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o frcrf ti M I i i i Ui si 111 111 ill I Av ll .i Sim P ( v K.-talill-iiixl July 1 JOL. XXIX., NO. 51S HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLAND. 31 ON DAY, MAKCII, "A. TWKIA'K PAISK. riUCE FIVD V J f n .' r , - . . - - - - . - , . ' JU " . .. ri ii & j . iii -J 11 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. Q. WOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Honolulu, II. I. DR. C. B. HIGH. DENTIST. PHILADELPHIA DENT- al College 1892. Masonic Temple. Telephone 318. OR. A. 0. WALL. DR. 0. E. WALL DENTISTS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 4 p. m. Stree-U Love Building, Fort I M. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. DENTIST 98 HOTEL STREET, Ho nolulu. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. DR. A. J. DERBY. DENTIST CORNER FORT AND Hotel Streets, Mott-Smiui lilocK. Telephones: Office, 615; Residence, I 789. Hours: 9 to 4. GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. DENTIST FORT STREET, OPPO- eite Catholic Mission. Hours: From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. . . DR. A. N. SINCLAIR. 413 KING ST., NEXT TO THE OPERA House. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 12 in. to 2 p. m. Telephone 741. DR. W. E. TAYLOR. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, CORNER Richards and Beretania Streets. Office Hours: 10 to 4 o'clock and evenings. Telephone 517. C. L. GARVIN, M. D. OFFICE 'No. 537 KING STREET, near Punchbowl. Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 a, m.; 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Telephone No. 448. DR. WALTER HOFFMANN. CORNER BERETANIA AND PUNCH bowl Streets. Office Hours: 8 to 10 a, m.; 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 8 to 10 a. m. Telephone 510. P. O. Box 501. T. B. CLAPHAM. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DEN tist. Office: Hotel Stables. Calls, day or night, promptly answered. Specialties: Obstetrics and Lame ness. Lorrin A. Thurston. Alfred W. Carter. THURSTON & CARTER. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, MERCHANT Street next to Post Office. F. M. BROOKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, (FORT AND Hotel Streets) Over Fairchild's Shoe Store. Honolulu, H. I. 515S W. C. Aehi. Enoch Johnson. ACHl & JOHNSON. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS at Law. Office: No. 10 West King Street. Telephone SS4. T. McCANTS STEWART. (Formerly of the New York Bar.) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law, Spreckels Building, Room 5, 305 Fort Street, Honolulu. CATHCART & PARKE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. manu Street. 13 KAAHU- lAS. F. PETERSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Public. 15 Kaahumanu street. LYLE A. DICKEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Public. King ana lietnei fcireeis. Telephone 806. P. O. Box 86. in : III : HI Will buy for you. -ANY- Stock or Bond1 ,n ths market or abroad GEORGE R. CARTER. Treasurer. office: Kext to Bnk of HawAl!. Ltl. GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. PRICE, 60c. