THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISE!!: HONOLULU; MARCH ISM. $z$&&&j ...... .1. il nnrnmU. "BETTERIXJLOTHES FOR BETTER TIMES, BUT KEEP DOWN THE PRICES" REV. C. H. YATMAN PRINCIPAL- CIAUlilir. Copyright 1S9S by The Stein-Bloch Co. . That's' our platform for 1899. It has taken care ful selection and close buying to do what we are doing this season. The Finest Suits, Over Coats and Furnishing Goods in America, the best styles from the leading makers and values that surpass our best efforts of other years. Stein - Bloch Guaranteed Clothing is sold here for the price of ordinary goods. 0 v; V. m A' Police l.ik. nis laiKon now reopie. ..... May Become Happy. r.. An Experience Related The Desire and the of One Christian. Rev. C. II. Yatman n?ala lel the meeting last night at the Mthoillt church. There wa3 a goo-: congrega tion anl a large proportion rniainel to the cIoe of the after-:iervlce. which took the form of a r-cotivc ration meeting. The Scripture for the cvenlnc was taken from the -1st anil 22m! chapter litrct r.ntr.mcc t (.imMln;; Place. . l;artm a; U: IV;-;:y 31 ir- ua! CMlhrvAcTth p'.ar.n-l ti- tat I. frit at !at mr.ivnt t:rV. to take part owing t tl;. l.!r. 'f !u t:i Acting un-Icr i .iII!ir.crt:j- is-:r;ir-:;n4 Ch?.. Kar.-if. sr. I HaWr. of th p!r fv'Tv. rarr;-1 it th n:crrrl,k- (WMM by 10 Chlnrv !j hvl " unt rr-I t!n lr ?rlc- a xr.f rnjT SI, OOO CASH. r-r Cilxsc I) oa taia Kua rwrj ;:a all solera ta chlscTt. tslrtMstial fo-a-i- tloa. lrt4 tiro-riyst mlta electric! t'.rcf. cc. etc.. la cttry rcpoct aa lie I Lusf S2ut t a la lo ?r cUV!. S.x of lot. ;UL ITXt S;.0 11. (-.- cib. t Uzoe to lt pif- Icaaxr. Only at't : o jri oS Ktz( :rcrt a street fi fc viic. la xcd- H6 BM Havr a uj:b arrmr of COO!) ,!cctI bj WU1 C K;tjp frrni th Utct Ncml t;r on thr Coit. coa:.t:oa. of lurtr rartlcaUr WIU- 11 1251 1 Utt. Ura! i:U'. A rest aal A-rtl-zecr. th two tT;crrJi . re !cl to th k' no of t-.jv-ratlonv Ttiro ic! r. ! th lart an 1 mom moke I Im- f Chin-itoAn they rr.:. l th r.-irj an 1 throtxrh a trar-!xr ahirii !-a rotiir.S ntly f: tn tt;y n ; ly travcl' J. Ther- at th- ta!V of th- rojm a'.Miit which '-at:-rrl very happy ttnlay It U a bJ-! thing a' ort t HiatrrUI tsit lac I - to know how good Go 1 Is to u, anil to have Go.l with us all the time, and to day I received a letter that ha mule me very happy, and tonight I am not going to preach a sermon, but I am going to give you a talk on Phil. That text was the statement of a man Chine?-. On fellow nt th- cn'ran t'n'.M all knowledge of the p.u an! att mp:-d to coap-. Ch!r.c. g:irah!lnc t; :f.: an 1 t wt lind!el Into a l.ak and tak. to the station !;on. "hcn j-archel. S250 CASH. iutancc to sail p-rrbvirr, 111 tzy vz.c if tho U:j ca I'.trctazU :rrVi a Kin; strrcu S.x TixllJ trtU Sar- to larrc !a tilsf. Partlv'-lan of wiUs 11 r:sin::i. Ural Uta! Aic-t ani Aort:atr. Tort and Mrrvaaat :nr:. raiub!e for Chri'lrnri and Wed- PICTUKES, ACT STATUA11Y, PHOTO PANELS, AND ACT NOVELTIES. S1,850. i who was not a fool. Oh. no; Paul Knew noar!i rhar.r- ar..l tlrlr -arro ftinn I what he was talking about, for he had! f. tn m... , . . . M. HcINERNY, Modern Clothier, rierchant and Rort Streets. ;X PLANTER I received a fine shipment of (Carriage Horses, Buggy Horses, Hack Horses. been with Chri.t and had learned of him. Paul was a Christian like Christ. What does it take to make a Christian? Flesh and blood make the body body and soul make thi man man and Christ make the Christian. At Ocean Grove a young las$le Jut in the 'teens came to me at the c!o.e of the service and said: 'Mr. Yatman. I am not a Christian, but 1 do want to be good. Can God make me good? I said. 