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7HE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL Al VKKTI.hii: M s h.i'U . MARCH, -0. IM'H. OKHOOKDOOiOfOtOOOfOl THE WORST YET IS IN BAD ODOR A LOSS OF 2,000 The Japanese cruiser MKa S22i' which was built by Wm. Cramp 5c Sens. Phila delphia, for the Japanese Government, since she bean her trial trips in June las; has used the KOKO 2 The best at the loweat price at HOPP'H. $ -t C c New and Astounding Con iession by Esterhazy. Pitcairn Island Colony is Given Reproof. Lives Terminated by an HAWAIIAN SONG AND CHORUS Awful Tidal Wave. 12 O O WE want to boom our bueine88 NOW and that's why we want to remind vou that we carry the handsomest as well as the cheapest line of O o o c I Parlor and Bedroom Furniture. I i o o o Also the latest Eastern Styles of OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. We have a complete stock of 5 MIRRORS Of Various Sizes, from the cheapest to the best. We Make a Specialty of J. HOPP & CO. Leading Furniture Dealers, KING & BETHEL STS. K4O4HCHOC0COOO00 108 KING STREET. G. J. Waller : : Manager. Wholesale and Retail AND- NAVY CONTRACTORS. The Silent Barber Shop T ' ' When in need of a good, clean shave by expert artists, with sharp tools, -visit the SILENT BARBER SHOP. Our Instruments are thoroughly dis infected before using by an ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION Ladies' Boot-Black Stand In rear of shop. JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, Propr, Arlington Block, Hotel Street.- FOR THE HOLIDAYS. New Importation of SILK GOODS, in the piece, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK SHAWLS, DECORATED FLOWER POTS, NEW PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS, TEA AND DINNER SETS, CARVED IVORY, RATTAN CHAIRS, CARVED SANDALWOOD BOXES. THESE GOODS ARE THE HANDSOM EST IN ALL HONOLULU. WING WO CHAN & CO. 210-212 Nuuanu Street. HEW ARRIVALS. O tO- White and Blue Grass Linen, Silks, Table Covers, Silk Shirts, Doylies, Pa jamas, Handkerchiefs, etc. Latest Pat terns of English and American Serge, Scotch Tweeds, Linen and Duck Cloth at OOO KIEV1, 210 Nouanu St., above Hotel. BEAVER LUNCH ROOMS. Fort St., Opp. Wilder & Co., H. J. NOLTE, Prop. First-Class Lunches Served With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. DINIMOOM CHAIRS AS WELL AS 6 His 19 Mtting 111 Sung with great success by the To be had of awaiian Hews COMPANY, LIMITED. - Ycu should have a copy. 0nly25cts. 1ILTI -OOO ooo We have a Large As sortment of thi intrinsically valu- able article, which we are selling ai the most reason able Figures. o o ? 2 o o o -ooo ooo E. W; JORDA Wo. 1 0 s?SIIt The Washington Light. KEL.1AISL.E , . CANNOT EXPLODE ISltlLLIANT CANNOT BLOW OUT DOES NOT FLICK Kit NO ODOR Consumes nothing but Kerosene Oil. The Cheapest and Safest Light known. Unsurpassed for Halls, Lanais, Ma chine Shops, Plantations and Docks. See Lamps now on exhibition and get details. We are prepared to illuminate Pri ate Grounds, Lanais and Halls for En tertainments on 24 hours notice. Open evenings till 8 o'clock. H. N. ALMY, Hanager. Masonic Temple, Alakea St. AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. LACE. Orders Issued to Trial Courts -Wholesale Forgery of Docu ments in the Dreyfus Case, NEW YORK, March S. A Times cable from London says: Th marratlve of Esterhazy, filling with facsimiles ten columns in to-day's Chronicle, Is, on the whole the most extraordinary contribution yet made to th Dreyfus affair. He has sworn an oath as to its truth, which rentiers him liable to im mediate prosecution for perjury, if his statement is proved falf- in any ma terial particular. The ta?k of investi gating the documents and deriding up on their truth and value w5 intrusted to me. I have twice visited Paris dur ing the wek and in every possible di rection have sought confirmation of the narrative, and although some parts and some documents are