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x ' it' THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, DECEMBER. PA, 1803. 0 1 " V I? 7- 1 If if. 3- ?-' It i I i "T.V. 1 1 : '. d? 2 i . .-, LOCAL LEVITIES. , . iunna. return t r. ami Mrs. M'W;.yi .v pjna nexi wee. ; - , ; f-ThT- -v--ill 1" eric K't a.' i h It' !'a- iavi WiU lorn this iai ;t ' This is the welding: anniversary of , nr. and Mrs. jonn -v. n.i'h' Fred Wundenhurg s'-nds word that ho Avill U- itack in Hawaii n i n-xi month. Anoticr replication was fi'.ed to a return in a Chin'-.-'- habeas corpus ay. Mniiim J,e Munyon plays a harp solo at tin Y. M. C. A. -ntertainme nt Mon day tvening. Dr. and Mrs. St. I. C Wai rs, n--llorlert. re turned y. -t'-rd iy from a trip -o the oa?t. S. T. Aloxand.'r and 'aug;if.-r ar boo;ci on tie- Maun.t Lot for Ko:i:i, sailing Tuf srlay n-.-xt. flioice fui-lvevs. -:iick-ns. s::.-klillg pis, hams, at the IVrural Meat j Mirket for New Year's. j Monday being a legal holiday, the ; f?ovcrnmeiit baud will give the Emma! Square concert. jii Tuesday evening. j Trains of the O. II. & L. Co. will j -w wv- i ti rCk run nine t k'aliiiku on Sun- ;i,;rVhane.f xm m u,u e. Thr regular monthly meeting of the Pioneer lioilding & Loan Association will be held on Tuesday evening, .Jan uary V. Don't i(.rg( t the entertainment at the Y. M. C. A. hall Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A line program will be pre sented. . J. Hop!) & Co.. furniture dealers, iuive' received a handsome line of parlor chairs. These are of the latest eastern style. All members of the Amateur Orches tra should not forget their engagement at tnc Y. M. C. A. hall Monday morning at S: 30 o'clock sharp. Col. Corn well is in town by tne tvi jiau and at 1 this morning seemed very much. interested in a fine looking horse that came as freight. The leading grocers give notice that their place of business will remain closed on Monday, January 2nd, on ac count of New Year's holiday. Latest Novelties Elegant silk and wool designs. Call and see samples at leading Modistes. LeVanway and Chambers, 73 Beretania street. The nine of the Bennington and the team of the U. S. Engineers will play bass ball at the Makiki League grounds this afternoon. Admission free. At the New Year's entertainment Monday evening at the Y. M. C. A. hall, Mr. T. Clive Davies will give a brief address at the ciose of the program. R. C. A. Peterson, real estate agent, 15 Kaahumanu street, has desirable tenants for two furnished cottages. One at beach preferred. Rent no object. When yoii go to Waianae, don't for get to call at the Waianae Resort, and get one of those refreshing ice-cold drinks. Light wine and beer served. Dowager Queen Kapiolani leaves for ailua on the Mauna Loa next Tues iy. Miss Lucy Peabody, Mr. and Mrs. .enriques and others will accompany .. - . - Oscar T. Sewall, cousin of the United k,ates Special Agent, and a member of e firm of Williams. Dimond & Co. of n Francisco, arfived on the City of king yesterday. t 9 o'clock this evening Miss M. E. Ilean will pre&ent the Parisian doll the person holding the lucky ticket. lose holding tickets please present ime this evening. Fourteen shares of C. Brewer & Co. stock (being the fractional shares of the new issue of stock) will be sold at public auction at noon today at Mor gan's sales rooms. Will E. Fisher, Real Estate Agent, corner Fort and Merchant streets, has a very desirable tenant for three fur nished rooms, either cottage or portion of house. Suitable for house-keeping. A petition for appointment of W. A. Bowen as guardian of Martha Wilhel mina Margaret Bergersen. a minor, was filed in the Circuit Court yesterday by the child's father, Hartvig Bergersen. Miss Anna Forbes will open her Child Garden, corner Beretania and Alapai streets on January 0. This is one of the handsomest and best equipped kindergarten places in the town. There will be a full attendance of the Central Union church choir for the New Year services. Miss Edith S. Scott, lately from the East, will sing the offertory solo, both morning and evening- The Christian Endeavor Society of Central Union Church -will hold an early morning prayer service at C:30 a. m. Sunday, January 1. !