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE. 216 Merchant St. Makes a specialty of ancient Hawaii- an Curios, and also carries the beat assortment of modern Hawaiian work : . Aiimnm mm ' " 1 " I t and Cocoanut Hats, Etc., Etc. Tel. 639. E. A. MOTT-SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HAS KK- moved his office to the Judd IJlock. Fort street. U. J. ORDWAY. TEACIIKR OF 10. STUDIO Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd., Fort and Iieretama streets. HOURS 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. FRANCIS J. BERRY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. Will practice in tho U. S. Federal and State Courts. Pro gress Block, corner Beretania and Fort streets, rooms 5 and 6. J. M. KANEAKUA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. Office: In the Occidental to be found in Honolulu. IncladinglinK ow" .Mauiua Kiucn anu. noi khow- Mann Guilfl Ukulele Hotel, corner of King and Alakcalno ropf to the Portuguese Uy and ran streets, Honolulu. I P. SILVA. ments to Instruments, District of Kona, Oahiu At W. C. Achl's office. King Street, near Nuuanu. 0. G. TRAPHAGEN. RCHITECT 223 MERCHANT ST., liecween J:ort ana Alakea. Tele- pnone jj. Honolulu, II. I. iW. H. BRADLEY. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER I (Late of W. H. Glen & Co., Mel bourne and Sydney). Sixteen years exnerience. Iondon and Atistral!.i. Rpnntlnp Uiu-.illin Wiim Hr " P. O. Box CS4. Yearly tunings con-lald tracted lor. I i A. J. CAMPBELL. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. OF- nee Queen sti. . opposite Lnloa jc eea jo. H. MAY & CO. 0 fi uiu -:- 9S FORT STREET. -:- Telephone, 22 : : : P. O. Box, 470. SUPPOSE! Suppose the CLEVELAND peup.e ipidc a prcr U:cyO in than in V! and po ou ntil in V than in N. do tmi think the CLEVELAND wouM he cnniIrrt'2 the tnot reliable and honest wheel oa the market todaj? No Sir! When price are Cut ia Two. the cilit mut ixcu; in the fame r-tio. Iteracmb r thl wben yon hu a wheel. Don't make a mistake. The Cleveland Should bo Your Choice (fCLEVELAND- B C Ll 209 HOTEL STREET. Telephone 90. iJtiullp nnn Min i mm isuuiuuuiu ui:u iiuiuii umu in ft FLOOD RUSH How Franl Yida Almost His Life on Hawaii. Lest Ill A TORRENT NEAR HILO Was With Sheriff Andrews The Officer's Account It was a Stirring Adventure. Frank Vida. of the Fnlon Food Com- pany, of this city, again demonstrated his nerve by saving his own life in a Hood adventure on Hawaii. Ho and Sheriff Andrews were together. Sheriff Andrews gave this account to the Herald: "The water was Jtist IkjII . mm . h would croM or wait until the water went down. He said he was not afraid and would cross with m Ills hanw nan a snort rone n m. nrcK. iuk b - w fore starting to cross I suggested pu: tins a longer rope to it so that in the event of an accident there would . . . . . I . ! .t t. . I MuiiviiiiuK u up iii. iu.i uvti iim.