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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
?HE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. MARCH, -0, 1SCO. FIELDS OF OLAA; FIFTH IN LENT T. CI. IIALLUNTYMI. It. I. tZAKIY llljtii. j Give us your order for the latest and best production in Bicycles before the Australia goes out on Tuesday go that we can get just the size, frame, finish, etc. There is such a demand for Columbia ChainleSS Bicycles that we iind it hard to get a stock, but the makers do their bst to iill special orders for Wheels which we have sold to arrive. Give us your order for a CHAINLESS And we will do our best to have it on the "Aufetralia" for vou ft BOM, Corner 1UJU LIMITED. Fort and King Streets. $20.00 CASH MVS AND 10.00 MONTHLY INSTALLMENT a Lot at Kaimuki (i'ooo Square Feet in Each Lot.) For further information apply to GEAR, LANSING & CO., 210 King street. NEW CALIFORNIA HARNESS SHOP. - Special attention given to PLANTATION ORDERS . . . at Coast prices. Also, One New and One Second Hand Columbus Buggy FOR SALE CHEAP. No. 639 KING STREET, LINCOLN BLOCK. JUST BELOW THE ARLINGTON nOTEL.) Gas and Gasoline ENGINES FOR Sloiff it lie use THE UNION CAS ENGINE COMPANY. 'acitt8r aad bu'ldsrn of the "Union" Gas, Gasolina anJ Oil Engines, Lst:n..ia -: Pumps, Air Compressors and Heists. OKPICE: 300 HOWAPO STREET. SAM FRANCISCO FREE EXAMINATION. I study the formation of your ey as closely and as accurately as th astronomer studies his stars. Every malformation of the eyeball has ita effect. Headaches, dizziness, indistinct Tiaion are all traceable to a misshap of the eyeball. Knowledge and exper ience, aided by the best and latest im proved Instruments and appliances, make my service in examining eyei Invaluable to you. Yet that service ii ABSOLUTELY FREE, and if glasses are required they're to be had more than reasonable price. at a S. E. LUCAS, PARISIAN OPTICIAN. Lore Building, - - - Fort Street (Up Stairs.) AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. PiaDiiii How far 20,000 Acres of Cane. RAILWAY AND TROLLEY LIKES Honolulu Man on tho Ground Heavy Purchases Made Cof fee Prospects Undimmed. Observance of Passion Sunday at St. Andrews. Seasonable Sermon by Rev. Alex ander Mackintosh Plain Lessons of tho Period. BALLENTVNE & EAKIN, STOCK : BROKER ANO- MclNERNY CLOCK. FORT STREET. HONOLLUU There as a laiv ?r i... k torday tr.arriin.; a: the .-.erv;. of the Sv-.?r..l C:i.;r .cation a: St. Ar.!r'. Ca:h .il. I: .i Wis ,1. We Are Now Ready To show your our spring stock of men's and Boys' Clothing. OOO And if you want to see the swellest line of golf shirts just step around and have a look at the latest production of the best shirt made. OOO And if you want a stylish crash hat. come and havp a look at ours. HILO. Hawaii, Man. a IS.- The fol lowing is published in the Tribune of this date: Dr. A. E. Nichols came up t- Hilo again by the last Kinau and will prob ably remain her a couple of wfks on matters connected with the establish ment of the proposed susar plantation in Olaa, among which will be the buy ing up of as much teed cane as can be s?cured. "I am willing to tell you everything I know about the project," said Dr. Nichol3 to a Tribune representative. "The capital behind the promoter of this enterprise is all local that is. on the Islands and it was not undertak en until then was ample assurance that the cane possibilities were per fectly good. One of the nun back of it who has had ample experience with sugar, after a trip of investigation through the district, said he believed it was the finest cane district on the Islands. "The land we have secured ll-s on both sides of the road and is contin uous up to the twenty-first mile, though, of course, there are tracts here and there which we have not been able to obtain. In all we have alout S0O0 acres. We are prepared to taiuvmore, and probably shall. Indeed the extent i3 almost indefinite and a mill will bo erected capable of handling the pro duct of 20.000 acres. Investigation iraus us icj ueueve mat tnere are suuivea 01 waier suppiy tar greater than has neen. generally supposed, al though we shall not 'probably do any flumins but will transfer the cane by trolley system and railways running through the land. 1M-. - I ... 