wholly beyond my power to prove or disprove, I am con vinced myself that at any rate the nar rative ought to be published. What then, in a few words, are Esterhazy's statements? They are that the general staff of the French army was from the beginning aware of the falsity of evidence they produced; that they shielded to the very last moment subordinates had . un scrupulously executed their unscrupu lous orders; that sentences addressed by General de "Hoisdeflre, chief of th general staff, to the jury In the Zola trial, which absolutely forced a verdict of guilty upon them, were actually written by Esterhazy's lawyer; that the letter attributed to Panizzardi, an Ita lian military attache, which Cavaignac produced in the chamber as absolute proof of the guilt of Dreyfus, and which was unanimously ordered by the chamber to be placarded in every one of the 3G.000 communes of France, was known by everybody at the general staff to have been forged to order by Colonel Henry. These are specimens enough. There are grounds for think ing that the revelations, unless im mediate disproof be forthcoming, may be the beginning of the end. SUGAR MAKER GETS HOI NT Y. A Supreme Court Decision That th Grower Does Not Share the Coin. (WASHINGTON. March ;. Justice Brown of the United States. Supreme Courr, to-day handed down the opinion of the Court in a case involving the question as to whether -the of sugar cane cr manufacturer of sugar is entitled to the bounty paid by the Government. The cas.vas that of Mrs Itettie, Allen vs. OgVen Smith. Mrs. Allen being the widow of the late Rich ard P. Allen, a large s.uj?ar planter of Louisiana. The Louisiana Supreme Court flow ed, Mrs. Allen only half of the bounty allowed, the total sum being $U..V,7. but to-day's decision reversed this de cision, giving her the full sum on the ground that he was the actual manu facturer of the sugar and that the manufacturer and no: the cane-grower is entitled to the Government bounty. Justice Drown remarket! that the cane- grower would necessarily receive his share of the bounty through the en hanced price of cane caused bv the al lowance of a bountv. TOO MANY ENT'CUPitlSES. An industrial cris.s Is predicted Germany, owing to the scarcity of cap ital caused by the ris? of many new enterprises during the present period of lKom and prcsjerity. The crisl- l likely to affect emigration, at pres.-nt at a low ebb. Hence the German-American papers, who depend." largely n: on new arrivals for their subscribers, rather welcome it. for not a tenth p.irt of the number of Germans who came annually some fourteen years aco now seek American shores. The Canadi i;i papers hope that alien labor laws will divert the stream cf immigration to their sparsely settled province-. i. ilERESFORD OPINION. Lord Deresford has no confidence in submarine boats, and is quoted as say ing; "It is quite useless, as a fighting machine, owing to the necessary ab senea of morale among a crew, which would bo in a blue-funk of it all the time." The probability is that partly submerged, boats on the lino of the Nordenfelt, which exposes only a small surface will prove of mere practical utility and be more remunerative to the inventor. The proverbial luck of the Cunard Line still follows the company, as in stanced in the accident to their steam er Pavonia, which was disabled when on the voyage from Liverpool to Bos ton. She was picked up by the steam er Wolviston, and towed to St. Mich- eels where, owing to a heavy gale. which threatened her with destruction, she was unable to enter, but her pas sengers were all safely landed. Must bj Radical Chnges-Corc'u ions From an Official Report. Pitcalm liasd. a. j-n by th err of a mm-of-war. ays a oa; ra;r. differs materially from the i,ard viewed by the member. .f t!v rVi:! of tht trig Pitcairn. The b:U' tar report a Sra'.h Sa !Mn a. itinc whrv iwii the bx-f r.dan.. ? th mutineers of the lloan y. !: tv light ing .ii'ors say that the p!ar t the hom of degenerate, a highly Immor al community, and one h''i wil foon have to h- taken In charge by th UritUh and mid re- sptctal A report haj jus; reached thl city In a private letter that the InveMic-i- tion ordered from Australia by the Uritish. Govemmrr.t ha requited in the expos of Pitcairn method that are not in Keeping witn r;:jnon or civilized procedure. !!a:uil:u Jlua- :er. Special CnmK loner for Sydney. has ?ent in his finding.