- Kiiui i and it was a good one. The other end of p.vure in!y and ha m ;.i:ka1 of the rope was on the north shore significance: the opportunity prrr.t and the Portuguese boy and myself el l:eif or hlr.i to mae t!.e :ru in stood by while Vida tarted in to bat-1 tie. His horse had gone "only a short distant- when the current struck hlm: and he attempted to turn back, but Vida forced him to go ahead. A minute later and the horse was off hi f.e; and going down the stream, rolling mrr,r and over, and Vida hanging on with one hand In the rope around the horse's m-ck and the other grasping the pommel of th saddle. The water had washed him out of the s iddV and to let go meant sure death. I grabled the shore end of the to; and tk a turn around a trv in the meantime calling to Vida to hang on. I parsed around the uuava trees which Irtnre the side of the gulch and when I got opposite Vida. about a hundred feet J - 1""'1 a roc, i wa.i- eti out a lew icet until I coum gra.p his hand, and helped him ashore. He did not collapse when he reached terra flt'm.i. but he came clc.e to it. for no: only was th? shock to his nervous sys trm very great, but he wa l -i.tir bruised about the legs from coming In ... sisted to a native hotie where h was given dry clothing, and when he ha. I recovered he continued his Jourr.ry. H is the grittiest young f.I'ow I e-r saw." I . t - k -ir. Hia. Ill speaking vl tne .iM'.r. to a Herald representative: "If was the ra!l I rer had anil I would not reneat the rxnr cnr for a very larse Mix-k of Oahu :ivt. I owe my life to the ito!ne nnd prompt action of SheritT Andrews. I .i.i,,,,.. i.,..t.i .i.. but in other respects I am all rJght. 1 lost all my clothing by t!; ac.tdat and about 5 CO in gold which h.ippnI to get washed out of my p.vke:. I am going to return to Walmca by the ?arr." uroir.jr to return to waima iv trie same route and if the water happens to N high whsn I reach tae gulch I wi.l Ju.i fit on the bank and whittle until I: goes down. 125 CASES MOKE. Another shipment of 125 cases of dry goods direct front the eastern factories. This large shipment following so sn makes an overstock and g-Hd can i-' secured at almost your own r.-urc. I. U. Kerr. Queen street. liar 31c.tinz. . a. liti members o: trie iar n-.-i a nuetint? iiturt!ay mornlns in Uiv of- fieo f the Attorr.ey-c;.-nera!. v . O. Smith presided. A. S. Har: well. W. Horace Wrirth: and Ta il Ne:im.ann were appointed a runsni'.'.tr.' to draw tip memorial resolution. on th cf tl:e JtKlpe WlJemana. The arc to In? prcseatol at the opening of th? Mareli term to-iay. S. K. Ka:.e. W. O. Smith and a third to be select ed r.ons to Tin: oiuiint. y.r. V. J. Knn. :v tf.u tu; : a llrr l!ri:ih M-O- :y CiRjm!;or.T. h t iM h;.4 ia'.ructior. fnnj t& HrltUh JVrr!n OSlcc an. mill jhort!y lvac lUwjii. Mr. Kt ny rctrr. t a i: in the Orient, lie came to Hawaii from Formosa an.! 1 rcfcmle! at t!.i horno am having V" rtillar qualification for cr vlre in that jvut f the worM. Mr. Kenny takr paae ly th Honskon Marti n iLr Zl'.h lnt. Ill iloparturo re x;rttel ly the rnll!c jcnraUy hrre. for he haj l-me a fav.r ite with a'.I natinnalUl-. m .MR. Si:VALI. AT IIII.O. Hi. American Special Acut Speak on finance. IIII.O. Hawaii. V.inh K. The .t. a!d :o1ay wiys: Warn Minute- S- a.'