1 . siuvtk win ue put on tne mar ket in Hilo and Olaa as well as Hono lulu. There Is quite a desire noticeable to purchase these shares, and In Olaa shares of stock were frequently taken in exchange for land. "This proposition has really been a godsend to many men there, who are now able to pay up their liabilities and have a decent sized sum to the good, and who would otherwise have been unable to pull out. I never attempted to jew down a land holder if he asked anything reasonable for hU property. because I knew it was a good enough proposition ror everybody to make something out of. These people had borne the brunt in showing the district was good for something and I wanted them to reap the advantage of it. "Coffee already doing well and ad vanced in age will bo left and cult! vat ed along with sugar. Partly as a mat ter of sentiment and partly because It is by no means certain that It will not be as good a thing in its way as sugar, :ea.-i 001:1 win given even cuanccs. Again, if the co-operative plan should be ui.d. and families lo cated to work on the plantation, they will be given a few acres of coffee eu h to cultivate on their own account. 4 1 1 9 ... . - railway line, wnica win oe p.rt of a system, running up the coast, and eventually lilting the Island, will run from Hilo to Olaa by which the pro duct will be snipped to the coast. This will be put through by the same cap naiists as the plantation but will b run separate from it." 9 Hotel Street Waverley Block. Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linen-Mesh Underwear. Send for Catalogue. WE MAKE SHIRTS TO ORDER. Telephone No. G76 No. 9-11, Hotel St. I FA I R D It 133 S I NG PA it LO KS. .Miss m. h,. KU.'ean. on Hotel ;ivt. is the most enterprising and up-to-date milliner in the city. Just recently she had her millinery and dressmaking de partments renovated and enlarged, be ing conipeiieu to tio tins on account of such an increase in her business, slie naa to nave on nana a much i.inrer tablishment rairdressing and manicur ing parlors and has been fortunate In securing Miss Kern, late of Chicago. who, before her arrival here, was with Marshall Field, one of the largest de partment stores in the United States. Miss Kern has met with great success in the east, being acquainted with all the latest styles in hair dressing, etc. -Miss iviiiean nas just receive, a very large shipment of the choicest collec tion of Easter millinery goods of the latest Paris and New York styles. Her grand Easter opening will bo held on Wednesday. .Thursday and Fridav of this week. Every effort has been made to make this the grajidest display ever known in Honolulu. FOR SALE. Fifth Sunday In Lor.:. ,ir. I th .rd of the preach'T. H-v.!-r Mac kintosh. wer cvipc!a'.!y dl.wtr.! ; th ason now drai:i4 :o a v ! the approeh Holy th' to'.- mn ocva.t,:i f Churc?."s Ti; s rmju was from the : t "F t'i h -.ri:aliy m'.r.dl U !-a:h. but to !. spiritually mlndl U V.i an ! ptase." Umr.. vhi:. "ThU text." mM the pr. i her. "U the th ;l- vonl point of religion. Th" time is t!rawing very near wh-:i all Cliri t.ur. contrmpJate th- actual s in crini: anl th rrncitHon of th- lArl Je;i Christ. It Is nw tlvat th enemies of thf Master tok up stor.. to r i.t at ilm the Invslnnin of th er. 1 of hi. martyn'om. F'i: f- w .!as are ; , f; mi of our bl ssed Kcd mT! 1 f Thos that are 1 ft are for uir s-- rioas rcll'-ction. Tin1 Ard of the .po"t! I'aul. de.:h and l.fe. are w.rd forever on our Hp. D e re.:.;z their meaning? M n f ?c;er.r men f pleastirt. .rich hae a d'.fTii.nt defini tion. Our life o:i iir:h r,ij--i U-t the birth and death of a person. but :hi hs not all. S. Paurn meanlnc -yond this. His ilflnl:lnrt f dea'.h wa a separation from od: and life a.i, to be unitrd to (lul. Life and jMf with one another, loving all our r.e- mlf s. Man's In'rilllgence Is so aboe all other that t hould ee that the In- f'ulgencvs ft our nature 5honM ;e pure and undefilcd. "Ily our Fl!.s.i Indiilcence no, he-l. Ing the regnlatliins f the vhurr'i. xc rob Cod. That which belongs to th treasury of the Iord. w illns y on fleeting Joys. Let usoMse to line that life given to wrong purpos awaken to our respon sibilities an' as devoted followers of Chris: refuse to :i!.m'.t to s.n. The progress of the gospel stops long a. Churchmen dioley the fundamental principles of our faith. !et xi then readv to follow with a will the creal apostle wno preacneo .n.oe an ioi:i. a life of purity and peace." City of Columbia. The City of Columbia ca ha ben finished and the dcclslcn "U1 l hand ed down bv tho Supremo Court this morning at D oYoek. Chief Justice Judd himself went on boanl the Colnmb'.a Sittinliy and mal a personal in?;.cilon of th vs sel. Th testimony on valtt-; varied. One t:i.iti thought that the steamship was worm ?-."i.o. while ann:h r would not take ixcr as a g'fi. As stated alove. the decision will l handed do.v:i this morning, it w.ia written out Aiturday. From the Jnbl lant and ronrldent manner ;f the Evaus adherents I: Mas plain thvy be lieved the order f.r a resale would ?e revokeil. H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. SOLE AGENTS OF Portland Flouring Mills . jand Sperry Flour Co. Have just Aicj-ived a larce quantity of the following f rpopular brands: c.OLDKN ;atJ: kloui:, OLYMTIC FLOUi:, sitkri: kloui:, cascadia kloui:, c & c flour, golden lily flour, portland flour, daton flour, kldorado flour For Sale at Lowest Prices. &1 Hackfeld & Co., Ltd GRAND FURNITURE SALE foi: on i: vi:i:ic only. COMMENCING MARCH Uth, 1SOO. Ur;.niLi5 or Cr. Haln receive 4 Ur h!pmrnu for hUh hx oollr c rdos. we havo 0x!dcU L SVAAs VOll ONi: WKKK ONLY. I rSrr tKLmo c bearl of In Hono'.utu. No rrajonbto offer rcfsL WJjit Co jen tik. ? thcj amp! of oMr price: o::r $.!lTK torsxrlT tx 12c Ilockcr. for IZZ. S:ron?. Durabto Chalr.t. Z Comfortabl Hockern. case tar. for 11. Mirror., In all klnJi of hm!io2; framrn. 2 So up. Wool Mattrttir from ILM. Goo!, iVrtIccah. To'totala Pen, cstjr 1S call at onci:. a. our HLDUcim miens ONLY. Co'.l Srtic'i to tali ail !ctl. IL the inx liiAl k!I rU-c n fcr l2Sc. 5pcl34 !U!?y CarrJart. froa . Aatl; Oik a&4 VCxll flt9 el 5!! tho ul rrirr. IWf. loir ad bl?b, a!l ':-t, t:srs 15 am: rou oni: vi:n:: I. M ATI IICWS SON, FciMTt i;r. DrAii t? 20 OERCTANIA ST.. nor FORT ST. Time Makes Changes. W no have otrr thlny ibojanl lit Ssjc la lltoa- lulu. Wo bate co Tar- lllh will rfo24r !" Ffrnit as! lUy S11 carjM? Jr3m-. at4 4'a?h. CHLOROZONEI Th !!fal DUlsfcctanl kill all ttsno!- at.4 o.Ior. Os ovacr of prevent toa t monh a r 1 of csk. Hcimcnt Drill. IIfMllu.ut r.-i r!r.; K''.ru -n; (luanl of Hawaii. Honolulu. H. I.. Man-h IS. Keslniontal OrtlTji No. Ill A rrgi:uen!.il lri!l anl i.u.ile Is, hereby onlere.l f.r Mor.ilay. March 27th. at 7:S p. ni. Th' conipaal. will form at 7 o'clock. t- rnlforai: FatU?:-. v. h.: ;rrj ers an.l lectin?. o) Ti;e rfirr.ntal :n; ui-lr et-jec:.- each of the eonipaair- t para.le with l;-ir frcnt. i.ot:l." rank, with the necessary otri-er.-. km; ! ' aal fil Hy or.!' r of I.l'tit. dl. Jor.. isiKi.n j no. s:HAi:n:i:. r.ipraln an ! A iJ Honolulu Drug Co. - - - Kin5 Street. Von Holt Block. f- TULliPMO.NU NO. J64. California Exterminating Co. For tbe Permanent Destruction anl Exterminating of all kinds of Noxious Animals and Insects, Contracts to free Hotels. Wircosses. .MirXets, Ducttircs. etc Gurcetec to Destroy alt itc Atoc Anlnils or co CJurfc 1 AHOPATOPY: Fcr furth?? ri-? l. O. COX 210. n00LLLU. H. L kEAD at Tim OAZcTTn orricn THE ADVERTISED Cents a Month. $347,000 Worth of Hawaiian Securities M.rS OF HONOLULU, UNMOUNT eil, o0 cents each. Maps of Hawaiian Islands, unmounted, 50 cents each, fly Hawaiian Gazette Co., Von Holt Block. King Street 5Ht R. C. A. PETERSON, Brofeer P. 0. Box 365. 15 Kaahumann Street.