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Newspaper Page Text
v THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. MARCH C, 1SS. $50.00 : OUTFIT We have displayed in our Big Window the following articles: 1 JEWEL STOVE. 2 PCS. PIPE. 1 PC. PIPE WITH CAP. 1 LA BELLE ICE CHEST. 1 AGATE KETTLE. 1 IRON BAKEPAN. 1 STEEL FRYPAN. 1 AGATE SAUCEPAN. 1 AGATE SAUCEPAN. 1 AGATE SAUCEPAN. 1 AGATE COFFEE POT. 1 AGATE TEA POT. 1 CAKE PAN. 2 BREAD TINS. 2 PIE PLATES. 1 ROTARY SIFTER. 1 DIPPER. 1 9-HOLE GEM PAN. 2 AGATE KITCHEN SPOONS. 1 STRAINER. 1 GRATER. 1 3-PRONG KITCHEN FORK. 1 KITCHEN KNIFE. 1 4-QUART MILK PAIL. 2 DAIRY PANS. 1 OIL CAN. 1 LANTERN. 1 DISH PAN. 1 FUNNEL. 1 STRAINER. 1 GALVANIZED BUCKET. 1 EGG BEATER. 1 CAN OPENER. 1 CORK SCREW. 1 CHOPPING TRAY AND KNIFE. 1 ROLLING PIN. 1 KITCHEN LAMP. 6 TABLE KNIVES. G TABLE FORKS. 6 SOUP SPOONS. 1 6 TEA SPOONS. 1 CARVING KNIFE AND FORK. 1 HANGING LAMP. 2 SALTS. 2 PEPPERS. 3 ASSORTED PLATTERS. 2 COVERED VEG. DISHES. 2 OPEN VEG. DISHES. 6 DINNER PLATES. 6 SOUP PLATES. 6 BREAKFAST PLATES. 6 DESERT PLATES. G CUPS AND SAUCES. 1 GLASS BERRY DISH. 6 GLASS BERRY SAUCERS. 1 GLASS JUG. G GLASS TUMBLERS. 1 BUTTER; SUGAR, CREAM .AND SPOON HOLDER 1 TEA CADDY. 1 COFFEE CADDY". ALL FOR $50.00. Come and inspect our store and stock. W. W. D1M0ND & CO., LTD IIOXOIiUIAT. w w w w w w w i JL GET IT AT I U'ATERHOUSE'S. I I AFTER I I e I I I ? Repeated Trials we have at last found the article we wanted. It came by the Albert and is now offered for Bale to the public of Hawaii at the same prices as sold in the United States. Come and see for yourself and be con vinced that the above state ment is true in every respect. I I 2S Housekeepers will appreciate I our effort after tbey have seen and tried our new Scotch Granite Ware I and found it will not chip and then rust through, after it has T been in U9e a few days. These I goods when they once get into sC youi hou9e are there to stay. Aluminum Ware Is soirething that has been sold in He no lulu some time but the I k I 1 prices we are offering these good9 at is a new departure altogether. He I Be I rC I Another thiug we have pleas ure in bringing before the pub lic, especially those who have youngsters in the family, and have more or less washing to have done at home, is a Wash Tub with an attachment on the side, for fastening a wringing machine to, thereby obviating the necessity of screwing your wrists all out of .kilter, by wringing out clothes by hand power. These wringers we have in three sizes. I 3 I e I J. T. I i Waverley Block, I I Bethel Street. I s Crockery, Hardware, a J. Groceries. I I I 7 slowed in ihi. immia im WATERHOUSE A M M M- M M M A LIFE ON MAUI Teachers Continue Study of Par- ler's Methods. THE EXHIBITS FOR THE SUMMER Normal Instructor Visiting A Num ber of Social Affairs Book Club-Shlpplns-Weather. (Special Correspondence.) MAUI. March IS, 1SD9. Monday af ternoon, the 13th, twenty-four teach ers assembled in the Makawao school house for the purpose of holding their monthly meeting. The regular pro gram consisted of two chapters of Parker's "Talks on Teaching," read and explained by Mr. J. H. Nishwitz. a lesson jr memory gems by Mrs. J. H. Nishwitz, and an Illustrated lesson on baske:-raaking by Miss Kate "Wat ion. After the program Normal In structor V. H. Gibson gave a short ad dress, during which he requested Ma- kawao teachers to send industrial ex hibits to the summer school of He staled that the Lahaina and AVaihe