- and they are of a, very sensational u.ittwv and will not b calculate! to Ircvolrv locr of the "little -.vhlte missionary vrT with enure t)nii.nre m the r.ii:i a Island ou'.fl. Commissioner Ilnn'.er4 pa;er Is !ackfd up ly th otTiccr of th llritih warship C:nu xwx a; Victoria, on which vessel the Corn nil slcner too.x p.issag" for the Ul.ind. Itear-Admlral Palllser stugsts lo th- Dril!sh Government thai a Governor be appointed to the Island, and h state. that the lack of morals cwl the lorw mental condition of S4aie of the Islanders Is tine to envlronnvtnts and absence of discipline. Hunter write that the people are Max In morals. weak In intellect, lazy and rapidly l cenerating." Tlvry have the sUintlns brow, th bnito feature, but thy haven't got the hoe. They are to lazy to work an! tcn stupid t.- acromplUh much If they did. England Ies!re. t. ;ranfcr the rn tire colony to Tahiti. There was ome talk of placing them on Norfolk 11 and. but the scheme has been abandon et!. The colonists have m .if led ant! intermarrief! so freqiwntly that there Is little iiopc of Uttering their moral or physicil conditlcns. It Is hoped. tlioimh. thatly M'pratlng the families there will be no more intermarrying and the race may be Improved. TO PRAY FOR RAIN. LOS ANGELES. March 7. The Met.n oinsi mlnts'ers of Angelm an I vicinity will seek to Icirn why rala U withheld fnni Siiiithern California. Ye:lneSiIay of ncx; week has ten t asie as a day of fasting, and prayer. The committee? thai vai appointed by the Methodist Mlnl.;rrs" Assoclatioa o draft resolution o.i the situation has reported. Th chilrmjin s.ild the situ it ion hi certa.n district was appilllng. The cummitl'" dec I In! there was need of rain In I he spirltua as well as in the phV.ral .rM. Nc recommendation was made tha; the churches pray fcr rain, btit It wa iu gstei they pass a day In hamlll and fasting, and ask G! why h ha .e:u this drotuht and what h w;.h hi p. opV to It A IN MAKING. LOS ANui:u:.. Mirvh Un ! r tli dirrrtian rf prof. T. S. I. a- experiments are to l- :r.a ! a, ar !!- cial raln-maklng. A c.mmi.t"-' ha lron appointed y the i !;am r of r:;; n;erc hrr to rai.-- . the amount d-en: d neceary fr an appira'.u ar: ! chemicals for 1mm bar l.'r.c the e4. Rain is very murh ne.ii- h-re. n! th' ecnlitlnas ha l-:i variabte. many tlnir of late, but n rain 14 a Fori. d!:i:i. Ni;V YORK. Marrh S. A rab to the5 World from Pari uy: A grra: wave of emotion like that "srhlch s.'arrp: America after tho Mjln? dljatrr Is nov na.lns over Franco. It h.i In come cvlilcnt that the explosion cf th l-.-.vder mnz.ixln I.i Coubni thf xork of an eniiny. More myswi oti. than th cx;i! Ive- fand is rU aaick ixx the cnJn?I :hre. To shovs were fired at him as he tood on cuarvL The fentry pave an alarm on.1 the guard tvo3 W3A turzifl out. but no prow ler --ere discovered, though the sentry say h avr aIx men running a-ay. MARQl'IS AlVi:itTISi:i) IT)U. IjONDON". M.irrh s.n adr.i n.ent apneas' In :h Timcii this morn ins In lh.ilf of a creditor nqulrins the . he TvaUjti:, of ;h Mnj iU d'Alli ro. th' husband tf the :v, IKanch Roosevelt. th American .Incr an 1 novelLst. who dle.1 in Pari I rrlr.c :!; month of S'p'.cmVr ljt. Skits u a mkwi-a Jmtex roi .nirrlicr C t rtnot as! 3- VANCOVKU tR IM. Marvh -V A the Kmpr. of India c5 the Jap&d" cvit lir'arrtl Kokand ViVaoitSJ. la h5ch eeTal ttg I.r. r. thrca the Nrthm Parifi. :o,tvt V;rarl. re oblice.1 to Uy . tK-tatU f the tt rrlbV u; tn hSch Itrl Cra the J n life a'a'.r.; appal'.'