. r'aehel the llll Itotel ji-.;rr!ay ai- e ' ; i I nJgnol him to ono f the Urj:. (nmt nctn-t on the hccund t!o..r. IVomptly at o'cI ji k the lllla !m:; I. under the f Prof. Caria". rrna li Mr. Sewall. an honjr ry nj ich a;f?' Irlatctl. ... . . ... .... Aimistrr eai a ttn t . ir.r pleasant company and ! avJ.r.l h'.m liIf f It. hop hut tn tlv yrr mur an rxtrr.dl vit :. r . . IcontronlfJ by !U family. Scaling of lU adjournment of Consn f.thvil baring acte u?.n the Hawaiian MI!. "Conoid" ring the mittrr frui a s fish iilnt of vie III!. wi:i le l-r.e. fl:ril: money tinx Ijing In t!i tnra'iry in lluno!ii!;i will b po! In rjrrr::5 vi ly the government prwt'r.g with In trmal lmpnvrrren:s. Ccr.jn a mo?t All appropriate the money harlr lmpnrmen:. an' nul ril have to "nlt. I think the gjvernm-n: 'e th fallacy f hoMinc t:.e fur.ils any lnasT. lll! wry thing In its favor, an I whn U t. th- mor.ey I; Is m:UVl privre- "alt hare a char.-" OUAKHtlO COSCI.HI. Attractive lrofcram for IlnnJay livening. tV.luaing U the program f r the t;- atono concert fo g:vrn a; hi :-- apili church on Thursday rrt.;zz o;,KUif4i;.wir,nro.p. chis wrrk: Ch;t: The llraT. Are TcI!:ks" Il4.!ft Ax.ateur Orchr:ra an I tiron.. Tmor do. tai -rus;:o.,t 35 y IVp!-" Han J ! "If With All Vo ir Hcar. .. Mt. I a Mr. Cha. A. i::".n. Vi .in S.iklirg liar. Mr. Royal l. M'a 4. Soprano .: "Tlr I: C'.. . . . . Mrs. .. W. MacfarUse. Intermciia from Cava.:r;a Kf.l- cana Mj;r.5 Amateur Orrhr?!ra ar. I frin. Tn ::o "l.sf: Thlru- Kj"' McsdV hn M; Halsfal. Ml r. I Mr. II larr.on. I Hs Mr. ilarotd :-'. i-Smh. k'hin:-"T!.o Itadiar.: Mr:. Vtlar I Hawaiian Ch.r. I Mr. Th. Richard, uxut. Mf. i; ,:-. ard. a'vn.T.?r.'.,..l jr-.r.?! Evrr Hright ar. I lai:" thy peclal r''4'. liar. I'- Mr. Ma c fa: I a r.". War March : th- If ;'. fr.m .Mha'.U- .1".. r Ama! i;r Orch.tra ar. I Orar. Oricar.i: Mr. lienor ::h. Musical Director Wray Taji r. The r i!oir. n.-rn i;nd ni crrts wlU be cl n this a: Exma Square. Tu-iay at Thoma S-V-Mre. WV.aijy at Mak I'tanf. Thuriay at Thomas iw. T-. o-.taVier M-li-ir.- C4- C'v hote at-irday evr..rr Mrftrew lot. c :r.r Ai-. ivretanla tre;. Thre a "t dance at the Ila-xa.ian houl Saturday n!h: la honr of thr. isucsu who arrived by the Auitralia. I GIRLS AT PLAY Spirits Contests at lis Mi a:i 13 Baitct Bl KAMEIIAUDIA AIID PUIIAHCU lrlty UttU Witn44l by Lar Crouds-Hod and White Color Carry Off Victory ra:n;a i 1 place :?:r iay a;;r;j..n i n lr ttTk in ! f t! SCas3"avr Ca fl;; mrho:. I: wa the day fc i .Si;i ta loVri t.i. tr.e rival ptJT WiS. fnKv the luaamaa f!lf! i.j4 an l lLsa.jori. A th lr a r.g ln! tvlUcht the c USSi wa eadrl ar. l the rCj:r-.. -Tw otT an! K - mrr the irt l!an, T2e frt had carrel IT ctrrjthlfr. la tennS. laX t:i. Sar4"U- ta (res,!. Th cia:ec: S:t?klar marl a tvw d-piriure ta I oral lateffv -."iu :h v l-;;r. git! ha e pretn. The 1. ha-e tjwl ilriT in l-n It l:-- llrl T-i 4 v W 4 " mm m lnx4ratel v!rdar. a c-w cw- der hsj Ucua. Te c.l Q Z for n! -afh vrur tr the coo: fJ-:. A .C:hy rlralrr m;:i r-. the trr.r. rjft an I 8.