schools were making mats, baskets. etc. The young people of the Makawao ChnsUian Endeavor Society celebrated on the evening of St. Patrick's day, by a socia: at th residence of Dr. W. F. McConkey of Paia. The entertain ment consisted or a cobweb and soan- babble rarty. The cobwebs ran all over the house, verandas and into the yard. LZach gentleman blew soap-bub- bUv with the lady partner found at the end of his particular thread of the web. A large company much enjoyed the evening. The r.ext meeting of the Makawao Literary Society will take place in the church pailor the evening of the 24th. Dr. E. O. Beckwith has charge of the program. After the "literary" there will be the annual meeting of the Mckawac- Fortnightly Hook Club. which now is permanently established and affords much pleasure to its thir ty-six members. Normal Instructor T. H. (iibson is at Peahi. Miss Aller. and Miss. Nettie dos Heis have exchanged positions; Miss Allen now teaches in Spreckelsvilie and Miss dos Reis in Paia. The Thursday Club met the after noon of the ICth at Mrs. II. P. Bald win's, Haiku. Mesdames Dowsett and Dora von Tempsky and Mr. A. McCibbin. of Kula depart today for. a short visit in Honolulu. Rev. Ault, of Lahaina, held services last Sunday, the l2th, in Walluku. Wednesday, the l"th, the schooner Ruby Cousins, Euson master, arrived in Kahului from San Francisco with a cargo consisting mostly or railroad material for the H. C. Company. Today, the ISth, the schr. Mary Win- kelman, Benneche master, will sail for San Francisco with a cargo of Paia and Ilaikir sugar. Tomorrow, the 10th, the tchooner J. D. North, Anderson master, will sail for San Francisco with a cargo of Paia and Haiku sugar. The brig Lurline is at Lahaina and two other vessels are outside the har bor. Weather Pleasant with gentle south winds. What Shakespeare Would Say. A bicycle is just what it is made. A owner, but it perchance he gets a poor one, it were better he never had bought. Lw not tne nrst to take up each new idea, nor yet the last to lay the old aside. The manufacturers of the famous Sterling bicycle have al ways been known for their conservat ism. Kvery proportion, every detail oi construction in the Sterling wheel is the result of most careful study. (They have not adopted any novelty simply because it was a novelty. "When they have become convinced a certain detail was good they have carefully weighed the matter before relinquishing it for something untried. ('"One thorn of ex perience is worth it whole wilderns of warning.') They have determined to build a wheel of sterling qualities, whose reputation, like Caesar's wife, should be above suspicion. A bicycle's defects quickly become known, while its good qualities are recognized only after long use. The Pacific Cyclo fc Mfg. Co. have half a car load of model Sterling wheels m transit. I'riee for the highest grade $00.00. THE HONOLULU STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY Have added to their business a towei supply department. They will furnish you with six tow els a week at the nominal sum of $1.23 per month. Their solicitor will call on all the large and small firms the beginning of next week. This will be a God-send to printing offices, and office rooms of all descriptions. Ring up telephone oS3 if you want towels. AT THE WICKETS! r United Kingdom- won an Interesting Game. The Official Africa Scorc-A PUcr Fron Souxh and .Maaila Eo lire a Veierai Saturday afternoon la: M;nsd another