'Ye?, lassie, if you will take Him in your heart and life he can make you good and keep you good.' and right then and there she surrendered her life to Him and was happily converted. and her memory Is always like a sun beam to me. From home she went to a New England College, and her bright. cheerful, sunny, happy Christian life indelibly impressed itself on the lives of hundreds of girls of that coIU-ge. and Us Inlluence can never be forgot ten. No one can be a Christian ' by trying to be one. You can only be come a Christian by being one. Take Christ as your Savior and ou are a Christian. To illustrate it: buppose a gentleman who Is in love with n lady asks her If she will be his wife? She says she will try to be his wife, but does that make her his wife? No. not until she takes him In marriage can she be his wife. Afier marriage she can try to be a good wife, but she could never be a wife by trying. And so must a "man or a woman be a Christian by simply taking Christ as chiefest among ten thousand. Itev. Mr. Yatman preaches again to night nt 7:30 o'clock as usual. The capture was a gxl or. and r- flvts credit on tho- who plann! and carried it out. C-fai la :!; city a lMkoC Strict. S:xe. 7CCil). with se trrrj an 1 hmMry. K'.rra-t lUcc lo balM a. cuSf. .fjr car will n. n5!u:iL AfraL AUo Ihr !Ut in PICTURE MOULDINGS AND FRAMING MATERIALS. Kczma. ncald head. h;vc.. l:hi&rK of the kln of any rt. ntantly and lermanrntly cured. Doan Ointment. I at any chemist. T.O cents. O I o WHO Query is kisponshh.i:? of For Sale at Reasonable Prices. SCHU1AFS CARRIAGE AND HARNESS REPOSITORY. Fort Street. - - - Above Club Stables. Yotar Roof on the Sending ILi Fifteen C.hmee. KllITOIl P. C. A. I do not ajtrre with you in holding the Immigration Commissioner or the Special Agent re sponsible for the orders sending back to China those people who had return permits. The Treasury Department made the orders anil the sutord!natcs here had to follow them. Iiut who Is responsible for fending back to China on the Coptic nloul fif teen persons, who had "return per mits" when these persons had the right of appeal from the decision of the Commissioner to the Secretary of the Treasury? What is the law alout it? Was it not unjust and cruel? oxi: who i.ovi:s r.uu play." Honolulu. H. I. And Gutters Should be put in thorough repair before you are washed out during the heavy rains that may be expected at any intcrmezzoituisia'A'V.V.V.'.V Kran time. OOO stand ready to do any necessary repairs required. Remember the heavy storm last year that did so much damage. OOO john nott; T5-79 KING ST. TEL: NO. HnJ Concert. This is the program Capt. Merger has arranged for the band concert to be given at the Hawaiian Hotel at 7:20 this evening: PART I. Overture Zampa I Ceroid ke SelcctlonIUilu?mian Girl Baife (a) Iel PonI Mol, Sweet Id Mamo (b) Kii'ii Wehl. Kokohl new) .. The Misses Kellaa and Alepal. PART II. Cornet Solo Sea Flowers.. Rolllnon Mr. Charles Kreutcr. Reminiscences of Offenbach .. Conrad! Intermezzo Cavalleria Rust lea na Mascagnl Waltz Love's Old Sweet Song Rucalos! The Star Spangled 81 CATTOH, MIX & CO. 'ounders and Machinists. 213 Queen St., bet. Alakea and Richards StsM Hnnololn. Th Only Mtah Crd Daklnff Powder Offered at m Med orate Prloo. NONEQO GOOD. i All arr wrloosie xl tbtir Sbotr 110 HOTEL ST. Castle & CccX LIMITED. . i i i i L r! The Orpheum FAMILY THEATRE. If your bo-? It to xez. If you want a hou-e. If joa want to t ctl yo-r boui. If yon Lave prc?crtr to i3MiT!5 If yoa want j-ocr recti coI'eT'.csl. If experience coua:, - J I Itra! Uia! Arct aal Aariloar. l ort and McnchAsi :r:u - MARINE VIEW LIFE -no FIRE DBEIQ ACENTS FOR OF BOSTON D5 fire tea l:zz) OF HARTFORD. RESIDENCE LOT. CASTLE & COOKE, Ul HONOLVLU. COUUISSIOIl UEBCOMIK. T. V. King : : : lessee J. F. Post : : : : m'gr TONIGHT! TONIGHT! With Jim Post's Ell ill THAT MAKNiriCKXT K UuA'.e on NOItTlI !le of TllflLSTON AVKNt'i:. adjoinlog of Wray Taylor. 