-- Nlr !i:icaat lsxi Sgasre Itls rwtdfcc: w m-r ,., r-a ta.r.a..r ct.a.4i0tcna,Trt Na ron oI. The 6fla;r a!ii?vly a as t3ti"3a:j f.e, FTi-v-r Te .lay ttull uf. Jj.teltJfaJ J5eiioa-la i!y rrtK Nrn V::r if taa.Je ut JUr. T irtVkei tr.r;r fw:. Tt c?rii t.t":. -a3i ran e.ft r r;:r;r-?." - a, a Mr a t'iirX ury d irtnr t.V t:i pr-iih. It rM lr45y r:a.-J ti-3, TT firjs.c'" : ii,e Kass.atiri r a r.r-l hate t0 t 13 lle l.m trttZi'im; r-7vta.:y. t-fU p-i fr r-irry. hiftr ;.a l cy;-aisi The fr-tl a s0"aihi: w lit .. ! -i! t: ?T r-l rit; I tr.i t!. par:;f- cf :.e cvriv.rac'.A. IT r :ai-i a tn-s rti:,r. 7-e c1.:! f :ei- re.J cirVr at-J ol irrjrr j4:i r.vra Aivtc"-: far. I iTi.f. IUV. : c Ka4r -a an! .I'r.! iv;x iv!y c tl 'SO th-y I; t rr.j't'- !o 51 tLii ras " "a s I It 6 lUr tjc v Ir:i'ar c,f a'J vr' :a .",f ? Ka?.afr.'a t I t; -'lr a)rl fir Mi- A .V a.a! K-'ir rr:!i',, r-;.: V.r.l T i 4fa;t ! f rrr.'r. -I. Z. i ir, o. Ar cC.-t, , i:--.-, m th- ta!T al cf ta Mary C;-r3t. At.t. iu:: s,-.i a: Ja:i. r: l"T MarO-at:. IUK f.v Makes the food more tn if - f te g U ra.u all ircrtliir.g a ra c. tiyrr wre4 c-; .1 nit tf mil. e'l. r-.c!o ratlit te ra ? Jl. II: t:3.5i T Ivasf ttnir "1 ?4vr CMkH lla:l f P.Silui. V tu3e Che tni o trruU f r ,r . sir. CJ3n a2w ;ee. r mci: :r .v. .- aj ita partial OSifitC. Wtera fj.- 4K of L '- l.V . li nrv 1 to la fivir lvacsa'.'hm.. Tlw ti;r4 a.ti4 Sv. cv.t; -maa C crat V3lW. ys tKIT.txT-aai as4 S: ICy liUxlxt. atd VI:m AuV4 atd M:m 34a34 Iw'ismt l K vxatx.-Uv T2 that ACid U e 4 t.e f.Uev- al ICa3r j,tpiiau TTh Sri im to Kcni- te laao tijl !a-i tcU, 4 I ::;:ac hcx s.r: srTt ua pr a!3j Cvt3e. Tle mtil HTfcl U .ira as-a o a s-n aar4 t&ch i.ct - ::l.J.a: Nv.Mdaj Sard. IMK cre a J, tiiflj Uie cAoier. Tta s'.mrx'e. rc:t t-c ICa"m2iaxi, 7-1V. It ov a3 tr tiu, tat tlw &jrrttJaL. aSiJ ct--rmr tzrjr 3mj i.-st. jo . . . . . . a ... . ojI all tbry jvl7-J wttCI aul ar tiT n-2iO-:. . AlUCr'JLurC t3 flW- ma rx4 pvataa.l. A 13 Jrwt C.Wer TIe I . I 1 nm Mar -mrl- a I r0i ifct i tle i tril rv- PAUT X. 7n fJlrl 53 I iat.4 Bvrt I Pacta4a Isir.aJlua W lKtlWlIl fal ja'Aaj W ;. Paa .... it i l4lats.4w llite V Nl ...... 34r. N. a:;.U iri Al.kw1. irua. irad flha Ur.U. Mm. TAUT U. C-tl is Aflnf a Uti lte . lUntnaa I A Tr-;.ne Gt1 CWw uiid-Tiofl aa TJ'a ...... rrau !-4fr ta Ij:r."e AvCrnn Tl" 5-'.ar ypart 'e(J lJatit. J VTTl II AtlNIl AT ciNCi:. rem A" ft-'tal. -mi'l ii) s.:r 1 5 !uv atai ttT f'T :le, 114 f tie t?iftiift"til ainfl tVr f ti.e ,f ii.:t,b. Tie rr"5iau la mit-i a. Kit'f-r f rca ASair a.1 Ia1..;e Ititfrtx-Saoa m;:j t-r nr;ii.'Kn i.a A:: OtnTiZ. ai Vm. Ci. ji:tX rt.ej al c1fii IV. jT?r3i?r.c. At 3iBt ImU-r ,:v,?tr r:J ri't.;T ".T1 :s.!rC3'-3 f e f'-vitrr-rut' f-n. tuf.fh r ;":. J'a 2ia?h nit: At ! a. r. 11, "i I tf fl"eti l)'.mia t.'-w yzus.:r f lt-.rti Af- I 1 j;: i;:c:5ua. r. lao l rr';ir a?a.3y it tle ak2 sf. a a t-?v:c tstt fti f i :v 5 vktiwi, I . :?! it at: rart :t;r tle a,:ir-)a f J r a3 a:' :t. ji'.i?j-. r a - I dcHdous end wholcsctne n