flue tussle betwrea local crick eters. The match was played at the Recreation grounds, Maklkl, with the most delightful weather Imaginable. The teams which numbered tn men a side represented the "Unitcl King dom" and the World" respectively. The former tarried the day, defeating their opponents after a well contested irame bv S2 to ,? runs. A:nendtl U the official scor as furnished by Vitro Jacob-en: j "T1IK WORLD." K. A. Moss c. I-ane b. Harvey t J. G. Hewitt b. Harvey 1 J. H. Walker b. Harvey : A. St. M. Mackintosh c. Lane b. Jor dan 2 T. (5. Ballentyne b. Jordan Crews b. Harvey T C. Clayton run out I Dr. H. V. Murray not out 1 A. St. C. Piianala run out 2 May b. Harvey Byes 7 Let? Byes 1 Wide 1U1I 1 Total . . . BOW LI NT. ANALYSIS. Ianv( 20 balls. 27 runs, o wickrts. I overs, 1 maiden; average . Harvey, 45 balls, 1C runs. ." wicke;, 9 overs, 1 maiden; average, Jordan, 20 balls, 12 runs, 2 wicket. 4 overs. 0 maidens: average, CO. Dr. Walters, 1 wide. 10 balls. ?. runs. 0 wickets. 2 overs, o maidens; aver age, . " I ' N IT 1 1 D KlXCtI )0 M . Rev. J. F. 1-ane b. Hewitt 2 J. AW Harvey c. Murrny b. Hewitt.. 4 R. A. Jordan b. Hewitt o Dr. St. D. (1. Walters b. Mackintosh. .1 Judge Stanley b. Hewitt 2 H. L. Herbert b. Mackintosh 17 H. R. Sinclair not out 2. Col. Alb. Whyte b. Mops S R. Anderson b. -Mackintosh 11 F. H. (I. Seymour o. Stanley b. Mosi 0 Byes . 7 Ig Byes 1 Wide Balls 1 Total S2 BOWLING ANALYSIS. Mackintosh, SO balls, Z9 runs. 3 wick ets, lti overs. 3 maidens; average, 13.0. Hewitt, t'O balls. 17 runs. 4 wickets. 12 overs. 3 maidens; average, J.3. Moss, 2." balls, 17 runs, 2 wickets. .. overs, 1 maiden; average, s... NOTKS. Mackintosh was doing thv Bonner act in great style, and the Held did not seeui to be big enough for him. Hi live drives for four each was almost a phenomenal performance. Mr. Colin Clayton, who was wound ed twice in the famous Jame.-on raid in South Africa, and who afterwards enlisted under (Jen. Otis in Manila and took active part in the engagement at Malate has come to Honolulu to settl down. He 13 a Surrey man. and will be an acquisition to the club. He re ceived an extremely painful hurt while playing on Saturday, but bore it with Spartan stoicism and received such re lief as the two doctors present could give him. T. G. Ballentyne, who maue the sec ond highest score for his side, is to U commended for his plodding and care ful play. Crews, of the Fngineer Corps, in an American. He played a good Iruiini; and with more practice will make a tine cricketer. Harvey was the bowler of the day and in capital lorm. Five wickets for oulv sixteen runs is something to It' pround of. The veteran Col. Whyte made the winning hit for his side. He is a care ful batsman and very alert and active in the tic Id. In this respect he can teach the youngsters a thing or two. H. B. Sinclair played splendid cricket. His long and determlnel stand, in which he was largely assist ed by Capt. HerlMrt. materially con iributed to the victory. Hewitt ran Harvey very clov in hU bowling, and was Indeed preferred by several of the players. R. Anderson, who came late, ap peared on the Held in the nick of time, and got in donbV figures on this oc casion. "The World" team was handicapped m several ways. notaiiy by the ract that Piianala had but recently recov ered from an illness that ren!vrM htm too weak, and he was very s ion run out in conseqiirnce. It would be very nuiv-h appreciated if players would don the lull colors. All that is 'needed is a navy - i-h round the waist. "LONG STOP." FOIt THi: BENEFIT OF Till: LAIHES. On Tuesday. Wednesday and Thur lay next, the N. S. Sachs Dry Oood. Company will display, without 'op- SliiMi spared. The srand opining of millin-! i ery this season will ?elipse all pr- thoroughly appreciated by ladi.