporium Economist, a 130 page book in beautiful 7 color cover, contains 1500 illustrations. It gives the lowest price for everything to wear, eat, drink or use in your home and tells how to shop satisfactorily by mail. Mailed free to any address on application to the Correspondence Department The Emporium and Golden Rule Bazaar San Francisco, Cal. Executor's Notice of Sale of Real Estate. ST. ANDREW'S. Elaborate Musical Program for Christinas. The Christmas services at St. Andrewfs Cathedral .Second Congregation, wilbe as follows. At 5:30 a. in., Holy Commun ion; 9:30. morning prayer, with sermon, followed by the celebration of Holy Com munion; 6:30 p. m., evening prayer, pro cessional and recessional hymns, Maund er's Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis In C Major, with full organ accompaniment. full chorral service, surplice choir. The music at the 9:30 service will be: Hymn "O, Come All Ye Faithful'.... Adeste Fideles Festival Responses Tallis Te Deum in F Major J. Alzamora Jubilate Deo in li Hat J. Alzamora Anthem "Blessed Be the I-ord God".. Barnby Hymn "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" Mendelssohn Following this service will be another celebration of Holy Communion, during which Mendelssohn s service will bevsung. and the Christmas Noel, by AdamsXand Intermezzo by Mascagni, played on he organ. Catholic Cathedral Christmas. Following is the program for Christma Da' (tomorrow) at the Roman Catholii Cathedral: At 4:30 a. m. First mass. At G and 7 Low masses with Holy Com munion. At 9 a. m. Mass for school children. At 10:30 a. m. High Pontificial Mass. At 3 p. m. Confirmation and Benediction. At 7 p. m. Vespers and solemn Benedic tion. MUSICAL, PROGRAM. At 9 a. m. College Choir. At 10:30 a. m. Processional Band. March Kyrie and Glcria Muller Graduale Noel (solo) Adams Credo .: Muller Offertory Gloria in excelsis. Solo, duet Chorus With Saxophone and Violin Obligato. Sanctus and Agnus Muller Recessional Band March EVENING SERVICE. At 7 p. m. Band March Pastorale Christmas Chorus. I. ambollotte Alma Redemption Lambillotte Tantum Ergo Schermers Band March Collection at morning and evening ser vices for the benefit of the church. Hand Christmas Concert. There will be no band concert this af-, ternoon at Emma Square, but tomorrow' at 3 o'clock a Christmas concert will hp given at Makee Island. Capt. Berger has selected the following suitable composi tions: PART I. The Old Hundred. Overture Jubilant Flotow Gloria Twelfth Mass Mozart Ballad Noel (Christmas) Adam Selection Musical Review Riviere PART II. Cornet Solo Festival Arbucle Mr. Charles Kreuter. Three Quotations Sousa Serenade Love in Idleness Macnetn Finale Merry Christmas Asher The Star Spangled Banner. Ten thousand demons gnawing away at one's vitals couldn't be mucn worse than the tortures of itching plle3. Yet there is a cure. Doan's Ointment never falls. ORIENT BICYCLES. Major Taylor on his "Orient" made the world's record time for one mile in 1:31 4-3. He also holds numerous world's records at other distances. Or ient wheels are made by the Waltham "Watch Co., and are the only bicycles in the world that are really "built like a watch," because built by people who BUILD WATCHES. The Honolulu Bi cycle Co., 209 Hotel street, Arlington Block, have an elegant line of the "Or ients," ranging in price from $50 to $S5. They are without any doubt the most elegant and perfect wheel ever seen in this market. '3 K K AA L AWA1 S 1.7 (OAHU yS ft 33033 . 3I92 Sv 1 3 s.f - p- e-r -vg 1 p I oyj. X 1 . h XV I -1753 - A p At , : I " s.f ' House (eKL5 i By orier of John F. Colburn, executor of the will of Antone Rosa. late deceased, acting under order of the Probate Court of the First Judicial Circuit, I shall, at 12 o'clock noon ON SATURDAY, THE 7TII DAY OF JANUARY, 1899, At my auction room in Honolulu, Island of Oahu, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, all of the right, title and interest of the said Antone Rosa and his estate in and to that certain real estate and fishery bounded and described as follows: 1st. Those certain 2 apanas of land situate at Kalihi, being covered by L. C. A. No. 1,049, R. P. No. 4,976, to Kea- wepoepoe no Keaka, containing an area of 5 86-100 acres more or less. 2nd. The sea fishery of Kaalawai, being a portion of L. C. A. No. 6,252, R. P. No. 5,552, to Kekuhiko. 3rd. A portion of L. C. A. No. 8,559 B Apana 32 Iliaina of Kapahulu to W. C. Lunalilo, situate at Kaalawai, Bast of Diamond Head, being subdivided into 8 building, lots. The lots at Kaalawai lie beyond Ka piolani Park, a short distance beyond the residence of President Dole and in the immediate vicinity of the resi dences and lots of Cecil Brown, J. A. Magoon, T. R. Walker, F. M. Swanzy, and other permanent residents. The soil is good and water is obtain able on the lots in wells only a few feet deep. There Is access to the beach from all of the lots. There is a fair carriage road to the lots from the Park. The fact that almost all of the beach lots at Waikikl have been sold to manent residents renders this asx usually fine opportunity to secure beach lots; an opportunity not UI;r;ix to recur again, for present of beach lots buying for their own and not for sale. Sale subject to the confirmation cd the Court. Deeds at expense of purchasers. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer. 5103 Photographs On Silk! THE VERY LATEST IN PHOTOGRAPHY. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, ALL CAPACITIES. They are rich in color and very like old masters in tone and effect. NEW CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. PHOTOGRAPHIC Co.Ov LIMITED. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. CHRIST eans or our patrons MAS nine selection of . . . XT TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS and (JAKES' F0WLS of a11 kind - o o o ROAST SUCKLING PIG. You will confer a favor bv placing your order as early as possible. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. 214Nxraanu8t. Tel. 104. Fairbanks-Morse Wind Mills, Gas and Gasoline Engines, Railroad Supplies, Trucks, Etc Send for Illustrated Catalogue to FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO, 310 Market Street, San Francisco. Gas and Gasoline ENGINES pQ f'W?fA' FOR statioiiary and Monne use THE UNION GAS ENGINE COMPANY- . il Engineers and builders of the "Union" Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines, Launches, -: Pumps, Air Compressors and Heists. : OFFICE: ,309 HOWARD STREET. SAN FRANCISCO'j . ti I J -v. ,