$::. All Christian friends are invited to join with them. Rev. Father Jas. P. McQuaide, a Roman Catholic priest from San Fran cisco, was a passenger on the "City of Peking yesterday. He goes to Manila, being assigned to the United States troops there by the California diocese. If you are at leisure on Sunday or Monday take a drive out to Kaalawai, beyond Diamond Head, and view th-? fine beach lots to be sold at auction on January 7th. The property commands a magnificent view of the ocean and mountains. Capt. H. E. Nichols, who passed through on the City of Peking yester day, relieves Capt. Whiting of the mon itor Monadnock at Manila. Capt. Nichols was kindly taken care of by the many Honolulu friends whom he had made while in command of the United States gunboat Bennington here. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Post ley, who were Passengers from San Francisco for IRigkong on the City of Peking are prominent society people of San Fran cisco. Mr. Postley is a son of the fam ous .New York yachtsman, and his "brklevformerly .a prominent belle of Saiya.ncisco, as Miss Ethel Cook, is a daughter of W. N. Cook, of that city. rains on Maui aur- :iir this wwk. : Mrs. M. H. ,.. Mard :-t:tr:i- 1 f:o:n r tour o: ih :..-.:. iy ih. .-:..ira r ay. i Mrs. Claim's d'incinir rlass aa l an unusuaily p! -:u-:nt lim at lu'orss ; hall last. vV'-nin-j-. The aiteri'lanci Thf liark Amy Turn r arrival at Iliio on Taursi'.ay with a full cargo of ;ni"-rhauii.-o from San for HackiVId k Co. L. A. Thur.-ron is lak from Kihei. v.iifr can"- is hing i)lantcl. The re-cf-ntiy insra!!"'! system of irrigation is doing f if' C-iv- work. AMERICAN MESSENGER SERVICE. Masonic Temple. Telephone 444. JUST OPENED: A splendid assortment of chenille and tapestry PORTIERES. TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS AND LACE CURTAINS. Titivate vour homes for Christmas. We cater specially for your wants. The largest variety of sea sonable goods ever displayed. We are the People's Providers. ooo ll. i Mi Dry Goods Co Limited. TBE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. OCKS For Sale. ooo Shares Waialua AG'C'L CO. Shares HAW'N COMMERCIAL CO. Shares OAIIU SUGAR CO. Shares HONOLULU PLANTATION. ok..ui.WAirrAN SUGAR TO. Shares PIONEER MILL CO. Shares WAILUKU SUGAR CO. Shares HONOKAA SUGAR CO. Shares EWA PLANTATION CO. Shares C. BREWER & CO.- Shares I. I. S. N. CO. Shares HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO. Shares WILDER S. S. CO. FOR SALE. 4 RESIDENCES at Iwilei. A splen did investment for the right party. Property rents for ?50 a month and can be made to double that. Selling on account of departure of owner. 1 Fine Large Residence Lot at Ma kiki, 30C feet on Wilder avenue and ISC feet on Piikoi street. HARRY ARMITAGE. Share Broker. Ccr. King & Bethel Sts. DO m CO 5 CO GO rn GO Letter Files Invoice Files Cabinet Files Transfer Cases Legal Blank Cabinets Legal Document Files 0! ! 