- la search of new and up-to-date gol5. JAS-F- morgan tt or I oor 33 Queen Street. P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. j THIS DAY. Assignee's Sale. By onlt-r of itu- .lr.e . of Tom Chung Kc. a Itaskru; :. 1 :a . .-ell at public auction. On Monday. March 20, 1899 AT ! O'CLOCK v at the S:re. Nuu.iS;t :rtvt. Kin? and Hntej :r!. The Stock of Shoes, Shoe SewiDg Machines, And Sondries Belonging to th id :a!e JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. Auction Sale Lots at Wailriki. OS SATURDAY. MARCH -.". AT 2 O'CLOCK NOON At my s.ile.roc . i Q.:r. :tv:. I will sull at public a:.!!on rorn uxitcn: ri:?-iii:nci: AT WAIKIKI. Thf! lot 3 a.lj.;. the A'jr.j: rror r:y :inI an part vt th forntr I'ratl B;ich IVopirty Rt Walklkl. T.v. lot hnvo a io.ftvit frontage oa th- Main through the Pratt iTcsi.-'i nl an about Iihi fret c! Kach hi a bat h hiu. .ite ai! to th? L- ach ami about th only BMch pro; rt y n: Walklkl fr :itf. M:.p vi prrrrtv ;.! my f?lr'. JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. Auction Sale KALIHI RESIDENCE ON SATURDAY, .MARCH -:.. AT 1." O CLOCK N(KN. At my f.'f!r-ni. CJ-r. ::t". will !! at juMa a:c!l'in A !tt:sun:.Ci: on th? co:r: Iti an 1 Mi.MIti :rrc:. Kali!.'. 4 - i joint ns th p-i'SiifUr'- tf II. C. !!! :mI V. J. F.cTc. LOT ha a frontar of Ito ir strfrt. ! .iti l ir.O fo: m:; liorsi: c ntaiu-1 . ihr !! r'r::. h.ll. !Sr.l:ic r kltrioii. pantry anil bath. OUOFNns pTantr.! i:a .-V.': 1 F.r furth-r partict:ir. apply ? JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctioneer. JAS. F. MORGAN 33 Queen Street. i I P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. A. E. MURPHY L CO. l, o 3 Progress Shoe Mouse OUR ! CL. We have Shoes for those too old to run: tU "f Shoes as lih: as the heart of youth, as strong as g manly courage, as beautiful as woman's srace and j firm as truth most chaste. Shoes for dry and wet. for cold and storm, for I . week day and Sunday, and always to be depended on. j o All our Shoes are like pood ministers they wear p a themselves out in the service of mankind. p Interview these representatives at E. MURPHY & CO.; 205 Hotel Street. "g A. LU I ! A. E. MURPHY & CO. Anhetiser-Biiscii Brewing Association's " BUDWEI Two Carloads of this FAMOUS BEER . . just to hand. FOR SALE BY- OackfeH I ft Pabst Beer Merit Alone Has Made it World Famous. W. C. PEACOCK & CO. olo Plantation Owners, Managers, Agents, And Buyers. . . . ooo Patronize Home Industry, no need of sending abro2d for Harness. With added improvements to mv Hiri!it!rrf n . .1 mm m J Jl. . I . T r . , uiiL-:ji ana uircwi imporiauon o; maienai, i am now pre pared to supply Planters and Agents with any amount ind description of Work Harness, or pans thereof, at fircr mai win compare iavoraoie witn uoast prices, and th assurance of a far better wearing anicle. A full line of Carriage, Harness, Stable and Ho:c Goods. Island orders promptly 3nd satisfactorily filled. C. R. COLLINS ESTABLISHEDISOI. ESTABLISHEDlSOI. F. 0. ftOX 4td. AncS "at A. E. MURPHY L CO. m those tw vouru to walk, for for those who dance w;th - A. E. MURPHY L CO. I 5P o 3EIR AeonS:o. TELEPHONE 4. EH5 ST zm SOCiSU ST.