14 . nc;cblc:bJ f Hon. V. t. Ashley rwJdccce. SIZE OF LOT, 100x200. front of I:, aal ctuaUe rtAalr vallf. tcrrcrI at, I ready to ba!4 oa. and povjirjLr an ualrt'.rxjrtJ tvao- ramSc tlw of the cca. tr to L- apprrrUV I. WILL II nsn int. Ileal :.:.: e Acat an J Anrtloar. Van and Mrnraaat :rrj. Ito:a .ore. SUGAR FACTORS. licit Varictv Talmt cvir in Honolulu. Re5crvcd Scats ...S(kt$. (Icncral AdmI.5lon 25c t. GEHTS FURNISHINGS AT :- Reduced Prices. The w!m onri are marrhlnsr here. T' Is !orc In the oljrctlvc oiH. Corue In ami take a ipat valur. Tlie K.vvl Irrrn apprrrlatf ou'fIIU FuruUhitiss at ruonej -saving Iluio. I I MR Washington Light. J. LANDO, Successor to L. E. TRACY, I. 0. 0. F. B:2i:rj font HT ftOTC Kite 8. ' Hilt IAA ANT tir.MAtit.r. . . CANNOT KMMjllliR . . CANNOT ltUV OUT Nootxiti . . iHir not riJLKr.u Those Iladc Kvery where In ami about Hoaolulti. from the homes of Rrarnl da bum of the most exclusive circles to the cottage of the man lown In the social salo are seen the Williams-LIcht Is souvenir bailees with the beautiful face of the late Princess Kalulanl. The little but tons are worn by vveryone able to se cure them anl the factory Is running clay ami nlsht IhjiIi. They are actual photographs mountrtl a- pins. The work Is ilone jointly by Williams ar.I I.lchtic. with a special plant recently (vto Enqulrlos Tor General ironworK; iron and Brass Cast- brought from the coast. Mohti? l an Orpheum Cafe OPEN DAY AND NIGHT McaJj Srrcil at A!I Heir. ItEGULAi: From l Till 2 oi:. 25c 25c Ings. Ships Blacksmiths. Cemetery Railings and Cro stings Made to Order: Samples on Hand. artist well known here. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TEL. 410. A5K YOUR Grocer hor NOTHING 8JT- 0UMG TENOtR CCXH' ikM.1N7G A Kcsolution. The Woman's Hoan!. mourning with the nation the ilea:h of Prints K.iia- lanl. has alop:ed the following: Uesolvew. That we shall tver kp in mind the ?eIf-oosion anI tact shown by the late Prinr- Kalulanl ibiring the trying days of her history, her social graces. anl l.r personal charm. In hr death her people have lost their noblest rer-vsnta:lve. th!r helper and guide. FAMILY DINING ItOOM IN CONNEC TION. taiilks nusniiviiD roi: uin:. WHITH UM10R KXCLU5IV2:r.Y. Tl.r t't.rA)t AI i-S.Vtl IJxtt I fee mo. tr.r?it 21 ljr tvt'f WASHINGTON LIGHT CO. H. N. ALMY9 Hij::.'c ltz;, Vila S:. NOTICE C. L. COW, Manager. ONCE USED ALWAYS JUSCD f RANK 8. PETERSON COAST ACtNTb SOl'VKNIIt llfTTONS Of the late Princes Kalulanl can had of J. J. William?. Honolulu Drug Co.. Thrum's bookstore. Jordan No. 10 store, hardware store rw-ar Union Express, and V. I.lchtlg. manufacturer. ?0tJ Fort street. Small size. Z0 cents: large size. 73c. FIRST CLASS Bicycle Repairing Done at Very tteifonab!? ao Ext run Tit i: a Co. Tit Wu:at Acrira:iarU Co, LH Tit Ko&!a Brw Co. Tit Wilsu Sacw K.:i Cx Tit KoVoi Arr.ra::ml Co. Tit 0&ose Facr Co. Tit TaUca Ira .Vori., SL ' A tlx. Tit SlxzZxri Oil Cx Tit Ceo. r. tlUlt f :Ma V".aa"t Cs!nfarili. Tit Nrw Urctvil Uzlzxl 12? Tit Af'ia 11r Isrsrrt Cx, nr".f x3. Ccsn. Tio AIIUs re Ar3rs.rt Cx. d too. ;x Hongtong nam: A I I'LL LIN nor Fltxz A.t Scrrmt; Pj1 lfrit Sirkt s:nc Glt, PoritU'oWj-T, Huv!v:r5t K!raw?t, Dt tvy tr.:;l yy ittll t-t yoru Murata & Co. EOTEL ST. COL. IUC1SD. Branch Har Store. Nuuanu St. PDiSilc Siiiiies. . . .THC OLD TIME B!2ck and White ProlEs fTLU:rt Utiuab!U Lrt) PHOTOGRAPHIC Co. Corscr Ton ztS Houl Sirtm. ft ' 3 TtIi:iL5 WILL Hi: IILCLIVIID at tic oSce of Krs: War.Sff is. Cx, Prc5tcf l::.-c. u Si'.-:Zt Mar-b lit h. ZSr. fr tie ri:rsc'Jia CLEYELAKD BICYCLES FOR BEST.h? A -r.anc hi::ght5. Kirurc. GIVE US A TRIAL. We Lave a Un tcosJ bar.1 tric!t whlcii we are n-lln at cut rate price a. Tic t'.sl li rctTttl 3 reject aay or a!2 L'.Ik S:lt'Jozt i UKPAttt SIIC1P. . rial rVi!-rJ a o-r cr. ... CITY E: JONES. R. CLARK. 113 Dcthel Street. Tel. 1011. ;ii DRUCi: WAIUNG CO. IMfl II IE FOR Fences, Stairs, etc. Cx!I ai2 eiaAls t trzr v&rlc J. T. LUND. Utwoa 5L, IkCl Tomer. Zt i