0 0 0 0 WALL, NICHOLS COMPANY. Agents for the Office Specialty iMfg Co. Rochester, N. Y. GENTS' STYLISH AND JUST THE THING 5eal Skin, etc and Ru iset Kic3, Toilet, lack Seal Skin, Toi let, EASE. COMFOBT 4FD DUBAEILITY, ooo The of t H FORT And Drintinrf i -ooo This branch of our photo business is in charge of an experienced man. We have every facility for producing good, effective work. That is the kind we are turning out for our customers. We take special pains to correct the mistakes made by novices. We start you right; then It's easy. You will take good Kodak pic tures that will be worth pre serving. We have Kodak Albums. ooo I AGENTS. im & FORT STS. I I i i i i Manufacturers' Kodak Developing il D 1 Y oicyc FOR LITTLE ONES. Don't waste your money on a poor Wheel when you can get a good one for a low price from TV ii 1 312 Fort Street. 4 ( $ j ) 4 NEW YEAR'S GOOD A FULL Jewelry, Gents' Dress Shirts, Silk Suspenders, Neckwear, Etc. Also a large quantity of Holiday Goods, consisting of Japanese Fancy Silks, Kimonos, Silk Hand Bags, Pajamas, Fancy Silk Fans, Porcelain, Lacquer Ware, Etc. AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. Drop in our store and see the Goods, whether you buy or net. Hotel Street Everybody to call and examine our new superb line cf and SLIPPERS. UP TO DATE ! FOR CHRISTMAS: 1, Toilet, Kid, Toile-t, t Calf, Toii ALL COMBINED IN ONE. Shoe Co, 3 e EJis STREET, FORT STREET. IBM OOO Ladies' and Children's embroidered and hemstitched HANDKER CHIEFS, 25c doz. and upwards. Men's linen hemstitched HANDKER CHIEFS, all varieties. Ladies' fine SILK HOISERY, all col ors. Ladies' PURSES, FANS. Ladies' Kid and Silk GLOVES, shades. Latest Ladies' Silk SCARFS, NECKWEAR. SASHES, The latest in Silk UNDERWEAR. The latest in PARASOLS and BRELLAS. I'M- New SILKS and LACES. Silk and Woolen SHAWLS. Fine line of LINENS, TABLE COV ERS. SCARFS, TEA CLOTHS, DOYLES, NAPKINS, etc Something new in TURKISH POR TIERS, Silk and Lac CURTAINS, RUGS, BLANKETS, eta NOVELTIES in WORK BOXES, BRUSH and COMB CASES, PHOTO FRAMES, MUSIC ROLLS, CARD CASES. Complete iiine or HEN'S FURNISH ING GOODS. OOO FORT STREET. !l ilECLO I Telephone 565. f- ? t t 4 h LINE OF Robinson Block. FGAN'Q M , V V 1 iheo. H , Davies & Co LIMITED Merchants and Commission Agents, Beg to call the attention of the trade to their complete line of Grockery m PAINTS AND iiti. n.rt i i A fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. GRAY AGATE WARE a Specialty ZEZa-2-,sJL2rr3.r2."UL Street. F F From our large and varied assortment of useful and artistic Xaias gifts we mention the following: HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies' embroidered cotton, two for Ladies' plain hemstitched, linen, A large variety in colored border GLOVES. Dents Kid Gloves, Fall Shades. FANCY DEPARTMENT. Real Battenberg Work, Embroidered Sofa Pillows, Fancy Pincushiona, Purses nnd Handbags. MISS M. E. KILLEAN Has Received PER AUSTRALIA: A LARGE LINE OF THE VERY LATEST IN Handsome Feather Boas, . . . JUST THE THING FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Christmas Just Received: DOLLS, TOYS, CMS. Japanese Novelties, Fine Art Screens, Portierers, Silks and Silk Goods, Porce lain Ware, Lacquer Ware, Handsome Kimonos, Paia mas, Rugs, Etc. ALL KINDS OF SHIRTS! Don't buy until you have seen our stock. The goods and prices will suit you. HOTEL STREET, COR. NUUANU, Branch Hat Store, - - - Nuuanu Street. THE UNION GAS ENGINE COMPANY. Engineers and builders of the "Union" Gas, Gisoiine and Oil Engines, Launches, -: Pumps, Air Compressors and Heists. :- OFFICE: 309 HOWARD STREET. SAN FRANCISCO') I v Advertiser, I : OILS. Dm in V JO. ER 25c, four for ?1, three for $1. 25c-50c. .handkerchiefs for children. White Chamoisskin Gloveo. nirmnvf x i n I i iv VI 'Ml U s CO FINE MILLINERY. ooo ALSO Goods m Gas and Gasoline ENGINES FOR 75 cents a Mo Jim siolionory ondMorlne llse w -mi t