.r.c. tt'.ly t-ir:j; !cpt aay ard !."n.l by th 4Vpat Kancvia. At Ok iIm tljc were a.V! ahtre by the .-nrr. Th har!r ma ?tren miih wri. j.aak and deirl A stone lecon eoa ptcly itahl a ay. Th baoa flnShe.l la iVrftnUe at a ox of Ja;an juprnk say tha; on NowoVr -rd. the nct blrtlay of the Enpnr. or on August Zlti. the birthday of the Crown Irlnc. tb rairriac f thr rrince to lrlncr4 TeiXo. th r'N daughter of Trince Kahlml. lil take place. The Japanese f.r the Gcn nxn: p'tnh-i' of prla" railmajn ha Urn sar.r.lasl by the Emperor. The, Jaanee ovrnrn"nt h le- cidel to di;atrh ancthrr wr hlp of shallow draft to tllna for farther pro- tfvtlon of J.'panrje -j!Jct thrrc I'lan far Improving th rfet5-"s of Java hae U-cn laid bfofe th i$a rmmen:. I; U Intends! lo nkuMUh a hartKr oi refuge as SouruZw j a and to lay out tjattrrle r.a a commanding poilton at ItttavU. It l very hard to stand Idly by and ee our dear ones u?er while await ing the arrival of tt doctor. An Al bany (N. Y.) dilryrran called at a drag store there for a doctor to come and see h? child, then very tick with croap. Not Cndicg the doctor In. be left word for him to come at osce on hit mam. He a!o bought a bottle of Chaatfcr Iain's Cough ItemisJy. which be hoped would give some relief anil! the doctor should arrive. In a few hour ho re turned, saying the doctor need, not come, as the child . was ranch better. The drngglst. Mr. Otto Scholt, says the family has sine recommended Cham berlain Cough Heraedy to their sc'ca bors and friends until he bxs x conttant demand for It from that part of the country. Tor sale by lb: a von. Smith St Co., Itd., wholesale axents. THE IfiTE mm Killlil. 50 Different Views 50! To f'tmi tij-n tlir 1-rl .Mouuiciiireil Vjt. PHOTOGRAPHIC Co t.tM!Tm. Corner Fort a5 not:! Street t . Nr tow It a rMsors rJ Ulf ttttt (f,tM ttt It run I lhiT rftt (-m k r.t LOLA MONTEZ CREME r crrl Vi fc S U hmi'&rr. f i 4 DAY HAIR RESTORER iry ot ttd Str tl !rtcAef l FACE BLEACH REHOTES FEEKLES, It Mm. Cm:uimi ! tMii Cortr MRS. NETTIE HARRISON DERMATOLOGIST 40-42 Geiry Su Saa TrtotiKa, CtL CIGARS enjoy jsolls ftt cxrt yoa like. Yt a bic stork U lit ooJ k!nl. Zic to LEWIS & CO., Grocers. m FonT sTnmrr. T:e-hcn. 24) : : I. O. Ilex, U. 8hnnet V J (B) Pnodar 2 V i a rfn VACUUM III EH CYLIlin 009 nncTic in oils. In Januar 1899. she was supplied at Ncwcastle-on-Tyne, England, with 10 Ms. Yacnnm Cjli:der Oif, 30 bbls. Uarine Engine Oil. 4 bbls. Arctic Engine Oil. The use of the Vacuum- Oils is increasing in all the markets of the world The explanation of this is no doubt in part due to the fact that the Vacuum Oil Com pany uses petroleum from wells which show no traces of asphaltum. Asphaltum is very injuri ous to machinery, and cheap oils containing it should be avoided. A comparative test of Oils sold in this market, on one plantation, has resulted in an order for bbls. of Vacuum Oils. Lir.llTCD. Sols Agents FOIL HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. NEW LOCATION. Hate yoa tlM'.ed oar ce w q-saners aV Cll Kief street as4 sra our msa?lrt for Iron Tcnce and MooaacataJ Work. Alio thox? l"an and Orsicaettad Iroa V::cf, Cialr, Vait, lUthc aad tarlo-at other u-rfal omts'ti's for the la n. V bat- on band a co?Jr lit tI Stable Jlxt nrrs 9ci a.t oat trcrscbr. hayracks, stall rnard. cotters ard watennwriis. 4 thM Ufort SUier yor !ah. IV) joj ce aaithlnc In tLe Uaau acctal l:e. af j.rejrarfa u icttc yo-3 aaythific la this lit ui ahK:n:;y the lowrst Cc-are la town. Isrl ns show yea : ef sr ttti acj taxd-f. THE HAWAIIAN IRON FENCE AND MONUMENTAL CO. MI Kr.z :tti. IJ!r. a l::-c Te;hos Z.Z. Castle Ik Coolie, LIMITED. LIFE hd FIRE P UL AGENTS FOH C3.lEE2MIMlIl8!EHirae8J OF BOSTON. Ba fir? tea OF HARTFORD. Ladies' Sbos Boxes Box Coucbcs, I-AT1T IATTnt. ue eo. -LIMITED. Dc: Tt;!e, tola SL, Eaaltlg. LEVERS L COCKE. Irscn as J XVa!crs In InzA-t a4 i:r.:::rz Maru:. os( 411 Tort Ft- imam. Come